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Q: Write about how the four caliphs are role models for leaders today? [10]

All the four Rightly Guided Caliphs followed the foot steps of Prophet(PBUH) and they
set and example for the future leaders. All of them were elected by the panel of the
prominent Muslims. HAzrat Abu bakr nominated Hazrat Umar and since there was no
opposition to him all the companions took allegiance on his hand. On his death bed he
appointed a panel of six to choose the next caliph. Hazrat Ali too was elected by the
Muslims in the mosque of the Prophet(PBUH). These elections show that leadership or
caliphate was not a hereditary concept in Islam and a form of democracy was practiced.
All the caliphs did not think of themselves as above the common man. After assuming the
office of Khalifa Hazrat Abu Bakr delivered a comprehensive speech in which is
unparalleled in the history of mankind. He openly permitted the masses not to obey him
is he was wrong in any way. He said:
“O people! I have been elected as your trustee although I am not better than anyone of
you. If I am right, obey me. If I am misguided, set me right. The weakest among you is
powerful in my eyes until I don’t get him his due. The most powerful among you is the
weakest in my eyes until I do not make him pat due rights to others. I ask you to obey
me as long as I obey Allah and His Messenger (PBUH). If I disobey Allah and His
Messenger(PBUH), you are free to disobey me.”
All these words of Hazrat Abu Bakr shows that he established his state on the basis of
democracy in which he allowed everyone to speak, to express their opinion and to
criticize the Caliph. The way he lead the vast state, is a model for today’s leaders. The
disciplinary steps which he introduced are exemplary. These were his wise decisions
crucial circumstances which added new territories to the Muslim state. All our Rightly
Guided Caliphs established their state on the basis of democracy. They established a
committee which consist of prominent companions of Prophet(PBUH) known as Majlis-
e-Shura. They consulted the members of this committee in all affairs of the state. This
shows that mutual counseling and consultation has a great importance to establish a
democratic Government. All the Caliphs were available to all and at all times. There was
an effective system of equality which provided the basis for the administration of justice.
The judiciary was independent and no one was above the law. The bait-ul-maal was set
up by the caliphs which was the public property. During the time of all the Rightly
Guided caliphs special arrangements were made to spread Islam. They also took care
about the rights of non-Muslims.
All these examples given above shows that our Rightly Guided Caliphs were the best
example of leaderships, not only for the people of their age, but for today’s leaders as
well. If the leaders today follow their foot steps, they can restore much needed peace and
prosperity and can up root terroristic attitudes, extremism and violence from their

Q: How dose Umar’s conduct at the surrender of Jerusalem set an example for
Muslims? [4]

When the citizens of Jerusalem came to know that the besieging Muslims forces had been
reinforced, they lost heart. They offered to surrender on a condition that Hazrat Umar
himself should come to sign a treaty. After consultation with the prominent companions
he entered in Jerusalem accompanied by just one servant and a camel between them
which they rode in turn. He signed a treaty according to which the inhabitants of
Jerusalem were granted complete security of their life and property. The people of
Jerusalem were given religious freedom and their places of worship were given
protection. The citizens were required to pay jizya and those who refused to comply were
asked to leave the city. After taking the keys of the city from patriarch he expressed his
desire to be led to some place to offer thanksgiving prayer. When he was lead to a church
he refused to offer prayer over there as he don’t want to set an example for the future
generation to forcibly convert churches into mosque. He offered his prayer where Prophet
David used to pray. His conduct therefore sets an example for the Muslims of simplicity,
humility, a respect for all faiths and tolerance. His example is a guiding star for the future
rulers. During the journey to Jerusalem along with his servant they had one camel which
they rode turn by turn shows the treatment with servants on equal basis.

Q:- Give three specific examples to show how between 632Ad to 661AD the Rightly
guided Caliphs conducted relations with other states. [10]
Like the Prophet(PBUH) the Rightly Guided Caliphs also continued to show generosity
towards the non-Muslim states.
After assuming the caliphate Hazrat Abu Bakr continued Prophet’s(PBUH) intention to
send an expedition to Syria. Abu Bakr then directed the army to deport on its mission. He
bade farewell to the army and addressed them in the following terms:
“Do not kill children, women or old men. Do not cut down any tree wherein there is
food for men and beasts. Do not molest the monks in the churches.”
Towards the close of June 632AD, the army of Usama bin Zaid left. After 10 days march,
the Muslim army attacked the border tribes. The Byzantine forces avoided this
confrontation as they were no match for Muslims. The expedition proved to be a great
During Hazrat Umar’s caliphate Muslim army laid siege to Jerusalem in 16AH / 637AD.
The citizens of Jerusalem offered to surrender on the condition that the Caliph should
himself some to sign the treaty. Hazrat Umar responded to the request. According to the
treaty, security of life, property and churches was granted to all citizens of Jerusalem.
The citizens were required to pay Jizya. Those who refused to comply were asked to
leave the city. Then the Caliph expressed his desire to be led some place where he could
offer thanksgiving prayer. He was led to a church. He refused to pray their on the ground
that he would set an example for the Muslims of the following generation to forcibly
convert churches into mosques. He was then led to a place where Prophet Daud used to
During Hazrat Usman’s Caliphate, the foreign powers felt that it would be easier for them
to wrest those territories from Muslims that had been conquered during the caliphate of
Hazrat Umar. In pursuance of this program to drive away Muslims, there were uprisings
in several territories, notably in Persia in the East and the Byzantines in the West. Hazrat
Usman proved to be a great army commander. He tackled the situation was sagacity and
firmness. He organized military campaigns with great skills. With the first year of his
caliphate, he was able to crush these revolts.
Hazrat Abu Bakr’s example showed that he wanted to continue the policy of
Prophet(PBUH). The event of Jerusalem showed that Hazrat Umar wanted to have good
relations with other states. Hazrat Usman’s example showed that the Caliphs were ready
to fight other states if the need arises.

Q:- Give 3 specific examples of the Rightly Guided Caliphs to show their attitude
towards Non-Muslims. [10]
Political relations with other nations began in the period of the Prophet(PBUH) and
continued during the caliphate of the first four caliphs.
All treaties entered into with Zimmis were fulfilled by the Khalifas. The Charter which
Hazrat Umar sent to Abu Ubaidah contained these words:
“Stop the Muslims from doing injustice and harm, from eating their properties
unlawfully and fulfill the rights which you have given to them.”
At the time of his death Hazrat Umar made a will regarding the Zimmis in these words:
“I bequeath my successor with the liability of Allah and His Prophet(PBUH)
regarding the treaties made with Zimmis support them and do not unduly burden
The religious freedom which these people enjoyed can be judged from an event that took
place during the Khilafat of Hazrat Umar who invited his slave to accept Islam and
quoted the Quranic verse:
“Let there be no compulsion in religion.” (2:256)
The rights of life, honour and property of the Muslims and the Zimmis were considered
to be the same. During the Caliphate of Hazrat Ali, a Muslim killed a Zimmi. Hazrat Ali
ordered the Muslim to be killed, but the brothers of the murdered person pardoned him.
Hazrat Abu Bakr and Umar fixed the blood money of a Zimmi equal to that og a Muslim.
The Khalifas treated the non-Muslims with leniency and justice. The Treaty which the
Prophet(PBUH) had made with the Christian of Najran contained a clause that they will
not make interest. But this condition was violated by them. They started making secret
preparation for attacking the Muslims. Hazrat Umar exiled them as soon as the come to
know about it. At that time, he ordered:
“The land of the people who were exiled should be measured and compensated
accordingly; thereafter, give them the option to go anywhere they like.”
When they were leaving, the charter given to them contained these clauses:
“The chiefs of Syria and Iraq, to whom these people will be under obligation to give
them land for cultivation, every Muslim must help them and if any injustice
committed to them and they will be ill treated than these people will be exempted
from payment of Jizya for 24 months.”
These examples showed that the rightly guided caliphs dealt other communities with
leniency even in the care of mutiny and conspiracy. They took special care of their rights
and were regarded equal to Muslims.

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