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How does one become a member of CARICOM?

A valid Skills Certificate issued by a Member State for the purpose of

working. A valid passport from a member state of CARICOM. To the
competent authorities of the Member State, be honest at all times. Comply
with the rules of the Member States.
The responsibilities are as follows:
- That members are contributing to the economy
- That members are paying their taxes .
There are many factors that can affect the economy of CARICOM countries
some of which are as followers:
Human Resource: Refers to one of the most important determinant of
economic growth of a country. The quality and quantity of available human
resources can directly affect the growth of an economy. The quality of
human resources is dependent on its skills, creative abilities, training, and
education. If the human resource of a country is well skilled and trained
then the output would also be of high quality. On the other hand, a shortage
of skilled labor hampers the growth of an economy, whereas surplus of
labor is of lesser significance to economic growth. Therefore, the human
resources of a country should be adequate in number with required skills
and abilities, so that economic growth can be achieved.

Natural Resources:Affect the economic growth of a country to a large

extent. Natural resources involve resources that are produced by nature
either on the land or beneath the land. The resources on land include
plants, water resources and landscape.

CARICOM Heads Of Government Conference can help other CARICOM

countries solve their manufacturing industry problems through the
following strategies:
Creating a Culture of Quality
On any plant floor, there are anomalies in parts or inefficiencies in production
processes, but operators may hesitate to point out them for fear that they will poorly
reflect on the quality of their work. Instead a community should be generated by quality
departments and executive management where ideas for major or minor changes are
encouraged and celebrated. This will not only allow workers to give feedback, but will
also eventually lead to increased production and output based on the recommendations

Working with Suppliers Relationships have continued to change

significantly between original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and their
suppliers, moving from one manufacturer juggling several suppliers to a
single supplier supporting multiple distributors. While this is a more
effective business model for manufacturers, it generates a situation where
multiple manufacturers and multiple part lines are impacted by problems
with a single supplier.

Using Technology to Connect the Supply Chain With a global supply chain,
understanding what is happening at and facility or supplier is becoming
increasingly difficult. Using leading technology such as the cloud or mobile
devices helps to link the supply chain, allowing operators and inspectors to
enter data from anywhere using a mobile device inside a manufacturer's
facility or the supplier.

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