Bestfriends Shouldn't Know How You Taste 01 15

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Bestfriends Shouldn’t Know How You Taste

by Demiah13 Chapter 1 By eBooksCat

And he thrust into her core, pumping his girth until she
could only feel him. A breathless moan escaped her lips.
The tantalizing sound sending pleasurable shock waves
through his body. Her hips rocked bringing him further
into her until-
“Hey little Ash, we’ve come to steal you from your books
for a while.” Ryan burst through the door, Blake following
closely behind him.

A gasp escapes her lips and she quickly place the book
on the bed. Her cheeks heats up quickly with a blush as
she fixes her glasses. Oh god this is embarra*sing. She
thought as she pressed her back further on the

Ryan plops down on the bed, spreading his arms and legs
on the soft mattress. “I’m jealous of your bed.” He
groans stretching further until his hands hit her thigh.

She could feel Blake’s eyes on her, studying her until she
couldn’t take it anymore and snapped her eyes to his.
Those blue eyes had her sucking in a breath and she
quickly looks away. “What were you reading there Ley?”
His tone holds a tinge of amusement.

Before she could answer him, he reaches over and

quickly grasp the book. “Hey!” A silent protest leaves her
parted lips. She gets up quickly, her feet hitting the wood
with a plod.

Her black loose curly hair falls wildly over her shoulder. It
reached on her bum, but she had no intentions of cutting
it. Blake chuckles, outstretching his hands away from her
so she couldn’t reach.

His blue eyes scan the words and her heart thuds. Oh
god please don’t read it out loud. She silently begged in
her head as she tiptoed to grasp the book in his hand.
She let out a frustrated breath when it was futile. He was
taller than her that was for sure.

She could hear Ryan’s amused chuckles as he watch her

struggle to get a hold of the book. What best friends I
have. She thought sarcastically.

“And he thrust into her core-” Blake begins, his eyes

quickly snaps to hers. Her breath hitches when those
swirls of blue turns a shade darker. His brow raises in
amusement as he studies her.

“Now Ley, aren’t you a bit too innocent for these books?”
He tsked in a mocking tone.
His black hair curls on his forehead, his lashes so long
that she was embarra*sed to admit she was jealous of
their length. Straight nose leading to a set of soft lips
that were now curled into a smirk. He was handsome.

The current blush on her face grows a shade darker. She

was sure she looked like a red truck. Ryan’s laughter
floats through the room, his voice so loud that she feared
her parents would come and see what was the cause.

She didn’t want to be embarra*sed in front of them,

knowing Blake, he wouldn’t miss the chance too. No one
knew of her secret stash of erotica novels she has hidden
under the bed. But now her secret was now in the open.

She groaned aloud, curling her fingers into a fist before

punching Blake in his torso. He lets out a stunned breath,
and she uses it to jump slightly to pry the book out of his
“Why did mom let you guys in?” She whined feeling
utterly mortified that Blake had read those words louder
than necessary. She quickly places the book in the
waistband of her sweatpants. Hoping Blake wouldn’t try
to have a hold of it again.

His blue eyes flicker to the book in her sweatpants and a

twinkle of mischief pa*ses through his striking blue eyes.
She shakes her head swiftly, jumps on the bed and ends
up tumbling on Ryan. “Shit Ash, I think you broke my
damn hand.” He grunts, pushing her off.

“Stop being dramatic you big baby.” She laughed and lay
down on her stomach. The book pressed against her front
in the most uncomfortable way but she refuse to turn
upright in case Blake makes another way to pry it away
from her.

Blake smirked, flashing his white pearly teeth. “Are you

trying to keep Raven close to your p*ssy?” He was
referring to the male character that was pummeling the
female character in the book. She gasped at his crude
remarks feeling her face heat up more than it had. She
didn’t know it was possible.

(“I got to say that I’m jealous.” )

“Devo dire che sono geloso.” He chuckles.

(“Oh god, another day third wheeling”)

“Oh Dio, un altro giorno di terza ruota.” Ryan answers.
Ashley couldn’t understand their language and they
always used it against her.
“Oh come on guys, you know I can’t understand when
y’all speak italian.” She groaned in protest. Ryan sits up
to reach over and ruffle her hair.” Then what can we
have against you?” He laughs. She swats at his hand and
blows away the strands that got on her face.

“Why are you guys so early anyway, it’s just nine a.m?”
She found herself asking, shifting in a way to be more
comfortable with the book pressed to her front. Blake
notices and sends a flash of mischief but she glares,
stopping whatever he would’ve said next.

He comes to sit on the bed, a little bit too close to her.

She could take a whiff of his cologne and almost moaned
aloud. He’s your best friend Ashley, stop thinking of him
in this way. She warned herself. She blamed the erotica
novels she read.

“It’s actually not early nerd, you’re just mad we

interrupted your book session. Though I’m mad you’ve
never told me about your little fantasies.” Blake chuckles.
Ashley gasp and slaps his muscular th!gh.

“These aren’t my fantasies.” She argues, though her

voice comes out doubtful even to her own ears.

“Our little Ash is not so innocent anymore Blake.” Ryan

laughs, high fiving Blake over her head. She lets out a
puff of annoyance.

“Would you guys stop?” She whines feeling utterly

“We’ll stop if you come to Belle’s with us.” Ryan insisted.
Belle was a small restaurant a couple of minutes away
from her house.

This is where many teens would come to eat and talk

with their friends instead of doing their homework. As
much as she hates socializing, Blake and Ryan made sure
she came along with them everywhere.

“Fine but let me have a shower and get dressed first.”

Ashley grunts and gets up.
“Careful there bambina, don’t want your book falling out.
I’d love to know more of your fantasies for future
purposes.” Blake jokes but somehow she could hear the
tinge of seriousness in his voice.

Bestfriends Shouldn’t Know How You Taste by Demiah13

Chapter 2

I sauntered downstairs, already knowing what to expect

from hearing the loud shouting from the boys. I groan
rolling my eyes when I reach the bottom. “You guys are
loud.” I whine walking over to the three boys on the
couch. They were busy watching football.

“F*cking Christ, did you see that?!” Arden yelled, tossing

some popcorn at the TV. “Boo!” He grunt before taking a
handful of popcorn and stuffed his mouth.

“What a F*cking loser!” Ryan agreed, his face had turned

a shade of red. Either he was mad or he was currently
suffering from the heat in this house.
(“This guy sucks a*s!”)

“Questo ragazzo succhia il culo!” Blake chuckles. The rest

join him and I’m left utterly confused. Does Arden even
know what Blake just said?

Am I seriously being ignored here? Letting out a breath

of irritation, I plod over to the kitchen area, leaving the
boys screaming at the television. So much for ‘hurry up
and get ready.’

I take off the scrunchie that was wrapped around the

bone of my wrist and weaved my silky black hair through
it until the strands were off my back.

Some tendrils still fluttered on my forehead but it wasn’t

enough to irk me. “Morning mom.” I greeted her. She
was busy cooking lunch, her back facing me as she
circled a spoon in the pan before her.

She turned around just enough so I could see her face to

send me a warm smile. “Morning baby, you woke up late.
You’re lucky I saved you some breakfast, your dad and
brother almost finished it all.” She laughed.

I sat down on one of the stools, resting my forearm on

the cold marble counter. “Well technically I woke up
early, I was just busy reading that’s all.” I admitted

She puts off the stove, spoon in hand as she twirls

around to face me. A red sauce coated the spoon, its
scent making my belly grumble. She walks over to me.
“How many times must I say that your stomach comes
before books Ashley? Books can wait, I do not want you
to starve.” She scolds nearing me.

I chew on my plump bottom lip and looked down in

shame,feeling like a little kid. “I know mommy. This one
was just-” I looked for a word to describe the book I had
yet to finish.

“Interesting.” I finished off with a blush. I prayed mom

wouldn’t notice my now redden face. I should’ve left my
hair down.

She holds out the spoon and gestures for me to taste. I

run a finger on the spoon, the sauce covers it. I draw it
to my mouth and suck in the delicious sauce. “Hmmm.” I
moaned, sucking my finger.

Mom’s eyes widen in satisfaction, a beaming smile

plastering on her lips. Her hair falls loosely over her
shoulder, the tips softly touching the end of her blue t-
shirt. Her eyes crinkle at the corner as she continues to
smile. She hadn’t aged a bit. She was exactly the same,
beautiful. Explains why dad can’t leave her alone.

“It’s good?” She questions though she already knew the

answer for this question.

“When have you ever cooked anything disgusting? Well

apart from that turkey last year that you burnt.” I jabbed
before giggling. She narrows her eyes that were identical
to mine. The glasses slide down my nose a tad bit. I
pushed it back into place and smiled at mom. “Now can I
have my breakfast mom?” I ask.

“Mrs Collins can I have some breakfast too?” Blake

comes strolling in. He stops behind me, his body
emanating a roll of heat. His shirt brushed my back and I
involuntarily suck in a sharp breath. Stop it Ashley, he’s
your best friend.

“Ley what’s the point of eating when we’re about to head

to Belle’s?” He laughs and tugs my ponytail. I twist my
head to look at him. Green eyes meet blue and we stare.
“What’s the point of asking for breakfast when we’re
about to go?” I countered back. I turn around and
shrugged. “Besides I skipped breakfast earlier and I’m

“Now who’s fault is that?” I could hear the evident

amusement in his tone. The way his voice took a husky
edge when he usually tries to rattle me up. “You should
really blame Raven for your hunger. If you weren’t busy-

I turn around swiftly, my face said it all. I was

embarrassed and annoyed that he would joke around
now that my mom was present. For God’s sake she didn’t
even know I owned these books. I sneaked off to buy
them in the local library a couple of minutes away.

Whenever dad gave me money to spend, I would save it

to buy them. Now my secret was not so much of a secret
anymore and all thanks to the blue eyed boy staring back
at me in mirth. He found this amusing, what a so-called
friend he is.

But you haven’t been thinking about him in a friendly

way lately, now have you ash? My conscience mocked
me. I got off the stool and clutch his hand, tugging him
along with me.

“Leave the breakfast mom, I’m going at Belle’s!” I shout

over my shoulder.

She answers with a giggle. Great now even my mom

found me amusing. Blake’s chuckle pisses me off and
leads me to drop his hand. I turn around to glare at him
but I’m not so sure I looked the least intimidating.

His finger came to ma*sage the crease between my

eyebrows. “Don’t frown Ley, you’ll get wrinkles on that
pretty little face of yours.”

I step away feeling a slight tingle where his finger

touched my skin. I turn around and walk over to Ryan
and Arden. Their eyes were fixated on the television,
both transfixed to realise that I reached for the remote.

Their eyes gleam with anxiety as they focus their gaze to

the screen. My finger hover over the off button before I
finally pressed it. The screen goes blank and the boys
mouth slacken.

“What the-” Arden started but I swiftly sent him a glare.

“If you finish that sentence I’ll tell dad when he comes
home from work.” I warned.

He grumbles something under his breath before crossing

his arms. He was two years younger than I yet he acted
like he was the older one. He was the younger version of
dad. At just the age of fifteen he was almost the same
height as Blake and had girls falling at his feet.

I turn to Ryan, seeing that he still stared at the black

screen in obvious confusion. “Let’s go Ryan, I’m hungry.”
I say and turned around to saunter to the front door.

“Where are y’all going?” I could hear Arden question


“Belle’s.” Blake responded.

I open the front door not caring if they followed after. I

spot Ryan’s red Lamborghini and stroll over to it. My
converse hit the pavement with a thud. I could distinctly
hear their loud footsteps following after me.

“Someone’s impatient to head to Belle’s. Though I think

you’re impatient to get back to your reading,” Blake
teases when he caught up to me.

I ignored him opening the car door and plopped inside.

The short ripped jumpsuit I wore showed off the smooth
creamy skin of my thighs. I shift myself to get more
comfortably on the seat. Blake’s eyes flicker to my thighs
before he swiftly averted his eyes, closing the door
harder than necessary.
Both he and Ryan opened their door simultaneously and
closed it. Blake turns in his seat and sends me a
wink.”Don’t worry Ley, we’ll get you back to your
reading. Then we can practice what you’ve been taught.”

A red blush crawls up my face and coats my cheek. Ryan

laughs and mumble something incoherent.”Shut up.” I
mumble and stare out of the window.

Ryan starts up the car and a second later we are on our

way to Belle’s. Anxiety creeps up my spine as we near. I
hate Belle’s, it was too crowded. Reeked of
teenagers,though I was one I didn’t want to a*sociate
myself with them. They were rude and snobby. I only
went there because of Blake and Ryan.

Bestfriends Shouldn’t Know How You Taste by Demiah13

Chapter 3

Ryan is the first to enter, opening those gla*s doors that

looked really intimidating. I gulped some much needed
air, staring at the many faces inside the too small
restaurant. I could already feel claustrophobic just by
looking at it.

I could hear the shouts, the praises as Ryan made his

presence known. I rolled my eyes, knowing that we
would be surrounded by their many admirers. I reach for
my ponytail, separated my black tresses in two and
pulled them away from each other until the scrunchie got
tight enough to my liking.
I breathed out when the presence of Blake comes beside
me. I could smell his scent, a tinge of mint and
aftershave. He sees me staring at the crowd of rowdy
teenagers circling around Ryan, bombarding him with
questions. He knew his turn was coming next.

“You know you should try to loosen up, it’s not like they
could do you anything , Ryan and I are here.” He
But that’s the thing, when I wasn’t around Blake and
Ryan they treat me like I was dirt under their expensive
shoes. Given I didn’t talk much, not that I wanted to talk
to snobby rich kids anyway.

But it still bugged me that when I was around the boys

they’d somehow magically got nicer towards me. They
would lose their scowls and judgemental eyes but it
wasn’t the same for when I was alone.

I guess this is what I get for being friends with the most
popular guys in the school. And to top it off, they were
the optimum of drop dead gorgeous. Yeah I was doomed
from the start to get those hateful glares from the girls.

I feel a weight on my shoulders and I’m brought back to

reality. I turn and look up to face Blake, squinting when
the ray of sun almost blinds me. “Come on.” He urges
pulling me along with him, his arm securely tugging me
closer to his way too tall body.

His scent is stronger now, almost suffocating. My heart

leaps before it starts pounding uncontrollably. My palms
itch to wrap around his torso to hold him but I fought
against it. There wasn’t a reason for me to make the girls
think we were together or give them more reason to
treat me like poop.

He shoulder opens the door and like a magnet everyone

is drawn to him. I feel myself shrink in his arms and the
familiar feeling of nervousness clawing at my body.
Sensing this, he squeezes my shoulder rea*suringly.

“Blake man are you coming to that party tonight?” A boy

with sandy brown hair asked him. I could swear that I
had seen him before in one of my cla*ses. He was
probably one of those kids who sat at the back and put
their feet up on the desk to act ‘cool’.

“Blake you still owe me that drink.” A girl giggles

flirtatiously. Blonde hair with blue ends flowed down her
back. The crop top she wore, showed off the navel
piercing that almost had me cringing. The ripped shorts
were too tight for her and I wondered how she was able
to walk.

Questions upon questions were flying towards Blake and

I was seriously getting annoyed. It wasn’t like they
wouldn’t see him tomorrow. At least let me get my food
first before I have to suffer from hearing ridiculous

I pulled Blake’s arm off my shoulder and sneaked away

from the crowd. It was a small crowd compared to when
we were at school. I spotted Ryan at one of the tables
and when he saw me he called me over.
“Are you guys celebrities and y’all failed to mention it to
me?” I groaned plopping down on the seat.

I reach over for the menu and used it as a desperate way

for a fan. With all those teenagers crowding me, I really
thought I would suffocate. Ryan throws his head back
and gives off a laugh. “Maybe we are.” He chuckles then
shrugs. “Or maybe we’re just that handsome and cool, I
mean who could resist us?”

I snorted, fixing my gla*ses. “I do.”

Ryan raised his brow. “Doesn’t seem to me.” As soon as

those words slip pa*s his lips he looks over to Blake. My
heart drums in my chest. Does he know that I have a
crush on Blake? Did I just admit that I like Blake? Oh god
what’s wrong with me?

But he doesn’t add on to it, thankfully. “Did you order

already?” I question even though I knew the answer. It
was just a feeble way to divert the sudden unwanted
attention away from me.

He shakes his and picks up the menu and studies it.

“What’s the point of us even looking through the menu,
we already know what’s on there.” He chuckles and
throws it down on the table. I shrugged and threw mine
down also. “True.” I smiled looking over at Blake.

He looked uncomfortable and a slight bit annoyed. I

couldn’t help but let a silent chuckle slip pa*s my lips.
“What’s so funny?” Ryan questions pulling out his phone.
“Blake’s face, he looks constipated.” I giggle, looking
away from him.

“I’m telling him you said that.” Ryan sings, mischief

gleaming in his eyes.

I narrow my eyes at him. “Tattletale.”

He pokes out his tongue childishly and goes back to

tapping away on his phone. “Why are you calling him a
Blake’s voice questions behind me.

It startles me enough to knock down the salt on the

table, the contents spilling. “Still clumsy.” Blake clicks his
tongue and seats down. His chair was opposite to mine
which made me get a great view of him.

“She called me a Tattletale because I threatened to spill

that she said you looked constipated.” Ryan says still
typing away to god knows who. It was probably one of
those poor girls who thought they had a chance to stop
his player ways. Ryan and settling for one girl, yeah that
was a joke.

I kicked his shin beneath the table, taking pleasure when

I heard his hiss of pain. “So finally got rid of those
admirers of yours?” I question trying and failing to divert
the question.

“So I looked constipated huh? Want to know how I look

when I’m cumming?” He smirks, making Ryan burst into
loud laughter. It draws attention towards us and I feel
myself shrinking into the seat.

My brows furrowed before my eyes widen in

understanding. I stumble over my words not knowing
how to respond to that. But I knew for sure I was bright
as a tomato right now.

“Blake baby.” A feminine voice calls out before a

sickening sweet perfume envelopes us. Ryan lets out a
grunt of displeasure but doesn’t say anything. I look at
her, watching as her blonde curly hair spills over her

The leather skirt she wore enhanced her curves and the
crop top was so tight that her boobs were screaming to
be free. Didn’t her parents see how she dressed before
she left their house?

If my dad saw me dressed like that I’d get an a*s

whipping for days.

She turns to face me, her baby blue eyes clashing into
my own. Resentment swims in those blue eyes as they
regarded me before she schools it. “Ashley.”

“Stacy.” I retort back.

Bestfriends Shouldn’t Know How You Taste by Demiah13

Chapter 4
She doesn’t stare long and quickly sets her attention on
Blake. He didn’t look surprised to see her here. I wasn’t
either, I don’t think any of us were.

She plops down on his thigh, one of her hands coming

around his head to draw him forward. Her shiny bright
red painted nails mock me as she tenderly touches his

A second later their lips are molding together and

suddenly a wave of jealousy swims through my body. My
gut twisted at the sight and I quickly look away. I could
feel my skin prickle,like tiny stabs of needles piercing my

Either it was from hatred or it was from shame. Shame

that I was jealous. I shouldn’t be, I had no right, afterall
she was his girlfriend. I hated it, hated that I couldn’t
control it.

I find myself excusing myself to go to the bathroom.

Excuses excuses. My conscience mocks me. They didn’t
seem to acknowledge me, not that I cared. Or maybe I
did because I felt a stab of hurt when Blake continued to
suck her face.

It should be normal, I’ve seen them done it multiple

times. I should’ve gotten used to it by now. But I could
never find myself to. Maybe that’s why I’ve gotten
addicted to reading erotica novels, my life certainly
lacked the romance.
I pushed the chair away as I got up. It was only when
the chair made a scraping sound did Blake pull away. His
lips are raw, red and swollen. My heart constricts at the
sight. I move my eyes away from them, finding it
unbearable to see him enjoy kissing her.

His brows are furrowed as he scans my body. “Where are

you going?”

For one I wanted to bolt away from there, finding it

difficult to stay here any longer. But it would only raise
suspicion. I did not want him to think that I had a
problem with his girlfriend. You do. Yet again the little
voice in my head makes an unwelcoming jab.

“I’m going to the bathroom.” I told him for the second

time. If you weren’t busy sucking her face you would’ve
heard me the first time. I wanted to mumble
sarcastically, god I wanted to so bad.

But I refrained, there wasn’t any reason to give him

attitude. It wasn’t his fault, it was mine for liking him in a
way that I shouldn’t have.

He nods and Stacy rolls her eyes before bringing his lips
back to hers. I look over at Ryan and he makes a fake
gagging noise that has me chuckling. “Order for me
would you? You already know what I like.” I directed it to
Ryan. But it wasn’t his voice that answered.

“Yeah hotdog and fries with ketchup on the side because

you hate it on the fries.” Blake says detaching his lips
away from Stacy’s. I could tell she was annoyed but I
couldn’t help feeling the bit of rush from knowing that I
got under her skin.
I smiled, cocking a perfectly arched eyebrow. “You’re
missing something.”

He rolls his eyes. “Oh how could I forget a large banana

chocolate milkshake.”

I laughed and head to the bathroom. As soon as I was

alone in the stall, the tears I had desperately tried to
keep at bay rolls down. I sniffle sitting down on the
closed toilet seat.

I reach for the toilet paper beside me and used it to dab

the moisture away from my eyes. Why was this so hard?
Blake was my best friend, I shouldn’t be jealous that he
has a girlfriend.

But I was and it was getting hard to keep it hidden. I had

always had a crush on him, the boy who was my first
friend. The boy who wasn’t afraid to fight off my bullies in
the ninth grade when Ryan wasn’t there that day to help
him. The boy who unknowingly stole my heart and never
gave it back. But now as I’m thinking more about it, it
doesn’t feel like a simple crush, it feels more.

“Did you see her?” A girl giggles as the bathroom door

bangs open. A second later heels clack against the tiled
floor nearing my stall. I stiffen my feet pulling up on the
bathroom seat.

“Yeah what an embarra*sment.” Another female voice

My eyes drop to the tiled floor watching as their shadows
disappear. I would’ve sighed of relief if only they had
actually left the bathroom and let me wallow in my self

“She’s such an attention seeker, did you see how Blake

was holding her? The girl literally acts like a damsel in
distress just so she can have them wrapped around her
finger.” One snorts. The voices are near.

“Yes it’s so embarra*sing that she tries to latch on to a

guy who’s already taken. Such a shame that Blake only
sees her as a best friend.”

My body grows cold.They’re talking about me.

The other girl cackles, the tone irritating to my ears.

“She’s such a loser. I’m sure Blake and Ryan are tired of
having her follow them around.” One snorts followed by
laughter. My eyes began to blur and I blinked away the
incoming tears.

“And she’s ugly too with those dumb gla*ses. I would be

ashamed to be seen with her.” One giggles. Their words
feel like a slap in the face,brutal and unforgiving.

I swallowed my bitter anger at their words. A few

traitorous tears had managed to escape so I wiped the
skin underneath my eyes angrily. I hated showing
I move off the toilet softly to not alert them of someone
being there. But a little part of me knew that they
probably are aware that I was in here. My slender fingers
touch the walls of the stall as I peek through the slit in
the bathroom.

I spotted a blonde and could barely see the other one.

The blonde was busy applying lip gloss on her already
looking sticky and shiny lips. I sighed bracing myself for
the unavoidable outcome of this interaction when I get
out of the stall.

I opened the door taking in their feigned stunned faces.

They definitely knew I was in there. The brunette that I
couldn’t see properly a while ago stares at me with her
brown eyes. A sly smirk crawling on her red stained lips.

“Oh Ashley is it? Sorry that you had to hear that.” Her
lips pouted and her blonde friend cackles. I narrow my
eyes. I knew them, they were in my calculus cla*s.

We’ve never talked before, in fact I thought I was

invisible to them. No one cared to know me. Everyone
just thought of me as Blake and Ryan’s bestfriend that
followed them around.

I breathed out in annoyance. “Stop with the fake

apology, we both know you were aware I was in here.” I
said, calling out her bullshit.

Bestfriends Shouldn’t Know How You Taste by Demiah13

Chapter 5
Her brows raise as her friend goes silent beside her. Then
a nasty smile makes its way to her lips, the sight
unsettling. “Well then now you know how embarra*sing
you are to the boys.” She said waving her hands off then
later picking at her long nails.

I look for a way out, a parting way out that is. I was
never one to confront someone, that just wasn’t me. I
never had the guts to. I cross my arms and straighten
my stance, trying to seem confident even though I was
lacking it.

“The only one who should be embarra*sed right now is

you. Aren’t you the girl who basically threw herself on to
Blake last year and tried getting with Ryan a week later?
Oh and failed at both?” I jabbed.

What the hell was wrong with me? Since when did I
become a bitch? I cringed when the word popped in my
head. I hated cursing.

She gasps her face reddening with a faint blush. Shame

was written on her face. “How do you know about that?”
She stumbles over her words.

Now it was my turn to pick at my chipped nails. I took

pleasure knowing that my comeback wasn’t so bad after
all. But maybe that was just the anger of seeing Blake
kiss Stacy.

“We’re best friends, remember? They tell me everything.”

I smirked smugly then strutted up to her. “I know every
embarra*sing thing you did to gain their attention Lucy,
don’t make me remind you .”

With one final glance at the two girls I walked out of the
bathroom with my head held high. But I didn’t feel
confident, in fact I felt the opposite. This wasn’t the first
time this happened to me. It was like a continuous

It felt like my feet weighed a ton as I move toward them,

the boys who unknowingly made every girl despise me. I
settle down on the chair. Ryan lifts his head from the
phone and stares, his brows furrowing in confusion.
“What’s wrong?”

Hearing Ryan’s words has Blake removing his attention

from his very annoyed girlfriend. His blue eyes study my
face. I remove my eyes away from him, afraid that he’ll
see what I’ve been hiding for years.

I turn to Ryan. “Nothing’s wrong.” I mumble, feeling

nervous being the center of attention. I turn to face the
table, noticing they already ordered. I reach for my fries
and push it in my mouth.

“You look like you were crying little Ash, what’s wrong?”
Ryan questions again, this time seeming to be impatient.
I swallowed roughly, not wanting to answer the question.
I couldn’t exactly say that I was crying because Blake
was kissing Stacy. So I settled for a lie, a stupid one at
“It’s nothing to be worried about. Some girl was taking a
dump in the bathroom, the smell kinda made my eyes
water, that’s all.” I rush out, still not lifting my head to
gauge their reaction.’

The smell of poop made your eyes water? Really Ashley,

that’s the best you could come up with?

It’s silent for a few seconds before Ryan burst out into
loud laughter. The sound had everyone currently inside
the restaurant stop what they’re doing to see what had
made him laugh so. I squirmed feeling their scrutinizing
eyes on me.

“You.” Ryan gasps out, tears rolling out from the corner
of his eyes. “You- cried because someone shit smelled
bad?” Ryan laughed. His voice was loud enough to make
everyone hear.

An embarra*sed blush crawls up my face and settles on

my cheeks. I really should’ve left my hair down today.
“Ryan shut up.” I hissed reaching for the banana and
chocolate milkshake. I gulped some and almost choked
when he said those next words.

“Was it her shit that smelled so bad in there?” He

questions, pointing at Lucy who was just getting out of
the bathroom followed by her blonde friend. They both
froze hearing Ryan’s loud question. It was like he was
doing it on purpose.

Does he want them to kill me the next time I’m alone

with them? I was thankful for my snarky mouth this
once. Who’s to say I wouldn’t get slapped in the face the
next time?

I turned to Blake feeling utterly mortified and pleaded

with him using my eyes to tell Ryan to stop. He draws in
his bottom lip between his teeth, biting it to suppress his
laughter. He reluctantly nods when he sees my
discomfort from the attention.

“Ryan man, leave it be. You’re embarra*sing Ley.” He

chuckles. Stacy stiffen upon hearing the nickname he had
given me. I wouldn’t admit it out loud but I secretly loved
it, though I act annoyed when he called me it.

“Why do you call her Ley?” She asks Blake, her darkened
angry eyes burning a hole through my head. I shifted on
the chair uncomfortably and sipped more of the

Blake laughs pulling her closer. A jolt of jealousy has me

removing my eyes away from the two. “Don’t be jealous
Stacy, it’s just a nickname and I’ve told you that many

I could hear her protest but zoned her out. I didn’t need
to hear her annoying voice more than I should. Blake had
been with her for a few months now. After he supposedly
stopped sleeping around with countless girls. Some
people thought referred to her as his miracle. I admit, it
hurt to see that she was the one to stop his player ways.

She’d been the new girl and every guy wanted her except
for Ryan. And to this day I still didn’t have a clue as to
why he resented her. Stacy had instantly caught Blake’s
attention the moment she walked in those halls of
Western High. And she hated me the moment she set her
eyes on my 5’2 self.

“So we’re going to the party tonight.” Ryan states.

I raise a brow drinking the last bit of my milkshake.

“Tomorrow is a school day Ryan.” I stated. I clearly didn’t
get why teenagers enjoy getting drunk, it’s not a pleasing
sight to see.

He rolls his eyes in exaggeration. “Oh come on Ashley,

live a little.”

“My dad wouldn’t allow it.” I shrugged . I actually loved

that dad wouldn’t allow me to, it’s a good excuse. I could
enjoy my time reading.

“Sneak out.” He suggested.

I laugh, one empty of humor. ” Yeah no.”

“But we need a designated driver.” He pouts.

“My hand hurts, I can’t drive.” I say dryly and push

another fry in my mouth.

“Who cares if she comes, the girl enjoys her boring life.
She can’t handle a party.” Stacy declared. I look at her,
not liking the way her eyes were mocking. My fist clench
on my thigh, hidden by the table. Anger course through
my body wanting to show her that I could definitely
handle a party. I can, couldn’t I?

“You know what, I’m coming.” I snap, fixing my gla*ses.

Was this considered peer pressure?

Bestfriends Shouldn’t Know How You Taste by Demiah13

Chapter 6

The sun had dipped a long time ago, moonlight flooding

through the opened window. It was late, really late. I
prayed silently in my head that mom and dad were
sleeping soundly, if I got caught I’d be in trouble.

That I didn’t want. Dad was very overprotective. I was

surprised he allowed me to be friends with Ryan and
Blake. He didn’t trust any other guy that wasn’t Blake
and Ryan come near me. It was annoying and not
needed since embarra*singly I’ve only wanted one guy’s

I sighed. I was curled up on the bed. My clothes were

hidden by the thick blanket that enveloped me in it’s
warmth. I didn’t want mom or dad bursting through my
door to find out what I’m wearing. They would’ve surely
known something was up.

A gentle cold breeze brushes against my cheek softly. I

stared outside the opened window, counting the little
white dots we called stars. I was a nervous wreck. I
should never have agreed to go tonight. I should’ve
stayed home and read. Raven would’ve surely kept me
A pebble falls on the wooden floor. My heart pummels
knowing it was one of the boys coming to take me away.
I contemplated for a few seconds, hearing the clicking of
my old clock on the nightstand. My hands itch to grab it
and hurl it outside the window. Maybe it’ll hit them on
the head and I’ll have an excuse to not go.

“Ley!” A hushed voice hissed outside. I silently groan

hearing Blake’s voice. Really Ryan, you sent him? I hated
that I always felt uncomfortable with him after he had
been with other girls. Girls that weren’t me. Seeing him
and Stacy make out showed me that I’ll never compare
to her or the other girls.

“Ley!” Another hiss, this time impatient.

I nibble on my lip then with a groan throw the covers off

my body, revealing the clothes I had chosen to wear.
Standing up from the bed, I walked over to the opened
window and looked down at Blake. I could barely see
what he wore but the moon casted a soft glow on his face
that made me suck in my breath.

“Shut up, do you want my parents to hear you?” I hiss

lowly,pushing my head out of the window and bracing my
hands on the windowsill.

He shrugged and smirked. “It wouldn’t be a bad thing if

you got into a little trouble Ley. Raven would be proud.”

I gritted my teeth. Will he always tease me about this? I

move my eyes away from him to stare at Ryan’s car.
Furrowing my brows I turn to face him again. “Are you
alone, where’s Ryan?”

“Ryan’s already at the party, he told me to come pick you

up.” He answers, seeming to not know that being alone
with him for just a few seconds rattles my brain and I
find myself acting like an idiot.

“So you’re alone?” I question again, already feeling the

nerves bubble up in my stomach, almost suffocating.

I could sense his confusion, see how he doesn’t

understand what he does to me. “Yeah.” He mumbles,
uncertainty clinging to his voice. I sighed and nodded.

“Wait a minute.” I say softly and draw myself back inside

the room. I looked down at my outfit, the plaid skirt
reached the middle of my thigh. I had chosen to match it
with a white tank top and a jean jacket and finished it off
with my white converse shoes. But even with the decent
length of the skirt I suddenly felt, naked.

I looked around and spotted my black leggings that I had

discarded near the opened closet. Nodding to myself I
walked over and picked it up. I felt the thin material
between my thumb and index finger, pinching it while I
ponder if to wear it.

“Ley hurry up!” Blake hiss.

I groan, finally coming to a decision and put on the

leggings. At last I felt somewhat more comfortable. Who
was I even trying to impress in the first place? I walked
over to the window, feeling like a delinquent.

I pulled myself out of the window and took cautious steps

as I walked on the roof. I looked down at Blake. It wasn’t
that high but I felt nauseous just thinking about missing
a fall. What if I broke my butt? Is that even possible?

I neared the edge, looking for the ladder dad left there
but didn’t spot it. I looked at Blake alarmed. “There’s no
ladder!” I almost screech feeling anxiety start crawling in
my body. Was dad aware of my plans?

“Just jump down Ley I’ll catch you.” Blake urged, getting
in position to catch me. I scan over his body. Yes he had
muscles and was sure to hold me without much effort but
this was completely different. I could die.

I shake my head furiously, backing away. “Yeah no,

maybe this isn’t meant to be. Enjoy the party.” I rushed
“Oh come on, don’t back down on me right now

“I’m scared.” I admitted, looking at the lawn. It looked so

far down to me. I was too high up.

I look into his blue eyes, the light of the moon showing
how blue his eyes really were. From even up here, it was
hard to miss. His eyes soften. I took a good look at what
he was wearing in the moment, noticing that he loved
dressing all in black. Black jacket, black jeans,black
shirt,black converse. To some the color would seem
intimidating but it wasn’t, that was just Blake.

“Don’t be Ley, I would never let you fall, I’ll always catch
you. Trust me.” He said softly, his eyes saying something
that I couldn’t quite decipher.

“Oh would you guys shut up! Goddammit Ashley just

Fcking jump, you’ll not die. It’s just a Fcking few feet!” A
voice snapped.

I turn around and spotted Arden through his opened

window. His room was beside mine.His lights were off but
the moon casted light enough to spot him. I squint. Was
he eating a banana?

“Aren’t you supposed to be asleep?” I question going into

big sister mode.

He raised a brow before biting into the banana. “The

same could be said for you big sister. Don’t worry I won’t
tell dad you’re sneaking out.”

I breathed a sigh of relief only to stiffen when he


” Only if-” He drags out, his eyes that were identical to

dad’s flash with mischief. “You give me fifty bucks.”

I frown. “I was saving that to buy my books.”

He shrugged, taking another bite of the banana.” It’s fifty

bucks or no deal.”
I dwell on it. Give him my fifty bucks and no books for
me? Yeah no. It’s a good excuse to not go-

“Fine, I’ll give you the fifty bucks tomorrow.” Blake

agreed, getting me out of my almost rejoicing moment.

“Deal.” Arden smirked.” Now jump Ashley, don’t be a


“Watch your tongue Arden, I’m still older and I can tell
dad!” I hissed and cross my arms. “And I’m not a cat.” I

I sighed then looked at Blake. I did trust him and that led
me to walk over to the edge. Gulping in some air, I said a
silent prayer. “Ready?” I asked him nervously, watching
as he opened his arms to catch me. With a determined
look he nodded.
Closing my eyes tightly, I waited a few seconds, letting
the wind blow through my long tresses then jumped. My
breath caught in my throat as I felt myself falling. Was
this how it felt to die?

I feel arms wrap around my body, drawing me to a firm

chest. “Oomph” I breathed out. “You can open your eyes
now Ley.” Blake’s amused voice breaks me from my

I cracked one eye open before opening the other. His

piercing blue eyes instantly trapped me in a trance and I
felt myself take in a sharp breath for the second time. “I
told you I’d catch you.” He smiles.
Bestfriends Shouldn’t Know How You Taste by Demiah13
Chapter 7

It felt like an eternity. Just being in this position and

staring into his alluring eyes. His gaze flickered down to
my lips, his own parting slightly.

I puffed out some air. “I think I’m able to stand now

Blake.” I joked and forcefully let out a laugh. It comes
out strained and awkward.

His blue eyes widen slightly, as if just realizing he was

still holding me. Within a second I was standing on the
ground, brushing my palms over my skirt awkwardly.

I looked at Blake catching him already staring at me. He

reaches over and twirls some curly strands of my hair,
tugging it playfully. “I love your hair.” He compliments. I
had left it down and slightly curled it. He smirks when his
eyes drop down to stare at my leggings.

“You look sexy.” His tone had taken on a husky one, one
that has my heart pounding in my chest, it’s rhythm
uncontrollable. His eyes travel back up my body slowly,
the intensity leaving a tingling sensation in my lower

His blue eyes glaze over as they fall into my own.

“Though I would’ve preferred if you didn’t wear the
leggings.” He grunt biting his lower lip.

My breathing accelerated, coming in short puffs. I should

be used to Blake’s constant playful flirting but I wasn’t.I
wished he meant it.If only you knew what your flirting
did to me.

“Are you guys going to stand here all night and gaze into
each other’s eyes?” Arden question. Hearing his voice felt
like an instant switch and I immediately felt my face heat
up with a blush.

Blake backed away a little, scratching the nape of his

neck.”Well we should get going, I’m sure Ryan is waiting
for us.”

I nodded and we began to walk over to Ryan’s car. It felt

awkward but that was just probably me. When we were
both inside the car, it honestly felt tense. I stare out and
noticed Arden already had closed his window and put
down his curtains.

“I have to pick up Stacy on the way.” He voices and

starts the car.

I stiffen and turn to him. “Why didn’t you tell me this

sooner? I would’ve sat in the back.”

He removes his eyes off the road for a second to stare at

me. “Stacy wouldn’t mind sitting in the back Ley.”

I don’t answer him, instead I opt for silence. Stacy was

his girlfriend but I knew her. I knew the cruel, vindictive
girl that lays under all those heavy pounds of makeup. It
wouldn’t take a genius to know that she’ll be furious
when she sees me in the front with Blake.
The minutes tick by and the car comes to a complete
stop. I look at the two story house. It was huge. A few
seconds later the door opens and a tall blonde walks out.
Her long legs are on display as she walks with those high
stilettos heels of hers.
Her red shiny dress barely left anything to the
imagination as it stopped just below her bum.I tear my
eyes away and wring my hands together. She looks
perfect while I look like something out of the gutter. It’s
no wonder Blake only sees her.

My thoughts are depressing but I couldn’t stop. I jolt

when she knocks on the window. I hold my breath and
turn to face a seething Stacy. She definitely isn’t pleased.
Her eyes have turned to steel, red tinted lips curling into
a snarl.

She gestures for me to roll down my window and I do

just that. Cringing when her angry eyes land on Blake
then flicker back to me. “Move.” She says calmly.

I nodded and reach for the handle but a hand on my

thigh stops me. I stilled, the contact of his palm leaves a
tingling feeling where it rest. “Stay.”

Stacy’s eyes blared with fury when her eyes zoned in on

Blake’s hand on my thigh. He notices her line of vision
but doesn’t retract his hand. He looks at her and nods to
the back. “Stacy go sit in the back.”

I squirmed when her heated eyes fall back to me. I

suddenly had the urge to just call it quits and go back
home. “I’m sitting in front Blake.” She hisses. “Get out
Ashley.” She snaps. My hand reach back over to the
handle but a firm squeeze from Blake has me drawing

“Stop acting like a spoilt brat Stacy, just get in the back.”
Blake groaned.

Her eyes narrow. “I’m acting like a spoilt brat?” She

asked in disbelief. After a few minutes of them glaring at
each other she finally sighs in defeat. “Fine.” She spits
then walks to the back and enters, banging the door

What’s wrong with Blake? The question floats through my

mind as I turn to face him. He only smiles, not revealing
exactly what’s on his mind. Was Blake always this hard to

He retracts his hand away from my thigh. I hated to

admit it but even with these layers of clothes I had on, I
suddenly felt cold.

Bestfriends Shouldn’t Know How You Taste by Demiah13

Chapter 8

I couldn’t be any more happy when the house that held

the party comes into view. The awkwardness that hung in
the air was almost suffocating.

The party seemed to be in full swing with music blasting

through the entire house. I guess it was alright to have it
to this overpowering volume with a scarce amount of
Blake slowly parks the car, being careful to not knock
over the teens running up and down the road recklessly.
Were they high? They certainly looked like it.

Stacy bangs the car door on the way out. I flinch away
from the loud noise and look to see her walking up to the
house. I cringed when I spotted an unfamiliar girl
throwing up in the bushes, her friend patting her back.

Stacy had long gone inside the house, leaving Blake and
I behind. She was furious and I felt somewhat guilty.
“I’m sorry.” I mumbled opening the car door and getting

Blake does the same and looks over to face me. His
brows are knitted in confusion. Like he didn’t have a clue
as to why I was sorry. “Sorry for what exactly Ley?” He
voiced his confusion.

I sighed, my breath coming out in a foggy cloud from the

cold. “For having Stacy mad at you. I’m sorry that I
caused this.” My tone had turned soft, almost unheard. I
was surprised he had even heard it, or he probably
must’ve read my lips. His eyes did stay glued to them.

For a second he just stares. Then his piercing blue eyes

lifts away from my lips to stare into my own. Blue meets
green. Then as if triggered, he starts laughing, loud
enough to have the teenagers running around to peer

My hands come instinctively in the pockets of my jacket

as I looked around. I was glad that I had chosen to wear
leggings because I would’ve surely been frozen by now. I
watch as Blake almost doubled over in his laughter. Were
those tears in his eyes?

What was so funny?

“What’s so funny Blake?” I voiced out my thoughts.

He had finally toned down a bit. “What’s funny is that you

think you caused Stacy to be mad at me.” He responds
with a slight chuckle.

I walk around the car and stop a few feet away from
him.” But I was the cause. If I hadn’t sat in front she
wouldn’t have gotten agitated.” I mumble.

He rolled his blue eyes and walked over, removing the

distance that separated us. I arch my neck so I could
look at him. He was close, too close. “Stop overthinking
things Ley. You’re not the cause and you always come
first.” He mumbles and pokes my head with his finger.

I mockingly glare at him but my heart leaps at his words.

I know he only meant it in a friendly way but I couldn’t
help but feel content. Was it that bad to feel that,
knowing he had a girlfriend?

He steps away. “By the way, Stacy can’t stay mad at this
face.” He jokes and points at his face. I forced out a
laugh. Who can ever be mad at you Blake? I couldn’t
even if I tried.
He grins then nudges his head to the house. “Now I think
we made Ryan wait too long in there, let’s go and party.”

I raise a brow and start walking towards the house with

him following close beside me. “You mean you guys
party? I’m only here to drive you guys back home when
y’all get too drunk to spell the number two.”

He snorts opening the door. I’m instantly knocked with

the smell of liquor and cigarettes. It was illegal to drink
at their age yet they did it. Who was I to judge when I
wasn’t exactly the saint everyone thought me as.

I mean daydreaming about my best friend who clearly

has a girlfriend isn’t exactly being a saint. Not when
those daydreams are extremely sexual. It’s embarra*sing
to admit in my head, I wouldn’t dare say it out loud.

I strut inside, cringing when couples were grinding on

each other. The smell of perspiration is unbearable in the
air, so is the smell of weed and whatever else that was
probably illegal. But I wouldn’t comment about it, not if I
wanted to be a party pooper.

“Look out for Ryan.” Blake shouts close to my ear, his

palm coming to rest on the middle of my back. My breath
hitches but I don’t think he notices. I don’t think he ever

I nodded hoping he saw me with how foggy the air was.

Yes it was hot in here, a drastic change from outdoor but
I’d rather stay out. Whatever was in the air wasn’t the
pleasant of smells.
I spotted Ryan a few seconds later. But I also spotted
Stacy and she was coming over to us. Her face was
pinched in displeasure, her eyes dropping to stare at the
hand Blake had placed on my back.

I shift away from him, not wanting to cause anymore

unnecessary drama. I couldn’t blame her for being mad,
he was her boyfriend and not, mine. I turn to face him
and pointed over to Ryan. “I’ll go meet Ryan.” I shout
over the music.

“What?” Blake shouts, getting his face a bit too close to

mine. I back away, knowing Stacy had seen this
interaction. It was innocent but I knew she wouldn’t think
that way.

“I’ll go meet Ryan.” I shout again, this time his eyes are
on my lips. He looks over to where I had pointed.
Spotting Ryan he nods. Stacy takes this moment to
snake her way between us. Unnecessary pushing me
away so she could wrap herself around Blake.

“Blake baby, I’m sorry for being mad earlier. I forgive

you.” She says and pulls his head down to hers. She
possessively wraps her hands around his neck. Moaning
unnecessarily loud when he pulls her flush to his front.

My heart squeezes at the action and I take that as my

cue to leave. I turn around and head over to Ryan who
was busy chatting with a guy on the football team. When
he spots me he grins, mischief gleaming in his eyes. Oh
no what is he up to?
As soon as I was beside him he pulled me forward and
hosted me up. I gasps looking down at him. “You actually
came little Ash!” He cheers and chuckles. Everyone was
too drunk to notice but I was still embarra*sed.

“Ryan put me down!” I hissed.

The guy beside him laughs before walking away. After a

few seconds of me arguing to be let down he finally
concedes. As soon as my feet were safely down on the
floor, I fisted my hand and punch his shoulder.

His eyes narrow before he throws his head back laughing

at my lame attempt to hurt him. “You need to pack more
muscle there little Ash. It tickled though, I’ll give you

Bestfriends Shouldn’t Know How You Taste by Demiah13

Chapter 9

“Whatever.” I shrugged nonchalantly then turned around

to look at the ma*s of teenagers. They looked utterly out
of their minds, drunk, high and hopefully not on drugs.
There were some I recognized from school but never
spoke to.

But there were some who looked too old to be in the

same age group as me. I feel a heavy arm drape around
my shoulder, the weight a bit uncomfortable. I turn
sideways to see the culprit. “Let’s go.” Ryan says
dragging me along to what looked like the kitchen.

Well I hoped it was the kitchen, I wasn’t so sure if I was

intoxicated with whatever was floating in the air. The
kitchen didn’t seem to be as crowded as the living room
area. But the stench of alcohol was more prominent in
the air.

I looked around, spotting the big cooler that was filled

with different beverages. Ryan moves his hands off my
shoulder, thankfully. And darts over to the fridge. My
eyes almost bulge out of it’s sockets for the amount of
beers that were over packed inside.

“There’s more?” I stupidly ask as I scan over the drinks.

Some of the teenagers that still lingered in the kitchen
looked at me strangely. I shrugged not in the moment to
care for their judging.

“Want anything Ash?” Ryan yells over his shoulder and

rummages through the fridge for whatever he was
desperately was looking for.

“A bottle of water would be much appreciated.” I grumble

wanting to get out of there. Why did I come here? This
isn’t exactly my scene.

“Of course you would take a bottle of water.” A voice

dripping of sarcasm reaches my ears. I turn to see who
and wasn’t surprised to see Stacy heading my way.
Blake’s arm wrapped securely around her waist. I feel the
burning of jealousy swim in my body at the sight.

I turn away not liking the cocky expression on her ugly

face. Okay she wasn’t ugly but could you really blame
me? The girl got what I always wanted, Blake.
I rolled my eyes trying to act like I didn’t care. I did. I
hated that she always wanted to make me look like a kid
in front of Blake. “What’s wrong with water? I’m the
designated driver anyway so I can’t drink.” I shrugged.

“Uh little Ash I don’t think there’s water.” Ryan responds

then grabs a bottle of liquor behind the beers then grabs
one beer in the other hand. I narrow my eyes and walk
over to him.

“You’re lying.” I scoff and bend over to rummage through

the endless beer. Not seeing any bottle of water in sight I
breathed out in irritation.

Closing the door of the fridge with a slight bang I turn

around. I’m confused to see Stacy glaring at me, her
eyes gleaming with hatred.

I let my gaze shift to Blake noticing an odd and

unreadable glint in his blue eyes. His gaze was focused
on me or more specifically my legs. My brows furrowed
and I shoot a questioning look at Ryan who just smirked.

“Then I’ll just take the water in the pipe.” I uttered.

Grabbed a plastic cup and head over to the sink. After
filling the cup with the water I greatly needed at the
moment I drank it in one gulp.

“You know what will be fun.” Ryan smirks and struts over
to the kitchen table. “Beer pong.” He says whilst shaking
the beer in his hand and sipped on the bottle of liquor.
I shake my head.”Yeah no.”

An exaggerated groan leaves Stacy’s lips. “Why did you

even bother coming here if you don’t want to party? Just
go home you’re a bore.” She snaps.

“Stacy-” Blake starts,his voice has an underlying warning

to it.

“You know what fine, let’s play that peer pong.” I hissed,
cutting him off and walk over to Ryan.

“Beer pong Ley.” Blake corrects smiling.

“Whatever.” I grumble.

“Stop calling her Ley, use her name.” I could distinctly

hear Stacy’s whine. I zoned out their conversation not
wanting to further hear her endless complaints.

I focus my attention on Ryan watching as he starts to lay

cups and form them into a pyramid. I’m confused not
knowing how this game works.

“We need a ping pong ball. Think Miller has one around?”
Ryan asked Blake who came to help him set up the cups.
Blake shrugs. “I don’t know man.”

“Well go ask him, he’s terrified of you, he’ll give it if you

ask.” Ryan urges fixing the last of the cups.

Stacy has her arms wrapped around him not at all

helping him set up the cups. But I wasn’t exactly much
help either.
Blake looks lost in thought for a moment then nods.
“Fine, but you need to come with me. I can’t handle
when he cries. That shit just creeps me out.”

Ryan laughs and walks over to Blake.”Stay here little

Ash, we’ll be back.” He warns, shooting me a stern look.

“Okay dad.” I rolled my eyes.

“Don’t worry Ley I’ll be your daddy in bed!” Blake laughs,

winking for extra effect. I gasp my eyes snapping to
Stacy’s. Why would he say that when his girlfriend is
right there?

I could see her contempt and I couldn’t blame her. Her

boyfriend did just sexually joke with another girl that
wasn’t her. I tear my eyes away feeling shame crawl up
my face. I turn to glare at Blake but he and Ryan weren’t
in sight anymore.

I feel like a caged bird, wanting to crawl in a tiny hole

and never come back out. I feel Stacy’s hostility, feel the
rage pouring out of her. “You know I don’t get it.” She

I knew she was talking to me. It was obvious. We were

the only two people left in the kitchen.

“Don’t get what?” I question softly, not daring to stare at


“I don’t get what he sees in you.” She grits out.

Bestfriends Shouldn’t Know How You Taste by Demiah13
Chapter 10

I hear the clacking of her heels nearing and I couldn’t

prevent myself from lifting my head. Her eyes are a
stormy blue. Rage. Rage poured in the depths of her
eyes, eyes Blake seemed to like.

“You’re boring.” Her red lips curl into a sneer, the white
pearly teeth now visible. I feel the invisible blow and
stagger back as she advances.

“You’re not even pretty.” She continues, her eyes racking

over my form in displeasure. Her blue eyes settle on my
leggings and she snorts. “And for F*ck sake you can’t
even dress right.” She laughs but it’s void of humor.

By now we were inches apart with me having to crane

my neck to look at her. It was no secret that I was short.
I blamed my mom for this stupid height. I always
seemed to look like a little kid compared to everyone
else. It’s no wonder Blake doesn’t see me as anything
more than a friend.

“I don’t get why he can’t seem to leave you for just a

second. What do you have that I don’t?” She grits out
harshly and reaches over to wrap her finger around my
inky black tresses.

I gulp having the urge to back away but not wanting to

give her the satisfaction of seeing me uneasy. So I
sucked in the slight panicky feeling and mustered up the
courage to glower at her.
I could smell her sickening scent of flowers mixed with
the smell of alcohol. I hold back the gag I dreadfully
wanted to let out.” Well I have intelligence and that’s
something you lack. You know the saying, brains over

What’s wrong with me? Why was I provoking her? And

why do I love it?

I could see the gears shifting in her head, see her

contemplate if to knock me. I wasn’t one for altercations
and hated the thought of being in one. But I couldn’t
promise to stay still if she decided to punch me in the

Before I could think or have time to move out of her way,

her hand was already gripping around the bone of my
wrist. Her nails are pointy and scratches the surface of
my skin with the sudden pressure she added.

“Listen here bitch. Blake is my man not yours.” She spits

getting into my face. The strong scent of liquor reaches
my nose and I flinch away. She lets go of my wrist and I
take that opportunity to back away, holding my wrist. I
rubbed the tender flesh, glaring menacingly into her

Seeing this she cackles.”Why am I even worried anyway?

You’ve been friends for so long and he’s clearly not
interested in being with you. Think about it Ley, the guy
had his chance to be with you but he isn’t. That just
means you’re nothing. He doesn’t see you in that way
Ley why else would he be with me?” She smirks and flips
her hair behind her shoulder. I hated that she mocked
the nickname Blake called me.I didn’t like it comin from
her mouth.

Her words stung but I wouldn’t dare give her the

satisfaction of seeing how hurt I felt. She wouldn’t win. I
open my mouth ready to speak but the guys take this
moment to enter. They look confused staring at Stacy
and I.

Blake is the first to speak. “What’s going on?”

I drop my wrist and turn to face him, forcing a smile on

my face. “Did you get the ping pong ball?” I question. I
know they could feel the tension.

I knew he didn’t believe me but he doesn’t question me

further. “Yeah I got it.” He shows the ping pong ball and
walks to the table. Stacy struts over to him and wraps
her arms around his frame.

I look away and nodded. She was right anyway. I didn’t

have a chance with Blake, he will never see me in that
way. The thought was saddening but I needed to realize
that I needed to move on. But somehow I knew it would
be impossible to.
“Poor Miller peed his pants! You should’ve seen it Ash, it
was a whole bucket!” Ryan laughs walking over to me.

I cringe staring at Blake. It was so strange to know that

many guys were afraid of him. Yes he was the top boxer
in our state and could probably punch someone into a
coma in a second but still he’s Blake. My Blake. He isn’t

“Did you really have to make the guy pee on himself?” I


He shrugs, not at all fazed that he just made a guy pee

his pants. The guy who apparently hosted this party. Will
we get kicked out? I mean a girl could only hope.

“Well I got a show and I loved it!” Ryan laughs pouring

beer into the cups. “Catch!” He shouts, throwing some
beer at Blake. Chuckling he easily catches them and
starts filling up the cups.

When they were done I could feel the pressure of

wanting to back out. “Uh how does this game work
exactly?” I whispered to Ryan.

He turns to me. “It’s easy, you just need to throw the

ball in the opponent’s cup. If the ball lands inside the cup
they have to drink its contents.”

My eyes widen and my head quickly snaps to the cups

that were filled to the brim. Nerves instantly swim in my
stomach. “So you’re saying if so happens that Blake or
Stacy lands the ball in the cup we have to drink?” I
question though I knew the answer.

“Yeah pretty much.” Ryan states and fixes our cups.

“What, want to back out?” An annoying voice jabbed.

I look at her, matching her competitive glare. “Let’s do
this Ryan. ” I gritted out and walk closer to the cups.

“Don’t be so eager there Ley. I’m very good with my

aim.” Blake winks, smirking.

I smile. “It’s just sad that I’m better.” I said cockily.

“Is that a challenge?” He smirks.

“Ooh things are heating up!” Ryan claps.

I nodded. “It’s not a challenge if I know I’m going to win.

Blake continues to smirk, his eyes flashing with mirth. He

throws the ball and it lands perfectly in one of the cups
before me. “Drink up.” He teases.

I glare at him feeling anxious to taste the beer. It would

be my first time and I dreaded it. Again why did I agree
to come here? I reach over for the cup and Ryan reaches
for one also. I gulp and take out the ball. With one last
glance at Blake I quickly gulp down the bitter liquid. It
wasn’t that bad.

I smirked putting the cup down and wiped my mouth

with the back of my hand. Blake bites the bottom of his
lip and I found it difficult to stay focused on the task. You
can’t get distracted now.

With a breath I throw the ball into one of his cups and
jumped in excitement when it went straight into the
liquid. Ryan and I high five each other. “Drink up.” I said
mocking his words from earlier.

With a mocking glare he gulps down the contents of his

cup. A few more rounds later and I can honestly say that
I was somewhat out of it. I could say the same for Ryan
and Blake but I was pretty sure Stacy could handle her
liquor. The girl didn’t seem a bit drunk or tipsy. Another
thing to be jealous of. Who will be our designated driver
now? Mom and dad will kill me.

“Aye Blake, Ryan, the guys are ready to play truth and
dare. Hurry up!” A blonde boy walks into the kitchen and
announces. Ryan looks up with his droopy eyes. “Hell
yeah we’re coming!” He answers.

Wait what, we?

Bestfriends Shouldn’t Know How You Taste by Demiah13

Chapter 11

Somehow through my half drunken state I managed to

ask. “Wait we?”

Was this how it felt to be drunk?

Ryan nodded eagerly and draped his arm around my

shoulder. I groaned trying to balance myself from his
weight. “Yes we, you’re coming along.” He states
dragging me along with him.

I look at Blake, the protest on the tip of my tongue but it

doesn’t come out. Blake follows with Stacy beside him. I
turn to face the front. Even with my half drunken state I
still felt the burning jealousy when I see them together
like this. Alcohol doesn’t seem to numb the feelings I
have for Blake.

I bite my tongue. Somehow I wanted to tell her to get

her nasty claws away from him. I blamed my alcohol
consumption. We weave our way around sweaty bodies
and find ourselves entering a dimly lit room.

The scent of marijuana was powerful, like a strong blow

to the face. Usually I would gag or cringe at the scent
and probably turn around and say no way I’m out. But I
found myself wanting to enter in further.

There were a couple of teens in the middle of the room.

Half of them looked out of their minds, like me. They sat
in a circle, some smirking while others looked ready to
crawl in a hole and die.

Ryan drags me to the circle and sits down with me

plopping down beside him. I look at the faces, trying to
recognize some of them. Was it that bad that I didn’t
know half of the kids that went to my school?

Blake and Stacy sat down opposite to us. I grit my teeth

seeing how close she was to him. She’s his girlfriend
Ashley, this is how couples normally act. At least my
conscience didn’t seem to be intoxicated by the alcohol.

I turn to Ryan. “This is a kids game.” I whispered but it

seemed to be louder than I thought. I was now the
center of attention.
I turn to face everyone, the alcohol currently in my
system didn’t allow me to care. I shrugged staring at the
faces that would ignore me by tomorrow. “What it’s the

The guy who came to call Blake and Ryan smirks.” Not
the way we play it.”

I rolled my eyes. “That’s what they all say. There’s

nothing you can say or do that’ll make me think

He doesn’t lose the smirk instead it gets wider. A creepy

wider, that had me cringing internally. “How we play is
different. We make our own rules, it’s not just a simple
truth or dare game, it’s way more.”

I narrow my eyes, not buying his ridiculous way of trying

to make me see that the game wasn’t stupid. “How is it
different? Please elaborate.” I taunt. Since when do I
have a snarky mouth? Alcohol and I really don’t like each

He notices my taunting tone and doesn’t look a bit of

amused. “Well for starters you can’t choose truth more
than five times. And as for the dare, if you so happen to
chicken out, you’ll be getting shaved. Oh and before I
forget, once the game starts, you’re already in, with no
backing out.”

“Shaved?” I voiced my confusion.

The guy smirks looking at the others. “Shaved bald.”

I gulped not liking the thought of staying there after all. I
looked at Ryan. Seeing that he was busy making goo goo
eyes at a girl I turn to face Blake. He notices my
distress.” If you don’t want to play Ley, you don’t have
to.” He smiles.

“Yeah we all know you’re the only one who’ll be getting

bald anyway. Chicken.” Stacy insults.

Maybe it was the rage from her words or the alcohol but I
find myself agreeing to the terms of the game and
staying to play.
“Well let’s start!” I state.
The guy cheers and calls for another guy to bring a beer
bottle. As soon as the bottle is in his hands he doesn’t
hesitate to push it to his lips and gulp down its contents.
When it’s empty he places it in the middle of the
makeshift circle.

I feel the nerves prickle but I force it down. I can do this

right? It’s not like they’ll say some ridiculous dares,
right? If I get shaved bald dad would surely kill me.

“Let the game begin.” He laughs then spins the bottle. It

was too late to back out now.

My heart thumps with every spin the bottle does. It

slowly comes to a stop. I lift my head to the girl it had
chosen to be first. She looked familiar but I couldn’t
pinpoint where or what cla*s I had seen her. She didn’t
seem at all afraid in fact she looked eager.
“Sandy truth or dare?” The guy asked. I needed to stop
calling him guy but it wasn’t my fault, I didn’t know his
name. I don’t think I ever bothered to know anyone’s
name, not that they cared to know mine.

Sandy smirks. “Let’s start with truth.” She says and licks
her lips.

“How many blowjobs have you given this week?” His lips
are curled into a smirk, one which lets someone know
that he had the answer to the question.

She sighs like the question bored her. “About ten or

more, counting you.”

I cringe wanting a way out of this stupid game. Didn’t I

learn from my last lesson to not let Stacy provoke me
into doing things I didn’t want to do?

The girl spins the bottle and a few seconds later it lands
on Stacy. Sandy looks at her and grins. “Truth or dare?”

“Truth.” She answers not seeming that all bothered that

the attention was on her now. I think she loved it.

“Where was the craziest place you had sex with Blake?”
Sandy asks, seeming to be pleased with her question.

I bite my lip wanting to look away or zone her out. But

somehow I couldn’t, my body refused. Blake’s eyes
flicker to me before he quickly moves them away. “Well
we’ve had sex in a lot of crazy places.” Stacy starts, her
blue eyes directly on me.
I feel the sting, the jealousy and the hatred.

“But I guess the craziest place would be in a theme

park.” She finishes off.
My hands are clenched into fists on my thighs as I sat
crossed leg. I remember the day I was supposed to be
tutoring him for an upcoming test. But he had other
plans to bring Stacy to the theme park and ended up
failing the test. That was a week ago.

Stacy spins the bottle and I watch as it slowly stops on

me. I feel my breath get stuck in my throat, praying that
I somehow could gain magical powers to not make it stop
on me. But my prayers aren’t answered and I’m left
staring at the bottle that taunted me.

My eye slowly drags up to face the cruel smirk on her red

stained lips. I straighten my posture. I couldn’t let her
win, I wouldn’t.

“Ashley.” She drags out. ” Truth or dare?”

“Truth.” I answered with a slight shake to my voice. The

alcohol must be wearing off.

Her eyes are mocking and her lips split impossibly wider.
“Who’s your crush?” She questions. From the look in her
eyes she knew exactly who. She knew. And that
realization set me on edge. She was trying to trap me in
her own game.
I gulped in some air and let my gaze settle on her. Not
wanting to show her that she has the upper hand. I could
feel Blake’s eyes on me, almost feel the burning
sensation through my skin from his gaze.

“Raven.” It wasn’t a lie exactly. I did have a crush on

Raven because I pictured him as Blake so it wasn’t a
complete lie. It helped that Raven somehow had the
same features Blake had, which made it easier.

She doesn’t look pleased at my answer but doesn’t voice

it out. Instead she snarls and turns away from me. With
a sigh of relief I reach over to spin the bottle.

The game continues for another ten minute. After a few

dares and truths the bottle had finally stopped on Ryan.
After getting dared to do a body shot on one of the girls,
he spun the bottle. It lands on Blake and he raises his
brow. I look over at Ryan seeing that mischief was
printed in his eyes. My heart thuds. This isn’t good.

“Truth or dare Blake?” Ryan asks. Blake had already used

up all his five truths so it wasn’t a surprise to hear him
pick dare.
Ryan smirks and turns to face me. “I dare you to
makeout with Ashley for two minutes.”

Bestfriends Shouldn’t Know How You Taste by Demiah13

Chapter 12

My heart is beating impossibly fast in my chest. The

anxiety I was fighting off a few seconds ago is swirling in
my stomach. I look away from Ryan and find myself
staring at Blake.

He’s already staring. His piercing blue eyes burned

through mine as we sat in silence. I fight the urge to look
at Stacy, already knowing she was murdering me with
her eyes. This will not end well.

I could see him weigh his options, the internal struggle

he was currently having. With a shaky breath I force out.
” Maybe I should go.”

I could feel their eyes on me. I made a mental note to kill

Ryan for putting me in this position when we’re alone.
Yes I wanted to kiss Blake so bad, but not like this. I
wanted him to do it willingly, I want him to want me just
as bad as I want him.

I get up to leave only to be stopped by the guy from

earlier. “You can’t leave until the game ends. We’ve
discussed this before, if you leave you get shaved bald.”

I snap my head to face him, feeling the color draining

from my face.I sit down quickly. “You didn’t mention
going bald if I decided to leave.” I said shakily. Why did I
stupidly decide to play this game in the first place?

He smirks before shrugging nonchalantly. “Must’ve

slipped my mind.” He then turns to Blake. “It’s either he
goes bald if he doesn’t do his dare or you go bald if you
decide to leave.”
I clench my fist. I love my hair, I’ll look like aunty Roro’s
pet Bruno if I go bald. I’m having a battle in my head,
weighing the consequences of what could happen if I
decide to leave. But a familiar voice cuts through my
internal struggle.

“I’ll do the dare.” Blake utters.

“What!!” Stacy roars.

“What?” I breathed out staring at him wide eyed. His blue

eyes don’t show what he was really thinking. I was lost.
Maybe he just doesn’t want to go bald.

He grins and gets up, completely ignoring his raging

girlfriend. “It’s just a dare Stacy.” He says over his
shoulder. I feel myself press my bum harder on the
wooden floor. My hands are trembling and I push them in
my pockets. Away from the view of everyone.

He’s close now. I crane my neck to look at him. He smiles

before stooping down before me. His blue eyes are
locked on my lips for a second and he brings his head
impossibly closer. I give out a shaky breath, already
feeling the tingle on my lips from what was about to

“I can leave Blake.” I whispered as he reached over and

pushes a tendril of my inky black hair behind my ears.
His fingers graze the soft flesh of my neck sending a
shiver down my spine by the contact.
A gasp escapes my lips and his eyes flicker to them. “I
don’t think bald will look good on you Ley.” He teases
and trails his hand to the back of my head. His long
fingers find their way into the tangles of my hair.
“Besides, I love your hair.”

His gaze darken as they focus on my parted lips. It felt

like I had stopped breathing, stopped hearing as he
swiftly drew my face towards his. I could only let out a
shocked breath before feeling his warm lips mold with my

My eyes fluttered close as he pulls me impossibly closer,

as if having my lips wasn’t enough. He sucked in my
bottom lip earning a gasp from me. This wasn’t like the
books I’ve read, this was way more intense.

I tried to mimic his movements, loving the way he nipped

the flesh of my lips. I find my hands moving from my
pockets to thread my fingers through his soft hair.

My mind is cloudy, unable to think of anything but him at

the moment. The way he took my lips with his, it was like
he couldn’t get enough, branding me, marking me until
he was in my veins.

I couldn’t hear anyone around me anymore, I couldn’t

think anymore. Everything was Blake and I loved it. His
tongue snakes out and licks the seam of my lips. A tingle
starts in its wake and I find myself parting my lips further
so he could sneak his tongue in.
A sigh of pleasure leaves my lips when his tongue rasp
against the smooth surface of my teeth to dip into my
mouth. I could feel how wet I became, how damp my
panties were by the way his tongue tangled with mine in
a slow dance.

He tasted divine and by the groan that escaped his lips I

could only hope that he was enjoying this just as much
as I was. He pulls my head closer if it were possible and
angled his head to allow his tongue to go in deeper.

It feels like an eternity until I feel him being yanked away

from me. I open my eyes quickly to see Stacy dragging
him away from me. “It has been two minutes.” She
hisses glaring at him then me.

But he doesn’t acknowledge her, instead his eyes are

focused on me. His darkened eyes dip to stare at my lips
and a tiny smirk crawls on his face.

My eyes trail down from his heated eyes to his lips,

loving the way it looked red and raw from my kisses. I
did that. And I loved every single second of it.

Bestfriends Shouldn’t Know How You Taste by Demiah13

Chapter 13

I look around, noticing the astonishment on everyone’s

face. Their mouths were almost dropped to the floor in
shock. I nibble on my lip and turn to stare at Ryan,
whose eyes were wider than usual.
“Holy shit! That was hot!” He shouts breaking the
uncomfortable silence. There were murmurs of
agreements from the others which made me feel even
more uncomfortable with the attention.

My eyes snapped to stare at Stacy. I gulp seeing her face

scream murder. I should feel happy right now, ecstatic
that I finally had my first kiss with Blake. But I couldn’t
help but feel guilty. Why you may ask. Well it’s the
blonde girl currently beyond furious.

“In fact it was more than two minutes. ” She spits.

Blake seemed to come back down to reality. His eyes

move away from me to stare at his girlfriend. He gets up
and faces her, his stance stiff as a board. “It was just a
dare Stacy get over it.”

My heart squeezes in my chest. Ouch it was just a dare.

It actually was a dare. So why do I feel that it was so
much more? I felt it in the way he kissed me.

“Then why were you making out with her for more than
two damn minutes? I tried to get your attention but you
were too busy sucking her face to realise that the two
minutes were up.” Her words are lethal, meant to hurt.

Her eyes then narrow. “Do you have feelings for her?”
Her face has a nasty scowl as she points at me.

Blake drags a hand down his face in frustration. “I can’t

do this right now.”
She looks ready to argue but the guy from earlier cuts
her off. “Well this has been fun.” He says standing up and
clapping his hands. “But now that things are heating up I
think we should end the game here.”

Couldn’t he end the game before Ryan made that stupid

dare? That would’ve saved us all that drama we are now

My head hangs low in shame as I stand up. I look over at

Ryan pleading with my eyes. “Can we go home now?”

I really needed to leave. The air was almost too

suffocating to stay. I avoid shifting my eyes to Blake, too
afraid to see how he regretted kissing me. Ryan sees how
desperate I am and nods. He gets up and starts walking
with me following behind him.

“I’m coming with you guys.Wait for me outside.” Blake

says. My heart leaps but I refuse to turn around and kept
on walking. I hear Stacy’s whine of protest. I couldn’t
blame her for being upset.

Out of Blake’s earshot now I reach over and pinch the

skin of Ryan’s arm. He hisses, turning around to glare at
me. “Did you really have to come up with that dare?” I
grumble, crossing my arms.

Why does it all of a sudden feel small in here? I could feel

the tingle on my lips from his kisses, still taste him. I
wanted more and I felt guilty for wanting more. He has a
girlfriend and I should stop thinking about him in this
way. It wasn’t right.
Ryan snorts before continuing to walk ahead. “Oh little
Ash, stop acting like you hated it. Especially not with the
way you guys were making out. I think I should’ve done
it sooner even. You wanted this.” He says over the music.

My eyes dart around, trying to see if anyone was

listening to our conversation. We push pa*s sweaty
bodies until we were finally out of the house. A sigh of
relief escapes my lips as I drag in a much needed cool

This air was fresher than the one inside. Ryan words ring
in my head. Was he right? Did I really want this? I chew
on my bottom lip as I contemplated his words. Yes I did
want this but not in this way. Not when he wasn’t mine.

We reach beside his car and Ryan sits down on the hood.
It’s dark only with a little light from the street lights. I
feel tears brim in the corner of my eyes and turn away
from him. Thinking he couldn’t see I let them fall as we
waited for Blake.

“What’s wrong?” Ryan rushes out.

“How did you know?” I ask. I sniffle before wiping under

my eyes. I couldn’t afford to let Blake see me cry. I turn
to Ryan.

“Know what?” He asks softly as if treading on water. He

didn’t want to upset me further and I love that about
“How did you know I like him?” I mumble, feeling heat
crawl up my face and settle on my cheeks.

His eyes are soft. “It was always obvious Ash.”

I nodded, biting my lip in embarra*sment. “Does he

know?” I asked softly, afraid to hear the answer.

He looked to be thinking for a few seconds before

schooling his features. “I don’t know. ” He shrugs and
moves his eyes away from me.

Something tells me he was hiding something from me. I

didn’t want to pry him more for answers that I probably
didn’t want to hear. So I settled for brushing it off.

“Please don’t tell him.” I pleaded. “And please don’t try to

play cupid like tonight.”

He snaps his eyes to mine. “It’s not my secret to tell but

Ash, you don’t just like him you’re in love with him. I can
see it in the way you look at him.”

“I know.” I whispered breaking eye contact.

“Who’s in love with who?” Blake questions behind me. His

voice startles me and I turn around swiftly. He was closer
than I thought.

I backed away and turn to glare at Ryan. It was obvious

he knew Blake was near with the smug look plastered on
his face. “No one.” I answered Blake and walked to the
car door.
I open the car door but a hand stops me. Blake closes
the door and turns me around. I avoid his stare. “You’re
not driving.” He states.

I snap my eyes to his and glare. “Then what was the

point of coming to this stupid party? I was supposed to
be the designated driver remember?”

His eyes narrow before he dips his head. He was a breath

away and I couldn’t help but let my eyes flicker down to
his lips that were still red from my kisses. He notices the
line of my vision and a grin tugs at the corner of his lip.
“You can’t drive because you-” He pokes my forehead.”
Have been drinking.”

It felt like the kiss didn’t happen. He acted so normal,

like we had done this many times before. I didn’t know if
I liked that or not.

I tear my eyes away from his tempting lips and look into
those piercing eyes of his. “You’ve been drinking too.”

He smirks before backing away. “But not as much as you.

Don’t forget I won that drinking game.” He says opening
the car door and sliding in.

“By just two cups!” I whine walking to the back.

“A win is a win bambina.” He laughs before closing the


“You guys argue like a married couple.” Ryan laughs

sliding in the pa*senger’s seat.
I rolled my eyes before entering the back, closing the
door with more force than necessary.

“Hey watch the door.” Ryan whines.

Blake starts the car, laughing at Ryan’s words. My brows

furrowed realizing that he wasn’t waiting for his
girlfriend. “Where’s Stacy?” I question almost afraid.

“She said she’ll get a ride home.” His voice is now cold
and distant, so I didn’t bother answering. Instead I
looked out the window and press my head to the pane of
the gla*s.

Bestfriends Shouldn’t Know How You Taste by Demiah13

Chapter 14

“Wake up!” Arden’s voice yells behind the closed door. He

bangs the door three times before I hear his loud
footsteps become a distant sound.

I sigh, turning over on my back and throwing the blanket

off my body. After sneaking back in last night, I went
straight to bed after changing into my pajamas. The
events from last night kept replaying in my head.

It all felt like a dream. A silly dream. There was no way

that Blake kissed me like I was his. Or did we even kiss
to begin with? I was starting to think that it was all a
A tired groan left my parted lips as I got off my bed. My
body felt tired, I felt tired. But of course today was school
and if I don’t go, dad would be suspicious.

My bare feet tread over the cold floor as I make my way

across my room. My fingers wrap around the door knob
and turn. It opens simultaneously with Arden’s. He
smirks, already dressed for school.

“Had a fun night?” Arden mocks before closing his door.

His bag straps slung over his shoulder as he walked
ahead without waiting for my answer. “Blake owes me
fifty bucks by the way.”

With narrowed eyes I watch him disappear from my line

of vision down the stairs. What time is it? I turn around
and look over at the clock on my nightstand.

The time reads 7:15. A shocked gasp escapes my mouth

and I’m left running into the bathroom to get ready. I’m
never going to a party again. I scold myself. Never in my
life was I ever late for school.

Slipping on my converse I make my way down the stairs.

It’s oddly quiet, which is unusual for my family. By now
Arden would be making some silly joke that I wouldn’t
get and mom would be cackling with laughter while dad
shoots her love sick eyes. Now that was our usual but not
this sudden quietness.
I got closer to the kitchen with the strap of my bag slung
over my shoulder. I’m entirely confused as I enter the
kitchen. Mom has already placed breakfast on the table
that I unfortunately wouldn’t get the time to eat all of it.

Arden’s head is bent low as he gobbles down his bacon

while Dad’s eyes are set on me as I walk in. His
sternness makes it all more uncomfortable. I nibble on
my lip and walk in nearer.

“Good morning.” I greet and walk over to the table to

pick up a slice of bacon and throw it into my mouth. I
could feel Dad’s eyes on me and squirm already knowing
I was in trouble.

“How was last night? Sorry I couldn’t join you but it

would’ve seemed weird for a guy my age to tag along.
Now wouldn’t it?” The words fly out of dad’s mouth.

I cringe turning to face him. His face is stony and I knew

he wouldn’t keep it up for long. He never has, even
though he tried. Dad was a softy for us and that’s his

“I’m sorry daddy-” I started, pushing the gla*ses up to

keep it from sliding off my nose.

“What if something happened to you!” He rages calmly.

I snap my eyes to Arden. His eyes were already on me as

he stifled his laughter. “You traitor!” I hiss.
He raises his hands up in surrender with a piece of bacon
sticking out of his mouth. “Hey it wasn’t me.”

“Leave Arden out of it, though I’m disappointed he didn’t

come to me when he saw you sneaking out.” Dad cut me
off when I was about to argue. I crossed my arm and
waited for the lecture.

“I saw you leaving with Blake last night. You’re not very
good at sneaking out babygirl.” A smirk makes its way to
his lips at the end of his statement. I groaned internally.
Yeah I know, you didn’t have to tell me twice.

“Dad it was just this once, I promise to not do it again. ”

And I meant it. Sneaking out was just not for me. Last
night took a turn and I don’t think Blake and I’s
relationship will ever be the same again.

I hated to admit it but last night shifted something

between us. I just didn’t know if it was good or bad. I
really hope the kiss didn’t come between us.

Dad’s eyes soften before sternness darkens his features.

“Yes you’re right about it not happening again because
you’re grounded for an entire month.” He says calmly.
My eyes widen at his words. Grounded for an entire

“Asher baby.” Mom says for the first time since I entered
the kitchen. She shoots me an apologetic look and turns
to her husband.
She walks up to him and wraps her arms around his
broad frame before burying her head in the crook of his
neck. Even with his age dad didn’t seem to age much.

The only thing that would give someone a hint of his age
were the tiny specks of white hairs that peppered around
his hairlines.

You could barely see them unless you get near him
enough to spot those ‘ugly losers’ dad seemed to call
them. Mom rubs his shoulder before whispering
something into his ear. He visibly relaxes before kissing
her temples.

He turn to me before sighing. “Fine, you’ll only be

grounded for a week.”

“Hey that’s not fair, if it were me you’d give me an a*s

whooping!” Arden argues.

“Language!” Dad says sternly.” Now hurry up and finish

eating so I could drop you guys off.” He finishes then
reaches over and picks up his mug that I was sure was
filled with hot coffee.

With mom still by his side he drags it to his mouth before

taking a sip. Later regretting it when it had seemed to
burn the tender flesh of his lip. “Shit!” He hiss and swiftly
places the mug down.

“Language.” Arden mocks before plopping a bacon into

his mouth. I laugh at the look dad shoots him and reach
over for another piece of bacon.
Mom quickly goes to work, cooing at her husband as she
dabs his mouth with a cool rag. “Oh baby, be careful next
time.” She whispers. He didn’t want to admit it but I
could see how he enjoyed being babied around by mom.

“Okay let’s go kids, y’all are late already as it is.” He says

and grabs his car keys. “See you later baby.” He
whispers to mom before giving her a chaste kiss that
later turns into a full blown out makeout session.

“Oh god dad, you’ll have enough time to makeout with

mom, let’s go before we witness y’all having sex.” Arden
groans. I gasps at Arden’s crude words, feeling
embarra*sed even though I wasn’t the one who said it.
But before dad could scowl him, he’s already out of the

“He takes after you Asher, there’s no denying it.” Mom

laughs before looking over at me. “Have fun today at
school baby. But not too much fun.” She winks then
giggles when I roll my eyes. Turning around I headed out
of the kitchen and made my way outside. Another day in
a hell hole.

Bestfriends Shouldn’t Know How You Taste by Demiah13

Chapter 15

“Don’t worry daddy we’ll get a ride on Ryan after school.”

I said then closed the door of the car. The window rolls

“Don’t forget you’re grounded young lady, so no coming

home late.” He warns.
I rolled my eyes before adjusting my bag. “I know dad.” I

Arden comes out of the car, banging the door louder than
needed. “Such a baby.” He mocks and sticks out his
tongue when I shoot him with a glare.

Dad’s head snaps to face him and smiles. “Bye to you too
son, don’t get into trouble.” He teases. With a silent
groan Arden nods. He hated when dad teased him in
public, not that anyone was paying attention. Or were

“Take care of your brother Ashley.” He says before telling

us he loves us then drives off. I stare at his disappearing
car and sighed, turning around.

“I don’t get why dad thinks I’m causing trouble, I’m

totally innocent.” He grunts winking at a very older
blonde girl who was pa*sing by. I arch a brow before
walking up to the school building with him following
beside me.

“Yeah innocent alright.” I snorted clutching the straps of

the bag tighter than necessary. Somehow I felt there
were too many eyes on me. It was normal for Arden but
for me it was unusual.

“What I am!” He argues, his long legs seemed to make

him walk at a much faster pace than me.
“Considering the many phone calls mom and dad has
gotten because of you and Liam’s stupid pranks aren’t
exactly innocent.” I uttered, and looked around.

There were many people huddled around on the school

grounds. Some were whispering amongst themselves as
they stared at me. Squirming in uneasiness I gripped the
straps tighter.

“Hey those pranks were legendary!” Arden proclaimed

before darting his eyes around. He must’ve seen the
attention the students around were giving me because
his brows furrowed in confusion.

He turned towards me and raised his brow in question.

“What did you do last night?”

I’m startled with his question and turn away from him.
Pushing some hair behind my ear I look forward and
opened the school’s huge wooden doors.

” What do you mean? I didn’t do anything.” I shrugged

and continued to walk towards my locker. The bell would
ring any minute now and I really didn’t want to be late
for biology.

The halls are filled with hormonal teenagers as we walk

pa*s. Some were on their own business while the
majority seemed to be focused on me.

With a sudden determination to get out of their sights I

walked faster to my locker. With a breath of relief I had
finally reached beside it. With quick fingers I reach for
the lock, turn the dial to the right numbers until it opens

Arden is still beside me and leans on the locker beside

mine. “You did do something to have them look at you
this way Ashley. Is it something that I should be
embarra*sed about?”

Turning to glare at him, I started throwing in some of my

books, not caring that I used unnecessary aggression.” I
didn’t do anything okay!” I hiss.

Then suddenly the image of kissing Blake flutters in my

head and I instantly feel my throat become dry. I could
feel the blood move from my once flushed cheeks. It
couldn’t be that could it? Weren’t everyone too drunk to
remember what even happened?

Arden’s eyes narrow. “You did do something!” He


“You little slut!” A very familiar voice whispers beside me,

in a joking manner. Noticing the new presence Arden
groans in displeasure before rolling his eyes. “And the
devil is here.” He says boredly.

“You’re not an angel yourself Arden!” Rosalie spat before

redirecting her attention to me. I groan hitting my head
on the cold locker. Later regretting it when a dull pain
stays in its wake.
“Well this conversation is boring I’m going to look for
Liam.” Arden announces before walking around us to
head in the opposite direction of his cla*s.

“Liam’s on the field moron!” Rosalie shouts after him and

earns the middle finger from Arden. I rolled my eyes.
Those two never got along even though we considered
each other as cousins.

“You know I don’t get why you and Arden argue so much,
we’re cousins.” I tell her closing the locker. I turn around
and lean my back on the cool metal.

Today she had worn the school’s cheerleading outfit. Her

blonde hair was curled to perfection. Mascara coated her
long lashes, circling around honey colored orbs. She was
beautiful and she definitely knew it.

She shrugs. “I guess your brother and I just don’t click.

It’s a mutual hate anyway.”

She then wraps her arm around my own and starts

dragging me to the way to my cla*s. “Now stop trying to
change the subject. Tell me, how was it?”

“How was what?” I asked in a cool and composed facade.

She huffs. “How was the kiss with the hottest guy in
school? Did he push his tongue-“

“Okay stop!” I came to a complete halt and turned

towards her. She looked ready to pop balloons and
celebrate. What the hell was going on?
“What exactly did you hear?” I asked in a hushed whisper
as my eyes darted around. I felt smaller than usual. I
wasn’t invisible anymore. And I hated it.

“Oh nothing just that you finally kissed Blake last night!”
She squeals and does a slight jump. My heart lurches in
my throat and suddenly I felt visible to everyone’s
accusing eyes.

“How did you get to know about this?” I whispered. Was

this the reason for the hushed whispers earlier?

“I heard it from one of the girls from the team, in fact the
entire school is talking about it. Don’t worry I slapped
one of those bitches that had something to say-“

“The entire school?” I gasp cutting her off.

The bell rings and Rosalie groans in irritation. “I Fcking

hate that bell.” She then smiles and winks. “Well we’ll
talk later cousin and I want every single detail.” She says
and turns around to walk towards her clas. She was the
same age as Arden, yet she acted like I was the younger

I stand there looking at her retreating form disappear

inside the cla*sroom. I feel frozen in place, feeling the
accusing and disgusted looks everyone sent me as they
brushed past me not too gently. Everyone knew.

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