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Mr.B.K.Vargis, Astt.Professor



• Earlier there was Client/Server & Distributed Computing
• The Cloud Computing concept came into the picture in the year 1950
with accessible via thin/static clients and the implementation of
mainframe computers.
• Started in 1961, when John McCarthy delivered a speech at MIT in
which he suggested that computing can be sold like a utility like
electricity and food.
• In 1999, became the 1st company to enter the cloud
arena, excelling the concept of providing enterprise-level applications
to end users through the Internet.

• Then in 2002, Amazon came up with Amazon Web Services
(AWS), providing services like computation, storage, and even
human intelligence.
• In 2009, Google Apps and Microsoft’s Windows Azure also
started to provide cloud computing enterprise applications.
• Other companies like HP and Oracle also joined the stream of
cloud computing


Mr.B.K.Vargis, Astt.Professor

The term cloud is used as a metaphor for the Internet, based on

how the Internet is depicted in computer network diagrams
and is an abstraction for the complex infrastructure it

• Hosting refers to fixed, dedicated resources.

• Web hosting refers to hosted and dedicated web applications
and web content.

Mr.B.K.Vargis, Astt.Professor


Services offered by Cloud Computing

• SaaS are shared applications accessed as a service (more on this in a
later unit).
– Provides a facility to the user to use the software from anywhere with the help
of an internet connection.
• PaaS refers to platform provided as a service (more on this in a later
– Helps the user by providing the facility to make, publish, and customize the
software in the hosted environment.
• IaaS is infrastructure provided as a service (as well....more on this in
a later unit)
– The user can use IT hardware and software just by paying the basic price of it.
– The companies that use IaaS are IBM, Google, and Amazon. .
Mr.B.K.Vargis, Astt.Professor



• Cloud represents a commoditization for the delivery of IT

supported services.
• There is not one single cloud, but rather the coexistence of
multiple types of clouds based on different workloads,
programming models, and specific application

Mr.B.K.Vargis, Astt.Professor



Definition of Cloud Computing

• “Cloud computing is a model for enabling convenient, on-
demand network access to a shared pool of configurable
computing resources that can be rapidly provisioned and
released with minimal management effort or service
provider interaction”

• According to NIST ( National Institutes of Standards and Technology)

Mr.B.K.Vargis, Astt.Professor

Key characteristics of cloud computing

1. On-demand self-service
–Focuses on delivering IT services driven by user requests
–No human interaction with the cloud provider
–Cloud computing provides a means of delivering computing services that
makes the underlying technology, beyond the user device, almost invisible.

2. Ubiquitous network access

-Focuses on delivering IT services anytime, anywhere, and through user-chosen
–Users accessing services via Internet technologies expect a secure, “always-
on” computing infrastructure that delivers as easily and reliably as electricity
from a wall outlet

Mr.B.K.Vargis, Astt.Professor


Key characteristics of cloud computing

3. Pool of virtualized resources

-Focuses on delivering IT services through resource pools that can expand and
contract based on the requirements of the underlying workload and the usage

4. Utility-based pricing / Pay –As – you - GO

-Focuses on delivering IT services that can be metered for usage and charged
for (if needed) through pricing models including subscription, usage pricing.
Flexible pricing models allow for subscription and usage-based pricing. Using
the cloud, you can rent the hardware and software you need rather than
purchasing them outright.
-Service level agreements (SLAs): The quality of service when using clouds is
negotiated and measured against service level agreements, or SLAs.

Mr.B.K.Vargis, Astt.Professor



Why use clouds?

1. Better capital utilization.
- Pay-as-you-go
- The unit cost of on-demand capacity may be higher than the unit cost per time
unit of fixed capacity; offset by no charge when capacity is not being used.
- In the traditional model you provision for peak loads, or the maximum
utilization. With cloud computing you are charged on a usage basis.
2. Accelerate software development, deployment, and testing.
-Faster provisioning of resources is a key benefit in using clouds. Instead of
taking weeks to set up the environment, it can be provisioned in minutes.
3. Elasticity of resources
-Scalable and flexible use of resources : With cloud computing you have access
to a pool of virtualized resources that can expand and contract on demand.

Mr.B.K.Vargis, Astt.Professor

Why use clouds?

4. Access to complex infrastructure and resources without internal
Provisioning of infrastructure and application services can be outsourced to
cloud providers.

5. Support for geographically distributed users.

Access to resources in the cloud are based on standard Internet transports and

6. New business opportunities.

There are new business opportunities for providers to host cloud services and
vendor applications.

Mr.B.K.Vargis, Astt.Professor


Important Findings

• Studies have shown that in distributed computing

environments, up to 85% of computing capacity sits idle.
Cloud-based solutions make better use of computing
resources by making resources available on demand —
when they are needed, and only at that time. Consumers pay
for only what they use. Smart metering and billing tracks
actual usage according to defined metrics and translates
them into either an internal chargeback or an invoice for the
public cloud customer.
Mr.B.K.Vargis, Astt.Professor

How clouds are changing industry

Mr.B.K.Vargis, Astt.Professor


Clouds are enablers for business transformation by changing industries in

the following ways:
•Creating new business models:
The use of clouds changes how resources are procured, sourced, and
delivered. Hardware and software can be rented on a pay-per-use basis.
•Enabling innovation:
Cloud computing uses the power of the Internet and grid computing to
move towards a virtual enterprise that is not limited by hardware
•Reengineering of business processes:
Applications need to be built to be machine independent, container-
managed, with small memory footprints.
•Support for new levels of collaboration:
Collaboration using the cloud is not restricted to a single geographical

Mr.B.K.Vargis, Astt.Professor

How clouds are changing IT

Mr.B.K.Vargis, Astt.Professor


Clouds are enablers for IT transformation by changing IT in the

following ways:
1. Changing the economics of IT:
Cloud computing is driving operational efficiencies in IT through
better use of resources.
2. Automating service delivery:
The term self service means that developers and testers can directly
procure the resources they need to complete their tasks without going
through lengthy procurement chains. This results in a significantly
shortened procurement period, and it means that developers and
testers can quickly get to the task at hand.
3. Exploiting standardization:
Access to clouds is through standard Internet transports and
protocols, providing access to a range of user devices.

Mr.B.K.Vargis, Astt.Professor

Clouds are enablers for IT transformation by changing IT in the

following ways:
4. Rapidly deploying new capabilities:
Test and operation teams may have different conventions and
configurations from development teams, and this can lead to
unintended application behaviour and delays in service delivery.
Solution : Cloud computing offers a potential solution to this problem
by offering prebuilt solution stacks. These solution stacks are ready
to deploy configurations, which include the application and entire
environment, including the operating system. The stack can be
captured as an image (for example, OVF image or Amazon Machine
Image). The image can be transferred between each team along the
delivery cycle. Administrators can see the exact environment in which
the application was designed and unit tested, and they can balance
needed changes to that environment against a known, working solution.

Mr.B.K.Vargis, Astt.Professor


Driving Factors Towards Cloud Computing

These are some of the factors driving the adoption of cloud computing:
1. Poorly utilized resources driving up hardware and labor costs
Setting up a new environment is expensive; there is an incentive to hold on to
them “just in case.”
Each new project requisitions new hardware instead of recycling unused
hardware; this takes time and money.
2. Takes too long to create middleware infrastructures
The average lead time to get a new application environment is 4–6 weeks.
Approvals, procurement, shipment, hardware installation, license
procurement, OS installation, configuration, and application installation
need to be considered.

Mr.B.K.Vargis, Astt.Professor

Driving Factors Towards Cloud Computing

3. Creating middleware infrastructures is a manual process and error-
Minor differences in configurations can introduce errors or bugs that are
difficult to detect. These often only emerge when moving from test to
4. Each application must be sized to support peak load.
Idle resources during non-peak times.
5. Inability to use idle resources to handle extra load.
Quality of service may suffer during periods of exceptional load

Mr.B.K.Vargis, Astt.Professor


Driving Factors Towards Cloud Computing

Mr.B.K.Vargis, Astt.Professor

Driving Factors Towards Cloud Computing

• In the above example, the supply chain, inventory, and
retail applications have been sized to support their
respective peak loads. This leads to under-utilized
hardware and software during off-peak periods.
• In addition, during peak periods, quality of service may
be degraded during periods of exceptional load.
• It would be better to have a pool of shared resources that
can be managed as a single logical entity that can be
provisioned and deprovisioned on demand.

Mr.B.K.Vargis, Astt.Professor


Concerns related to cloud computing

1. Maturity–Is the technology ready for production-level deployment? The
question arises: Is cloud ready for prime-time? Beyond the hype, many vendors
are investing and competing in this space. Competition among vendors drives
innovation in cloud computing.
2. Standards–Still being developed
3. Security concerns–Multiple customers sharing the same resources. The
security concerns of customers sharing the same resources can be mitigated
through techniques such as encryption. Only making public-domain data
available in public clouds is another way of tackling this issue.
4. Interoperability–Many different vendor APIs. Interoperability is the ability
to write code that is supported across a number of cloud providers, as well as
the ability to move to a different cloud provider.
5. Control of data–Organizational level of comfort with data being outside
traditional IT. In the majority of cases, organizations want to be in control of
their own data. This requirement is addressed through the use of private
Mr.B.K.Vargis, Astt.Professor

Other technologies that can be used in cloud computing

1. Grid technology
There are several situations where grid technology and cloud can
be used together. Grids provide automatically scalable resources that are
made available over a network, and from this perspective, there is a
convergence with clouds.
2. Service-oriented architectures
SOA is an architecture, not a software product. Cloud computing
does not prerequisite a service-oriented architecture, and you can make
use of cloud technology without first adopting an SOA. However, there are
some service models of clouds that can make use of web services that
have been defined in SOA. Notably, this is the software as a service model
(SaaS) of cloud computing.

Mr.B.K.Vargis, Astt.Professor


Other technologies that can be used in cloud computing

3. Web 2.0
Web 2.0 is based on a collection of architectural styles and technologies.
Web 2.0 introduced a more collaborative approach to the use of web resources. It
describes an architectural style in which service consumers and service providers
interact in a RESTful way. REST is the abbreviation for Representational State
4. Open source software
Open source software is often used in cloud computing to reduce the rental
cost of cloud resources.
5. Autonomic systems
Autonomic systems are complex computer environments that manage

Mr.B.K.Vargis, Astt.Professor

Elasticity and Scalability

• Elasticity is the ability to expand or shrink a computing resource in
real time, based on the user’s computing requirements.
The ability to scale sometimes referred to as “right-sizing”
• Cloud service providers provide services based on usage
• This usage must meet service level agreements (SLA) while minimizing
• Elasticity and scalability are used to achieve this
–Cloud services scale up to meet demand
–Cloud services scale down when higher demand is not required
–Customers only pay for services used
• An example of when elasticity is valuable is during load testing.

Mr.B.K.Vargis, Astt.Professor


Interesting Facts
• Elasticity is one of the “strongest” words associated with cloud
computing technology. Understanding this concept and the
implementation of it is critical for students to have a solid
understanding of cloud computing. A good example of cloud
computing and elastic implementation is Amazon’s EC2.
• Amazon, whom many credit with creating cloud computing,
offers Amazon EC2, in which the work elastic is in the title:
Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2). Amazon EC2
is a web service that provides resizable compute capacity in the
cloud. It is designed to make web-scale computing easier for

Mr.B.K.Vargis, Astt.Professor

Mr.B.K.Vargis, Astt.Professor



In cloud computing as additional resources are needed, the cloud

allocates them automatically — nothing is required of the user. The
system simply “scales up” to meet demand. When the resources are no
longer required, the cloud scales down. This is an enormous benefit
since cloud consumers only pay for the resources when they are

Mr.B.K.Vargis, Astt.Professor

The Evolution of Cloud Computing

• It is important to understand the evolution of computing in order to get
an appreciation of how we got into the cloud environment.
• Looking at the evolution of the computing hardware itself, from the
first generation to the fourth generation of computers, shows how
we got from there to here.
• The hardware, however, was only part of the evolutionary process.
• As hardware evolved, so did software.
• As networking evolved, so did the rules for how computers

Mr.B.K.Vargis, Astt.Professor


….The Evolution of Cloud Computing

• Establishing a common protocol for the Internet led directly to
rapid growth in the number of users online.
• Today, we talk about the use of IPv6 (Internet Protocol version
6) to mitigate addressing concerns and for improving the
methods we use to communicate over the Internet.
• Over time, our ability to build a common interface to the
Internet has evolved with the improvements in hardware and
• Using web browsers has led to a steady migration away from
the traditional data center model to a cloud-based model.
Mr.B.K.Vargis, Astt.Professor

1. Hardware Evolution
1.1 First-Generation Computers
1.2 Second-Generation Computers
1.3 Third-Generation Computers
1.4 Fourth-Generation Computers
2. Internet Software Evolution
2.1 Establishing a Common Protocol for the Internet
2.2 Evolution of Ipv6*
2.3 Finding a Common Method to Communicate Using the Internet Protocol
(In the 1960s, twenty years after ‘Vannevar Bush’ proposed MEMEX, the word hypertext was coined by Ted Nelson).

2.4 Building a Common Interface to the Internet (hypertext system-web browsers)

Mr.B.K.Vargis, Astt.Professor


2.5 The Appearance of Cloud Formations—From One Computer

to a Grid of Many.
2.6.1 Computers were clustered together to form a single larger computer
in order to simulate a supercomputer and harness greater processing
power. This technique was common and was used by many IT
departments. Clustering , as it was called, allowed one to configure
computers using special protocols so they could “talk” to each other.
2.6.2 Cluster management software ensured that the CPU with the most
available processing capability at that time was used to run the code.
2.6.3 Computers in the cluster were usually physically connected to
magnetic disks that stored and retrieved a data while the CPUs
performed input/output (I/O) processes quickly and efficiently.
3. Server Virtualization
3.1 Virtualization is a method of running multiple independent virtual
operating systems on a single physical computer.
Mr.B.K.Vargis, Astt.Professor

3. Server Virtualization
3.1 Parallel Processing
Simultaneous execution of program instructions that have been allocated across
multiple processors with the objective of running a program in less time.
The next advancement in parallel processing was multiprogramming
3.2 Vector Processing
Then evolved the concept of Multi Processing. The earliest versions of
multiprocessing were designed as a master/slave model, where one processor (the
master) was responsible for all of the tasks to be performed and it only off-loaded
tasks to the other processor (the slave) when the master processor determined, based
on a predetermined threshold, that work could be shifted to increase performance.
Vector processing was developed to increase processing performance by operating in
a multitasking manner. Single Instructions manipulating two operations. Ex:
Matrix arithmetic operations.
Problem of Deadlock Management.
Mr.B.K.Vargis, A stt.Professor


3. Server Virtualization

3.1 Parallel Processing

3.2 Vector Processing

3.3 Symmetric Multiprocessing Systems

• The next advancement was the development of symmetric multiprocessing systems

(SMP) to address the problem of resource management in master/slave models.

– Engineers discovered that system performance could be increased to nearly

10–20% by executing some instructions out of order.

– The primary goal was to achieve Sequential Consistency.

– Problem of Longer Data Propagation Time .

Mr.B.K.Vargis, A stt.Professor

3.4 Massively Parallel Processing Systems

– Network of Message Passing Systems were created.
– Massive parallel processing is used in computer architecture circles to
refer to a computer system with many independent arithmetic units or
entire microprocessors, which run in parallel.
– In this form of computing, all the processing elements are interconnected to
act as one very large computer.
– An example of the use of MPP can be found in the field of artificial
intelligence. For example, a chess application must analyze the outcomes of
many possible alternatives and formulate the best course of action to take.
– Another example can be found in scientific environments, where certain
simulations (such as molecular modeling) and complex mathematical
problems can be split apart and each part processed simultaneously.
– Parallel data query (PDQ) is a technique used in business.
Mr.B.K.Vargis, A stt.Professor


3.0 Server Virtualization

3.1 Parallel Processing

3.2 Vector Processing

3.3 Symmetric Multiprocessing Systems

3.4 Massively Parallel Processing Systems


Mr.B.K.Vargis, A stt.Professor

Advantages of Cloud Computing

1. Lower computer costs:
• –No need of a high-powered and high-priced computer to run cloud
computing's web-based applications.
• –Since applications run in the cloud, not on the desktop PC, your
desktop PC does not need the processing power or hard disk space
demanded by traditional desktop software.
• –When you are using web-based applications, your PC can be less
expensive, with a smaller hard disk, less memory, more efficient
• –In fact, your PC in this scenario does not even need a CD or DVD
drive, as no software programs have to be loaded and no document
files need to be saved.
Mr.B.K.Vargis, Astt.Professor


Advantages of Cloud Computing

2. Improved performance:
–With few large programs hogging your computer's memory, you will see better
performance from your PC.
–Computers in a cloud computing system boot and run faster because they have fewer
programs and processes loaded into memory.
3. Reduced software costs:

–Instead of purchasing expensive software applications, you can get most of what you need
for free.
– most cloud computing applications today, such as the Google Docs suite.
–better than paying for similar commercial software
– which alone may be justification for switching to cloud applications.
Mr.B.K.Vargis, Astt.Professor

Advantages of Cloud Computing

4. Instant software updates
–Another advantage to cloud computing is that you are no longer faced with choosing
between obsolete software and high upgrade costs.
–When the application is web-based, updates happen automatically available the next time
you log into the cloud.
–When you access a web-based application, you get the latest version without needing to
pay for or download an upgrade. PYTHON & DATABASE INTEGRATION
5. Improved document format compatibility.
–You do not have to worry about the documents you create on your machine being
compatible with other users' applications or OS.
–There are less format incompatibilities when everyone is sharing documents and
applications in the cloud. Mr.B.K.Vargis, Astt.Professor


Advantages of Cloud Computing

6. Unlimited storage capacity
–Cloud computing offers virtually limitless storage.
–Your computer's current 1 Tera Bytes hard drive is small compared to the hundreds of
Peta Bytes available in the cloud.
7. Increased data reliability
–Unlike desktop computing, in which if a hard disk crashes and destroy all your valuable
data, a computer crashing in the cloud should not affect the storage of your data.
•if your personal computer crashes, all your data is still out there in the cloud, still
–In a world where few individual desktop PC users back up their data on a regular basis,
cloud computing is a data-safe computing platform. For e.g. Dropbox, Skydrive
Mr.B.K.Vargis, Astt.Professor

Advantages of Cloud Computing

8. Universal information access
–That is not a problem with cloud computing, because you do not take your documents
with you.
–Instead, they stay in the cloud, and you can access them whenever you have a computer
and an Internet connection
–Documents are instantly available from wherever you are.
9. Latest version availability
–When you edit a document at home, that edited version is what you see when you access
the document at work.
–The cloud always hosts the latest version of your documents as long as you are connected,
you are not in danger of having an outdated version.
Mr.B.K.Vargis, Astt.Professor


Advantages of Cloud Computing

10. Easier group collaboration
–Sharing documents leads directly to better collaboration.
–Many users do this as it is an important advantages of cloud computing multiple users can
collaborate easily on documents and projects.
11. Device independence
–You are no longer tethered to a single computer or network.
–Changes to computers, applications and documents follow you through the cloud.
–Move to a portable device, and your applications and documents are still available.

Mr.B.K.Vargis, Astt.Professor

Disadvantages of Cloud Computing

1. Requires a constant internet connection
–Cloud computing is impossible if you cannot connect to the Internet.
–Since you use the Internet to connect to both your applications and documents, if you do
not have an Internet connection you cannot access anything, even your own documents.
–A dead Internet connection means no work and in areas where Internet connections are
few or inherently unreliable, this could be a deal-breaker.
2. Does not work well with low-speed connections
–Similarly, a low-speed Internet connection, such as that found with dial-up services, makes
cloud computing painful at best and often impossible.
–Web-based applications require a lot of bandwidth to download, as do large documents.

Mr.B.K.Vargis, Astt.Professor


Disadvantages of Cloud Computing

3. Features might be limited
–This situation is bound to change, but today many web-based applications simply are not
as full-featured as their desktop-based applications.
For example, you can do a lot more with Microsoft PowerPoint than with Google
Presentation's web-based offering.
4. Can be slow
–Even with a fast connection, web-based applications can sometimes be slower than
accessing a similar software program on your desktop PC.
–Everything about the program, from the interface to the current document, has to be sent
back and forth from your computer to the computers in the cloud.
–If the cloud servers happen to be backed up at that moment, or if the Internet is having a
slow day, you would not get the instantaneous access you might expect from desktop
applications. Mr.B.K.Vargis, Astt.Professor

Disadvantages of Cloud Computing

5. Stored data might not be secured
–With cloud computing, all your data is stored on the cloud.
•The questions is How secure is the cloud?
–Can unauthorized users gain access to your confidential data ?
6. Stored data can be lost!
–Theoretically, data stored in the cloud is safe, replicated across multiple machines.
–But on the off chance that your data goes missing, you have no physical or local backup.
Put simply, relying on the cloud puts you at risk if the cloud lets you down.

Mr.B.K.Vargis, Astt.Professor


Disadvantages of Cloud Computing

7. HPC Systems
–Not clear that you can run compute-intensive HPC applications that use MPI/OpenMP!
–Scheduling is important with this type of application.
– as you want all the VM to be co-located to minimize communication latency!
8. General Concerns
–Each cloud systems uses different protocols and different APIs
•may not be possible to run applications between cloud based systems
–Amazon has created its own DB system (not SQL 92), and workflow system (many popular
workflow systems out there)
•so your normal applications will have to be adapted to execute on these platforms.

Mr.B.K.Vargis, Astt.Professor

Top cloud applications that are driving cloud

•Mail and Messaging
•Virtual Servers
•CRM (Customer Relationship Management)
•Collaboration across enterprises
•Hosted PBX (Private Branch Exchange)
•Video Conferencing

Mr.B.K.Vargis, Astt.Professor



EC2 service
• Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud ( EC2)
– Free Tier Account (best for beginners / practitioners)
– Will need verification through Credit / Debit Cards
– If allocated limits crossed, you will be charged for that.
– Best thing is , payment authentication will be notified first.
– Metering will also be notified.`




























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