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Mata Kuliah : Tanggung-jawab dan Kemitraan Sosial

Fakultas Ekonomi Islam - Universitas Djuanda

A. Initiative : Corporate Cause Promotion

1) Build Traffic and Consumer’s Loyalty
In the following example, the corporation benefits from a creative and natural donation of
abundant resources—its store space—and the appeal of abandoned and homeless pets.

Example: PETsMART® and Pet Adoption

PETsMART Charities® creates and supports programs that save the lives of homeless pets
(see Figure 3.2). They have a vision of "a lifelong, loving home for EVERY pet." Several initiatives
support this goal, including in-store adoption centers, in-store campaigns to encourage
customer donations, and online fundraising.
With more than four million homeless pets euthanized every year, PETsMART, Inc. made
the conscious decision not to sell cats and dogs. Instead, the company created their in-store
PETs-MART Charities Adoption Centers, donating space to local animal welfare organizations so
they can make homeless pets more visible and accessible to potential families.6 PETsMART,
Inc. donates more than $5 million annually in space and supplies for the adoption centers,
and the charity works with more than 2,700 animal welfare organizations across North
America. These organizations keep 100 percent of their adoption fees and there is no cost to
them to use the in-store Centers.
The store and the PETsMART Charities also work together to implement a biannual "Just A
Buck, Change Their Luck" fundraising campaign to help homeless pets. This event is held for
three weeks in the spring and again in the fall. Customers are asked if they'd like to donate "just
a buck" (or more) when they make a purchase. Customers who donate $10 or more receive a
commemorative T-shirt. Those who donate $15 or more receive a limited edition tote bag. All
of the more than 650 stores nationwide and in Canada participate in the campaign. Donations
can also be made online, where the T-shirts and tote bags are also offered for donations of $15
and $20 respectively.
Between 1994 and 2003, this program has saved the lives of more than 1.7 million
homeless pets through the in-store adoption areas alone, and continues to save lives today.
Consider as well the benefit to PETsMART in terms of the thousands, if not millions, of
customers exposed to the effort, and, for those adopting a pet, their likelihood of returning to a
PETsMART store for food, needed supplies, and grooming services.

1. Siapakah/Apa yang menjadi sasaran program PETsMART Charities ?
2. Apakah yang dimaksud dengan “in-store adoption centre” ?
3. Berapakah binatang peliharaan yang telah diselamatkan oleh program ini dari tahun
1994 hingga 2003?
2) Create Brand Preferences with Target Market
Direct competitors of the Aleve brand might find this selection of an initiative and partnership
Example: Aleve and Arthritis Foundation
In 2002, Aleve began to market more stringently to consumers with arthritis. In order to
generate brand awareness among these consumers, Aleve developed a partnership with the
Arthritis Foundation and became the National Presenting Sponsor of the Arthritis Foundation's
nationwide Arthritis Walk event. This relationship has helped Aleve to disseminate its key
messages of strength and efficacy to the more than 70 million Americans who have arthritis.
Upon initial discussions, Aleve and the Arthritis Foundation quickly realized that they had the
same goal at heart: to help consumers relieve their arthritis pain and restore their mobility so
they can get back to doing the things they love to do. The sponsorship of the Arthritis Walk and
the partnership have provided benefits to both Aleve and the Arthritis Foundation, a true win-
win proposition.
The 2003 Arthritis Walk, held in May in support of National Arthritis Month, attracted
24,767 participants, with men, women, and children with arthritis" leading the way wearing
special shirts and blue hero hats to show they are taking control of their arthritis." Aleve was
able to further leverage this relationship by integrating the Aleve logo into the overall Arthritis
Walk logo appearing on all recruitment materials and promotional materials, including TV ads,
T-shirts, banners, and web sites (see Figure 3.3).
In addition to sponsoring the Arthritis Walk, Aleve has been able to incorporate this
relationship into other elements of the marketing mix. Aleve has worked with the foundation in
everything from advertising, where Aleve added a five-second tag to their commercials during
May to publicize the Arthritis Walk, to packaging, where Aleve received the Arthritis
Foundation's Ease-of-Use Commendation for its Easy Open Arthritis Cap bottles. Also, Aleve
was able to utilize the relationship in a cause-related marketing initiative. In 2003, Aleve offered
a copy of the Arthritis Foundation's Walk With Ease book (an $11.95 value) for free when the
consumer sent in a proof of-purchase seal from a package of Aleve Easy Open Arthritis Cap.
Overall, Aleve's relationship with the Arthritis Foundation and the full integration of that
relationship into all elements of the marketing mix has allowed Aleve to generate greater brand
awareness and establish its authority in arthritis pain relief. The value of this relationship and
the trust it has helped Aleve to establish with consumers is immeasurable.
The Arthritis Foundation has also greatly benefited from this relationship by increasing
awareness, increasing participation in the Arthritis Walk events, and driving consumers to their
800 number and web site for helpful information on arthritis.

4. Even apakah yang diadakan Arthritis Foudation dimana Aleve menjadi “National
Presenting Sponsor” ?
5. Siapakah yang menjadi sasaran/target even/program tersebut ?
6. Pada tahun 2003, Aleve dan Arthritis Foundation mengadakan kegiatan “cause-related
marketing iniative”. Jelaskan apa kegiatan tersebut?
B. Initiative : Socially Responsible Business Practice Types
Typical of Socially Responsible Business Practices:
- Designing facilities to meet or exceed environmental and safety recommendations and
guidelines, such as for increased energy conservation.
- Developing process improvements, which may include practices such as eliminating the use of
hazardous waste materials, reducing the amount of chemicals used in growing crops, or
eliminating the use of certain types of oils for deep-fat frying.
- Discontinuing product offerings that are considered harmful but not illegal (e.g., McDonald's
discontinuing their supersize portions of french fries).
- Selecting suppliers based on their willingness to adopt or maintain sustainable environmental
practices, and supporting and rewarding their efforts. Choosing manufacturing and packaging
materials that are the most environmentally friendly, taking into consideration goals for waste
reduction, use of renewable resources, and elimination of toxic emissions.
- Providing full disclosure of product materials and their origins and potential hazards, even going
the extra mile with helpful information (e.g., including on product packaging the amount of
physical exercise needed to burn the calories and fat contained in the candy bar, or the number
of pounds of pollutants that will be generated from a gas mower).
- Developing programs to support employee well-being, such as work-place exercise facilities,
on-site day care, and Employee Assistance Programs for those with drug-relates additions.
- Measuring, tracking, and reporting of accountable goals and actions, including the bad news, as
well as the good.
- Establishing guidelines for marketing to children to ensure responsible communications and
appropriate distribution channels (e.g., not selling products online to children ages 18 and
1) Contributes to Desired Brand Positioning
In the following example, we can imagine that this company's voluntary decision to alter a
business practice is likely to further position this brand efit of actually contributing to improved
employee health and safety, as illustrated in the following example.

Example: Silk and Wind Power

In February 2003, White Wave, the country's largest soy foods manufacturer and producer
of the well-known Silk Soymilk, announced it would be replacing the electrical power used in all
of its operations with clean, sustainable, renewable wind energy (see Figure 8.4). According to
the EPA, "White Wave is the largest U.S. company to purchase 100 percent new wind power for
all of its operations, providing an outstanding example of environmental leadership." According
to the EPA, White Wave's purchase of wind power will save approximately 32 million pounds of
carbon dioxide emissions each year—equivalent to taking 3,200 cars off the road.
"White Wave has always been committed to socially responsible and environmentally
sustainable business practices," says Steve Demos, company founder and president. "We have
previously demonstrated this through our 25-year devotion to the processing of non-genetically
modified, organically raised soybeans. Today our announcement to purchase wind energy is
another legitimate step in creating a business model that is both profitable and
environmentally sound. We believe this initiative is a partial fulfillment of our corporate
responsibility to return to the marketplace a portion of the profits we derive to meaningful and
environmentally sustainable business practices. We are delighted to do so without economic
impact to the consumer."
White Wave is also encouraging its consumers to purchase wind energy (a cause promotion
initiative in our model). Consumers can visit their web site to learn more about wind energy
and sign up to purchase wind energy credits for home use.

7. Perusahaan di bidang apakah “White Wave” ?
8. Program “Socially Responsible Business Practice” yang dilakukan White Wave di tahun
9. White Wave juga telah melakukan Program “Socially Responsible Business Practice” lain
yang telah berjalan selama 25 tahun. Jelaskan program tersebut?
10. White Wave juga mengajak partisipasi pelanggan dan konsumen untuk terlibat secara
dalam program hemat energy. Jelaskan bentuk partisipasi online tersebut ?

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