Soundness Characteristics of Portland Cement Fly Ash Mixtures

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Scott M.

Schlorholtz 1

Soundness Characteristics of Portland Cement-Fly Ash Mixtures

REFERENCE: Schlorholtz, S. M., ‘‘Soundness Characteristics of lems. Also, test specimens have been subjected to many different
Portland Cement-Fly Ash Mixtures,’’ Cement, Concrete, and Aggre- treatments in an effort to decrease the time required to identify
gates, CCAGDP, Vol. 20, No. 1, June 1998, pp. 186–191. unsound specimens. Typical testing environments that have been
used are summarized in Table 1.
ABSTRACT: The Materials Analysis and Research Laboratory has
been monitoring the soundness of several sources of fly ash since the
After some early controversy on the factors that influenced the
early 1980’s. The soundness tests were generally conducted in accor- soundness of cements (Erdahl 1920; Blank 1935), it has been estab-
dance with ASTM Test Method C 311 (the autoclave expansion test lished that free lime (CaO), periclase (MgO), and tricalcium alumi-
utilizing 20% fly ash and 80% portland cement, specimens prepared nate (Ca3 Al2 O6 ) dominate the soundness properties of portland
at normal consistency). To date, several thousand tests have been per- cement (ASTM 1936; Blank 1935; Young 1937; Gonnerman et
formed on various samples of fly ash that were submitted to the labora-
tory. Also, additional studies were conducted to investigate the al. 1953). Recent research with fly ashes has yielded similar con-
influence of water content (W/CM ratio) and curing regime on the clusions (Schlorholtz 1983; Schlorholtz and Demirel 1985; McCar-
volume stability of portland cement pastes containing a fly ash that thy et al. 1988).
exhibited soundness problems.

KEYWORDS: fly ash, mineral admixture, portland cement, autoclave Experimental Techniques
expansion, soundness
Description of Analytical Equipment

Volume stability is an important property of portland cement All chemical assays were performed on a Siemens SRS 200
concrete. Many different deterioration mechanisms may influence sequential X-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectrometer. The spectrom-
the volume stability of concrete; however, this paper will restrict eter was equipped with a ten-position controlled atmosphere sam-
discussion to experiments aimed at evaluating the soundness of ple chamber. All specimen measurements were made using a
portland cement-fly ash mixtures. In this paper, the term ‘‘sound- chromium anode X-ray tube that was operated at 50 kV and 50
ness’’ implies that a test specimen does not exhibit external dis- mA. The sample chamber was maintained in vacuum mode (27
tress, like cracking or flaking, and that it is also free of internal Pa) throughout the study. The specimens were presented to the
stresses that may build up and cause excessive expansion over long spectrometer as pressed pellets from 1983 until 1987, and as fused
periods of time (that is, years). discs from 1987 through the present.
The major focus of this paper is to summarize the historical Diffraction experiments were performed on a Siemens D 500
information pertaining to the autoclave expansion of the portland X-ray diffractometer. All specimen measurements were obtained
cement-fly ash mixtures that have been tested at the Materials using a copper anode X-ray tube that was operated at 50 kV and
Analysis and Research Laboratory (MARL). However, efforts will 27 mA. The system was equipped with a graphite monochromator
also be made to compare and contrast how the autoclave expansion and a pulse height analyzer. All specimens were presented to the
test results relate to the observed volume stability of pastes cured diffractometer as side-loaded or back-loaded powders. Semi-con-
for extended periods of time at ambient temperature and pressure. ductor grade Si metal was used as an internal standard.
Comments will also be directed at illustrating how simple changes
in the autoclave expansion calculations can give a better estimate Description of Soundness Testing Methods and Equipment
of how the fly ash influences the test results.
Historically, soundness testing has been conducted on neat paste The procedure defined in the ASTM Test Method for the Auto-
specimens that have been prepared at normal consistency. Many clave Expansion of Cement (C 151) was used to conduct the auto-
studies have been conducted and repeated attempts have been made clave tests. A CENCO autoclave was used throughout this study.
to correlate the basic chemistry (or more specifically, mineralogy) The mix proportions were generally as specified in the ASTM Test
of cements with the observed test response (ASTM 1936; Gonner- Method for Sampling and Testing Fly Ash or Natural Pozzolans
man et al. 1953; Mehta 1978). The test response that is most com- for Use as a Mineral Admixture in Portland-Cement Concrete (C
monly measured is the linear expansion of prismatic specimens; 311). However, for the purpose of illustration, several of the
however, many different test methods (both quantitative and quali- aspects of the procedure and mix proportions have been varied in
tative) have been developed to detect potential soundness prob- this study. First, the fly ash content of specific test specimens was
increased above 20% (by mass of cement) to produce soundness
Scientist, Iowa State University, Materials Analysis and Research Lab- failures in the autoclave. Also, companion specimens of these test
oratory, Room 46 Town, Ames, IA 50011. mixtures were subjected to water curing at ambient pressure and
q 1998 by the American Society for Testing and Materials
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temperature, to illustrate how the results compare to those obtained influences the test response. Hence, Example 1, which follows,
from autoclave curing. Finally, the W/CM ratio of specific mixes gives a rough method that helps to remove much of the expansion
was varied to produce test specimens at consistencies drastically that was caused by portland cement. The correction method is
different than those normally used in the test (that is, normal consis- based on the principal of superposition; and hence, is offered only
tency). as a first approximation to the expansion that was produced exclu-
sively by the fly ash.
Secondly, it is important to note that the current test method
Results and Discussion
uses a fixed percentage of fly ash (20% by mass of cement); and
Historical Information from the MARL Database this may lead to a false sense of security in some instances. This
concept will be discussed later in Example 2, which illustrates a
Since 1983 the MARL has measured the autoclave expansion
classic case of unsoundness caused by a problematic fly ash. The
of several thousand test specimens containing fly ash. Most of the
concern here is not that unsound fly ashes could be incorporated
fly ash samples were obtained from five different power stations
into any given product because the current specification protects
located in Iowa. However, to date, fly ashes from about 60 different
users via the existing physical requirements (for example, refer to
power stations have been tested. The autoclave expansion test
Note C in Table 2 of ASTM C 618). Rather, the concern is based
results plus related chemical and physical properties have been
on our limited ability (due to the ‘‘standard’’ 20% replacement)
archived in a data base that now summarizes information from
to define sources of fly ash that may at some arbitrary time produce
more than 5000 fly ash samples.
fly ashes that are unsound. Previous research has illustrated that
A summary of the test results pertaining to soundness is given
some portland cement-fly ash mixtures tend to become unsound
in Table 2. The fact that few of the power stations produced fly
over very narrow ranges of fly ash concentration. This has been
ashes that exhibited soundness failures (that is, defined as an auto-
the case over the many years that this author has studied soundness
clave expansion greater than 0.8%) reinforces the validity of recent
(Schlorholtz 1983; Schlorholtz and Demirel 1985).
changes in the sampling and testing frequency suggested in ASTM
C 311. Typically, soundness problems appear to be linked to fly
ash obtained from specific power plants, rather than appearing Example 1: Removal of Cement Expansion from the Test
sporadically in all fly ashes. However, be aware that this observa- Response
tion needs to be tempered by the fact that the information (Table
Autoclave expansion tests are normally conducted on specimens
2) reflects only a single level of fly ash replacement (20% by mass
that contain 80% portland cement and 20% fly ash, and have been
of cement).
proportioned with enough water to reach a consistency denoted as
There are a few difficulties that are encountered when one is
‘‘normal consistency.’’ Both cements and fly ashes can contain
attempting to evaluate the soundness of portland cement-fly ash
expansive constituents (that is, free lime, periclase, and tricalcium
mixtures. This is especially true when the evaluation spans across
aluminate) that contribute to the overall measured expansion of
many years.
the test specimen. However, it is often desirable to know how
First, one must keep in mind that the portland cement chosen
much of the expansion can be attributed to changes in the fly ash.
for use in any given laboratory has an influence on the expansion
The procedure that has been used at this laboratory consists of
observed in the autoclave test. However, the real reason for per-
subtracting the expansion of a control specimen of the cement from
forming the test on any given fly ash is to evaluate how the fly
the expansion that was observed for the test specimen containing
both cement and fly ash. The expansion of the control specimen
TABLE 1—Typical test methods used to evaluate soundness. is normally corrected for the level of fly ash replacement (that is,
Temperature and Duration of Test, 0.8 times the cement expansion for standard tests). This concept
Type of Test Pressure approximate is best illustrated by the following example.
Our laboratory had just depleted its supply of Cement A and
Water cure 21 to 248C ambient months to years had changed to a new (fresh) one, which will be referred to as
Storage over 1008C ambient pressure varied from 5 to 24 h Cement B. Nearly immediately, the fly ash marketing agency
boiling water called and asked why the autoclave expansion test results had
Le Chatelier test 1008C ambient pressure 1h increased so dramatically. Hence, a series of 20 consecutive sam-
Autoclave (early 1758C varied from 1 to 3 days

TABLE 3—Composition of cements and fly ashes used in Example 1.

Fly Ash 1–5 Fly Ash 6–10 Fly Ash 11–15 Fly Ash 16–20

FIG. 2—Autoclave expansion of test specimens containing various percentages of fly ash from Power Plant F.

FIG. 3—X-ray diffractogram of fly ash from Power Plant F.

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The influence of W/CM ratio was also studied because many to measure specimens that exhibit such severe distortion; however,
Class C fly ashes tend to reduce the amount of mixing water failure was plainly evident in each of the test specimens. The speci-
that is required to reach normal consistency. Keep in mind mens denoted as ‘‘very wet’’ in Table 5 were so fluid that they
that the autoclave specimens are generally molded at equivalent had to be poured into the autoclave bar molds. Hence, there was
consistencies (normal consistency), rather than equivalent water plenty of free water available to hydrate the various constituents
contents. This poses a dilemma because soundness tests are of the paste.
conducted to evaluate the slow (or delayed) hydration of expan- In this study, the autoclave test results obtained using fly ash
sive components; however, the expansive components cannot from Power Plant F were only in qualitative agreement with com-
hydrate if they do not have sufficient water. How much water panion test specimens that had been cured at ambient pressure and
is sufficient? This is a difficult question to answer quantitatively; temperature (Fig. 5). These test specimens, which contained 20 to
however, a few test specimens were molded at various water 40% of the problematic fly ash, were molded and cured using the
contents to see if this variable was critical to soundness failures normal procedure. Then they were immersed in a water bath at
in the autoclave test. room temperature, rather than being subjected to the normal auto-
Figure 4 depicts the influence of fly ash content on the W/CM clave curing cycle.
ratio needed to produce portland cement-fly ash pastes at normal The test specimens exhibited rapid expansion during the first
consistency. As mentioned earlier, the Class C fly ash reduced the few days of curing. This was followed by a substantial decrease
amount of water needed to reach normal consistency. However, in the rate of expansion (days 7 through 90), and finally, after
varying the water content of the test specimens containing 30 and approximately three months of curing, the expansion stopped. The
40%, respectively, of the unsound fly ash had little influence on test specimens are still being monitored periodically to assess their
the outcome of the autoclave expansion tests (Table 5). Again, long-term stability.
the expansions summarized in Table 5 should only be considered As mentioned above, the results of the autoclave tests were only
qualitatively because of the difficulty encountered when attempting in qualitative agreement with the tests that were conducted at ambi-
ent temperature and pressure. In general, both the autoclaved and
water-cured specimens exhibited increasing expansion with
increasing levels of fly ash replacement. However, only the speci-
mens containing 20% fly ash expanded similar amounts (0.12%
in the autoclave and 0.11% after six months in the water bath).
The portland cement control specimen expanded nearly three times
more in the water bath than it did in the autoclave. The test speci-
mens that failed miserably in the autoclave (that is, containing 30
and 40% fly ash), expanded less than 0.2% after six months in the
water bath. Of course, there is no valid reason to assume that the
test specimens in the water bath have totally stopped expanding,
only time and continued monitoring will establish their true sound-
ness characteristics. However, if the influence of the portland
cement is removed from the test response (Fig. 6), then the expan-
sion curves appear to be very flat, with little indication of impend-
ing failure.

FIG. 4—Influence of fly ash content on the amount of water needed to

produce test specimens at normal consistency.

TABLE 5—Influence of varying the water content of test specimens on

the results of the autoclave expansion tests.
Description of Test Fly Ash Content, W/CM Expansion,
Specimen mass % Ratio %

Control cement, at 0 0.262 0.03

normal consistency
30% fly ash, at normal 30 0.236 4.9 (failure)
30% fly ash, at wet 30 0.242 5.8 (failure)
30% fly ash, at very wet 30 0.248 4.9 (failure)
40% fly ash, at normal 40 0.230 8.4 (failure)
40% fly ash, at wet 40 0.236 8.4 (failure)
40% fly ash, at very wet 40 0.242 8.4 (failure)
consistency FIG. 5—Paste expansion versus time for the test specimens cured at
ambient pressure and temperature.

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Instead, the autoclave expansion test has been used to provide a

performance criterion that all fly ashes must meet. This appears
to be conservative in most instances because the autoclave test is
so sensitive to the presence of free lime; however, it also fails to
contribute to our knowledge concerning the fundamental mecha-
nisms that produce unsound behavior.

American Society for Testing and Materials, 1937, ‘‘Report of Working
Committee on Volume Change and Soundness of Portland
Cement,’’ Proceedings of the 39th Annual Meeting of ASTM, Vol.
36, Part 1, Committee Reports, pp. 225–251.
Blank, A. J., June 1935, ‘‘Causes of Unsoundness of Cement,’’ Concrete-
Cement Mill Section, Vol. 43, No. 6, pp. 38–40.
Erdhal, B. F., June 1920, ‘‘Cause of Unsoundness in Portland Cement,’’
Concrete-Cement Mill Section, Vol. 16, No. 6, pp. 133–135.
Gonnerman, H. F., Lerch, W., and Whiteside, T. M., June 1953, PCA
Laboratory Bulletin 45.
McCarthy, G. J., Solem, J. K., Manz, O. E., and Hassett, D. J., 1988, ‘‘Use
of a Database of Chemical, Mineralogical and Physical Properties
FIG. 6—Corrected expansion versus time for the test specimens con-
of North American Fly Ash to Study the Nature of Fly Ash and
taining various amounts of fly ash.
Its Utilization as a Mineral Admixture in Concrete,’’ Materials
Research Society Proceedings, Vol. 178, Materials Research Soci-
ety, Pittsburgh, pp. 3–33.
Summary Mehta, P. K., 1978, ‘‘History and Status of Performance Tests for Evalua-
tion of Soundness of Cements,’’ ASTM STP 663, American Society
In summary, this paper has attempted to show how fly ash can for Testing and Materials, West Conshohocken, PA.
influence the soundness of portland cement-fly ash pastes. It is Schlorholtz, S., 1983, Autoclave Expansion of Portland Cement-Fly Ash
important to realize that fly ash often contains free lime, periclase, Pastes, MS Thesis, Iowa State University.
and tricalcium aluminate, and that these are the same compounds Schlorholtz, S. and Demirel, T., 1985, ‘‘Autoclave Expansion of Portland
Cement Fly Ash Pastes,’’ Materials Research Society Symposium,
that have been attributed to unsound behavior in portland cements. Vol. 43, Materials Research Society, Pittsburgh, pp. 85–93.
These constituents function much the same way in fly ash; how- Young, R. N., Sept.–Oct. 1937, ‘‘The Autoclave Test and Interpretations,’’
ever, little attempt has been made to quantify these minerals. Journal of the American Concrete Institute, Vol. 34, pp. 13–22.

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