GUIDELINES For "Generate Description From Query" Task: Judging Process

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GUIDELINES for “Generate description from Query” Task

This simple task aims to get a description of a search query’s intent. You are expected to step into the shoes of a person
who searched this in google from a specific location and try to best describe what the user is looking for (and) also
describe what types of results would best help the user

Judging process
1. Put yourself in the shoes of the person doing the search and think what you’d be looking for
2. If you see a misspelling, use common sense to think what it really might mean
3. For certain searches, the location from where it’s issued matters as the search engine results will change
- E.g. “Starbucks near me”, “How to get a drivers license”, “who is the president”
4. For some searches, E.g. “who is the president of the USA”, is dependent on the current date and can change

Example descriptions to get you started

Q:{percent of aericans that are malnourished} – Location: Westfield, New Jersey
For this query, the location is not important as the answer will not change based on the location the query is being made

Good Descriptions: Bad Descriptions:

1. Query Intent: The user is looking to find the Examples of bad Query intent descriptions:
percentage of Americans that are malnourished. • Looking for percent of americans malnourished
• Percent of americans that are malnourished
Expected results: Acceptable answers would be • Malnourished percentage of americans
statistics & data from reliable sources. Historical trends
would be nice too. Examples of bad “Expected results” descriptions:
• Charts
• Statistics
2. Query Intent: The intent is to get statistics about the • Link to website
percentage of US citizens that are malnourished. • Malnourished people
Expected results: Acceptable answers include charts,
statistics, articles talking about this subject.

Q:{can I open carry a gun} – Location: Nyack, New York

For this query, the location is very important as the answer will be different based on the location from where query is

Good Descriptions: Bad Descriptions:

1. Query Intent: The intent is to understand the legality of Examples of bad Query intent descriptions:
carrying a loaded or unloaded gun which is visible to • Looking for open carry law
the public eye as opposed to concealed carry (where • Open carry gun
the gun is hidden from other observers) in and around
Nyack, New York
Examples of bad expected results description
Expected results: Great results include answer to the • Link to news site
exact question citing the official source. and link to the • Answer to question
official government page, Wikipedia, other sources. • Pictures of guns


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