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Name : Ahmad Junaidi

NIM : 2019.C.11a.0997
Study Program : S1 Keperawatan Tingkat 2A
Subject : English
Lecturer : Desy Natalia.S.pd.,M.Pd
Assigment : Unit 8 Speaking

Discussing a case history
1. Read this case history of a woman who died from colon cancer because she
did not get medical treatment early enough.
Mrs Jobarti was an immigrant who spoke very little of the Janguage of the
country she lived in. She was a shy woman who was not well-educated and came
from a culture and a generation of women who do not communicate easily with
men about personal matters . She was suffering frequent abdominal pains and one
day she noticed blood in her stools. However, she was afraid of the foreign'
doctors at her local clinic and was too embarrassed to talk to them about bowel
habits. She visited a local healer from her own country who told Mrs Jobarti that
she had a potentially fatal illness, but encouraged her to stay away from "Western'
medicine, gave her herbal preparations, and performed a healing ceremony.
Finally, Mrs Jobarti found the courage to go to a doctor. The patient and the
doctor (a man) did not understand each other and the doctor, who did not use an
interpreter, briefly examined her, took a sample of her blood, prescribed laxatives,
and recommended a change in diet. The blood test was negative, but Mrs Jobarti's
symptoms got worse over the next six months. She was eventually referred to a
local hospital. There was a very long waiting list to see a specialist and the
hospital did not make her a priority . Mrs Jobarti did not make a fuss, but suffered
in silence. Samples of her stools got lost in Pathology. She had to repeat the tests
and it was another four months before she was diagnosed with advanced colon
cancer. It was too late to do anything and she died within a month.
2. Think about the factors that contributed to the delay in getting treatment. Who
or what was most to blame? Put these things into what you think is their order
of importance.
• the culture she was living in (√)
• the doctor (√)
• the healer
• the hospital (√)
• the patient herself (√)
• the patient's culture (√)
• the patient's husband
3. Explain and discuss reasons for your choices to a partner and then discuss
them with the rest of the class.

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