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Name : Ahmad Junaidi

NIM : 2019.C.11a.0997
Study Program : S1 Keperawatan Tingkat 2A
Subject : English
Lecturer : Desy Natalia.S.pd.,M.Pd
Assigment : Unit 14 Speaking

Mental health issues
Read the case netes and either choose a solution or think of an alternative
solution. Compare your solutions with other students and explain your choice.
Then make a final decision by taking a vote.
1. A 27 year old female patient, who comes from a broken home and was
sexually abused as a child, is addicted to heroin She turns to prostitution and
street robbery to get money to buy drugs. She has had psychiatric treatment in
the past, but each time she has run away and returned to her old lifestyle.
There are two priorities: the patient's best interests and the interests of the
community. Decide which, if any, of the following you would recommend.
a. Deal with the crimes and send her to prison
b. Give her psychotherapy
c. Address the drug addiction and send her into rehab
: Rehabilitation is the best option
2. An intelligent teenage girl from a strong religious background tells an
extraordinary story. She says she has been forced by Satanists to kill a child
and eat its heart. She is totally sincere but there is no evidence that her story is
Decide how to deal with this.
a. Tell the police that a crime has been committed
b. Treat her as if she is lying
c. Pretend you believe her story
3. An aggressive chíld is in frequent fights at school and disrupts lessons. The
head teacher suspends him. A psychologist tests the child and concludes that
though he has emotional problems, he is of above average intelligence.
There are two priorities: the education of the child and the education of the
other children. Decide which, if any. of the following is the best way forward.
a. Whatever happens to the boy, he should not go back to the classroom
b. Give him special (and expensive) one-to-one teaching
c. Send him back to school and make allowances for his behaviour

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