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Proceedings of the ASME 2010 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition

November 12-18, 2010, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Proceedings of the ASME 2010 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition
November 12-18, 2010, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada



Marco Raciti Castelli (*), Guido Ardizzon (*), Lorenzo Battisti (**),
Ernesto Benini (*), Giorgio Pavesi (*)
(*) Department of Mechanical Engineering – University of Padova
Via Venezia, 1 – 35131 Padova, Italy
(**) Department of Mechanical and Structural Engineering – University of Trento
Via Mesiano, 77 I – 38123 Povo (TN), Italy
marco.raciticastelli@unipd.it (corresponding author)


This paper presents a model for the evaluation of optimal Recent instabilities of world economy, due to the
spatial grid node distribution in the CFD analysis of a Darrieus increasing price of carbon-derivative fuels along with the
vertical axis micro wind turbine, by analyzing the trends over a connected socio-political turbulences, have aroused the interest
360° rotation of some indicators of near-blade mesh quality. in the production of renewable energy among the most
To this purpose, a complete validation campaign has been industrialised western nations.
conducted through a systematic comparison of numerical In this scenario, the continuous quest for clean energy is
simulations with wind tunnel experimental data. now focusing on the local production of electric power, spread
Both two-dimensional and three-dimensional grids, in a wide area, so as to cooperate with the big electric power
characterized by average y+ values of 30 and 1, have been plants located in just few specific strategic locations of the
tested by applying some statistical techniques as a guidance in countries.
selecting the appropriate grid configuration and corresponding One of the most promising resources is wind power
turbulence model. associated with local production of clean electric power inside
Finally, the tip downstream recirculation zone due to the the built environment such industrial and residential areas,
finite blade extension and the influence of spokes have been which has lead to the development of the so called
analyzed, achieving a numerical quantification of the influence “Computational Wind Engineering”. This new discipline has
of induced drag and spokes drag on overall rotor performance. also renewed the interest in vertical-axis wind turbines
(VAWTs), which present several advantages if compared with
the classical horizontal-axis wind turbines (HAWTs), primarily:
A [m2] rotor swept area • lower sound emission;
Cp [-] rotor power coefficient • independence from wind directions;
λ [-] tip speed ratio • better environmental impact due to their “three-
P∞ [W] kinetic energy flux entering rotor front section dimensionality”.
ρ [kg/m3] unperturbed air density (assumed 1.225 kg/m3)
n statistical population data The vertical axis wind turbine has an inherently non-
uτ [m/s] tangential wall velocity stationary aerodynamic behaviour, mainly due to the
V∞ [m/s] unperturbed wind velocity at test section entrance continuous variation of the blade angle of attack during the
y [m] wall-grid centroid distance rotation of the machine: this peculiarity involves the continuous
ω [rad/s] rotor angular velocity variation both of the relative velocity with respect to the blade
x [Nm] data average value profile and - although to a lesser extent - of the corresponding
σ [Nm] standard deviation Reynolds number. This phenomenon, typical of slow rotating
µ [Pa·s] air dynamic viscosity machines, has a significant effect both on the dynamic loads

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acting on the rotor and on the generated power and, therefore, Figure 1 shows the main geometric characteristics of the
on performance. analyzed rotor.
The complexity of the phenomena involved in the
inherently unsteady behaviour of vertical axis turbines is often
impossible to investigate through classical aerodynamic tools
such as the theory of the blade elements (BE-M) and gives an
account of the use of computational fluid dynamics aimed at
determining the structure of the flow field (vortices, three-
dimensional effects, influence of spoke shape) otherwise
impossible to analyze.
Performing CFD calculations provide knowledge about the
flow in all its details, such as velocities, pressure, temperature,
etc. Further, all types of useful graphical presentations, such as
flow lines, contour lines and iso-lines are readily available.
This stage can be compared to having completed a wind-tunnel
study or an elaborate full-scale measurement campaign [1].
CFD methods involve very large amounts of computation
even for relatively simple problems and their accuracy is often
difficult to assess when applied to a new problem where prior
experimental validation has not been done [2].
To date only Ferreira [3], [4] presented a systematic CFD
analysis of a two-dimensional blade configuration. The effect
of dynamic stall in a 2D single-bladed VAWT was investigated, Figure 1: VAWT rotor model layout
reporting the influence of the turbulence model in the
simulation of the vortical structures spread from the blade. But Experimental characteristic curves are representative of
a single blade VAWT, although very suitable for the average-stationary rotor behaviour: torque and rotational speed
visualization of flow field close to the rotor, has no practical data acquisition frequency was only 0.5 Hz and was therefore
engineering applications. too low to reproduce the instantaneous torque curve as a
The present work aims to develop a numerical function of rotor angular position. This choice, in light of the
methodology in order to predict the performance of a three- subsequent numerical analysis, proved unfortunate, since it
bladed Darrieus rotor by reviewing the adequacy of the only allowed the comparison of torque average values, whereas
numerical solutions and physical models implemented in CFD higher data acquisition frequency would have allowed a
codes. comparison based on instantaneous torque values and therefore
The software used was ANSYS Fluent 6.3.26. blade azimuthal position.
The measurements were carried out at the “Politecnico di
Milano” in Milan – Bovisa low turbulence wind tunnel, whose
EXPERIMENTAL SETUP test section of 4000 x 3840 mm is shown in figure 2.
The experimental setup consisted in a straight-bladed
Darrieus rotor, developed for experimental purpose and made
of woven carbon fiber wrapped around a wood core, with the
following geometrical characteristics:

Diameter [mm] 1030

Height [mm] 1456.4
Number of blades 3
Blade section NACA 0021
Chord [mm] 85.8
Spoke-blade connection 0.5 c
σ 0.25

Table 1: Rotor geometrical characteristics

Figure 2: Low turbulence wind tunnel at the “Politecnico di
Spokes were made of simple aluminium plates 5 mm thick. Milano” (source: [5])

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Figure 3 shows the “rough” values of Cp obtained by • a prismatic (rectangular in a two-dimensional case)
dividing the value of the kinetic energy flux entering the front outer zone having the same section of the wind tunnel
section of the rotor by the product of measured rotor torque and test chamber, with a cylindrical hole (circular in a two-
angular velocity, for an unperturbed wind speed at test section dimensional case) centered on the turbine rotational
entrance of 9 m/s: axis, which was identified as Wind Tunnel sub-grid,
Cp = P / (½ ρ A V∞3) (1) • a cylindrical (circular in a two-dimensional case) inner
zone, which was identified as Rotor sub-grid, rotating
as a function of the tip speed ratio, defined as: with angular velocity ω.

λ = ωR / V∞ (2)
These data are defined as " rough " because the correction Figure 4 shows the main dimensions of the Wind Tunnel
due to wind tunnel blockage was not considered, in order to sub-grid area for a two-dimensional case.
minimize any sources of error due to a wrong estimation of the
blockage of the wind tunnel itself: the operation of the rotor
inside the wind tunnel was numerically simulated by
reproducing a computational domain of rectangular shape,
having the same wind tunnel test section size.
Furthermore, this choice has the significant advantage of
reducing the computational domain, allowing a saving in the
total number of mesh elements (even if low, since increasing
the distance from the rotor, the cell size significantly increases).
The correction of the friction resistive torque due to the
bearings interposed between rotor and torquemeter was taken
into account. Figure 4 Main dimensions of the Wind Tunnel sub-grid area
(dimensions in mm)
Inlet and outlet boundary conditions were placed
respectively 10 diameters upwind and 14 diameters downwind
0.25 with respect to the rotor, allowing a full development of the
0.20 wake, as suggested by the work of Ferreira et al [3].

The blade azimuthal position was identified by the angular

coordinate of the pressure centre of the blade midsection, as
0.10 can be seen in Figure 5.

1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5
Tip Speed Ratio

Figure 3: Wind tunnel measured power curve (correction

due to wind tunnel blockage was not considered) for a wind
speed at test section entrance of 9 m/s


All the meshes which were analyzed in the present work
had common geometric features, except for the areas close to
the blade profiles.
As the aim of the present work was to reproduce the
operation of a rotating machine, the use of moving sub-grids
was necessary. In particular, the discretization of the
computational domain into macro-areas led to two distinct
subgrids: Figure 5: Blade azimuthal coordinate

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In the three-dimensional analysis only half of the easy to obtain, also for complex geometries, and often represent
experimental setup was modelled, due to its vertical symmetry: the “first attempt” in order to get a quick response from the
a symmetry boundary condition was used, allowing a CFD in engineering work.
considerable saving of elements (50%), which resulted in
reduction of computational time. Anyway, the geometrical
features of the model did not allow other simplifications to be
The effect of gravity on the rotor working curves has not
been contemplated, being considered not influential for the aim
of this work.
An unstructured mesh was chosen for the Wind Tunnel
sub-grid, in order to reduce engineering time to prepare the
CFD simulations.

Figure 7: Schematic of Rotor sub-grid area (dimensions in


All blade profiles inside the Rotor sub-grid are enclosed in

a control cylinder (circle in a two-dimensional case) of 400 mm
diameter. Unlike the interface, it has no physical significance:
its aim is to allow a precise dimensional control of the grid
elements in the area close to rotor blades by adopting a first
size function operating from the blade profile to the control
Figure 6: Mesh visualization for Wind Tunnel sub-grid area cylinder itself and a second size function operating from the
control cylinder to the whole Rotor sub-grid area, ending with
Either a symmetry or a wall boundary condition were used grid elements of the same size of the corresponding Wind
for the two side walls (a sensitivity analysis performed on a 2D tunnel sub-grid elements.
model proved the equivalence of these two boundary An interior boundary condition was used for control
conditions for the aerodynamic characterization of the rotor). cylinder surfaces, thus ensuring the continuity of the cells on
The cylindrical surface (circumference in a two- both sides of the control cylinder.
dimensional case) of the central hole was set as an interface, A growth factor of 1.26 was set from the surface of the
thus ensuring the continuity of the flow field. control cylinder to Rotor sub-grid, thus expanding grid size
from 8.5 mm to 30 mm, as shown in figure 8.
The Rotor sub-grid is the fluid area simulating the rotation
of the wind turbine and is therefore characterized by a moving
mesh, rotating at the same angular velocity of the turbine. Its
location coincides exactly with the hole inside the Wind Tunnel
sub-grid area.
It is good engineering practise to provide that the mesh on
both sides of the interface (Rotor sub-grid and Wind Tunnel
sub-grid areas) has approximately the same characteristic cell
size in order to obtain faster convergence [6].
An isotropic unstructured mesh was chosen for the Rotor
sub-grid, in order to guarantee the same accuracy in the
prediction of rotor’s performance during the rotation –
according to the studies of Commings, Forsythe, Morton and
Squires [7] – and also in order to test the prediction capability
of a very simple grid. Considering their features of flexibility
and adaption capability, unstructured meshes are in fact very
Figure 8: Two-dimensional Rotor sub-grid

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( x j − x )2
σ= j =1 (4) 90
n  xj − x 
a= ∑ 
(n − 1)(n − 2) j =1  σ 
 (5) 80


Average y+ .
where n is the population of data analyzed, x is the average
value of blade y+ and σ is the standard deviation.
Figure 21 adds some information about the asymmetry of 50
the y+ parameter: it can be observed that some azimuthal
positions, though having acceptable y+ average values, present 40
very high asymmetry values, thus being critical for the
accuracy of the numerical solution 30
0 60 120 180 240 300 360
Blade azimuthal position [°]

Figure 20: Average y+ values for a single-bladed Group 1

mesh as a function of the azimuthal position


Asymmetry [-] .

0 60 120 180 240 300 360



Figure 18: Variation of the angle of incidence on the blade -0.6

profile as a function of the azimuthal coordinate position

for different tip speed ratios -0.8
Blade azimuthal position [°]

Figure 21: Average y+ values and asymmetry values for a

single-bladed Group 1 mesh as a function of the azimuthal

The systematic application of the methodology described

in this section allowed a relevant improving of mesh quality for
a Group 1 single-bladed configuration.
The final choice was mesh Mod A for Group 1, based on a
better distribution of the blade y+ and asymmetry, coupled with
a k-omega SST turbulence model, because of its better ability to
describe flow separation [9], [10], [11] which occurs in flow
fields dominated by adverse pressure gradients, even if it has
Figure 19: Velocity vectors around a blade. In the area of shown a certain sensitivity to grid size [12]. Standard wall
stagnation (right) downwind of the profile very low values functions were used to model the boundary layer.
of the y+ parameter are registered (turbulence model: k-ω For Group 2 meshes, Enhanced Wall Treatment k-ε
SST). Realizable proved to be the best turbulence model, because of

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BE-M code does not model the drag of the arm-blade- The sub-model used for the BEM analysis (dynamic stall,
tower fluid-dynamic interactions; flow curvature, streamtubes expansion) need further
• there is a marked difference of infinite aspect ratio refinements to get comparable results with the CFD, although it
case between CFD and BE-M. With this option, the seems to be able to capture the main physical phenomena.
reduction of the angle of attack due to the tip effects The influence of wind tunnel blockage on rotor
along the blade is not longer dumped and leads to performance must be further investigated through the
large stall effects in the low tip speed ratio range. The development of a numerical tool, in order to estimate real
torque results to be greatly reduced and even negative operational rotor power curve.
in this range;
• A moderate shift of the maximum Cp tip speed ratio is
also observed for the BE-M simulations, but this effect REFERENCES
can be caused by the model used for the tunnel [1] Jensen, A. G., Franke, J., Hirsch, C., Schatzmann, M.,
blockage effect. Stathopoulos, T., Wisse, J., Wright, N. G.: CFD
Techniques – Computational Wind Engineering,
The high value of the numerically determined maximum Proceedings of the International Conference on Urban
power coefficient (0.56) is fictitious and is due to wind tunnel Wind Engineering and Building Aerodynamics – Impact
blockage effects: the presence of an obstacle (the rotor) inside of Wind and Storm on City Life and Built Environment –
the wind tunnel test section raises the wind speed close to the Working Group 2, COST Action C14, Von Karman
rotor to a higher value than the unperturbed reference wind Institute, Rode-Saint-Genèse (Belgium), 2004;
speed of 9 m/s, which was measured at the test section [2] Stathopoulos, T.: Wind Effects on People, Proceedings of
entrance. the International Conference on Urban Wind Engineering
and Building Aerodynamics – Impact of Wind Storm on
City Life and Built Environment, COST Action C14, Von
CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK Karman Institute, Rode-Saint-Genèse (Belgium), 2004;
In this paper a numerical analysis validation campaign for [3] Simao Ferreira, C. J., Bijl, H., van Bussel, G., van Kuik,
a Darrieus micro-VAWT has been conducted through a G.: Simulating Dynamic Stall in a 2D VAWT: Modeling
systematic comparison with wind tunnel experimental data. Strategy, Verification and Validation with Particle Image
The optimal spatial discretization has been obtained by Velocimetry Data, The Science of Making Torque from
analyzing the trends over a 360° rotation of some indicators of Wind, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 75, 2007;
the quality of the near-blade mesh, i.e. the average value of the [4] Simao Ferreira, C.J., van Bussel, G., Scarano, F., van
y+ and its asymmetry. Kuik, G.: 2D PIV Visualization of Dynamic Stall on a
Two different groups of mesh, characterized by values of Vertical Axis Wind Turbine, AIAA, 2007;
y+ of 30 and 1, have been developed both for three-dimensional [5] http://www.windtunnel.polimi.it/brochure.pdf;
and two-dimensional models. [6] Fluent Inc., Fluent User’s Manual, pp. 52, 54, 59, 71, 143;
The choice of turbulence models, based on literature data [7] Cummings, R.M., Forsythe, J.R., Morton, S.A., Squires,
and numerical comparisons with wind tunnel experimental K.D., Computational Challenges in High Angle of Attack
measurements, led to k-ω SST model for meshes characterized Flow Prediction, 2003, Progr Aerosp Sci 39(5):369-384;
by y+ of 30 and Enhanced Wall Treatment k-ε Realizable model [8] Battisti L., Brighenti A., Zanne L., Analisi dell’effetto
for meshes characterized by y+ of 1. della scelta dell’architettura palare sulle prestazioni di
The obtained results demonstrate that, through statistical turbine eoliche ad asse verticale, 64° Congresso
analysis of some indicators such as the y+ parameter, it is Nazionale ATI, 6-11 Settembre 2009, L’Aquila
possible to determine the best near-blade element dimension so [9] Spalart, P. R.: A One-Equation Turbulence Model for
as to maximize the accuracy of the numerical prediction of Aerodynamic Flows, La Recherche Aerospatiale, 1994;
rotor performance. [10] Menter, F. R.: Two-Equation Eddy-Viscosity Turbulence
It has also been demonstrated that, through accurate Models for Engineering Applications, AIAA Journal,
numerical analysis, it is possible to replicate the shape of the 32(8):1598, 1994;
experimental rotor power curve and that the numerical code is [11] Wilcox, D. C.: Turbulence Modeling for CFD, DCW
also able to capture the maximum power coefficient tip speed Industries Inc., La Canada, California, 1998;
ratio, thus offering a reliable alternative to the development of [12] Bardina J.E., Huang P.G., Coakley T.J., Turbulence
experimental tests for the first step implementation of wind Modeling Validation, Testing and Development, Technical
turbine control systems. Report 110446, NASA, 1997.
The proposed procedure is a valid tool for assessing the
performance of blade profiles in micro vertical axis wind
turbines, even in the absence of an extended database.

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The CFD analysis of a Darrieus wind turbine shows some
peculiar characteristics that make the control of the y+
parameter very difficult. The flow field around the rotor is in
fact characterized by unsteadiness due to the continuous
variation of the angle of incidence on the blade profile, as can
be seen from figure 16 and 17.

Figure 14-15: Improved mesh regularity

after conversion into polyhedra Figure 16-17: Variation of pressure field on a profile as a
function of azimuthal position. Incoming flow from the left
The temporal discretization has been achieved by imposing side (turbulence model: k-ω SST)
a time step equal to the lapse of time the rotor takes to make a
1° rotation. An improved temporal-discretization simulation did In figure 18 the azimuthal variation of the angle of
not show any significant variation. The data were saved and incidence, obtained from double-disk, multiple streamtube
then analyzed every 4 degrees of turbine rotation, so as to avoid BEM was plotted for different tip speed ratios.
handling a large amount of data storage. This variation causes a significant change in the value of
The commercial CFD package used was Fluent 6.3.26, blade y+ parameter, depending on rotor tip speed ratio and
which implements 3-D Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes azimuthal position. When the blade profile operates in a post-
equations using a finite volume-finite element based solver. stall condition, the suction side average y+ parameter decreases
The fluid was assumed to be incompressible, being the considerably below the limit value of 30 for Group 1 meshes
maximum fluid velocity on the order of 60 m/s. and 1 for Group 2 meshes.
The simulations, performed on a 8 processor, 2.33 GHz
clock frequency computer, have been run until the STATISTICAL APPROACH
instantaneous torque values showed a deviation of less than 1% The average values of blade y+ for a Group 1 mesh have
compared with the corresponding values of the previous period. been reported in figure 20 as a function of the azimuthal
Total CPU time has been about: position, thus identifying some areas where the CFD solution
could be inaccurate.
• 20 days for each three-dimensional Group 1 These considerations, though useful as a first approach to
simulation; the problem, were not considered sufficient as a guidance in
• 2 days for each two-dimensional Group 1 simulation; selecting the appropriate grid configuration. The next step was
• 7 days for each two-dimensional simulation Group 2 to analyze also the standard deviation and the asymmetry of y+
simulation. values, as in the following formulas:

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( x j − x )2
σ= j =1 (4) 90
n  xj − x 
a= ∑ 
(n − 1)(n − 2) j =1  σ 
 (5) 80


Average y+ .
where n is the population of data analyzed, x is the average
value of blade y+ and σ is the standard deviation.
Figure 21 adds some information about the asymmetry of 50
the y+ parameter: it can be observed that some azimuthal
positions, though having acceptable y+ average values, present 40
very high asymmetry values, thus being critical for the
accuracy of the numerical solution 30
0 60 120 180 240 300 360
Blade azimuthal position [°]

Figure 20: Average y+ values for a single-bladed Group 1

mesh as a function of the azimuthal position


Asymmetry [-] .

0 60 120 180 240 300 360



Figure 18: Variation of the angle of incidence on the blade -0.6

profile as a function of the azimuthal coordinate position

for different tip speed ratios -0.8
Blade azimuthal position [°]

Figure 21: Average y+ values and asymmetry values for a

single-bladed Group 1 mesh as a function of the azimuthal

The systematic application of the methodology described

in this section allowed a relevant improving of mesh quality for
a Group 1 single-bladed configuration.
The final choice was mesh Mod A for Group 1, based on a
better distribution of the blade y+ and asymmetry, coupled with
a k-omega SST turbulence model, because of its better ability to
describe flow separation [9], [10], [11] which occurs in flow
fields dominated by adverse pressure gradients, even if it has
Figure 19: Velocity vectors around a blade. In the area of shown a certain sensitivity to grid size [12]. Standard wall
stagnation (right) downwind of the profile very low values functions were used to model the boundary layer.
of the y+ parameter are registered (turbulence model: k-ω For Group 2 meshes, Enhanced Wall Treatment k-ε
SST). Realizable proved to be the best turbulence model, because of

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very poor sensitivity to grid dimension. Mod A’ proved to be • two-dimensional rotor performance;
the best option for Group 2. • tip effects contribution;
• spokes contribution.


Once the optimal mesh configuration had been achieved, it TWO-DIMENSIONAL CALCULATION OF THREE-
was possible to estimate tip effect influence by comparing BLADED ROTOR POWER CURVE AND COMPARISON
Group 1 three-dimensional one-bladed rotor performance with WITH EXPERIMENTAL DATA
the correspondent two-dimensional configuration for optimum Figure 23 shows the comparison between wind tunnel
tip speed ratio operational condition. measured power curved, the corresponding numerically
A Group 1 three-dimensional one-bladed rotor determined power curve (two-dimensional Group 2 Mod A’
configuration was also simulated in order to estimate the mesh), and the results of the BEM code [8]. The latter results
influence of spokes drag on overall rotor performance for have been corrected by the wind tunnel blockage effects to
optimum tip speed ratio operational condition. make the curves comparable. For the BE-M case, two
Figure 22 shows the combined influence of tip effects and simulations have been presented, one without considering tip
spokes drag on a single-bladed rotor performance for optimum effects (aspect ratio = infinity), and the other taking into
tip speed ratio operational condition. account the actual tip effects by the theory of Prandtl (aspect
ratio = 16,9) of the model.
. . .

Percentual single-bladed rotor performance










No tip effects Tip effects Tip effects
No spokes drag No spokes drag Spokes drag

Figure 22: combined influence of tip effects and spokes

drag on single-bladed rotor performance for optimum tip
speed ratio operational condition Figure 23: Comparison between wind tunnel measured, the
numerically determined power curve (correction due to
It can be seen that the combined effect of finite blade blockage was not considered), and the BE-M simulations
extension and spokes drag weights about one half of two- for a wind speed at test section entrance of 9 m/s
dimensional power coefficient for optimum tip speed ratio.
The following conclusions can be drawn:

PRINCIPLE OF SUPERPOSITION FOR TIP EFFECTS • the CFD code is able to replicate the shape of the
AND SPOKES DRAG experimental curve;
A complete campaign of analysis was run for different • the CFD code is able to accurately capture the
angular velocity, showing that tip effects and spokes drag are maximum power coefficient tip speed ratio;
roughly constant over rotor operational angular velocity range. • the discrepancies between the two curves, roughly
The comparison between the following simulations: constant over rotor operational angular range and
corresponding to about one half of two-dimensional

two-dimensional single-bladed configuration; power coefficient for optimum tip speed ratio, are due

three-dimensional single-bladed configuration; to the combined effects of finite blade length and

three-dimensional single-bladed configuration with spokes drag;
spokes • the BE-M simulations underestimate the CFD
proved that overall rotor performances could be obtained as the prediction, while experimental data are
superposition of: underestimated. This result was expected since the

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BE-M code does not model the drag of the arm-blade- The sub-model used for the BEM analysis (dynamic stall,
tower fluid-dynamic interactions; flow curvature, streamtubes expansion) need further
• there is a marked difference of infinite aspect ratio refinements to get comparable results with the CFD, although it
case between CFD and BE-M. With this option, the seems to be able to capture the main physical phenomena.
reduction of the angle of attack due to the tip effects The influence of wind tunnel blockage on rotor
along the blade is not longer dumped and leads to performance must be further investigated through the
large stall effects in the low tip speed ratio range. The development of a numerical tool, in order to estimate real
torque results to be greatly reduced and even negative operational rotor power curve.
in this range;
• A moderate shift of the maximum Cp tip speed ratio is
also observed for the BE-M simulations, but this effect REFERENCES
can be caused by the model used for the tunnel [1] Jensen, A. G., Franke, J., Hirsch, C., Schatzmann, M.,
blockage effect. Stathopoulos, T., Wisse, J., Wright, N. G.: CFD
Techniques – Computational Wind Engineering,
The high value of the numerically determined maximum Proceedings of the International Conference on Urban
power coefficient (0.56) is fictitious and is due to wind tunnel Wind Engineering and Building Aerodynamics – Impact
blockage effects: the presence of an obstacle (the rotor) inside of Wind and Storm on City Life and Built Environment –
the wind tunnel test section raises the wind speed close to the Working Group 2, COST Action C14, Von Karman
rotor to a higher value than the unperturbed reference wind Institute, Rode-Saint-Genèse (Belgium), 2004;
speed of 9 m/s, which was measured at the test section [2] Stathopoulos, T.: Wind Effects on People, Proceedings of
entrance. the International Conference on Urban Wind Engineering
and Building Aerodynamics – Impact of Wind Storm on
City Life and Built Environment, COST Action C14, Von
CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK Karman Institute, Rode-Saint-Genèse (Belgium), 2004;
In this paper a numerical analysis validation campaign for [3] Simao Ferreira, C. J., Bijl, H., van Bussel, G., van Kuik,
a Darrieus micro-VAWT has been conducted through a G.: Simulating Dynamic Stall in a 2D VAWT: Modeling
systematic comparison with wind tunnel experimental data. Strategy, Verification and Validation with Particle Image
The optimal spatial discretization has been obtained by Velocimetry Data, The Science of Making Torque from
analyzing the trends over a 360° rotation of some indicators of Wind, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 75, 2007;
the quality of the near-blade mesh, i.e. the average value of the [4] Simao Ferreira, C.J., van Bussel, G., Scarano, F., van
y+ and its asymmetry. Kuik, G.: 2D PIV Visualization of Dynamic Stall on a
Two different groups of mesh, characterized by values of Vertical Axis Wind Turbine, AIAA, 2007;
y+ of 30 and 1, have been developed both for three-dimensional [5] http://www.windtunnel.polimi.it/brochure.pdf;
and two-dimensional models. [6] Fluent Inc., Fluent User’s Manual, pp. 52, 54, 59, 71, 143;
The choice of turbulence models, based on literature data [7] Cummings, R.M., Forsythe, J.R., Morton, S.A., Squires,
and numerical comparisons with wind tunnel experimental K.D., Computational Challenges in High Angle of Attack
measurements, led to k-ω SST model for meshes characterized Flow Prediction, 2003, Progr Aerosp Sci 39(5):369-384;
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performance of blade profiles in micro vertical axis wind
turbines, even in the absence of an extended database.

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