Balasubramanyam Cherukuri - H1B

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1-797A | NOTICE OF ACTION | FReipe Nome — eae Tipe iter FSP eos Rianne Tenino a CTERCKURL BALASUBRAMANYAM a NITYA SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS INC c/o SATYA BATHULA 3100 MOWRY AVENUE STE 205 FREMONT CA 94538 Notice Type: Approval Notice Class: HIB Valid from 10/21/2019 to 06/30/2022 ‘Tho above pstion and change of atu have been approved. The tty ofthe named foveign workers in hs easiieaion is vali as indicated above “The foreign workers) san work forthe ptoner, Bet only a dete in the petion and forthe pero’ auhorin. Changss in employment o traning may require yout flea new Fort 129 petition, Since this employient rainy aulboriaice sts from the ling of his peton, seperate employment or tnuning authorization documtaton i not reauied. The 54 atached below may conan grace period of up to 10 days beer, and up 10 days afer the pttion vay prod forthe following clasifat LIA, E18, 0-1, 0.2, P-1,P-2,P.3, Tl, and TN2, 2A nonimmigrant may contains grace period oF Wo ane week: Deore and 30 days ater te pettion vl pio. he grace period isa piod of ‘guthrie sty bu es not provide the Beneficiary auhorztion to sork beyond the peton vanity pod, The decision wo grant a grace period andthe Tength of the granted grace period i discretionary. fina and cannot be cones on metion ur appeal Please com act the FRS with any questo about wx seta, “The petitioner should Yeep the upper porn ofthis notice. The ower orion shold be given to the worker He or she sould koxp the right pa with his ther Form #4, drvival Departre Record. The L94 ponien should ts given te US. Customs and order Protection when he or she eaves the United States. The le partis for his or her records. A patson grea eatnson o iy Who leaves the U S. must nally btn a new via bef retuming “Thee pert ean be wsed in appli forthe new vst sa fot yur, hs or she should presen i akon with any fer equ documentation, ‘when applying for retry in his ne closiation aa pot of cary or peat inspector: tation. The petitioner may ao file Form 1-428, Apication Jor-lctio onan Approved Apliaton or Peto, texas that We ify consulate pa of ent. pref nspection fic ofthis preva “The approval ofthis visu petition dos not in set gram any inamigran tans a oes not guaran tat the alien beneficiary wil subsequently be found tobe eligible fora vs, for admission othe United Sales, o or an enersivn change, e adjustment of stats ‘THIS FORM IS NOT A VISA AND MAY NOT BE USED IN PLACE OF A VISA, “The Sul Busincss Regulatory Enforcement and Fairness Ast eased the Oftice ofthe National Ombudsman (ONO) athe Sal Business ‘Administration, The ONO assists small Business with ses tle to fodea regulatos, It you se a small business wih coment 0 complaint sbout Jniory enforcement, you may contact the ONO at ov sbagovombudsman ot 2817 of fx 202-481-5719 Please se the adticna rormation onthe back. You wil be noted separately about any omer eases you ed = saa US, CITIZENSHIP & IMMIGRATION SVC Customer Service Telephone: 800-975.5283, Detach This Half for Personal Records Receipt# L1N1908750877 $ o1070657685 Receipt Number L1N1908750877 1-94# 01070657685 NAME CHERUKURI, BALASUBRAMANYAM CLASS HIB VALID FROM 10/21/2019 UNTHL 06/30/2022 PETITIONER NITYA SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS INC, 3100 MOWRY AVENUE STE 205 FREMONT Ca 94538 US Citizenship and Iaumigration Services 194 Departure Record {Retitioner: NIZYA SOFWARE SOLUTIONS INC Tefen Same CHERUKURL S TE Fin (Given) Soe Te Daa Bath BALASUBRAMANYAM I 031911994 Country of Cieship INDIA FORM 1-797A [REV. 08/01/16]

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