Pem Leakagedetection

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Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics 18 (2003) 315–327

Leakage detection in water pipe networks using

a Bayesian probabilistic framework
Z. Poulakis, D. Valougeorgis, C. Papadimitriou*
Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, University of Thessaly, Pedion Areos, Volos 38334, Greece
Received 17 November 2002; revised 1 July 2003; accepted 1 July 2003

A Bayesian system identification methodology is proposed for leakage detection in water pipe networks. The methodology properly
handles the unavoidable uncertainties in measurement and modeling errors. Based on information from flow test data, it provides estimates of
the most probable leakage events (magnitude and location of leakage) and the uncertainties in such estimates. The effectiveness of the
proposed framework is illustrated by applying the leakage detection approach to a specific water pipe network. Several important issues are
addressed, including the role of modeling error, measurement noise, leakage severity and sensor configuration (location and type of sensors)
on the reliability of the leakage detection methodology. The present algorithm may be incorporated into an integrated maintenance network
strategy plan based on computer-aided decision-making tools.
q 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: System identification; Bayesian method; Leakage detection; Water pipe networks

1. Introduction developed have taken the form of non-linear, dynamic,

heuristic and successive linear programming economic
Pipe networks represent one of the largest infrastructure models, which assist decision-making based usually on
assets of industrial society. In many cases these networks historical statistics and cost information. In an early work
suffer from aging and deterioration and fail to fulfill the Shamir and Howard [2] proposed a model, which estimates
specified carrying capacities and required pressure heads. the optimal time for pipe replacement based on pipe
The high maintenance and revamping costs, including breakage history and the cost for repairing and replacing
rehabilitation, replacement and/or expansion of existing pipes. Kettler and Goulter [3], identified a relationship
systems to meet current and future demands give rise to between breakage rate and pipe diameter as well as a
difficult decision-making. All these activities, due to the correlation between the number of pipe failures and pipe
large amount of money to be invested, usually become of age. They proposed that improvements to pipe breakage or
primary public interest. mechanical reliability may be achieved by selecting larger
One of the major problems to be faced is the frequent pipe diameters. Woodburn et al. [4] presented a model for
pipe-breaks with unaccounted water leakages resulting in determining the minimum cost for rehabilitation, replace-
service disruption. Water service companies have begun to ment or expansion of an existing network based on a
develop new leakage detection strategies in order to reduce combination of non-linear optimization and hydraulic
leakages to an economical optimum level [1]. The main simulation procedures. An explicit algorithm, implementing
objective is to propose reliable computational models to a graph theory approach, has been developed by Boulos and
facilitate pipe replacement decisions in an effort to increase Altman [5]. The algorithm is capable of handling wide-
the overall reliability expected from the pipe network.
spread applications, associated with future planning,
An extensive amount of work on pipe rehabilitation and
expansion and improvement of fluid distribution networks.
replacement has been published. The various algorithms
Arulraj and Rao [6] proposed an optimality criterion called
* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ 30-24210-74006; fax: þ 30-24210- the significance index to rehabilitate existing networks.
74012. On many occasions when continuous quantities are
E-mail address: (C. Papadimitriou). selected as decision variables the results may be misleading
0266-8920/$ - see front matter q 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
316 Z. Poulakis et al. / Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics 18 (2003) 315–327

since pipes are coming in discrete lengths and diameters. (3) incomplete set of observed data due to limited number of
Kim and Mays [7] resolved the problem, to some extent, sensors available or due to limited accessibility within the
using integer pipe lengths as decision variables. More network.
recently an increasing number of researchers are imple- Very recently Shinozuka and Liang [13] developed an
menting genetic algorithm techniques in certain aspects of approach to identify the location and the severity of damage
the design and rehabilitation of pipe networks, e.g. Murphy in a water delivery system by monitoring on-line water
et al. [8] and Simpson et al. [9]. Over the years genetic pressures at some selected positions of the network. Their
algorithms have proven to be a reliable technique for damage detection approach is based on a neural network
handling water distribution network problems. In addition to inverse analysis method. Also Andersen and Powell [14]
their ability to handle discrete pipe diameters they have been proposed a leak detection scheme based on an implicit
shown to be quite robust and efficient in searching for formulation of the standard weighted-least-squares state-
optimal rehabilitation policies [10,11]. Following all these estimation problem. In both cases however, the schemes are
efforts water distribution companies have started lately, very applied to idealized noise-free conditions.
reluctantly however, to implement these computational In the present work a Bayesian system identification
approaches and corresponding software as decision-making methodology is proposed for model updating which allows
tools in the management of their water networks [1]. for the explicit treatment of the uncertainties arising from
An issue, which is clearly related to an efficient leakage modeling errors and measurement noise. The methodology
reduction policy but which has received much less attention, has been well developed and successfully applied in
is the on-line leakage identification. Most of the research structural model updating applications [15 –18]. Here, the
works performed and discussed above are not focused on Bayesian methodology is modified accordingly and it is
leakage detection. It is mostly related to the general issue of coupled with hydraulic simulations for updating a para-
developing efficient algorithms leading to optimal replace- meterized class of hydraulic models with the parameters
ment, rehabilitation or expansion solutions for pipe net- chosen to simulate a set of possible leakage events (location
works. Real-time damage estimation and diagnosis of and severity of leakage) in the pipe network. The
buried pipelines, however, plays an important role in an methodology provides estimates of the probability of each
integrated maintenance network strategy. Leakage detection leakage event (leakage location and severity) given the flow
may be considered, of course, as part of a typical calibration and/or pressure head measurements obtained from an
procedure and can be handled via optimization algorithms integrated monitoring and data management system set up
using conventional and evolutionary approaches. It is for the network. The most probable leakage event is
important, however, that the proposed algorithm is capable identified as the one with the highest probability, while
of incorporating in a quantitative manner all the errors in the the other leakage events are ordered according to their
model compared to the real problem. As reported by Goulter relative probabilities. The effectiveness of the proposed
and Bouchart [12], very little research work has been framework is illustrated by applying the leakage detection
reported on the inclusion of these probabilistic issues in approach to a specific water pipe network. Several
optimization design models for water distribution networks. important issues are addressed, including the role of
It is helpful to have a methodology to convert all these modeling error, measurement noise and sensor configur-
uncertainties and errors introduced in water pipe network ation (location, number and type of sensors) on the
optimization modeling into a measurement of the reliability reliability of the leakage detection methodology.
of the results obtained by the modeling procedure. Here we
address this issue focusing on leakage identification
algorithms. 2. Formulation
Leakage can be detected by correlating changes in flow
characteristics to changes in a hydraulic model for the A typical hydraulic formulation is used for the solution of
network. Significant changes in the hydraulic model are the water pipe network. The flow equations to be solved
indicative of the location and the severity of the damage. consist of the mass conservation equations at the junction
This correlation is achieved by updating the hydraulic nodes and the energy conservation equations around the
model so that its predictions match the measured data loops and the pseudo-loops of the network [19]. The system
obtained from the sensors. This model updating procedure is is solved using a Newton iteration scheme. Once the pipe
an inverse problem that is usually ill-conditioned due to lack flow rates are estimated the energy grade at the nodes is
of sensitivity of the flow characteristics to modest amounts explicitly estimated through a marching procedure.
of leakages, and often non-unique due to insufficient Leakage detection is based on the premise that damage
available data relative to the model (network) complexity. (leakage) in one or more locations of the piping network
Difficulties associated with the development of effective involves local liquid outflow at the leakage location,
model updating and leakage detection algorithms are: (1) which will change the flow characteristics (pressure heads,
modeling errors (difference between theoretical model flow rates, acoustics signals, etc.) at the monitoring
and actual system behavior), (2) measurement errors, and locations of the piping network. The magnitude of
Z. Poulakis et al. / Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics 18 (2003) 315–327 317

changes in the flow characteristics depends on the position The objective of the statistical system identification
and the severity of the damage (amount of outflow). The methodology is to update the values of the parameter set
existence of leakage in the pipe network is diagnosed by ½u; s and their associated uncertainties using the measured
monitoring the permanent changes in the flow character- test data. Here, uncertainty in the values of the parameter set
istics of the system. Once the existence of the damage has is quantified using probability density functions (PDF),
been diagnosed, it is possible by updating the hydraulic which measure the relative plausibility of each of the
model for a complete set of parameters to identify the models in classes M and P specified by the parameters
location and the severity of the damage. For this, a ½u; s: The selection of the parameter uncertainty prior to the
statistical system identification methodology is applied collection of data is based on engineering experience and it
that effectively tackles the uncertainties due to modeling is quantified by the initial PDF pðu; sÞ: Using Bayes
error and measurement noise. theorem, this initial PDF is converted to a posterior
(updated) PDF
2.1. Statistical system identification pðu; sl~xÞ ¼ c1 pð~xlu; sÞpðu; sÞ ð2Þ
The hydraulic pipe network formulation is implemented which gives the relative plausibility of the models based on
to generate a class of solutions describing the flow behavior the inclusion of the measured data x~ : The constant c1 is a
of the piping distribution system in an undamaged state or in normalizing constant selected such that the posterior PDF
a damaged (deteriorated) state due to leakage events. This pðu; sl~xÞ is integrated to one. In Eq. (2) the expression for
class of solutions is generated from a parameterized class of the posterior PDF pðu; sl~xÞ depends on the chosen classes of
models denoted by M: Let u be the parameters introduced in pipe network models M; the prediction error models P and
the parameterized class of hydraulic models M: In the case the measured data.
of leakage identification these parameters are associated Assuming eij ðuÞ; i ¼ 1; …; L; j ¼ 1; …; N to be inde-
with the location and extend of the damage in the piping pendent and normally distributed with zero mean and
distribution system. A particular model MðuÞ from the class standard deviation s; the likelihood pð~xlu; sÞ may be
M is selected by specifying the values of the parameter set u: written in the form
Next consider a monitoring system that has been " #
1 ðxij ðuÞ 2 x~ ij Þ2
installed in the network in order to collect and analyze pð~xlu; sÞ ¼ pffiffiffiffi exp 2 : ð3Þ
i¼1 j¼1 2p s 2 s2
data obtained from N flow tests performed periodically at L
monitoring locations. Let x~ ij be the available flow data from Assuming also a non-informative prior distribution for the
the jth flow test ð1 # j # NÞ obtained at the ith monitoring model parameters over the range of acceptable values of
location ð1 # i # LÞ: Without loss of generality we may ½u; s; i.e. assuming that the initial PDF pðu; sÞ is
assume that the flow data set may consist of pressure heads constant, and substituting Eq. (3) into Eq. (2) yields
P~ and flow rates Q ~ estimates obtained at the L monitoring 2 N 3
locations. Let x~ ¼ ½~xij  denote the L £ N matrix of data at L 6
kx ðuÞ 2 x~ j k 7
locations from N flow tests. 6 j¼1 j 7
1 6 7
pðu; sl~xÞ ¼ c2 pffiffiffiffi LN exp62 7 ð4Þ
Let also xðuÞ ¼ ½xij ðuÞ be the flow quantities (pressure ð 2psÞ 6 2 s 2 7
4 5
heads, flow rates, etc.) at the monitoring locations computed
from the model MðuÞ corresponding to a particular value
assigned in the parameter set u: The departure between the where k·k is the usual Euclidean norm. The vector xj ðuÞ
model results and the corresponding measured flow denotes the model results, while the vector x~ j denotes the
quantities, defined by corresponding measured flow quantities at the measured
locations from the jth flow test. The constant c2 in Eq. (4)
eij ðuÞ ¼ x~ ij 2 xij ðuÞ ð1Þ
is selected such that the posterior PDF pðu; sl~xÞ is
measures the prediction error from the model MðuÞ: This integrated to one.
departure is due to flow network modeling error and device
measurement accuracy that are unavoidable in the modeling 2.2. Optimal model and model uncertainty
process of real water distribution systems.
System identification is handled by employing a The optimal value of the model parameters denoted by
statistical approach [15,20] in which the model prediction ½u^; s^; is simply the most probable value of ½u; s obtained
error eij ðuÞ is considered to be a specific realization of a by maximizing the updated PDF pðu; sl~xÞ or equivalently by
random variable taken from a class of probabilistic error minimizing the function
models P; parameterized by the parameter set s: The class
of pipe flow models M and the class of prediction error gðu; sÞ ¼ 2ln½pðu; sl~xÞ
models P; which specify the modeling assumptions used in
1 XN
the description of the system, are parameterized by the ¼ 2
k~xi 2 xi ðuÞk2 þ ln s2 þ c: ð5Þ
parameter set ½u; s: 2s i¼1 2
318 Z. Poulakis et al. / Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics 18 (2003) 315–327

The optimal ½u^; s^ for a given sensor configuration depends events in a water distribution system with p pipe sections
only on the data x~ : Performing the optimization for a set of and K leakage locations is
continuous parameters u; it can be readily shown that the
optimal values u^ of the network model minimize the p!
NK ¼ : ð11Þ
function K!ðp 2 KÞ!

1 XN The subset us is also a K-dimensional vector giving the

JðuÞ ¼ kx ðuÞ 2 x~ j k2 ð6Þ amount of liquid outflow, quantifying the leak severity
LN j¼1 j
(amount of leakage) at the corresponding K leakage
where JðuÞ represents a norm of the difference between the locations identified in the set ul :
model and the measured output. Through the optimization The optimal values u^ ¼ ðu^l ; u^s Þ of the model parameters
procedure it can also be shown that the optimal value s^2 of u ¼ ðul ; us Þ are computed by maximizing expression (9).
the prediction error model is This optimization problem involves a mixed set of discrete
and continuous variables. The discrete variables, included in
s^2 ¼ Jðu^Þ: ð7Þ the parameter subset ul ; take integer values from 1 to p;
In particular, using the total probability theorem, the indicating the number of the pipe that has leaked, while the
marginal probability distribution for u is obtained as continuous variables, included in the parameter subset us ;
can only take positive values since leakage involves liquid
pðul~xÞ ¼ pðu; sl~xÞds: ð8Þ outflow.
The solution scheme that is adopted to solve the
Substituting Eq. (4) into Eq. (8) and after some mathemat- optimisation problem with K leakages involves an exhaus-
ical manipulation, using Eq. (6) and assuming a uniform tive search over the discrete parameter subspace. Specifi-
initial distribution pðu; sÞ the integration in Eq. (8) is cally, let uðiÞ
l denote the leakage locations corresponding to
carried out analytically to yield the ith leakage event taken from the total of NK distinct
leakage events. The most probable value u^ðiÞ s of the
pðul~xÞ ¼ c½JðuÞ2ðLN21Þ=2 : ð9Þ parameter set us ; given that leakage occurs at locations
l ; are obtained by maximizing the PDF, given by
For a general initial distribution pðu; sÞ an asymptotic
expression (9), with respect to the parameters in the set us :
approximation is available in the form [21]
This is a continuous optimisation problem involving the K
pðul~xÞ ¼ c½JðuÞ2ðLN21Þ=2 gðuÞ ð10Þ parameters in the set us : Then the most probable leakage
pffiffiffiffiffi event u^l is the one of uð1Þ ð2Þ
l ; ul ; …; ul
that maximizes the
where gðuÞ ¼ pðu; JðuÞÞ: Expression (9) or (10) yields the updated PDF function
uncertainty in the optimal estimate of the model parameters
given the measured data. pðuðiÞ ^ðiÞ xÞ ¼ c½JðuðiÞ ; u^ðiÞ
l ; us l~ l s Þ
: ð12Þ

2.3. Application to leakage detection Thus the most probable leakage event u^ ¼ ðu^l ; u^s Þ can be
obtained by solving a series of NK optimization problems.
Consider the case of network deterioration due to the An exhaustive search of the most probable leakage event
presence of fractures in one or more locations of a water requires the solution of NK optimization problems which
pipe network consisting of p pipes. Such events will involve may be computationally expensive or even prohibitive,
local water outflows that can be modelled by adding a flow considering that each function evaluation of xðuÞ involved in
demand at each fractured pipe indicating the location of Eq. (9) requires the solution of a non-linear algebraic system
each leakage. In addition the amount of each flow demand of equations governing the steady-state flow in pipe
will correspond to the severity of the leakage in that networks. Instead, genetic algorithms [22] can be used to
location. efficiently solve this type of discrete optimization problem
Let K be the number of leakage locations. The amount of in order to provide a near optimal solution for the leakage
flow demands and the leakage locations (pipe locations locations.
where these demands are added) constitute the set of In practice, it is expected that deterioration will proceed
unknown parameters u of the integrated class of models M progressively with leakage occurring at one location at a
describing the behaviour of the system with leakages. The time. Using a monitoring system, the algorithm could be
following model parameterisation can be adopted to used to search for single leakages. This involves the solution
efficiently identify the leakage in the network assuming of as many as NK ¼ p optimization problems and thus the
that leakage occurs at K locations. The model parameter set computational effort is relatively small. Furthermore, when
u is partitioned into two subsets written as u ¼ ðul ; us Þ: The the leakage locations are expected to occur only in a certain
subset ul is a K-dimensional vector of integers denoting the number of pipes forming the network the computational
pipe sections that have leakage, i.e. denoting the locations of complexity of the problem is significantly reduced, even for
leakage in the network. The total number of distinct leakage the case of searching for multiple leakage locations.
Z. Poulakis et al. / Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics 18 (2003) 315–327 319

To conclude the theoretical formulation of the method- 3.1. Data simulation

ology, it is stated that the leakage detection in networks with
multiple leaking events involves a continuous optimization Measured data are simulated from a pipe network model
problem searching for the leakage severity, which is with characteristics that are different from the ones that
embedded in a discrete optimization problem searching correspond to the class of models used for monitoring and
for the most probable leakage location. identification of the network condition. The measured data
produced in this way allows the simulation and study of the
model error effect on the leakage detection results. In
3. Application to networks addition, in order to account for the measurement noise in
the sensors, an error term is added to the predictions of the
In order to demonstrate the effectiveness and perturbed model to simulate the observed discrepancy
efficiency of the proposed leakage detection method- between the actual pipe network predictions and the
ology the whole approach is applied to an example measurements from the sensors.
network shown in Fig. 1. This network can be Specifically, the simulated measured data are generated
considered as a simplified, typical, municipal water from the following equation
distribution system or a water distribution network for x~ ij ¼ x~ m ~ nij ;
ij þ x 1 # i # L; 1 # j # N: ð13Þ
an industrial unit. It comprises 50 pipe sections, 31
junction nodes and 20 loops (no pseudo-loops). The ij ; in Eq. (13) represents the pressures and/or
The first term, x~ m
water is supplied from an elevated tank by gravity. The the flow rates that are generated from a class of pipe network
lengths of the horizontal and vertical pipe sections are models with characteristics that deviate from the nominal
1000 and 2000 m, respectively, and the elevation of the characteristics defining the class of models used for
tank is 52 m. Pipe and junction numbering is given in identification. Here, the characteristics that are perturbed
Fig. 1, where the pipe diameters, varying from 300 to from their nominal values include the piping roughness
600 mm, are also indicated. Flow demands are assumed coefficients in each pipe and the flow demands at the nodes.
at each node of the network throughout the water The perturbation from the nominal values of the piping-
delivery system. The water flow is in the turbulent flow roughness coefficients for each pipe and of the flow
regime with a friction factor estimated by the formula of demands for each node is assumed to follow a zero-mean
Swamee and Jain [19]. uniform distribution with bounds ð2a; aÞ and ð2b; bÞ;
The class of models used for identifying leakage in the respectively. The size of the perturbation, that is, the values
network assumes that the piping-roughness coefficients are of a and b; represents the magnitude of the model error
the same for all pipes and the flow demands are uniform expressed as a percentage of the nominal values of the
throughout the water delivery system. The nominal values system characteristics. The statistical generation of these
for the piping-roughness coefficients are taken to be equal to perturbations reflects the uncertainty in the actual values of
0.26 mm for all pipes and the flow demands are assumed these parameters. Hereafter, the aforementioned perturbed
equal to 50 l/s at each junction node. The total volume of model is assumed to be representative of the actual
water supplied from the elevated tank is 1550 l/s and is behaviour of the system and is referred to as the ‘actual
equal to the total flow demands in the network. system’.

Fig. 1. Water pipe network configuration.

320 Z. Poulakis et al. / Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics 18 (2003) 315–327

It is obvious that when the above procedure to simulate expected. The number of possible leakage scenarios, given
the measured data is used, the class of models for in Eq. (11), is equal to the number of pipe sections in the
identification is not capable of representing the behaviour water network ðNK ¼ 50Þ: The class of models used for
of the actual system exactly. Following this approach it is leakage identification involves two parameters ðul ; us Þ; with
possible to simulate and study the effects of the model error ul denoting the leakage location and us accounting for the
on the leakage detection results. amount of leakage.
The second term, x~ nij ; in Eq. (13) accounts for the By means of the identification procedure, first the most
measurement error that comes from the sensors. It is chosen probable amounts of leakage u^ðiÞ ðiÞ
s of the parameter set us are
to be a zero-mean, uniformly distributed random variable estimated for each leakage scenario i: In the case of the
with bounds ð2c; cÞ: The magnitude of c represents the size single leakage, i indicates the pipe number that has leaked.
of measurement error at a measured location expressed as a Then the normalized probability
percentage of the actual system predictions at the measured
location. pi ¼ kpðuðiÞ ^ðiÞ xÞ
l ; us l~ ð14Þ
Depending on the type of the measured data used in the
of each leakage event i is computed, for the corresponding
identification procedure, two cases, namely Cases A and B,
s : The values of pi
most probable leakage severity value u^ðiÞ
are considered separately. In Case A the measured data
establish an order for the leakage events according to their
consists of pressures at junction nodes, while in Case B the
relative normalized probability. The most probable leakage
measured data consists of flow rates in pipes. For
event is identified as the one with the highest
demonstration purposes, the case of a single leakage and
P K probability pi : The normalizing constant,
the case of two leakages are examined separately.
k ¼ Ni¼1 pðuðiÞ
l ; us l~
^ðiÞ xÞ; is conveniently used for plotting
purposes without affecting the interpretation of the results.
3.2. Detection of a single leakage
3.2.1. Idealized scenario with no errors
The case of a single leakage ðL ¼ 1Þ located at pipe First, no model or measurement uncertainties are
section 26 is considered. Seven monitoring devices are used, introduced ða ¼ b ¼ c ¼ 0%Þ: The amount of leakage is
spread all over the network and relatively far from the taken to be equal to 22.8 l/s, which corresponds to 1.5% of
vicinity of the leaked pipe 26. For Case A the manometers the total water volume supplied in the network. The
are located at the junction nodes 6, 9, 13, 18, 21, 25 and 30, computed peak values of the normalized posterior PDF pi
while for Case B the flow meters are located at the pipe are plotted in Fig. 2A and B for each pipe section of the
sections 1, 3, 16, 19, 29, 36 and 43. The leakage location is water distribution network for Cases A and B, respectively.
simulated by adding a node at the damaged pipe while the It is seen that in both cases tested, although the leakage
prescribed flow demand corresponds to the amount of severity is quite small compared to the total water volume,
leakage at the leakage location. Simulated measured data the proposed methodology identifies correctly the pipe
are generated from Eq. (13) using the actual system with the where the leakage is assumed. When no model or
corresponding leakage location. measurement uncertainties are introduced, the peak value
The problem of identifying the leakage location and of the posterior PDF of the most probable scenario is equal
severity is addressed given that only a single leakage is to one, while the corresponding values for all other

Fig. 2. Peak values of normalized PDF at each pipe section using (A) manometers and (B) flow meters. Leakage is located at pipe 26 with severity equal to
22.8 l/s (1.5% of the total water volume).
Z. Poulakis et al. / Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics 18 (2003) 315–327 321

Fig. 3. Peak values of normalized PDF at each pipe section using (A) manometers and (B) flow meters. Leakage is located at pipe 26 with severity equal to
22.8 l/s (1.5% of the total water volume). A perturbation a ¼ 5 and 10% is assumed in the piping roughness coefficient.

undamaged pipes are identically equal to zero (within We continue our study on the effects of the model
round-off error), independently of the leakage severity. This uncertainties on the leakage identification process by
is a typical result for all cases tested, and in this way the implementing a second mechanism to introduce model
assumed location and severity of the leakage is easily found. errors. The nominal values of the flow demands are
perturbed by an amount b equal to 2 and 5%. Fig. 4A and B
3.2.2. Effect of model errors shows the corresponding normalized peak values of the
The above situation is highly idealized and almost never posterior PDF in each pipe for Cases A (manometers) and
occurs in real water delivery systems. More realistic B (flow meters), respectively. It is seen that the departure
situations are simulated next, when some model errors are of the peak values of the posterior PDFs between the most
introduced by imposing perturbations in the values of the probable scenario and the second most probable scenario
roughness coefficient and the flow demands. The amount of becomes smaller compared to corresponding previous
leakage is taken to be equal to 22.8 l/s. results (Fig. 3A and B). It is pointed out however, that
First, perturbations equal to 5 and 10% are introduced the most probable leakage scenario coincides with the
in the model error magnitude a; corresponding to the actual leakage event. Even for a small leakage equal to
piping roughness coefficient. The results related to the 1.5% of the total water supply and for an uncertainty equal
identification of the leakage location are plotted in Fig. 3A to 5%, the departure between the most and the second most
and B using manometers (Case A) and flow meters (Case probable events is at least one order of magnitude. It is
B), respectively. The most probable leakage scenario worth noting that the second most probable leakage
predicts leakage in pipe 26, which coincides with the scenario corresponds to leakage at pipe 21, which is
actual leakage location. Again, the peak values of the adjacent to pipe 26.
posterior PDF of the most probable leakage event are It should be noted, however, that for even more difficult
several orders of magnitudes larger than the correspond- situations involving even smaller amounts of leakage and/or
ing values of the other leakage scenarios. This is an larger uncertainties (larger model errors) it will not be
indication that the location of the damaged pipe is clearly possible to identify successfully the leakage location. There
identified even for small amounts of leakage compared to is always a threshold level beyond which no reliable results
the nominal flow rate of the particular pipe and for are obtained. The proposed methodology is capable of
relatively large model error introduced in the parameter- identifying these threshold values. In many cases when the
ized model. accurate leakage location is not possible it is still useful to
The computed amounts of leakage are compared to the Table 1
actual amounts in Table 1 for Cases A (Figs. 2A and 3A) Comparison between computed and actual amounts of leakage in pipe 26
and B (Figs. 2B and 3B). It is seen that when a ¼ 0% the for various uncertainties in the pipe roughness coefficient using (A)
actual amounts of leakage are exactly estimated. For a ¼ 5 manometers and (B) flow meters
and 10% there is some departure between the computed and Case Actual leakage (l/s) Computed leakage (l/s)
the actual amounts when the experimental data are obtained
using pressure-measuring devices. The higher the model a¼0 a ¼ 5% a ¼ 10%
error is, the higher is the departure between the identified
A 22.8 22.8 26.9 30.4
and the actual amounts of leakage. The agreement is
B 22.8 22.8 22.8 22.8
excellent when flow meters are used.
322 Z. Poulakis et al. / Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics 18 (2003) 315–327

Fig. 4. Peak values of normalized PDF at each pipe section using (A) manometers and (B) flow meters. Leakage is located at pipe 26 with severity equal to
22.8 l/s (1.5% of the total water volume). A perturbation b ¼ 2 and 5% is assumed in the demands.

identify the region in the pipe network which contains the leakage location predicted by the methodology is pipe 20 or
damaged pipe. 21, which is very close to the correct leakage location. For
In Table 2 the computed amounts of leakage for Cases A larger measurement errors ðc ¼ 5%Þ the leakage location is
(Figs. 2A and 4A) and B (Figs. 2B and 4B) are compared to correctly identified for the cases of 57.0 l/s. However, for
the actual amounts. It is seen that the leakage severity for the smaller leakage of 22.8 l/s, the correct leakage location
b ¼ 0 is computed exactly, while for b – 0 it is over- is not identified in Case A. It is interesting to note that this
estimated. It is evident that for the water pipe network under small amount of leakage corresponds to 1.5% of the total
investigation the estimation of leakage severity is particu- water supply. Moreover, in Case B, although the correct
larly sensitive to demand variations. In these cases, an leakage location is identified as the most probable, other
improved sensor placement configuration capable of leakage locations have been predicted with a probability
collecting better information from the network is essential close to that. In addition, in Table 3 the computed amounts
and will resolve to some extend the problem. It is seen that, of leakage for Cases A (Figs. 2 and 5) and B (Figs. 2B
for the pipe network under examination, the identification of and 5B) are compared to the actual amounts. For c ¼ 0; the
the amount of leakage is less accurate than the correct correct amount of leakage is clearly identified and the exact
identification of the leakage location when uncertainties in amount of leakage is computed. It is also noted that for
the demands are introduced—in the sense that this c – 0 the amounts of leakage, as is shown in Table 3, are
identification is more sensitive to model errors. computed with good accuracy for all cases tested. It may be
In general, as expected, the departure between computed concluded that for the water pipe network under investi-
and actual quantities becomes larger as the leakage severity gation the errors in the experimental data have a more
is decreased and as the model errors are increased. serious effect on the sensitivity of the results related to the
location rather than the severity of the leakage.
3.2.3. Effect of measurement errors
The study on the effects of the errors is completed by 3.2.4. Effect of sensor type and location
implementing additional uncertainties due to measurement We conclude this section by investigating the effect of
errors. These errors are again simulated by adding a zero- the positioning of the measuring devices on the system
mean uniform noise in the data generated by the actual identification methodology. This is demonstrated by study-
system, with a standard deviation c equal to 2 and 5% of ing the same test case network shown in Fig. 1. The leakage
the actual system predictions at the measured locations. Table 2
Two leakage severity scenarios are considered which Comparison between computed and actual amounts of leakage in pipe 26
correspond to leakage amounts equal to 57.0 and 22.8 l/s, for various uncertainties in the demands using (A) manometers and (B) flow
which represent 3.7 and 1.5%, respectively, of the total meters
supplied water volume (1550 l/s). In Fig. 5A and B the Case Actual leakage (l/s) Computed leakage (l/s)
computed peak values of the posterior PDF are plotted for
each leakage scenario and for each pipe section of the water b¼0 b ¼ 2% b ¼ 5%
distribution network for Cases A and B, respectively. For
A 22.8 22.8 38.7 61.5
c ¼ 2% the leakage location is correctly identified for all
B 22.8 22.8 38.9 59.6
cases. It is worth noting that the second most probable
Z. Poulakis et al. / Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics 18 (2003) 315–327 323

Fig. 5. Peak values of normalized PDF at each pipe section using (A) manometers and (B) flow meters. Leakage is located at pipe 26 with severity equal to (i)
57.0 and (ii) 22.8 l/s (3.7 and 1.5% of the total water volume). A perturbation c ¼ 2 and 5% is assumed in the modeled measurements.

is kept in pipe 26 and only the case of leakage severity equal of the results in Figs. 3 and 6(i) dealing with uncertainties in
to 57.0 l/s, i.e. 3.7% of the total water supply is studied. The pipe-roughness coefficients shows that with the new sensor
seven measuring devices, however, are placed in different configuration the identification results are improved for the
positions. This new positioning, which can be either less or case of flow measurements, while they have deteriorated for
more informative about the system is such that the sensors the case of pressure measurements. Comparison of the
are concentrated in certain sub-regions of the network. The results in Figs. 4 and 6(ii) dealing with uncertainties in flow
manometers (Case A) are all located in the lower right demands shows that the identification results obtained from
region of the network, specifically at junctions 17, 18, 19, the new sensor configuration are less informative for both
23, 24, 25 and 31. The flow meters (Case B) are located in the cases of flow and pressure measurements. In particular,
the upper left region of the network, specifically at the pipe
sections 1, 2, 3, 7, 18, 25 and 26. The flow meter Table 3
configuration includes a sensor, which is located at the Comparison between computed and actual amounts of leakage in pipe 26
leaking pipe 26. for various uncertainties in the measurement data and two different amounts
In Fig. 6A and B the computed normalized peak values of of leakage using (A) manometers and (B) flow meters
the posterior PDF are plotted for each pipe section of the Case Actual leakage (l/s) Computed leakage (l/s)
water distribution network using manometers (Case A) and
flow meters (Case B), respectively. All three different types c¼0 c ¼ 2% c ¼ 5%
of uncertainties involving the pipe roughness coefficients a;
A 22.8 22.8 23 23.3
the flow demands b and the measurement data c are 57.0 57.0 57.0 57.0
examined. Consequently, a direct comparison between the
B 22.8 22.8 24.3 25.3
present results and those obtained with the previous
57.0 57.0 53.0 57.3
measuring devices configuration is possible. Comparison
324 Z. Poulakis et al. / Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics 18 (2003) 315–327

Fig. 6. Peak values of normalized PDF at each pipe section using (A) manometers in the nodes (17, 18, 19, 23, 24, 25, 31) and (B) flow meters in the pipe
sections (1, 2, 3, 7, 18, 25, 26). Leakage is located in pipe 26 with severity equal to 57.0 l/s.

the methodology fails to predict the actual leakage location Figs. 5(i) and 6(iii) dealing with uncertainties in the
for the case of b ¼ 5%: The most probable leakage location measured data shows that the identification results obtained
predicted by pressure measurements is in pipe 20 and in pipe from the new sensor configuration are significantly
27 for flow rate measurements, both of which are adjacent to improved for both cases of pressure and flow rate
the damaged pipe 26. Finally comparison of the results in measurements. Specifically, in contrast to the previous
Z. Poulakis et al. / Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics 18 (2003) 315–327 325

Table 4
The first five most probable leakage events with a perturbation a ¼ 5% in the pipe roughness coefficient using (A) manometers and (B) flow meters. Actual
leakage locations are in pipes 26 and 42 with corresponding amounts 114 and 44.7 l/s

Case Leakage location (pipe number) Leakage severity (l/s) Peak value of normalized PDF

Location 1 Location 2 Severity 1 Severity 2

A 26 42 113.4 44.0 1.000

26 43 118.2 30.1 1.494 £ 1022
26 46 107.1 65.1 1.972 £ 1025
26 47 112.9 47.6 1.775 £ 1025
26 41 106.2 67.7 1.671 £ 1025
B 26 42 114.2 44.7 1.000
26 48 109.4 49.6 7.778 £ 1025
26 37 107.0 52.0 1.324 £ 1025
26 36 121.3 37.5 6.857 £ 1026
26 47 118.9 39.9 5.922 £ 1026

sensor configuration, which was not informative enough for while in the case of one leakage there are 50 possible
accurate leakage predictions, the new sensor configuration leakage scenarios, now, with two leakages, it is estimated
provides reliable prediction of the position of leakage. using Eq. (11) with K ¼ 2 and p ¼ 50 that there are
The above results indicate clearly that an optimal sensor Nk ¼ 1225 possible leakage scenarios. It is obvious that the
placement strategy [23,24] is very important for efficient required computational effort is significantly increased.
detection of damage in water pipe networks. The critical The implementation however of the whole approach
issue is to estimate the proper number and location of remains the same.
sensors in order to obtain the maximum possible infor- The results from the identification methodology are very
mation from the network without knowing in advance the similar to the case of one leakage event. When no
location and amounts of leakage in the system. This is a uncertainties exist in the system, the results indicate the
difficult task which will be addressed in detail in later work. two leakage locations and the corresponding amounts very
accurately, independently of the positions and the amounts
3.3. Detection of multiple leakages of leakage. When uncertainties are introduced, more careful
investigation is required, since there are several leakage
It has been shown in Section 2 that the proposed scenarios with a probability value close to the probability of
methodology is capable in a straightforward manner of the most probable leakage scenario.
studying simultaneous multiple leakages in a water Some typical results from the most probable leakage
distribution system. An application is presented in this scenarios are presented in tabulated form. In Table 4, the
section using the water pipe network of Fig. 1, with two first five most probable leakage events are given based on
leakages in pipe sections 26 and 42. The amounts of leakage the use of manometers (Case A) and flow meters (Case B)
are taken to be 114 and 44.7 l/s, which represent 7.4 and with introduced uncertainty a ¼ 5% in the pipe roughness
2.9%, respectively, of the total water supply. It is noted that coefficient. Each leakage event is described in terms of
Table 5
The first five most probable leakage events with a perturbation b ¼ 2% in the demands using (A) manometers and (B) flow meters. Actual leakage locations are
in pipes 26 and 42 with corresponding amounts 114 and 44.7 l/s

Case Leakage location (pipe number) Leakage severity (l/s) Peak value of normalized PDF

Location 1 Location 2 Severity 1 Severity 2

A 26 42 115.9 42.0 1.000

26 43 120.6 28.6 8.816 £ 1022
26 41 109.0 64.8 3.902 £ 1022
26 31 105.5 64.4 3.445 £ 1022
26 46 109.9 62.2 2.849 £ 1022
B 26 42 114.7 43.5 1.000
26 48 109.9 48.3 1.118 £ 1022
26 37 107.5 50.7 1.279 £ 1023
26 43 103.9 54.3 1.098 £ 1024
26 47 119.3 38.8 6.140 £ 1025
326 Z. Poulakis et al. / Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics 18 (2003) 315–327

Table 6
The first five most probable leakage events with a perturbation c ¼ 2% in the measurement data using (A) manometers and (B) flow meters. Actual leakage
locations are in pipes 26 and 4 with corresponding amounts 114 and 44.7 l/s

Case Leakage location (pipe number) Leakage severity (l/s) Peak value of normalized PDF

Location 1 Location 2 Severity 1 Severity 2

A 26 42 115.6 43.2 1.000

26 47 111.1 50.6 7.629 £ 1021
26 43 118.0 31.3 2.310 £ 1021
26 46 109.7 64.1 1.919 £ 1021
26 40 100.5 85.1 5.236 £ 1022
B 26 45 94.71 69.7 1.000
26 48 108.8 49.0 7.660 £ 1021
26 34 97.54 53.9 7.213 £ 1021
26 39 103.5 47.8 5.143 £ 1021
26 38 98.74 60.2 3.469 £ 1021

the two-leakage location and severity and its corresponding computed, when the model and measurement errors do not
normalized probability. The probability results shown in the exceed certain threshold values above which the diagnosis
last column have been normalized such that for each case of the system is not possible. These threshold values depend
the most probable leakage event corresponds to probability on the configuration and the characteristics of the water
equal to one. Similar results are given in Tables 5 and 6 for distribution system under investigation and the location and
introduced uncertainties in the demands ðb ¼ 2%Þ and in the severity of leakage as well as the number, location and type
experimental data ðc ¼ 2%Þ; respectively. It is seen that in of sensors. More important, the present approach is capable
most cases the ‘actual leakage event’ is estimated correctly. of identifying these threshold values beyond which no
Again it has been found that as the amount of leakage is reliable diagnosis is possible. The location of the measuring
reduced and the model and measurement errors are devices has a significant effect on the reliability of the
increased there are certain threshold values of model and system identification. Optimal sensor location strategies
measurement errors above which the identification of the [23] can be used to improve the reliability of the leakage
leakage event is not possible. prediction estimates.
The results in Tables 4– 6 have been obtained using a The present approach may be part of an integrated
combinatorial approach searching for all possible leakage software to assist decision-making for overall water network
scenarios. For more than two leakages, genetic algorithms management strategy based on computer-aided tools. The
[22] may be implemented in order to sustain reasonable main principles of this work can be extended to compres-
computational effort and time levels converging to the near sible fluids.
global solution.

4. Conclusions
This work has been partially supported by the Greek
A Bayesian probabilistic framework for leakage detec- Secretariat of Research and Technology (PENED 1999-
tion in water pipe networks has been developed and 99ED580 and PAVET 2000-00BE72) and by the Athens
successfully tested with simulated data. Prediction of the Water and Sewerage Company. This support is gratefully
most probable leakage locations and severity involves a acknowledged.
series of continuous optimization problems followed by a
discrete optimization problem. For the cases considered, an
exhaustive search is used to solve the discrete optimization References
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