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rest cope 02152010 FORM TP 2020316 [227 nerennn MAYTUNE 2020 CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL CARIBBEAN ADVANCED PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION® PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND SPORT UNIT 1 - Paper 01 J hour 30 minutes 29 MAY 2020 (p.m.) READ THE FOLLOWING’ INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. This test consists of 45 items. You will have 1 hour and 30 minutes to answer them. In addition to this test booklet, you should have an answer sheet. Do not be concerned that the answer sheet provides spaces for more answers than there are items in this test. Each item in this test has four suggested answers lettered (A), (B), (C), (D). Read each item you are about to answer and decide which choice is best. On your answer sheet, find the number which corresponds to your item and shade the space having the same letter as the answer you have chosen. Look at the sample item below. Sample Item To maintain self-balance during a routine, a gymnast. must ensure that his/her centre of mass is Sample Answ er (A) in the middle of the body -O8BOC9 (B) above the centre of the head (C) _ below the base of the support (D) above the base of the support The best answer to this item is “above the base of the support”, so (D) has been shaded, If you want to change your answer, erase it completely before you fill in your new choice, When you are told to begin, turn the page and work as quickly and as carefully as you can. If you cannot answer an item, go on to the next one. You may return to that item later. You may do any rough work in this booklet. * You may use a silent, non-programmable calculator to answer items. DO NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO. Copyright © 2017 Caribbean Examinations Council Alll rights reserved. 1 Sandra's swimming coach has developed 4. training programme to facilitate aerobic development. Her prescribed first session is as follows: 2% 4 «200m W:R I: The 4 in the session represents the (A) number of repetitions 5. (B) —_work-to-relief ratio (©) training distance @ _ rumber of sets Karen is a 100 m runner. She eats two bananas at 6:00 a.m. and her race is at 10:20 a.m. The length of time between eating the banana and running the race is appropriate because 6 (A) there is adequate time for Karen to empty her stomach ®) it allows for the lowering of Karen’s blood glucose levels (C) she will have adequate time to do a vigorous warm-up @ it will allow Karen to have an additional meal of eggs and bread 1 Which of the following tests is suitable for determining the level of flexibility of a gymnast? (A) Beep test @ Sit and reach test (©) __ Illinois agility test () 12-minute run fitness test 0715201 0/MUCAPR 2020 ‘The MOST reliable indicator of an athlete’s aerobic fitness is the @ Vo, max test (B) Harvard step test (C) Multistage fitness test (D) Cooper's 12-minute run A basketballer finds that he suffers from tissue damage and injuries during competition season. Which of the following nutrients should he increase his intake of? (A) Fats Proteins (©) Vitamins () Carbohydrates Which of the following is NOT a major factor that should be considered when designing an interval training programme? Repetition of interval (C)__ Intensity of training interval () Duration of recovery interval @) Continuous training ®) During an adolescent’s growth spurt, the arms and legs grow longer and the Proportion of limb-to-torso length often changes, resulting in @) __petiods of poor coordination and balance 5 ®) a significant increase in joint flexibility (©) asignificant decrease in connective tissue elasticity ©) immediate improvement in technical skill and control GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 10. A shot-putter runs 40 km per week and is advised by a coach that this will not contribute to his training goals. What principle of training does the shot-putter need to address? (A) Overload Specificity (©) Progression (@) Reversibility To maximize glycogen resynthesis, an athlete should consume food and drink that are (A) high in carbohydrate within four hours after the activity (B) _ low in carbohydrate within two hours after the activity @ high in carbohydrate within two hours after the activity (D) __ low in carbohydrate within four hours after the activity Aidan is a 16-year-old footballer preparing for the start of the football competition season in two weeks. His coach has prepared an intense 7-10 day programme that is high in intensity and frequency but moderate in duration of the training session. This timeframe is BEST described as a (A) mesocycle (B) _ megacycle (©) macroeycle @ _ ticrocycte “02152010/MJ/CAPE 2020 ML. 12. 13. 14. 0 do some General Physical Preparation (GPP) at the beain®! 1S of his training programme. Which © following are reasons for doing GP. Brian is required & ing injuries jilitating existi e Fea eeatgn structural or functional 1 TI. Working on structural imbalances 4 {i1, Developing muscular size an strength (A) Tand ILonly (B) Land If only (C) and If only 6 1, Hand I Which of the following combinations isthe MOST appropriate breakfast for an athlete on a high-protein diet? Salad, toast and eggs Eggs, bacon and toast Beans, eggs and bacon Toast, salad and cheese (A) (@) 8 Mark had difficulty rotating his arm during his bowling action. After two weeks of training the problem lessened. During the physical activity he benefited from improved (A) ‘balance © texitiliy (C) coordination (D) muscular strength : Which of the following is NOT a training method? (A) Circuit (B) Interval (C) Continuous @ Progression GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 15, 16. 17. 18. +4 Which of the following is the correct sequence for the phases of & periodization plan? (A) — General —> Pre-competition > Specific -> Competition» Rest st (B) Specific + General —» Pre-competition > Competition + Rest Recovery General —+ Specific —» Pre-competition > Comps Rest Recovery —> General — Specific —> Pre-comy tition + Rest Recovery petition -» Competition Which of the following areas would NOT benefit from the hosting of a major sporting ‘competition? (A) Tourism Labour relations (C) Facilities development @) Economic development A person who goes to the park on a weekend to meet friends for a friendly game of soccer uses sport for (A) business @) __ industry @ recreation (@) entertainment Which term is a sports sociologist MOST likely to use to describe a sport? (A) Idealized (B)— Masculinized Institutionalized (D) _ Professionalized 19. 20, 21. Sport can be classified as a business because it I. generates income IL creates employment III. provides goods and services (A) only (B) Monly (© Land I only 1, Wand Ii Which of the following is LEAST likely to be a way by which sport equity may be achieved? (A) Sharing common values (B) _ Endorsing the law/policy (C) Challenging discrimination ® Recognizing one’s own prejudices Which theoretical perspective ignores sport as a source of creative and liberating experiences? @ Conflict (8B) Figurational (C)__ Interactionist (D) —_ Funetionalist GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 22. The correct approach to dealing with disability in sport is to ensure (A) the correct treatment to make persons feel as normal as possible © thivettores are made to eliminate social and physical barriers that limit participation (©) the development of assistive technologies that eliminate physical impairments @) the teaching of normal people to ignore disabilities and treat everyone as normal 23. Which of the following are beliefs of feminist theorists? @1. Activities can be used to transform sports to emphasize partnership over competition and domination I. Sports can resist and expose homophobia and misogyny @11.._Individuais can shape sports to fit their reality or definition (A) Land I only @ Landi only (C) U and III only () I, ILand IL 24. The purpose of the Olympic Charter is to (A) address political issues (B) _ promote the Olympic Games (C) _ provide for personal excellence @ _ outline principles and rules of the games “92152010/MJ/CAPE 2020 aoe 25. 26. 27. Gender equity in sport means @ equality in all aspects of sport for all sexes (B) _ ensuring special treatment for women and girls when they choose a sport : (©) ___ separating males and females in sport 7 (D) creating equal opportunities for women to participate in sport Unlike sports prior to the 20th century, today’s organized competitive sports are MAINLY influenced by (A) religious organizations e profit-making and commercial interests (©) __ the values of the people who participate in them (D) the need to provide diversions for the masses Which of the following is a major weakness of conflict theory? (A) It overstates the positive conse- quences of sport. (B) _Itdoes not acknowledge that sports are social constructions. (C) “Itignores that sport serves the need of some people more than others. @e ‘assumes that people who have economic power always shape sports to meet their interest, GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE ST ee EEE 28. 29, 30. North Korea and South Korea normally competed under different flags but in the 2000 and 2004 Olympics they competed under the same flag. This is an example of sport as a (A) business or industry @®) community developer @ political toot for unification @) social and transformational agent Tn which country was apartheid abandoned following the decision by sporting teams to boycott relations with the country? (A) England 0 ®) Zimbabwe @ = South Africa @) — South America Which statement BEST illustrates the philosophy of Olympism? (A) Olympism is the philosophy of the International Olympic Committee (OIC) commercialism. (B) —_ Olympism is a set of beliefs which emphasizes sports. (C) — Olympism is the critical analysis of educational values. @) _Olympism is the system of thought that life embodies body, will and mind. 31. 32. 34, A sport psychologist is MOST likely to help an athlete with (A) flaws in his stride pattern nervous reactions before a race (C) nutritional deficiencies in his diet (D) _ inadequacies in his strength training, With which of the following types of moti- vation is the ‘flow experience’ associated? (A) Tangible @ intrinsic (© — Extrinsic (D) _Interactional ‘An athlete’s persistence in striving for success irrespective of bad experiences and obstacles, is referred to as (A) social motivation (B) _ power motivation (©) ___ incentive motivation achievement motivation The equity theory of motivation focuses on (A) an athlete’s expectation of the different outcomes of a given situation (B) the motivational force involved in . an athlete's actions during an activity an athlete’s perception of how fairly he/she is being treated in comparison to other athletes an athlete’s perception of how he/she should perform ina given sporting situation @) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, 35. 36. eis Items 35-36 refer to the following Performance graphs, » ew z "vials oF Time > A ®) i E aq ial or Time © | 8 ql g ‘Trials or Time a A eo; i q a (-_______s ‘Trials or Time Which graph indicates that during certain periods of practice there was no significant improvement in performance? From which graph can it be inferred that performance is directly proportional to time? @ 02152010/MJ/CAPE 2020 37. 38. 39. 40. Chelladurai’s model of leadership states that the style adopted by a leader is dependent on the (A) demands and constraints only (B) age and qualification of the leader (C) demands and constraints of the situation and the age of the leader demands and constraints of the situation together with the characteristics of the leader Which theory of motivation proposes that athletes seck homeostasis and avoid disequilibrium? (A) Attribution ®) Goal theory (©) __ Drive theory @ _Self-determination theory Brian readily interacts with members of the football team and asks for their assistance in the execution of different skills. His teammates have been able to provide him with constructive feedback. This is an example of (A) _ forming 8 storming norming @) performing Using the proper technique to improve the execution of a skill is a process goal B sromcone ga (C)__ameasurable goal (D) _ aperformance goal GO ONTO THE NEXT PAGE, 41, 42. takes the view that personality is determined by we ‘i " ectives hich of the following theoretical persp he/she grows up? the environment and the experiences a person has as (A) Trait theory @) Interactional approach (C) Constitutional theory @ Social Learning theory Item 42 refers to the following diagram of a health belief model. Perceived benefits and barriers Peresived NN suseeptibitty | “——» [= Preventive health Pereeived threat | ——> | } omy | a ‘Cues to action The model is based on the understanding that a person will take a health-related action if that person @ _ feels a negative health condition can be avoided (B) _ believes that sedentary lifestyle3 are health positive and comforting (©) __ believes that he/she lacks the confidence to take a recommended health action (D) _ has a negative expectation that by taking a recommended action he or she will avoid a negative condition Based on Kohlberg’s conventional level of moral reasoning, an adolescent athlete in training will (A) obey rules in order to avoid punishment ©) _ obey rules to meet his defined obligations (C) _ follow rules if they are in his immediate best interest (@) develop a social contract involving self-chosen ethical principles GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE + parenniamatin ann ann 44, dane just formed a badminton group. 45. 1e,, along with other members, is trying to organize the formal structure of the Broup. Which ofthe following factors will rence the types of struct peaiens ructures the group The nature of the group's task @ i Member characteristics and Preferences II. The number of competitions in which the group participates @) rand tony @®) — Tand Monly (©) Wand 11 only @) 1, Mand 0 END OF TEST eom Inhis training, the basketball coach uses the following sequence of skills for teaching the sport: bounce pass, set shot, chest pass. He was advised to alter this sequence by teaching the chest pass after the bounce pass. This advice was given because (A) __ the chest pass is easier to teach than the set shot (B) a new motor skill should be a discrete skill and not a continuous one (C) students are more likely to enjoy learning the chest pass than the set shot for transfer of learning, a new skill should be similar to the one previously taught IF YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, CHECK YOUR WORK ON THIS TEST.

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