Revelo Character Report Card

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Young Adult Lit

TED 8660

Elizabeth Revelo

Character report card

1. Brainstorm up to eight traits that demonstrate resilience

a. * turning a negative into a positive
b. * being able to joke about it
c. * being able to push through it
d. * being able to look on the bright side (Silver Lining)
e. * being able to see it through to the end ( Determination)

2. Generate your grading system below

Grading System:

Level of Performance Score Description

Exceeds Expectations A The character consistently

demonstrates the trait. Exceeds
expectations of an ordinary individual
– goes above and beyond

Meets Expectations B The character demonstrates the trait

in an average manner as would be
expected from any individual

Needs Improvement C The character demonstrates the trait

less than expected in the book or any

Failing F The character does not demonstrate

the trait at all or does the complete
opposite of the trait.

3. Complete the graphic organizer below.

a. Determine which three or four characters (from the book you read) you are going to evaluate. Write
their names in the character column.
b. Find evidence in the text for each character and then discuss, based on your grading system, what grade
the character would get and why (e.g. I think she deserves an A in courage because…) Make sure you
document both your evidence and your reasons.
Character Determin Comments (Evidence + What it Silver Comments
ation MEANS and why it MATTERS) Lining (Evidence + What
Grade Grade it MEANS and why
(Ability it MATTERS)
to turn a
into a
on the
Muir A Because Muir is determined to get C Muir shows this
through this year without any extra quality less. She is
help or being more a burden to her more of a realistic,
foster mother, Francine. (pg. 25, 33, practical albeit a
48) She is determined to make it Debby Downer.
work when she ages out of the foster She finds it hard
care system and is on her own (pg. to turn negatives
58). She is very determined to make into positives,
it on her own, as it is how she has such as when she
survived.. (pg. 273-274) found herself in a
However, after much convincing, she lie with Kira about
allows herself to have new dreams her “aunt”/foster
and a new determination to go mother Francine,
perhaps even go to college (pg. she thinks
312). everything is
going to fall apart
and she’ll be all
alone (pg. 91-92).
She becomes
more positive and
looking on the
bright side as time
closes in on her
aging out of the
foster care system
as she expresses
gratitude for Kira,
Francine, family,
and a delicious
meal to share with
loved ones (pg.

By the end of the

book she realizes
she can become
just a little bit
more dependent
on her newfound
friends and family
and she finally lets
herself look on the
bright side:

“Now I could
breathe. I could let
some money go,
work to replace it,
maybe even
graduate from
college. Because I
could live in one
home. Francine’s
and mine. Our
home. At least
until I turned
twenty-one. Or
maybe forever. For
now, three years
to breathe was a
miracle..” (pg.

“Let’s go home.”
(pg. 314)
Francine A or B Because she takes on Muir as her A Francine gets Muir
last foster child. She’s kind and a phone with her
determined to see her last monthly stipend
placement through to the end (pg. from the state and
25, 276). when Muir says
As the book goes on, she becomes it’s too much, will
determined to teach Muir that she is be too confusing,
not a problem, a burden, and to she kindly says it
speak up when someone is being won’t be that at
wronged (pg. 158, 252-253). all. She reminds
her that a phone
is not a terrible
thing to have and
it’s not money
that is wasted and
her credit will not
be touched:

“The stipend is
your money. Your
allowance comes
from it. All of it
belongs to
you..Listen to me
now. This thing is
in my name. I
won’t let your
credit be
money is the
saying, Sorry, we
didn’t help your
mom take care of
you in the first
place, but here’s
some money so
someone else can
do it, and part of
being taken care
of means you
having a phone,
so here you go.
You kids get
screwed around
every which way,
and a little money
for a phone to
keep you safe and
let you text an
emoji to your
friends once in a
while is a small
consolation, but
i’s all they’re ever
going to offer, so I
say take it.” (pg.

When Muir is late

coming back from
her date with
Sean, she talks
about her worry
but is taken aback
at Muir thinking
she’ll call Joellen
to take her back
or put it in her
record that she
was late. In this
conversation, she
turns to Muir
who’s breaking
down and says,
“Listen to me. I
would have only
called Joellen, not
the police. And
you know Joellen
never would do
anything to hurt
you. We wouldn’t
do that to you. I
swear...You’re not
leaving,” she said.
“This is not a
tragedy.”” (pg.

Even as Muir is
still worried,
scared, and
frustrated with
aging out of the
system and
Francine offers
her solutions,
options, and
opportunities to
make it easier,
even if it means
Muir might have
to be tied town to
a place or to
people who care
about her:

“The state will pay

your tuition.
college lets you
transfer directly to
a university, and
you can still work
a part-time job.
You have excellent
grades and
teachers love you,
you can apply for
financial aid and
scholarships, you
have work
volunteer hours
up the wazoo,
personal and
references; use
my address; I’ll
put you on my
phone plan. Next..
You are not a
problem. You are
an infuriating
person and you
know damn well
that in
Washington State
Joellen can apply
to get your foster
status extended
until you’re
twenty-one years
old. You keep your
health insurance,
tuition is paid for,
or I can cosign for
loans and you can
stay in one place
rent-free. With
me.. I can. I will..
Or, I could adopt
you.” (pg. 276)

She even talks to

Muir and
brightens it after
getting 2 mean
girls suspended
from school and
gets Muir on the
principal’s radar.
When Muir thinks
she’s the principal
hates her and
thinks of her as a
bad kid, the
parents of the 2
girls will hate
Francine, Francine
turns it into a
lesson to learn
and not to be
afraid and hide:

“Never apologize
for someone else’s
ignorance. You are
not responsible
for that, ever.
didn’t make
trouble- you got
something done..
Listen to me. I am
so proud of you I
can’t stand it. You
are a good person.
A brave person
and true friend to
Kira. Maybe now,
for the first time,
you’ve having
some battles. It’s
because you’re
living a life, with
people who
matter.” (pg.
Kira A She works long hours at The B She finds it hard
Blackbird (pg. 139) to make money to find a silver
since her family doesn’t come from lining with her
it or make a lot of it. own personal
After a rival ruins her sculpture the problems with
day before her deadline, she comes Katiana but she is
up with something new last minute understandably a
so she can accomplish her dream of lot more positive
doing art as a career and as a living with others
(Chapter 16). situations such as
Muir’s. When she
takes Muir to a
boutique and
Muir is initially
upset she can’t
afford anything,
she comforts her
by telling her that
its 75% off old
returns that have
small blemishes
that she can easily
fix (pg. 139-140).
To any regular
teenager from a
regular home, it
probably would’ve
been easily
garments but
meant the entire
world to Muir.

When it comes to
her future, she
has always
thought very
positively that she
would go back to
California and surf
but realizes there
are other positives
to staying close to
her new home in
Washington. She
realizes her own
limitations and
makes the best of
where she’s at,
mentally, and
“..I have been
accepted to the
University of
Washington and I
am going there in
the fall instead of
back to Southern
California, and I
am embarrassed
because it is partly
because I am too
scared to leave
home yet, so I am
going to stay here
and ferry into to
school every day.
The end.” (pg.
Sean B Because he is determined to A or B He is probably one
convince Muir that Francine, Kira, of the more
and him will be there for her (pg. upbeat characters
172). This is his main showing of in the entire book,
determination in the book besides uplifting Muir’s
continuing the family tradition of entire mood as
living in the wilderness and well as many
becoming a park ranger (pg. 273). others around
He also is determined to keep his He thinks on the
friends comfortable and out of bright side and
harms way as he has demonstrated even though at
with Muir and her conflicts with the time of the
Natan (pg. 170). He also shows this book he’s only
to Kira once he finally finds out that known Muir for 5
Kira was being bullied (pg. 214, weeks, he
231). positively says SIX
weeks and he tries
to think of
positive solutions
such as adoption
with Muir (pg.

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