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Mary Douglas

Professor Jennifer Newhouse

English 112-73A

30 October 2021

Analyzing Visual Rhetoric

World No Tobacco Day

The visual created by shows a international call for the risk of using the

deadly tobacco products. Every year on May 31, World No Tobacco Day mission it to educate

alternative ways to help people quit smoking tabacco products. “Around 5.4 million people die

due to tobacco- related illnesses worldwide every year”.[ CITATION Gho19 \l 1033 ] The goal of

the organization seems to be to provide six healthy eating habits to help decrease the urgency to

use tobacco products and the effect it causes physically and psychologically.

This visual makes a powerful statement about saving our lungs and other important

organs in our body. In the visual it shows us how this highly addictive chemical can and will

cause various types of cancer. They run the risk of developing mouth, throat, lungs, breast,
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brain, gallbladder, oesophagus and kidney diesease. This visual makes another powerful

statement by showing healthy eating snacks. These snacks can be fruits and vegetables, milk,

beans, popcorn, cinnamon sticks and frozen grapes are just a few that can be used. Each healthy

snacks is proven to reduce the taste of cigarettes.

The central image shows an shocking vision of how one lungs can turn dark and fade

away like burning ashes. Those red burning flame slowy kills our lungs as we exhale and inhale

the highly addictive chemical called nicotine. This image is comparing a healthy lung to a person

that is a smoker. The healthy lung belong to a person who haven’t done any tobacco products. It

gives you a glance that smoking kills and to stop harming your body. It can only take seconds or

a first time use to create harmful damage to your lungs. A smoker lung has a signfically changes

in size and color.[ CITATION Mar21 \l 1033 ] Once your lungs are damage they slowy deteriorate

like burning ashes shown in the picture.

Other visual elements enchance the central image by is what happened

when the lungs are completely deteriorated? Smokers increase their risk of chronic obstructive

pulmonary disease, emphysema and lung cancer. With it’s bold white background enchance the

vision of the mission to show on World No Tobacco Day the critical image of smoking. This

illustration impact different age groups such as teenager, young adults and older adults. This

image let us know using tobacco doesn’t have a age limit or ethnicity background on who it

choose to impact.

The visual includes words as well as images. The words written in dark blue and red

bold letters makes a pleading statement,“Smoking kills, NO TOBACCO, STOP SMOKING”.

(fig 1). These words stand out along with the image to give reader a clear defintion of what can

happen. While reader attention is capture it allow them to reflect on people they know who is
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currently smoking, trying to quit, or has fully quit and people who never used tobacco. This

worldwide critical call is to inform people smoking kills and highly propose to quit. Worldwide

tobacco causes more than 7 million deaths per year. With average of smokers die 10 years earlier

than nonsmokers.

The visual is very emotional effective because it give true facts of using tobacco and how

it can change mental and phyiscally impact your life. Whether those impact is short or long term

they can be elude. This visual is very effective because it is showing how a healthy person lungs

looks compare to a smoker. With a smoker lung you can conclude that they are subject to various

diesease and cancer illness. There are numerous way to help people quit using tobacco. This

aritcle suggested people who consume fruits and vegatables smoked fewer cigarettes a day,

chewing gum that can help ward off urges and ready to eat snacks. With the sign smoking kills,

no tobacco and stop smoking will give anyone a second thought to rethink what they are doing to

their body. This effective small message carried a big meaning behind it. That meaning is felt

worldwide on May 31 each year. Each year this message is proclaim over the world. It is shown

to capture attention of people by using illustrate of lungs.

Just imagine if 5.4 million people can stop using tobacco product and can live a healthy

life. If they can say no to smoking and find alternative ways to help prevent the craves of

smoking. Not only will they be more healtheir but the company that produce this highly

addictive chemical will no longer be in business. In the end displaying burning lungs with ashes

falling down will have a impact on smoker.

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Work Cited

Ghosh, Neha. "World No Tobacco Day." Bold Sky Limitless Living (2019). Document.

MaryAnn De Pietro, CRT. "What are the differences between a smoker's lungs and healthy lungs?"

Medical News Today (2021). Document .

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