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A new office facility has been completed, wired, and is ready for occupation, according
to the Chief Operations Officer (COO). All of the telecommunication cables have been installed.
Once the network servers are established, wall ports in offices, labs, and administrative areas
will give network connectivity. Wireless routers are deployed all through the building to offer
wireless access immediately the network servers have been setup. The goal of this project
management plan is to figure out what the project's end will be, how it will be done, who will
be engaged, and how the project will be measured and reported. First, identify a company
need, problem, or opportunity, and develop ideas for the team to meet that need, solve that
problem, or capture that opportunity. Project plans comprise of all of the planning papers
required for the whole process. The project plan includes baselines, baseline planning
processes, risk mitigation, procurement, resourcing, quality, and communications. The project
plan specifies the roles and responsibilities of the stakeholders.


The project manager and the stakeholder decided to use the Agile approach. Project
managers and other stakeholders can analyze and examine the project's direction throughout
its life cycle using the agile working approach, or ‘movement.' Sprints or iterations are regular
and consistent project efforts that allow team members to follow a constant-growth model.
The project team must offer outcomes at the conclusion of each sprint or iteration in order to
progress the project. Projects are complicated, and they can be fraught with unknowns and
unpredictability. Through incremental, iterative work cadences and empirical input, the agile
methodology process will attempt to adjust to these uncertainties.

No matter the size or scope of the project, managing it is a difficult task. There's a lot
that can go wrong, from planning the smallest details to meeting clients' ever-changing
requests to delivering projects on schedule. Thus, this project will be divided into five stages,
each with its own goal and deliverables. The project management phases will comprise of
initiation, planning, execution, project control and monitoring, and lastly, the closure phase.

The important milestones for the IT Project service provider are listed in the diagram
below. Only significant project milestones, like the completion of a project phase or the
completion of a gate examination, are depicted in this diagram. Smaller milestones may be
missed from this chart, however they are described in the project timeline or work breakdown
structure. If a scheduling delay threatens a milestone or delivery date, the project manager
must be alerted right away so that proactive measures can be done to avoid schedule errors.
Any authorized modifications to these milestones or dates must be communicated to the
project participants by the project manager.

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'Identify focus group targets,' 'prepare focus group objectives,' and 'conduct focus
group' are the three (3) tasks that make up the work package 'focus group.' The'surveys' job
package, on the other hand, is not divided into tasks. It may have been determined in this
project that the task owner who is conducting the surveys does not need to report on any of
the task's details. Decomposition will continue to the level required to properly manage the
project, as illustrated in the WBS and Schedule baseline in appendices A and B. Dependencies
are the connections between previous and subsequent tasks (Matos et al., 2019). Tasks may
have numerous tasks preceding them and multiple tasks following them. A finish-to-start
relationship is the most prevalent dependency relationship. Before task S (successor) can begin,
task P (predecessor) must be completed. The start-to-finish relationship is the least prevalent
type of relationship. All four dependency relationships are supported by Project Insight, project
management software.


IT Service Providers use change management strategies to embrace and deal with
changes in the workflow. It instructs the project team on which tools to employ and the
procedures to follow while managing people in the context of environmental change.

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1. Definition of the change and aligning it to the goals: It's one thing to communicate the
need for change; it's quite another to undertake a rigorous review against organizational
goals and performance targets to ensure that the change will lead your company in the
proper financial, strategic, and ethical direction. 
2. Development of communication strategy: Every team member should be included in
the change process. Select the most effective means of communication for bringing
team members or teams on board. A good communication strategy will include a
timeframe for how the change will be conveyed in stages, important messages, and the
communication channels you intend to use.
3. Determination of the impact: One concept of what needs to be accomplished in
imagined The next step is to determine the impact of the change at various project
stages. Examine the impact on each business unit and how it affects each team member
as the project progresses.
4. Effective training: Now that the change has been announced, it's critical that your
employees understand they will receive training, whether informal or formal, to teach
the information and skills needed to perform efficiently as the change is implemented. 


A project management communication strategy specifies how essential information will
be communicated to stakeholders all through the project. It also determines who will receive
the message, how it will be transmitted, when it will be given, and also how often the
information need to be delivered.

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Project cost management is the method of predicting, budgeting, and controlling expenditures
all through the project life cycle with the objective of remaining within the budgeted cost.

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A project must satisfy the following criteria in required to be considered successful.

1. It complies with the requirements and is within the scope.
2. It has a high degree of quality in terms of execution.
3. It was completed on schedule and on budget.
4. It was completed on time and on budget.


There are numerous components to project management planning. There's the timeline,
the stakeholder matrix, and resource management to consider. In relation to the latter, there's
the issue of how you'll obtain resources that necessitate the use of vendors of goods and
services. Procurement management is what it's all about. The procurement management plan
is an integral aspect of the project management strategy (Karaman, & Kurt, 2015). A project's
life cycle is likely to include multiple times where it will interact with vendors. This procedure
must be overseen. A procurement management plan is required to manage these relationships
and keep the flow of products and services running without interruption.


The Scope Management Plan lays out how the scope will be discovered and established,
then developed, controlled, and validated. It is included in the Project Management Plan and
feeds into the requirement specification, the Scope Statement, the Work Breakdown Structure,
and the Work Breakdown Structure Dictionary. It is compatible with the Requirements
Management Plan and may be used in conjunction with it for small tasks. The Scope
Management Plan is made up of the following elements: the Development
Approach,Requirements Management Plan, Lifecycle Description, Change Management
Plan,  and Release and Iterative process Plan. In bigger projects, unit tests could be used to
specify the scope of deliverables.


Prior to implementing the project, the Schedule Management Plan necessitates proactive
thought. It entails considering a number of factors, including:
 People that are active in the scheduling process
 The approach necessary to plan a process timetable
 Organizational processes and procedures are used.
 Scheduling instruments
 Methodology for managing and controlling the project in order to meet the baseline
timeline and handle any deviations
In Integration Management, the timetable management plan is established as part of the
Develop Management Plan process. A project manager must design a schedule management
strategy, and it has been noted that most project managers overlook this crucial factor in real-
world circumstances.

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"A component of the project management plan, the quality management plan specifies
how applicable rules, processes, and guidelines will be applied to meet the quality objectives."
It outlines the actions and resources required for the project management team to meet the
project's quality objectives (Karaman & Kurt, 2015). Nonetheless, the quality requirements are
defined by a competent project manager. For small projects, the quality management plan may
be as simple as a one-page document, while larger projects may require a more comprehensive
strategy. Project managers also collaborate with their sponsor, team, and key stakeholders to
establish what is required.


Any new initiative comes with its own set of hazards. While your company can't
completely eliminate risk, a well-established risk management approach may help you predict
and limit it. The following are risk management measures to help your team succeed by making
it more flexible and responsive when hazards arise.


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Project resource management requires a staffing management plan and a resource
management plan. In order to complete project tasks, each project will require resources.
There will be a requirement for both human and physical resources (Bongiovanni et al., 2015).
Each activity's resource requirements will be estimated. The resources will be acquired in
accordance with the project's schedule. The main activities to be carried out as part of project
resource management include planning for resources, acquiring resources, building a team, and
managing a team. A resource management plan will include all of the project's resource
management principles. There could also be a plan for the staff members.

Including time-off times for the resources participating in your project is an important
aspect of project planning. Holidays, holidays, and medical leave are all options. People take
vacations. Keeping track of non-working time is also essential for ensuring the project is
completed on schedule. The project manager can add time-off periods (non-working time) for
the resources to ensure project manager never get caught off guard. Calendars define the
project's typical working hours and non-working hours, such as weekends and holidays. Keep in
mind that when creating a meaningful and realistic project plan, the project manager should
include non-working periods for resources, such as vacation time and time out of the office.

A cost baseline is the project's approved budget, split down into a list of salaries,
materials, equipment, and other expenses. It's the total of the project's cost estimates for all of
the tasks. After the project manager has established a cost baseline, he will need to include a

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management reserve, which is a portion of the project budget set aside for management
control and unforeseen costs. The project budget is made up of these two components.

Project Phase Budgeted Total Comments

Planning $ 5000 Gathering project
Design $10000 Determining how the project
will be processed.
Execution $15000 Implementing the project
Evaluation $5000 Testing the project
Transition and Closeout $10000 Handing over the project

The Performance Measurement Baseline (PMB) is a critical instrument in earned value
management that Program Managers and Systems Engineers use to assess a program's
technical progress during the Technical Assessment Process. The management reserve is
excluded from the undistributed budget, all summary level planning package budgets, and all ’s
account budgets. It establishes a contract-level timed progressive baseline against whatever
contract-level earned value metrics are derived.It specifies the program's scope, timetable, and
financial goals. The PMB is evaluated by the Integrated Baseline Review (IBR).

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Approved by the Project Sponsor:

___________________________________________ Date:____________________
<Project Sponsor>
<Project Sponsor Title>

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Appendix A: WBS

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Bongiovanni, A., Colotti, G., Liguori, G. L., Di Carlo, M., Digilio, F. A., Lacerra, G., ... & Kisslinger,
A. (2015). Applying Quality and Project Management methodologies in biomedical
research laboratories: a public research network’s case study. Accreditation and Quality
Assurance, 20(3), 203-213.
Karaman, E., & Kurt, M. (2015). Comparison of project management methodologies: prince 2
versus PMBOK for it projects. Int. Journal of Applied Sciences and Engineering
Research, 4(4), 572-579.
Matos, P. V., Romão, M., Sarmento, J. M., & Abaladas, A. (2019). The adoption of project
management methodologies and tools by NGDOs: A mixed methods
perspective. Journal of Business Research, 101, 651-659.


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