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Attack of the stink bugs; Congressman Wolf holds forum about stink
bug infestation
Tuesday, Apr. 19 by Laura Peters | 6 comments | Email this story | Video

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Video In Purcellville, Congressman Frank Wolf (R-10th) held a forum Monday,

April 18 at Woodgrove High School about the brown marmorated stink bug Join Our
that are fast and steadily invading our land and affecting our crops. Email List
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weekly updates
Dr. Tracy Leskey, a research entomologist with the United States Department of Agriculture
spoke about the data she’s gathered with her research team, which involves trapping stink bugs.

Dr. Christopher Bergh, a Virginia Tech associate professor of entomology at the Alson H. Smith
Jr. Agricultural Research and Extension Center in Winchester spoke about different insecticides
that could possible be used to manage the problem. One point he brought up, is that with each
of the different insecticides, diligence is key, and water, much like the rain we had over the past
weekend will wash away what ever application you put on crops.

Loudoun County has been hit hard by stink bugs with the exorbitant amount of apple and The Loudoun Times-Mirror
peach farms in the county as well as vineyards. When stink bugs attack the crops, the damage
they produce may not even be seen until the crops are harvested.
is an interactive, digital replica
But, as most of the audience was leaving the forum, they felt like things were still left of the printed newspaper.
unanswered. Open the e-edition now.

‘I think the jury is still out in regards of what to do,” Eugene Scheel, a resident of Loudoun
County said. “[For] the majority of the people here, considering…those questions were not View our other print publications available online.

Leskey also brought up a type of wasp from Asia that can be used to battle the stink bug, but the
research on it is still two years in the making.

The problem-solving techniques brought up in the forum, like the insecticide Dinotefuran, are Weekly Hello Loudoun Taste
still being approved by the FDA or still in prototype phases. Leskey said that there will be at least Homes Guide County of Loudoun
two generations of stink bugs produced from this years crop cycle, and the ones that are in your
house now, are trying to get out to mate.
Congressman Frank Wolf
(R-10th) sits and listens
to the two presenters
about the effects of stink Bridal Future Health
bugs and what comes Guide Leaders and Beauty
next in the battle against
them. Times-Mirror
Photo/Rick Wasser

Summer Home Coming

Camps and Garden Soon


Thu, Apr 21 at 01:32 AM by Andy Strube:

Strube’s stink bug light traps are proven to work excellent! Please see our website
and help us spread the word! . Thank You!

Wed, Apr 20 at 07:20 PM by psprings:

Sort of like t he national debt. A lot of talk and empty promises. Time for
younger blood for our Congressional district.

Wed, Apr 20 at 12:44 PM by John Grigsby:

Federal spending (most of which he has voted for) is going to drive us to

financial ruin ... and he’s concerned about ... stink bugs? This guy is way out of

Wed, Apr 20 at 09:19 AM by umm:

where are these so called orchards? vineyards yes… but last i remember loudoun
stopped the orchards and started farming idiots and vinyl housing.

Tue, Apr 19 at 12:43 PM by Bill Schweiker:

Carolina wrens have been eating them. As well as bats and Preying Mantis.
Local fauna will adapt to them as a food source it just takes time.

Tue, Apr 19 at 12:15 PM by Observer:

Exorbitant = exceeding the customary or appropriate limits in intensity, quality,

amount, or size.

So, are you suggesting that Loudoun County is being overrun with apple and
peach orchards? That housing tracts are being knocked down to make room for
the rampaging vineyards and dastardly apple trees? Oh the horror!!!

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