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Submitted by
Submitted to
Abul Khair Jyote


JANNAT ALI 1220728

We are preparing to offer DOLLAR SHAVE CLUB in Bangladesh for the first time. At present,
Gillette being our competitor, we offer the same high quality product as a much lower price rate.
We have a hassle free monthly delivery system. You have to subscribe to our service and choose
any your shaving stack from our products or whatever products you like for shaving, and the first
day of every month we will send you your total shaving stack for the month. We thing we can
compete in the market because our product offer the same benefit at a much lower price and our
unique subscription system saves TIME & MONEY of our customers. We are targeting 18-50
years old male consumer segment, taking opportunity of DOLLAR SHAVE CLUB’s hassle free
service and being a pioneer in the market.

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Dollar Shave Club is a Venice, California-based company that delivers razors and other personal
grooming products by mail. The company positions itself as a cost-effective and convenient
alternative to retail chains. It delivers razor blades on a monthly basis and offers additional
grooming products for home delivery. Dollar Shave Club was founded by Mark Levine and
Michael Dubin. The pair met at a party and spoke of their frustrations with the cost of razor
blades. With their own money and investments from start-up incubator Science Inc., they began
operations in July 2011. Dollar Shave Club is backed by a variety of venture capitalists. In
March 2012, seed investors provided $1 million in funding from groups that included, Felicis
Ventures, Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, Andreessen Horowitz, Shasta Ventures, and

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Forerunner Ventures. The same group, joined by Venrock, provided $9.8 million in series A
funding in October 2012. A year later, a $12 million series B round was raised led by Venrock,
Comcast Ventures, New World Investors and Battery Ventures. Amidst the fundraising
announcement, Dollar Shave Club announced it would be expanding its product line to include a
dozen other men’s products in 2014. In June 2015, the company secured $75 million in series D

We currently have short term and long term goals for DOLLAR SHAVE CLUB

Short-Term Goals: Acquire more subscriber via word of mouth and web of mouth.

Long-Term Goals: Expand by shipping outside of Dhaka. Also expand target market to woman.


DOLLAR SHAVE CLUB will have the most interesting and easy to use way to serve. You
choose any plan or make your own plan and then we will send you your grooming product every
first day of the month.


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1. Go to
2. Create an account
3. Choose any plan
4. Customize your stack, add any product from our wide product range
5. Order your stack
6. Pay with VISA card, bKash or sit tight and get a “Cash On Delivery”
7. Now SHAVE

What is happening throughout this process is when you are creating an account, we are getting
your address and then you are automatically entitled to our zonal service based on which area in
you live. Then you are choosing your shaving plan that suits you best. There also have options to
customize your service. Then when you place your order for the first time, we sent you your
stack on every first day of the month. You don’t need to reconfirm your order every month. We
will automatically sent to you. But if you feels like you need a rest or you want to try some other
services, we also have a PAUSE option for our customers.

We are now delivering this brands shaving and grooming stack

Our customers can choose their grooming products like shaving cream, post shave, hair care
from any of the brand like American Crew, Baxter of California, Granier, and Gatesby. They can

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choose any blades they want along with other grooming products and we will deliver them on a
monthly basis. They can anytime change or switch to another plan and we will deliver them.

We are going to offer five plans

1. “The Humble Twin” (two blades per razor, four razors per month, 150tk per month),
2. “The 4X” (four blades, three razors, 175tk per month)
3. “The Executive” (six blades, two razors, 250tk per month)
4. “The 4X + Shave Butter” (four blades, three razors, 50ml shaving cream, 275tk per
5. “The Executive + Shave Butter + Post Shave” (six blades, two razors, 100ml shaving
cream, 50ml post shave, 400k per month)

Also we will have a customization option, our consumer can create or customize their plan like
“The Humble Twin (two blades per razor, “THREE” razors per month + 50g Shave Butter +
American Crew Post Hair) and then the service charge will be automatically calculated.

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CUSTOMIZED PACK 01 (The Executive+Shave Butter+Post Shave+Repair Serum)

We have three subscription & delivery options.

1. “Charlie” users have no customization option and have to pay 30tk for delivery. No
subscription fee. Can’t pause service.
2. “Delta” users have a customization option only applicable for products offered by us.
30tk delivery charge and a one-time subscription fee. Can pause service anytime.
3. “Alpha” users have unlimited customization option from our product range to other
brands product range offered by us. No delivery charge and a yearly subscription renewal

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Industry Overview

DOLLAR SHAVE CLUB brought to you by WINTER SOLDIERS is about to enter the brand
new market of online shaving equipment selling. We won’t have a competitor right now because
we are the pioneer or first to bring this type of service in Bangladesh. Although Gillette is now
fulfilling 85% of the market demand for shaving razors and creams. So we might have a tough
time to encourage the customers for taking our service. Therefore, to gain market share in this
dynamic environment, DOLLAR SHAVE CLUB must carefully target specific segments with
benefits offered by its high quality razors and as unique system and hassle free service at a much
lower price which is valued by each customer group.



What about California?

The U.S culture through the lens of the 4-D Model, we can get a good overview of the deep
drivers of U.S culture relative to other world cultures.

Power Distance Index

This dimension deals with the fact that all individuals in societies are not equal – it expresses the
attitude of the culture towards these inequalities amongst us.

With a score of 18 points U.S is at the very low end of this dimension compared to other
countries. This matches perfectly with what many foreigners in U.S express: U.S do not lead,
they coach and employee autonomy is required. In fact, U.S ranks highest amongst the EU27
countries in terms of employee autonomy. With a very egalitarian mindset the U.S believe in

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independency, equal rights, accessible superiors and that management facilitates and empowers.
Power is decentralized and managers count on the experience of their team members. Respect
among the U.S s is something which you earn by proving your hands-on expertise. Workplaces
have a very informal atmosphere with direct and involving communication and on a first name
basis. Employees expect to be consulted.


The fundamental issue addressed by this dimension is to do with whether people´s self-image is
defined in terms of “I” or “We”.

In Individualist societies people are supposed to look after themselves and their direct family
only. In Collectivist society’s people belong to ‘in groups’ that take care of them in exchange for

U.S, with a score of 74 is an Individualistic society. This means there is a high preference for a
loosely-knit social framework in which individuals are expected to take care of themselves and
their immediate families only. It is relatively easy to start doing business with the U.S. Small talk
is kept at a minimum and you do not need to create relationships first. U.S are also known for
using a very direct form of communication.

Uncertainty Avoidance Index

The dimension Uncertainty Avoidance has to do with the way that a society deals with the fact
that the future can never be known should we try to control the future or just let it happen? This
ambiguity brings with it anxiety and different cultures have learnt to deal with this anxiety in

With a score of 23 U.S scores low on this dimension. This means that that U.S do not need a lot
of structure and predictability in their work life. Plans can change overnight, new things pop up
and the U.S are fine with it. It is a natural part of their work life. Curiosity is natural and is

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encouraged from a very young age. This combination of a highly individualistic and curious
nation is also the driving force for U.S reputation within innovation and design. What is different
is attractive! This also emerges throughout the society in both its humor, heavy consumerism for
new and innovative products and the fast highly creative industries it thrives in – advertising,
marketing, financial engineering.

At the workplace this low score on UAI is also reflected in the fact that the U.S tells you if you
are in doubt or do not know something. It is ok to say “I do not know” and the U.S are
comfortable in ambiguous situations at the workplace.

Masculinity / Femininity

A high score (masculine) on this dimension indicates that the society will be driven by
competition, achievement and success, with success being defined by the winner / best in field –
a value system that starts in school and continues throughout organizational behavior.

A low score (feminine) on the dimension means that the dominant values in society are caring
for others and quality of life. A feminine society is one where quality of life is the sign of success
and standing out from the crowd is not admirable.

U.S scores 45 on this dimension and is therefore considered a masculine society. An effective
manager is supportive to his/her people, and decision making is achieved through involvement.
Managers strive for consensus and people value equality, solidarity and quality in their working
lives. Conflicts are resolved by compromise and negotiation and U.S are known for their long
discussions until consensus has been reached. Incentives such as free time and flexible work
hours and place are favored.

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If we explore the Bangladesh culture through the lens of the 4-D Model, we can get a good
overview of the deep drivers of its culture relative to other world cultures.

Power Distance Index

This dimension deals with the fact that all individuals in societies are not equal – it expresses the
attitude of the culture towards these inequalities amongst us.

Power distance is defined as Bangladesh scores high on this dimension (score of 80) which
means that people accept a hierarchical order in which everybody has a place and which needs
no further justification. As we can say we offer 5 plans now along with a customized service
which is based on this power distance. There is a hierarchical place in our service and upper
placed people will go for premium service where lower place will go for basic.


The fundamental issue addressed by this dimension. It has to do with whether people´s self-
image is defined in terms of “I” or “We”.

In Individualist societies people are supposed to look after themselves and their direct family
only. In Collectivist society’s people belong to ‘in groups’ that take care of them in exchange for

Bangladesh, with a score of 20 is considered a collectivistic society. This is manifest in a close

long-term commitment to the member 'group', be that a family, extended family, or extended
relationships. Loyalty in a collectivist culture is paramount, and over-rides most other societal
rules and regulations. The society fosters strong relationships where everyone takes
responsibility for fellow members of their group. So positive word of mouth can be influenced. If

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we provide a great service experience which will help increase WOM because Bangladeshi
people like to recommends things and by influencing PWOM we have a good chance.

Uncertainty Avoidance Index

The dimension Uncertainty Avoidance has to do with the way that a society deals with the fact
that the future can never be known: should we try to control the future or just let it happen?

Bangladesh scores 60 on this dimension and thus has a high preference for avoiding uncertainty.
Countries exhibiting high uncertainty avoidance maintain rigid codes of belief and behavior and
are intolerant of unorthodox behavior and ideas. In these cultures there is an emotional need for
rules (even if the rules never seem to work) time is money, people have an inner urge to be busy
and work hard, precision and punctuality are the norm, innovation may be resisted, security is an
important element in individual motivation. This poses a big problem for DOLLAR SHAVE
CLUB. Because we are launching for the first time and people doesn’t have a certain image or
feelings about us. So they might have a tendency to avoid our service. They could think “What if
they don’t deliver my product timely” or “what if they charge high for a lower quality product”.
So they could avoid this shaving stack delivery service out of uncertainty.

Masculinity / Femininity

A high score (masculine) on this dimension indicates that the society will be driven by
competition, achievement and success, with success being defined by the winner / best in field –
a value system that starts in school and continues throughout organizational behavior.

A low score (feminine) on the dimension means that the dominant values in society are caring
for others and quality of life. A feminine society is one where quality of life is the sign of success
and standing out from the crowd is not admirable. Bangladesh scores 55 on this dimension and
can be considered a masculine society. In masculine countries people “live in order to work”,

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managers are expected to be decisive and assertive, the emphasis is on equity, competition and
performance and conflicts are resolved by fighting them out. We shouldn’t face any problem
because we are for now providing grooming kit delivery service for men only.

Dr. Carver’s Shave Butter – A large selling shaving cream now at Dollar Shave Club



The Dollar Shave Club currently manufactures designs and ships the razors, allowing Dollar
Shave Club to sell razors at a reduced price. The razors are high quality and affordable, which

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benefits the customer. The Dollar Shave Club offers a unique subscription service for our
product that is not available otherwise, by using social media including YouTube, Twitter,
Facebook and its website; it has gained popularity and a loyal customer base. This multi-media
approach is less expensive than printing ads, and other traditional mass marketing efforts by
doing everything in-house. Operating costs are low because few employees are needed since it is
an online service. As our company grows we can hire more employees as necessary.


The Dollar Shave Club is a new company; therefore it does not have a loyal customer base or
brand recognition, like Gillette, our top competitor. Currently, they only market to males, even
though women make up more than half of the population. Also, customer relations are not
emphasized on the website which may portray a company that is not customer oriented.


The opportunities that favor The Dollar Shave Club’s success include culture & fashion. Well
grooming is now very important to being a part of society. Our unique subscription system is out
of the box idea which saves time and also money.


Foreign trade agreements with China and South Korea give The Dollar Shave Club the ability to
produce their products affordably. However, if these agreements went sour it could leave The
Dollar Shave Club without a supplier of quality discount razors.

Another potential threat would be competitors of other razor brands starting price wars by
pricing their products extremely low, or offering similar services and hair removal products.
Companies that currently have market share have had time to gain revenues, which allows them
to gain more market influence than The Dollar Shave Club. Example: If Gillette decided to enter
the online subscription segment that The Dollar Shave Club is in, they would have more money

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to spend on advertising and could offer a wider variety of products. Since there are no barriers to
entry, Gillette could gain competitive advantage over The Dollar Shave Club.

Dollar Shave Club already offers convenient grooming product delivery service at a low price to
men. Adding more brand to their subscription delivery system will allow this company to
broaden their targeted audience.

The Dollar Shave Club will be able to offer a significantly lower price than competitors because
they have a shorter supply chain with fewer intermediaries, fewer products to offer which will
save the end user money. Also, the Dollar Shave Club will continue to be responsive to
consumer demands and maintain excellent customer service throughout its expansion. Another
strategy Dollar Shave Club will use is to expand its digital marketing channels on television and
social media.

The Marketing strategy will be implemented by continuing the comical style of advertising
which has already drawn almost 20 million viewers to their promotional video, “Our razors
aren’t good, our razors are f***ing great!”

For anyone who buys razors, is pinched for time, and is tired of paying too much for a product as
simple as a razor can benefit from the service The Dollar Shave Club provides. Unlike industry
leaders such as Gillette, The Dollar Shave Club gets its razors from a manufacturer at such
discounted prices that its savings is passed down to the subscribers. You can also try another
brand for you shaving or customize your grooming stack. Whatever your grooming stack is, we
will collect it for you and deliver it to you.

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Service Target Benefits Price Value
Market Proposition
Deliver shaving Men ages 18-49 Fast and As low as 150tk Deliver straight
and grooming years. convenient. to 400tk for our to the
stacks on a selected plan. subscriber’s
monthly basis Low price. door at every
from our own As low as 200tk month at a low
product range Hassle free & to up to 1000tk delivery rate.
and from other time saving. for customized
different brand plan.
range. Online
subscription &

Our mission is to deliver outstanding, quality grooming products at the beginning of every
month, for only a few dollars.

The marketing objective of The Dollar Shave Club is to bring awareness to the company. Many
hair removal consumers don’t have a variety of options. The Dollar Shave Club has already
targeted the male segment and assembled a solid customer base.

In future we are attempting to acquire a new segment of customers; women. Of the women who
partook in the survey, over 93% of the women have never heard of Dollar Shave Club and over
85% of the women would be willing to try a different brand of razor. These numbers are

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astonishing, if we can inform all these women of The Dollar Shave Club services, many of them
would be willing to subscribe to our monthly delivery.

Our Basic plan only 175tk/Month in a smooth packaging

We also have plan to bring a whole lot of grooming product subscription service for our
customers. We would like to introduce brands like American Crew, Baxter of California, Seacley
brand to our subscriber.


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A priority for the company was to break-even. Once that is accomplished, our next mission is to
continue to grow and increase profits. Dollar Shave Club is focused on being innovative in the
marketplace. We strive to stay ahead of our competitors. We will continue to concentrate on
meeting our forecasted sales goals.

DOLLAR SHAVE CLUB offer various grooming and shaving product delivery service at home
for men, that want a clean, fast, convenient, low cost shaving and grooming plan on a regular
basis just by sitting home.

The marketing strategy of The Dollar Shave Club is focused on the convenience of monthly
subscriptions as well as the amount that the customer would save compared to buying brand
name razors and grooming products. Keeping prices low is only possible with good relationships
with our suppliers and the efficiency of our distribution channels. The target market consists of
males ages 18- 49 that want convenient and reliable blades. The Dollar Shave Club will not only
provide convenient, reliable blades, but offer them at a discounted rate. You choose your shaving
set or grooming set, and we will deliver it to you on a monthly basis. The target market is made
up of people that are busy and lead hectic lives. These include college students, and busy
professionals. The Dollar shave Club adds convenience, because it is a subscription and is
delivered straight to the customer’s door. The place part of our mix will ensure that the company
keeps the website and online store updated and innovative to ensure customer satisfaction.
Lastly, promotion will include all of the advertising strategies both online, print and college
campus events. All of these promotional strategies will help gain brand recognition and new

Target Market

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We would like to do an INCOME SEGMENTATION. This segmentation has been used by the
marketers for almost any kinds of products and services. Many companies who use this type of
segmentation mostly target the affluent customers. However, we will not only be targeting the
affluent customers, but, customers of the lower income groups. We have our monthly plans for
both the high income customer group to low income customer group. Thus, by using the
strategies, DOLLAR SHAVE CLUB can achieve a higher market share in a short period of time.
We are only targeting the male customers who shaves.


Black is a product that could be afforded by any of the following classes: Upper Lowers,
Working Class, Middle Class, Upper Middles, Lower Uppers, and Upper Uppers which is
mainly a consequence of using market penetration and low-income strategies.



Black will be targeting the following users:

 First-Time User: This group includes consumers who are planning to shave regularly.
Mostly they have never been shaved before and they wanted to shave regularly.
Therefore, we could attract this group of consumers by making them aware about our
innovative service advantages and by showing them how it can saves twice the money by
giving same performance then our competitor through our promotional campaigns.

 Potential User: This group includes consumers, who are aware about DOLLAR SHAVE
CLUB, but the service are consumed less compared to the regular users. Mainly they are
the people who doesn’t shave regularly. They shave once or twice in a week. Thus, we
could attract this group of consumers by following the same strategy as mentioned above
that is by making them aware of our products advantages over our competitors and
through our promotional campaigns.

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 Regular User: This group includes consumers who shaves regularly. They are mostly
corporate shark and needs to be well groomed every day. Therefore, we could encourage
them to use our service by making them aware that our service is tension free and it’s
very cheap comparing your current shaving equipment.

Confused which plan to choose? Try our premium at 400tk/Month (Includes only Shave Butter & Post Shave)

We also want to target

 We want to target those who have busy lives because the subscription would help them
eliminate the need to buy razors at the store.
 Those without brand loyalty will be open minded about trying another brand that offers
the same quality.

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 Those looking for a bargain will gladly sign up for The Dollar Shave Club because they
offer quality products at a bargain price.
 Interested in appearing well groomed by society standards.
 Those who are first to jump on the bandwagon will be the first to sign up for The Dollar
Shave Club.
 Following the Early Adopters will be the Early Majority who typically wait for a bit until
something has been out on the market a while.

The marketing communication mix was determined by the fact that The Dollar Shave Club has
no tangible store since it is an online subscription and delivery system. This means there needs
to be enough marketing and online presence to get the word out about the company and its
products. We will use extensive social media and Internet marketing to gain awareness and gain
a following of new customers. Next, we will distribute print ads and magazine ads as well as T.V
commercial spots to inform people about the company. The Dollar Shave Club will host
marketing events and advertising events on college campuses to encourage them to sign up. This
mix will target our customers online and offline.

Our marketing mix was specifically designed to make sure that each of our target markets are
covered in our marketing campaigns.


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Our secondary research was gathered by searching online from the Procter & Gamble annual
reports, the Gillette website, journal articles from Factiva, and newspaper articles. We have also
analyzed market trends of current grooming and razors companies.

Our report says indicates that many people in Bangladesh waste a lot of money on razors or
grooming products. Having no competitor they are pricing high and for imported product,
importer to distribution to local store ends up adding a good amount of extra money to that
product. Bangladeshi people are now becoming aware of well grooming and they want to try
different product that suits them. Like a person needs a razor, shaving cream, post shave, hair
care and skin care. He prefers five different brand. So he have to go to different store and end up
spending a handful of money followed by wasting some valuable time. That’s not it. He had to
do it every now and then.

In this situation, if that customers subscribe to us, we will send him his grooming stack which is
a much lower price, offering our products and a wide range of other brands just by sitting there.
EVERY MONTH. Our research says if we can make customer aware of the benefit of our
service, we can totally lead the market as no one is now providing this unique shaving/grooming
stack delivery service.


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In the first quarter The Dollar Shave club expects to serve 20000 subscriber. It is expected that
the cheapest, most basic shaving/grooming plan will gain the most subscriber and that our most
expensive shaving/grooming plan will sell the least. Since the service is brand new, rapid growth
of subscriber per quarter is expected in the first year yielding over tk5200000 from our
subscriber. For the second year it is predicted that subscriber will not increase as rapidly but will
still experience a 12% growth from year one, sales equaling over tk5720000 in the third year it is
forecasted that growth will continue and increase 15% from the second year, a total 27% from
the first year. Total products sold in the third year would be nearly 10000000tk. In 5 years we are
expecting to have a large number of subscriber nearly 50000 which will yield roughly
15000000tk. These sales will satisfy our marketing budget and yield profits. Therefore, these
forecasts might be used as a quota but should be readjusted after the first quarter for a more
accurate number.

Subscriber Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

YEAR 1: 20000 +/- (10000*200tk) (15000*200tk) (20000*200tk)
YEAR 2: 30000 +/- (7000*300tk) (9000*300tk) (1000*300tk)
YEAR 3: 35000 +/- (3000*500tk) (6000*500tk) (5000*500tk)
Total= 5600000tk TOTAL= 8700000tk TOTAL=

The contents of our action plan offers a diverse range of marketing technique. Our unique
promotional action pack contains

Brand Ambassador at the 10 Largest University in Bangladesh

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The main objective of this action is to reach our target segment and increase awareness. Through
the use of young star ambassador, the word will spread quickly as peer to peer advertisement is
much more effective for this type of service where a student share a different level of trust with
each other.

Advertising Campaign in the 5 Busiest Commercial Area in Dhaka

The objective of this action is to increase loyalty, awareness and subscriber of our service. This 5
busiest commercial areas will give us a chance to seen by thousands of people every day and the
high traffic will definitely work in our favor. Individuals will be able to know about our service
and will be able to sign up for the service on the spot.

Vendor Booth at 5 Concerts

Tis will increase awareness as well as sales. Being a part of these events will help DOLAR
SHAVE CLUB to reach 18-29 years individuals who will be the heart of this company and will
help influence positive word of mouth about our service. It will also give a chance to DOLAR
SHAVE CLUB to associate with something that people enjoy. Increasing the standard of the
brand in consumers mind.

Funny YouTube Commercial

This will help to each the secondary target market and also increase awareness as well as sales
and also will create a good sense of humor.

Billboard Advertisement

This action will help increase sales an awareness and will give consumers a reminder.


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This will create and increase customer loyalty. We will giveaway some basic and premium
membership to our old customer and new users which will help them to evaluate our offerings
range as well as increase loyalty which will help to increase sales and influence positive word of

Sponsoring a Fashion Show

This will help to create an image in customer’s minds as well as awareness. Holding the
sponsorship of a fashion show will create a distinct association in consumer’s mind which will
help to position and create a strong brand equity.

Just want to shave? It can’t be any better

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Rank Action Plan Description Cost TK
Brand Ambassador at the 10 10 Ambassadors 12 month 600000tk
Largest University in
Bangladesh 12month*(10
ambassador*5000tk each)
Advertising Campaign in the 10 booth in 5 places for 1 45000tk
5 Busiest Commercial Area in month, 3 times a year
(10 booth*1500tk booth cost)*3
Vendor Booth at 5 Concerts 5 booth for 1 day, 4 times a year 45000tk
5 booth*3000tk day*3 times
Billboard Advertisement 40 billboard for a year 2000000tk
40 billboard*50000tk yearly
Giveaway 100 new, 100 old subscriber, 3 300000tk
times a year

200 subs*500tk each* 3 times

Sponsoring a Fashion Show Sponsor 6 shows in a year 6000000tk
6 shows*1000000tk each show


Difficulties and Risks That We Foresee:

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One issue is competitor’s influence in the marketplace. For example: if Gillette decides to create
a similar service for mailing razors and grooming kit, this might be a threat, because Gillette has
much more brand recognition and market share. Gillette would have to lower their prices to
compete with the Dollar Shave Club, which would essentially go against their company’s
mission. If Gillette chooses to do so Dollar Shave Club will expand the marketing to make sure
new customers are always being sought out. In addition to this, the company will continue to
offer razors and additional products. The customers that are already loyal will continue
purchasing from Dollar Shave Club.

If we need to, we can always push efforts to new segments or expand our marketing campaign at
college campuses because this is a market that is changing every year. New students are admitted
and are newly living away from home. In addition, our magazine and Internet ad presence can be
widened as we have more funds to do so. At the moment the plan is to advertise in a few top
magazines, but expanding this would make more people see the advertisements.

If expanding the company is an option then there needs to be a secondary facility built in another
location, personnel will also need to be hired. New agreements and contracts with suppliers and
intermediaries need to be redrawn to keep up with the demand. This includes razor suppliers,
mailing service, and the website maintenance crew.

The way the company would deal with the growth is to build another facility possibly on the east
coast of the United States or in the northeast to make shipping to the east coast and possibly
Canada, feasible in a timely manner. New intermediaries might need to be sought, as well as new
personnel to run the warehouse. Internet and Website maintenance can be done from one
location as is it possible to work from anywhere because of the accessibility of the Internet.

Also if agreements with suppliers are cut off, this can impede on business and halt production,
which would not allow the company to function as usual. The Dollar Shave Club will have to re-

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examine and make agreements with other intermediaries, possibly without the customer’s
knowledge so it doesn't affect price or distribution.

Building a marketing plan and doing cross cultural analysis on DOLAR SHAVE CLUB have
completely changed our outlook. There is an extraordinary amount of work that goes into both
internal and external structure of the plan. Internal action plan posed a challenge to develop an
effective action plan while maintaining the budget.

An important aspect of marketing plan is creativity. Question that you must answer “How is
DOLLAR SHAVE CLUB going to be different?” or “Why would one choose the DOLLAR
SHAVE CLUB?” Therefore a lot of effort must be put into achieve success. Focusing on
different cultural trends like “No Shave November” is very helpful.

Having the opportunity to build our own marketing plan was a great way to attain a real life
marketing experience and to work on a marketing team. There were a lot of difficult challenges
but once that helped us realize to degree of effort to achieve a successful plan. All in all, it was a
great experience as this project helps prepare us to be better marketers in the future.



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