Hydro-Quebec PES3 Master Protocol: Reference Manual

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Reference Manual

Hydro-Quebec PES3
Master Protocol
Documentation for part number P-SMPR-0201
© 2012 Cooper Power Systems, LLC – All rights reserved.
The information in this document is subject to change without notice.

Cooper Power Systems

Energy Automation Solutions
730 Commerciale Street
Suite 200
Saint-Jean-Chrysostome, Quebec
Canada G6Z 2C5
Phone: +1.418.834.0009
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Email: PSMO-sales@cooperindustries.com
Web: http://www.cooperpower.com

Technical Support: PSSJ-support@cooperindustries.com

S1120-48-7, version 7
Tables ...............................................................................................................................................v
1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 1
2. Features.................................................................................................................................... 2
2.1 Communication ........................................................................................................................ 2
2.2 Supported PES3 Cards .............................................................................................................. 2
2.2.1 Device Data Retrieval ................................................................................................. 3
2.2.2 Device Control ........................................................................................................... 3
3. Configuration Settings ............................................................................................................. 4
3.1 General Settings....................................................................................................................... 4
3.2 Rack Settings ........................................................................................................................... 4
3.3 CBA3 Settings .......................................................................................................................... 5
3.3.1 Generated binary inputs ............................................................................................. 5
3.3.2 Generated binary outputs ........................................................................................... 7
3.4 CEA3 Settings .......................................................................................................................... 7
3.5 CEN3 Settings .......................................................................................................................... 8
3.5.1 CEN3 Binary Input Point Settings - “Point” Group ......................................................... 9
3.5.2 CEN3 Analog Input Point Settings - “TMN8” and “TMN16” Groups................................. 9
3.6 CSR3 Settings ........................................................................................................................ 10
3.7 CEAR3 Settings ...................................................................................................................... 11
4. Implementation Details ......................................................................................................... 13
4.1 Multiple Instances .................................................................................................................. 13
4.2 Startup Sequence ................................................................................................................... 13
4.3 Scan Cycle ............................................................................................................................. 13
5. Troubleshooting ..................................................................................................................... 14
5.1 Traces ................................................................................................................................... 14
5.2 Common Problems and Solutions ............................................................................................ 14


Table 2-1 Supported PES3 Cards ...................................................................................... 3
Table 2-2 Supported Control Requests ............................................................................. 3
Table 3-1 General Settings ............................................................................................... 4
Table 3-2 Rack Settings .................................................................................................... 5
Table 3-3 CBA3 Settings ................................................................................................... 5
Table 3-4 CBA3 Binary Input Points ................................................................................. 7
Table 3-5 CBA3 Binary Output Points ............................................................................... 7
Table 3-6 CEA3 Analog Input Point Settings .................................................................... 8
Table 3-7 CEN3 Settings ................................................................................................... 9
Table 3-8 CEN3 Binary Input Point Settings ..................................................................... 9
Table 3-9 CEN3 Analog Input Point Settings .................................................................. 10
Table 3-10 CSR3 Binary Output Point Settings................................................................. 11
Table 3-11 CEAR3 Settings ............................................................................................... 12
Table 5-1 Troubleshooting .............................................................................................. 14


1. Introduction
This manual provides the information required to install and set up a Hydro-Quebec PES3 master
protocol component in an SMP Gateway.
This protocol component is used to retrieve data from a PES3 device. It can also be used to
control such a device.
You must be familiar with the SMP Gateway environment, master protocol concepts and the
Hydro-Quebec PES3 protocol specification before proceeding with this document. You can acquire
this information by reading the following documents:
 Protocol Common Concepts Reference Manual, S1120-11-1, COOPER Power Systems, LLC.
 SMP Gateway User Manual, S1120-10-1, COOPER Power Systems, LLC.


2. Features
This chapter enumerates the features provided by the Hydro-Quebec PES3 master protocol

2.1 Communication
The Hydro-Quebec PES3 protocol component uses LLC1/LLC2 physical layer protocols, as well as
TP4 over X25, to communicate with the configured PES3 units.
Therefore, the following communication features are available when interconnecting PES3
devices to the SMP Gateway hardware:
 Built-in Ethernet board
 PCMCIA Ethernet board

2.2 Supported PES3 Cards

The following table describes the PES3 acquisition cards that are currently supported by the
master protocol component.

Card Description
CBA3 The CBA3 card is responsible for initializing and communicating with a PES3
device. There is always 1 and only 1 CBA3 card per PES3 unit.
The CBA3 card also provides interesting information about the
physical/material state of the PES3 device on which it is located, such as
power failure and synchronization state.
The Hydro-Quebec PES3 master protocol makes this information available to
slave protocols by combining the state of all its configured CBA3 cards into 12
binary input points.
The Hydro-Quebec PES3 master also enables the control of 5 alarm relays via
5 binary output points, on each configured CBA3 card.
CEA3 A CEA3 card contains 16 analog input points. Each point, encoded as signed
12-bit, is available to slave protocols for subscription.
Usually, analog inputs on a CEA3 represent voltage measures.
CEAR3 A CEAR3 card has particular inputs that are not handled by the Hydro-Quebec
PES3 component. However, the configuration of CEAR3 cards and failure
diagnosis are assumed by the Hydro-Quebec PES3 master protocol.
Usually, data acquired by a CEAR3 is used as input to different algorithmic
CEN3 A CEN3 card contains two 16 binary input groups. Each group can be
configured such that the Hydro-Quebec PES3 protocol component interprets
the inputs as 16 individual binary points: two 8-bit numeric measures or one
16-bit numeric measure. Depending on the chosen configuration, CEN3 inputs
are available to slave protocols for subscription as analog or binary inputs
Usually, a CEN3’s single binary points represent alarms or states, while its
numeric measures represent water levels.


Card Description
CSR3 A CSR3 card contains 16 binary output points. Each point is available to slave
protocols for subscription.
If control operations are enabled, you can perform control operations one at a
time on each output point of a CSR3.

Table 2-1 Supported PES3 Cards

2.2.1 Device Data Retrieval

The Hydro-Quebec PES3 master can retrieve data with at most 16 PES3 devices, which can each
contain up to 17 acquisition cards, in the case of a standard PES3 device, or 7 acquisition cards in
the case of a compact PES3 device.
The data obtained is then transformed into standard analog input, binary input or binary output
data, as specified by the configuration settings (see chapter 3 for details), published throughout
the system, and made available to slave components.
All data is time-stamped by the system on reception of transitions.
2.2.2 Device Control
Device control permissions can be statically configured to enable or inhibit control operations on
binary outputs located on CSR3 and CBA3 cards.
Even if control is enabled, a control request may be refused by the PES3 protocol component if
the PES3 devices are in “TEST” mode. Therefore, make sure the “UAC/TEST button” of each
PSE3 device is set to “NORMAL”, if you need to perform control operations.
Points can be individually set or reset on CSR3 and CBA3 cards. A set of control operations is
supported by the Hydro-Quebec PES3 master protocol for this purpose.
The following table shows the controls sent to the device, depending on formulation of the

Operation Result Command

Open “Open” Point: This command opens the relay on the specified output point. No
duration is considered here. Thus, if a relay is opened following an open control
request, it will remain open until further notice.
Binary output points located on CSR3 and CBA3 cards support this operation.
This operation has no effect on an open relay (binary output point).
Close “Close” Point: This command closes the relay on the specified output point. No
duration is considered here. Thus, if a relay is closed following a close control
request, it will remain closed until further notice.
Binary output points located on CSR3 and CBA3 cards support this operation.
This operation has no effect on a closed relay (binary output point).
Pulse “Pulse” Point: This command closes the relay on the specified output point for a
specified duration. Note that the duration should be a multiple of 10
milliseconds; otherwise, it will be rounded off by the master protocol component.
Only binary output points located on CSR3 cards support this operation. This
operation has no effect on a closed relay (binary output point).

Table 2-2 Supported Control Requests


3. Configuration Settings
This chapter enumerates the configuration settings to be specified for each Hydro-Quebec PES3
master protocol instance. The SMP Config software program is generally used to define these
Only the settings specific to the Hydro-Quebec PES3 protocol are described here. The settings
common to all master protocol components are described in the Protocol Common Concepts
Reference Manual, S1120-11-1.
3.1 General Settings
Each instance of this master protocol component contains general settings, which set the general
behavior of the component. The following table shows the general settings that are specific to
the Hydro-Quebec PES3 master protocol.

Setting Description
Failure Timeout Specifies the number of seconds that must have elapsed since a
failure disappearance, before the protocol component can declare
the failure as truly recovered. This is referred to as the “return to
normal” duration.
Note that when a failure is detected, it is immediately reported by
the system without any delay.
Range: 1 to 65,535 seconds
Default value: 30 seconds
Operate General Alarm If checked, a control operation will be made on the PES3 general
When Ready alarm relay once the PES3 is completely loaded. The operation
executed, open or close, depends on the polarity of the relay.
Range: Checked, not checked
Default value: Checked
Antibouncing Filter Specifies the duration, in milliseconds, of the antibouncing filter
applied to the device’s binary inputs.
Range: 2 to 8 milliseconds
Default value: 4 milliseconds

Table 3-1 General Settings

3.2 Rack Settings

Configuring the Hydro-Quebec PES3 master component is as simple as describing your physical
PES3 setup. A rack represents a physical PES3 unit. Your configuration should contain as many
racks as there are PES3 device units from which data is to be acquired.

Setting Description
Rack Index of the rack. This setting, together with the rail index, forms
the physical address of the card. The index must be unique. Rack 1
is mandatory.
Range: 1 to 16


Setting Description
Type Specifies the PES3 type (standard or compact version).
Range: PES3 (standard device)
PES3-C (compact device)
Default value : PES3

Table 3-2 Rack Settings

When you add a rack, a CBA3 card is automatically added on rail 1, since the CBA3 card is
mandatory to communicating with a PES3 device; however, the CBA3 rail number is not shown in
SMP Config.
You can add up to 17 cards to a standard PES3 rack, and up to 7 cards to a compact PES3 rack.
Cards located on the same rack should have a unique rail number. Each card, other than
the CBA3 card, has a Rail setting (see sections 3.4, 3.5, 3.6 and 3.7).

3.3 CBA3 Settings

A CBA3 card is automatically created when you add a rack. This card type is mandatory for all
racks. The following table describes the settings that need to be configured for each CBA3 card.

Setting Description

Frequency 1 The frequency of the first CBA3 external clock, expressed in Hertz.
This clock can be used for certain CEAR3 algorithmic functions.
Range: 1000 to 100,000 Hz
Default value: 1000 Hz
Frequency 2 The frequency of the second CBA3 external clock, expressed in
This clock can be used for certain CEAR3 algorithmic functions.
Range: 1000 to 100,000 Hz
Default value: 1000 Hz
Frequency 3 The frequency of the third CBA3 external clock, expressed in Hertz.
This clock can be used for certain CEAR3 algorithmic functions.
Range: 1000 to 100,000 Hz
Default value: 1000 Hz

Table 3-3 CBA3 Settings

3.3.1 Generated binary inputs

The Hydro-Quebec PES3 master protocol supplies 12 binary input points to publish the global
state of the CBA3 cards and PES3 devices in your setup. These points are described as follows:

CBA3 Binary Input Description

Failure 129V When this input is set, there is a failure of the 129V input voltage
on one of the devices.
This point should be considered as an alarm.
Failure 5V When this input is set, there is a failure of the 5V input voltage on
one of the devices.
This point should be considered as an alarm.


CBA3 Binary Input Description
Failure 24V When this input is set, a failure of the 24VCC power supply has
been detected on one of the devices.
This point should be considered as an alarm.
Failure MALT When this input is set, there is a failure of the ground (GND)
reference on one of the devices.
You should check the power supply and the hardware connections
to make sure that the ground is compliant with the 24VCC.
This point should be considered as an alarm.
TBB state This input represents the state of the UAC/TEST button.
When this input is set, “TEST” mode is set on at least one PES3
device and consequently, all control requests are refused, no matter
which is the destination device.
When this binary input is 0, all PES3 devices are running in
“NORMAL” mode. Therefore, if control operations are enabled in the
configuration, all control requests should be forwarded to the PES3
Failure temp When this input is set, there is a temperature failure.
Make sure the fan in the PES3 devices is working properly.
This point should be considered as an alarm.
Sync 1 sec This input represents the 1-second synchronization.
It varies each time the PES3 device is synchronized by the master
protocol component, i.e., once per second.
Failure sync When this input is set, there is a synchronization failure on the PES3
device. That is, the master protocol is not synchronizing the PES3
device regularly. Such a failure can lead to a reboot of PES3 device.
This point should be considered as an alarm.
MAA When this input is set, a backup power supply module has been
detected on the PES3.
MAA 5V failure When this input is set, a failure of the 5V input voltage on the
backup power supply has been detected.
This point should be considered as an alarm.
Failure Present When this input is set, there is a failure on the PES3 device.
This point should be considered as an alarm.
Failure 12V When this input is set, there is a failure of the 12V input voltage on
one of the devices.
This point should be considered as an alarm.
This point is significant only if a compact PES3 device exists
throughout the configuration.


CBA3 Binary Input Description
Card Id When this input is not set, the detected auxiliary function card is
type CFX-A.
This point is significant only if a compact PES3 device exists
throughout the configuration.

Table 3-4 CBA3 Binary Input Points

3.3.2 Generated binary outputs

The PES3 master protocol also supplies 5 binary output points to allow for control operations on
CBA3 relays. These points are described as follows:

CBA3 Binary Output Description

5V failure alarm Closing this output point activates the 5V failure alarm on the PES3
This point is significant only if a standard PES3 device exists
throughout the configuration.
General alarm Closing this output point activates the general failure alarm on the
PES3 devices.
MALT failure alarm Closing this output point activates the MALT failure alarm on the
PES3 devices.
This point is significant only if a standard PES3 device exists
throughout the configuration.
DEL DV Closing this output point activates the green failure LED on the
PES3-C devices.
This point is significant only if a compact PES3 device exists
throughout the configuration.
DEL DR Closing this output point activates the red failure LED on the PES3-
C devices.
This point is significant only if a compact PES3 device exists
throughout the configuration.

Table 3-5 CBA3 Binary Output Points

3.4 CEA3 Settings

Each standard PES3 rack may contain up to 17 CEA3 cards, and each compact PES3 rack may
contain up to 7 CEA3 cards. A CEA3 card has no specific settings except for its rail, which
describes its position in the PES3 rack, ranging from 2 to 18 in the case of the standard PES3, or
3 to 8 in the case of a compact PES3. If you do not enter a value, SMP Config supplies a default
value of 2.
When you add a CEA3 card to your configuration, 16 analog input points are automatically
created, to reflect the 16 analog inputs that exist on a CEA3 card. Analog input settings tell the
protocol component how to process data retrieved from the device. The following table shows
the analog input settings that are specific to the Hydro-Quebec PES3 master CEA3 analog input


Setting Description
Channel This setting is the index of the point on the CEA3 card. It is supplied
by the master protocol component, and is shown as READ-ONLY
The location of a point can be fully described using its rack, rail and
channel. Therefore, on a CEA3 card, each point’s channel number
must be unique.
Range: 1 to 16
Signal The voltage range of the input signal.
If an analog point’s input signal voltage value is outside this range,
its quality is set to overrange.
Allowed values: 2.56V
10.24 V
Default value: 2.56V
Filter duration Duration filter of card’s input.
Range: 0 to 8 seconds.
Default value: 1 second

Table 3-6 CEA3 Analog Input Point Settings

3.5 CEN3 Settings

Each PES3 rack may contain up to 17 CEN3 cards, and each compact PES3 rack may contain up
to 7 CEN3 cards. A CEN3 card is described by its rail and by the configuration of its groups. The
table below describes these settings.

Setting Description

Rail The rail on which the CEN3 card is installed.

Range: 2 to 18 if located on a standard PES3 rack
3 to 8 if located on a compact PES3 rack.
Default value: 2
Group 1 This setting describes the configuration of the 16 low-order binary
inputs on the CEN3, i.e., those with channels ranging from 1 to 16.
This setting specifies how the 16 points should be interpreted by
the Hydro-Quebec PES3 master protocol. The possible values are
shown below, and the settings for these types of groups are
described in the sections that follow this table.
Allowed values: 16 Points
2 TMN 8
TMN 16
TMN8 (LSB) & 8 points (MSB)
8 points (LSB) & TMN8 (MSB)
Default value: 16 Points


Setting Description
Group 2 This setting describes the configuration of the 16 high-order binary
inputs on the CEN3, i.e., those with channels ranging from 17 to 32.
This setting specifies how the 16 points should be interpreted by
the PES3 master protocol. The possible values are shown below,
and the settings for these types of groups are described in the
sections that follow this table.
Allowed values: 16 Points
2 TMN 8
TMN 16
TMN8 (LSB) & 8 Points (MSB)
8 Points (LSB) & TMN8 (MSB)
Default value: 16 Points

Table 3-7 CEN3 Settings

3.5.1 CEN3 Binary Input Point Settings - “Point” Group

If a group is configured as “Point”, its 16 inputs are mapped into the system as 16 independent
binary input points. Binary input settings tell the component how to process data retrieved from
the device. The following table shows the binary input settings that are specific to the CEN3 data

Setting Description
Channel This setting is the index of the point on the CEN3. It is supplied by
the master protocol component, and is shown as READ-ONLY
The location of a point can be fully described using its rack, rail and
channel. Therefore, on a CEN3 card, each point’s channel number
must be unique.
Range: Group 1 1 to 16
Group 2 17 to 32

Table 3-8 CEN3 Binary Input Point Settings

3.5.2 CEN3 Analog Input Point Settings - “TMN8” and “TMN16” Groups
If a group is configured as “TMN 8”, its 16 inputs are separated into two 8-bit groups. Each 8-bit
group forms a numeric measure, which is mapped into the system as an analog input point.
When a group is configured as “TMN 16”, its 16 inputs are considered as a one 16-bit numeric
measure, which is mapped into the system as one analog input point.
Analog input settings tell the component how to process data retrieved from the device. The
following table shows the analog input settings that are specific to Hydro-Quebec PES3 master
CEN3 TMN 8 and TMN 16 data points.


Setting Description
Channel This setting is the index of the point representing the LSB of the
measure on the CEN3. It is supplied by the master protocol
component, and is shown as READ-ONLY information.
The location of a point can be fully described using its rack, rail and
channel. Therefore, on a CEN3 card, each point’s channel number
must be unique.
Allowed values: Group 1, TMN8 1 and 9
Group 2, TMN8 17 and 25
Group 1, TMN16 1
Group 2, TMN16 17
Encoding This setting specifies how the value of a numeric measure should be
interpreted before it is updated in the system.
Allowed values: Signed Binary
Unsigned Binary
Signed BCD
Unsigned BCD
Signed Gray
Unsigned Gray
Default value: Signed Binary
Stability (ms) This setting represents the stability timeout, expressed in
milliseconds. It should be a multiple of 10.
When a numeric measure changes, its new value must be stable for
at least the specified amount of time, before it can be declared as
valid and reported to the system.
The stability timer is reset every time a single bit of the measure
The stability timeout should always be less than the instability
Range: 0 to 655,350 milliseconds
Default value: 3000 milliseconds
Instability (ms) This setting represents the instability timeout, expressed in
milliseconds. It should be a multiple of 10.
The instability timer starts when the value of a stable numeric
measure changes, and it stops when the new value becomes stable
again. If the value of the numeric measure keeps changing past the
instability timeout, it is considered as unstable and its RTDX quality
is consequently set to “Bad Hardware”.
The instability timeout should always be greater than the stability
Range: 0 to 655,350 milliseconds
Default value: 60,000 milliseconds

Table 3-9 CEN3 Analog Input Point Settings

3.6 CSR3 Settings

Each PES3 rack may contain up to 17 CSR3 cards, and each compact PES3 rack may contain up
to 7 CSR3 cards. A CSR3 has no specific settings, except for its rail, which describes its position in


the PES3 rack, ranging from 2 to 18 in the case of the standard PES3, or 3 to 8 in the case of a
compact PES3. If you do not enter a value, SMP Config supplies a default value of 2.
When you add a CSR3 card to your configuration, 16 binary output points are automatically
created, to reflect the 16 relay output points (SR) that exist on a CSR3 card. Binary output
settings tell the protocol component how to control the device. The following table shows the
binary output settings that are specific to the Hydro-Quebec PES3 master CSR3 binary output

Setting Description
Channel This setting is the index of the point on the CSR3 card. It is supplied
by the master protocol component, and is shown as READ-ONLY
The location of a point can be fully described using its rack, rail and
Range: 1 to 16

Table 3-10 CSR3 Binary Output Point Settings

3.7 CEAR3 Settings

Even though there is no acquisition on the CEAR3 cards, these cards have to be initialized by the
Hydro-Quebec PES 3 master protocol component. The following table describes the settings that
need to be configured for each CEAR3 card in your setup.

Setting Description
Rail The rail on which the CEAR3 card is installed.
Range: 2 to 18, if located on a standard PES3 rack
3 to 8, if located on a compact PES3 rack.
Default value: 2
Frequency 1 The frequency of the first CEAR3 internal clock, expressed in Hertz.
This clock can be used for certain CEAR3 algorithmic functions.
Range: 1000 to 100,000 Hz
Default value: 1000 Hz
Frequency 2 The frequency of the second CEAR3 internal clock, expressed in
Hertz. This clock can be used for certain CEAR3 algorithmic
Range: 1000 to 100,000 Hz
Default value: 1000 Hz
Clock Block 1 Clock used for the acquisition of the first block of channels, namely,
channels 1 through 8, of the CEAR3 cards.
Allowed values: EXT 1
Default value: EXT1


Setting Description
Clock Block 2 Clock used for the acquisition of the second block of channels,
namely, channels 9 through 16, of the CEAR3 cards.
Allowed values: EXT 1
Default value: EXT1

Table 3-11 CEAR3 Settings


4. Implementation Details
4.1 Multiple Instances
A single instance of the Hydro-Quebec PES3 master protocol can manage and do the acquisition
for up to 16 PES3 units, each one having a different rack number. However, only one instance of
the protocol component can be configured on the SMP Gateway.

4.2 Startup Sequence

The protocol component goes through the following steps on startup:
 Parses the configuration file.
 Initializes the various logs, traces and statistics.
 Sends the required bootstraps the PES3 devices.
 Sets up the PES3 devices based on the contents of the configuration file.
 Creates all I/O points and marks them as invalid (communications failure).
 Initializes the communications link.
 Starts the scan cycle.

4.3 Scan Cycle

The protocol component scans the device at regular intervals, to check whether updates are
available. Updates are sent when point values have changed.
To keep the PES3 working properly, a constant and regular communication between the
SMP Gateway and the PES3 must be established.

PES3 reboot occurs under the following circumstances:

 The SMP Gateway is being restarted.
 The communication between the SMP Gateway and the PES3 has been temporarily or
permanently lost.
 The CBA3 card on the PES3 is unavailable.

The communication between the SMP Gateway and the PES3 is automatically re-established once
the cause of the reboot is solved.


5. Troubleshooting
5.1 Traces
The Hydro-Quebec PES3 master protocol component offers all traces, as described in the
“Traces” section of the Protocol Common Concepts Reference Manual, S1120-11-1. It also
publishes an additional trace especially reserved for PES3 failure documentation: the Failures
trace. When activated, this trace prints all real-time failure related information originating from
PES3 devices.

5.2 Common Problems and Solutions

The following table enumerates solutions to common problems experienced with the Hydro-
Quebec PES3 master protocol component.

Problem Solution

The SMP Gateway is This problem can be due to one of the following:
not communicating  One of the reasons discussed in the Protocol Common Concepts
with my device. Reference Manual, S1120-11-1.
 Device addressing problem: The configured racks do not match
the PES3 device identifiers.
 The CBA3 is unavailable: Make sure the CBA3 is properly
inserted into the PES3 unit.

Table 5-1 Troubleshooting


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