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Reference Manual

PG&E (Cooper 2179)

Master Protocol
Documentation for part number P-SMPR-2801
© 2012 Cooper Power Systems, LLC – All rights reserved.
The information in this document is subject to change without notice.

Cooper Power Systems

Energy Automation Solutions
730 Commerciale Street
Suite 200
Saint-Jean-Chrysostome, Quebec
Canada G6Z 2C5
Phone: +1.418.834.0009
Fax: +1.514.227.5256

Technical Support:

S1120-58-1, version 6
Tables ............................................................................................................................................. iii
1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 1
2. Features.................................................................................................................................... 2
2.1 Communications....................................................................................................................... 2
2.2 Supported Requests ................................................................................................................. 2
2.2.1 Device Data Retrieval ................................................................................................. 3
2.2.2 Device Control (Select Before Operate) ....................................................................... 3
3. Configuration Settings ............................................................................................................. 4
3.1 General Settings....................................................................................................................... 4
3.2 Redundancy Settings ................................................................................................................ 5
3.3 Events ..................................................................................................................................... 6
3.3.1 Event Files................................................................................................................. 6
3.3.2 Event Description ....................................................................................................... 6
3.4 Analog Input Settings ............................................................................................................... 7
3.4.1 Analog Input Settings................................................................................................. 7
3.4.2 Pulse Accumulator Settings......................................................................................... 7
3.4.3 Calculation Input Settings........................................................................................... 7
3.4.4 Analog Memory Input Settings .................................................................................... 8
3.5 Binary Input Settings ................................................................................................................ 8
3.5.1 Simple Status Input Settings....................................................................................... 8
3.5.2 Two-Bit Status Input Settings ..................................................................................... 9
3.6 Binary Output Settings ............................................................................................................. 9
3.6.1 Select-Before-Operate Settings ................................................................................... 9
3.7 Request Interval Settings ........................................................................................................ 10
4. Implementation Details ......................................................................................................... 11
4.1 Startup Sequence ................................................................................................................... 11
4.2 Scan Cycle ............................................................................................................................. 11
5. Troubleshooting ..................................................................................................................... 13


Table 2-1 Communications Features ................................................................................ 2
Table 2-2 Supported Requests .......................................................................................... 2
Table 3-1 General settings ................................................................................................ 5
Table 3-2 Redundancy settings ........................................................................................ 6
Table 3-3 Event file settings ............................................................................................. 6
Table 3-4 Event description settings ................................................................................ 7
Table 3-5 Analog input settings ........................................................................................ 7
Table 3-6 Pulse accumulator settings ............................................................................... 7
Table 3-7 Calculation input settings ................................................................................. 8
Table 3-8 Analog memory input settings .......................................................................... 8
Table 3-9 Simple status input settings ............................................................................. 9
Table 3-10 Two-bit status input settings ............................................................................ 9
Table 3-11 Select before operate settings ........................................................................ 10
Table 3-12 Request interval settings ................................................................................ 10
Table 5-1 Troubleshooting .............................................................................................. 13


1. Introduction
This manual provides the information required to install and set up a PG&E (Cooper 2179) master
protocol component in an SMP Gateway.
This protocol component is used to retrieve data from a device compatible with the SMP Gateway
Cooper 2179 protocol definition. It can also be used to control such a device.
You need to be familiar with the SMP Gateway environment, master protocol concepts, and the
Cooper 2179 protocol specification before proceeding with this document. You can get this
information by reading the following documents:
 Serial Communications Protocol - Data 2179, Revision 3, Cooper Power Systems, LLC.
 Protocol Common Concepts Reference Manual, S1120-11-1, COOPER Power Systems, LLC.
 SMP Gateway User Manual, S1120-10-1, COOPER Power Systems, LLC.


2. Features
This chapter enumerates the features provided by the PG&E (Cooper 2179) master protocol

2.1 Communications
The following communications features are available when interconnecting devices to the
SMP Gateway:

Feature Comment
Serial Port This protocol component supports RS-232 interfaces at bit rates of
up to 38,400 b/s.
Serial Multidrop Multiple instances of this protocol component can share a single
serial port as long as different addresses are used to identify the
devices and if the serial hardware supports such a feature.
Link Redundancy This protocol component supports redundant links. If one link fails,
the other one takes over.
Passthrough This protocol component supports passthrough connections. Note
Connections that link activity must be suspended while the passthrough
connection is in effect.
File Retrieval For the devices capable of generating files, file retrieval to a shared
folder is supported.
TCP/IP This protocol component supports TCP/IP communications.
TCP/IP Multidrop Multiple instances of this protocol component can share a single
TCP/IP port as long as different addresses are used to identify the
devices and if the serial hardware supports such a feature.

Table 2-1 Communications Features

2.2 Supported Requests

The following table enumerates the requests currently supported by the PG&E (Cooper 2179)
master protocol component:

Request Description
00 Basic Scan Operation
03 Scan for Floating Point Quantities
04 Time Tagged Events
10 Supervisory Control
20 RTU Internal Control and Configuration (Request 00 - Initialize RTU and
Command 38 – Set RTU Time only)
28 Return RTU Configuration (Request 30 – Read RTU Memory content only)

Table 2-2 Supported Requests


2.2.1 Device Data Retrieval
Requests 00 and 03 are used to retrieve data from the device. The data obtained is then
transformed to standard analog or binary input data types, as specified by the configuration
settings (see chapter 3 for further details on configuration), published into the system and finally
made available to slave components. All data is time stamped by the system upon reception.
Request 04 is used to retrieve time-tagged events and place them in a shared folder. Time-
tagged events keep their original time tag.
2.2.2 Device Control (Select Before Operate)
Select-Before-Operate outputs can be configured for device control. A SELECT request must first
be sent to the point, followed by an EXECUTE request. This operation must be done within the
time interval specified as the Selection Timeout setting (see “General Settings”, page 4).
Alternatively, a DIRECT EXECUTE control request can be sent directly to the specified point.


3. Configuration Settings
This chapter enumerates the configuration settings to be specified for each PG&E (Cooper 2179)
master protocol instance. The SMP Config software program is generally used to define these
Only the settings specific to the Cooper 2179 protocol are described here. The settings common
to all master protocol components are described in the COOPER Power Systems document
entitled Protocol Common Concepts Reference Manual.

3.1 General Settings

Each instance of this master protocol component contains general settings, which set the general
behavior of the component. The following table shows the general settings that are specific to
the PG&E (Cooper 2179) master protocol.

Setting Description
Device Address The address of the device with which the protocol component
Range: 0 to 2047
Default value: 0
Device COM Port The COM port of the device used to communicate with the master
protocol component.
Allowed values: COM 1
Default value: COM 1
Master Address Address of the master protocol component.
Range: 0 to 31
Default value: 0
Echo On A checkmark indicates that the master echoes the request.
Range: checkmark / no checkmark
Default value: checkmark
Rx Timeout Timer The time, in milliseconds, to wait for the remote device response
before attempting any retries. This timer is started after the last
data reception from the remote device.
Setting a short reception timeout may cause the link to operate
erratically (timeout declared even though the response is still
coming). Setting a long reception timeout may cause inefficiencies,
with a considerable amount of bandwidth wasted when
communication errors occur.
Range: 100 to 30,000 milliseconds
Default value: 1,000 milliseconds
Rx Retry Count The number of consecutive times a bad response (or no response)
must be received before a communication failure is declared and an
attempt is made to re-initialize the link.
Range: 0 to 100
Default value: 2


Setting Description
Tx During SBO A checkmark specifies that the system allows transmissions
between the select and the operate operations, as part of the
normal scanning process or for unrelated control operations.
Range: checkmark / no checkmark
Default value: no checkmark

Table 3-1 General settings

3.2 Redundancy Settings

Each instance of this master protocol component contains redundancy settings, which set the
general behavior of the redundancy component. The following table shows the redundancy
settings that are specific to the PG&E (Cooper 2179) master protocol.

Setting Description
Link 1 Test Interval The delay, in milliseconds, between two complete link test requests
on link 1.
Range: 0 to 300,000 milliseconds
Default value: 3,000 milliseconds
Link 2 Test Interval The delay, in milliseconds, between two complete link test requests
on link 2.
Range: 0 to 300,000 milliseconds
Default value: 3,000 milliseconds
Device Address The address of the device with which the protocol component
Range: 0 to 2047
Default value: 0
Device COM Port The COM port of the device used to communicates.
Allowed values: COM 1
Default value: COM 1
Master Address Address of the master protocol component.
Range: 0 to 31
Default value: 0
Echo On A checkmark specifies that the master echoes the request.
Range: checkmark / no checkmark
Default value: checkmark


Setting Description
Rx Timeout Timer Amount of time, in milliseconds, to wait for the remote device
response before attempting any retries. This timer is started after
the last data reception from the remote device.
Setting a short reception timeout may cause the link to operate
erratically (timeout declared even though the response is still
coming). Setting a long reception timeout may cause inefficiencies,
with a considerable amount of bandwidth wasted when
communication errors occur.
Range: 100 to 30,000 milliseconds
Default value: 1,000 milliseconds
Rx Retry Count The number of consecutive times a bad response (or no response)
must be received before a communication failure is declared and an
attempt is made to re-initialize the link.
Range: 0 to 100
Default value: 2

Table 3-2 Redundancy settings

3.3 Events
Each instance of this master protocol component is capable of retrieving time-tagged events.
Two different sections need to be configured in order to retrieve those events.
3.3.1 Event Files
The folder intended to store events needs to be configured. Refer to the Protocol Common
Concepts Reference Manual for details.
The following table shows the settings that are specific to the PG&E (Cooper 2179) master

Setting Description

History File The history file identifier.

Cooper 2179 allows 31 different history files.
Range: 0 to 31
Default value: 0

Table 3-3 Event file settings

3.3.2 Event Description

Cooper 2179 time-tagged events are internally stored as numbers. A mapping needs to be done
between the event type and its description, otherwise the description will default to “Event x”
where “x” is the event type. The following table shows the settings for event description.

Setting Description
History File The history file identifier.
Cooper 2179 allows 31 different history files.
Range: 0 to 31
Default value: 0


Setting Description
Event Type The event type referring to one particular event.
Range: 0 to 255
Default value: 1
Description The description that will be placed in the event file created when
this event type occurs.
Range: Any string

Table 3-4 Event description settings

3.4 Analog Input Settings

3.4.1 Analog Input Settings
Each instance of the master protocol component may contain several analog input points. Analog
input settings tell the component how to process data retrieved from the device. The following
table shows the analog input settings that are specific to the PG&E (Cooper 2179) master

Setting Description
Address Indicates the Cooper 2179 device address from which the analog
input value is to be retrieved.
Range: 0x80 to 0xFF
Default value: 0x80

Table 3-5 Analog input settings

3.4.2 Pulse Accumulator Settings

Each instance of the master protocol component may contain several pulse accumulators. Pulse
accumulator settings tell the component how to process data retrieved from the device. The
following table shows the pulse accumulator settings that are specific to the PG&E (Cooper 2179)
master protocol.

Setting Description
Address Indicates the Cooper 2179 device address from which the pulse
accumulator value is to be retrieved.
Range: 0x40 to 0x5F bytes
Default value: 0x40

Table 3-6 Pulse accumulator settings

3.4.3 Calculation Input Settings

Each instance of the master protocol component may contain several calculation input points.
Calculation input settings tell the component how to process data retrieved from the device. The
following table shows the calculation input settings that are specific to the Cooper 2179 master


Setting Description
Address Indicates the Cooper 2179 device address from which the
calculation input value is to be retrieved.
Range: 0x0 to 0x7F
Default value: 0x0
Scan Type The scan type used to retrieve the analog data.
Allowed values: Slow
Default value: Slow

Table 3-7 Calculation input settings

3.4.4 Analog Memory Input Settings

Each instance of this master protocol component contains 2 analog memory inputs, located in
block 5, at offsets 0 and 1. Analog memory input settings tell the component how to process data
retrieved from the device. The following table shows the analog memory input settings that are
specific to the Cooper 2179 master protocol.

Setting Description
Block Indicates the Cooper 2179 block from which the analog memory
input value is to be retrieved. This setting is read-only.
Range: 0x0 to 0xF
Default value: 0x0
Block Offset Represents the offset, in bytes, from the beginning of the block in
which the value is located. This setting is read-only.
Range: 0x0 to 0xFFFF bytes
Default value: 0x0 bytes
Format The format of the data to be retrieved at the specified location. This
setting is read-only.
Allowed values: Unsigned Integer
Signed Integer
Real (always 32 bits)
Default value: Unsigned Integer
Size Indicates the number of bytes to be read at the specified location.
This setting is read-only.
Allowed values: 8
Default value: 8

Table 3-8 Analog memory input settings

3.5 Binary Input Settings

3.5.1 Simple Status Input Settings
Each instance of the master protocol component may contain several simple status input points.
Simple status input settings tell the component how to process data retrieved from the device.


The following table shows the simple status input settings that are specific to the PG&E (Cooper
2179) master protocol.

Setting Description
Address Indicates the Cooper 2179 device address from which the simple
status input value is to be retrieved.
Range: 0x30 to 0x3F
Default value: 0x30
Bit Offset The bit position of the binary value at the simple status input
address specified in the Address setting.
Range: 0 to 15
Default value: 0

Table 3-9 Simple status input settings

3.5.2 Two-Bit Status Input Settings

Each instance of the master protocol component may contain several two-bit status input points.
Two-bit status input settings tell the component how to process data retrieved from the device.
The following table shows the two-bit status input settings that are specific to the PG&E (Cooper
2179) master protocol.

Setting Description
Address Indicates the Cooper 2179 device address from which the two -bit
status input value is to be retrieved.
Range: 0x0 to 0x1F
Default value: 0x0
Bit Offset The bit position of the binary value at the two-bit status input
address specified in the Address setting.
Range: 0 to 7
Default value: 0

Table 3-10 Two-bit status input settings

3.6 Binary Output Settings

3.6.1 Select-Before-Operate Settings
Each instance of the master protocol component may contain several SBO (Select Before
Operate) points. Select before operate settings tell the component how to control the device. The
following table shows the select before operate settings that are specific to the Cooper 2179
master protocol.

Setting Description

Address Cooper 2179 device address the SBO value is to be retrieved from.
Range: 0x0 to 0xFF
Default value: 0x0


Setting Description
Control Type The type of control action associated with the point. Can be used to
specify an open/close pair.
Allowed values: Open/Close
Default value: Open/Close
Open/Close Pair Indicates the number of the open/close pairs, if supported. Used to
combine two pulse points to allow open/close operations on either
of the two points.
Note: Only two points can use the same Open/Close pair number.
Range: 0 Not assigned
1 to 65,535 Pair number
Default value: 0

Table 3-11 Select before operate settings

3.7 Request Interval Settings

Each instance of this master protocol component contains several request interval settings, which
set the sequence of “read” or “logic” requests sent periodically to the device, in order to retrieve
data. The following table shows all the request interval settings.

Setting Description
Request Type of request in the scanning sequence.
Requests: Analog Input
Pulse Accumulator
Simple Status Input
Two Bit Status Input
Calculation Input (Slow)
Calculation Input (Medium)
Calculation Input (Fast)
Set RTU Time
Time-tagged history file
Frequency The frequency, in milliseconds, with which the request is sent. A
value of 0 means that the request is never sent.
Range: 0 to 2,147,483,647 milliseconds

Table 3-12 Request interval settings


4. Implementation Details
4.1 Startup Sequence
The protocol component goes through the following steps on startup:
 Parses the configuration file.
 Initializes the various logs, traces and statistics.
 Creates all I/O points and marks them as invalid (communication failure).
 Initializes the communications link.
 Starts the scan cycle.

4.2 Scan Cycle

The protocol component manages the device polling cycle according to the following principles:
 The protocol is full duplex.
 The device must never send data without having first received a request for data (events are
not currently supported).
 There is a response to each request.

The Cooper 2179 response processing rules are as follows:

 A response is valid only if it arrives within the configured time limit.
 A response is valid only if it has the correct CRC.
 The overall response format must be coherent and as expected.
 The response must match the request.
 The same request is re-issued if the reception status is not correct, up to the number of retry
counts configured.

Whatever the reason, the link is reset from scratch if too many consecutive bad reception are
received, too many being the number of retry counts configured.

Link initialization occurs under the following circumstances:

 The SMP Gateway is being restarted.
 The communication link is being reset due to too many consecutive errors of any type.
 An RTU Reset was requested by the user.

Once the link has been initialized, and as long as it remains active, a regular scanning cycle is
performed on a continuous basis. Note that the link is not considered active until a valid response
is received from the device.

The regular scanning cycle is as follows:

 If the last sent request failed and must be retried, send it again.
 If there’s a request configured with a counter meeting its frequency cycle, send it.
 If there are no more requests to send, wait for the next request with a counter
corresponding to its cycle.

The scanning cycle may be interrupted anytime if there are output control requests.


If the normal scanning cycle is abandoned to cause a link reset, all I/O points are tagged as
being defective due to communications failure. Analog and binary input points become valid
again on an individual basis only when valid I/O data is received from the device. Binary output
points become valid again as soon as the link is considered active.

Event retrieval works as follows:

When the time-tagged history file counter reaches its programmed value (see Frequency in
"Request Interval Settings"), event retrieval is initiated.
For every file that must be retrieved:
 Request one time-tagged event. If no time-tagged event exists, go to the next file ID. If
there are no more files, file retrieval is finished.
 Wait for an SMP Gateway file to be created in the shared folder.
 Save the event’s data in the SMP Gateway file.
 Close the SMP Gateway file and wait for a success acknowledgement.
 Request on time-tagged event.


5. Troubleshooting
The following table enumerates solutions to common problems experienced with the PG&E
(Cooper 2179) master protocol component:

Problem Solution
The SMP Gateway isn’t This problem can be due to one of the following:
communicating with my  One of the reasons discussed in the Protocol Common
device. Concepts Reference Manual.
 Device addressing problem: The configured Device Address
or Master Address general settings do not match the ones
configured in the device.

The link to my device This problem can be due to one of the following:
keeps resetting.  One of the reasons discussed in the Protocol Common
Concepts Reference Manual.
 Reception timeout problem: The configured Rx Timeout
Timer general setting is too small.
 The configured Echo On general setting does not reflect the
setting of your device. Check whether the device repeats the
request before sending its answer.

A request occasionally This problem can be due to one of the following:

times out.  The configured Delay Between Tx general setting is too
 The configured Rx Timeout Timer general setting is too

Table 5-1 Troubleshooting


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