7 Steller Magnitude Problem. - For Students

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Q 1. In position 380 12’ N, 1190 38’ E, find the the stars of 1st and 2nd magnitude and Planets if
any crossing observer’s meridian 1800 hrs and 1900 hrs ships time ( Time Zone :- ---
0800 Hrs) on 13 Sept 1992. ANS:-Kaus Australis,Scorpii,Shaula

2. On 21st July1992 PM a ship in DR position 560 00’ N, 0420 10’ W, Find 1st and 2nd
Magnitude star that will cross the observer’s inferior meridian and are suitable for
observation from end of Civil twilight to end of Nautical Twilight. ANS:- None of the star
is circumpolar. So not suitable.

Q 3. On 10th of October 1992 AM at ship in DR 420 10’ N, 1700 10’ E, find 1st and 2nd
Magnitude stars that will cross observer’s Meridian from the beginning of Nautical
Twilight to the beginning of Civil twilight. ANS:- SIRIUS AND MIRZAM

Q 4. On 19th Jan 1992 in DR 400 28’ S ,1700 34’ W, find which Stars of Magnitude 2 and Brighter will
be available for observation , below the pole, between 1800 hrs LMT and 1900 hrs LMT.
Q 5. What stars and Planets of Magnitude 2 and 3 will cross the observer’s Meridian above
the Pole in Position 400 N,0300 E, on 23rd August 1992 between 0500 hrs and 0600 hrs

Q 6. On 30th November 1992 PM at ship in LAT 400 00’ N, Long :- 1380 15’ W, find the stars
and Planets up to Magnitude 3.0 that are between the observer’s meridian and one
hour east of Meridian and above the Pole , suitable for observation. ANS:- β GRUIS,

Q 7. A ship in DR 520 S,0800 45’ W, on 28th February 1992,find the First Magnitude star that
will cross the observer’s Meridian above and below the Pole and which will be above the
observer’s Rational Horizon, during PM Nautical Twilight. ANS:- BELOW THE POLE—NO

Q 8. On 29th Nov ’92 in DR 320 00’ N 0660 34’ E, find the first and second Magnitude stars
suitable for ex-meridian observation at the beginning of civil twilight in the morning.
ANS:- Dubhe :- LHA:-356016.9’(P=3.70), EML:-11.80 ,Suitable. Regulus:-LHA:-100 06.2’
(P=100 06.2’) ,EML:- 5.80 .NOT Suiitable
Q 9. On 30 th Nov 1992 in DR 330 10’ N,100030’ W, find if any 1st and 2nd
Magnitude stars will be suitable for an ex-meridian observation at the
beginning of morning Civil Twilight .ANS:- GMT 30d 12h 59m 00s,SHA :-
1960 06.0’.Star Dubhe is within 8 mints from Mer Pass ,Ex meridian limits
approx. 29 mints.

Q 10. On 23rd Sept in DR 360 48’ S,1440 00’E,at the end of PM civil twilight find
what 1st and 2nd Magnitude stars will be within 300 of hour angle from the
observer’s Meridian .State also which of these stars are suitable for an ex-
meridian observation, ANS:- GMT:- 23d 08h 47m00s SHA:- 0810 47.8’ ±
300.Stars :- Altair, Vega, Kaus Australus , Shaula ,Atria. Note:- Vega is
within 4 mints from Mer pass , Ex-Meridian limit is large—so ex meridian
observation is possible.

Q 11. On 15th June 1992 in Position Lat :-200N, Long :- 0750 00’ E, which stars and
planets of 1st and 2nd Magnitude will be within 150 of observer’s Meridian?
Which of them can be used for Ex-meridian observation? The observation
is to be made at the end of PM CIVIL Twilight.

Q 12. Star ‘A’ has a magnitude of – 0.8 and it is 30 times brighter than star ‘ B
‘.Find the magnitude of star ‘ B’. ANS :- 30= 2.512(.8+x) ; x = 2.89

Q 13. Star ‘A’ has a magnitude of –0.8 and it is 1.3 times brighter than star ‘B’. Find the
magnitude of star ‘B’

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