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Área personal / Mis cursos /

V-2021-C-2-1353-470-ING-002 /
Tema 5 /
Module 5: Quiz

Comenzado el Monday, 9 de August de 2021, 21:52

Estado Finalizado
Finalizado en Monday, 9 de August de 2021, 21:55
Tiempo 3 minutos 49 segundos
Puntos 230,00/240,00
Calificación 95,83 de 100,00

Pregunta 1

Puntúa 80,00 sobre 80,00

Choose the correct answer.

1. _______ are common in my country when it rains heavily.

(A) Droughts (B) Floods (C) Tornadoes

Puntúa 10,00 sobre 10,00

La respuesta correcta es: (B) Floods

2. The ______ workers saved many people from the rubble.

(A) disaster (B) homeless (C) rescue

Puntúa 10,00 sobre 10,00

La respuesta correcta es: (C) rescue

3. In some countries, child ______ is a big problem.

(A) labor (B) disease (C) has gone

Puntúa 10,00 sobre 10,00

La respuesta correcta es: (A) labor

4. Larry ______ in Denmark for three weeks now.

(A) went (B) has been (C) has gone

Puntúa 10,00 sobre 10,00

La respuesta correcta es: (B) has been

5. Max has ______ run five marathons for charity.

(A) yet (B) already (C) since

Puntúa 10,00 sobre 10,00

La respuesta correcta es: (B) already

6. LastCHAT
year Peter
ITLA ______ as a volunteer in Rwanda.
(A) has worked (B) works (C) worked

Puntúa 10,00 sobre 10,00

La respuesta correcta es: (C) worked

7. She ______ and almost fell.

(A) stumbled (B) injured (C) failed

Puntúa 10,00 sobre 10,00

La respuesta correcta es: (A) stumbled

8. A comedy writer first _______ Comic Relief in 1985.

(A) raised (B) supported (C) organized

Puntúa 10,00 sobre 10,00

La respuesta correcta es: (C) organized

9. We haven't put up the ______ for the school party yet.

(A) banners (B)donations (C) tickets

Puntúa 10,00 sobre 10,00

La respuesta correcta es: (A) banners

10.  A: Can I give you a hand?

B: Actually, I _______.

(A) can't (B) 've just finished (C) did

Puntúa 10,00 sobre 10,00

La respuesta correcta es: (B) 've just finished

11. _______ destroys the gorillas' habitat.

(A) Survey (B) Conservation (C) Deforestation

Puntúa 10,00 sobre 10,00

La respuesta correcta es: (C) Deforestation

12. Ian went to China to work on a _______ project.

(A) location
CHAT ITLA (B) conservation (C) pollution
Puntúa 10,00 sobre 10,00

La respuesta correcta es: (B) conservation

13. Turtles ______ their eggs in the sand.

(A) record (B) monitor (C) lay

Puntúa 10,00 sobre 10,00

La respuesta correcta es: (C) lay

14. Lyn is very _______ in working for a charity.

(A) interesting (B) interested (C) interest

Puntúa 10,00 sobre 10,00

La respuesta correcta es: (B) interested

15. They damaged the nest by ______.

(A) nature (B) accident (C) research

Puntúa 10,00 sobre 10,00

La respuesta correcta es: (B) accident

16. The _______ of many endangered species depends on us.

(A) hunting (B) survival (C) saving

Puntúa 10,00 sobre 10,00

La respuesta correcta es: (B) survival

17. Floods _______ the lives of people in low-lying areas every year.

(A) support (B) affect (C) cause

Puntúa 10,00 sobre 10,00

La respuesta correcta es: (B) affect

18. The hurricane caused so much damage; we were ______ .

(A) chocked 
CHAT ITLA (B) shocking (C) shock
Puntúa 10,00 sobre 10,00

La respuesta correcta es: (A) chocked

19. The rescue teams _______ yesterday and they took control of the situation.

(A) arrived (B) will arrive (C) have arrived

Puntúa 10,00 sobre 10,00

La respuesta correcta es: (A) arrived

20. They have not finished building the new school ______.

(A) already (B) never (C) yet

Puntúa 10,00 sobre 10,00

La respuesta correcta es: (C) yet

21. Pink river dolphins are in danger of dying ______ .

(A) up (B) off (C) out

Puntúa 10,00 sobre 10,00

La respuesta correcta es: (C) out

22. The rescuers haven't found anyone ______ days.

(A) since (B) for (C) already

Puntúa 10,00 sobre 10,00

La respuesta correcta es: (B) for

23. The turtles often mistake garbage ______ food.

(A) for (B) from (C) of

Puntúa 10,00 sobre 10,00

La respuesta correcta es: (A) for

24. All the money raised will go to a good ______.

(A) donation (B) cause (C) event
Puntúa 10,00 sobre 10,00

La respuesta correcta es: (B) cause

25. _______ is when people don't have enough to eat.

(A) Hunger (B) Drought (C) Flood

Puntúa 10,00 sobre 10,00

La respuesta correcta es: (A) Hunger

26. Paula has just won a peace _____ .

(A) issue (B) challenge (C) award

Puntúa 10,00 sobre 10,00

La respuesta correcta es: (C) award

27. People can call up and ______ a donation.

(A) support (B) make (C) raise

Puntúa 10,00 sobre 10,00

La respuesta correcta es: (B) make

28. Conservationists record new births and _______.

(A) survey (B) monitor (C) research

Puntúa 10,00 sobre 10,00

La respuesta correcta es: (B) monitor

29. It's _______ to think about how many endangered animals there are.

(A) frightened (B) frighten (C) frightening

Puntúa 10,00 sobre 10,00

La respuesta correcta es: (C) frightening

30. The volunteers brought medical _____ with them.

(A) supplies
 (B) injuries (C) conditions
Puntúa 10,00 sobre 10,00

La respuesta correcta es: (A) supplies

Pregunta 2
Parcialmente correcta

Puntúa 90,00 sobre 100,00

Fill in the sentences with one of the words in the box.

affect     lay     polluted     habitat     raise

poverty     suffers     swept     hunting     save

1. Heavy floods in the area


 people's lives every year.

2. Police caught two poachers

 in the forest.
3. The tsunami

 many houses out to sea.

4. The area

 from hurricanes and floods every year.

5. Organizing a concert is a good way for a charity to

 money.
6. We can all help to fight

 and hunger.
7. The river is so

 that you can't swim in it.

8. Rescue teams worked through the night to

 the earthquake victims.

9. We watched the turtles  

 their eggs in the sand.

10. Deforestation has destroyed the gorillas'

 .

Pregunta 3

Puntúa 60,00 sobre 60,00

Choose the correct item.

1. The cross River Gorilla could die out  in the future.

2. Loggerhead turtles mistakes the bags for  food.

3. The people in Korphe looked after  Greg.

4. We set out  early in the morning to clean up the beach.

5. Greg's schools are proof of  what people can really do.

6. Haiti suffers from  hurricanes.


Ir a...

Simple Past vs Present Perfect ►


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