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Stability Charts for Uniform Slopes

Radoslaw L. Michalowski, F.ASCE1

Abstract: While computational tools have made most graphical methods and charts obsolete, stability charts for slopes are still routinely
used in practice. The charts presented here are based on the kinematic approach of limit analysis that leads to a strict lower bound on
stability number c/␥H or an upper bound on the safety factor. An earlier suggestion is employed in this paper to produce charts that
eliminate the necessity for iterations. Charts are presented for slopes subjected to pore water pressure and also for those exposed to seismic
DOI: 10.1061/共ASCE兲1090-0241共2002兲128:4共351兲
CE Database keywords: Slopes; Slope stability; Limit analysis; Limit states; Failures; Graphic methods.

Introduction A large body of literature exists on the stability of slopes, and

a comprehensive description of it was presented by Duncan
Stability assessments of earth slopes require limit state calcula- 共1996兲. No new analysis method is introduced in this paper, rather
tions, which differ significantly from those in structural engineer- a convenient way of representing stability analysis results is re-
ing. This is because the weight of the soil constitutes the main visited. The objective of this paper is to present convenient charts
load on slopes, yet it contributes to forces both resisting and driv- for estimations of safety factors, based on strict limit analysis
ing the collapse. These forces depend on the mode of failure and 共kinematic approach兲 calculations.
the particular geometry of the failure mechanism. Consequently,
the safety factor cannot be defined as a ratio of the limit load to Stability Number
the working load 共both being ill-defined for slopes兲, but is usually
defined as a function of the strength of the soil. Typically, the Analyses of stability of slopes with irregular inclination or with
strength of the soil is described by the Mohr–Coulomb yield con- heterogeneous soils require the application of now computerized
dition as a function of the cohesion, c, and the internal friction methods. However, charts for homogeneous slopes with a well
angle, ␸. A common definition of the factor of safety 共F兲 is the defined inclination are often used in practice as a quick reference,
ratio of the shear strength of the soil to the shear stress necessary and they are a convenient tool for the first estimate of the slope
to maintain limit equilibrium safety. An early example of such charts is the one produced by
Taylor 共1937兲. Taylor used the friction circle method 共␸-circle
c tan ␸ method兲 to arrive at his chart. To present the results in a dimen-
F⫽ ⫽ (1)
c d tan ␸ d sionless manner he introduced a stability number defined as
where c d and ␸ d are the soil strength parameters necessary only cd c
N⫽ ⫽ (2)
to maintain the structure in limit equilibrium. They are sometimes ␥H ␥HF
referred to as ‘‘mobilized’’ strength parameters. The factor in Eq.
where ␥⫽unit weight of soil and H⫽slope height. For F⫽1, the
共1兲 is a ‘‘global’’ measure of safety and it ignores the progressive
stability number in Eq. 共1兲 represents the combination of c, ␥, and
nature of most failure processes where the limit state is reached
H, which guarantees the slope to be at the verge of failure 共limit
sequentially in the structure. Calculations of the safety factor re-
equilibrium兲 for given slope inclination angle ␤ and internal fric-
quire that parameters c d and ␸ d be used in analysis, independent
tion angle of the soil ␸. The stability chart in Fig. 1 was produced
of the technique used 共finite element, limit analysis, etc.兲. Because
using earlier computations based on the kinematic approach of
c d and ␸ d are not true parameters of the soil, the analysis leads to
limit analysis 共Michalowski 1995兲, in which a log-spiral failure
a fictitious collapse mechanism that should not be interpreted as a mechanism was utilized 关Fig. 2共a兲兴. It seems that the stability
true failure pattern. Despite this criticism, the safety factor as number is nearly identical to that from Taylor’s original chart.
defined in Eq. 共1兲 is generally accepted in practice, and it seems The stability number for ␸⫽0 becomes independent of the
to be a reasonable measure of the safety of slopes. slope inclination when ␤ is less than about 50°. This is an artifact
of problem formulation with infinite soil depth, not just in the
Professor, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Univ. of kinematic approach of limit analysis, but also in more approxi-
Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2125. E-mail: mate limit equilibrium techniques. This can be explained easily
Note. Discussion open until September 1, 2002. Separate discussions following limit analysis formulation. When ␸⫽0 the failure sur-
must be submitted for individual papers. To extend the closing date by
face becomes cylindrical 关Fig. 2共b兲兴, and the dimensions of the
one month, a written request must be filed with the ASCE Managing
Editor. The manuscript for this technical note was submitted for review most adverse failure mechanism 共for ␤ less than about 50°兲 tend
and possible publication on January 12, 2001; approved on August 29, to infinity. Thus slope height H becomes negligible with respect
2001. This technical note is part of the Journal of Geotechnical and to failure surface radius r. Consequently, the rate of work dissi-
Geoenvironmental Engineering, Vol. 128, No. 4, April 1, 2002. ©ASCE, pation during collapse with rotational rate ␻ ˙ about point O as-
ISSN 1090-0241/2002/4-351–355/$8.00⫹$.50 per page. sumes a simple form 关see Fig. 2共b兲 for ␣兴


⬎0兲. Equating the dissipation rate in Eq. 共3兲 to the work rate of
the soil weight in Eq. 共4兲 and solving for the stability number, one

c cos2 ␣
⫽ (5)
␥H 2 共 ␲⫺2␣ 兲

and the maximum of the stability number in Eq. 共5兲 共best lower
bound兲 is found when ␣⬇23.2°

⫽0.181 (6)

The value in Eq. 共6兲 is equal to that in Fig. 1 for ␸⫽0 and ␤ less
than about 50°. This result is not realistic, and this effect was
already known to Taylor 共1937兲. A more rational stability number
is obtained by limiting the depth of the failure mechanism to a
realistic value 共for instance, equal to the depth of bedrock兲. Then,
the approximation that slope height is negligible when compared
to r (rⰇH) used in deriving Eqs. 共3兲 and 共4兲 is no longer valid,
and the stability number becomes dependent on slope inclination
Fig. 1. Stability number for uniform slopes 共limit analysis兲 angle ␤. Two dashed lines in Fig. 1 indicate the consequences of
limiting the depth of the mechanism 共D⫽2 and D⫽1.25兲. Depth
factor D is explained in Fig. 2共c兲. In general, for steep slopes and
Ḋ⫽cr 2 ␻
˙ 共 ␲⫺2␣ 兲 (3) large internal friction angles the most adverse failure surfaces
intersect the slope toe, whereas for shallow slopes and soils with
The center of rotation O is exactly above the midpoint of the low ␸ below-the-toe surfaces yield the maximum stability num-
slope 关a point so clearly made by Fellenius 共1927兲 for failure ber.
surfaces extending below the toe兴. Hence the rate of the work of Based on the chart in Fig. 1, one can deduce the safety factor
the slope weight, when rⰇH, becomes for a slope of given c/␥H, ␤, and ␸. Because the safety factor
Ẇ ␥ ⫽ 21 ␥H␻˙ r 2 cos2 ␣ (4) must be applied to both c and tan ␸ 关see Eq. 共1兲兴, the procedure of
evaluating F from the chart in Fig. 1 is iterative 共except for case
The integrated work rate of the soil weight below the slope is ␸⫽0兲. There have been several attempts at constructing charts
equal to zero 共this is a direct consequence of the mass conserva- that require no iteration to evaluate the safety factor, among
tion principle and incompressibility of the soil; not true when ␸ those: Bishop and Morgenstern 共1960兲, Bell 共1966兲, Singh 共1970兲,
and Cousins 共1978兲, all of them based on some species of a slice
method. Of these proposals the one suggested by Bell 共1966兲
appears to be the most convenient.
The motivation for constructing the new charts was the pre-
sentation of a convenient tool for the quick assessment of the
safety of slopes, based on the rigorous limit analysis approach.
Bell 共1966兲 proposed that 1/tan ␸d 共or F/tan ␸兲 be given as a
function of c d /␥H tan ␸d for a variety of inclination angles ␤. He
referred to c d /␥H tan ␸d as the modified stability number, N * .
The advantage of such representation is that parameter N * is
independent of safety factor F

cd c/F c
N *⫽ ⫽ ⫽ (7)
␥H tan ␸ d ␥H 共 tan ␸/F 兲 ␥H tan ␸

Hence estimation of the safety factor from charts presented as

functions of N * will not require any iterative procedures. One
might argue that N * should no longer be called a stability num-
ber, since it only contains information about the soil and slope
geometry, not the stability. Bell 共1966兲 used his concept to redraw
Taylor’s chart and also to present some additional results from
Bishop’s slice method computations. More recently, Baker and
Tanaka 共1999兲 revisited this concept drawing attention to this
useful method of presenting results of slope stability analyses.
Of course, stability charts developed in terms of N * cannot be
Fig. 2. Stability analysis: 共a兲 rotational collapse mechanism; 共b兲 used for slopes with zero internal friction angle, in which case the
large-size mechanism in cohesive soil; and 共c兲 depth constraint
expression in Eq. 共7兲 becomes singular.


Fig. 3. Stability charts for uniform slopes

Stability Analysis Stability Charts for Slopes Subjected to Pore Pressure

The charts are developed here using the kinematic approach of The two effects that must be accounted for in the case of the
limit analysis applied to a rigid rotation collapse mechanism. The presence of water are the buoyancy and seepage forces. In limit
failing soil mass is separated from the soil at rest by log-spiral equilibrium calculations these can be included in two ways: 共1兲
failure surface ABC, Fig. 2共a兲. An early proposal of this mecha- using the saturated 共total兲 unit weight of the soil and accounting
nism was suggested by Rendulic 共1935兲, who obtained a closed- for water forces on the boundaries of moving blocks, or 共2兲 using
form solution to a moment due to shear resistance along a sector the buoyant unit weight with seepage forces in the soil skeleton.
of a log-spiral. As was proved later, rigid rotation of a block In either case, the strength of the soil is considered in terms of
separated by a log-spiral surface is a kinematically admissible effective stress. In the kinematic approach of limit analysis the
mechanism from the limit analysis standpoint, and it leads to a presence of water must be considered through work terms in the
strict lower bound on stability number c/␥H. Taylor 共1937兲 was energy 共rate兲 balance equation. To do this effectively, the pore
well aware of the Rendulic proposal, but he chose to develop his water pressure is considered as a body force, similar to gravity or
charts based on the friction circle method, as it lends itself better magnetic forces. In the process of deformation 共failure兲 frictional
to a graphical technique of solution 共not surprising, considering soils dilate and the pore water pressure does work on the volu-
the year of development of these charts兲. metric strain of the soil skeleton, similar to the work of air pres-
The limit analysis based on the log-spiral mechanism for sure acting on a balloon shell during expansion of that shell. This
simple slopes was proposed by Chen et al. 共1969兲. Subsequently, work can be proved to contain the effects of buoyancy and seep-
the influence of pore water pressure, seismic effects, and soil age forces, and this approach was used to obtain stability numbers
reinforcement were included in the analysis 共Michalowski 1995,
for slopes subjected to pore water pressure 共Michalowski 1995兲.
1998, 1999兲. Computer programs for calculations of pore water
Theoretical underpinning of this approach was reiterated step-by-
pressure and quasi-static seismic effects developed earlier were
step in Michalowski 共1999兲. The incipient collapse process is con-
modified to produce the charts presented in this paper.


Fig. 4. Safety factor for slopes subjected to quasi-static horizontal force

sidered to be fully drained where dilation of the soil skeleton does make it possible to make an ‘‘educated guess’’ of the influence of
not cause any change in the magnitude of the pore water pressure. pore water pressure on the stability of slopes.
For the purpose of presenting the influence of the pore water
on the stability of slopes, the distribution of the pore water pres-
sure is described by coefficient r u defined by Bishop and Mor-
Quasi-Static Seismic Effect
genstern 共1960兲 as Seismic loads on slopes are often considered in design by includ-
u ing quasi-static forces due to seismic acceleration. While such an
r u⫽ (8) analysis ignores the seismic process 共acceleration history兲 and
does not give any insight into the behavior of the structure, it is
where u⫽magnitude of the pore water pressure, ␥⫽soil unit routinely used in design. The kinematic approach of limit analysis
weight, and h⫽depth of the point on the failure surface below the was used here to arrive at the data used to produce the charts in
slope surface. Stability charts for slopes with r u equal to 0, 0.25, Fig. 4. Coefficient k h represents the intensity of horizontal accel-
and 0.50 are presented in Fig. 3. The data in the charts in Fig. 3 eration as a fraction of the gravity acceleration. The effect of
was created using a computer program written earlier 共Micha- quasi-static forces was included in the analysis as an additional
lowski 1995兲. work term in the energy balance equation 共Michalowski 1998兲.
Coefficient r u is a rather crude manner of accounting for the No pore water pressure was considered in calculations with a
pore water pressure in a slope. If a well-defined flow net in a quasi-static seismic force. The quasi-static approach is a crude
slope is known, the corresponding pore pressure distribution can approximation of seismic effects, and charts involving another
be calculated and included explicitly in computations of the sta- simplified concept (r u ) to describe the pore water pressure distri-
bility number 共or the safety factor兲. While such calculations are bution, in addition to k h , may not be indicative of the true safety
more accurate, presentation of the results in charts would be dif- margin of slopes. Such charts would be an inappropriate tool for
ficult because of the large number of variables needed to describe analyzing the safety of slopes, particularly for liquefiable soils.
realistic flow nets. While the nature of calculations with pore Safety factor F, represented in the charts as F/tan ␸, is an
pressures described in Eq. 共8兲 is rather approximate, the results increasing function of N * 共or c/␥H tan ␸兲 up to some threshold


value, beyond which the safety factor becomes independent of pore pressures equivalent to those described by r u ⫽0.25, or it
parameter N * . This leads to a counterintuitive conclusion that the was subjected to a quasi-static horizontal force equivalent to k h
safety factor becomes independent of the cohesion. For k h ⫽0.1 ⫽0.1.
this happens beyond the range presented in Fig. 4共a兲, but this
effect is present on the charts in Figs. 4共c and e兲 for slopes with
an inclination of 15– 45°. This is an artifact of the problem for- Conclusions
mulation with an infinite extent of the soil, similar to that indi-
cated earlier for the chart where ␸⫽0 in Fig. 1. Here, this effect A set of charts was produced for assessment of the stability of
can be explained by analyzing the tendency of various terms in slopes. The data was obtained from the calculations based on the
the energy balance equation applied to incipient deformation of a kinematic approach of limit analysis. The charts can be used for
deep collapse mechanism. slopes subjected to pore water pressure and those exposed to hori-
The predominant force resisting collapse is equal to the mobi- zontal 共possibly seismic兲 forces. They are convenient to use, and
lized strength along the failure surface, whereas the predominant evaluating the safety factor does not require an iterative process.
force driving the collapse is the quasi-static force due to earth- However, these charts are not intended for slopes in soils with a
quake acceleration. For the plane-strain mechanism considered zero frictional component of strength.
here, the resisting force is proportional to a characteristic length
共size兲 of the mechanism 关for instance, r 0 , Fig. 2共a兲兴, while the Acknowledgment
driving force is proportional to the square of the characteristic
length 共the soil weight term, although also proportional to the The writer was supported by the National Science Foundation,
square of the mechanism dimension, increases at a slower rate Grant No. CMS-0096167, when working on the subject presented
with an increase in the mechanism size兲. Consequently, for any in this paper. This support is greatly appreciated.
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