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Guidelines for Group Activity:

Prepare a Report and a PPT for group activity:

 The report should include the following items:

1) Title Page
2) Introduction
3) Review of Related Research
4) Summery or design of experiment
5) Experimental Results
6) Conclusion
7) References
 The PPT should include the following items:
1) Group activity title & team members (1 slide)
2) Outline of the PPT (1 slide)
3) Introduction (Minimum 2 slides)
4) Overall system architecture /Block Diagram/ Algorithm/ flow chart (minimum 2
5) Working principle (minimum 2 slides)
6) Real time application (1 slide)
7) Examples/ implementation
8) Summary of the Topic (1 slide)
9) Individual contribution (1)
10) References

Review Assessment Split-up (10 Marks)

Report PPT Format Concept of Individual Total
Format and and Content the Topic contribution
Content during (Q & A)
presentation Presentation
5 5 5 5 20

NOTE: all the group need to submit their PPT and report on or before
Through following google form link.

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