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SUPPLEMENTARY REPORT OF THE PIRELUI OXYGEN UNDERWATER BREATHING APPARATUS REPORT NO. 6-52 AD 783-675 — U.S. NAVAL EXPERIMENTAL DIVING UNIT WASHINGTON NAVY YARD WASHINGTON 25, D. C. 18 June 1952 SUPPLEMENTARY REPORT ON THE PIRELLI OXYGEN UNDERWATER BREATHING APPARATUS CONDUCTED AND PREPARED BY LT. J. V. DWYER, USN LT. C. T. KINCAID, USN BUREAU OF SHIPS PROJECT NO. NS 186-012 . TEST NO. 22.1 AD 783-675 APPROVED H. T. FULTON Commander, U.S. NAVY Officer-in-Charge Approved far pubiig paloape; divtesbuioa wolimiteds REPORT NO. 6-52 FOREWORD An evaluation of the Italian SCUBA (self-contained underwater breathing apparatus) know as Pirelli was submitted to the Bureau of Ships on 28 January 1952, Development of newer techniques for SCUBA evaluation has made it desirable to re-evaluate the Pirelli on a basis of closer duplication of field conditions. Availability of an in- stantaneous carbon dioxide analyzer has rendered it possible to obtain data on carbon dioxide percentages in any part of the SCUBA. As a result of these newer techniques and equipment, the re-evaluation of the Pirelli has led to conclusions concerning the apparatus which are considerably different from those drawn in the original evaluation. However it should be stressed that the original conclusions are valid for the conditions of the first evaluation. Pertinent parts of the first report; are incorporated directly into this report wherever it is desirable, to minimize cross-reference. Iz *S,WanoS UPBAxo reyI0 TTe se NOFAPATUTT Uadep 3003-9¢ umuTxeu ous O43 03 y0oLGns st 37 pue ‘xZ0m Aavoy ButaToauT suoTyTpuos ButATp zo GuTUUTAS Aue z03 snopzezey st 31 ‘seqnutw A3aTy3 pue anoy ovo 30 Sse0K9 UT SuoTzTpuCO SuTUMTAS Toy OyeNbope you st Aueudtnba oyz, *yZ0m e3exepow Aron 10 ys02 zo suoT3TpuCD Surat MoTTeUS TOF ‘AToweU :AzOZ0RsSTIES ST TITOZTa 949 WOTUM TOF SuoyZTpUOD O43 UO UOTIeyTUTT e sadwTd UOTIeNTeRS Puooes oul ssngerPdde 243 30 aqewrase stua oqeTzueasans 09 sbutputgz/oTg0eds 30 xequnu » oneB pue ‘Az030e3sT3Es AZ@A ST FITOATA oGseT ouz 3eUR UOTSNToUCD TeAOUDB Sut MOzp WOTRRBT3SeAUT TeTyTUT Ou “soTAZes TeaeU oy} UT osn 203 TTTS3¥d oua Se Moux vanos UeTTeaT 243 Jo Kornbope SUR OUT UOTIeSTaSeAUT Arepucoes e szeaoD 3z0dex sTUz dowusaw Im. III Iv vi. VII. VIII. OBJECT DESCRIPTION PROCEDURE RESULTS DISCUSSION CONCLUSION} DATA SHEETS FIGURES TABLE OF CONTENTS Foreword Abstract Contents di iii 12 a3 Pa I. OBJECT This evaluation was made to give additional information on the adequacy of the Italian SCUBA Pirelli for use in the naval service, ana in particular for ase as a long-endurance swimming unit. II. DESCRIPTION A. Small Pirelli (Model s-701) (Sportsman This unit consists of a face mask with integrated mouthpiece, a sing] pendulum" breathing tube, an absorbent canister, a breathing bag, one oxygen bottle, and a trigger-operated bypass valve. ‘The 8.9-liter breathing bag incorporates the 525-cc circular canister. The mask has an optional snorkel attachment for surface swimming on air. B. Large Pirelli (Model s-901) This unit consists of a face mask with integrated mouthpiece, a singl '‘pendulum" breathing tube, and absorbent canister, a breathing bag, two oxygen bottles, a reducer, and adjustable metering valve, and a manual bypass. The 16.7-liter breathing bag incorporates the 1700-ce circular canister. C,. Auxiliary equipment Auxiliary equipments, which were not used in this second evaluation, are as follows: 1. Snorkel mask (for suface breathing) 2. Goggle mask 3. Gum rubber long swim suit (model 751) 4. Gum rubber short swim suit (model 752) 5. Diving dress (model 801) 6. Wrist depth gage. + (peseq sq a0dex puoses sya yoTUN uodn sunz 943 03 etqezeduoo suo ATUO O43 ST YoTYR) UNI eouBAnpue O43 A0z eaep Gurmoys ‘rode [euThya0 oy3 uy s# Joys eIeP JO SqeOTTANP & ST LE qeays e3eq ‘potzed yI0m yous z043e pue ‘Hutband r033e AToyeTpouwy usye3 orem soTdues ‘TexoueS ur ‘efuTaMs zonq ve 50 suvom Aq uoTzerqdsuy ouy JO aepuyeuer ayz ynoysnozyz ATsnonuTqUOD uMeIp sem pue LOTIeITdsuT ue zo BuyuuTbeq ey3 2293e spucoss om} uSyeI sem oTdueS YoeT -aqng SuTYRLe7q uaqnpued 243 30 doz oy} zeeu peTTeasuT uoTDeUNOD eqn; eTdues e yfnoazy ueye3 ezeM stsATeue UeBAxo pue OpyXOTp uoqres ouRPTeH 10g setdues “¢ seoueanpus 9T390q Zo ‘uOTZSNeYxe t93sTUES ‘sebequeored SpTXOTp uoqies UO peuTeggo jou oZoM wZEP ‘snzeaedde e43 Jo soue3stsex pur ‘sourTeq /9703uO0D oUTuIEzep 03 ATTedyouTId pexonpuco ozOM SUNZ SUL “TTTeaITg S6xeT O4R YITM epeu orem suNZ SuyUMTNS eaTeML “z * (Rous suo 50 e7ez SuTWUTAS e OF STGezeduoo SuTeq se out; O43 32 pazdeooe sum 89eT YZOM STYL) “spotzed 3s egnuTU-oATS Yat BuTQeUTE;Te spotred yz0m eqnuyu-ue; Oz eqnuTU e Se_TR SATs SeyoUT F/T-Lz JO eoURIsTp e YbnoryR quBtem punod-s+g9 e GuTazTT Aq pozetnuTs sem yI0m Aavoy AToqeTepou SeATP TTR 20g *seATp xzs |FO UNI eoURINpUS eoesINs aNoY-aATz oUO pue !seaTp mos jo unx soueANpue sowzans aznoy-anog euo ‘sunz souernpus SoeJANS ANOY-oma 9eay3 !yadeP 3005-A32TYR 3e SeATP SuTYIOm uey ‘yadep 3003-u9033T3 38 Seatp butyz0m eutu !(y3dep 3003-UoAes) oorsans ye soATD VOTREZTALTTTUeZ OATF:SUOTRTPUCD HUTATP ZepuN yUeZ easserd yz UT soATD BuyMoTTOs ay3 passedwoous uOTReNTeAS TITeITa efreT TRUTHTz0 ous uoyaeNTeAs TeUTSyI0 “y_ : manqaooud “III B. Supplementary evaluation 1. ‘he supplementary evaluation encompassed only one dive in the pressure tank at thirty feet under diving conditions. At the time, equipment for a return-sampling procedure under pressure had not been procured, and the open-sampling procedure gave results which were too extended in time to be of worth in the evaluation. 2. Four swimming runs were made with large Pirelli and one with the small. a. In all but one a single man swam the large Pirelli to the end of the run. In the exception the apparatus was shifted to a second swimmer after an hour, without purging the bag. In all cases the swimmer’: Jungs were purged with pure oxygen from another source before they donned the apparatus. From beginning to end of a run the bag was never purged. b. One man swam the small Pirelli to zero bottle pressure. c. All swimming runs were made at a controlled rate of one knot, interrupted only by sampling or by shifting swimmers, 3. Initial bottle pressure was around 1900 psig; initial and final xeadings and the corresponding oxygen consumption are given in the data sheets. 4. Baralyme carbon dioxide indicator absorbent was used in all large Pirelli runs; sodalime indicator absorbent was used in the single small Pirelli run. 5. Sampling procedures differed considerably from those of the first evaluation. @. Carbon dioxide percentage was determined with the Liston Becker Model 11 instantaneous carbon dioxide analyzer. This equipment consists of two units. A sensor analyzes| the carbon dioxide in a gas mixture by comparing the infra-red absorption of the mixture with that of a known sample, and generates a differential signal which has a non- linear relationship to the volume percentage of carbon dioxide in the mixture; an amplifier increases the signal strength so that it can operate a direct-reading meter or any suitable recorder. The non-linear calibration curve for the analyzer plots directly from a number of known’ samples analyzed by the Haldane method (five samples give a satisfactory curve). Zero reading and amplifier gain are both adjustable so that, with a calibration stick to reproduce .a given percentage absorption shadow, the analyzer can be set to any desired degree of sensitivity Maximum range depends on the sensor. In this case maximum range was 0-15%, but on-scale operation was confined to 0-6%. Readings, which were originally obtained in microamperes, have been converted to volume percentages in all data sheets. Occasional calibration checks with known carbon dioxide samples showed/no drift and indicated a maximum error of less than 0.5% of full scale reading. For 1% volume percentage samples this is a real error of 0.005% volume percentage and is entirely negligible for the qualitative analysis of this evaluation A minimum sample of 20cc is needed to flush the sensor) in order to obtain an accurate analysis of any mixture. With continuous flow, however, the analyzer responds immediately to any variation in carbon dioxide percentage, and is so sensitive that every phase of a breathing cycle produces a corresponding reading. b. Oxygen percentage was determined with the Beckman Model D oxygen analyzer. This is a small unit which gives a direct reading of oxygen volume percentage from the change in deflection of a magnetic sensor caused by the oxygen sample paramagnetic absorption in a magnetic field. A negligible quantity is needed for the sample. Checks of the unit with air and pure oxygen showed a maximum deviation of 2%. Since the oxygen never fell below 40% (and was usually in excess of 80%) the oxygen readings are of academic interest except as quantitative indications of residual nitrogen in the breathing medium. ¢. To effect continuous sampling, a sampling pump was used. This was a stock electric driven 6-volt d.c. automobile fuel pump. Sampling tubes at upper and lower breathing tube sections and at the lower corner of the bag provided satisfactory respiratory and breathing medium samples. A small laboratory flask was fitted as a washer to prevent water carry-over. Respiratory samples were drawn from the upper tube and returned to the lower, and from the lower tube and re- turned to the upper. Bag breathing medium samples were drawn from the bag tube and returned to the lower respiratory tube so that any previous respiratory samples with high carbon dioxide content were flushed from the analyzer and returned to their general sampling area. Since these latter samples necessarily circulated through the absorbent, some purification of the breathing medium might have occurred in time. However breathing medium sampling was conducted only long enough to obtain a steady carbon dioxide reading, and the effect of purification is negligible. The closed-circuit sampling arrangement is shown in FIGURE 1. a. Samples were taken at various intervals as dictated by experience and conditions. The slow carbon dioxide accretion of the first hour generally) necessitated fewer samples than the rapid accretion of the second nour when the apparatus neared exhaustion. In general samples were as far apart as was consistent with good data, in order to minimize the loss of swimming effort during sampling time (which averaged about a minute). The swimmer stood on the ladder in the pool with just enough of the apparatus clear of the water to facilitate shifting sampling tubes. 6. For the thirty-foot dive a non-return sampling procedure was necessary because the fuel pump could not work against the depth head without pressurizing the two analyzers, which would have destroyed their usefulness. The three sampling tubes were brought to a common tank outlet. Each had a clamp valve and a tender opened one clamp at a time. Another valve on the outside allowed the analyzer operator to control the sample flow. The excessive amount of tubing and water washer dead space necessitated a two or three liter sample before the bag readings stabilized, and a six to eight liter sample before the respiratory peak readings stabilized. Consequently one round of readings purged the bag of at least half its volume at that depth and resulted in a depletion of the breathing medium carbon dioxide content IV. RESULTS A. Small Pirelli Only one run was made with the small Pirelli because the unit is thought to have insufficient endurance for practical military use, particularly in view of the much longer endurance of the large Pirelli. However, as a matter of interest, the results of this one run are shown graphically in figure’ 2. Salient features of the graph are: the wid swing of the maximum and minimum percentages; the nearly constant average percentage; and the sharp rise of ali percentages after 0:25. The swimmer secured his run at 0:37 with his bag full and his oxygen bottle empty; despite the full bag, he felt unable to draw a breath. B. Large Pirelli Four swimming runs and one tank depth run were made with the large Pirelli, The results are shown graphically in Figures 3 through 7. 1. Run #2 (Figure 3) was made before the bag sampling tube was installed, and only the breathing tube data are available. Salient features are: the small swing of maximum and minimum percentages; the fairly constant average percentage; and the rise of all percentages after 1:30. The run was secured at 2:05 because of the high carbon dioxide percentage and because of the obvious distress ‘of the swimmer. 2. Run #3 (Figure 4) was the first to be made with coatinuous bag sampling. Salient features are: the moderately wide swing of maximum and minimum percentages; the very constant average percentage; the sharp rise of bag percentage after 1:50; and the sharp rise of breathing percentages after 2:00. The run was secured eight minutes after the 2:20 round of samples, with the swimmer in extreme distress. He ripped the mask off his face but secured the bag. The 2:28 bag sample was analyzed on the Haldane apparatus. 3. Run #4 (Figure 5) shows the following features: the very small swing of maximum and)minimim percentage; the fairly constant averace percentage; and the gradual rise of bag percentage after 1:00. Because the pool temperature was excessively low, the swimmer had to secure the run at 1:48, before the sharp rise of breathing percentages occurred. 4. Run #5 (Figure 6) was made with two men in succession. Salient features ar the small swing of maximum and minimum percentages and the very constant average for the first swimmer up to 1:00; and the wider swing, rising average, and sharply rising bag percentage for the second swimmer from 1:04 to 1:58, The second swimmer was pulled from the pool in a semi-conscious condition at 2:01. 5. Run #6 ( Figure7) was the only tank depth run made. The results were so greatly extended by the non-return sampling procedure that further runs of this type would be of no value for actual comparison of depth and surface effects. Vv. DISCUSSION A. General 1. The following observations apply to the graphs of Fipures 2 through 6. a. An extremely wide swing of maximum and minimum percentages indicates heavy breathing. This effect is particularly noticeable in Fipures 4 to 6. b. Figure 4 shows two "second wind" effects with a very small swing at 0:25 and a small swing at 1:00. ¢. Figure 6 shows a nearly steady, shallow type of breathing for the first man, contrasted with somewhat deeper breathing for the second. a. Variable breathing averages, as in Finures 3 and 5, are a result of shallow breathing at various tidal volumes, which in turn are partially determined by fatigue. e. Bag samples are a good relative indicator of breathing tube average, and rise in bag percentage is followed soon by a corresponding rise in breathing average. 2. The following remarks apply to Figures 7 and 8. a. The exercycle depth run shown in Figure 7 did not develop a bag percentage increase for a long period of time because the sampling method placed the diver very nearly on " opercircuit" rather than on "closed-circuit" breathing. Bag carbon dioxide did not increase until the absorbent was so exhausted that it passed most of the breath into the bag without purification. b. ‘The original exhaustion weight-lifting run shown in Figure 8 is roughly comparable to the exercycle run, but the work rate was so low that oxygen consumption was only little over half that of the swimming and exercycle runs. B. Small Pirelli As Figure 2 shows, the average percentage of carbon dioxide in the small Pirelli is very high, being near 38 for the first part of the run, and climbing rapidly when the absorbent is exhausted. Although he aid so deliberately, the swimmer gave himself a severe case of carbon @ioxide poisoning by continuing to swim after both bottle and canister were exhausted. ‘The carbon dioxide increase is sufficiently rapid ana unpredictable that it makes the apparatus unsafe for strenuous work for any but brief periods C. Large Pirelli 1, Although the weight-lifting runs of the first evaluation were taken to be equivalent to swimming runs in bodily exertion, comparison of the 0.875 liters per minute average oxygen consumption in weight-liftin with the 1.60 liters per minute average oxygen consumption in swimming le indicates that weight-lifting duplicates little over half the swimming effort. On such a hypothesis, the apparatus should last nearly twice as long for weight-lifting as for swimming. In point of fact, when compared with the swimming runs, the endurance run of the first evaluation bears this out, if consideration is given to the extension of time caused by complete bag purge between divers. The carbon dioxide increase was slow, oxygen consumption was low, and canister life was long in this type run. 2. Inasmuch as one of the primary military uses for the Pirelli would be that of an underwater swimming unit, this second report stresses the materially shortened life of the unit under swimming conditions. The average life to exhaustion of the unit for the three valid swimming runs was 2:10. Rapid carbon dioxide increase came much sooner, oxygen consumption was higher, and canister life was shorter. 3. The exercycle depth run was inconclusive for carbon dioxide in- crease data because of the non-return breathing medium sampling method. However the average oxygen consumption of 1.71 liters per minute indicates that the work rate is in the same range as the swimming rate. When depth runs are made again, a new depth sampling apparatus will give the return-sampling results, and will shed more adequate light on the actual interchangeability of exercycling and swimming data. VI. CONCLUSIONS + Small Pirelli 1. To provide an adequate safety factor, this unit should be limited to a maximum time of 15 minutes for strenuous subsurface work or swimming. 2. Because of the high carbon dioxide average percentage in the breathing tube, the unit should not be used for swimming at depths greater than 10 feet, at which depth effective percentage is 1.3 times the actual percentage. B. Large Pirelli + To provide an adequate safety factor, this unit should be limited to a maximum time of 1 hour 30 minutes for strenuous subsurface work or swimming. 2. Because of the high carbon dioxide average percentage in the breathing tube, the unit should not be used to a depth greater than 16 feet for strenuous work or for swimming; at that depth effective per- centage is approximately 1.5 times the acutal percentage. 3. Because of the sudden repid rise in carbon dioxide average, the unit should be limited to a maximum time of 1 hour at 15 feet for strenuous work or for swimming. 4, Since carbon dioxide is a main factor in enhancement of oxygen poisoning, unit should be used with extreme caution for any depth greater than subsurface. ‘ale VIII. DATA SHEETS 1. Small Pirelli, swimming, run #1, 26 March 1952. 2. Large Pirelli, swimming, run #2, 27 March 1952. 3. Large Pirelli, swimming, run #3, 31 March 1952. 4, Large Pirelli, swimming, run #4, 8 April 1952. 5. Large Pirelli, swimming, run 45, 9 April 1952. 6. Large Pirelli, exercycling, run #6, 1 May 1952. 7, Large Pirelli, weight-lifting, dives #32-37, original evaluation. 13 Type: small Pirelli Depth: 3 feet Location: Pool Start: 0919 Stop: 1000 Total time: 9n 41m Pressure: 1750 psig Pressure: 0 psig Absorbent: Soda lime Consumption: 1.80 liters per minute Swimmer: STEVENS PERCENT PERCENT CARBON DIOXIDE OXYGEN TIME Tube TUBE hom] min max = av 0-00 83.55 0-20 0.47 5.10 2.78 0-25 1,09 4.26 2.68 0-30 «1.68 4.88 3.28 0-350 2.43 5.10 3.76 0-41 Out of gas 95.90 Run #1 26 March 1952 z 14 i Data Sheet #1 Type: Large Pirelli Depth: 3 feet Location: Pool Start: 0843 Stop: 1049 Total time: 2h 06m Pressure: 1875 psig Pressure: 940 psig Absorbent: Baralyme Consumption: 1.75 liter per minute Swimmer: Moore PERCENT | PERCENT CARBON DIOXIDE OXYGEN TIME Tobe Bag hm min wax av av Tube 0-01 36 0-10 1.68 2.50 2.09 0-20 2.63 3.06 2.84 74 0-30 2.901 2.91 2.46 52 0-45 2.77 2.91 2.84 78 0-55 3.06 3.22 3.14 76 1.05 2.24 2.63 2.44 75 1.15 2.63 2.91 2.77 64 1.25 3.22 3.72 3.47 82 1.35 2.91 3.72 3.32 72 1.45 2.77 3.22 3.00 62 1.55 3.55' 4.08 3.82 80 2-05 4.08 4.459 4,27 80 2-06 Secured run- high carbon dioxide . Run #2 27 March 1952 15 Data Sheet #2 Type: Large Pirelli Depth: 3 feet Location: Pool Start: 0846 Stop: 1114 Total time: 2h 28m Pressure: 1950 psig Pressure: 1000 psig Absorbent: Baralyme Consumption: 1.51 liters per minute Swimmer: Stevens PERCENT PERCENT CARBON DIOXIDE OXYGEN TIME Tube Bag Bag hom max ay _av 0-05 1.09 3.55 2.32 40 0-15 1.09 3.06 2.07 0.06 44 0-25 2.01 2.37 2.19 9.06 a4 0-35 1.68 2.91 2.30 0.06 74 0-45 1.48 2.91 2.20 0.06 84 1-00 2.01 2.91 2.46 0.16 74 1-10 1.60 3.06 2.37 0.16 “84 1-20 1.48 3.22 2.35 0.28 80 1-30 1.28 3.06 2.17 0.31 50 1-40 1.09 3-51 2.32 9.37 60 1-50 1.09 3:22 2.15 9.35 74 2-00 1.28 2.91 2.20 9 95 70 2-13 1.79 3.72 2.76 4.38 52 2-20 2.91 4.26 3.58 1.79 60 2-28 2.44 Run #3 31 March 1952 16 Data Sheet #3 Type: Large Pirelli Start: 0917 Pressure: 2150 psig Consumption: 1.47 liters per minute Swimme: Depth: 3 feet Location: Pool Btop: 1105 Total time: 1h 48m Pressure: 1475 psig Absorbent: Baralyme Stevens PERCENT PERCENT CARBON DIOXIDE OXYGEN ‘TUBE Bag Bag Min max | av. av 1.48 2.12 1.80 0.08 76 2.31 2.43 2.37 0.06 94 1.90 2.12 2.01 0.13 62 2.01 2.24 2.13 0.16 92 1.58 1.95 1.76 0.39° 70 2.01 2.31 2.16 0.7790 Secured run - swimmer cold Run #4 @ April 1952 . 17 , Data Sheet #4 Type: Large Pirelli Depth: 3 feet Location: Pool Start: 0854 Stop: 1055 Total time: 2h Olm Pressure: 1950 psig Pressure: Not observed Absorbent: Baralyme Consumption: jNot observed Swimmers: Griffith (1 hr)-Moersch (1 hr) PERCENT, PERCENT CARBON DIOXIDE —oxyGEN TIME Tube Bag hom min max av av 0-00 2.12 2.50 2.31 0.00 80 0-15 1.90 2.24 2.07 0.00 90 0-30 2.01 2.24 2.13 0.66 72 0-45 2.12 2.50 2.31 0.08 76 1-00 1.90 2.24 2.07 0.13 72 1-04 1.79 2.50 2.14 0.15 74 1-10 1.58 2.63 2.10 0.35 84 1-20 2.01 2.63 2,32 0.61 80 1-30 2.01 2.77 2.39 1.06 68 1-40 2.50 3.38 2.94 1.52 92 1-50 2.57 3.55 3.06 2.22 76 1-58 3.06 3.72 3.44 2.74 74 2-01 Secured run - swimmer in distress Run #5 9 April 1952 , 18 Data Sheet #5 Type: Pirelli Depth : 30 feet Location: Pool Start: 0826 Stops 1457 Total time: 3h 40m Pressure: 1900 psig Pressure: 400 psig Absorbent: Baralyme Consumption: 1.71 liters per minute PERCENT PERCENT CARBON DIOXIDE OXYGEN ‘TIME Tube Bag Bag hom min max av av REMARKS 0-00 - -- - - MOERSCH 0-10 0.91 1.16 1.04 0.05 82 0-26 1.01 1.32 1.16 0.18 . 85 0-30 - ~ : : - Off bag 0-33 - - - - - MC KENZIE 0-38 a - i - 75 0-58 9.91 1.32 1.12 75 i = = Off bag 1-04 * - - ” = GRANT 1-09 a ” - = 76 1-29 0.91 0.91 1.65 0.18 77 133 - 2 L = Off bag i-3s a oa - - - . CARR: 1-40 ™ - a & 82 2-00 0.73 1.11 0.92 0.18 i 91 2-04 Secured 1030 - 1321 for lunch Off bag 2-04 - - - - CARROLL 2-12 = = om ‘aw 94 2-29 0.85 0.90 0.88 0.19 98 2-34 - ~ - 7 = Off bag 2-37 - = = - - STEVENS 2-42 - = ia om 97 3-02 1.04 1.09 1.06} 0.38 99 3-07 * * * - - Off bag 3-10 = = = om > MOORE 3-15 & a= i = 97 3-35 2.12 2.24 2.18 1.87 98 3-40 Secured the run Run #6 1 May 1952 ‘Data Sheet #6 13 VIII. Sampling apparatus, schematic FIGURES Le 2. Small 3. Large Large 5. Large 6. Large 7. Large 8. Large Pirelli, run #1 Pirelli, run #2 Pirelli, run #3 Pirelli, run #4 Pirelli, run #5 Pirelli, run #6 (exercycle) Pirelli, original evaluation. 21 DATA SHEET N FINAL ENDURANCE RUN - LARGE PIRELLI - SURFACE 5% - 10 W TIME Coz oz, REMARKS start 020 Sample after purge - 1st diver 0-15" +024 Dive No. 32 0-30" +023 0-45" +099 lL hr. +024 Purge +675 Sample after purg - second diver 1-15 +224 Dive No. 33 1-30 2224 1-45 +145 2 hrs 2144 Purge +093 Sample after purge - Third diver 2-15 113 Dive No. 34 2-30 2043 2-45 1096 . 3 hrs. +073 Purge eet Sample after purge - Fourth dive 3-15 837 Dive No. 35 3-30 2250 3-45 2350 4 hrs. +330 Purge +957 Sample after purse - Fifth diver 4-15 +523 Dive No. 36 4-30 1.247 4-45 1.10 . 5 hrs. 1.74 Purge +306 Sample after purge - Sixth diver 5-15 2.768 Dive No. 37 5-25 3.876 74.36 Absorbent exhausted 50% blue 20 Data Sheet No. 7 CARBON DIOXIDE ANALYZER Noe O oO 0 0 OXYGEN ANALYZER ASPIRATOR 1 UPPER TUBE, BREATHING ‘BATTERY WATER WASHER SCHEMATIC OF RETURN ~ SAMPLING APPARATUS. FOR BREATHING MEDIUM ANALYSIS, SHOWING ARRANGEMENT FOR BAG SAMPLING ON PIRELLI SCUBA, WITH SAMPLE RETURNED TO LOWER SECION OF BREATHING TUBE, FIGURE 1 z aunold SYNOH ~ 3WIL 00-2 0-1 WAWININ NOLLWIVHNI aan AL a9vuaAv NoWvulassy 381 O WIWIXWH NOWWIVHXa 380 7961 HOUVW 97 LINN SNIAIG TWINWIY3Ex3 SWI SnsH3A 39ViIN30u3¢ VLVO 39VN30U3d NWN NOLLWIVHNI NY WOWIXVIN NOLLVIVHX3 WO¥s CLOT ‘SUNSSIUd OU3Z OL ONINWIMS NVW 3NO HLIM Jan, ONIHLWIYE I113UId TVINS NI 3SVIYONI 3GIXOIG NOBEYD LN30U3d ~ 30IXOI0 Nos¥vo € aunold SUNOH ~ 3WIL 00-0 iw NoUWI¥HNI ana A ‘Av NoLLW¥ldsa4 3601 © XVW NOUWIVHXS 3enL 7 ‘v zS61 HOM LZ 7 JINN ONIAIG TWANaWIyaax3 BWLL SNSU3A 3OVANIOUSE ‘VAVO JOVLN3DU3d WNWINIW NOLLYIVHNI GNY WAWIXWN NOLLWIVHX3 Wows GALLOTd INOLSNWHXA OL ONINWIMS NVIN 3NO HLIM 38NL ONIMLV3YS 11138ld 39H NI 3SV3YONI 3GIXOIG NOSED AN3OWad ~ 30IXOI0 NoBH¥O y aunold SUNOH ~ WIL 39VINauad OVE NIW NOLLWIVHNI 38nL AV NOLLW¥ldsa4 38nL XV NOLLVIVHX3 38 o-t oo-0 o— f-A7! / / “Wo 4 On Vie ae wy Vv 201 Houv te ’ LIND ONIAIG TWANBINIH3EX3 SWLL SNSY3A 39VLNIOURE VLVO 3OVLN30U3d WAWININ NOLLYIVHNI NY WAWIXWW NOLLYIVHX3 WOUS 311014 INOLLSNVHX3 OL ONINWIMS NVIW 3NO HLIM V8 ONY 38n1 ONIHLV3¥S I7713uld 3DUVT NI aSva¥ON! 3aIxXOI0 NOBUWO AN39U3d ~ 301X010 Noguvo g aunold SUNOH ~ 3WIL 00-2 T aoviNzouad Ova NIW NOLLWIVHNI 3ant A ‘Av NoLUvuLasay 3enL © XV NOLVIvHxa 3enL 7 g 8 2 g 8 = R 2 Z961 Tddv 8B ve AINA SNIAIG TWLN3WI83dx3 "i AWIL snswan 3oVviNa0uad “Viva 3OVAN3OW3é WNININI NOLLVVHNI 5 NY WOWIXYW NOLLVIVHX3 WOHs G3LL01d £0109 LNA ONIWWIMS NYW 3NO HIM v8 ONY JEN. ONIHLWa¥a I113¥id 3DUWT NI 3SV3HONI 30IXOIG NOBHWD 9 aunold SuNOH ~ 3WLL 3OVINIDUad vB NIW NOLLYIVHNI 3anL ‘AV NOLLVNIdS3H Ben. “XVI NOLLVTVHX3 38m

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