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Year 3 Geography Oral Presentation

Inquiry Question: What makes Australia, Australia?

Topic: Australia’s Surrounding Countries
Name: Date:
Create a 3-minute oral presentation that

Working Towards Standard

Working above Standard

Identifies the location of Australia’s surrounding

Working at Standard

Exceeding Standard
Select one country and compare it Australia.
Identify how it is similar and different in terms
- Climate
- Culture (food, language etc)
- Way of life
- Famous landmarks
- Holidays & Celebrations
Geography: The location of Australia's neighbouring countries and their
diverse natural characteristics and human characteristics (ACHASSK067)

The similarities and differences between places in terms of their type

of settlement, the diversity of people (e.g. age, birthplace, language, family
composition), the lives of the people who live there, and feelings and
perceptions about places (ACHASSK069)

English: Plan and deliver short presentations, providing some key details in
logical sequence (ACELY1677)

English: Use interaction skills, including active listening behaviours and

communicate in a clear, coherent manner using a variety of everyday and
learned vocabulary and appropriate tone, pace, pitch and
volume (ACELY1792

CRITERIA Working Towards Working at Standard Working above Exceeding Standard

Standard Standard

Information was given in a

Information was given in a
somewhat structured and
Information on the topic structured manner. Talk
Structure of the Talk lacked structure and coherent manner. Talk
was given in a semi contained an introduction
Presentation was difficult to follow. contained an introduction
structured way. and conclusion. Ideas were
and conclusion (requiring
further development)

Talk was fluent &

Notes were heavily relied on, Talk was spontaneous and
Talk was read, or rote spontaneous. Notes were
Notes learned.
or task was not relaxed however notes were
rarely used. Visual aids were
conversational. required to aid memory.
used to assist memory.

Talk was interesting due to

Some visual aides were used Visual aides were used the varied visual aids used to
Talk was given without the
to gain the listeners’ however they were not gain and maintain the
Multimedia use of visual or auditory
attention; however, they referred to effectively or listeners’ attention. Visual
were not used well. naturally. aids developed the listeners’

Difficult to hear as
Could be heard but dictation
students was mumbling or Clear voice. Used expression,
was not clear. Clarity needs Clear dictation, good volume
too soft. Talk was not tone, pause and pace. Very
Voice clearly spoken, and no passion
work. Passion on the topic and showed enthusiasm about
passionate and enthusiastic
not strongly shown. the topic.
was shown towards the about the topic.

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