Republic of Department of Naturnl Hesources: Avenue, Dilim

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Environment and Naturnl Hesources

Visayas Avenue, D i l i m , Quezon CCy

Tel. Nos.: 16321 929-66-26to 29

Website: / E-mail;

DENH Administrative Ordcr

NO.2014- n>

SUBJECT: Revised Guidelines fur Pollution Control Officer Accreditation

Pursuant to Paragraph 3 of Letter of lilstructions (L01) 588 (Designation uf a Pollution

Control OMicer by All Entities Discharging or Emitting Substances) dated 19 August 1q77 and
F,xecutjve Clrder 192 (Provjdi ng the Reorganization of the Dtrpartnlent o E~~vil-onment, F,nergy
and Natural Resources; Renaming it as ~ ! I C I lcpai-tment of Envim~metltand Natural Kcsouices)
dated 10 June 1987. P~eside~ltial Decree ( P n ) 1 586 (Establishing ail Envirclnmental Impact
Statenle~~tSystem Includit~gOther Envi~.oiimer~tal Managet~ientRelated bless ures and for Other
Purposes). Republic Act { RA) 6969 (Toxic Substallces and Hazardous and Nuclear Wastcs
Uonltol Act of 1990), RA 8749 (Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999). RA 9003 (Ecological Solid
Waste hlanagei-uenl Act of 2000). aurl RA 9275 (Phjlippine Clean Water Act of 2004): alld their
respective Implctucnting Rules and Kegl~lations(IRR), the Guideli tlcs for Pollution Cant rol
Officer (PCO) Accreditation are hereby re1 iscd.

Section 1. Basic Policy. Lt is the policy of Ihc State to pursuc a policy of economic growth in a
mnuner col~sisteiitwith the protection, preservation and revival of the quality of our fresh,
brackish and 111arine walers.

Sec. 2. Objectives. This Administrative Order shall have the following ohjrctives:

a. 'To effectively enforce RA 9275 by eslablislling linkages among thc (1) Department of
Environmenl and Natural Kcsoul-ces, (2) industrial establishinents which are potential aud actual
sources or pollution, and (3) local governtuent agencies; and,
b. To can!: out the national policy of maintaining a reasonable quality of tlie c~~viroiime!lt.

Sec. 3. Scope and Cuverage. This Order shall cover the accredi!alio~ of PCOs 01
estahlislinients that discharge solid, liquid, or gaseous wastes to tlie cnvirotlment or whost'
activities, products, o r sc~.vicesare actual andlor potential sources of land. water, or air poIlution.
This Order shall likewise apply to local goveri~mer~l ufiils (I,GUs), developmen1 autl~uritics,
government-owned and contwlled corporations. and other public establishments.

Ambulanl verldors and stall owliers :IS defined under RA 6977 ("An Act to Promote.
L)evelop. and Assist Small and Medium Entet-prises Through the Creation of' n Small and
Medium Enterprise Drvclop~nent (SMED) Council, and the Rationalizatio~iof Government
Assistance Programs and Apeilcies Concerned with the Develop~~~ent") as arne~ldedby RA 8289
(An .4ct fcl Strengthc~lthe Pro~notionand Developmelit of. and Assistance to Sinall and Medium
Scale Enterprises, anlending RA 0077. ntlierwise known as the "Magrla Carta for Small
Enterprises), and materials recovery facilities (MRFs) operated by barangays that do not handle
llazardous wastes are e ~ c i n p from
t the coverage of this Order.

Sec. 4. Definition of Terms

For the purposes of this Order, the folIowiug terms shall have the following meanings:

Let's Go G m n
a. Ambulant Vendors - either itinerar~tor semi-static. Itinerant vendors are those who go
around shouting their ware while semi-static vendors are those who are in semi-fixed
positions but may move about as the siblation necessitates.

b. -
Department Department of Environn~et~t
a ~ cNatural
l Resources.

c. DENR Administrative Order 1990-35 - Revised Effluent Regulations of 1990

d. DENR Administrative Order 2000-03 - Interim Implementing Rules and Regulations of
RA 8749.

e. -
UENR Administrative Order 2004-36 the Procedural Manual Title I l l of I I E N R
Administrative Order 1992-29 "Hazardous Waste Management."

f. Economic Activity - the activity of the establishment as classified under the Philippine
Standard Industrial Classification. The main activity of the establishment is 11ir
establishment's principal source of income.

g. Environmental Aspect - the element of an organization's activities or products or services

that can interact with the environment (IS0 1400 1 definition).

h. Environmental Impact - any change to the environment, whether adverse or beneficial.

wholly or partially resulting from an organization's environmental aspects ( I S 0 14001

i. Environmental Incident - an incident that has caused, or has the potential for causing
pollution to the environment.

j. Environmental Management - the entire system which includes, but is not limited tn,
conservation, regulation, and minimization of pollution; waste management; environmental
law and policy; environmental education and information; study and mitigation of the
environmental impacts of human activity; and environmental research.

k. Environmental Management System - part of an organization's management system used

to develop and implement its environmental policy and manage its environmental aspecls
(IS0 14001 definition).

I. Establishment - a recognizable economic unit under a single ownership or control, i.e.,

under a single legal entity, which engages in one or predominantly one kind of economic
activity at a single physical location. This includes industrial, commercial, and institutional

m. Highly Urbanized Cities cities with a minimum population of two hundred thousand
(200,000) inhabitants as certified by the National Statistics Office, and with the latest
annual income of at least Fifty Million Pesos (Php 50,000,000.00) based on 1991 constant
prices, as certified by the city treasurer.

n. Installation - a system of machinery or other apparatus set up for use.

o. Letter of Instruction 588 - the Designation of a P C 0 by All Entities Discharging or

Emitting Pollutants.
p. -
Managing Bead the highest executive officer nf the establishment ( i t . President,
General Manager, FactorylPlant Manager, Managing Director, Marlaging Partner. Chief
Executive Officer, or Local Chief Executive).

y , Memorandum CircuIar (MC) 2007-003 - the Policy on Conlpliance and Perinitling for
Industrial Facilities Relating to Air Quality.

r. -
Organization a group or association of individuals who are joined together either
formally or legally. This includes a corporation, government, partnership and any type of
civil or political association of people.

s. Pollution Control Facility - any structure, including, but not limited to, contrivance,
facility, system, device or mechanism which can adequately control andlor abate liquid or
gasecus wastes or sound pollution within allowed quality of standards of the Drparln~erlt.

t. Pollution Control Officer -a technical person competent in pollution control and

environmental management, performing the duties and responsibilities in a particular
establishment and officially accredited by the Environmental Management Bureau (EMB)
Regional Off~ceto perform such responsibilities.

u. -
Pollution Source a process. equipment, or facility installation that discharges solid,
liquid, or gaseous wastes to the environment.

v. -
Regional Director the Director of the EMB RegionaI Office.

w . Secretaty - the Secretary of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources.

x. Technical Conference - a meeting between the EMB Regional Office and the responden1
with or without the presence of a complaint for the purpose of discussit~glclarifying
particularly environmental concerns, pollution prevention commitment and appropriate
technical solutions, and/or remedial measures for the prevention, abatement, or mi tigation
of pollution

Sec. 5. P C 0 Accreditation Rased on Categorization of Establishment. PCOs shall be

accredited based on the categorization of establishments. This categorization shall define the
nceded qualifications of PC0 as prescribed in Section 6.0 of this Order. Estahlishnlcnls shall be
categcrrized as Category A or Category B based on the criteria indicated in Table 1 .

- 1. Criteria for Categorization-
of Establishments
Criteria I Category A
k h m t u e i n g , storing, andlor handling
Storage, andlur chemicals which are not listed in chemicals which are listed in .Annex I
~ a n d l i n ~ -- Annex I o f this Order o f this Order regardless of quatltity
Hazardous Small qGtitY generator as Large quantity generator as
Waste Generated defined in Annex 2 of this Order defined in Annex 2 o f this Order;
Accredited Transporter; or
Accredited Treatment. Storage.
-- .-
and Disposal (TSD) facility--
Ail. Emissions Boilers rated i c s s t a n 50 HP, Small, medium, large-sized, or
diesel generators at less than 300 environmentally significant
kW, or other sources that have the existing source as defined in EMB
potential to emit less than 10 tons MC 2007-003; or
per year of an air pollutant Establishments required to
regulated under RA 8749, or undergo stack sampling
establishments not required to
undergo stack sampling --
Solid Waste Generates more than 30 kddav of r Centralized MRF: or
i Category A
aggregate solid wastes

Category B
Solid waste treatment or
processing facilities; or
Sanitary landfill or with sanitary
Wastewater I Less than 30 m /day and with
- -
E ual to or greater tkm 30
Discharged emuent quality parameters not 9 .
m /day. or
listed in Amex 3 of this Order Wit11 effluent quality parameters
listed in Annex 3 of this Order: or
Classified as Strong Wastewater
(with influent BOD > 3,000
mgiL); or
TransporZer or treater of
wastewater, sewage andlor
Sludge Transporter or treater of sludge

Sec. 6 . Qualifications Requirements for PCOs

11 Rasic Qualifications:
a. Filipino citizen. of legal age, with good moral character, and mentally and physically
b. Full-time employee of the establishment where helshe is being appointed/ designated as
c Has complc~rd the Basic PC0 Training Course by an EMB-recognized lraining
organizationlinstjti~tionwithin the last three (3) years.

2) Minimum Cornpetericy Requirertlent. Any of the following compete~lcyrequirements shall

be considered:

a. For Category A establishments

Graduate of any related technical course
Had reached third year in tertiary level education
Had been wit11 the establishment for at Ieast three (3) years in a supervisory position
or in a responsible position or equivalent experience.

b. For Category B establishments

Licensed engineerslchemists with at least two (21 years relevant expericncr in
environmental management
Pro t'essionals in the field of engineeri tlg or physical and natural sciences with at least
three (3) years relevmt experience in environmental management
Other pmfessionals of appropriate discipline with at least five (51 years rzlevat~t
experience in environmental management.

Sec. 7. AppointmentlDesignation of PCOs. The Managing Heads of establishme~lts,LGUs

and other government institutions that discharge solid, liquid, or gaseous wastes to the
environment or whose activities, products, or services are actual and/or potei~tialsources of land,
water, or air pollution shall appoint/designate and seek accreditation for their PCO. ProviJcd,
that no P C 0 shall serve as such for more than one establishment.

A store manager, retail station manager, or building administrator of. hut not limited to, fast-
food stores, gasoline stations, and condominiums may be designated as P C 0 provided helshe
possesses the minimum cornpetenc y requirements for Category A EstabIishmenls in accordance
with Section 6.0 of this Order.
Ownerlmanager regardless of professional qualification may be designated as PC0 For
Category A Establishments provided helshe possesses the Basic Requirements in accordance to
Sczlion 6.0 of this Order.

7.1 P C 0 for Companies with Multiple Installations. For companies with multiple
installations (e.g. telecommunication companies, transmission substation, distribution substation,
water pumping station, sewagelseptage treatment facilities, etc.) at difTerent locations or regions,
a rnininll~mnf one P C 0 per region shall be required by the Regional Director. For regions with
Highly Urbanized Cities (HUC), an additional one P C 0 per HUC shall be required by the
Regional Director.

For each installation with wastewater discharge greater than 30 rn31day (DENR A0 35,
series of 1990) or emission that tequires testing per EMB MC 2007-003. a separate P C 0 shall he
rqi~it-edby the Regional Director.

7.2 P C 0 fur LGIIs and Other Government Institutions. Government institutions and LGUs
that operate establishments but not limited to slaughterhouses, public markets, and hospitals and
whose activities necessitate the appointmentfdesignation of a P C 0 under Secti~n7.0 of this
Order shall appointfdesignate a PCO.

Sec. 8. Accreditation of PCUs. The Managing Heads of establishments. LGIJs and other
government institutions shall apply for the accreditation of their appointed/designated P C 0 at the
concerned EMB Regional Ofice within fifteen (15) calendar days from the date ol*
appointmentldesignation. The accreditation shall be based on the qualifications set forth in
Section 5.0 of this Order and shaIl observe the following:

1) The Managing Head, or hisher duly authorized representative. shall submit lo the concerned
EMB Regional Office the following requirements for the accreditation of hislhei PCO and
pay the processing fee in the amount of Php500.00 to the concerned EMB Regio~ialOffice:

Letter of appointment/designation as P C 0 of the establishment

Currjculum vitae with ID Picture of the agpointedldesignated PCO;
Ncllarized Afidavit of Joint Undertaking of h e P C 0 and the Managing Head,
Proof of the appointee's qualification such as Certificate of Training of Basic P C 0
Training; and
For Category B Establislunents, include the valid Professional Regulation Corni~~issr
license, if applicable.

For the Managing Head of establishments, eight (8) hours training on environmental
management covering the basic environmental laws, rules and regulations and the duties and
responsibilities of the P C 0 as provided in Section 10.0 uf this Order.

2 ) The Regional Director shall act on the application for accreditation of the appointed:'
designated P C 0 within fifteen t 15) calendar days from receipt of the application.
For approved applications, the RD shalt issue the "Certificate of Accreditation"
containing, among others, the responsibilities and accountabilities of the P C 0 and the
Managing Head of establishments.

However, for disapproved applications, the RD will officially inform the establishment of
the grounds for disapproval. Within thirty (30) calendar days from rhe date of
disapproval of the application fot accreditation, the Managing Head of establishments
shall submit the required deficiencies or appointfdesignate another PCO.

3) The EMR Regional Offices shall prepare a database of its accredited PCOs and shall furnish
the EMB Central Office for consolidation and documentation.
Set. 9. N a v P C 0 in Case of Resignation o r Termination. In case of resignation or
termination of the services of the PCO, the Managing Head shall appoint/desipnate a new PCO.
He!she shall inform, in writing, the cupcerned EMB Regional Office within 6 fieen { 1 5 ) calendar
days and seek accreditation for the new P C 0 within thirty (30) calerLdardays from rhe date ol'
resignation or lermination.

The Managing Head shall immediately assume the responsibilities as inrerim P C 0 until
such lime that a new P C 0 shall have been accredited. In case the Managing Head of the
establishment is of foreign nationality, the next highest ranking Filipino Officer shall assume the
responsibilities of the PCO.

The accrcditaiion of a P C 0 who has resigned or been terminated shall be considered

autorna~icallyrevoked upon hisher resignation or termination. A new accreditation shall be
secured from the concerned EMB Regional Office if the PC0 transfers and assumes the P C 0
position in another establishment.

Sec. 10. Duties and Responsibilities of Accredited PCOs. The accredited P C 0 shall perform
the following duties and responsibilities:
1) Together with the Managing Head, ensure compljance with the requirements of PD 1586.
RA 6969, RA 8749, RA 9003, RA 9275, their respective implementing rules nnd
regulations (IRRs), and other pertinent rules and regulations;
2) Identify significant environmental aspects and impacts of the establishment's operational
activities and recomme~~d possible mitigating measures in the fomulatiodpreparation
and/or review of the Environmental Management Plan and Contingency Plan:
3) Attend to all permitting and registration requirements of the establishment prmr to the
construction, installation. or operation of pollution sources and control faci lilies:
4) Ensure the proper performance. operation, and maintenance of environmental management
faciiities or systems of the establishment such as the following:
Wastewater treatment facilities;
Air pollution control devices referred to in DAO 2000-03,
I-lazardous waste managemenl storage areas (permanent or temporary);
Solid waste segregationhanagemen t facilities (i.e. MWs: sanitary landfills.
cornposting facilities, elc .); and
Environmental tnonitoring devices such as the Continuous Emission Monitoring
Systems, Air Monitoring Stations, effluent flow meteringlmeasuring devices.
groundwater monitoring wells, and other environmental monitoring devices.
5) Ensure that the hazardous wastes disposed offsite ace covered by a Pennit to Transport;
each transport is covered by a hazardous waste manifest duly signed by the transporter and
TSD facility; and with corresponding Certificate of Treatment (COT) duly signed by the
TSD facility. Copies of the signed hazardous waste manifest and COT shall be submitted
to the concerned EMB Regional Office in accordance with DENR Adm. Or. N o . 2004-36;
6) Ensure that transport vehicles are properly operated and maintained (applicable on1y for
hazardous wastes transporter):
7) Ensure that hazardous wastes Treatment Storage and Disposal (TSD) facilities are properly
operated and maintained (applicable only for hazardous wastes TSD facility);
8) Monitor compliance to the requirements specified in the Environmental Compliance
Certificate and the commitments stipulated in the Envirumnental Management and
Monitoring Plans or Environmental Performance Report and Management Plans. and report
the same in the Compliance Monitoring Report (CMR);
9) Monitor activities pertaining to the installation or construction of pollution source and
control facilities to ensure compliance with the National Emission Standards for Source
Specific Air Pollutants and National Ambient Air Quality Standards and report monitoring
results to DENR as part of the Self-Monitoring Report (SMR);
1 0) Monitor activities pertaining to the operation and maintenance of pollution control faci lilies
to ensure compliance with the Eilluzt~tStandards and report monitoring results to UENR as
part of the SMR;
I I) Monitor the use of chemicals, especially those listed under the Priority ChemicaIs List
(PCL) and those with Chemical Control Orders (CCO) and the generation of solid and
hazardous wastes. Monitoring data shall be submitted as part of the SMR and the PCI.
Compliance Certificate;
12) Monitor the importation or distribution of chemicals. especially those listed under the PC1
and those with CCO and the generation of solid and h u u d o u s wastes. Monitoring data
shall be submitted as part of the SMR and the PCL I'umpliance Certificate (applicable only
fur inlpocters or distributors of chemicals);
1 3) Promptly submit CMRs and SMRs, duly accomplished and signed by the PCOs, approved
and certified correct by the Managing Head, and notarized;
14) Report in witing within twenty-four (24) hours from the occurrence of any of the
following erlvironmental incident to the concerned E M 3 Regional Office, as the case ma!
Breakdown of a i y pollution source and/or control facility or monitoring instruments: (3r
Releases (e.g, leaks. spills, etc.) of chemicals or hazardous wastes (listed in Annex 1 pi'
this Order as well as the Priority List of Hazardous Substances as published by the
Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry of the Department of Health R.
Human Services of the Ll~litedStates of America) to environmental media.
15) Report in writing withi11 twenty-four (24) hours from securing of the results of laboratory
analysis or from online ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ i tinstruments
oring any exceedance to effluent andlor emission
The Report covering Items 14 and 15 above shall include the following:
nateltimc of the incident;
Cause(s) of the incident; and
rlescript ion of the incident detailing the following:

Estimated amount of chemicals or hazardous wastes. emissions, andlor eftluents
released to the receiving environment; and
- Interinv'canti ngency measures to mitigate any potential negative impacts.

The Managing Head shall sign the Report prepared by the PCO. Annex 4 shows thc
Environmental Incident Report format.
16) Submit to the Pollution Adjudication Board a copy of the SMR duly received by the
respective EMB Regional Office (applicable only for establishments with pending case);
17) Attend, as duly authorized representative of the establishment, technical conferences.
hearings, and meetings especially on matters pertaining to pollution cases of the
establishment where helshe is employed:
IS) As a liaison offrcer to EMB, keep hjmselflherself abreast with the requirements of the
191 Coordinate regulatory programs ,and activities with the citylprovincial/municipal
governments (if applicable);
20) Initiate and intensify environmental management activities including awareness campaign
within their organization; and
2 1 ) Participate in multi-partite monitoring team activities and meetings, where applicable.

The P C 0 and the Managing Head shall be held jointly and severally liable for an!, violation
of PD 1586, RA 6969. IIA 8 7 4 , R.4 9003, RA 9275, their respective IRRs, and other pertineni
rules and regulations, committed by the establishment.
Sec. f 1. Renewal of P C 0 Accreditation. The P C 0 accreditation shall be renewed evcry three
(3) years, provided that helshe has completed at least forty (40) hours of cumulative relevant
PCCI training a5 par~jcipantor twenty. (20) hours as a trainer/subject matter expert within the
three-year period and upon payment of the renewal fee of Php500.00.

Sec. 12. Reporting. All accredited PCOs shall submit SMR to the EMB Regional Offices on a
quarterly basis.

TSO 14001 Certified companies may opt to apply for a semi-annual repori submission of
SMRs, sub,j!ject to the approval of the E M B Central Office. Further, establishments ]nil! ~ v a1 iof
the incentives given under the Industrial EcoWatch Program and the Philippine Environmental
Partnership Program as regards to reportorial requirements.

For establislvnents with interim P C 0 pursuant to Section 9.0 of this Order. the Managing
Head shall submit the required reports under this section.

Sec. 13, Training for PCOs and Requirements for Training Organizationsllnstitutions.
Only EMB-recognized training organizations/insfitutions shall provide trainings for PCOs. As
pat", of the recognition prncess, these training organizationslinstitutions must meet h e rninimum
requirernents provided in Annex 5 of this Order. A fee of PhP 1,000.00 per applicarion shall be
chai-ged by EMB Central Office for the processing of the application for recognition.

Recognized training organizationslinstih~tionsshall be required to submit an Annual

Accomplishment Report to EMB every January 15. Their recognition shall be valid for one ( 1 )
year and shall be renewed upon submission of the requirements provided in Amex 5 of this
Order. On thc other hand, recognition shall be suspended or cancelled based on the grounds
provided in Annex 5 of this Order.

Sec. 14. Revocation of PC0 Accreditation. The foIlowing shall be considered as gross
violations and are grounds for revocation of P C 0 accreditation:
a. Submission of false docurncnts and/or reports; or
h. Misrepresentatior. of facts; or
c Has received at least tlwre (3) notices of nonperformance from EMB due to failure to
perform any of the filnctions as indicated in Section 8.0 of this Order; or
d. Willful and deli berate discharge of untreated emissions/effluents and hazardous and toxic
substanceslwastes to the environment.

The commission of any of these violations shall, upon due process, resul~in the revocation of
the accreditation of the P C 0 and the permanent disqualifjcation of the concerned pel sun ftom
being accredited as P C 0 of any establishment. Upon discovery of the existence of any of the
grounds for revocation, the Regional Director shall notify the Managing Head of the reason(s)
for revocation.

The Managing Head shall submit, in writing, action plan to rectify the revocation within
seyenty-two (72) hours.

In the event that the accreditation of the P C 0 is revoked, the establishment shall immediately
app~intldesignatea new PUO, submit its name to the concerned EMB Regional Ofice and seek
accreditation within f fteen ( I 5) calendar days from receipt of the Revocation Order.
Set. 15. Transitory Provision. Within one (1) year from the effectivity of this Order, all
establishments are required to reapply for the accreditation of their PCOs in accordance with
Section 1 1.0 hereof. ,

Sec. 16. Repealing Clause. DENR Administrative Order No, 26, series of 1992 and dl other
orders and issuances, rules and regulations, or parts thereof inconsistent with this order are
hereby amended, modified or repealed accordingly.

Sec. 17. Effectivity. This Order shall take effect fifteen (15) days after its publication in a
newspaper of general circulation and upon acknowledgment of receipt of a copy hereof by the
OEice of the National Administrative Register.

Recommending Approval:

Environmental Management Bureau

PubUoatiun: % h y a
February 7, 2014

Aclmowledgement:ONAR, U.P. L a w Center

February 10, 2014
Annex 1: Priority Chemical List

Ire Master BP6

Annex 2. Criteria for Categorization of Hazardous Waste Generators
Annex 3: Emuent Quality Parameters (DAO 1990-35)

I Cadnliunl
khrornium (hexavalent)
I Cvanide

Mercurv (total 1
Annex 4. Environmental Incident Report
1 Name of Establishment:

Name of Managing
Name of PCO:

Date of Incident:

Time of Incident:

1 Type of Incident

D Breakdown of wastewater treatment plant

Breakdown of air pollution control device
o Release of chemicals to environment media
Release of hazardous waste to environment media
Exceedance to effluent standards
Exceedance to emission standards
Others, please specify
Description of Incident

Estimated Amount of Chemicals, Hazardous Wastes, Emissions, andlor Effluents

Released to the Receiving Environment

Probable Cause of the Incident

1 In terim1Contingency Measures to Mitigate Any Potential Negative Impacts

Completed by:

1 (Signature of Managing Head)

Note: Corrective Aclio~ts bo Prevent Recurrence, Estimated Amount of the Needed
Recovery/Repair/CEean I@, and Estimated Date of Completion for Any Needed Repairs should
be reflected in the next submission of the SMR.
Annex 5. Requirements for Training Organizationflnstitution Recognition
and its Renewal

1. Recognition of Training OrganizationlInstitution

In the application f'ur recognition, the training organizatiodinstitution must meet the (01 luwing
minimum requirements:

Have a valid business registration, license, permit to operate, or any other proof to show
esist<nct. as a juridical entity recognized under appropriate issuancesllaws;
Have at least two trainers on environmental management with the following
o Graduate of any engineering or science course;
o With ten (10) years experience in environmental managetnent; and
o With five ( 5 ) years experience in conducting ei~vjronmentaltrainings.
Have basic training equipment, monitoring instruments. facilities, and materials: and
Have module/sy llabus that are prescribed by EMB.

2. Renewal of Recognition of Training Organizationflnstitution

In the renewal of recognition, the training organizatiodinstitution must submit the following
minimum requirements:

Updated training organizatiotv'institutionprofile;

LJpdated resume of trainers and consultants;
Annual .4ccomplishl-t~entReport using the attached prescribed form;
Reports 011 n~onitoringand evaluation of traininglservices rendered; and
Calendar of trainings or services.

3. Suspension of Recognition of Training Organizationflnstitution

Recognitior~of the training organizationlinstitution shall be suspended based 011 illy of t h ~

following grounds:

Irlactivi ty as environmental management training organizatjodinstitut ion for anc ( I ) year

With pending legal case

4. Cancellation of Recognition of Training Organizationflnstitution

Recognition of the training organizatjodjnstitution shall be cancelled based on any of the

fol towing grounds:

'Two times suspension and committing any ground for suspension for the third time
(commission of any crime or offense oP any employee that is detrimental to the

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