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I always admire my father, he is an intelligent and a very wise man.

There is one life lesson I got

from him that I still carry on to this day.
One morning, I was at the dining table preparing my lunchbox for school. And I thought to
myself, “ I’m going to skip breakfast for today “. I was on my way to the front door, and there I
heard my dad shouting from the living room.
“Oh boy…. What did I do wrong? It’s not even 08.00 AM yet…”
I come up to my dad with a frightened expression on my face.
Me : “Y-yes dad?”
Dad : “Why did you skip breakfast !?” he asked with an angry face on him
Me : “Well… I figured I can arrive at school earlier by skipping breakfast.”
Dad : “Listen, son…. Having a sense of time discipline is great… but, just because you want to
arrive earlier at school, it doesn’t mean you have to skip breakfast. Breakfast is the most
important meal of the day, it improves your brain function so that you can learn more effective
at school.” Said my father.
Me : “Okay…I will not skip breakfast anymore”

Fast forward to my ride home from school, I was riding my motorcycle going 70 to 80 km/h. and
then suddenly, a cat decided to just ran across the road out of nowhere. I was shocked, I
gripped my brake so hard that I lost balance then fell down from my motorcycle. Fortunately, I
didn’t hurt anyone and only got a couple of bruises and wounds on my arms and legs. Then I
got up and continued my ride home.
Dad : “What’s wrong with your arms?”
Me : “I got into an accident on my way home.”
Dad : “Haven’t I told you to ride your motorcycle slowly?? You could’ve hit somebody. Thank
God you only got several wounds… Let me tell you Son, there are consequences on every action
you take, whether it’s on the road, at your school, and even at home. There will always be a
consequence that may affect your day, or even your life. What if you don’t get wounds and
bruises, but instead you got paralyzed and can’t move your legs or arms. Wouldn’t that be
awful? Next time you are thinking about speeding, just remember the consequence you get
from today.”
Me : “Okay dad… I will remember your message”
Dad : “Okay, now clean your wounds and apply some medicine on it, then take a rest don’t go
anywhere for today.”
Me : “Okay”

Well then. The moral of my story is, on every action you take, there will always be
consequences waiting for you, so every time you feel like to decide something. Take your time
and think about it carefully.

My name is “……” , Thank You

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