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EnGlISH 10 MoDUle 7
1. Read carefully the instructions and notes given in every lesson/task.
2. Answer every activity/task given.
3. Don’t forget to write your name and the date you accomplished the module.

Lesson 14. LC7: Evaluate spoken texts using given criteria, e.g. fluency, tone, cohesion,

I. Let Us Connect
Read and reflect!

Every time you open your TV, radio or your mobile phone, you get to expose
yourself to different types of spoken texts that sometimes impress you and sometimes
make you react positively or negatively.
A spoken language has 3 basic elements. The first one is Word. It refers to a
sound or
combination of sounds that conveys meaning and is spoken or written. The second
element is Grammar. It is the set of rules that explain how words are used in a
language. A speech or writing is judged by how well it follows the rules of grammar.
Lastly, is Speech Writing. It is the art of writing a speech for public presentation.

II. What Should You Know/Learn

In this lesson, you’ll learn about the features of spoken texts and how to
formulate sentences in spoken texts.

Discussion Point:
Spoken texts include oral stories, interviews, dialogues, monologues, phone
conversations, discussions, role plays, or any other piece of spoken language. Here
are some of the characteristics or features of spoken text:
 Spoken texts have shorter, less complex words and phrases. They are composed
with simple language.
 Spoken text uses active verbs, it is less formal than written
language. Example:
Active- The hospital director inspects the newly reconstructed wing.
Passive- The newly reconstructed wing of the hospital is inspected by the director.
In an active sentence, the subject or topic is the doer of the action. On the other
hand, in a passive sentence, the subject or topic is the receiver of the action.
Going back to the given example:
The hospital director inspects the newly reconstructed wing. Active
Subject(doer) verb Direct Object (receiver of the verb)
This sentence is in active voice because the subject ‘The hospital director’ is the
doer of the action. But if the receiver of the action is the subject of the sentence, your
sentence will be in passive voice just like this:
The newly reconstructed wing of the hospital is inspected by the director.
Subject (receiver of the action) verb doer of the action

More Examples:
Active Voice Passive Voice
 The English class viewed  The film was viewed by
the film. the English class.
 The director will give you  Instructions will be given to
instructions. you by the director.


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III. Let Us Apply What You
Know Activity 37
A. Read the conversation below and answer the questions that follow.
Me: Hi! How are you?
Friend: I'm fine.
Me: You look worried. Is there any problem? You can share it with me.
Friend: Actually, I am worried about my exams. There is only one week
left to prepare for it. And I think I have not studied
anything. I'm feeling nervous.
Me: Oh! Just focus on your studies and you won't face any problem.
Friend: That's the problem. I can't concentrate.
Me: That happened to me too. And hence I started meditating. It
had a radical effect on my concentration power.
Friend: Thank you so much for your advice. I will surely follow it.
Me: Ok then bye. I'll meet you soon.
Friend: Bye, bye!
1. What type of spoken text is the given text?

2. What were the speakers discussing?

3. How did they start the conversation? How did they end it?

4. Did you easily get the message of the conversation? Explain your answer.

5. What do you think is the quality of a spoken text that is easier for
you to understand?
B. Read again the conversation and take note of the sentences in active and
passive voice. Write your answer in the given table.

Sentences in Active Voice Sentences in Passive Voice

C. Read the following quotes and identify the voice of the underlined verb/s. Write A
for Active and P for Passive on the blank before the number.
1. "Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it." -
Henry David Thoreau
2. “A person who won’t read has no advantage over one who can’t read.” –
Mark Twain
3. "The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or
even touched - they must be felt with the heart." -Helen Keller
4. “The only person who is educated is the one who has learned how to learn
and change.”— Carl Rogers
5. "If you look at what you have in life, you'll always have more. If you
look at what you don't have in life, you'll never have enough."
-Oprah Winfrey
IV. Let Us Strengthen Your
Understanding Activity 38
A. Watch a short interview or a speech of a prominent person like Pres. Duterte,
DepEd Sec. Briones or any trending celebrity and provide the needed answer in the
table below.

Name of the speaker:

Topic of the speech or interview:

How did the speaker deliver his/her speech?

How do you feel while listening to it?

Give at least 3 sentences from the speech or interview that caught
your attention. Write them below and identify as Active or Passive.

B.(For those who have NO INTERNET access or TV at home)
Listen carefully as a family member reads the speech below and answer the
questions that follow.


[Vientiane, Laos | 08 September 2016]

Your Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen:

Prime Minister Thongloun Sisoulith, please accept my sincere congratulations on

your successful chairmanship of the ASEAN throughout this year. You guided us with
the timely motto of ‘Turning Vision into Reality for Dynamic ASEAN community.’
You ably did your part in deepening integration to move us towards the
realization of a rules-based people-oriented, people-centered ASEAN community.
In the last two days of our meetings, I have benefited immensely from our
discussions and exchanges, providing me with insights on how best to build upon Lao
PDR’s efforts in community building.
During the Philippines’ chairmanship, we will highlight ASEAN as a model of
regionalism and a global player, with the interest of the people at its core.
We will pursue initiative and enhance cooperation with global partners to ensure
that ASEAN citizens live in peace, stability, security, and growth, all while remaining
ASEAN centrality, unity, and solidarity, we will maintain for all times.
The Philippines is ready and willing to steer and guide the Association. But
crucial to the realization of our goals is the cooperation and support of all ASEAN
member states and our dialogue partners.
Towards this end, I invite you to be our dynamic and vibrant partners as we
guide ASEAN in 2017. Our theme ‘Partnering for Change, Engaging the World,’
captures our resolve to consolidate our community for our peoples, with a sense of
togetherness and common identity; ready and able to take our rightful place in the
global community of nations.
The Philippines’ ASEAN chairmanship coincides with historic milestone event, we
celebrate the 50th anniversary of the founding of our association.
It will be an occasion for us to set the tone for the next 50 years. Join us in
making the
commemoration of ASEAN’s 50th a success.
With great honor and humility, I accept the chairmanship of the ASEAN from our
excellent host, the Lao People’s Republic, Democratic Republic.
I look forward to seeing you all in the Philippines in

2017. Thank you and mabuhay.

Name of the speaker:
Topic of the speech or interview:
How did the speaker deliver his/her speech?

How do you feel while listening to it?

Give at least 3 sentences from the speech or interview that caught your attention. Write
them below and identify as Active or Passive.

Lesson 15. LC7: Evaluate spoken texts using given criteria, e.g. fluency, tone, cohesion,

I. Let Us Connect
Read and reflect!

Since you are exposed to different spoken texts every day, it is necessary that you
become observant of the content of the spoken text you watch or listen to. You must try
answering these questions.
• Is the language used suited for you or for the occasion?
• Is the content relevant or helpful?
• Is the content true or valid?
• Is the source reliable?

II. What Should You Know/Learn

It is very important that you know how to evaluate a spoken text so you can wisely
choose the text you will expose yourself to. Knowing how to evaluate a spoken text, you can
tell the content that will benefit you and the one that will not. In addition, it will guide you as
well in formulating or delivering your own spoken texts.

Discussion Point:
When evaluating a spoken text, you have to consider the following:
1. Fluency - refers to the continuity, smoothness, rate, and effort with which language is
spoken. Fluency helps you sell your ideas, communicate your thoughts to others,
convince, reach out, and even impress with a speech that is clear, confident, to the
point and crisp.
2. Tone - describes voice pitch, but the same term is also used to describe the speaker's
as reflected in his treatment to his topic/subject, and how the audience perceives the
overall message. Some examples are: serious, sad, funny, light, etc.
3. Cohesion – refers to the manner of connecting the ideas to make a logical presentation
of the topic/subject.
4. Correctness – refers to the accuracy of the data or information given in the text and if
the sentences are grammatically correct.
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 -

III. Let Us Apply What You
Know Activity 39
A. Read the text below, from Oprah Winfrey’s speech, and answer the questions that follow.


I live in this space of radical love and gratitude. Truly, I have, I feel, the most beautiful
life that you can imagine. I sit around trying to think of who could have a better life. And I
will tell you whatever you imagine my life to be like, ‘I wonder what Oprah’s doing right now?’
It’s always 10 times better than whatever you think. And it’s not because I have wealth, which
is great. Money’s fabulous. I love it. And I get a lot of attention. That’s also good sometimes.
But it’s because I had appreciation for the small steps–the seeds that were planted. The map
and flow of my life that unfolded because I was paying attention.

You have to pay attention to your life because it is speaking to you all the time. And
the bumps in the road and the failures that pointed me in a new direction and led me to a
path made clear that is what I’m wishing for you today: Your own path made clear. And I know
that there is a lot of anxiety, a lot about what the future holds and how much money you’re
gonna make. But your anxiety does not contribute one iota to your progress. I’m here to tell
you. It does the opposite. Look at how many times you worried and you were upset. And here
you are today–you made it and I’m here to tell you that you’re going to be more than okay. So
take a deep breath with me right now and repeat this: Everything is always working out for
me. I want to hear it. Everything is always working out for me. That’s my mantra. Make it
yours. Everything is always working out for me because it is, and it has, and it will continue
to be as you forge and discover your own path. But first you do need a job.

1. What is the text all about? Did the speaker clearly send her message?

2. To whom did she address her message?

3. How do you feel after reading the speech? What is its tone?

4. Are the ideas presented in a logical manner? Why do you say so?

5. Are the information given correct? Why do you say so?

B. Evaluate the given text as FAIR, GOOD or VERY GOOD according to its Fluency,
Tone, Cohesion and Correctness. Put a check mark in the box of your answer
and write your over-all evaluation in short sentences.







IV. Let Us Strengthen Your Understanding

Activity 40. Read the interview and evaluate it according to Fluency, Tone, Cohesion and
Correctness. Write your evaluation in paragraph form using the format below.

Employer: “Did you bring a copy of your resume?”

Applicant: A resume? Oh, yeah…it’s in here somewhere. [Dug around in his pocket or bag until
he found a crumpled resume. Smooth out the paper and hand it to the interviewer.]
Employer: “Tell me a little bit about yourself.”
Applicant: Well, I’ve been taking a little time off lately – traveling around the United States. I’m
trying to get one tattoo from every state. I’ve already got a pretty good start, see?
[Show the interviewer his bare arm.]
Employer: “What are your strengths?”
Applicant: I can talk to anybody…and about any subject! There’s never a dull moment when I’m
in a room.
Employer: “What are your weaknesses?”
Applicant: Hmmm, I can’t think of anything. Oh yeah, I have a weakness for Rocky Road ice
cream. I bet I could eat an entire gallon in one sitting. I also like to sleep late. Really,
I’m much more of a night owl than an early bird. Sure, the early bird gets the
worm, but who wants worms anyway?
Employer: “Why do you want to work here?”
Applicant: I figured I’d be able to get free meals if I worked for a restaurant. Plus, I’m living at
with my mom and she wants me to pay rent…why, I don’t know.
Employer: “Tell me about a recent job or volunteer position you had.”
Applicant: Uh, the last job I had was at a sporting goods store. That was a while ago, though –
it didn’t last too long.
Employer: “Why did you leave that position?”
Applicant: Well, me and the manager didn’t always see eye to eye. Sometimes customers
were pretty rude when we didn’t have the sports equipment they wanted and my
manager expected me to be nice to these people when they clearly didn’t deserve
it. Let’s just say I agreement.
Employer: “Do you have any questions for me?”
Applicant: Do your employees get free meals?
I think,

I suggest that

Lesson 16. LC7: Evaluate spoken texts using given criteria, e.g. fluency, tone, cohesion,

I. Let Us Connect
Read and reflect!
In your previous lesson, you learned that spoken texts are usually in Active
Aside from this feature, spoken texts often contain modals.

II. What Should You Know/Learn

Modal verbs are very common in spoken text. They are often used by a speaker
to encourage his/her listener to take an action or part on something. They add clarity
and intensity to a speech, making it more interesting and appealing to the listeners.

Discussion Point:
MODALS are words that add meaning to the main verb in a sentence by expressing
possibility, ability, permission, or obligation. Here is a table that presents the uses of modals
in sentences.


ability / possibility I can sing and dance.

can / could Smoking can cause

informal permission
cancer. Can I borrow your
Can - Can't
informal polite request
impossibility (negative Could I send you my project?
You can’t stay longer under the sun.
necessity We have to go now.

have to / need to We need to stop bad habits.

lack of necessity
(negative) You need not to say that.
polite request May I come in?
may formal permission
This may help
less than 50% certainty

might less than 50% certainty It might rain today.

strong necessity You must quit smoking.

We must not violate the

must prohibition
rules. She must be our
95% certainty

advisability / Every child ought to finish their

ought to
obligation 80% Two lemons are ought to be enough for
this dish.
ask another person's Shall we invite some guests?
opinion (only used with I
shall Learners shall study very well.
or we)


advisability / You should take a rest.

past obligation
should Rico should be here in ten minutes.

80% certainty

We will have a quiz tomorrow.

will futurity and willingness I will just send you some updates.

I would like invite you to my party.

would invitation / past possibility When she was young, she would send
greeting cards for special occasions.


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III. Let Us Apply What You
Know Activity 41
A. Read the telephone conversation and identify the sentence with modal verbs and
the modal used. Write your answers in the table below.
Robert: Good morning. Robert Smith speaking.
Gerhard: Good morning. This is Gerhard Maier. I would like to speak to Mr. Brown.
Robert: Oh, sorry. Mr. Brown is not here, yet.
Gerhard: Can you tell me when he will be in?
Robert: Probably around 4 pm.
Gerhard: Alright, I will call again later then. Thank you.
Robert: You’re welcome. Bye.
Gerhard: Bye.


Modal Verb Sentence

B. Choose the correct modal from the two choices from an article in a magazine about
regrets. Underline your answer.

As we get older and when we think about our past, we sometimes ponder the things
that we should/can have done. And we also may/shall regret those things we did badly and
the mistakes we made. In reality, we be able to/can always learn from our mistakes and hope
to never make them again. For example, if I failed a test because of a lack of study, the next
test I will/must hope to pass because of hard work. Remember too that some regrets are not
based in reality and we must/may waste time thinking that they are. Would/should I have
really not have been involved in a car crash if I had been driving more slowly? After all, the
other driver ought to/will have been concentrating and not playing with their radio. We have
to/would be honest with ourselves and live in the now. The only things we used to/can control
are the things happening now, in this moment.

IV. Let Us Strengthen Your Understanding

Activity 42. Write a short conversation using modals on any of the following situations.

 Borrowing books at the library

 Motivating your classmate who is not paying attention on his/her studies.
 Telling your friend, the advantages of eating vegetables

10 Lesson Developed and Modified

by Maria Cecilia A. Bundalian

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