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To Stake a

A Fifth Edition compatible adventure
that takes four 7th-level PCs
to 9th or 10th level.
— Part One —

o Stake a Vampire is a

traditional horror module.

Using Fifth Edition, we hearken

back to the 1980s and embark on

an adventure guaranteed to re-

mind your group of RPG modules

and boxed sets from long past!

These quests begin and end in the same

region as To Slay a Dragon, continuing the
story of Holdenshire. The PCs find that the
peoples of Hengistbury and Thornbury
have suddenly turned dour and agitated.
Once the meddlings of one vampire are
revealed, the adventurers discover that the
writing Mike Myler
region is littered with tombs of warriors
color art Claudio Pozas
from long past that were defenders against
Alexandre Xavier
undead, eventually uncovering an ancient
maps Sean Macdonald
evil beneath the land that’s subverted the
noble Pemberton family to its evil whims!
developer Russ Morrissey
layout Eric Life-Putnam

EN World EN5ider
Introduction Character Advancement
This sequel to To Slay a Dragon assumes the party
While EN Publishing produces complex, advanced (preferably composed of four PCs!) has played
adventure paths for the experienced GM (like through that module and are nearly or actually
ZEITGEIST: The Gears of Revolution and War of the 7th level. By the time the group nears the end of
Burning Sky), this module is far more straight-for- this adventure and faces off against the vampire
ward and direct. To Stake a Vampire is designed to lord Nemirtvi, they should reach 9th level and may
be old-school, traditional, and nostalgic. You won’t achieve 10th level.
find any complex plots, statistics that make up a The path to Nemirtvi’s stronghold might be
novel of their own, or intricate politics*—you’re found earlier, but hopefully not—the vampire lord
getting a spooky sandbox village, several dungeon has no qualms about destroying enemies before
crawls, and a dangerous finale filled with intrigue! they can become stronger or prepare defenses
It’ll take a group from 7th level to 9th or 10th level. against his undead menace. The PCs should be
at least 8th level before ending Act II: Uncovering
Adventure Timeline the Order of Light, and hopefully 9th level before
▶ Recently knighted, the adventurers organize descending into Nemirtvi’s Abattoir; if they slay
their new estates and see to the many troubles absolutely everything troubling the realm and
of the realm. With the first snows of winter perform all the optional quests, they could be 10th
come mysterious curses that envelop Hold- level! It’s far more likely that the party enters the
enshire as Lord Pemberton falls ill and Lady final dungeon as 9th-level characters, however,
Sybill Pemberton becomes obsessed with and no matter how many monsters they kill, the
saving her husband, leaving the PCs as the path to the final boss of the module isn’t revealed
authority of the day. until every tomb belonging to the Order of Light
▶ Tracking down the sources of the ailments has been explored.
in Hengistbury and Thornbury, the party GM’s Note: This first act begins with the charac-
gathers together the Relics of the Order of Light. ters in the lands of Holdenshire. There the PCs are
Once wielded by legendary hunters of the new arrivals or celebrated knights, renowned as
undead, the PCs recover them from tombs dragonslayers in taverns across the realm (this is
hidden across Holdenshire (each protected by by far the preferred option). Soon however they’ll
a fell servant), gradually abating the curses find the populace that once embraced them has
plaguing the population. quickly turned cold and distant—investigating
▶ With the aid of the spirits of the Order of Light why begins to unravel a dangerous mystery of
some of the mystery is literally unveiled— what plagues the towns of Hengistbury and Thorn-
Lord Pemberton is revealed to be an undead! bury, leading the adventurers into tombs scattered
After a brief confrontation he flees, leading across the region.
the adventurers beneath Brockendale Castle
and to the true danger that threatens Holden-   * If you’re interested in learning more about the full adventure paths
shire: an ancient, powerful vampire lord that published by EN Publishing, browse to
aims to make the realm as dreadful, macabre, and—these full adventure paths are
and steeped in malevolence as he is! designed for experienced GMs!

Open Game Content | The game rule information in this article is designated Open Game Content. All other material
EN in this article, including maps and illustrations (including illustrations in the public domain), in-character and out-of-

Publishing ™ character narrative and descriptive text, character and place names, trade dress, “EN Publishing,” “EN World,” “EN5ider,”
EN Publishing product and article titles, and EN World and EN Publishing logos, are designated Product Identity.

To Stake a Vampire, Part One  |  EN World EN5ider

Act One—
A Dismal Winter in Holdenshire
Act Structure Quest 2: The Packman’s Final Rest
Each act of To Stake a Vampire includes one or more Following the clues left at either Penner’s Farm
quests the characters can undertake to advance or Thornbury’s Bakery, the adventurers are led
the story. south of the quarry where they find a partially un-
earthed mausoleum.
Quest 1: Deadly Indigestion ▶ Penner’s Demise. Within is the pig farmer,

Lord Pemberton has fallen ill and his wife is con- Penner, now a vampire and accompanied by
sumed with caring for her sickly husband, leaving several villagers he’s made into his spawn!
the populace of their county to fend for themselves ▶ Weightman’s Burden. After dispatching the

as a harsh winter settles in. nearly-feral undead the party finds that they
▶ Pent-Up Pigs. Some of the citizens in are in a tomb to Hugo Weightman. Hugo is the
Holdenshire are suffering from a strange long-dead apprentice of an order of vampire
malady—the sick get rashes from sunlight, slayers that came to Holdenshire to destroy
crave meat made rare, and lose the pigment in an ancient evil; his journal has notes on the
their skin. The adventurers track the source existence of tombs he made for his perished
in Hengistbury back to Penner’s Pig Farm and allies and how he felled the powerful vampire
while the residence appears to be lived in, lord.
the halfling is nowhere to be seen. When his Once the PCs return to the settlements, however,
sickly stock is investigated the porcines trans- new and strange afflictions now plague both towns.
form into savage, feral boars with a bloodlust!
▶ Unsound Ingredients. In Thornbury the Holdenshire County
citizens have become outright disgruntled. Holdenshire is an idyllic realm of woodlands and
Everyone looks at each other with contempt, fields ruled over by Lord and Lady Pemberton—
fighting commonly breaks out, and the normally, that is. Lately the nights have grown
adventurers find they are suddenly not very darker, storms fiercer, days dimmer, and the typi-
well-liked at all. Investigating the bakery cally friendly populace has become aggressive,
reveals that someone has been mixing the offensive, and downright selfish.
ash remains of corpses into Reg Bakerman’s Not a year ago, trouble began for the region in
bread, and now the entire hamlet of Thorn- the larger of its two owns, Hengistbury, and quick-
bury is prepared to take arms against one ly embroiled the hamlet of Thornbury thereafter.
another out of spite! Kobolds appeared in the hills as strange creatures
▶ Roses of the Rosewynds. Oddly only the began to flit about the countryside, lizardmen
Rosewynds traders seem to be unaffected by stalked the Fogmoor, mischievous magics were
these strange maladies. Their presence in unleashed, and all kinds of trouble began to erupt
both towns has become more frequent—what throughout the normally tranquil county. Worst of
makes them immune? all, the kobolds kidnapped a local maiden and car-
ried her off to Skull Mountain far to the east!

EN World EN5ider |  To Stake a Vampire, Part One

Lady Sybill Pemberton and Lord Pemberton, them have let lapse the duties of governance—it
the local rulers, deputized a group of heroes that falls to the recently knighted heroes to restore
emerged (ideally, the PCs are continuing on from order to Holdenshire in the meanwhile. Her as-
To Slay A Dragon) to follow the kobolds and acquire sistants Prirkka and Ariel act in her stead though
artifacts to slay their master, the dragon Cirothe. they offer little aid, instead contributing to the
The party trekked across the lands between Hold- party’s troubles throughout Act II (see The Rumor
enshire and Skull Mountain, assisting and being Battle in Act II).
helped by longtime enemies of the dragon. With A trio of young orphans, the Mortimer Broth-
the archaic items of power in hand they infiltrated ers, fancy themselves to be proper adventurers
Cirothe’s lair and slew her, returning true heroes. after the troubles that have come and gone in
With the treasures of the lands returned, the en- Hengistbury the past year. They are known mak-
suing harvest festival between Hengistbury and ers of mischief and the adventurers would do well
Thornbury was the finest in living memory. Lady to keep an eye on them—Gord, Beej, and Poke are
Sybill Pemberton and Lord Pemberton knighted just as likely to draw the party towards the tombs
the heroes, granting them small fiefdoms in of the Order of Light in Act II as anyone else is (al-
Holdenshire, and it seemed for a while that the beit inadvertently).
populace might know some peace in the coming GM’S Note: If the PCs completed To Slay A Dragon
winter. Unfortunately as the snows began to fall and acquired Gord as a henchman (or completed
on the county, so did a dismal curse. The citizens any one of the three quests required to gain his ser-
of Hengistbury and Thornbury have never been so vices) then the Mortimer Brothers are helpful to
antagonistic or rude, and it seems as if the shad- the party, fighting on behalf of the adventurers in
ows of the encroaching season will swallow all of the ongoing Rumor Battle during Act II; otherwise
Holdenshire into a darkness filled with horror... they accidentally act against the party, spreading
unknowingly false rumors until one of them gets
Other People of Note into trouble at a tomb of the Order of Light and is
The local wizard Kalle Sirkesalo keeps to himself rescued by the PCs.
on an island 5 miles downstream on the river. He An enchanting dancer, Stephanie Rosewynd, is
plays a minor part in the events to pass but his the leader of one of the traveling caravans in Hold-
servant Hunchback Roland (who is neither hunch- enshire. She’s been frequenting Hengistbury lately,
backed nor named Roland) and his paramour slowly tracking down the source of the curses as
Freya Aeval, the pixie, do not. The mage has sent her peoples travel the countryside. The Rosewyn-
Roland away to ensure some peace and quiet as he ds are seemingly immune to the dangers besetting
goes about some exciting research, some of which the county—in truth they are just well prepared
sweeps another scholar in the realm (John-Fran- and know what they face, even if they cannot dis-
cis Rainweaver) into the dangers that trouble the cern where precisely the threat comes from.
party in Act II. What exactly the wizard seeks is a The local bard and traveling rumormonger
secret that may be even greater than what troubles is Three-Fingered Jake. He’s known to wander
Holdenshire now, but throughout the adventure he through Hengistbury and Thornbury every few
remains completely isolated. weeks, performing in exchange for food and
Lady Sybill Pemberton would normally be lodging (especially the latter during these colder
a powerful ally of the adventurers but she has months). As the adventure begins he’s still a fast
become obsessed with her husband’s sickness. ally of the PCs and can help them catch on to what
Shortly after the end of the fall festival Lord Pem- seems to be the source of troubles in Holdenshire,
berton fell terribly ill and has become utterly bed but during Act II his motives change (see The Ru-
ridden. She has become a recluse and the two of mor Battle in Act II).

To Stake a Vampire, Part One  |  EN World EN5ider

One of the oddities of Hengistbury is Ugg, a to take some particular course of action. Refer to
small hill giant that befriended the village some the sidebars for where NPCs can be located most
time ago. He’s normally quite friendly and help- frequently and make use of the NPC booklet to fill
ful, but recently saw the uglier side of the villagers in details of personality and occupations.
(both last year and recently). The Rosewynds have
treated him well however, and the giant has taken Hengistbury Locations
to traveling about the realm with them, enter- There are a host of locations throughout Hengist-
tained by their dances, though of course they have bury that play a part in the previous module or this
another motive—they know that some sort of curse adventure; these are some of the most important
afflicts the realm, and having such a strong ally so locales in To Stake A Vampire.
close is a good way to ensure their own safety.
The Bleeding Heart Tavern
The Vampire(s!) The social hub of Hengistbury was a respected
The vampire lord Nemirtvi keeps to his abattoir business happily staffed by villagers in a rotating
far underneath Brockendale Castle. An ancient schedule that cycled weekly (everyone worked at
and primordial evil, when the mewling dragon-
ling Cirothe meddled in what’s now known as Hengistbury NPCs
the Deepcrest Chasm it unleashed another, more Aus

insidious power that slipped away unnoticed by Gavin Morrigan

anyone present at the event that spawned the de- Gord, Beej and Poke Mortimer

monic portal—a creature of insatiable bloodlust. Heinrich Krebs

Among the dragon’s treasure hoard the adven- Kitster “Kit” Bartleby

turers found a memento of Lord Pemberton’s Lord and Lady Pemberton

ancestor and returned the trinket, completely Mallory Jackdaw

unaware of the curse it carried. The night after he Merideth Jones

received the lost heirloom, fell draconic magics Prirkka Strongfist

placed centuries ago began to assault the dreams Rorus Klain

of the ruler of Holdenshire, changing them to Stedd Grimwold

blood soaked nightmares which awakened some- Stefan the Baker

thing from far below the earth. After growing Tamas Agrens

aloof and distant he disappeared for days—trav- Temerus Clothbinder

eling beneath Brockendale Castle and becoming Ugg the Hill Giant

the unwilling supplicant of Nemirtvi. The Lord Willem Von Nederbeen

Pemberton is now a vampire himself! He has since Yara Bloodclaw

acted as the vampire lord’s proxy, plunging Hen-
gistbury and Thornbury into misery. If the curses Traveler/Outlier NPCs
he and his master have enacted are not lifted be- Andrew Nemeth

fore the spring, the whole of Holdenshire county Brand Torek

will turn to evil, sure to spread outward into the Juide “Black-Hand” Averauh

lands surrounding the once idyllic realm. Kalle Sirkesalo

GM’s Note: Of the many NPCs in and around Karatilana “Tila” Torin

the county of Holdenshire, several have roles to Logan Brokenbarrel

play in this adventures but some don’t. The GM Mossad

should feel free to use any NPC as desired to set up Stefan Oakfell

scenes, provide color, or simply encourage the PCs Three-Fingered Jake

EN World EN5ider |  To Stake a Vampire, Part One

Table: Bleeding Heart Tavern Drink Menu
Drink Price Description
Black Rock Lager 1 gp turquoise, sticky, smells like sewage
Lonely Dragon Beer 2 gp ivory, opaque, smells like stale bacon
Dwarven Slateshield Stout 3 gp white, opaque, smells like acrid smoke
Elven Ininyë Wine 3 gp crimson, cloudy, smells like rotting pears
Yellow Dog Cider 3 gp charcoal, fizzing, smells like sweat
Lazy Prior Grog 4 gp orange, bubbly, smells like sour wine
Bachelor’s Snake Grog 10 gp ivory, fizzing, smells like scorched spices
Honest John Cognac 10 gp turquoise, translucent, smells like sulfur

the bar on one night or another). As of late, though, Table: Bleeding Heart Tavern Food Menu
only Meredith Jones staffs the establishment, and Item Price
her prices have soared—the other villagers enjoy Groundworm flatbread 1 gp
the influx of wealth from Cirothe’s lair freely, but Seared sahuagin cuts 2 gp
eventually they all stopped working their shifts. Strung rabbit on a stick 4 gp
She’s become bitter and sullen, and the expen- Twitching lizard stew 4 gp
sive menu reflects her sour disposition. Only her Rare equine steak 5 gp
three most loyal patrons—Stefan the Baker, Ror- Poached hawk 8 gp
us Klain, and Three-Fingered Jake—are likely to Saucy fungus and warthog pie 10 gp
be there, and they’re probably embroiled in petty Chef’s choice (changes daily) 15 gp
arguments about cheating at cards or imagined
debts, but even they don’t show up often. What was Samuel & Son’s Trading Company
once a pleasant, warm place to rest and drink the This go-between for the town and the world at large
night away has become a cold, shadowy house of is in disarray—with the sudden influx of gold from
expensive utilitarian tastes. Cirothe’s Lair, the price of many normally cheap
goods has suddenly gone up. They were already
Brand Torek’s Cabin hemorrhaging cash, but with this sudden mess
The local sheriff, Brand Torek, uses his home as the head office’s liaison Willem Von Nederveen is
his office, though he’s rarely there. Brand takes his just about ready to pull their business interests out
job seriously, and lately it’s been particularly ardu- of Hengistbury, a truly dangerous act in the long-
ous patrolling Holdenshire county—everything is term stability of the entire county if not the region.
in need of some repair after the first heavy snows,
and there are people perpetually stopping by to The Temple
complain about something or another. These are A simple wooden structure that sits in the center
largely fielded by his daughter Ariadne (recently of town, this house of worship is used as a town
rescued from Skullmouth Mountain) and given out meeting hall or an infirmary at need. The stout oak
to Jayel or Yara Bloodclaw to deal with or carry walls and roof, harvested from the Queenswood,
on to her father (though the latter is quite busy ac- are festooned with carvings of wild animals on the
companying Tillian Bricklebottom on his rounds). hunt, marking it as a place devoted to Erastil, the
All three are constantly out tracking down one god of farming and hunting.
danger or another, because this winter seems to Lady Sybill Pemberton usually tends to the sick
have brought more than just shorter days along or infirm here, but for several weeks she’s been so
with it. obsessed with her husband’s condition that only
her servants Prirkka and Ariel are available to

To Stake a Vampire, Part One  |  EN World EN5ider

offer aid (though they do so reluctantly). While her Penner’s Pig Farm, west of Hengistbury, is the
lady once allowed for other symbols of devotion primary source of fresh meats in the town. Recent-
to good-aligned deities in and around the temple, ly however the rambunctious and spirited halfling
she’s come to believe that it was an affront to her pig farmer has been avoiding his neighbors and
patron and has since had them all removed. his livestock are getting extremely irritable (some
might even say aggressive).
Goods & Services The Rosewynds Caravan sometimes edges into
There are more shops and stalls of trade in Hen- the Queenswood or out towards Thornbury for a
gistbury than what’s listed below and GMs are few days, but recently they’ve kept to just across
encouraged to include whatever else seems appro- the river southeast of Hengistbury. Stephanie
priate for the adventure. Rosewynd and Ugg the hill giant are the most rec-
The Bakery is the business of Steffen the Baker ognizable faces among the nomads, who vividly
and one of the few institutions in Hengistbury that engage anyone that enters their camp with song,
doesn’t seem to have changed much. The quality of dance, and a stern warning—beware the darkness
his product has gone downhill slightly, but people in the night.
still line up in the mornings to pick up fresh bread. Stedd Grimwald, a morose, beardless dwarf,
Steffen’s become extremely irritable and terse with runs a potion shop; while conducting himself in
his assistants as of late, verbally berating them for much in the same way Heinrich has, he stubbornly
mixing supplies or stealing his ingredients. refuses to sell many of his reagents and certainly
One of the last bastions of cheer in the town is not any holy water. He won’t explain why and
Clothbinder’s Cheese Shop which has enjoyed shuts his doors to anyone that asks and as a result
continued success since the harvest festival. Still, become quite a recluse to the rest of Hengistbury.
Temrus Clothbinder’s friendly disposition sours
quickly when coins stop changing hands and his Thornbury Locations
hours have been much shorter lately (leading to Thornbury has an alchemist of its own (Emery Shi-
more general complaints around town). er) who runs a shop right out of his home kitchen.
Rorus Klain runs The Forge and has been even He’s almost entirely out of reagents, and because
more gruff than usual—everyone seems to want a of the way Stedd and Heinrich have behaved since
new sword, mace, or breastplate and all of them the harvest festival—unwilling to share supplies,
complain about his prices (which are beyond his order materials in bulk, or otherwise be of any
control as the cost of materials has raised along help—he isn’t in the mood to help anyone if he can
with everything else). He remains hard at work avoid it (and most of the time he can avoid it, citing
throughout the early morning and into the eve- his lack of ingredients). Should someone offer him
ning, reticent to speak to anyone that troubles his supplies for his craft, Emery is willing to concoct
nights in the Bleeding Heart Tavern. things for them, but otherwise he remains as aloof
Krebs Apothecary is also enjoying brusque up- and distant as the rest of Holdenshire.
beat business as people seek all sorts of cures to the Local scribe Tillian Bricklebottom has been very
bevy of ailments that have suffused Hengistbury. A busy lately. The Lady and Lord Pemberton haven’t
relatively new presence to the town, the family of required much in the way of official documenta-
Heinrich Krebs saw little of the gold from Cirothe’s tion recently, but now that most of the villagers
Lair and he’s fallen to selling tinctures that have have some coin they’ve taken to sending missives
nothing to do with the sicknesses described to to distant relatives. Tillian is rarely in his ink and
him. The substance of highest demand, holy water, quill shop anymore, often busy delivering or ac-
nets his best returns though it’s become extremely cepting more messages to be sent afar. He’s not
scarce as of late. pleased with becoming a glorified mail carrier and

EN World EN5ider |  To Stake a Vampire, Part One

doesn’t enjoy the travel, insisting that Yara Blood- hide the half-elven female bard Pixy Mistynote,
claw accompanies him whenever he leaves the though even she isn’t sure exactly why.
safety of the villages—he’s seen things he doesnt Donald Morrison runs Morrison’s Forge and
understand and can’t satisfactorily explain in the he’s just as busy as Rorus—even busier, perhaps,
shadows of the changing seasons. since many of the Hengistbury metalworker’s cus-
Horatio Denhew runs the local tavern and inn tomers have been coming to him after losing their
in Thornbury, Denhew’s Pub ’n’ Grub. The winter patience. Their friendship is suffering but Donald’s
doesn’t normally make for good business in his enjoying the boost in sales and won’t back down.
establishment though and he’s been gone since With only one tavern in town, many fear the two
the harvest festival, seeking out a good, long-term may come to blows if too much drink is had.
performer for a second eatery in Hengistbury. The The small ingredients shop Spice of Life is run
doors and windows to the Pub ’n’ Grub have been by the foreigner Nazid. Keen to good trades and
closed for months and rumor is that somebody’s well known among the citizens of Holdenshire, he
been seen inside the empty tavern late at night. mediates negotiations between citizens, appraises
Liked least of all in Thornbury are the Fieren- goods, and acts as a pawn broker (for a small fee,
dzi. Always something of outcasts, they normally of course). With the lack of imported goods from
keep to the Queenswood but have stubbornly re- Samuel & Sons demand for his spices has never
mained camped southeast of the smaller town in been higher and now that most of the townspeople
the Fierendzi Campsite across the river. When ap- can afford them he’s become even more popular.
proached they are standoffish and aggressive, only His yearly visitor came and went again before the
allowing entry into their circle of wagon-homes snows began to fall (bearing news of some concern
once Saraz bint Farad bin Aquilah has given some- to the party) and after their heroic exploits Nazid
one explicit permission to do so. They continue to may seek them out to investigate his friend’s claim.

To Stake a Vampire, Part One  |  EN World EN5ider

The Thornbury Bakery is run by Reg Bakerman Brokenbarrel and neither appears to be very spe-
and while the quality of the bread isn’t typically as cial. The miner hides a secret behind a sleeve
good as Steffan’s in Hengistbury, it’s gotten even tattoo he keeps covered as best he can, but the
worse recently. Reg swears that his small building worksite north of Thornbury has a mystery all its
has become haunted and turned rather heavily own that portends a poor future for Holdenshire—
to the drink, and now he’s rarely found in a sober that’s for another adventure, however!
state. Some of the townspeople think the staleness Whistling winds have become the constant sym-
of his bread is because the drunk has forgotten phony of the nearby Queenswood, where game
to acquire new ingredients but Bakerman swears has grown even scarcer than in previous cold
that the spirits haunting his home are to blame. seasons. There’s a 20% chance that a traveler en-
The Veterinary Clinic is run by Albert Wright, counters the Fierendzi in these forests but most of
a precociously curious doctor just good enough the time the fortune-telling nomads keep to their
to treat the animals of Holdenshire. After his campsite outside Thornbury.
obsession with a chimera finally waned he no-
ticed—perhaps too late—that the local indigenous The People of Holdenshire
population of predator and prey has shifted slight- This part of the adventure is for keeping tabs on
ly. Bats, rats, and wolves have become far too the extensive cast of both Hengistbury and Thorn-
common and are wiping out the birds and other bury—as a “sandbox” style setting, we’ve included
benign animals he’s used to studying out in the a bevy of plot hooks and suggestions. Not all of
Queenswood, Ayle’s Loch, and Brockendale Castle. these NPCs are critical to the plot, but you should
He has a suspicion that the latter locale has some- feel free to use them to help bring the cursed lands
thing to do with the phenomena but this is mostly of Holdenshire county to life.
from nightmares and less from astute observation.
Albert Wright
Other Locations of Note The local veterinarian is the
Additional locations in Holdenshire not described twelfth of thirteen children
in To Slay a Dragon or herein are touched upon that grew up near the hills
here. GMs are encouraged to use these locales for around Brockendale Castle
more adventures, to expand existing plot lines, or and has an insatiable desire to
however else they see fit. take care of exotic creatures.
Jahmus “Jayel” Laekin lives in a cabin half- Albert’s clinic is in Thornbury
way between Brockendale Castle and the Quarry. close to Ayle’s Loch, the Queen-
While normally he prefers the solitude of his swood, and the abandoned
remote home, the tracker has been busy accom- fortifications in Brockendale,
panying Sherriff Torek on patrols that grow more where he goes to study ani-
dangerous every day. When not with Brand, Jayel’s mals when there’s time for it. Recently he’s been
been seen staying with the Rosewynds of Hengist- called out to Penner’s Farm several times but can-
bury or the Fierendzi of Thornbury. not account for the strange behavior of the hogs
South of Thornbury are Ayel’s Loch and Ayel’s there. Anyone that manages to drag him over to
Falls. Normally a place of beauty and repose, the the fields see that he was clearly concentrating on
scene has turned cold and dead in the winter something else and if asked, Albert explains that
months. Under the ice a mystery looms, one that something odd is going on with the populations
the heroes have to uncover at a later time once the of predators and prey around Holdenshire—bats,
spring melt finally comes. rats, and wolves are all too common, overrunning
The Quarry is run by the common dwarf Logan normal species at an alarming rate.

EN World EN5ider |  To Stake a Vampire, Part One

Andrew Nemeth, Bluestone, possible under the unfortu-
Mossad, and Old Jovan nate circumstances brought
with the harsh winter winds.
Ariel is always found with her
fellow clergy, Prikka Strongfist,
diligently carrying out the duties
of administration in Hengistbury and
Thornbury. Her sharp tongue has been
honed into a razor’s edge lately, and
These three adventurers spent the months before making some of the townsfolk believe
the autumn festival tracking down one of their she’s downright scornful of them all for
associates, an untrustworthy mage known as being overly careless.
Bluestone. They may have moved on to other lo-
cales, but the people of Holdenshire county know Aus
of them and often cite the trio as perfect exam- Rambunctious as he is ener-
ples of what adventurers bring to the two towns. gized, the young Aus annoys
Whether or not they interact with the PCs during everyone in Hengistbury with
the bulk of the adventure, they play a small part rumors, hearsay, and claims
in the final act (though should they die beforehand of questionable accuracy.
their involvement remains unchanged). Still trying to impress the
older children (the Mor-
Ariadne timer Brothers) he’s turned
Brand Torek’s niece led a very pleas- sour on adventurers of all
ant life until a while ago—kobolds kinds after the death of the
kidnapped her and she was held dragon in Skullmouth Mountain. Since then Aus
captive for months, to be sacrificed has changed his tune, spreading falsities about
to the dragon Cirothe. Adventur- aspiring “heroes” whenever possible (making him
ers rescued her from Skullmouth a pivotal element in the Rumor Battle), spying on
Mountain and since then she’s their activities with an unexpected astuteness.
grown from a child into a woman.
The attentions of Gord Mortimer Brand Torek
aren’t beneath her notice but she A tall fellow square of jaw and stout
wants him to prove his valor before of arm, Brand Torek is nor-
returning his affections in full. Her uncle Brand mally pleasant and polite as
has become extremely protective after the abduc- he goes about patrolling
tion, and strongly insists that she stay inside his the whole of Holdenshire
house while he patrols the realm—a task that ap- county. Lately his job has
pears to have no end. gotten far more danger-
ous however, and with
Ariel the Lord Pemberton infirm
Midwife, herb supplier, and subordinate of Lady the weight of responsibility is heavy on Brand’s
Sybill, Ariel has become the de facto voice of the shoulders. Retired from adventuring himself,
rules of Holdenshire since Lord Pemberton fell ill. he’s gotten a mind that something ominous is go-
A mage of some talent, her attentions have been ing on in Hengistbury and Thornbury, but can’t
entirely on tending to the community as best as pinpoint just what it is. The local “Sheriff” has

To Stake a Vampire, Part One  |  EN World EN5ider

gotten extremely stern with his beloved (recently Gavin Morrigan
rescued) niece Ariadne, insisting that she stay con- A dark-haired man going gray at
fined to his home until whatever dangers that lurk the temples, Gavin is known for
about have been dealt with. surprising dedication to his
writing. Despite his near-
Donald Morrison constant scholarly pursuits
A giant of a man, Donald is al- in the Bleeding Heart
ways found wearing a kilt and Tavern, he is a fine phys-
normally hard at work in ical specimen. Gavin
his forge in Thornbury. hasn’t revealed to anyone what exactly he’s
While he once enjoyed a writing, but there’s clearly something (or more ac-
brisk working relation- curately, someone) keeping him in Hengistbury.
ship with Rorus Klaine
from Hengistbury Heinrich Krebs
(sometimes helping with The owner of Krebs Apothecary
large orders), recently in Hengistbury, Heinrich is bet-
many impatient customers have brought their ter at talking about being an
business to Donald instead. At first he was reluc- apothecary than he is at actually
tant to take so many orders but the draw of gold being one. Relatively new to
proved too strong and now he’s at the forge as often the towns he saw no direct
as Rorus (if not a bit more). Rumor has it that the reward from Cirothe’s hoard
two may come to blows one night in the Bleeding so he’s become less and less
Heart Tavern—the only open drinking hall be- reliable as a genuine alche-
tween the two towns during this cold season—over mist. Worse yet, Heinrich has
Donald’s resentment towards his more highly re- grown stubborn and unwilling to work with his
spected counterpart. fellow medical practitioners, making supplies
scarce across the region. He greedily reaps what
Emery Shier rewards he can from the stymying, inhibitive
Thornbury’s alchemist is typi- business practice and is as likely to sell a curative
cally thought to be a boon to the buyers have no use for if it’ll line his pockets.
community, but recently he’s
been drawn into paltry squab- Horatio Denhew
bles with Stedd and Heinrich Normally running the Pub ’n’
that leave him largely bereft Grub in Thornbury, the tavern
of supplies. Now that most of owner was last seen heading
the townsfolk are wealthier east after the autumn festival.
and desire his services, Emery Talented performers are
has grown extremely sullen because he can’t meet encouraged to seek him
the demand. If he does have anything, the prices out if they’re going that
are probably only slightly steeper than normal, way, but he’s closed
but with a bit of shrewd negotiation the alchemist shop for the winter and
can be convinced to create plenty of concoctions left Holdenshire to look for a permanent act to
(so long as materials are made available and he’s highlight in a second eatery for Hengistbury.
paid for his craft.)

EN World EN5ider |  To Stake a Vampire, Part One

Jahmus “Jayel” Laekin Juide “Black-Hand”
The retired scout Jahmus Laekin Averauh
has become a tracker of fugitives Rarely seen in the towns them-
for Brand. While generally peace- selves, Juide is the woodsman
ful, “Jayel” has little remorse for most credited with keeping the
enacting vengeance on mali- villages of Holdenshire’s stock of
cious folk (the ones he finds meat well-supplied. It’s assumed
to be that sort, anyway). His that he mostly hunts game in the
compulsions for violence are normally tempered Queenswood though the truth is far
by the Sheriff, but when the two of them aren’t darker than that (a secret he keeps to him-
on dangerous patrols Laekin has taken to explor- self). Lately the change in wildlife hasn’t escaped
ing his wild side with both the Rosewynds and Juide’s experienced eyes though, and he’s been
Fierendzi. visiting Hengistbury and Thornbury less and less
often as the snows settle in. Albert Wright thinks
John-Francis he’s seen the ranger near Ayle’s Loch, but can’t say
Rainweaver for sure—his eyes have been deceiving
Once a court scholar in him lately.
Northminster, John-Francis
was dismissed after a catastro- Kalle Sirkesalo
phe involving its young prince. About 5 miles downstream from
Since then he has become a Hengistbury sits the isolated wiz-
woodsman in the county, collecting wood, ard tower of Kalle Sirkesalo.
meat, and skins for the villages. Lately he’s Extremely aloof, he normally
been having increasingly frequent dreams that only contacts the people of
implore him to seek out a strange phenomenon Holdenshire by proxy, his as-
outside of Murray’s Folly—a task that promises sistant Hunchbacked Roland
John-Francis the redemption he so craves. (who is neither hunchbacked or named
Roland). Kalle’s arcane research inadvertently
John Tulworth stirs up some trouble later in this adventure, but
Known to the other kids as “the for the most part both of these characters are not
Toad,” John is a disreputable thief major players in this adventure (Roland and his
that’s fallen under the influence paramour, the pixie Freya Aeval, are on holiday
of local fence Kitster “Kit” Bailey. collecting exotic components for the wizard.)
The duo have explored the Samuel
& Sons warehouse and are Karatilana “Tila” Torin
moving on to other places A “rogue economist” who believes
to rob. Their fence has been deeply in wealth redistribution
furious over their lack of suc- (often personally handling the mat-
cess in finding a certain trinket—one John may ter), “Tila” isn’t a favorite among
know the location of. Perhaps the influence of Kit the villagers of Hengistbury or
has steered the young Tulworth down the wrong Thornbury. She escaped from
path and he’s truly a good son of Holdenshire; Brand Torek’s jail before the
his distant demeanor implies he’s gotten in over autumn festival and may still be found in Holden-
his head somehow (of that there’s no doubt) but shire county, keen to calm the unstable economic
whether it’s guilt or something more he won’t say. waters left by the gold from Cirothe’s Lair.

To Stake a Vampire, Part One  |  EN World EN5ider

Kitster “Kit” Bartleby the populace. Recently however, Lord Pemberton
A charismatic criminal, Kitster turned quite ill and won’t take audiences; worse
“Kit” Bartleby was the original yet, his wife has become utterly obsessed with his
source of troubles with Samuel health and as a consequence both have lapsed in
& Sons (convincing John Tulworth their duties to rule. They remain distant to the re-
to steal items from the company). cent heroes of the realm, instead acting through
Dealing in illicit goods is his purvey Lady Sybill’s attendants Prirkka and Ariel when
but the thefts of months ago didn’t at- required. Anyone that’s seen the Lord Pemberton
tract the item the fence desired. He and attests to his sickness—he’s pale, sallow, and ut-
John Tulworth are still going about their nefarious terly bed-ridden, and the Lady Pemberton does not
doings and aren’t inciting any true danger—not fare much better.
currently, anyway.
Mallory Jackdaw
Logan Brokenbarrel During the harvest festival young
Like his brethren alchemists Mallory turned 8 years of age and
in Hengistbury this dwarf since then he’s taken to parting
carries a dark secret. Un- his brown hair between rap-
like Stedd, Brokenbarrel idly expelling circumspect
hides his markings— rumors (some of which he’s
old army regimental heard from others in town
tattoos. He won’t dis- and some of which he’s mak-
cuss the dark past connected to them, perhaps ing up). Mallory and Aus feed
even taking dangerous actions to silence anyone off of one another’s energetic gossip and play a
that finds out what they’re actually about. Some considerable part in the Rumor Battle (though
of the stone from the quarry has been strangely Mallory does so in favor of the party, rather than
colored or patterned, difficult to work with if the the malicious Aus).
builder Robert Macbain is to be believed, and he’s
keen to learn what may be wrong with his worksite Meredith Jones
and spooking the miners. In her early 20s, young and seri-
ous, the stern looking barmaid
Lord and Lady has become even more curt with
Pemberton customers since the events pre-
The good Lord Pember- ceding the autumn festival.
ton and Lady Sybill The only permanent employee
Pemberton have be- of the Bleeding Heart Tavern,
nevolently governed Meredith has become very
over the county of bitter with everyone’s sudden
Holdenshire for some reluctance to pick up shifts, raising the prices on
time. Not only do they col- everything in return. As a result fewer people hap-
lect taxes, enact laws, and pen across the drinking hall, though if anyone
generally keep things running, they also oversee asks, she claims to miss no one (which is a lie; Mer-
the Bleeding Heart Tavern and organize the har- edith is still sweet on one individual in town, but
vest festival—all told, they are quite beloved by isn’t telling who.)

EN World EN5ider |  To Stake a Vampire, Part One

Mortimer Brothers of the Adashim family) to conduct business. This
The local “thieves’ year the traveler brings something more to Nazid’s
guild” consists of home—rumors of an ancient tomb that promises
three young or- treasure abound to anyone that can get inside of it.
phans: Gord, Beej,
and Poke. Steeped Penner
in local gossip, they Local pirate aficionado and resi-
are mischievous dent pig farmer, Penner’s usually
children who delight found in the Bleeding Heart Tav-
in adventures of all ern but not recently. His farm is
kinds; they typically bite off more than they can near the Weirwood and though
chew, though with the growing dangers within his hogs are continually fed no-
Holdenshire it is only a matter of time before their body can account for the halfling’s
lives are truly at risk. The oldest of them, Gord, is whereabouts. His pigs are supposed-
coming of age and keen on Ariadne (who quietly ly getting awfully aggressive but that’s
returns his affections), hanging out around Brand the sort of hearsay that’s become common lately.
Torek’s House under the pretense of couriering
messages—if the other two are in trouble, chances Prirkka Strongfist
are good he’s here waiting for a real messenger to Holdenshire’s second midwife,
happen by. Prirkka Strongfist is an older half-
orc woman showing the graying
Mylani Azalathellon hairs of her 50 years of age. Were
The self-appointed courtmaster, this that not enough to make her ap-
half-elf teenager carries two small pearance unsettling, one of her
books with her at all times: one to re- eyes is green and the other is
cord transgressions of the law, and a brown (and she is allergic to cats).
book of common laws in Holdenshire Mistrust of the half-orc seemed to
County. With the recent influx of wane during the autumn festival, but
wealth and desire for communica- resurged when she became the heavier-handed
tion from the townsfolk, Tillian proxy of Lady Sybill while Lord Pemberton battles
Bricklebottom has hired her out to his illness. Prirkka is always found with her fel-
work in his Ink and Quill shop when low administrator, often playing the part of “bad
he has a mind to. Mylani relishes the task cop” whenever a scenario arises that requires her
but is excessively nosey and ferrets out all the re- intimidating presence to be brought to the fore.
cent rumors of town when anyone enters the store.
Reg Bakerson
Nazid The baker of Thornbury, Reg is nor-
Owner of The Spice of Life, Nazid mally a friendly enough fellow even
is an immigrant to Hengistbury if he does say awkward things, seem-
that enjoys several tidy, profitable ingly always at the worst possible
ventures borne on the back of moment. Lately though he’s
the wealth from Cirothe’s Lair. A been hitting the drink awfully
friend from afar visits him once hard and is considered to be
a year (presumably an associ- little more than a despondent
ate of the Ben-Yumo clan, friends alcoholic. Reg’s tendency for outlandish outbursts

To Stake a Vampire, Part One  |  EN World EN5ider

hasn’t ended either, and now he’s claiming his bak- Saraz bint Farad bint Aquilah
ery is haunted by something supernatural. While Perhaps the most exotic foreigner in
the quality of his craft has suffered, most of Thorn- Holdenshire, the psion is clearly
bury thinks it’s due to excessive drinking—not from a land far from the county’s
malicious spirits. boundaries. Curious, inquisitive,
and studious, Saraz has continu-
Robert Macbain ally taken extensive notes on the
Rough hands and stout mus- countryside but still remains
cles mark Robert Macbain as naive about local customs. Dur-
a true laborer, traits honed by ing the autumn festival she was
reworking stone drawn out of re-united with her ancestral brethren (the Fieren-
the quarry. Now that wealth is dzi) and now governs their small side-community
abundant in Holdenshire he’s outside of Thornbury.
been made to fortify the foun-
dations of most of the buildings Stedd Grimwold
in Hengistbury and Thornbury. No great secrets A dwarven sorcerer of some renown,
have been found in the old dirt underneath the Stedd discovered his powers in a
structures, but some of the building materials traumatic accident that claimed
coming out of the quarry are odd. The builder has the lives of many of his fellow
been late to work habitually and the few folks that miners. He learned to mas-
pry rather than complain learn that Robert’s been ter his powers years ago but
having horrible nightmares every other night or hasn’t grown his hair back or
so, depriving him of sleep. gotten over accidentally killing his family mem-
bers. The dwarf has grown extremely suspicious
Rorus Klain of everyone else after an argument with Heinrich
A large man in his early 40s, the Krebs (Hengistbury’s other alchemist) and refuses
smith of Hengistbury has become to sell reagents or concoctions of any kind to those
even surlier than before. Now who ask, shutting his doors to potential customers
that seemingly everyone and reluctantly indifferent to their plights.
has gold to spend and with
the dangers brought by the Stefan Oakfell
change in season, all of the An older ranger, Stefan Okfell
townsfolk want armor and mostly keeps to the Queen-
weapons—and they want their orders fulfilled now. swoods and only sometimes
Rorus can be found working the forge from early travels into the two towns
in the morning (before sunrise) until an hour after for supplies. His demeanor
the sun sets. Then he heads to the Bleeding Heart is cold and longing, speak-
Tavern (often avoiding the angry demands of his ing of a traumatic past that
wife Yulana, the one person in Hengistbury that haunts him to this day. Oak-
the smith fears) where Klain is among the only fell’s not sociable, but with
patrons with enough coin (and pull) to afford a the right approach may be will-
regular table. ing to share what he knows of the strange goings
on in Holdenshire.

EN World EN5ider |  To Stake a Vampire, Part One

Steffen the Baker Temrus Clothbinder
The town baker of Hengistbury Pleased with the sustained boom of
is a plump fellow with a beard business since the harvest festival,
as large as his hair is gray. With Temrus remains cheery so long
greater mastery of his craft as coins are changing hands.
than Reg Bakerman over in Otherwise he’s grown as
Thornbury, each morning cold as the winds outside
there’s a line of people ready to his cheese shop, quickly
collect his warm confections. Lately sending away anyone that
he’s become extremely upset about his employees isn’t looking to buy some of his wares.
and is suspicious of anyone that might be going
about his shop to mix his ingredients up. Most of Three-Fingered Jake
Hengistbury hasn’t noticed, but Steffen insists that The wandering minstrel Three-
someone has been tampering with his baking ma- Fingered Jake is the local bard of
terials making his bread inferior. Holdenshire, traveling freely
about the region and enjoy-
Stephanie Rosewynd ing a measure of hospitality
The Fierendzi remain near the Queenswood by from both towns during the
Thornbury, but a new caravan of nomads ap- harsh winter season. He’s
peared in Holdenshire not long after the autumn a repository of rumors but
festival. Their de facto leader—a beautiful dancer regarded as a valuable source of news by all of the
named Stephanie Rosewynd—has been troubled citizens in Hengistbury and Thornbury—the party
by prophetic dreams for several weeks, all leading finds out in Act II just how dangerous his talkative
her to Hengistbury. She knows that a dark curse tongue can be throughout the Rumor Battle!
has gripped the countryside in despair (and worse),
and is working to protect the unkind citizens of Tillian Bricklebottom
both towns from whatever dark end the future This halfling wears several
may hold. Stephanie doesn’t immediately trust ev- different hats for all of Hold-
eryone she meets but after earning her friendship enshire county—courier,
she becomes an inclusive ally that plays a pivotal scribe, stationery sales-
role in the events to come! man, translator, wine
merchant, writer—and
Tamas Agrens Tillian’s list of tasks in-
Aloof and unfriendly, it didn’t creases daily. Normally
come as a huge surprise to the he’s fairly busy working on behalf
people of Holdenshire when of Lord and Lady Pemberton, but lately their ab-
Tamas seemingly disappeared. sence has been filled with countless communiques
A debacle with the Mortimer and esoteric requests on behalf of the recently af-
Brothers went awry and fluent citizenry of Hengistbury and Thornbury.
shortly thereafter, the local When not delivering missives with Yara Blood-
sage seemed to simply van- claw he can be found in his Ink and Quill shop in
ish. In truth he still resides in Thornbury (operated by the nosey half-elf Mylani
Holdenshire, though it would Azalathelon if he’s busy).
be unfair to say that he still lives in the county…

To Stake a Vampire, Part One  |  EN World EN5ider

Ugg unwilling to help people that are friendly to him
A small hill giant that and knows that engaging the populace will give
befriended the village him a real idea of whether or not to end Samuel &
some time ago, the Sons interests in Holdenshire. With the influx of
kindhearted Ugg was wealth from Cirothe’s Lair the troubling business
spurned by the un- dealings in the two villages have become truly pre-
toward behavior carious and there may not be much of an import
of the villagers and export trade in the region’s future.
towards a troll as
of late. Normally Yara Bloodclaw
ready to cheerfully On a glance, it isn’t obvious that this
assist the townsfolk of Hengistbury with manual tall, tattooed woman is nearing middle
labor, after watching their treatment of someone age. She’s made her way in Hen-
different than themselves the giant has taken to gistbury for the better half of a
spending time with the Rosewynds (who adore decade, tending to bees for the
the songs he sings in Giant). Should the Mortimer two towns. During the winter
Brothers—his best friends in all of Holdenshire— she uses her considerable
get into trouble however, he’ll be quick to offer aid martial talents to help out
and help rescue the unfortunate orphans. Brand Torek but recently the
demand for the Sherriff’s at-
Willem Von Nederveen tention has been extremely high.
The Samuel & Sons trading com- Yara’s preference for not drinking
pany in Northminster employs this leaves her as the most reliable figure of author-
business-like traveling merchant, ity in Hengistbury late in the night, but in the day
sending him to Hengistbury with she’s often seen carrying messages alongside Til-
an eye on the recent fluc- lian Bricklebottom or helping Sherriff Torek patrol
tuations of commerce there. the county (always with her two warhammers at
While a bit standoffish he’s not her side).

EN World EN5ider |  To Stake a Vampire, Part One

Rumors in the Tavern
Penner the pigfarmer hasn’t been seen lately,
• share one trait—the presence of copious amount
though his pigs are still well fed and some butch- of blood in their reverie, and a clinging sense of
ered hogs end up hung in his meat cellar whenever despair afterward.
orders are supposed to be ready for the Bleeding Reg Bakerman rambles on about a troublesome

Heart Tavern. miscreant or specter haunting his bakery, making
On nights when the moon is full—an occurrence all
• every loaf of bread he bakes more inferior than the
too common as of late—the howling of unnatural last. Disgruntled townsfolk from Thornbury mostly
hounds can be heard from both the Weirwood and attribute that to the baker’s sudden increase in al-
Fogmoor. Logan Brokenbarrel claims to have seen cohol consumption—he’s known to run his mouth
a number of strange canines, but who can know for and best not to be believed.
sure what lurks in the darkness? The few evening travelers that trek across the

Hunchbacked Roland and Fraeya Aerval are said
• countryside claim to have seen shambling skel-
to be on holiday but gossips claim that Kalle etons clad in armor and surrounded by blooded
Sirkesalo sent them afar to retrieve reagents illegal red mists that eat away anything alive. Whether
in Holdenshire—and the solitary wizard’s ultimate rumor or not the sudden demand for weapons and
purpose for such components remains unclear. armor have heated the friendship between the two
The Rosewynds are said to have charmed Ugg with
• towns’ smiths.
mystic enchantments; whatever the reason, the Perhaps most terrifying of all are the strange

hill giant has taken to traveling with their caravan beasts lurking out of the darkness to prey on
instead of roaming about Hengistbury. the people of Holdenshire county—gibbering
Holy water is in low supply and Lady Sybill is so
• monstrous aberrations, enormous disembodied
obsessed with Lord Pemberton’s condition that hands, and various forms of aggressive worms
she doesn’t have the time to make any more that can easily kill a man are said to wander the
despite the clamoring of the townsfolk for more of countryside.
the divine solution. Various nobles and lords from afar are taking a

A strange malady has started to spread across
• sudden interest in real estate in both of Holden-
the people of Hengistbury and Thornbury, mak- shire’s towns. The prices of homes and plots of land
ing them as sick and stricken with illness as Lord have risen, certainly far more than the inflation can
Pemberton. They all crave meat of any kind—the account for.
bloodier the better. Of all the problems plaguing Holdenshire the

Nightmares have become extremely common to
• Rosewynds seem to be the only people unaffected
everyone in Holdenshire. Some dream of savage by the various ailments in Hengistbury and Thorn-
fangs glittering in the moonlight, others envision bury. No one is sure what makes them unique but
the gruesome murders of their families, but all everyone resents them for it.

To Stake a Vampire, Part One  |  EN World EN5ider

Getting Started Despondent Citizens
The earlier sections of this book have filled out the Until the first quest in Act II is finished the general
cast and locales for this macabre journey into the populace of both Hengistbury and Thornbury remain
despairing winter—now get the PCs onto the stage! paranoid, stubborn, and generally unfriendly with
Preferably the adventurers have completed To Slay the PCs. If Charisma (Intimidation or Persuasion)
A Dragon and are enjoying the fortunes of their he- checks fail the adventurers, villagers become surpris-
roic endeavors, but they may find their way into ingly compliant when a few gold coins (not copper or
Holdenshire county through a variety of different silver—these people have tasted wealth as of late) are
means. If the party insists that they don’t want to thrown their way, but they are far too suspicious to be
be the saviors of the town, then Hengistbury and helpful otherwise.
Thornbury are the best locations to protect them-
selves from a fierce snowstorm that lasts for days With the abundant wealth from the slain dragon
(until they near either of the two towns). Cirothe’s lair none of the townsfolk are keen to work
It’s best to leave it in their hands, but once the their jobs at the Bleeding Heart Tavern, making it far less
matter is settled, read or paraphrase the following: welcoming than it normally is. Tonight marks the four
month anniversary since the dragon’s slaying and with
The dead leaves of autumn’s passing are nowhere to be gold-lined pockets much of Holdenshire has come out
seen in the blustery cold of the harsh winter that grips to the only open drinking establishment to have their
the countryside. Windows and doors are shuttered fill of wine on this cold, dark winter night—though little
against the elements, and the few townsfolk walking true celebration can be heard from the somber patrons
the hills and paths in Holdenshire are bundled up tightly, within.
moving at a brisk gait that warrants no interruption.
A dismal sense of despair permeates the very air in In the face of the paranoia and other ailments the
Hengistbury and Thornbury, turning the once friendly townsfolk are suffering, this opening provides the
townsfolk into standoffish shut-ins. Bats, rats, and best opportunity for PCs to meet important mem-
wolves are becoming more common in the once safe bers of both Hengistbury and Thornbury. The
hills and valleys of Holdenshire. Perhaps worst of all, wine has turned many of them to be a bit friend-
Lord Pemberton has fallen ill and governance of the land lier than they’ve recently been (though they still
has waned during this harshest of seasons. remain a tad aggressive, even late into the night)

Terrors in the Countryside

In addition to the various quests set Table: Random Encounters
before them the PCs have to contend d100 Difficulty Creatures
with aggressive wildlife corrupted 1–8 Easy to Hard 2d4 skeletons on warhorse skeletons
by Nemirtvi’s malefic doings. As the 9–20 Easy to Hard 1d4+2 ochre jellies
adventurers travel across the country- 21–30 Easy to Hard 2d4+2 dire wolves
side, roll on the random encounters 31–44 Easy to Deadly 1d4+1 werewolves
table and have a creature approach or 45–60 Medium to Hard 1d4+2 gibbering mouthers
stalk them across the hills and glades 61–72 Medium to Hard 2 ogre zombies and 6+1d6 zombies
of Holdenshire. These monsters don’t 73–84 Medium to Deadly 1d3+1 ghosts
necessarily attack the party each time 85–92 Hard to Deadly 1d3+1 wraiths
however—whenever possible they 93–100 Deadly 1 roc
isolate the PCs and work to turn the ad-
venturers paranoid rather than engage in direct assaults. Use these random encounters to gradually raise the group
to 8th level before Act II begins.

EN World EN5ider |  To Stake a Vampire, Part One

and unless the adventurers go out of their way to The adventurers can attempt any of the five ini-
offend the NPCs are generally talkative about what tial quests in Act I; once the party has reached 8th
troubles each of them. level, they can then proceed to Weightman’s Bur-
Throughout the evening there is talk of outright den. Not every one of these quests is hinted at in
heresy, terror, and the horrors the townsfolk have the list of tavern rumors; a few specifically draw
conjured forth in their minds (many blaming vil- the PCs in of their own accord. GMs shouldn’t feel
lagers they dislike)—PCs may be keen to some of locked into these suggested hooks, but use them as
this information (see the Rumors In The Tavern a way to start the quests if the need arises.
sidebar). Now isn’t the time to pursue quests—that Most quests can be attempted in any order with-
comes a bit later and this is just to provide some in an Act (and sometimes, outside of it) but ideally,
general information for the party—so use the op- the PCs undergo Weightman’s Burden last before
portunity to let the PCs get to know everyone. beginning Act II: Uncovering the Order of Light.

Quest 1: Deadly Indigestion

he curses that have befallen he aims to cast the entire county in a darkness that
will spread out to other regions to create a realm
all of Holdenshire are the results perfect for his ancient patron.
Lord Pemberton’s chief agent in the two towns is
of an intricate plan set into motion the pig farmer Penner. The halfling’s semi-remote
home (generally near Hengistbury Keep) makes
centuries ago by Cirothe. Among the him accessible and Penner’s natural talents for
stealth made him ideal for sewing disorder among
dragon’s hoard was a small trinket the townsfolk. Plying the halfling to his home with
talk of a piece of pirate treasure Lord Pemberton
that struck Lord Pemberton with ter- bought from a traveling merchant—specifically
for the pig farmer—he quickly turned him into a
rible dreams, subconscious cries to a vampire spawn. Since then the halfling practically
became a ghost among the villagers, flitting about
primal evil the dragon unleashed in to do his master’s bidding in the dark of the night.
Specifically, Penner is poisoning the food.
Deepcrest Chasm—the vampire lord First it began with contaminating his hog’s feed
with something the vampire lord Nemirtvi con-
Nemirtvi. cocted himself—a powerful necromantic elixir
that warps and mangles first the minds and then
Now a supplicant of the undead’s will and a the bodies of normal animals. Anyone that’s eaten
vampire himself, Lord Pemberton has carefully these affected pigs find themselves afflicted with a
orchestrated the despair throughout the country- strange sickness; they gain rashes from exposure
side (cunningly keeping Lady Sybill out of the way to sunlight, crave meat made rare, and lose the
and unwilling to step in to fix matters). Eventually pigment in their skin with alarming quickness.

To Stake a Vampire, Part One  |  EN World EN5ider

Pent-Up Pigs
The only unaccounted for villager right now is ambush the trespasser don’t result in any useful
Penner the pig farmer. A generally sociable fellow, reconnaissance.
the halfling hasn’t been seen for weeks but orders Whatever the malady is remains unclear until
for his slaughtered hogs are always prepared on the adventurers approach the pigs directly. As
time. Several villagers bring up his absence during soon as they do the normal looking hogs undergo
the night of revelry in the Bleeding Heart Tavern, a wild, rapid transformation, changing into enor-
but he’s nowhere to be found on his estate. mous fiendish dire boars that attack the party
Seemingly turning to anger and becoming un- relentlessly until slaughtered!
domesticated, the hogs make a terrible racket that
can be heard all the way in Hengistbury by any PC The colds winds of winter blast snow into the air and
that makes a DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check. chill the bones as you approach the worn fence posts of
When the adventurers approach the pigs they don’t Penner’s farm. Leaning up against the house are several
seem to behave oddly unless an observer succeeds rusted farming tools disregarded by the unusually active
on a DC 18 Intelligence (Nature) check. hogs. Squealing and butting heads, the pigs sniff wildly
The pens themselves are a sad affair—various when you enter the pen before they all begin to shriek
rusty farm implements are strewn near his home and moan. Each beast drops to the ground, convulsing
and in disrepair like the posts of his property’s in fits as their eyes bulge and go bloodshot! A sick, slurp-
fences. The house itself seems unlived in, the ing noise erupts from their porcine bodies as muscles
windows open and letting snow into the rooms. explode from beneath muddied hides and tusks elon-
Success on a DC 20 Wisdom (Survival) check re- gate from lengthening jaws. In an instant they spring
veals that someone (or something) frequents the back on their hooves, bellowing bloodthirsty screams
area once every few days, but any attempts to as they charge forward with murderous intent!

EN World EN5ider |  To Stake a Vampire, Part One

Once the corrupted pigs are dealt with, the adven- the aggressive, angry behavior of the inhabitants
turers can find some clues as to what caused the developed sometime after the harvest festival. The
unnatural changes. When observed using a detect adventurers can look into the matter more care-
magic spell or if an observer makes a DC 16 Intel- fully by gathering information from one of the
ligence (Nature) check, the food trough clearly is inhabitants, plying tongues with gold or a DC 17
a problem (it emanates a moderate aura of necro- Charisma (Persuasion) check, or eavesdropping
mancy). Researching the aura (a task that takes at on the villagers’ loud conversations with a series
least an hour), PCs that make a DC 13 Intelligence of DC 13 Wisdom (Perception) checks (throughout
(Arcana) check conclude that the affected meat a day and into the evening). Success with either re-
from the slaughtered hogs is likely the cause for veals that the squabbles between townsfolk seem
the illnesses of townsfolk in Hengistbury. to be random and free of true disputes, but that
A successful DC 18 Intelligence (Investigation) they always seem to happen in the early afternoon.
check identifies a small area of snow that’s been Complaints about Reg Bakerman were common
dug recently—inside of it are the frozen corpses of at the Bleeding Heart Tavern’s one night of quasi-
dozens of rats, a few bats, and one or two wolves. companionship, but if the party isn’t suspicious of
Any PC that examines them with a DC 14 Wisdom Thornbury’s bakery yet the smell of his bread may
(Medicine) check realizes they are all completely get their attention. Success on a DC 15 Wisdom
drained of blood. (Perception) check (made with advantage by any-
one proficient with cooking utensils) in the early
6 fiendish dire boars
▶ afternoon clues the PCs in to the odd smell wafting
from Reg Bakerman’s kitchen—an overwhelm-
Continuing the Quest ingly stale scent.
Whatever is going on, Penner the halfling is in-
volved in some way. Moreover the tainted feed Thornbury’s bakery sits near the center of the village
doesn’t bode well for what else might be awry, and it is normally a source of warmth even during the
though now that the corrupted foodstuffs have cold winter as townsfolk run into one another to pick up
been removed the sickness in Hengistbury should their daily loafs of bread. A chilling wind sweeps across
come to an end. Once this part of the quest is the dusty paths and whips up light snow, battering your
completed the starting attitude of townsfolk in face as you stroll down toward the old wooden build-
Hengistbury improves from being unfriendly to ing. Something in the air smells odd—it’s impossible
indifferent. to say what exactly the strange scent is, only that it is
Unsound Ingredients
Normally the town of Thornbury is a place filled ▶ If the adventurers are outside the
with nice, friendly folk. As the winter winds blow bakery when people leave with their
however they’ve closed their doors to both new- loaves of bread, the animosity of villagers
comers and each other, shuttering windows and who stopped by the bakery is readily appar-
avoiding confrontations of any kind. The windows ent with a DC 8 Intelligence check. Within
of its traditional homes are filled with furtive 1d4+1 minutes after they begin heading back
glances and the few townsfolk that pass one an- to their homes however, the townsfolk have
other on the street exchange insults, sometimes all had a few bites and their attitudes become
even pitching whatever’s at hand towards their hostile—any interaction with the PCs is suf-
neighbor before ducking inside. ficient to provoke them into combat. Other
A successful DC 15 Charisma (Persuasion) check villagers don’t engage the party unless one
or DC 13 Intelligence (History) check reveals that of their neighbors is killed (at which point

To Stake a Vampire, Part One  |  EN World EN5ider

any additional commoners on the map that town and a result of 18 or higher is enough to
are not part of a commoner swarm move to get him to toss away the drink (at least until
attack the adventurers). Should the party things are settled).
avoid killing any villagers they’ve injured, the ▶ Informing the villagers of Thornbury

onlookers simply watch the melee play out to is a relatively easy fix, but the inclusion of
its end. corpse starch into baking ingredients contin-
▶ If the adventurers investigate the ues in Hengistbury not long after it ends here.
bakery before Reg is done making bread The villagers can be convinced with a DC 14
for the day, nothing seems out of ordinary Charisma (Persuasion) check by spreading
at first—none of the standard wooden build- the information about the town subtly across
ing’s windows or doors seem to be damaged the span of a day, or by approaching them
at all. A successful DC 23 Knowledge (nature) when everyone comes to collect daily bread
or DC 17 Profession (cook) check notices that and succeeding on a DC 12 Charisma check.
something is wrong with the starch Baker- Afterward however, Reg Bakerman is forever
man is using. Under the gaze of detect magic, ostracized by everyone in Holdenshire and
the substance radiates with a faint aura of driven to a life of slovenly drunkenness.
necromancy. ▶ Catching the poisoner in the act is the

What exactly is amiss remains unclear until a only way to end the morbid contamination
PC succeeds on a DC 14 Wisdom (Medicine) check of bread in Holdenshire. Both bakeries were
or DC 18 Wisdom (Perception) check to realize built by the same family of pastry chefs and
what’s wrong with these ingredients: someone has share the same layout; a broad 30 foot × 40
mixed in the finely ground remains of dead bod- foot room with an oven on one side, tables
ies—corpse starch—into the baking materials! to work dough, and a small counter near the
When questioned about the quality of his bread— front door for serving customers. The stone
which Reg willfully admits is inferior to his normal kiln’s chimney peaks at around 20 feet, and is
standards of confection—the baker claims that its just large enough for a Small-sized character
rough texture and poor taste are not his fault. Bak- to squeeze through with a DC 11 Dexterity
erman claims a specter of some kind is the cause (Acrobatics) check. No matter which bakery
for his barely edible bread, and he truly believes it. it is this is the opening that the trespasser en-
The rumors of his drunkenness aren’t lies however, ters through each night—Penner the halfling.
and only PCs that beat a DC 14 Wisdom (Insight) Once spotted, a DC 13 Intelligence (Religion)
check are sure Reg saw something that grants au- check identifies him as a vampire spawn.
thenticity to his claim. Penner doesn’t engage the PCs in combat,
How the adventurers deal with this dilemma is instead fleeing for cover and the chance to
up to them. Reg might be convinced to work in the hide again. The undead halfling moves so fast
bakery of Hengistbury with Steffen, they could that he doesn’t mind what he holds, and the
simply tell everyone in Thornbury that the bread jostled sack of corpse starch makes him easy
here is made from dead people, or they could pro- to follow. Making a DC 12 Wisdom (Survival)
tect the starch and attempt to stop whatever is check picks up Penner’s trail leading away to
causing the phenomena. the northeast, eventually past Hengistbury
▶ Coercing Reg is a simple option but ulti- Keep and to a partially unearthed mausoleum
mately these events repeat themselves in in the hills west of Jaye’s Cabin.
Hengistbury. Success on a DC 14 Charisma
(Intimidation or Persuasion) check convinces ▶ 3 commoner swarms
Bakerman to temporarily work in the other ▶ Penner the Pigfarmer

EN World EN5ider |  To Stake a Vampire, Part One

Continuing the Quest they are difficult to interpret, she knows that four
Following Penner’s trail leads to Quest 2: The warriors are fated to fight the encroaching dark-
Packman’s Final Rest but vampires are fell foes ness—Stephanie believes (rightly) that the party
and the PCs would do well to prepare for the worst are those individuals. However because vampires
once they know what to expect (and at least wait are masters of deception, she requires a test of her
for day to break). After saving the towns from un- own before granting her trust.
knowingly eating their dead Stephanie Rosewynd
sends one of her people to contact the party and The Rosewynds are southeast across the river from
ask them to visit her as soon as possible—they re- Hengistbury. Music floats away from their encampment
veal that she suspected a vampire was somewhere along with the smell of finely cooked foods and camp-
in these lands and wishes to extend whatever pro- fires. Ugg the hill giant can be seen cavorting about with
tections she can to the adventurers. children in the snowy fields nearby, and dozens of ques-
tionably dressed folk walk between the brightly colored
Roses of the Rosewynds caravans playing instruments, dancing, trading, carving
Once the party have distinguished themselves as ornaments of some kind, and generally going about
keen to the undead threat in Holdenshire (either their business despite the chilling winter weather.
through completion of Pent-Up Pigs or Unsound
Ingredients) one of the Rosewynds approach- After the party enters the camp a small flurry of
es with an offer of assistance from Stephanie activity occurs as everyone present instinctively
Rosewynd. The nomads are always watchful for huddles closer to one another. While it isn’t overly
the dangers of vampirism and some time ago awkward and hidden in the general bustle to any-
their leader began to have prophetic dreams of the one that fails a DC 17 Wisdom (Perception) check,
scourge destined to come to Holdenshire. While in a matter moments the PCs realize they are

To Stake a Vampire, Part One  |  EN World EN5ider

flanked on all sides. Then Stephanie Rosewynd Ugg’s friend is a dire bear, and unfortunately
emerges from the crowd, a small vial of rose- for the PCs it has already been afflicted with
colored water in her hands. She approaches the vampirism by Lord Pemberton. It stalks the for-
party and lightly splashes each in turn with holy ests northwest of Penner’s Farm brazenly every
water—so long as the adventurers don’t violently evening, killing and sucking dry everything it
react, she declares to everyone that, “these four are encounters. The trail left by the vampiric dire
still pure—there is no need for worry, go about your bear isn’t too hard to follow—it carelessly crashes
business!” through the trees without regard for stealth. Only
Knowing that the PCs aren’t undead, Stephanie when prey is in sight or within distance of its scent
invites them into her opulent wagon and tells them does the monster hide, and during the day it rest-
what she knows about the darkness in Holden- lessly paces in a cave southwest of Weirhenge.
shire. The preponderance of vermin, both slight Battle ensues after the vampiric dire bear de-
and in flight, along with the strange hounds and tects the adventurers and it fights to the death,
excess of wolves in the countryside are a sure sign. retreating with a PC in its jaws only if it is quick-
What’s more she’s had visions that portended the ly overwhelmed. Returning with any of the
arrival of a primal evil in these lands—and four creature’s remains is sufficient for earning Stepha-
warriors that will rise to the fore and beat back the nie Rosewynd’s trust, but if the party comes back
dark entity. In the months during their journey empty handed she calls someone to cast zone of
here Stephanie has prepared ointments and other truth (save DC 13) to ensure their honesty. Now that
protectives to fight vampires to better aid these they’ve proven themselves she becomes far more
fated heroes. cooperative and rewards the adventurers with a
However to be sure that she has the correct war- wand of maleficent detection (an uncommon magic
riors before her the Rosewynds’ leader requires item with 20 charges; using an action expends a
a task be performed by the party. One of her first charge and allows the wielder to detect undead as
dreams showed Ugg so the nomads were quick to the Divine Sense paladin class feature), 12 flasks of
befriend the hill giant when they arrived in Hold- holy water, and a circlet of blasting.
enshire. During the vision she saw a large friendly
woodland creature, befriended by Ugg, unwitting- ▶ 1 vampiric dire bear
ly leading him to the vampire’s dangerous embrace.
The PCs must track down the creature and bring Continuing the Quest
it back to the Rosewynds camp. Interpreting the If the PCs haven’t already completed Pent-Up Pigs
dreams is a difficult task and Stephanie can’t or Unsound Ingredients, Stephanie Rosewynd
provide any more detail, but they know Ugg occa- informs them that she thinks a vampire spawn is
sionally wanders up into the northern forests for a behind both oddities. It hides somewhere north
few days at a time. of Hengistbury Keep but so far they haven’t been
able to find where exactly it lairs.

EN World EN5ider |  To Stake a Vampire, Part One

Quest 2: T he Packman’s
Final Rest
fter being transformed into Order of Light, a man named Hugo Weightman.
The band of holy undead hunters met their doom
  a vampire spawn, Lord Pem- at the hands of a powerful vampire lord, sealing
him away with their dying breaths. Hugo’s journal
berton tasked Penner with several tells of the other tombs across Holdenshire, each
holding one of his dead companions—as well as
different duties—to poison the towns the powerful holy relics they wielded in life.
Penner seeks to kill the adventurers and earn
through his hogs, contaminate the favor with Lord Pemberton, ensuring that the
county of Holdenshire eventually falls prey to
bread with ground corpses, and not Nemirtvi’s grand schemes. Uncovering the tombs
of the Order of Light and recovering their holy rel-
to stay in his home. Finding a differ- ics will give the PCs what they need to overcome
the vampire lord; destroying him without the rel-
ent place to hide from the sun, the ics is possible, but not likely (and if they do not
sacrifice at least one of the holy relics, Nemirtvi
halfling didn’t have much time and persists indefinitely!).

remembering an old rumor that was Penner’s Final Demise

A mostly buried mausoleum northeast of Hengist-
supposed to lead him to pirate treasure, bury Keep hides Penner the Pigfarmer and several
other vampire spawn.
he made for an old mausoleum buried ▶ If the party did not complete Unsound

Ingredients and spook Penner, noticing

in the hills south of the Quarry. the footprints of these undead requires a DC
16 Wisdom (Survival) check while the PCs are
During the night Penner travels around Hold- going about the area, or a DC 17 Intelligence
enshire sowing dissent among the townsfolk to (History) check to know of the tomb’s location
exacerbate the darkness enshrouding the county, from old maps of Holdenshire county. Parties
and in the day the halfling hides here—along that seek out old cartography of the country-
with several other villagers that have gone miss- side can find them in Tillian Bricklebottom’s
ing recently, all turned into vampire spawn ready modest library with a DC 8 Intelligence
to attack the party! A thorough search of the (Investigation) check. This is the only Order of
countryside or a trail of corpse starch leads the Light tomb known on any maps the adventur-
adventurers to the tomb where they find a pas- ers can find.
sage that leads to the remains of a packman to the

To Stake a Vampire, Part One  |  EN World EN5ider

If the party is chasing Penner after in-
▶ Weightman’s Burden
terrupting his poisoning of the bread, The passageway continues down in a circular
a DC 12 Wisdom (Survival) check picks up the fashion for about a 150 feet, eventually ending in
trail of corpse starch. It leads directly to the a doorway emblazoned with holy symbols that il-
hill with the mausoleum, and a DC 10 Wisdom luminate the pervading gloom in soft golden light.
(Perception) check picks out the worked stone A successful DC 11 Intelligence (Religion) check
from other jutting rocks on the snowy field. identifies many of the icons to be wards against
the undead. Gears hidden in the walls are powered
The whipping winter winds have finally abated for a by the turning of a key in the lock but there are
while leaving a pervading sense of dismal sadness on no clues to its location—a DC 19 Dexterity (thieves’
the snowy, dead landscape. All of the countryside is tools) check is sufficient to open the door. It can
covered in snow save for the dirty brown path you tread also be smashed open (the stone lock has AC 16 and
upon, the only accents otherwise being rocks that jut 20 hit points) or forced up with a DC 17 Strength
from under the white fields, all of the stones scoured check.
clean by the briefly reprieved winter gales.
All of the walls in the passageways and rooms beyond
The mausoleum Penner and the other vampire this blessed door are lined with a thin, fragile layer of
spawn hide within is the entrance to a larger gold that flakes off when touched. It gives the otherwise
tomb: the resting place of Hugo Weightman. Aside dour surroundings and fanatical iconography a sense
from the blocked passage on the far end of the of reverence and awe, clearly marking whomever is en-
circular 30-foot-diameter chamber (high and tombed within as a person of distinction. A chant in an
across) and the steps leading down into it from old tongue reverberates from the room at the far end of
the south, there’s not much to the area. Still, the the hallway—but nothing is visible within.
vampire spawn all cling to the ceiling in an effort
to catch the PCs unaware; seeing them before the References in hieroglyphs to the Order of the Light
NPCs strike requires a DC 18 Wisdom (Perception) are common throughout, and anyone that makes
check. Once the battle begins the vampire spawn a DC 13 Intelligence check can piece together the
fight to their very destruction—all save Penner, name of the organization depicted so often along
who attempts to flee when reduced to a fifth of his the walls: the Order of Light.
total hit points. In the 40-foot long, 5-foot wide, 10-foot tall pas-
▶ Penner the Pigfarmer sageway beyond the glowing door are a series of
▶ 2 vampire spawn traps (every 10 feet) before Hugo Weightman’s
tomb. They are set to go off in sequence so when
CONTINUING THE QUEST one is activated they are all activated—even those
On the far side of the initial chamber is a doorway that have already been disarmed. Fully disengag-
that only opens for non-evil living creatures when ing one of these sequenced traps requires a second
the nearby lever on the wall is pulled (something ability check after an initial ability check, made
Penner never quite figured out). Steps lead deeper at the original DC + 5. Opening the glowing door
down into more finished stonework, turning out of requires a DC 19 Dexterity (thieves’ tools) check
sight after a few dozen feet. or DC 16 Strength check, or simply uttering the
words, “Order of Light.”

EN World EN5ider |  To Stake a Vampire, Part One

To Stake a Vampire, Part One  |  EN World EN5ider
Blinding Daylight Trap Read the following once one of the party members
Magical trap enters into the Packman’s Final Rest.
When a creature steps within 10 feet, a blast of divine
power radiates outward in a 60-foot radius. The DC to As you pass through the doorway the chanting begins
spot the glyphs and script empowering this trap is 16. A to slow and warp, becoming arrhythmic and discordant.
prone creature does not trigger this trap. Dark, smoke-like energy seeps from out of the seams of
Each creature in the area must make a DC 15 Constitu- flaked gold, ebbing quickly toward a stone coffin in the
tion saving throw or be blinded for 1d4+1 rounds. At the center of the room. Enshrouding the coffin, the chant
end of each of its turns a blinded creature can repeat the changes once more and slowly grows into an anguished
saving throw, ending the effect on itself on a success. scream.
Additionally, when this trap is triggered the holy smite
trap and searing light trap are also triggered. Give the PCs a few rounds to react—search the
room in a panic, cast spells, attempt to figure out
Searing Light Trap what’s going on—before continuing:
Magical trap
When a creature steps within 20 feet, a blast of divine In a matter of moments the pained cry reaches a
power lances out to strike it. The DC to spot the glyphs nearly deafening crescendo before the inky black ether
and script empowering this trap is 17. A prone creature explodes from the coffin, coating everything in the room
does not trigger this trap. before dissipating in the soft golden light of the cham-
The trap makes a ranged attack with a +9 bonus ber—then the light goes out and all of the gold on the
against a random target within 20 feet of it. Vision is walls crumbles onto the floor. A piercing shriek is all the
irrelevant to this attack roll, and if there are no targets in warning you have as a spectral form erupts from the
the area the trap doesn’t hit anything. A target that is hit coffin. It is a haggard man laden with sacks and bags,
takes 18 (4d8) radiant damage. almost like pack horse. He moans in pain and claws to-
Additionally, when this trap is triggered the blinding ward you with ragged, incorporeal hands!
daylight trap and holy smite trap are also triggered.
The vampire lord has awoken and enraged the
Holy Smite Trap spirit of Hugo Weightman which attempts to kill
Magical trap every living thing it can, entirely consumed by
When a creature steps within 20 feet, divine power madness. It can only be destroyed permanently
explodes throughout a 20-foot radius around the trap. by entombing Nemirtvi once more, but once it
The DC to spot the glyphs and script empowering this dissipates from being reduced to 0 hit points the
trap is 18. A prone creature does not trigger this trap. party finds two extremely important items with-
Each creature in the area must make a DC 15 Dexterity in—Hugo’s withered old journal and an amulet of
saving throw, taking 9 (2d8) radiant damage and going the spectral grove.
blind for 1 round on a failed save if it is evil, or half as Hugo’s journal is centuries old and much of the
much (no blindness) if it is neutral. text near the beginning is illegible. The last pages
Additionally, when this trap is triggered the blinding are still clean enough to read however and they
daylight trap and searing light trap are also triggered. tell a dangerous tale that portends an unfortunate
future for Holdenshire County. Hugo was the pack-
On the far side of the hallway is Hugo Weightman’s man for a collection of undead hunters known as
actual sepulcher. Nemirtvi’s influence has failed to the Order of Light, each dedicated to eradicating
pierce the many holy protections around the sanc- the world of vampires. When they learned of a pri-
tum—at least until the party breached the crypt. mal evil in these lands the holy warriors traveled to

EN World EN5ider |  To Stake a Vampire, Part One

Holdenshire and sought out the despicable source * You gain immunity to cold, necrotic, and poison
of malevolence. His companions all died wound- damage, and the charmed, exhaustion, frightened,
ing the monster, leaving the unsuspecting Hugo grappled, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, and
to strike the final blow—a strike he made, but at restrained conditions.
dire cost, receiving a viral rend from the vampire * You can move through other creatures and objects
lord’s claws that would prove to be the slow, ago- as if they were difficult terrain. You take 5 (1d10)
nizing death of him. The diary claims that he at force damage if you end your turn inside an object.
least oversaw the construction of his own tomb, as * You can use an action to enter the Ethereal Plane
well as those of his four allies, and that each holds from the Material Plane, or vice versa. You are visible
the relics they used to enact justice in life. on the Material Plane while you’re in the Border
▶ 1 cursed ghost Ethereal, and vice versa, yet you can’t affect or be
affected by anything on the other plane.
Amulet of the Spectral Grove * You can use an action to shoot a number of energy
Wondrous item, legendary (requires attunement) rays equal to your proficiency bonus. These are spell
This intricate piece of jewelry is carved from unblem- attacks with range 50/100 ft., and on a successful
ished white stone. A polished opal sits at its center, held hit deal 3d6 radiant damage plus your Charisma
in place by intricate, delicately thin strands of seamless modifier (minimum 0). You use Charisma as your
rock. Once you have attuned to this polished opal amu- spellcasting ability for this feature.
let, while wearing it you gain the constant effects of a * You can use a bonus action to shoot a number of
protection from evil and good spell and you are immune energy rays equal to half your proficiency bonus.
to the frightened condition. When you do so, the duration of your spectral form is
Spectral Form. Once per week you can use an action to reduced by 1d4 rounds.
go limp, withdrawing spirit from your corporeal form   When the duration of Spectral Form ends, make a
(treat your body as under the effects of a magic jar Constitution saving throw (DC 8 + 1 per round of use).
spell). Your spectral form appears within 30 feet of your If your spectral form dissipates from damage you have
body and gains the following benefits: disadvantage on this saving throw. On a failure you are
* Your AC increases by 3. reduced to 0 hit points and must make death saves.
* Any damage you take in spectral form is immediately   Evil and undead creatures take 2d6 fire damage when
dealt to your corporeal form. When you are reduced touching an amulet of the spectral grove and cannot
to 0 hit points, your spectral form dissipates. activate its abilities.
Otherwise your spectral form remains for 2 minutes.
* You gain a fly speed of 40 feet and the ability to Continuing the Quest
hover. The journal’s maps are all too old and poorly made
* You can see normally in darkness, both magical and to be of much use, but the properties of the amu-
nonmagical, to a distance of 120 feet. let of the spectral grove lead the party to the nearest
* You can see 60 feet into the Ethereal Plane when you (still hidden) Order of Light crypt. When the ad-
are on the Material Plane, and vice versa. venturers emerge from the Packman’s Final Rest
* You gain resistance to acid, fire, lightning, and however, the dark pall over Holdenshire has been
thunder damage, and resistance to bludgeoning, exacerbated into dangerous curses that actively
piercing, and slashing from nonmagical weapons. threaten the lives of all its citizens! e

To Stake a Vampire, Part One  |  EN World EN5ider

Monsters and NPCs
ote that if a particular type of NPC can appear in more than one

quest, its statistics are given in the first such appearance.

Quest 1: Deadly Indigestion

Fiendish Dire Boar Commoner Swarm
Large monstrosity, neutral evil Huge swarm of Medium humanoids, neutral
Armor Class16 (natural armor) Armor Class13 (leather)
Hit Points59 (7d10+21) Hit Points67 (15d8)
Speed50 ft. Speed30 ft.
18 (+4) 15 (+2) 17 (+3) 2 (–4) 15 (+2) 8 (–1) 17 (+3) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0)
Skills Perception +4, Stealth +6 Saving ThrowsDex +4, Int +2
Damage Resistances cold, fire, radiant SkillsAthletics +5
Damage Immunities necrotic, poison Condition Immunitiescharmed, frightened, grappled,
Condition Immunities frightened, poisoned paralyzed, petrified, prone, restrained, stunned
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 14 Sensespassive Perception 10
Languages —- LanguagesCommon
Challenge 3 (700 XP) Challenge2 (450 XP)
Charge. If the boar moves at least 20 feet straight to- Gang Tactics. When a creature adjacent to or in the
ward a target and then hits it with a tusk attack on the swarm’s space casts a spell or concentrates on a spell,
same turn, the target takes an extra 3 (1d6) slashing it must make a Constitution saving throw (DC 5 + spell
damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a level) or lose the spell.
DC 11 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone. Swarm. The swarm can occupy another creature’s
Keen Smell. The boar has advantage on Wisdom space and vice versa, and the swarm can move
(Perception) checks that rely on smell. through any opening large enough for a Medium
Magic Resistance. The boar has advantage on saving creature. The swarm can’t regain hit points or gain
throws made against spells and other magical effects. temporary hit points.
Relentless (1/Short Rest). If the boar takes 20 damage ACTIONS
or less that would reduce it to 0 hit points, it is reduced Angry Strikes. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach
to 1 hit point instead. 5 ft., one target. Hit: 18 (6d4+3) bludgeoning damage.
ACTIONS Thrown Stones. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit,
Tusk. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 13 (4d4+3) bludgeoning
target. Hit: 13 (2d8+4) piercing damage. damage.
Infernal Mark (1/Short Rest). When the boar deals
damage to a creature of good alignment, it can use its
reaction to mark the target. Until the target is dead or
24 hours have passed, all of the boar’s attacks deal an
extra 5 (2d4) necrotic damage to it.

EN World EN5ider |  To Stake a Vampire, Part One

Vampiric Dire Bear ACTIONS
Huge undead, chaotic evil Multiattack. The bear makes two attacks: one with its
Armor Class17 (natural armor) bite and one with its claws.
Hit Points114 (12d12+36) Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 10 ft., one
Speed40 ft., climb 30 ft. target. Hit: 12 (2d6+5) piercing damage plus 10 (3d6)
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA necrotic damage. The target’s hit point maximum is
21 (+5) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 2 (–4) 13 (+1) 7 (–2) reduced by an amount equal to the necrotic damage
Saving ThrowsDex +6, Wis +5, Cha +2 taken, and the bear regains hit points equal to that
SkillsPerception +9, Stealth +10, Survival +5 amount. The reduction lasts until the target finishes
Damage Resistancesnecrotic; bludgeoning, piercing, a long rest. The target dies if this effect reduces its hit
and slashing from nonmagical weapons point maximum to 0.
Sensesdarkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 19 Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 10 ft., one
Languages— target. Hit: 14 (2d8+5) slashing damage.
Challenge10 (5,900 XP) Charm Beast. The bear targets one beast it can see
Keen Smell. The bear has advantage on Wisdom within 30 feet of it. If the target can see the bear, the
(Perception) checks that rely on smell. target must succeed on a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw
Regeneration. The bear regains 10 hit points at the against this magic or be charmed by the bear. The
start of its turn if it has at least 1 hit point and isn’t charmed target regards the bear as a trusted friend
in sunlight or running water. If the bear takes radiant to be heeded and protected. Although the target isn’t
damage or damage from holy water, this trait doesn’t under the bear’s control, it takes the bear’s requests
function at the start of the bear’s next turn. or actions in the most favorable way it can, and it is a
Spider Climb. The bear can climb difficult surfaces, willing target for the bear’s bite attack.
including upside down on ceilings, without needing to   Each time the bear or the bear’s companions do
make an ability check. anything harmful to the target, it can repeat the
Turn Resistance. The bear has advantage on saving saving throw, ending the effect on itself on a success.
throws against any effect that turns undead. Otherwise, the effect lasts 24 hours or until the bear is
Vampire Weaknesses. The bear has the following flaws: destroyed, is on a different plane of existence than the
* Forbiddance. The bear can’t enter a residence target, or takes a bonus action to end the effect.
without an invitation from one of the occupants. LEGENDARY ACTIONS
* Harmed by Running Water. The bear takes 20 acid The bear can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from
damage when it ends its turn in running water. the options below. Only one legendary action option
* Stake to the Heart. The bear is destroyed if a piercing can be used at a time and only at the end of another
weapon made of wood is driven into its heart while it creature’s turn. The bear regains spent legendary ac-
is incapacitated in its resting place. tions at the start of its turn.
* Sunlight Hypersensitivity. The bear takes 20 radiant Move. The bear moves up to its speed without provok-
damage when it starts its turn in sunlight. While in ing opportunity attacks.
sunlight, it has disadvantage on attack rolls and Claw. The bear makes one claw attack.
ability checks. Bite (Costs 2 Actions). The bear makes one bite attack.

To Stake a Vampire, Part One  |  EN World EN5ider

Vampire Spawn ACTIONS
Medium undead, neutral evil Multiattack. The vampire makes two attacks, only one
Armor Class15 (natural armor) of which can be a bite attack.
Hit Points82 (11d8+33) Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
Speed30 ft. creature. Hit: 8 (2d4+3) slashing damage. Instead of
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA dealing damage, the vampire can grapple the target
16 (+3) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 11 (+0) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) (escape DC 13).
Saving ThrowsDex +6, Wis +3 Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
SkillsPerception +3, Stealth +6 willing creature, or a creature that is grappled by the
Damage Resistancesnecrotic; bludgeoning, piercing, vampire, incapacitated, or restrained. Hit: 6 (1d6+3)
and slashing from nonmagical weapons piercing damage plus 7 (2d6) necrotic damage. The
Sensesdarkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13 target’s hit point maximum is reduced by an amount
LanguagesCommon equal to the necrotic damage taken, and the vampire
Challenge5 (1,800 XP) regains hit points equal to that amount. The reduction
Regeneration. The vampire regains 10 hit points at the lasts until the target finishes a long rest. The target
start of its turn if it has at least 1 hit point and isn’t in dies if this effect reduces its hit point maximum to 0.
sunlight or running water. If the vampire takes radiant
damage or damage from holy water, this trait doesn’t
function at the start of the vampire’s next turn.
Spider Climb. The vampire can climb difficult surfaces,
including upside down on ceilings, without needing to
make an ability check.
Vampire Weaknesses. The vampire has the following
* Forbiddance. The vampire can’t enter a residence
without an invitation from one of the occupants.
* Harmed by Running Water. The vampire takes 20 acid
damage when it ends its turn in running water.
* Stake to the Heart. The vampire is destroyed if a
piercing weapon made of wood is driven into its
heart while it is incapacitated in its resting place.
* Sunlight Hypersensitivity. The vampire takes 20 radi-
ant damage when it starts its turn in sunlight. While
in sunlight, it has disadvantage on attack rolls and
ability checks.

EN World EN5ider |  To Stake a Vampire, Part One

Penner the Pigfarmer Vampire Weaknesses. Penner has the following flaws:
Small undead, neutral evil * Forbiddance. Penner can’t enter a residence without
Armor Class16 (natural armor) an invitation from one of the occupants.
Hit Points97 (13d6+52) * Harmed by Running Water. Penner takes 20 acid
Speed30 ft. damage when he ends his turn in running water.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA * Stake to the Heart. Penner is destroyed if a piercing
18 (+4) 17 (+3) 18 (+4) 11 (+0) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) weapon made of wood is driven into his heart while
Saving ThrowsDex +6, Wis +5 he is incapacitated in his resting place.
SkillsPerception +8, Stealth +9 * Sunlight Hypersensitivity. Penner takes 20 radiant
Damage Resistancesnecrotic; bludgeoning, piercing, damage when he starts his turn in sunlight. While
and slashing from nonmagical weapons in sunlight, he has disadvantage on attack rolls and
Sensesdarkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 18 ability checks.
LanguagesCommon ACTIONS
Challenge6 (2,300 XP) Multiattack. Penner makes two attacks, only one of
Rapid Dash (1/Turn). Penne can use a bonus action to which can be a bite attack.
take the Dash action. Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one will-
Regeneration. Penner regains 10 hit points at the start ing creature, or a creature that is grappled by Penner,
of his turn if he has at least 1 hit point and isn’t in sun- incapacitated, or restrained. Hit: 6 (1d4+4) piercing
light or running water. If Penner takes radiant damage damage plus 7 (2d6) necrotic damage. The target’s hit
or damage from holy water, this trait doesn’t function point maximum is reduced by an amount equal to the
at the start of his next turn. necrotic damage taken, and Penner regains hit points
Spider Climb. Penner can climb difficult surfaces, equal to that amount. The reduction lasts until the
including upside down on ceilings, without needing to target finishes a long rest. The target dies if this effect
make an ability check. reduces its hit point maximum to 0.
Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
creature. Hit: 8 (1d8+4) slashing damage. Instead
of dealing damage, Penner can grapple the target
(escape DC 14).

To Stake a Vampire, Part One  |  EN World EN5ider

Cursed Ghost Innate Spellcasting. The cursed ghost’s innate spell-
Medium undead, chaotic evil casting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 16, +8 to hit
Armor Class15 with spell attacks). It can innately cast the following
Hit Points127 (15d8+60) spells, requiring no material components
Speed0 ft., fly 50 ft. (hover) At will: invisibility, mage hand, prestidigitation, vicious
17 (+3) 21 (+5) 18 (+4) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 19 (+4) 5/day each: sleep (as a 4th-level spell; 11d8), spiritual
Saving ThrowsCon +8, Wis +6 weapon
SkillsPerception +6, Stealth +9 3/day each: hellish rebuke (as a 3rd-level spell; 3d10),
Damage Resistancescold, fire; bludgeoning, piercing, magic missile
and slashing from nonmagical weapons 2/day each: counterspell, improved invisibility
Damage Immunitiesnecrotic, poison 1/day each: dispel magic, misty step
Condition Immunitiesexhaustion, paralyzed, petrified, Neverdying. When the cursed ghost is reduced to 0
poisoned hit points its body fades away and 2d4 days later it
Sensesdarkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 16 reappears in its last resting place at its full hit points.
LanguagesCommon The only way to permanently destroy the cursed ghost
Challenge11 (7,200 XP) is by a means determined by the GM.
Ethereal Sight. The cursed ghost can see 60 feet into ACTIONS
the Ethereal Plane when it is on the Material Plane, and Multiattack. The cursed ghost attacks twice or it casts a
vice versa. spell and attacks once.
Incorporeal Movement. The cursed ghost can move Psychic Touch. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5
through other creatures and objects as if they were ft., one target. Hit: 25 (6d6+4) psychic damage.
difficult terrain. It takes 5 (1d10) force damage if it ends Etherealness. The cursed ghost enters the Ethereal
its turn inside an object. Plane from the Material Plane, or vice versa. It is visible
on the Material Plane while it is in the Border Ethereal,
and vice versa, yet it can’t affect or be affected by
anything on the other plane.

EN World EN5ider |  To Stake a Vampire, Part One

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