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Debut Emcee Script

Ryshelle: Kindly take your seat while waiting for the others because we are about to start our service in a
few moments.


Introduction by the Emcee

Ellen: Ladies and gentlemen! Good evening welcome here at Piamonte’s House.

Ryshelle: And right now, right here live and alive were gonna witnessed my youngest sister from a baby
girl to a blossoming lady.

Ellen: I know you all guys are excited to celebrate Kristel’s 18 th Birthday.

Ryshelle: So please sit back, relax and let us all together celebrate the coming of age at its best. Once
again, good evening everybody I’m Ryshelle.

Ellen: and I am Ellen Rose, her host for tonight.

Ryshelle: But sorry for the intrusion in the continuous flow of our celebration but I would like to announce
that we will have our dinner this time.

: And after this wa say mo uli for the continuation of our program. Pero para sure partner, what
are we going to do?

Ellen: Okay, let us all stand. Raise your right hand and repeat what my partner says.

Ryshelle: Ako si ________________________.

Ellen: State your name

Ryshelle: Nagsaad nga dili sa mo uli, inig human sa panihapon, sealed.

Ellen: At this moment, I’d like to request Reverend Roy Orevillo as we say our prayer before dinner.



Ryshelle: Ladies and gentlemen May we have your attention please. We will begin in a few minutes so
please find your seats and make yourselves comfortable.


Ellen: Once again, a sumptuous evening to one and all! It is our delight that you remain and let us rejoice
for that.

Ryshelle: And now…. guests, friends, ladies and gentlemen let us all rise to see the beautiful blossoming

Ellen: 18 years, one magical night let us all welcome our lady of the evening our debutant Ms. Kristel
Jane Piamonte.
(Walking of the Debutant)


Ryshelle: Such a spectacular entrance by our lovely debutant. Thank you so much, be

Ellen: Remain standing, let us all acknowledge first the presence of our God to be led by Reverend Roy


Ryshelle: Thank you so much Rev. Roy and you may now take your seats.


Ellen: It is my honor to present to you the Piamonte Family

Ryshelle: Once you’re name is called, kindly stand or just wave your hands to be recognize.

Ellen: And let’s begin with Ms. Riza Piamonte, Ryshelle Piamonte the debutants eldest sister

Ryshelle: Vanny Jane, my younger sister

Ellen: And of course our very proud parents Mr. Richard and Mrs. Vaniza Piamonte.


Ryshelle: As a jumpstart, may we all be warmly welcomed as we hear the beautiful message of one of
the most important persons in our life. Ladies and Gentlemen let's give a big hand to my Mother, Mrs.
Vaniza Piamonte.

Ellen: Thank you so much Mrs. Piamonte



Ryshelle: To share to us their talents, let us hold our breath and fix our attention to what they will be
given to us, ladies and gentlemen, these are a good friend of mine. Please give a big hand for Ms. Heide
Apa- ap, Mr. Lejome Orevillo and Pastor Jemmar Taping.

(Adlib and little bit interviews while preparing) Optional

Ellen: Thank you so much for that glorious song to praise our God.

Ryshelle: At this moment, let us now have the 18 Bible verses. Verse often reflects the word of God. It
signifies a profound way of encouraging the debutant to be strong and courageous in the midst of
tumultuous circumstances.

Ellen: It may also signify 18 significant people in our debutant’s life who serve as her strength as she
grows up.

Ryshelle: These are also the people who care for her and love her unconditionally.

Ellen: As you hear your name, please be in front bring also your card, say your verse and birthday wish
for Kristel. Let’s start with…

- Ms. Jashen Clear Cajes - Ms. Princes Cutamora

- Ms. Shindy Lajato - Mr. Lejome Orevillo
- Ms. Lalaine Bernadez - Ms. Heide Apa-ap
- Mr. Uzie Flor II - Ms. Ellen Rose Atuel
- Ms. Analyn Cadao - Ms. Ana Marie Doblas
- Ms. Sucit Mapute - Ms. Mary Jane Cejas
- Ms. Veronica Duran - Ms. Sheila Jane Anzano
- Ms. Tricia Torremocha - Mr. Arjay Iba-oc
- Ms. Charisse Inso - Ms. Ryshelle Piamonte


Ryshelle: Earlier, we were listened a splendid song by Ms. Heide, Mr. Lejome and Pastor Jemmar. At
this point, he will also share with us his talent of singing. Give it up for, among kinagusgang Uncle, Mr.
Joy Umbal.


18 Treasures

Ryshelle: At this juncture, let us proceed to the 18 treasures. It doesn’t matter how expensive, how
elegant or how precious the gifts, what matters most is the thought, the value and the essence that gift

Ellen: These gifts are significant to the debutant and that she will truly treasure these for the rest of her

To start, let us have

- Mrs. Marina Nadala - Mr. Romel Boncales

- Mrs. Virgenia Torillo - Mrs. Ma. Lanie Balagot
- Ms. Rowena Apa-ap - Mrs. Jenny Nogera
- Mr. Eddie Conde - Rev. Angelito Opiala
- Mrs. Liza Iba-oc - Mrs. Virgenia Orevillo
- Mr. Joy Umbal - Mrs. Candelaria Balonga
- Mrs. Salesflor Autida - Mrs. Rowena Tabada
- Mrs. Jocelyn Flor - Mrs. Maricel Sentillas
- Mrs. Amorlina Flores - Mr. Bonheber Puracan


Ryshelle: This time, we will be entertained by a special number which is to be given to us by, GJ’S Dou.
Without further ado, let us give a big round of applause.


Ellen: Tonight’s celebration tells me that the best demonstration of gratitude in response to a wonderful
experience like this one can be contained in an overwhelming thank you. Thank you for making me a part
of this memorable occasion.

Ryshelle: And if there’s one person here tonight who is more than grateful to see all of you, that would be
our beloved celebrant, Kristel. I’m giving the floor to our dear debutant to give her message for all of us.

(Thank you message from Kristel)


Ellen: Let me share another good-to-know trivia to everyone on how birthday cakes and candles came
about as a tradition during birthdays. Some believe that the tradition of birthday candles began in Ancient
Greece. Putting candles on a cake was a special way to pay tribute to the Greek moon goddess, Artemis.
They baked round cakes to symbolize the moon. Candles were added to represent the reflected
moonlight. Today’s tradition of making wishes before blowing out the birthday candles may have started
with that belief. Enough of all those did-you-know trivia because at this part of the program, our lovely and
stunning Kristel will blow the candles on her birthday cake.

Ryshelle: And to complete that customary practice, let us all sing joyfully a song I am very sure
everybody is familiar with, the happy birthday song!

(Debutant makes a wish and blows the candles.)


Ryshelle: May I request, Reverend Angelito Opiala to lead the closing prayer.

(Prayer) Thank you so much Rev.

Ellen: And with that our program has officially concluded.

Ryshelle: We would like to thank everyone who have made this momentous night a success. We would
like to thank you all for making it to this wonderful celebration of Kristel’s 18th birthday. For those who are
going home, may God bless you. Be safe everyone. And for those who are staying the night then stay.

Ellen: We are your host Ellen

Ryshelle: and Ryshelle,

Both: Signing off. Thank you again and have a blessed night.

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