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Exposition Text About Health: Benefits of Waking Up Early for the


Reaffirmation Section

In general, when you wake up in the morning, you have plenty of

time to adjust before starting work. You can think carefully and plan
what you will do that day. The brain is also usually more focused
when used in the morning. So that all the decisions you make in the
morning will be more correct.
Improve mood

Lack of rest and sleep can make us irritable, impatient, difficult to

concentrate, moody, stressed, and depressed. Too little sleep can
also make us too tired to do the things we want.

Strengthen the immune system

According to a study of 150 people, sleeping seven hours or less than

seven hours a day is thought to make our bodies more susceptible to

Sharpen memory

Lack of rest and sleep is thought to make us senile quickly. One study
showed that during sleep, the hippocampus part of the brain
processes, strengthens, and combines our memories from
throughout the day. If you are sleep deprived, these memories
cannot be stored properly in the brain and can be lost.

In order for the various benefits of rest and sleep above we can get
the maximum, don't forget to sleep according to the recommended
number of hours. For adults it is recommended to sleep 7-9 hours a
day, adolescents 14-17 years 8-10 hours/day, children aged 6-13
years 9-11 hours/day, and toddlers aged 3-5 years 10-13 hours/day.

In addition, allow a 2 year old child to sleep 11-12 hours a night with
an additional 1-2 hours of naps, a 12 month old baby to sleep 10
hours a night with a 4 hour nap, and a newborn baby to sleep 14-17
hours a day.

Argument Section

There are many things you can do to get up early, although

sometimes it can be a challenge. However, you have to remember
that there are many benefits that can be taken. Try to get used to
getting up early from now on, so that the body can be more
enthusiastic and healthy in carrying out daily activities.

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