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1. Evacuate immediately if you live or are staying within the radius of affected
areas. Long before the explosion, affected areas would have been given a
warning to evacuate the promises be local government units.
2. Stay tuned to national news and premises by local community’s channels to
be on top of the situation and stay informed with local safety plans and
evacuation areas.
3. Charge your electronics. Keep your mobile device and power banks charged
in case of power interruption.
4. Know disaster hotlines and other emergency hotlines.
5. Prepare a go-bag in case of evacuation.


1. Use an N95 dust mask to protect yourself from pulmo-respiratory injuries
and disease. If these are unavailable, use a damp handkerchief or makeshift
one from an old shirt.
2. Protect you skin and eyes with proper clothing and glasses or goggles.
Ashfall is sharp and abrasive, so don’t rub if any comes into contact with
your skin or eyes.
3. Secure your pets inside your home, volcanic ash is also harmful for them
4. If you are outside seek cover immediately incase of rock or ash falls.
5. If you are inside, stay tuned to the news to keep informed of recent
developments. Close all doors and windows. Dampen curtain to keep fine
particles from coming through.


1. Do not leave your home or indoor shelters until notified by the local
government that it is safe to do so. Evacuate to safer grounds only when
2. Keep a watchful eye on your kids or loved ones who may be tempted to go
out to see what’s going on outside.
3. Wear protection. Use mask, glasses/goggles, long sleeves, pants and shoes
when clearing out ash to protect your lungs, skin and eyes.
4. Clean your gutter and roof with water after clearing out the ash to prevent
5. Wait for further announcement from LGU’s or national news relevant to the
volcanic eruption.

1. We need to develop a family earthquake plan. Prepare yourself and

your home by completing the activities on this checklist.
2. Decide how and where your family will reunite if separated.
3. Keep a list of emergency phone numbers.
4. Learn first aid and CPR (Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation) from your
Red Cross Local Chapter or other community organization.
5. Maintain emergency food, water and other supplies, including a
flashlight, a portable batter-operated radio, extra batteries, medicine,
first aid kit and clothing’s


1. If indoors, stay there and take cover under a table, desk or other study
2. Protect your head and body from falling or flying objects.
3. If outside, get into an open area away from trees, buildings, walls, and
• Remain where you are until shaking stops. Thinks out your plan
of action first, then move.
• If you have to leave your vehicle move to an open area quickly.


1. Check for injuries. Render first aid. Do not move seriously injured
victims unless they are in immediate danger. Do not use they are in
immediate danger. Do not use the telephone immediately unless there is
a serious injury.
2. If building is suspect set up your shelter area away from damage.
3. Turn on radio and listen for emergency broadcast, news reports and
instruction, cooperate with public safety officials.

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