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Name: Ryshelle Piamonte BSED- English 3-2

Learning Activity 10. Think of specific topics in your area of specialization. Choose one
specific topic in each level appropriate for Preschool, Elementary and High School.
Prepare activities that will enhance their communication skills.


Topic: Letter Ee

Specific Objectives:

a. Cognitive Domain: Identify the sound of the letter E.

b. Psychomotor Domain: Produce the sound of the letter E.
c. Affective Domain: Show cooperation and participation in doing the activities.

Method/ Strategy: Teacher-Centered Approach to Learning

Name & Instruction of the Activity:

1. Guess me!

The students will be group into three (3) groups. Each group will be given a box that full
of pictures. They will show to the class and guess what’s inside the box. Before they will
show to the class, they will be given 2 minutes to elaborate their answers to their
respective group.


Topic: Types of Adverbs

Specific Objectives:

a. Cognitive Domain: Describe verb, adjective, or another adverb using adverbs.

b. Psychomotor Domain: Use adverbs in sentences correctly.
c. Affective Domain: Demonstrate teamwork and responsibility towards learning.

Method/ Strategy: Student-centered learning/ Task Based Language Learning

Name & Instruction of the Activity:

1. Play "Adverbs Charades"

a. Divide the class into two groups and we will have our activity. Representatives from
each group will act out the phrases they picked from the box. Each contains an adverb
and the word it modifies. The group that will first get 3 points will be the winner.
 Simply pretty
 Reply correctly
 Dance wildly
 Listen carefully
 Always late
 Going upstairs
 Seldom bite
 Eat slowly
 Exercise regularly
 Terribly ill
 Go down
 Runs fast
2. In a ¼ size of paper, construct two (2) sentences each using the different types of adverbs.

High School

Topic: Communicative Competence Strategies in Various Speech Situations

Specific Objectives:

a. Cognitive Domain: Identify strategies in effective interpersonal skills and

intrapersonal skills
b. Psychomotor Domain: Practice effective interpersonal skills and intrapersonal skills.
c. Affective Domain: Reflect on your learning on the types of speech contexts.

Method/ Strategy: Task Based Language Learning

Name & Instruction of the Activity:

1. Let’s Converse!

Work in groups of eight and read the following scenes. Act out your story and present it to the class
within five minutes. Weave the scenes together into a story. You are free to interchange the order of the

 Scene 1: Someone making an announcement to the public

 Scene 2: Two small groups of people discussing something separately
 Scene 3: One person talking to himself
 Scene 4: Two people speaking with each other on the phone
 Scene 5: A reporter appearing live on screen

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