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Sun Desktop System Maintenance


Student Guide With Instructor Notes

Enterprise Services
303 South Technology Court
Broomfield, Colorado 80021

Part Number 802-7265-01

Revision G, September 1998
Copyright © 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, California 94303, U.S.A. All rights reserved.
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About This Course.....................................................................................xix
Course Overview ............................................................................... xx
Course Map....................................................................................... xxii
Module-by-Module Overview ..................................................... xxiii
Course Objectives............................................................................. xxv
Equipment Covered...................................................................... xxvii
Workstations.......................................................................... xxvii
Peripherals ............................................................................ xxviii
Skills Gained by Module................................................................ xxix
Guidelines for Module Pacing ....................................................... xxx
Topics Not Covered........................................................................ xxxi
How Prepared Are You?............................................................... xxxii
Introductions ................................................................................ xxxiii
How to Use Course Materials .................................................... xxxiv
Lecture and Lab Modules ........................................................... xxxvi
Student and Instructor Responsibilities................................... xxxvii
Student Responsibilities..................................................... xxxvii
Instructor Responsibilities ................................................ xxxviii
Course Icons and Typographical Conventions ........................ xxxix
Icons ........................................................................................xxxix
Typographical Conventions .....................................................xli
Notes to the Instructor..................................................................... xlii
Course Components .................................................................xlv
Desktop Products Overview ....................................................................1-1
Relevance............................................................................................ 1-2
Objectives ........................................................................................... 1-3
SPARC Architecture .................................................................1-4
SPARC ........................................................................................1-5
The SuperSPARC Processor ............................................................ 1-6
The UltraSPARC Microprocessor ................................................... 1-7
Main Logic Board With Built-In Processor ................................. 1-10
Main Logic Board With CPU Modules ........................................ 1-12

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
MBus Modules.........................................................................1-14
Ultra System Main Logic Boards ..........................................1-16
SIMM Types..................................................................................... 1-20
SIMM ........................................................................................1-21
DSIMM or DIMM....................................................................1-21
NVSIMM ..................................................................................1-21
Memory Configuration .................................................................. 1-22
SIMMs, DSIMMs, and SIMM Connectors ..........................1-23
Memory Installation Guidelines ...........................................1-24
DSIMM Bank Slot Numbers ..................................................1-26
Memory Bank Installation Guidelines .................................1-27
Memory Error Reports ................................................................... 1-29
Error Detection ........................................................................1-30
SPARCsystem SBus Architecture ................................................. 1-32
SBus Systems ...........................................................................1-32
SBus Hardware Features........................................................1-33
Unsupported SBus Options in Ultra 1 (Only).....................1-34
Ultra 1 Series System Block Diagram........................................... 1-36
Ultra Systems PCI Bus Introduction ............................................ 1-38
PCI Architecture......................................................................1-38
Firmware for Sun PCI Systems .............................................1-40
PCI Bus Clock ..........................................................................1-42
Ultra 10 System PCI Bus Block Diagram .............................1-43
Check Your Progress ...................................................................... 1-44
Product Line Introduction ........................................................................2-1
Relevance............................................................................................ 2-2
Objectives ........................................................................................... 2-3
Desktop Products Introduction....................................................... 2-4
Single Processor Enclosure Styles...........................................2-5
Common Characteristics of Desktop Products.....................2-6
Desktop Products Overview ........................................................... 2-7
SPARCstation 5 System............................................................2-8
SPARCstation 4 System..........................................................2-10
Ultra 1 System..........................................................................2-12
Ultra 5 System..........................................................................2-16
Ultra 10 System........................................................................2-18
Ultra 30 System........................................................................2-20
Multi-Processor Products.......................................................2-22
SPARCstation 10 System........................................................2-24
SPARCstation 20 System........................................................2-26
Ultra 60 System........................................................................2-28
System Option Boards.................................................................... 2-30
SBus Option Boards ................................................................2-31

iv Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
SBus Connectors Locations............................................................ 2-32
External System Connections........................................................ 2-34
Minitower Enclosures Rear Panel View ..............................2-36
Pizzabox Enclosure Layout ........................................................... 2-37
Ultra Minitower Enclosure Layout............................................... 2-38
Sun Part Numbers...................................................................2-40
FAB Numbers ..........................................................................2-40
Lab Overview .................................................................................. 2-43
Labs Available .........................................................................2-43
Check Your Progress ...................................................................... 2-44
Think Beyond .................................................................................. 2-45
SPARCstation 4 System ........................................................................2A-1
Objectives ........................................................................................ 2A-1
Equipment....................................................................................... 2A-2
Preparing for the Lab..................................................................... 2A-3
Removing the System Cover ........................................................ 2A-4
Verifying Power Supply Voltages ............................................... 2A-5
Removing the Power Supply........................................................ 2A-7
Removing the Hard-Disk Drive................................................... 2A-8
Removing the CD-ROM Drive..................................................... 2A-9
Removing the Diskette Drive ..................................................... 2A-10
Removing an SBus Card ............................................................. 2A-12
Removing the Audio Module .................................................... 2A-14
Removing a DSIMM .................................................................... 2A-16
Removing the System Board ...................................................... 2A-20
Serial Port Protocol Jumpers ...................................................... 2A-22
Finishing Up ................................................................................. 2A-23
SPARCstation 5 System .........................................................................2A-1
Equipment....................................................................................... 2A-2
Preparing for the Lab..................................................................... 2A-3
Removing the System Cover ........................................................ 2A-4
Verifying Power Supply Voltages ............................................... 2A-5
Removing the Power Supply........................................................ 2A-7
Removing the Hard-Disk Drives ................................................. 2A-8
Removing the CD-ROM Drive..................................................... 2A-9
Removing the Diskette Drive ..................................................... 2A-10
Removing SBus Cards ................................................................. 2A-13
Removing DSIMMs ..................................................................... 2A-15
Removing the System Board ...................................................... 2A-16
Replacing DSIMMs ...................................................................... 2A-18
Finishing Up ................................................................................. 2A-20
SPARCstation 20 System .......................................................................2C-1
Equipment....................................................................................... 2C-2
Preparing for the Lab..................................................................... 2C-3

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing the System Cover ........................................................ 2C-4
Verifying Power Supply Voltages ............................................... 2C-5
Removing the Power Supply........................................................ 2C-7
Removing the Hard-Disk Drives ................................................. 2C-8
Removing the CD-ROM Drive..................................................... 2C-9
Removing the Diskette Drive ..................................................... 2C-10
Removing an SBus Card ............................................................. 2C-12
Removing the MBus Module ..................................................... 2C-15
Removing a DSIMM .................................................................... 2C-16
Replacing DSIMM........................................................................ 2C-17
Removing the System Board ...................................................... 2C-18
Serial Port and Clock Speed Jumpers ....................................... 2C-20
Finishing Up ................................................................................. 2C-21
Ultra 1 Series Systems ............................................................................2D-1
Equipment....................................................................................... 2D-2
Preparing for the Lab..................................................................... 2D-3
Removing the System Cover ........................................................ 2D-4
Locating the System Components ............................................... 2D-7
System Board ..........................................................................2D-8
System Signal and Power Cabling.....................................2D-13
System Chassis .....................................................................2D-15
Unsupported Options ................................................................. 2D-16
Verifying Power Supply Operation........................................... 2D-17
Verifying Power Supply Voltages ............................................. 2D-18
Removing the Power Supply...................................................... 2D-22
Reassembling the Removable Media Assembly..............2D-31
Removing System Memory ........................................................ 2D-36
Ultra 2 System.......................................................................................... 2E-1
Equipment....................................................................................... 2E-2
Preparing for the Lab..................................................................... 2E-3
Removing the System Cover ........................................................ 2E-4
Attaching the Wrist Strap ............................................................. 2E-5
Removing the Power Supply........................................................ 2E-6
Removing the SCSI Cable ............................................................. 2E-8
Removing the Diskette Drive Cables .......................................... 2E-9
Removing a Hard-Disk Drive .................................................... 2E-10
Removing the Media Bay Chassis Bracket ............................... 2E-11
Removing the CD-ROM Drive................................................... 2E-12
Removing the Diskette Drive ..................................................... 2E-13
Removing the NVRAM/TOD Device....................................... 2E-14
Removing an SBus Card ............................................................. 2E-16
Installing a New SBus Card........................................................ 2E-18
Removing a DSIMM .................................................................... 2E-21
Replacing a DSIMM..................................................................... 2E-22
Removing a CPU Module ........................................................... 2E-23

vi Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Replacing a CPU Module............................................................ 2E-24
Replacing the Other System Components................................ 2E-25
Ultra 5 System.......................................................................................... 2F-1
Equipment....................................................................................... 2F-2
Preparing for the Lab..................................................................... 2F-3
Removing the System Cover ........................................................ 2F-4
Attaching the Wrist Strap ............................................................. 2F-5
Removing the Power Supply........................................................ 2F-6
Removing the Internal Cables...................................................... 2F-7
Removing the PCI Cards............................................................... 2F-9
Removing the CPU Fan............................................................... 2F-10
Removing the Diskette Drive ..................................................... 2F-11
Removing the Speaker Assembly .............................................. 2F-12
Removing the Hard-Disk Drive................................................. 2F-13
Removing the CD-ROM Drive................................................... 2F-14
Removing the NVRAM/TOD Device....................................... 2F-15
Replacing the NVRAM/TOD Device ............................... 2F-15
Removing a DIMM ...................................................................... 2F-16
Installing or Replacing a DIMM ........................................ 2F-17
Removing the CPU Module ....................................................... 2F-18
Replacing the CPU Module ........................................................ 2F-19
Replacing all System Components ............................................ 2F-20
Ultra 10 System........................................................................................2G-1
Equipment....................................................................................... 2G-2
Preparing for the Lab..................................................................... 2G-3
Removing the System Cover ........................................................ 2G-4
Attaching the Wrist Strap ............................................................. 2G-5
Removing the Power Supply........................................................ 2G-6
Removing the Internal Cables...................................................... 2G-7
Removing the Speaker Assembly ................................................ 2G-9
Removing the CPU Fan............................................................... 2G-10
Removing the Hard-Disk Drive................................................. 2G-11
Removing the CD-ROM Drive................................................... 2G-12
Removing the Diskette Drive ..................................................... 2G-13
Removing the PCI Cards............................................................. 2G-14
Removing the NVRAM/TOD Device....................................... 2G-15
Removing a DIMM ...................................................................... 2G-17
Replacing a DIMM....................................................................... 2G-19
Removing a CPU Module ........................................................... 2G-20
Replacing all System Components ............................................ 2G-22
Ultra 60 System....................................................................................... 2H-1
Equipment...................................................................................... 2H-2
Preparing for the Lab.................................................................... 2H-3
Removing the System Cover ....................................................... 2H-4

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Attaching the Antistatic Wrist Strap .......................................... 2H-5
Removing the Power Supply....................................................... 2H-6
Removing the PCI Cards.............................................................. 2H-7
Removing the PCI Fan Assembly ............................................... 2H-8
Removing the Speaker Assembly ............................................... 2H-9
Removing the CPU Fan.............................................................. 2H-10
Removing the CPU Module(s) .................................................. 2H-11
Removing the Audio Card ........................................................ 2H-12
Removing the CPU Fan Shroud................................................ 2H-13
Removing a DIMM ..................................................................... 2H-14
Replacing a DIMM...................................................................... 2H-16
Removing the Hard-Disk Drive................................................ 2H-19
Removing the RMA .................................................................... 2H-20
Removing the CD-ROM Drive.................................................. 2H-21
Replacing System Components ................................................ 2H-22
Field Replaceable Parts List....................................................... 2H-24
Ultra 30 System......................................................................................... 2I-1
Preparing for the Lab...................................................................... 2I-3
Removing the System Cover ......................................................... 2I-4
Attaching the Wrist Strap .............................................................. 2I-5
Removing the PCI Cards................................................................ 2I-6
Removing PCI Fan Assembly........................................................ 2I-7
Removing the Speaker Assembly ................................................. 2I-8
Removing the CPU Module(s) ...................................................... 2I-9
Removing the Audio Card .......................................................... 2I-10
Removing a Hard-Disk Drive ..................................................... 2I-11
Removing the RMA ...................................................................... 2I-12
Removing the CD-ROM Drive.................................................... 2I-13
Removing the Power Supply....................................................... 2I-14
Replacing and Adding DIMMs................................................... 2I-15
DIMM ..................................................................................... 2I-15
Replacing a DIMM........................................................................ 2I-17
Replacing Components and Assemblies ................................... 2I-18
Field Replaceable Parts List......................................................... 2I-21
OpenBoot PROM .......................................................................................3-1
Relevance............................................................................................ 3-2
Objectives ........................................................................................... 3-3
The Boot PROM Concept ................................................................. 3-4
Non-Volatile RAM (NVRAM) Contents........................................ 3-6
Boot PROM Overview...................................................................... 3-8
The Boot PROM.........................................................................3-9
POST Output Listing ...................................................................... 3-10
POST Diagnostics Summary ......................................................... 3-12
Viewing POST ................................................................................. 3-14

viii Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
OpenBoot PROM Firmware .......................................................... 3-16
POST Keyboard LED Display ....................................................... 3-20
Type-4 or Type-5 Keyboard Error Indications....................3-20
Keyboard Indications During POST Diagnostics....................... 3-21
Enabling and Viewing Extended POST Diagnostics .........3-23
OpenBoot PROM Concepts ........................................................... 3-26
Optional Cards ........................................................................3-27
Navigating the OpenBoot PROM ................................................. 3-28
Determining Device Path Names ................................................. 3-30
Flash PROM Upgrade .................................................................... 3-36
Check Your Progress ...................................................................... 3-39
Think Beyond .................................................................................. 3-40
Reprogramming the Flash PROM .......................................................3A-1
Equipment....................................................................................... 3A-2
Preparing the System..................................................................... 3A-3
Configuring the Reprogramming Jumpers ................................ 3A-4
Reprogramming the Flash PROM ............................................... 3A-6
Recovering From Power Interruptions ..................................... 3A-13
Power Interruption Scenarios ............................................3A-13
Scenario 1: The System Attempts to Reboot ....................3A-13
Scenario 2: The System Does Not Boot .............................3A-14
Scenario 3: No System Output Can Be Found .................3A-17
Booting and Testing ..................................................................................4-1
Relevance............................................................................................ 4-2
Objectives ........................................................................................... 4-3
Boot PROM User Interface............................................................... 4-4
Old-Mode Prompt.....................................................................4-4
New-Mode Prompt...................................................................4-4
3.x NVRAM Parameters................................................................... 4-6
Modifying NVRAM Contents ......................................................... 4-8
Command Formats Used to Modify the NVRAM
Configuring Input/Output Control ............................................. 4-10
Port Parameters for a Console Terminal..............................4-13
Forth Line Editor Features............................................................. 4-14
Helpful Forth Commands......................................................4-15
Special OBP Keyboard Commands .............................................. 4-16
Default Booting ............................................................................... 4-18
Using Boot Flags.............................................................................. 4-20
Overriding the Default Boot on OBP Systems............................ 4-22
Boot Command Syntax...........................................................4-22
OBP Device Aliases......................................................................... 4-24
Adding a Device Alias............................................................4-26
Boot Sequence–Transfer to Software Control ............................. 4-28

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Boot in Verbose Mode ............................................................4-28
Multiuser Mode.......................................................................4-29
Testing and Troubleshooting With POST and OBP................... 4-30
Determining Faulty DSIMM Locations ...............................4-30
OBP help Command..............................................................4-34
The help diag Command ....................................................4-36
The test Command ...............................................................4-38
The show Command ...............................................................4-40
The watch Command .............................................................4-42
The probe-scsi Command ..................................................4-44
Using tip for Remote Diagnostics .............................................. 4-46
Check Your Progress ...................................................................... 4-48
Open Boot PROM 2.x .............................................................................4A-1
Equipment....................................................................................... 4A-2
Identifying the Revision of the OpenBoot PROM..................... 4A-3
Navigating the Device Tree .......................................................... 4A-4
Troubleshooting a “Blank” Monitor ........................................... 4A-9
Preparing the System.............................................................4A-9
Testing Devices Using the OBP.................................................. 4A-11
Using OBP Tests ...................................................................4A-11
Network Testing With the OBP ................................................. 4A-15
Finishing Up ................................................................................. 4A-17
Open Boot PROM 3.x ............................................................................. 4B-1
Equipment....................................................................................... 4B-2
Identifying the Revision of the OpenBoot PROM..................... 4B-3
Navigating the Device Tree .......................................................... 4B-4
Troubleshooting a “Blank” Monitor ........................................... 4B-9
Preparing the System............................................................. 4B-9
Testing Devices Using the OBP.................................................. 4B-11
Using OBP Tests ................................................................... 4B-11
Network Testing With the OBP ................................................. 4B-15
Finishing Up ................................................................................. 4B-17
Using tip hardwire ..............................................................................4C-1
Equipment....................................................................................... 4C-2
Using tip for Remote Diagnostics .............................................. 4C-3
Simulating a Faulty System ..................................................4C-4
Preparing the Healthy System to Run tip................................. 4C-5
Running POST in the tip hardwire Window....................... 4C-6
Finishing the Lab............................................................................ 4C-7
Tip Hardwire and Other Serial Port Problems Solved ............. 4C-8
Initializing the Port With Solaris 2.x Software...................4C-8
Using Serial Port A Instead of B on the Healthy System ......... 4C-9

x Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
System Firmware.....................................................................................4D-1
Equipment....................................................................................... 4D-2
Forth-based Boot PROM Review................................................. 4D-3
Forth Toolkit Commands......................................................4D-3
Boot PROM On-Board Diagnostics .....................................4D-3
Boot PROM POST Diagnostics.............................................4D-3
Preparing for the Lab..................................................................... 4D-4
Using Forth Toolkit Commands .................................................. 4D-5
Setting NVRAM Parameters ........................................................ 4D-6
POST Diagnostics Summary ........................................................ 4D-8
Viewing POST ................................................................................ 4D-9
Running POST .............................................................................. 4D-11
Returning to Normal ................................................................... 4D-12
Booting in Diagnostic Mode ....................................................... 4D-13
Using the Forth Toolkit Diagnostics.......................................... 4D-14
Testing the Ethernet Interface ............................................4D-16
Returning the NVRAM to the Default Settings ....................... 4D-17
Peripheral Devices Installation and Configuration ............................5-1
Relevance............................................................................................ 5-2
Objectives ........................................................................................... 5-3
Desktop Peripherals......................................................................... 5-4
SCSI-2 Subsystems ....................................................................5-8
SCSI-2 Optional Features .........................................................5-9
SCSI-3 Optional Features .......................................................5-10
SCSI Cabling and Termination ..................................................... 5-12
Mixing Narrow and Wide Devices............................................... 5-14
UniPack Automated Termination ........................................5-15
Physically Addressing Internal Devices .............................5-16
Assigning Target Addresses..................................................5-18
Addressing Devices ........................................................................ 5-19
Lunchbox Address Target Switches.....................................5-19
SCSI Host Adapter.......................................................................... 5-20
Peripheral Devices .......................................................................... 5-23
Diskette Drive..........................................................................5-23
Hard Disk Drive ......................................................................5-23
CD-ROM Drive.......................................................................5-23
Tape Drive................................................................................5-23
Peripheral Enclosures..................................................................... 5-24
System Chassis ........................................................................5-25
External Enclosures.................................................................5-25
Identifying SCSI Devices................................................................ 5-28
Identifying Devices with Format .................................................. 5-36
Accessing Devices ........................................................................... 5-38

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Adding a Device.............................................................................. 5-40
Check Your Progress ...................................................................... 5-41
Think Beyond .................................................................................. 5-42
Desktop Storage Pack.............................................................................5A-1
Objectives ........................................................................................ 5A-1
Equipment....................................................................................... 5A-2
Attaching the Wrist Strap ............................................................. 5A-3
Desktop Storage Pack Overview ................................................. 5A-4
Cabling the Desktop Storage Pack .............................................. 5A-5
Identifying the DSP Rear Panel Items......................................... 5A-6
Removing the DSP Cover ............................................................. 5A-7
Removing the Peripheral Device from the DSP ........................ 5A-8
Device Configuration .................................................................. 5A-10
Removing the DSP Power Supply ............................................. 5A-11
Items That Remain in the Enclosure .................................5A-11
Result of Duplicate Target Addresses....................................... 5A-12
Finishing Up ................................................................................. 5A-13
Desktop Storage Module....................................................................... 5B-1
Equipment....................................................................................... 5B-2
StorEdge UniPack Overview........................................................ 5B-3
Key Features of the StorEdge UniPack ....................................... 5B-4
Removing the StorEdge UniPack Top Cover............................. 5B-5
Attaching the Wrist Strap ............................................................. 5B-6
Removing the Drive Assembly .................................................... 5B-7
Removing the Power Supply/Interface Assembly ................... 5B-8
Reassembling the Desktop Storage Module .............................. 5B-9
Desktop Multi-Disk Pack......................................................................5C-1
Equipment....................................................................................... 5C-2
Desktop Multi-Disk Pack Overview ........................................... 5C-3
Desktop Multi-Disk Pack Cabling ............................................... 5C-4
Removing the Multi-Disk Pack Cover ........................................ 5C-5
Attaching the Wrist Strap ............................................................. 5C-7
Removing the Disk Drive Rack.................................................... 5C-8
SCSI Disk Drive Address Configuration .................................. 5C-10
Removing the Power Supply...................................................... 5C-11
Reassembling the Multi-Disk Pack............................................ 5C-12
StorEdge MultiPack................................................................................5D-1
Objectives ........................................................................................ 5D-1
Equipment....................................................................................... 5D-2
StorEdge MultiPack Overview .................................................... 5D-3
Geographical SCSI Addressing............................................5D-4
Removing a Disk Drive ................................................................. 5D-5
Removing the Power Supply Unit............................................... 5D-7

xii Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Installing the Power Supply Unit ................................................ 5D-9
Installing Disk Drives in the MultiPack.................................... 5D-10
Disk Analysis and Repair.........................................................................6-1
Relevance............................................................................................ 6-2
Objectives ........................................................................................... 6-3
References ..................................................................................6-3
Disk Error Categories ....................................................................... 6-4
Electronic or Hardware Failures.............................................6-4
Typical Error Messages .................................................................... 6-6
format Utility Start-up .................................................................... 6-8
The analyze Menu ......................................................................... 6-12
The format repair Command ................................................... 6-18
Sector Repair Procedure.........................................................6-20
SCSI Disk Defect Management ..................................................... 6-22
Defect List Features.................................................................6-23
Check Your Progress ...................................................................... 6-24
Think Beyond .................................................................................. 6-25
Disk Analysis and Repair......................................................................6A-1
Objectives ........................................................................................ 6A-1
Equipment....................................................................................... 6A-2
Examining the System Error Logs ............................................... 6A-3
Starting the format Utility ........................................................... 6A-4
Running a Nondestructive Surface Analysis ............................. 6A-5
Restricting the Area That Is Tested .....................................6A-6
Changing the blocks per transfer Option ..................6A-7
Making the Changes Permanent.................................................. 6A-8
Boot Sequence Troubleshooting............................................................7-1
Relevance............................................................................................ 7-2
Objectives ........................................................................................... 7-3
Boot Sequence Overview ................................................................. 7-4
Basic Boot Flow ................................................................................. 7-6
Boot Block Overview ........................................................................ 7-8
Corrupt Boot Block Output .....................................................7-8
The bootstrap Program .........................................................7-9
A Corrupt Boot Block ...............................................................7-9
The installboot Command Syntax........................................... 7-10
Solaris 2.x Software installboot Program .......................7-11
Backup Kernel ................................................................................. 7-12
Repair the Solaris 2.x Kernel..................................................7-13
rc script files ............................................................................7-14
File System Table Errors ........................................................7-15
init and rc Scripts Overview .................................................. 7-16
Boot Flow Verbose Output ............................................................ 7-18

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
SPARCstation With SCSI Bus................................................7-18
SPARCstation With PCI Bus .................................................7-19
Boot Flow Troubleshooting ........................................................... 7-22
Troubleshooting Hints ...........................................................7-22
Check Your Progress ...................................................................... 7-24
Think Beyond .................................................................................. 7-25
Troubleshooting the Boot Process .......................................................7A-1
Objectives ........................................................................................ 7A-1
Equipment....................................................................................... 7A-2
Corrupting the Boot Block ............................................................ 7A-3
Corrupting the Boot Block ....................................................7A-3
Repairing a Bad Boot Block .......................................................... 7A-4
Simulating a Kernel Problem ....................................................... 7A-5
Replacing the Kernel UNIX File .................................................... 7A-6
Corrupting the vfstab File .......................................................... 7A-7
Repairing /etc/vfstab................................................................ 7A-8
Using vi From the CD-ROM........................................................ 7A-9
Desktop Troubleshooting Flowchart ........................................ 7A-11
SunVTS System Diagnostics ...................................................................8-1
Relevance............................................................................................ 8-2
Objectives ........................................................................................... 8-3
Introduction ....................................................................................... 8-4
Hardware and Software Requirements .................................8-5
The SunVTS Architecture ........................................................8-6
User Interfaces ...........................................................................8-8
SunVTS Kernel ..........................................................................8-9
Hardware Tests .........................................................................8-9
Installing SunVTS Software........................................................... 8-10
Starting a Testing Session .............................................................. 8-12
The SunVTS Open Look Graphical User Interface .................... 8-14
Selecting and Setting Up Tests ...................................................... 8-18
SunVTS Testing Options ........................................................8-19
Option Files..............................................................................8-23
Running the SunVTS Tests ............................................................ 8-25
System Status Panel ................................................................8-25
Test Status Panel .....................................................................8-26
Performance Monitor Panel...................................................8-27
Reviewing SunVTS Test Results ................................................... 8-28
System Status Panel ................................................................8-28
Console Window Messages...................................................8-28
Log Files ...................................................................................8-29

Check Your Progress ...................................................................... 8-30

Think Beyond .................................................................................. 8-31

xiv Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
SunVTS .....................................................................................................8A-1
Objectives ........................................................................................ 8A-1
Equipment....................................................................................... 8A-2
Running the SunVTS Software .................................................... 8A-4
Options and Variations .........................................................8A-5
Examining the System Error Logs ............................................... 8A-6
Peripheral Device Handling and Usage ...............................................A-1
Introduction to System Peripherals............................................... A-2
CD-ROM Drives ............................................................................... A-3
Loading CD-ROM Drives .......................................................A-3
Ejecting CD-ROMs...................................................................A-4
Mounting CD-ROM Drives (Solaris 2.x)...............................A-5
Mounting CD-ROM Drives (Solaris 1.x)...............................A-6
Hard-Disk Drives ............................................................................. A-7
Creating a UNIX File System on Hard-Disk Drives ...........A-7
The 1/4-Inch Tape Drive ................................................................ A-9
Identifying a 1/4-Inch Tape Cartridge .................................A-9
Loading a 1/4-Inch Tape Cartridge ......................................A-9
Ejecting a 1/4-Inch Tape Cartridge .......................................A-9
Write Protecting a 1/4-Inch Tape Cartridge ......................A-10
Cleaning the 1/4-Inch Tape Drive.......................................A-10
1/4-Inch Tape Drive Names.................................................A-11
Retrieving a 1/4-Inch Tape Drive Status............................A-12
Retensioning the 1/4-Inch Tape Cartridge ........................A-12
Rewinding the 1/4-Inch Tape Cartridge ............................A-12
Erasing the 1/4-Inch Tape Cartridge ..................................A-12
More Tape Utilities Used With the 1/4-Inch
Tape Drive...............................................................................A-13
The 8-mm Tape Drive.................................................................... A-14
Loading an 8-mm Tape Cartridge .......................................A-14
Write-Protecting an 8-mm Tape Cartridge ........................A-14
Cleaning an 8-mm Tape Drive .............................................A-14
Ejecting an 8-mm Tape Cartridge........................................A-15
Tape Drive Names .................................................................A-16
More Tape Utilities Used With the 8-mm
Tape Drive...............................................................................A-17
The 4-mm Digital Audio Tape (DAT) Drive.............................. A-18
Loading a 4-mm DAT Cartridge..........................................A-18
Ejecting a 4-mm DAT Cartridge ..........................................A-18
Write-Protecting a 4-mm DAT Cartridge ...........................A-18
Cleaning a 4-mm DAT Drive ...............................................A-18
Tape Drive Names .................................................................A-19
More Tape Utilities Used With the 8-mm
Tape Drive...............................................................................A-20
The 3-1/4-Inch Diskette Drive ..................................................... A-21

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Loading a 3-1/4-Inch Diskette .............................................A-21
Ejecting a 3-1/4-Inch Diskette ..............................................A-21
Write Protecting a 3-1/4-Inch Diskette...............................A-22
3-1/4-Inch Diskette Usage ....................................................A-22
Checking a 3-1/4-Inch Diskette Format Type
With the Solaris 2.x Operating System ...............................A-23
Mounting a Diskette With a UNIX File System.................A-24
Mounting a Diskette With a UNIX File System
With the Solaris 1.x Operating System ...............................A-25
Using the tar Command With the Solaris 1.x
Operating System...................................................................A-25
Using the tar Command With the Solaris 2.x
Operating System...................................................................A-26
vi Command Summaries ........................................................................ B-1
vi Quick Reference........................................................................... B-2
Description................................................................................ B-2
Command Mode ...................................................................... B-2
Input Mode ............................................................................... B-3
Quitting the File ....................................................................... B-3
vi Detailed Reference ....................................................................... B-4
SCSI Terms, Concepts, and Guidelines ...............................................C-1
SCSI Terms, Concepts, and Implications...................................... C-2
An Introduction to ANSI SCSI-2............................................C-2
The Need for SCSI-2 ................................................................C-2
SCSI-2 Features.........................................................................C-2
Fast SCSI – Higher Bus Speed ................................................C-3
Wide SCSI – Wider Data Paths ..............................................C-4
Differential SCSI —Longer Cabling ......................................C-4
Ultra SCSI ..................................................................................C-5
Ultra2 SCSI ................................................................................C-5
Tagged Queueing.....................................................................C-6
Guidelines for Support of Fast SCSI Systems .............................. C-8
SCSI Configurations Using Single-Ended Devices .............C-8
SCSI Systems Requiring Special Attention ..........................C-9
Identification of Mixed Vendor Systems ............................C-11
Symptoms Related To SCSI Devices ...................................C-11
Methods for Managing Fast SCSI Systems.........................C-13
Examples of Solaris 2.x Software Error Messages..................... C-16
Troubleshooting Forms ...........................................................................D-1
SPARCstation 10 System Lab ................................................................ E-1
Objectives .......................................................................................... E-1
Equipment......................................................................................... E-2
Verifying the System ....................................................................... E-3
Preparing for System Disassembly................................................ E-4

xvi Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing the System Cover .......................................................... E-5
Protecting Against Electrostatic Discharge (ESD)....................... E-6
Removing the Internal Hard-Disk Drive...................................... E-7
Removing the Diskette Drive ......................................................... E-8
Removing a DSIMMs ...................................................................... E-9
Additional Information About DSIMMs.................................... E-10
Removing an SBus Cards.............................................................. E-11
MBus Modules................................................................................ E-12
Removing an MBus module ................................................. E-12
Removing the Main Logic Board (MLB)..................................... E-13
Configuring the MLB Jumper ...................................................... E-14
MLB Positive Temperature Coefficients (PTCs)........................ E-15
Removing the Power Supply........................................................ E-16
Installing the Power Supply ......................................................... E-17
Replacing the MBus Module ........................................................ E-19
Replacing the Hard-Disk Drive ........................................... E-22
Verifying System Operation......................................................... E-24

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
About This Course

Course Goal
The Sun Desktop System Maintenance course covers several generations
of the powerful SPARC™ microprocessor-based workstations. It is
designed to give you a good working knowledge of the desktop
systems and provide you with the maximum hands-on learning
✓ You should use this module to get the students excited about this course.

✓ With regard to the overheads: To avoid confusion among the students, it is very important
to tell them that the page numbers on the overheads have no relation to the page numbers
in their course materials. They should use the title of each overhead as a reference.

✓ The strategy provided by the “About This Course” is to introduce students to the course
before they introduce themselves to you and one another. By familiarizing them with the
content of the course first, their introductions will have more meaning in relation to the
course prerequisites and objectives.

✓ Use this introduction to the course to determine how well students are equipped with the
prerequisite knowledge and skills. The Guideline for Module Pacing on page xxx enables
you to determine what adjustments you need to make in order to accommodate the
learning needs of students.

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Course Overview

The course describes various internal devices and many external

desktop peripherals used for data storage and data security.

This course will provide you with several opportunities to identify all
of these components and understand each component’s purpose and
function. You will be given an opportunity to test your skills by
troubleshooting a failed component or firmware device.

xx Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Course Overview

This course is designed to maximize your “hands-on” learning time by

using self-paced lab procedures designed to inform and guide you.

This training material is not meant to supersede or replace product

support documentation, such as the Field Engineer Handbook, or
installation or maintenance manuals.

Training materials are designed to be used in a training environment,

not at a customer site.

Additional resources – The following materials can provide you with
additional information on topics discussed in this course. Other
resources will be mentioned at the beginning of each module which
are specific for that module:

● The Field Engineer Handbook is provided with this course and will
be a tool required for class work and labs.

The Field Engineer Handbook comes from the printer as one package
which contains text pages, hard covers, and dividers. Open the
package and begin assembling your book, following the
instructions found inside.

About This Course xxi

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Course Map

Each module begins with a course map.

The course map will identify the module you are beginning by
darkening the applicable module block. This enables you to see what
you have accomplished and where you are going in reference to the
course goal. A complete map of this course is shown below.

Desktop Products Product Line
Overview Introduction

System Firmware

OpenBoot PROM Booting and Testing

Desktop Peripherals

Peripheral Devices
Install. and Config.

System Analysis and Troubleshooting

Disk Analysis Boot Sequence SunVTS System
and Repair Troubleshooting Diagnostics

xxii Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Module-by-Module Overview

● Module 1– Desktop Products Overview

This module introduces each desktop product and provides

information that applies to most Sun desktop systems.

▼ Classroom exercise – Assemble your Field Engineer Handbook.

● Module 2 – Product Line Introduction

This module contains information you need to know to be able to

service all of the Sun SPARC desktop systems.

▼ Lab exercise – Complete a self-paced lab for each SPARC™

system covered in this course.
● Module 3– OpenBoot PROM

This module covers the purpose and function of the system

firmware and methods to manipulate some of its contents.

▼ Lab exercise – Alter the contents of the OpenBoot™ PROM

(programmable read-only memory) with flash programming

About This Course xxiii

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Module-by-Module Overview

● Module 4 – Booting and Testing

This module helps you understand the processes and options of

system boot and power-on self-test operations.

▼ Lab exercises – Invoke Forth commands and monitor the boot

processes, in order to identify the different elements of booting.
● Module 5 – Peripheral Devices Installation and Configuration

This module describes various system interface and bus methods

as well as several external peripheral devices used on Sun™
SPARC desktop systems.

▼ Lab exercise – Install and configure various desktop storage

devices which operate on a SPARC desktop system.

● Module 6 – Disk Analysis and Repair

This module describes the process of identifying a partially

dysfunctional disk and returning it to a functional condition.

▼ Lab exercise – Using the disk utilities and tools provided,

examine and repair a defective disk unit.

● Module 7 – Boot Sequence Troubleshooting

This module will guide you through the boot sequence and
describe the processes involved.

▼ Lab exercise – You will be guided through the boot block

corruption and repair

● Module 8 – SunVTS System Diagnostics

This module describes how to use the Sun verification test suite to
diagnose a system problem.

▼ Lab exercise – Run SunVTS™ to verify a system’s functionality

and identify any discrepancies.

xxiv Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Course Objectives

Upon completion of this course, you should be able to

● Install various desktop systems and associated peripherals

● Verify that all voltages are within specified tolerances

● Describe the system power-on sequence with a block diagram

● Describe the system boot sequence with a flowchart

● State the purpose of selected Forth toolkit commands

● Select the correct diagnostic tool for a specific problem

About This Course xxv

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Course Objectives

● Activate and configure all available diagnostic tools

● Interpret the results of any diagnostic tool output

● Identify, isolate, and describe correct repair for a given system

failure to the customer repairable unit (CRU) or field repeatable
unit (FRU) level

● Describe the functional characteristics of OpenBoot programmable

read-only memory (PROM) architecture

● Install peripheral and I/O interface cards

● Simulate a fsck repair, and run disk inquiry commands

● Analyze and format a hard disk drive

✓ You might ask the students how many signed up for this course because of the
information in the Sun Educational Services course catalog, what their knowledge and
expectations of the objectives stated there are, and use this information as a tool to
manage your time in covering the material in this course.

xxvi Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Equipment Covered

The SPARC Desktop Systems Maintenance course describes a variety of

workstations, internal peripherals, desktop peripherals, and desktop
storage packs.

The workstations that are covered in this course include

● SPARCstation™ 4, 5, and 20

● Ultra™ 1 model 140 and 170 and Creator (E)

● Ultra 2 model 200 and 300 (Creator and Creator3D)

● Ultra 5, 10, 30, and 60

About This Course xxvii

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Equipment Covered

This course describes the following

● Internal peripheral locations

● Desktop Storage Pack (Lunchbox)

● Desktop Storage Module (Dinnerbox)

● Multidisk storage subsystems

● The StorEdge™ MultiPack disk subsystem

xxviii Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Skills Gained by Module

The skills you can gain in the SPARC Desktop Systems Maintenance
course are shown in column 1 of the matrix below. The black boxes
indicate the main coverage for a topic; the gray boxes indicate the
topic is briefly discussed.


Skills Gained 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

System identification
Component identification
System construction
Firmware configuration
Firmware modification
Boot sequence
Desktop peripheral construction
Peripheral operation and configuration
Desktop disk storage devices
Analyzing small computer system interface
(SCSI) disk errors
Repairing some types of disk errors
System validation with SunVTS™

✓ Refer students back to this matrix as you progress through the course to show them the
progress they are making in learning the skills advertised for this course.

About This Course xxix

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Guidelines for Module Pacing

The table below provides a rough estimate of pacing for this course.

Module or Activity Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5

About This Course A.M.

Desktop Products Overview A.M.
Product Line introduction P.M.
OpenBoot PROM A.M.
Booting and Testing P.M.
Peripheral Devices Installation A.M.
and Configuration
Disk Analysis and Repair P.M.
Boot Sequence Troubleshooting A.M.
SunVTS System Diagnostics P.M.
Labs and Troubleshooting A.M.

xxx Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Topics Not Covered

This course does not cover the topics shown on the above overhead.
Many of the topics listed on the overhead are covered in other courses
offered by Sun Educational Services:

● Mass Storage Devices– Covered in SM-230: SPARC Multiprocessor

Deskside and Datacenter Maintenance

● SPARCserver™ – Covered in SM-230: SPARC Multiprocessor

Deskside and Datacenter Maintenance

● Netra™ - Covered in IN-210: Netra i 3.1 Server Administration

Refer to the Sun Educational Services catalog for specific information

and registration.

About This Course xxxi

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
How Prepared Are You?

To be prepared to take this course, you should have:

● Completed SM-101: Solaris 2.x Essentials for system Maintenance

● Experience in troubleshooting digital-computer systems

✓ If any students indicate they have not the above prerequisites, meet with them at the first
break to decide how to proceed with the class. Do they want to take the class at a later
date? Is there some way to get the extra help needed during the week?

✓ It might be appropriate here to recommend resources from the Sun Educational Services
catalog that provide training for topics not covered in this course.

xxxii Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G

Now that you have been introduced to the course, introduce yourself
to each other and the instructor, addressing the items shown on the

About This Course xxxiii

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
How to Use Course Materials

To enable you to succeed in this course, these course materials employ

a learning model that is composed of the following components:

● Course map – Each module starts with an overview of the content

so you can see how the module fits into your overall course goal.

● Relevance – The relevance section for each module provides

scenarios or questions that introduce you to the information
contained in the module and provoke you to think about how the
module content relates to your job functions and experiences in
working with computer systems.

● Overhead image – Reduced overhead images for the course are

included in the course materials to help you easily follow where
the instructor is at any point in time. Overheads do not appear on
every page.

xxxiv Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
How to Use Course Materials

● Lecture – The instructor will present information specific to the

topic of the module. This information will help you gain the
knowledge and skills necessary to succeed with the exercises.

● Exercise – Lab exercises will give you the opportunity to practice

your skills and apply the concepts presented in the lecture.

● Check your progress – Module objectives are restated, sometimes

in question format, so that before moving on to the next module
you are sure that you can accomplish the objectives of the current

● Think beyond – Thought-provoking questions are posed to help

you apply the content of the module or predict the content in the
next module.

About This Course xxxv

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Lecture and Lab Modules

This course is comprised of a series of lecture modules, which are

followed by one or more lab procedures. This course may differ from
previous training courses you have taken in that:

● You will need to take notes. Not all the information you require is
presented in this student guide.

● The lecture introduces material that you will be learning in the


● The lab procedures are self-paced and contain additional

information to that provided during the lecture portion of the

● The information provided is specific to the piece of equipment you

are working with, and to the lab’s procedures.

● Questions provided in the labs will verify your understanding of

the material being presented.

xxxvi Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Student and Instructor Responsibilities

This course is an interactive learning experience in which you and

your instructor are each responsible for participation.

Student Responsibilities
You will get the most out of this course if you

● Answer questions in the lab exercises

● Leave the equipment the way you found it

● Help others when they are having trouble

● Offer suggestions that you think will improve the course

● Use the available reference materials in lab; they are your


● Ask for help any time you are not sure of what to do

● Enjoy yourself

About This Course xxxvii

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Student and Instructor Responsibilities

Instructor Responsibilities
To help you get the most out of this course the instructor

● Will provide you with the most current information available on

any subject presented in this course

● Is not responsible for knowing the answer to every question that

might be ask

● Will research the answer to any questions that are deemed

appropriate to this course

● Or designated lab assistant, will always be available to assist you

in the labs

xxxviii Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Course Icons and Typographical Conventions

The following icons and typographical conventions are used in this

course to represent various training elements and alternative learning

Additional resources – Indicates additional reference materials are

Demonstration - Indicates a demonstration on the current topic is

offered at this time.

Discussion – Indicates a small-group or class discussion on the current

topic is recommended at this time.

Exercise objective – The objective for the lab exercise that follows.
The exercises are appropriate for the material being discussed.

About This Course xxxix

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Course Icons and Typographical Conventions

Note – Additional important, reinforcing, interesting, or special


Caution – A potential hazard to data or machinery.

Warning – Anything that poses personal danger or irreversible
damage to data or the operating system.

xl Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Course Icons and Typographical Conventions

Typographical Conventions
Courier is used for the names of command, files, and directories, as
well as on-screen computer output. For example:

Use ls -al to list all files.

system% You have mail.

Courier bold is used for characters and numbers that you type. For

system% su

Courier italic is used for variables and command-line

placeholders that are replaced with a real name or value. For example:

To delete a file, type rm filename.

Palatino italics is used for book titles, new words or terms, or words
that are emphasized. For example:

Read Chapter 6 in User’s Guide.

These are called class options.
You must be root to do this.

About This Course xli

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Notes to the Instructor

The SPARC Desktop System Maintenance course has been created to
allow for interactions between the instructor and the student as well as
between the students themselves. In an effort to enable you to
accomplish the course objectives easily, and in the time frame given, a
series of tools have been developed and support materials created for
your discretionary use.

A consistent structure has been used throughout this course. This

structure is outlined in the “Course Goal” section. The suggested flow
for each module is:

1. Location of module in the course map

2. Context questions/module rationale
3. Module objectives
4. Lecture information with appropriate overheads
5. Lab exercises
6. Discussion: either as whole class or in small groups

To allow the instructor flexibility and give time for meaningful

discussions during the “relevance” periods, the lectures, and the
small-group discussions, a timing table is included in the “Guidelines
for Module Pacing” section of this module.

Course Tools
To enable you to follow this structure, the following supplementary
materials are provided with this course:

● Relevance

These questions or scenarios set the context of the module. It is

suggested that the instructor ask these questions and discuss the
answers. The answers are provided only in the instructor’s guide.

xlii Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Notes to the Instructor

Course Tools (Continued)

● Course map

The course map allows the students to get a visual picture of the
course. It also helps students know where they have been, where
they are, and where they are going. The course map is presented
initially in the “About This Course” section in the student’s guide.
The course map is then displayed at the beginning of each module
with the appropriate module highlighted.

● Lecture overheads

Overheads for the course are provided in two formats:

The paper-based format can be copied onto standard

transparencies and used on a standard overhead projector. These
overheads are also provided in the student’s guide.

● Small-group discussion

After the lab exercises, it is a good idea to debrief the students.

You can gather them back into the classroom and have them
discuss their discoveries, problems, and issues in programming
the solution to the problem in small groups of four or five, one-on-
one, or one-on-many.

● Module self-check

Each module contains a checklist for students under “Check Your

Progress.” Give students a little time to read through this checklist
before going on to the next lecture. Ask them to see you for items
they do not feel comfortable checking off.

About This Course xliii

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Instructor Setup Notes

Purpose of This Guide

This guide provides all of the details that an instructor needs to know
to initially set up the classroom environment and to prepare the
environment for each class offering.

Minimum Resource Requirements

● A network is not required

● Hardware as described in the course description

● Software should be at least the Solaris 2.5 operating system

Assumptions About the Lab

The following assumptions are made about the lab used for this

● The hardware required is available, complete, and functional.

● There are adequate quantities of each item so students do not have

to wait long periods of time for a specific system or component.

xliv Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Course Files

All of the course files for this course are available from the
education.central server in the file SM210_revG_0898.tar.Z.
Each component below can also be accessed separately from

Note – You can use ftp or the education Web site to download the
files from education.central. Either of these methods requires you
to know the user identifier (ID) and password for File Transfer
Protocol (FTP) access. See your manager for these if you have not done
this before.

Course Components
The SM-210 course consists of the following components:

● Instructor guide

The SM210_IG directory contains the FrameMaker files for the

instructor guide (student guide with instructor notes). The ART
directory is required for printing this guide.

● Student guide

The SM210_SG directory contains the FrameMaker files for the

student guide. The ART directory is required for printing this

● Art

The SM210_ART directory contains the supporting images and

artwork for the student and instructor guides. This directory is
needed in order to print the student and instructor guides and
should be located in the same directory as SM210_IG and

About This Course xlv

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Course Files

Course Components (Continued)

● Instructor notes

The SM210_IN directory contains the document Instructor Setup


● Overheads

The SM210_OH directory contains the instructor overheads. These

are FrameMaker versions of the overheads.

● Lab files

The SM210_LF directory contains the following subdirectory:

▼ labfiles – A directory containing the lab exercises.

xlvi Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Desktop Products Overview 1

Course Map
Sun Microsystems offers a very dynamic and rapidly growing list of
desktop systems. Sun Microsystems SPARC microprocessors have
evolved from 20 MHz to 360 MHz.

Desktop Products Product Line
Overview Introduction

System Firmware

OpenBoot PROM Booting and Testing

Desktop Peripherals

Peripheral Devices
Install. and Config.

System Analysis and Troubleshooting

Disk Analysis Boot Sequence SunVTS System
and Repair Troubleshooting Diagnostics

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G

✓ Present the following questions to stimulate the students and get them thinking about the
issues and topics presented in this module. They are not expected to know the answers to
these questions. The answers to these questions should be of interest to the students,
and inspire them to learn the content presented in this module.

This module is going to introduce some old and some new products
and technologies.
Discussion – Why does understanding these technologies make
servicing desktop systems easier?

1-2 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G

Upon completion of this module, you should be able to

● Identify system elements that make up the SPARC desktop

product line.

Additional resources – The following references can provide
additional details on the topics discussed in this module:

● Field Engineering Handbook

● The Answerbook™ for each product version

Desktop Products Overview 1-3

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G

Desktop Products Overview

SPARC Architecture
The SPARC™ microprocessor found in all Sun Microsystems desktop
products is based on two key technologies: RISC and SPARC.


Reduced instruction set computing (RISC) is an industry-standard design

philosophy based on the concept that a limited central processing unit
(CPU) instruction set actually enhances the efficiency of computer

1-4 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Desktop Products Overview

Scalable Processor Architecture (SPARC) is a RISC-based CPU design
philosophy developed by Sun in 1984 and adopted by the Institute Of
Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE). Scaling enables the chip
design to take advantage of the latest (faster and smaller) chip
manufacturing techniques. A SPARC processor can be implemented
using a variety of semiconductor technologies (from complementary
metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) to gallium arsenide) without

SPARC technology has enabled the desktop processor to evolve from a

four-chip CPU set, as in the Sun 4/60, to a single-chip design, as in the
SPARCstation 10 system.

Processor architecture is defined by the instructions, register, interrupt,

and trap models for a given CPU. The architecture defines the
interface between the software and the hardware. The desktop
systems, up to the Ultra 1, implement an architecture with fixed 32-bit
registers and instructions.

The SPARC desktop processors include three different architecture

classes: Sun4c, Sun4m, and Sun4u.

Desktop Products Overview 1-5

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
The SuperSPARC Processor

The first microprocessor to include moving pictures experts group

(MPEG) coding and decoding internally and run a visual instruction
set (VIS) specifically for multimedia video operations is the
SuperSPARC™ microprocessor is on a pluggable module that enabled
fine tuning of the oscillator circuitry to provide additional reliability
and processor stability. Additional second level cache capability on the
same module adds memory to the first level cache built into the
microprocessor chip.

System Chipset Name Architecture

Sun 4/60, 4/65, 4/75 SPARC-4 Sun4c
SS4, SS5, Voyager microSPARC-II Sun4m
SS10 SuperSPARC Sun4m
SS20 SuperSPARC+ Sun4m

Figure 1-1 Sun SuperSPARC Chip

1-6 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

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The UltraSPARC Microprocessor

UltraSPARC™ is the newest and most powerful member of the SPARC

family of microprocessors. With its 64-bit, superscalar architecture,
UltraSPARC is one of the fastest microprocessors. It is also the
industries first processor with on-chip multimedia support, including
real-time MPEG-2 decompression. For these and many other reasons,
UltraSPARC is the engine of choice for enterprise network processing.

System Chipset Name Architecture

Ultra 1, Ultra 2 UltraSPARC-I Sun4u
Ultra 5, 10, 30, 60 UltraSPARC-II Sun4u
Ultra x UltraSPARC-III Sun4u

Figure 1-2 Sun UltraSPARC Chip

Desktop Products Overview 1-7

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G

The UltraSPARC Microprocessor

Some of the characteristics of this microprocessor are

● The 64-bit address and 64-bit integer data

● Superscalar architecture implementation

● On-chip graphics, and compressed video imaging support

● It is in an UtraSPARC-I and operates at 143, 167 and 200 MHz

● It is in the UltraSPARC-II and IIi and operates at 250, 300, 336 and
360 MHz

● It is in the UltraSPARC-III and operates initially at 600 MHz and is

scalable to over 1000 processors in a single system

1-8 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
The UltraSPARC Microprocessor

This is a 64-bit microprocessor with built-in moving pictures experts

group-2 (MPEG-2) compression/decompression with visual
instruction set (VIS) circuitry. With video becoming a big part of daily
life and everyone wanting more, better and faster video and animation
on their desktops, Sun engineers decided to add the functionality
directly to the microprocessor. With the sub-.5-micron technology
allowing the chip fabrication to be much smaller, the engineers could
add the video functionality very little cost and no size increases to the

The UltraSPARC microprocessor is capable of executing up to two 32-

bit instructions per clock cycle, including memory reads and writes of
double (64-bit) words. It is the first microprocessor of a new family
that supports the Sun-4u (64-bit RISC) system architecture.

The 50+ million-transistor UltraSPARC microprocessor chip integrates

a vast array of processing machinery, including

● Two integer arithmetic and logic units

● A floating-point unit that is one of the fastest in the industry

● A powerful graphics unit

● A pre-fetch and dispatch unit

● A load and store unit

● Data and instruction cache memory size of 16KBytes

● A second-level cache controller for managing secondary caches

● A memory management unit

● A memory interface unit

Desktop Products Overview 1-9

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Main Logic Board With Built-In Processor

The SPARCstation 4, SPARCstation 5, and Ultra 1 systems have a main

logic board with an onboard microprocessor

50/68pin SCSI TPE MII/AUI KB Parallel

Audio ports
NVRAM J2003-J2204
SBus slot 2
SBus slot 0 CPU chip set or UPA Bus
SBus slot 1

8-SIMM slots

Figure 1-3 Example System Board Layout With Onboard


1-10 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

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Main Logic Board With Built-In Processor

The heart of the SPARC desktop system is the main logic board (MLB).
There are two types of MLBs: those that have the processor built-in
and those that have their processor on a separate card or pluggable

The MLB contains other components required to support CPU and

input and output (I/O) functions. Each system is arranged differently.
Consult the Field Engineering Handbook for specific details. The key
components are listed below.

● SPARC CPU chip set – A chip set made of one to four integrated
circuits (ICs) that provide the instruction unit (IU), floating-point
unit (FPU), memory management unit (MMU), and cache logic.

● Boot programmable read only memory (PROM) – A removable

IC that provides the system with power-on diagnostics, boot code,
and the Forth toolkit.

● Non-volatile randome access memory (NVRAM) – A removable

IC that provides parameters unique to a given system. Save the
original NVRAM whenever the MLB is replaced.

● Dynamic single inline memory module (DSIMM) slots – Slots

used to hold the single in-line memory module (SIMM) that
provide the system with various amounts of main memory.

● Sun bus (SBus) slots – Connectors used to hold optional SBus


● Jumpers – Used to configure a system’s serial ports for either

RS232 or RS423 operation (not available on Sun 4/60).

● Fuses – Used on the older systems to protect keyboard, Ethernet,

and small computer system interface (SCSI) bus circuits. All are 2-
amp fuses.

● Positive temperature coefficients (PTCs) – Resistors with a high

temperature coefficient of resistance. They “open” like a fuse when
they get too hot and reset when they cool. On newer systems,
PTCs are used instead of fuses. They are not replaceable. If a PTC
blows, turn the system off for 10 minutes allowing the PTC to cool
down and “self heal.” If it does not reset, the MLB must be

Desktop Products Overview 1-11

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G

Main Logic Board With CPU Modules

SPARCstation 10, 20, Ultra 5, 10, 30, and 60 systems have their
processor(s) on pluggable SPARC modules. This technology enables
easy processor upgrades as well as various multiprocessor

● The MBus is the bus on the main logic board that connects the
microprocessor to the IU, FPU, and external cache components
and to the MMU for access to the systems memory

● The MBus connectors on the system board are permanently

addressed; therefore, the SPARC modules do not require

Note – There must be a functional processor module at MBus address

0 (zero) for the system’s power on self-test (POST) to run.

● The MBus is also the bus that interconnects processors units, on

MBus modules, in a multi-processor system.

1-12 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Main Logic Board With CPU Modules

Diskett SIMM 0
Power SIMM 3

MBus connector MBus slot 1 SBus slot 1 SBus slot 3

MBus connector MBus slot 0 SBus slot 0 SBus slot 2

MXCC Aux. video


processor NVRAM
Clock processor
1 2 1 3 Boot PROM
Clock J0805 J0801
3 4 J0802

SPARC modules Main logic board

Figure 1-4 SPARCstation 20 Example

The MLB does not contain a processor. It contains all of the other
required system components including

● The processor(s) which reside on the SPARC module(s) that plug

into the MLB using the MBus connector

● System clock speeds on the MLB which are configured differently

depending on the SPARC module(s) installed (see the Field
Engineer Handbook, Volume I, under “Module”)

Desktop Products Overview 1-13

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G

Main Logic Board With CPU Modules

MBus Modules
The MBus module contains one or two SPARC processors, an external
cache, and a modules oscillator. There are several different types of
SPARC modules. See your current Field Engineer Handbook for specific

● One or two SPARC modules can be configured in a system. The

SPARC modules must be the same type when installing two cards.

● Some SPARC modules are double-wide and, when installed, cover

two SBus slots. When this happens, the covered SBus slots cannot
be used.

● The SPARC module speeds range from 40 MHz to 60 MHz.

● The SuperSPARC™ module speeds range from 33 MHz to 60


● The UltraSPARC module speeds range from 147 MHz to over 600

1-14 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

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Desktop Products Overview 1-15

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G

Main Logic Board With CPU Modules

Ultra System Main Logic Boards

The Ultra systems have the following features which improve and
speed up the flow of data between sections of the board and external
I/O devices:

● SBus slots – Ultra 1, Model 140 has three. SBus slot 2 is reserved
for video graphics support in workstation configurations.

The Creator series has two SBus slots (0 and 1) and a ultra port
architecture (UPA) connector for the fast frame buffer option. Only
single- and double-buffered fast-frame buffers can be plugged into
this UPA connector.

1-16 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Main Logic Board With CPU Modules

Ultra System Main Logic Boards (Continued)

● UPA bus – UPA is the processor interface definition to the
interconnect describing the logical and physical specification of the
port interface and the requirements imposed on the interconnect.
It also delineates the behavior of the system controller and the I/O
interface to the system interconnect. Designed for processors like
UltraSPARC I that adhere to the V9 processor architecture, UPA
incorporates system design considerations for efficient low latency
interface specifications that support a complete generation of
desktop and server systems. The UPA bus operates at 100 MHz
and is the main connection between processor, memory, and video
graphics adapters

● Peripheral component interconnect (PCI) bus slots – Ultra 5, 10, 30,

and 60 systems all have PCI bus slots. Standard PCI bus operates
at 33 MHz and some Sun Ultra system have a PCI bus which
operates at 66 MHz.

● UPA to PCI – The U2P chip is the primary connection on an

UltraSPARC CPU board between the UPA system bus (including
UltraSPARC processors and memory) and a PCI-based I/O
subsystem. It has

▼ A full master and slave port connection to the high-speed

UltraSPARC UPA interconnect architecture.

▼ Two physically separate PCI bus segments, with full master

and slave support.

The U2P uses the standard cell library from Lucent

Technologies. It is implemented in 0.35 micron, three-level
metal with 3.3 volt optimized complementary metal oxide
semiconductor (CMOS) technology.

Desktop Products Overview 1-17

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G

Main Logic Board With CPU Modules

Ultra System Main Logic Boards (Continued)

● Flash PROM – Replaces electrically erasable programmable read-
only memory (EEPROM). The device contains programming
information for POST and the OpenBoot program (OBP). The
OBP™ program and POST program are reloadable and
upgradeable via a CD-ROM or over the local area network.

● NVRAM/time-of-day (TOD) – Contains system configuration

information, which is used during a system boot, in the
nonvolatile memory area. A time-of-day clock keeps track of the
time, the day, and the year. An internal lithium battery maintains
the specific system’s critical configuration information and powers
the clock circuitry.

1-18 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Main Logic Board With CPU Modules

Ultra System Main Logic Boards (Continued)

● Memory – The Ultra systems use 16-MByte, 32-MByte, 64-MByte,
or 128-MByte DSIMMs. The minimum memory is 32 Mbytes and
the maximum is 2 Gbyte.

▼ The Ultra 1, 5, and 30 use memory in banks of two DSIMMs.

▼ The Ultra 2, 10, and 60 use four banks of four DSIMMs that
yields up to 2 GBytes of random access memory (RAM).
● Creator Series – There are two types of fast frame buffer (FFB)
found in Ultra Creator series systems. A single buffered version is
used in the creator two dimensional (2D) while the three
dimensional (3-D) version has two buffers. These buffers are made
up of a new type RAM chip called a 3-D ram. The 3-D ram is a
combination of fast static random access memory (SRAM) for the
I/O and dynamic random access memory (DRAM) for pixel data
storage. Memory capacity is 2.5 Mbytes for each 3-D RAM chip.
These special 3-D RAM application-specific integrated circuits
(ASICs) have their own built-in pixel processor and are controlled
by an onboard ASIC that can perform 2.1 billion operations per
second. The FFBs are self configuring because of the sense signals
from the monitor connected to it. This configuration can be
temporarily altered using the ffbconfig command.

Desktop Products Overview 1-19

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
SIMM Types

Single inline
memory module
or dynamic
single inline
memory module

Video single
inline memory
module (VSIMM)


single inline
memory module

Figure 1-5 Examples of Memory Modules

1-20 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
SIMM Types

Sun uses different kinds of SIMMS to enhance system performance in
different areas. The types of SIMMs used in desktop systems are

Desktop systems use DSIMMs for system main memory. Typically
these are 72,144, or 288 pin memory modules. See the Field Engineering
Handbook, Volume I, “Memory” section for specific details.

Some desktop systems, such as the SPARCstation 20 system, can be
configured with video SIMMs (VSIMMs). Each VSIMM contains 2 to 8
Mbytes of video memory that supplement the high-speed, high-
resolution frame buffers. The SPARCstation 20 VSIMM also contains
the frame buffer logic.

The nonvolatile SIMM (NVSIMM), along with Prestoserve™ software,
provides disk buffering to enhance NFS™ transfers. NVSIMMs are 1-
or 2 Mbyte SIMMs that maintain their data in the case of an abnormal
power-down condition. In addition to memory, the NVSIMM contains
a battery and power controller circuitry. An NVSIMM is a double-wide
card with a round, non-replaceable battery mounted on one side. The
NVSIMM plugs into a memory slot on the main logic board. The
jumper enables the battery. Any data contained in the NVSIMM is lost
if the jumper is removed.

Desktop Products Overview 1-21

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G

Memory Configuration
The first banks to fill
are shaded:


Figure 1-6 Memory Groupings

1-22 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Memory Configuration

SIMMs, DSIMMs, and SIMM Connectors

Memory is connected to the main logic board by inserting a small
circuit board with random access memory chips on it into a connector.
This connector is tied to the main logic board’s memory bus and
control circuitry as follows:

● SIMMs and DSIMMs are small cards containing random access

memory (RAM) chips.

● DSIMMs are inserted into the memory bank bus connectors on the
CPU board to provide each system with its required main

▼ There are a variety of memory bus connectors on the various

systems. Some connectors have finger releases or levers and
some require a SIMM tool for removal. (The SunExpress™ Part
Number is SIMM-tool-quantity.)

● DSIMM modules are available in 8-, 16-, 32-, 64-, and 128-Mbyte

● A memory bus connector is identified with a U or J number that

describes its physical location on the main logic board.

● A memory bank is a group of one, two, or four memory bus

connectors, depending on the system type. The bank takes
memory cards of a specific bit width and connects them in an
interlaced fashion to make a wider memory bus than the actual
memory module width.

A bank of two 128-bit memory slots would be required if the

memory bus was a 256-bit bus (Ultra 1 system). A bank of four
128-bit memory slots is used to make up a 512-bit memory bus
(Ultra 2 system). There are more bits in each slot and bus to allow
for the error correction or parity bits.

Desktop Products Overview 1-23

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G

Memory Configuration

✓ The next four overheads are to be used for the next four pages.

Memory Installation Guidelines

Use the following guidelines when installing memory:

● The first bank must be completely filled with supported DSIMMs.

● A bank must be filled with the same kind of DSIMMs.

● Once the first bank is full, memory can be added a full bank at a
time in any order.

● Higher-density DSIMMs are installed before lower-density


There are a few exceptions to the last two rules. Consult the Field
Engineer Handbook, Volume I, the “CPU” section for specific

1-24 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Ultra Memory Configuration

Table 1-1 lists Ultra 1 system memory configuration and Table 1-2 lists
the Ultra 60 system memory configuration.
Table 1-1 Ultra 1 System DSIMM Physical Memory Address Range

Physical Physical
DSIMM Slot Location Memory Memory
Address Start Address End

Bank 0 0000 0000 0fff ffff

Bank 1 1000 0000 1fff ffff
Bank 2 2000 0000 2fff ffff
Bank 3 3000 0000 3fff ffff

Table 1-2 Ultra 60 System DSIMM Physical Memory Address Range

Physical Physical
DSIMM Slot Location Memory Memory
Address Start Address End

Bank 0 0000 0000 1fff ffff

Bank 1 2000 0000 3fff ffff
Bank 2 8000 0000 9fff ffff
Bank 3 a000 0000 bfff ffff

Desktop Products Overview 1-25

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G

Ultra Memory Configuration

DSIMM Bank Slot Numbers

Memory DSIMMs must be installed in memory banks. Depending on
the system, memory banks are made up of one, two, or four DSIMM
slots. The number of slots relates directly to the data width of the
DSIMM and the memory bus width. Ultra 1 system boards have a
256- bit wide bus and require two DSIMMs with 128-bit wide data
patterns to fill that bus width. Ultra 2 and Ultra 60 have a 512-bit
memory bus and thus require four DSIMMs to fill that bus width. Of
course the error checking and correction (ECC) circuitry adds to the
overall memory bus width proportionately to the DSIMM width plus
ECC. A 128-bit DSIMM has 144-bits of data and ECC bus width.

Memory must be installed in Bank 0 first, and then any capacity

DSIMMs can be used in any available bank, as long as all DSIMMs are
of equal size, and speed, and are from the list of allowable DSIMMs.

1-26 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Ultra Memory Configuration

Memory Bank Installation Guidelines

Table 1-3 show the physical memory address ranges for each bank’s
maximum (128-Mbyte) DSIMM size. The memory management
system maps around address ranges not used by lower-capacity
DSIMMs. The physical memory starting address for each bank will
always be as shown in Table 1-3. (Physical memory need not be in
consecutive address sequences.)
Table 1-3 Comparing Ultra 1 and Ultra 60 DSIMM Bank Slot Numbers

Ultra 1 Physical Ultra 60

Physical Location
Bank Location Bank

Bank 0 J0701 to J0601 Bank 0 U0701, U0801, U0901, U1001

Bank 1 J0702 to J0602 Bank 1 U0702, U0802, U0902, U1002

Bank 2 J0703 to J0603 Bank 2 U0703, U0803, U0903, U1003

Bank 3 J0704 to J0604 Bank 3 U0704, U0804, U0904, U1004

Desktop Products Overview 1-27

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G

Memory Error Reports

When a memory error occurs, the exact message (the device the
message is displayed on) and the result of the error vary depending on
many factors. The examples shown in Figure 1-7 illustrate a few of the
typical error messages that are displayed.

The U-number in these error messages describes the physical location

of the SIMM on the CPU board.

1-28 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Memory Error Reports

*** U0315 is Bad ***


Parity Error
PADDR=01000000,Expected = a5c33c5a
Observed = a5c3ff5a

ERROR: Address=00fc0008, exp[62:32] obs[63:32]

U-Number: U0301

Figure 1-7 Examples of Memory Error Reports

Desktop Products Overview 1-29

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G

Memory Error Reports

Error Detection
Most systems use parity to detect memory errors and cannot correct
the error. Therefore, when a system receives a memory error, the
system goes down with a parity error.

Systems that use error correction code (ECC) can experience a one-bit
memory error, correct it, and keep on running

1-30 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Memory Error Reports

Error Detection (Continued)

Table 1-4 Error Detection Methods

Error Detection

Parity SPARCstation 4, and 5 (MicroSPARC)

ECC SPARCstation 10, 20 (SuperSPARC)
All UltraSPARC systems

Errors in the First Bank

When there is an error in the first memory bank, the system may lock
up with little or no indications. In some cases, a problem in this bank
prevents power-on self test (POST) from completing, and the system
will not turn on the monitor and display the banner as usual. Some
systems indicate an error by displaying a code in the keyboard light
emitting diodes (LEDs), which indicates the failing SIMM. POST and
the keyboard LEDs are discussed in more detail later in this course.

Errors in Other Banks

A SIMM failure in a bank other than the first bank causes the system’s
memory management unit (MMU) to ignore the entire bank of
memory and map around it. In most cases, this type of error does not
prevent the system from completing POST or from booting. However,
the system will be missing an entire bank of memory until the
defective SIMM is fixed.

Desktop Products Overview 1-31

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
SPARCsystem SBus Architecture

SBus Systems

Disk Disk
slots ESP SCSI
Processor DMA CD-ROM
I/O LE transceiver
Data Sys logic
switch I/O Parallel Parallel
UPA transceiver port

logic DB13W3

RAM Audio Analog Audio

logic I/O jacks
Diskette Serial
port A
port B
SBus I/O
Boot Keyboard
logic PROM mouse

NVRAM Rear panel


Figure 1-8 Typical SPARCsystem SBus Diagram

1-32 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
SPARCsystem SBus Architecture

SBus Hardware Features

The SBus is the main system bus architecture which carries addressing
and data between main logic board components and the CPU. It has
the following characteristics:

● High-performance, synchronous access to devices

● 80– to 100-Mbytes per second burst bandwidths

● Master, slave, and interrupt capability

● 32-bit data and address lines

● Jumper-less addressing and standardized device identification

● Support for 1-, 2-, 4-, 8-, 32-, and 64-byte transfers

Sun designed the SBus to provide the SPARC desktop products with a
high-performance, space-efficient, and cost-effective system bus. SBus
specifications have been adopted by the IEEE and are available to
third-party developers.

SBus provides for device autoconfiguration. Installing SBus expansion

boards is easy for end-users, thanks to a PROM that contains machine-
independent Forth code on each expansion board. Since SBus cards
have the Forth program starting at address zero, the system retrieves
configuration information from the expansion boards upon power-up,
thereby initializing all devices connected on the SBus.

Desktop Products Overview 1-33

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G

SPARCsystem SBus Architecture

Unsupported SBus Options in Ultra 1 (Only)

Most standard SBus cards can be used in the Ultra 1 model 140 with
the following exception: Any dual-SBus slot or double-wide SBus card
(because the SBus slots are stacked, not side-by-side). A single-width,
double-height (daughter-board) SBus card could be used, but the
second SBus slot would be lost. Some examples of unusable SBus
options cards are

● ZX 24-bit graphics frame buffer (Part Number 501-1845)

● GT graphics sub-system (Part Number 501-1624)

● Fiber distributed data interface (FDDI) single-attach SBus interface

card (Part Number 605-1427)

● Any double-wide SBus card

1-34 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

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Desktop Products Overview 1-35

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Ultra 1 Series System Block Diagram

In Figure 1-9 the gray boxes and lines represent components used only
in the Ultra 1 Creator series. The ultra port architecture (UPA) bus
connector replaces one SBus slot (dotted line). These items are not
present in the base Ultra 1 series systems.

Address bus


SBus slots


UPA SCSI - Enet Serial Audio

& ParallelL
BMX 2-D or 3-D FFB

UPA bus
DRAM connector

Figure 1-9 Ultra 1 Functional Block Diagram

1-36 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Ultra 1 System Block Diagram

The SPARC V9 is a 64-bit Spitfire microprocessor with 512 Kbytes of

external cache. It operates in the sun-4u architecture.

This new high-performance architecture has a processor to memory

interconnect via the ultra port architecture (UPA) bus, that runs at one-
half the CPU clock rate (72 MHz). The memory subsystem is a double
data-width system offering a 144-bit-wide access path to memory.
Memory banks are comprised of pairs of DSIMMs. DSIMMs of up to
64 Mbytes each can be used to provide up to 512 Mbytes of memory
for the single CPU.

To increase the data flow among the CPU and other subsystems, the
UPA uses crossbar packet switching instead of the conventional bus-
based schemes. Packets from various subsystems such as CPU,
memory, graphics, and I/O devices can be multiplexed, enabling
multiple transactions to occur seemingly simultaneously.

This is the first Sun workstation with a 144-bit bus with full ECC-
protection (128 bits + ECC bits). The UPA bus, using crossbar-oriented
interconnection, replaces the traditional motherboard bus system and
gives peak transfers at 1.3 Gbytes per second between the CPU and

The CPU has a thermocouple device attached and a fan mounted to a

heat-sink, providing different levels of thermal protection. The
temperature-sensing circuitry provides two stages of protection for the
CPU. If the fan and heat-sink are unable to rid the CPU of enough
heat, the first-stage circuitry sends a warning message to the system
console window. If the heat continues to rise, the second stage circuitry
causes a system shut-down procedure, resulting in a complete power-
down of the unit. Temperatures must be below a predetermined level
before the system will allow a power-up to occur.

The UPA connector that replaces the single SBus slot in the Creator
series systems can only interface to the new, fast, single- and double-
buffered video frame buffers.

Desktop Products Overview 1-37

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G

Ultra Systems PCI Bus Introduction

✓ This overhead covers the next four pages

PCI Architecture
PCI offers many of the same characteristics as SBus, and is an open
standard that Sun has chosen to support for a variety of reasons.

The PCI bus architecture is designed to provide high performance; its

I/O performance differentiates it from other bus architectures.
Running at 33 MHz or 66 MHz, PCI offers configurations that meet a
variety of developer and user needs.

PCI is a standard bus architecture that has been adopted by the high
volume personal computer industry. Because of its wide acceptance,
PCI ensures that compliant adapter cards will be available from more
sources than ever before.

1-38 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Ultra Systems PCI Bus Introduction

PCI Architecture

High Speed Interconnect

PCI provides a high performance 32-bit bus that is optimized for

high-speed data transfers. Typically system-board resident, the
PCI bus operates at 132 Mbytes per second and is used as an
interconnect between highly integrated components and
subsystems, such as peripherals, add-on boards, and memory. On
Sun systems, the processor, main memory, and the PCI bus are
connected through a PCI host bridge and interconnected by the
UPA bus (see Figure 1-9 on 1-36). This multiple bus design isolates
the PCI bus as an I/O subsystem with independent paths to
system CPU and memory (via the high performance UPA system
bus), allowing for increased overall I/O throughput and system

Distinct Address Domains

There are three distinct address spaces in the PCI bus architecture:
configuration, memory, and I/O. In PCI, the location of a
peripheral device is determined by its physical location within the
PCI bus hierarchy. Each device is located by its bus number and
device (slot) number. A configuration space identifies the device
and provides the system software with device configuration
information. In addition, PCI supports both 32-bit and 64-bit
memory addresses. The host system software assigns regions of
the memory address space to PCI peripherals. PCI also supports a
32-bit I/O address space.

Desktop Products Overview 1-39

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Ultra Systems PCI Bus Introduction

Firmware for Sun PCI Systems

As the marketplace expands, Sun customers can benefit from the
proliferation of PCI cards that may be created for other markets. While
PCI specifies a common hardware and electrical interface, it does not
ensure that drivers are available or that boot procedures are
automatically understood by the system. Most firmware is written to
be platform specific and to take advantage of processor-specific
functions to increase performance. In order to ensure cross-platform
PCI interoperability, firmware must be written in such a manner as to
isolate platform-specific code and enable the transparent operation of
peripherals and cards regardless of the system’s hardware or software

Device Address Space and Device Configuration

The PCI and SBus architectures define address spaces differently. As

mentioned earlier, PCI employs multiple address spaces for device
configuration, programmed I/O, and memory-mapped I/O. SBus-
based systems, on the other hand, provide developers with a single,
standard, linear, memory mapped address space.

1-40 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Ultra Systems PCI Bus Introduction

Firmware for Sun PCI Systems

Memory Address Space

In PCI both 32-bit and 64-bit memory addresses are supported.

● I/O address space

PCI supports a 32-bit I/O address space. Some processors, like

the Intel product family, use special instructions to access the
I/O address space. Other processors memory map the I/O
address space. Ordinarily these differences must be
accommodated by the device driver. The Solaris 2.5 OS device
driver interface (DDI) hides these differences from the device

● Configuration address space

PCI devices are relocatable, prohibiting device drivers from

using a predetermined location of the device on the bus.
Therefore, the semantics with which a device driver addresses
the device are significantly different from SBus. The PCI
specification addresses this issue by providing a configuration
space that enables device drivers to support autoconfiguration.

Desktop Products Overview 1-41

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Ultra Systems PCI Bus Introduction

Firmware for Sun PCI Systems

Device Naming Conventions

The IEEE 1275 standard describes in detail the concepts of device

trees, device nodes, and device names, enabling the construction
of a unique name for each PCI device in the Solaris environment.
This naming convention can lead to extremely long and sometimes
obtuse names. To alleviate potential mistakes when specifying a
node name, the Solaris 2.x DDI employs a device alias that can be
used as a shorthand representation of a device path, ensuring
architectural independence.

PCI Bus Clock

The PCI 2.1 specification mandates all PCI devices support PCI
operation within the 0 MHz to 33 MHz range. All 66 MHz rated
components are required to support the 0 to 66 MHz range. The clock
cycle time is 30 nanoseconds (ns) at 33 MHz and 15 ns at 66 MHz.
Slower clock rates can alter the physical characteristics of the bus.

On Sun systems, the PCI host bridge supports dual PCI domains. One
is a 64-bit, 66-MHz bus, while the second is a 64-bit, 33-MHz bus. The
66-MHz bus can also support 33-MHz devices. This document
identifies the buses as 66/33 MHz and 33 MHz respectively.

33/66 MHz

33 MHz
33 MHz
33 MHz

Figure 1-10 The 33 MHz and 33/66 MHz Slots Are Keyed Differently

1-42 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Ultra Systems PCI Bus Introduction

Ultra 10 System PCI Bus Block Diagram

bridge ASIC UltraSCSI
100 Mbit Ethernet
PCI bridge Serial ports
I/O Parallel port
UPA interconnect Audio
cross bar switch
PCI 33 MHz
PCI 33 MHz


host PCI 33/66 MHz

subsystem UPA graphics slots

Figure 1-11 Typical Sun PCI Bus Architecture Implementation

The Ultra 5 or Ultra 10 are functionally the same as an Ultra 1 with a

PCI bus in place of the SBus.

The major advantage is the higher speed data transfer rates and the
wide variety of interface cards that can be used when the driver
software is written. Another difference is the removal of the onboard
SCSI support.

● Ultra 5 system has three PCI slots operating at 33 MHz

● Ultra 10, 30, and 60 systems have three PCI slots operating at 33
MHz and one PCI slot operating at either 33 MHz or 66 MHz
depending on the option card installed in that slot

Desktop Products Overview 1-43

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Check Your Progress

Before continuing on to the next module, check that you are able to
accomplish or answer the following:

❑ Identify system elements that make up the SPARC desktop

product line

1-44 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Product Line Introduction 2

Course Map
A dynamic list of desktop systems has evolved from one engineering
specific design to enterprise solutions for electronic commerce,
education, movie production, financial institutions and more.

Desktop Products Product Line
Overview Introduction

System Firmware

OpenBoot PROM Booting and Testing

Desktop Peripherals

Peripheral Devices
Install. and Config.

System Analysis and Troubleshooting

Disk Analysis Boot Sequence SunVTS System
and Repair Troubleshooting Diagnostics

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G

✓ Present the following questions to stimulate the students and get them thinking about the
issues and topics presented in this module. They are not expected to know the answers to
these questions. The answers to these questions should be of interest to the students,
and inspire them to learn the content presented in this module.

Many models of desktop systems have been produced by Sun since

1982. Historical information can be helpful when forming an
understanding of the current models.

This module will provide you with a fundamental level of information

about each of the current desktops in the Sun Microsystems product

Discussion – Why is having this fundamental understanding

important to your ability to install, troubleshoot, and repair Sun
desktops system?

2-2 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G

Upon completion of this module, you should be able to

● Configure CPU modules in multiprocessor systems

● Remove and replace system memory components

● Identify memory failures to the FRU level

● Sequence the alternating current power to the system and

peripherals in the correct order

● Identify all internal parts by type and part number

● Remove and replace all FRUs

● Cable all internal devices

Additional resources – The following references can provide
additional details on the topics discussed in this module:

● Field Engineer Handbook

● AnswerBook for each product version

● ShowMeHow CD-ROM for Ultra 5, 10, 30, and 60 systems

Product Line Introduction 2-3

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G

Desktop Products Introduction



SPARCstation 4 system
SPARCstation 5 system
Ultra-1, 5 system

Ultra 10 system
Ultra 30 system

Figure 2-1 Pizzabox and Tower Desktop Chassis Types

2-4 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Desktop Products Introduction

Single Processor Enclosure Styles

Desktop systems come in a variety of configurations, which provide
the user with solutions for varying price and performance needs.

All systems are based on Sun’s philosophy of using open hardware,

open interfaces, and open software. “Open” means that the features
designed within a product take advantage of established, accepted

These systems all run the Solaris operating system.

The two desktop system enclosure styles are:

● Pizzabox — Horizontal package two to five inches tall.

● Tower — Vertical chassis similar to most personal computer styles

These chassis are used for the following systems:

● SPARCstation 5 system

● Ultra 1 system

● Ultra 5 system

● Ultra 10 system

● Ultra 30 system

Product Line Introduction 2-5

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G

Desktop Products Overview

Common Characteristics of Desktop Products

These desktop systems have

● One to four option card slots

● Two to four internal peripherals devices, including diskette,

CD-ROM, and hard disk drives

● CPU board with multiple memory slots comprising two or

more memory banks.

● Built-in interfaces for external peripherals such as serial,

parallel, and audio ports; a keyboard, integrated services
digital network (ISDN) and ethernet communications ports

2-6 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Desktop Products Overview

Common Characteristics of Desktop Products (Continued)

All Sun desktop systems are powerful systems capable of supporting
thousands of available applications. The systems found in the
pizzabox and tower enclosures have several option slots, can be
configured with the largest amount of memory, and can contain
multiple internal peripherals.

The SPARCstation 1 system was the first SPARC desktop system. The
pizzabox that was designed for it has evolved over the years. The
largest version of the pizzabox is the Ultra 2 system and the latest
redesign of the pizzabox is the Ultra 5 system.

Features included in the Ultra Desktop systems are the

● UltraSPARC 64-bit micro-processor which includes a MPEG and

joint photographic experts group (JPEG) video coding decoding
(CODEC) on the chip.

● New Ultra Port Architecture (UPA) bus which is the main

backbone from the UltraSPARC processors to the other internal

This bus uses “cross bar switch” technology to interconnect the

UPA bus, to the memory bus, SBus, PCI bus, video interface and
networking components.

● 10MBytes per second to 100MBytes per second auto-sensing and

auto-switching Ethernet

● Fast/Wide SCSI (20MBytes per second)

● New OpenBoot PROM Revision 3.x that is flash programmable in

the field.

Product Line Introduction 2-7

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G

Desktop Products Overview

SPARCstation 5 System

Figure 2-2 SPARCstation 5 System Pizzabox Chassis

The SPARCstation 5 system contains the same standard features that

all Sun Microsystems desktops system include.

2-8 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Desktop Products Overview

SPARCstation 5 System (Continued)

Some additional features and specifications for SPARCstation 5
systems are

● The system is powered by the microSPARC™ 32-bit processor

with operational speeds of 70 MHz, 85 MHz, 110 MHz, and 170
● An AFX bus interface for the optional S24 Frame Buffer (24-bit
color) card. If the S24 card is used, it covers SBus slot 3.

● An on-board digital audio port provides a CD-ROM digital

audio connections directly to the audio section of the system. A
secondary analog audio path is in the SCSI contractor CD-

● Eight DSIMM slots for a total available memory of 256 MBytes

with 32 MByte DSIMMs.

● Two SCSI-2 Fast connectors which provide the interface to

single connector disk drives.

● Geographical addressing of disk drives via slot assignment.

Address three is the bottom slot and zero the top slot.

Product Line Introduction 2-9

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G

Desktop Products Overview

SPARCstation 4 System

Figure 2-3 SPARCstation 4 System Pizzabox Chassis

The SPARCstation 4 system was produced as a cost reduced entry

level system based on the SPARCstation 5 System microSPARC

2-10 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Desktop Products Overview

SPARCstation 4 System (Continued)

The SPARCstation 4 System contains the same specifications and
features as the SPARCstation 5 System with the following differences:

● Only one disk drive, which is geographically addressed as three

● No audio ports

● No AFX bus for S24 graphics cards

● Only one SBus slot

● Built-in eight-bit color frame buffer (CG 6).

An optional high resolution frame buffer requires a special

VSIMM for 1280X1024 resolution monitors.

● Combination serial port containing both A and B serial ports

● Five DSIMM slots, including the slot for the VSIMM, for
160 MBytes of maximum memory

Product Line Introduction 2-11

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G

Desktop Products Overview

Ultra 1 System


Diskette, triple-density
Figure 2-4 Ultra 1 System Pizzabox Chassis

2-12 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Desktop Products Overview

Ultra 1 System (Continued)

Some additional features and specifications for the Ultra 1 system are

● It is slightly taller than previous pizzabox systems, at 100-


● The fan and speaker are located behind front panel

● The left and right side panels are slotted for ventilation

● The rear panel I/O connections includes a fast SCSI-2 connector

● It has three SBus slots available

● The power supply includes two cooling fans

● The memory configuration is four banks consisting of two

DSIMMs each.

Some optional items that are offered in the Ultra 1 include

● A choice of 140 MHz, 170 MHz, and 200MHz CPU speeds

● A triple-density diskette drive

● A multi-speed CD-ROM drive

● One or two single connector SCSI-2 Fast hard disk drives of either
1.05- or 2.1-GByte sizes

● Left-side access to the hard disk bay through an Electro Magnetic

Interference (EMI) shield door

Product Line Introduction 2-13

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G

Desktop Products Overview

Ultra 1 Creator
The Ultra 1 Creator system has all of the same features as the basic
Ultra 1 system with the following changes:

● It has the new SCSI-3, Ultra-Wide interface

● The external SCSI connector is a 68-pin high-density type

connector which supports the additional data lines.

● The memory range has been expanded to 1 GByte

● The Creator graphics uses a single-buffered, UPA-bused, fast-

frame buffer

● The Creator-3D graphics uses a double-buffered, UPA-bused, fast-

frame buffer

● The UPA bus connector for the Creator graphics card replaces
SBus slot 2

2-14 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G

Product Line Introduction 2-15

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G

Desktop Products Overview

Ultra 5 System
Ultra 5 system is an entry-level workstation designed for cost-sensitive
users who need the performance and capabilities of Solaris
applications for activities like content development, database front-
end, spreadsheets, and word processing.

Figure 2-5 Ultra 5 Pizzabox Chassis

2-16 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Desktop Products Overview

Ultra 5 System (Continued)

Some features and specifications for Ultra 5 system are

● A slightly taller chassis than the Ultra 1 system, measuring 105


● A low profile design due to the horizontal configuration for the

three PCI interface slots


● A autoranging 10/100BASE-T Ethernet port

● A cooling fan and speaker located behind front panel

● No on-board SCSI host adaptor

● Memory configuration of two banks of two DSIMMs each

Optional items offered in the Ultra 5 system include

● Memory range from 64 MBytes to 512 MBytes

● A multi-density diskette drive

● A 24-speed CD-ROM drive

● One enhanced integrated drive electronics (EIDE) 3.5-inch,

4.3-GByte disk drive

● A PCI SCSI host adapter

Product Line Introduction 2-17

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G

Desktop Products Overview

Ultra 10 System

Figure 2-6 Ultra 10 Minitower Chassis

2-18 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Desktop Products Overview

Ultra 10 System (Continued)

Ultra 10 system extends Ultra 5 system's capabilities in all directions to
make sure your applications run better overall, not just faster in a few
arbitrary benchmarks. The balanced architecture means that all
elements of the system, processor, memory, I/O, and graphics work at
full speed. It has the following features:

● The mini-tower which is a completely new chassis design for Sun



● An autoranging 10/100BASE-T Ethernet

● Four PCI slots for additional options

Optional items offered with the Ultra 10 include the following:

● A memory configuration consisting of two banks each requiring

two DSIMMs

● A memory range available from 64 MBytes to 1 GByte

● A multi-density diskette drive

● A 24-speed CD-ROM is available

● Space for one or two 3.5-inch E-IDE disk drives

Features common to Sun desktops that have been deleted are

● The SCSI host adaptor

Product Line Introduction 2-19

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G

Desktop Products Overview

Ultra 30 System

Figure 2-7 Ultra 30 System Minitower Chassis

2-20 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Desktop Products Overview

Ultra 30 System (Continued)

The Sun Ultra 30 system raises desktop computing to an entirely new
level. Some of the standard features of the Ultra 30 system are

● A mini-tower, which is another completely new chassis design for

Sun products

● An UltraSPARC II on a pluggable CPU module

● An autoranging 10/100BASE-T Ethernet

● Two UPA slots for video graphics adapters

● Four long PCI slots, three operating at the standard 33MHz bus
clock speed, and one operating at either 33- or 66-MHz bus speeds

● An Ultra-Wide SCSI-3 host adaptor

● Memory configuration of either eight pairs or four groups of four

DSIMMs each

Optional items offered with the Ultra 30 system include

● An upgrade to faster CPU module

● A memory range from 64 MBytes to 2 GBytes

● A multi-density diskette drive

● A 24-speed CD-ROM drive

● One or two Ultra-Wide SCSI 3.5-inch disk drives of up to 9 GBytes


Product Line Introduction 2-21

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G

Desktop Products Overview

Multi-Processor Products

SPARCstation 10 system
SPARCstation 20 system
Ultra 2 system
Ultra 60 system

Figure 2-8 Multiprocessor Chassis Designs

2-22 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Desktop Products Overview

Multi-Processor Products (Continued)

Sun multi-processor desktop products include the

● SPARCstation 10 system

● SPARCstation 20 system

● Ultra 2 system

● Ultra 60 system

Some features and characteristics of the multi-processor desktop

systems are:

● The system boards include two processor assembly (module)

sockets that support one, two, or four SPARC RISC processors;
multiple memory bank slots

● The rear panel interfaces for common external devices such as

serial parallel, and audio ports; ISDN, TPE and AUI
communications connectors

● The cabling for internal peripherals devices; including diskette,

CD-ROM, and hard-disk drives

● Multiple input/output bus (SBus or PCI bus) slots to

accommodate optional interface cards

Product Line Introduction 2-23

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G

Desktop Products Overview

SPARCstation 10 System


Figure 2-9 SPARCstation 10 System

2-24 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Desktop Products Overview

SPARCstation 10 System (Continued)

This was the first multi-processor desktop workstation designed and
built by Sun Microsystems. This system opened the door to many new
engineering development concepts as well as new manufacturing and
production techniques. This was the first system Sun Microsystems
built with the SuperSPARC microprocessor on a pluggable module.
The module allowed customers to add a second processor or upgrade
to a faster processor.

Sun engineers put the cache memory in the microprocessor chip and it
became the SuperSPARC microprocessor. They then added a larger
external cache, and oscillator circuitry on a pluggable module. A new
high-speed bus that could handle the complex data flowing between
memory and the CPU module also had to be designed. This OPEN bus
standard is called the module bus (MBus). Many CPU modules that
complied with the MBus standard were later manufactured by
companies other than Sun.

Some characteristics of the SPARCstation 10 are

● A chassis design which included four SBus slots in a double-

decker configuration

● Two MBus slots for one or two MBus modules containing the
microprocessor, external cache, and oscillator

● SuperSPARC CPUs operating at 33 or 40 MHz

● The standard I/O connections and ISDN, 10BASE-T, and AUI

communications connectors

● Up to 512MBytes of memory with 64-MByte DSIMMs in all eight

memory bus slots

● Extension of two of the eight memory slots for NVRAM support

● A triple density diskette drive

● One or two hard-disk drives

Product Line Introduction 2-25

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G

Desktop Products Overview

SPARCstation 20 System

Figure 2-10 SPARCstation 20 System

2-26 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Desktop Products Overview

SPARCstation 20 System (Continued)

The next generation multiprocessor desktop system still uses MBus
modules for the CPUs. New modules are now available with a larger
external cache memory. A location for a CD-ROM above the diskette
and two pluggable fast SCSI-2 disk drives resulted in a new chassis
resembling the SPARCstation 5 system.

Some characteristics of the SPARCstation 20 system are

● CPU speed increased to 50 and 60MHz

● CPU modules with two SuperSPARC processors available for

some configurations

● Internal disk capacity increased with two 1.05-GByte disks.

● Additional capability with an internal four-speed CD-ROM drive

Note – Refer to the Field Engineering Handbook, Section 1, MODULES,

for specific MBus module information. There are many modules
available and when two are used in the same system they must be the
same version. The operating system (OS) may have to be of a specific
release level for multiple CPUs to operate correctly.

Product Line Introduction 2-27

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G

Desktop Products Overview

Ultra 60 System

Figure 2-11 Ultra 60 High-speed Multiprocessor System

2-28 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Desktop Products Overview

Ultra 60 System (Continued)

The Ultra 60 system is the first Sun Desktop to provide up to 2 GBytes
of memory for supporting one or two processors. The Ultra 60 system
can support dual UPA-based graphics subsystems for high-end
engineering and video production environments. It can use multiple
high-speed multi-disk arrays on its dual UltraSCSI-3 buses and the
highest speed peripherals on the fastest PCI bus.

Some characteristics of the Ultra 60 system are

● It is another completely new tower chassis design for Sun


● An UltraSPARC IIi CPU is on a pluggable module

● A memory configuration of four groups of four DSIMMs each on a

512-bit wide (plus ECC) memory bus

● A memory range from 128 MBytes to 2 GBytes

● An autoranging 10/100BASE-T Ethernet

● Two UPA slots for video graphics adapters

● Four long PCI slots, three operating at the standard 33-MHz bus
clock speed, and one operating at either 33- or 66-MHz bus speeds

● Two Ultra-Wide SCSI-3 host adaptor

Optional items offered with the Ultra 60 system include

● An upgraded to CPU modules operating at 336- and 360-MHz

● A multi-density diskette drive

● A 24-speed CD-ROM drive

● One or two Ultra-Wide SCSI 3.5-inch disk drives

Product Line Introduction 2-29

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
System Option Boards

SBus board retainer

SBus 96-pin connector

(reverse side)
Board removal handle

This mounting plate hooks

into the holes on the back
panel of the system unit

13W3 video connector

SBus 96-pin connector
(reverse side)

This mounting plate hooks

into the holes on the back

Component Clearance


4.200” PCI 14.48 mm SBus 13.79mm

PCI 2.67mm
Bracket 6.875”

Voltage key shown for positioning
information only. Both 3 and 5 V supported
on short and long cards


Figure 2-12 Single and Double-wide SBus and PCI Form Factor Option

2-30 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
System Option Boards

SBus Option Boards

There are several types of plug-in SBus option boards. Most are single-
slot cards, but a few are double-width. See the Field Engineering
Handbook for details. SBus boards support the following services:

● Frame buffers

▼ Monochrome frame buffers (MG/ECL and MG2/analog)

▼ Color frame buffers (CG3, CG6, and CG12)

▼ GX color frame buffers (CG6-GX and CG6-GXplus)

▼ GT (adapter board for graphics tower)

● Additional peripheral interfaces

▼ SSHA (second SCSI host adapter)

▼ Serial/parallel controller interface (SPC)

▼ Prestoserve buffer card

▼ Parallel laser printer interface (SPARCprinter™)

● Communication interfaces

▼ Fiber-distributed data interface (FDDI/S)

▼ High-speed interface (HSI/S)

▼ Additional Ethernet interfaces

▼ Token ring interface (TRI/S)

▼ Asynchronous transfer mode (ATM)

● Other

▼ Video input and capture interface (SunVideo™)

Product Line Introduction 2-31

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
SBus Connectors Locations

Ultra-1 Creator System

SPARCstation 4 system
SPARCstation 5 system
Ultra-1, 140, 170 systems

1 1 1 1

Two SBus connectors

SPARCstation 10 system
SPARCstation 20 system
Ultra 2 system
Three SBus connectors

MBus SBus

= SBus connectors
Four SBus connectors

Figure 2-13 Sun Main System Boards Showing the SBus Locations

2-32 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
I/O Connectors

The total number of SBus connectors available depends on the system.

If additional SBus connectors are needed, an SBus expansion

subsystem can be added to the system.

Note – Refer to the Field Engineering Handbook for proper configuration

and installation of the SBus cards for your system. The Field
Engineering Handbook lists slot recommendations, software
dependencies, jumper assignments, and so on.

Product Line Introduction 2-33

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
External System Connections

1 2 3 4 5 5 5 or 6

7 8 9 10 11A 11B 12 13 14 15 16 17

1 Power on/standby switch 11A Parallel

2 AC power outlet 11B AUI Ethernet

3 Lock block 12 Twisted-pair Etherne

4 MBus 13 SCSI

5 SBus opening 14 Audio, headphone

6 Auxiliary video board or SBus 15 Audio, microphone

7 AC power receptacle 16 Audio, line-out

8 13W3 video 17 Audio, line-in

9 A/B Serial port A/B

10 Keyboard

Figure 2-14 Example of a SPARCstation 20 System Rear Panel

2-34 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
External System Connections

All of the desktop systems come with the following interface


● Keyboard

● SCSI (except for Ultra 5, 10, and 30 systems)

● Ethernet (10BASE-T and 100BASE-T on Ultra systems)

● Serial ports A and B

● Audio Ports (except SPARCstation 4 system)

Some models offer these additional interfaces

● Parallel port

● ISDN ports

● Attachment unit interface (AUI) supporting external speaker and

thicknet Ethernet port

● M-II media interface for Ethernet, and audio

Most systems use the standard dual 25 pin D-type connector for the
serial port connections, however, there are some exceptions.
Table 2-1 Serial Port Connectors

Port Type Systems Connector/Adapter

SPARCstation 5; Ultra 1, 25 pin D-type
2, 10, 30, and 60 systems Serial/Modem (1-25 and 1-
A B 15 pin D-type on Ultra 10

SPARCstation 4, 10, and A/B serial splitter

20 systems

Note – See the Field Engineer Handbook Volume II, “Troubleshooting

Communication” section for connector and adapter pinouts.

Product Line Introduction 2-35

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
External System Connections

Minitower Enclosures Rear Panel View

11a 7

System Board
PCI slot to
rear panel
location 12
11b (M-II)


Figure 2-15 Ultra System Minitower Enclosure Rear Panel Connections

Note – Refer to the Sun Ultra 10 system service manual for definitions
of the callout numbers in Figure 2-15.

2-36 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Pizzabox Enclosure Layout
Hard disk DSIMMs SBus card I/O
drive bay
Main system board

Power supply


Multi-Speed CD-ROM

Activity LED
3.5-inch diskette
Figure 2-16 Typical FRU Locations in the Pizzabox Style Enclosure:

Figure 2-16 illustrates the following component locations in a pizzabox

style chassis.

● Power supply

● Main system board


● SBus card(s)

● Speaker

● Hard disk drive(s)

● Diskette drive


● Light emitting diode (LED)

● Internal SCSI and diskette wiring harness

Product Line Introduction 2-37

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Ultra Minitower Enclosure Layout

Figure 2-17 Shown is an Ultra 60 System

Figure 2-17 illustrates the locations of typical tower chassis


● Audio card

● PCI bus connectors

● UPA bus video graphics interface

● CPU modules

● Power supply

● DIMM slots

● CD-ROM drive

● Diskette drive

● Hard-disk drives

2-38 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Part Number Identification

Figure 2-18 illustrates various part and serial number types and
common locations.

* 5011316011270 *

Part type Part number Serial number


* 370-1312-05 * Serial number

Part type Part number Revision level

Fabrication number Circuit board

FAB 270-2324-02

Figure 2-18 Location of Component Part and Serial Numbers

Product Line Introduction 2-39

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Part Number Identification

Sun Part Numbers

Sun part numbers can be obtained from the sticker located on the part
or by referring to the Field Engineering Handbook.

The top example in Figure 2-18 illustrates a part number tag that
appears on a printed circuit board (PCB) such as a CPU board or
SIMMs. The full part number in this example is 501-1316.

The middle example in Figure 2-18 illustrates a part number tag that
appears on an FRU such as a disk or cable. The full part number in this
example is 370-1312.

FAB Numbers
The bottom example in Figure 2-18 shows a manufacturing fabrication
(FAB) number. FAB number revisions are used to identify the slight
differences between parts that have the same part number (as required
for the SPARCstation 10 and 20 systems main logic boards). FAB
numbers are etched directly on the printed circuit board (PCB), usually
on the back side.

2-40 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
System Serial Number Identification

Figure 2-19 illustrates the common style and location of system

identification tags which include the system part number and serial

PN: 600-3324-03

SN: 439F3395

Svcd: S20

Figure 2-19 Location of Chassis Part and Serial Numbers

Product Line Introduction 2-41

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
System Serial Number Identification

The system serial number can be found on the serial number tag as
illustrated in Figure 2-19. It is located on the back or on the bottom of
the system chassis.

A system serial number (SN) has a pattern of three digits, one letter,
and then four more digits. The serial number is unique to each
individual system. It is used to identify a system when placing a call to
the Answer Center and sometimes for inventory records.

The part number (PN) on this tag represents the part number for the
entire system. This part number is not used as an FRU ordering
number. Instead, the part numbers of the individual parts inside the
system are ordered and replaced when necessary.

The service code (Svcd) identifies the system type. In this example, S20
indicates a SPARCstation 20 system.

2-42 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Lab Overview

The lab is set up with all of the systems discussed in this module. You
will be given ample opportunity to perform all of the labs you decide
are necessary for your job needs. Remember the course instructor or
lab assistant is there to help you if you need help.

Exercise objective – Each lab will guide you through the following
steps. There may be other tasks or operations required of you,
depending on the specific piece of equipment.

● Power down any peripherals and the system in the proper


● Remove all internal FRUs

● Identify all internal FRUs (type and part numbers)

● Cable all internal FRUs

● Remove, install, and configure SIMM memory

Labs Available
Use the following table to select the labs that best suit your needs:
Table 2-2 Desktop Labs Available

Lab System Type

2A SPARCstation 4 system
2B SPARCstation 5 system
2C SPARCstation 20 system
2D Ultra 1 system
2E Ultra 2 system
2F Ultra 5 system
2G Ultra 10 system
2H Ultra 60 system
2I Ultra 30 system

Product Line Introduction 2-43

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Check Your Progress

Before continuing on to the next module, check that you are able to
accomplish or answer the following:

❑ Configure CPU modules in the multiprocessor systems

❑ Remove and replace system memory components

❑ Identify memory failures to the FRU

❑ Sequence alternating current power to the system and peripherals

in the correct order

❑ Identify all internal FRUs (by type and part number)

❑ Remove and replace all FRUs and CRUs

❑ Correctly cable all internal devices

2-44 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Think Beyond

Now that you know what goes on inside the Sun desktop systems you
will need some tools and an understanding of how things happen
inside all of this hardware.

Product Line Introduction 2-45

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
SPARCstation 4 System 2A


Upon completion of this lab, you should be able to:

● Remove the system chassis cover

● Verify power supply voltage values

● Remove the power supply

● Remove the hard disk drive

● Remove the CD-ROM drive and diskette drive

● Remove the single-width SBus card

● Remove and replace the audio module

● Remove the system board

● Remove and replace the DSIMMs

● Remove and replace a VSIMM

● Set the protocol of both serial ports

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G

To complete this lab, you will need

● A medium Phillips screwdriver

● A digital volt meter (DVM) with probe-tipped leads

● An SBus card extractor handle

● An electro-static discharge (ESD) kit

2A-2 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Preparing for the Lab

To prevent unwanted system booting after reset and long POST diagnostic runs,
perform the following steps:

1. If the Solaris operating system is running, log in as the root user and halt the
operating system.

ok halt

If the system attempts to reboot after shutting down the operating system, press
the Stop and a keys at the same time.

2. At the boot PROM ok prompt, type the following:

ok setenv auto-boot? false

ok setenv diag-switch? false

ok reset

3. When the POST diagnostics run is complete, turn the power off on all
peripheral units including the display monitor.

4. Turn the power off on the system chassis.

5. If the display monitor is sitting on top of the system chassis, un-cable it and set
it aside so that you can remove the system chassis cover later in this lab.

SPARCstation 4 System 2A-3

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing the System Cover

1. Loosen the captive Phillips-head screw in the upper-right corner of the rear
panel as shown below.

2. Unscrew the Phillips-head screw that secures the lock block to the cover.
Remove the lock block and set it aside.

Figure 2A-1 Removing the Lock Block

3. Lift the cover free of the chassis.

Figure 2A-2 Lifting the Cover Off

2A-4 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Verifying Power Supply Voltages

Note – The power supply must remain connected to the system board during this
test or it will be unable to regulate the voltages.

1. Turn the system chassis power on.

2. Use a digital volt meter (DVM) to check the power supply output voltages as

a. Place the DVM negative probe on one of the logic ground pins in the
connector, and test the +12V, -12V, and +5V power pins individually with the
positive probe (pins 1 through 8). Refer to the drawing in Figure 2A-3 to
locate pin numbers and Table 2A-1 on page 2A-6 to identify the correct
voltage values.

3. Turn off the system chassis power when you are finished.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Figure 2A-3 Power Supply Connector Orientation

SPARCstation 4 System 2A-5

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Verifying Power Supply Voltages

Use this table with Figure 2A-3 on page 2A-5 to identify the voltages found on the
power supply connector.
Table 2A-1 Voltage Locations and Values

Pin Color Description

1 Blue +12V
2 Brown -12V
3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Red +5V
9 Grey Power off
10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 Black Ground
16 Green AC outlet
17 Purple Fan
18 Yellow Power on

2A-6 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing the Power Supply

1. Make sure that system power is turned off before continuing.

2. Disconnect the external power cord from the rear panel of the system unit and
from the wall outlet.

3. Attach your antistatic wrist strap and secure it to the upper flat edge of the rear

Note – The wrist strap is usually grounded to the power supply. When removing or
replacing the power supply, attach the wrist strap to the upper flat edge of the rear
panel to ground the system.

4. Loosen the captive screws on the rear panel that secure the power supply to the
Power supply
Power supply
rear view
DC power

Power supply DC power

connector connector

Captive screws

Figure 2A-4 Removing the Power Supply

5. Disconnect the power supply connector from the system board.

6. Slide the power supply toward the chassis front to free it from the
chassis mounts.

7. Lift the power supply out of the chassis, and disconnect the DC power harness
from the keyed connector on the rear of the power supply.

SPARCstation 4 System 2A-7

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing the Hard-Disk Drive

Note – The position of a drive determines its SCSI target address. The lower hard-
disk drive automatically becomes SCSI address 3 on installation.

1. A plastic latch is located at the rear of the drive. Press this latch to release the
drive handle.

2. Lift the drive handle to its vertical position.

When lifted, the drive bracket acts as a lever to disconnect the drive from the
chassis connector on the SCSI backplane.

3. Grasp the drive bracket handle, and lift the drive straight up and out of the
chassis. Place it on an antistatic surface.

Figure 2A-5 Removing the Hard-Disk Drive

Note – Do not remove the handle from the hard drive. It is part of the FRU.

2A-8 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing the CD-ROM Drive

Note – If your system does not have a CD-ROM drive, skip this page.

1. Disconnect the SCSI data, DC power, and audio cables from the CD-ROM drive.

Leave the cables plugged into the system board.

2. Push the CD-ROM drive toward the edge of the chassis to disengage it. The
CD-ROM drive is installed above the diskette drive.

3. Lift the drive out of the chassis, and place it on the antistatic mat.

Figure 2A-6 Removing the CD-ROM Drive

SPARCstation 4 System 2A-9

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing the Diskette Drive

Note – If your system does not have the diskette drive, skip this page.

1. Remove the CD-ROM drive (if installed). If the CD-ROM drive is not installed,
remove the CD-ROM filler panel as shown below.

2. Push the diskette drive toward the center of the chassis to disengage it.

You may need to use a screwdriver for leverage. Use the screwdriver to push on
the drive grommets. Do not push on the drive’s front bezel.

Figure 2A-7 Removing the Diskette Drive

2A-10 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing the Diskette Drive

3. Lift the diskette drive out of the drive bracket. Holding the drive in one hand,
detach the diskette data and DC power cables from the drive with your
other hand.

Figure 2A-8 Removing the Diskette Drive

4. Lift the diskette drive out of the chassis, and place it on the antistatic mat.

Diskette Drive Replacement Notes

Save the rubber mounting grommets and screws for use on a replacement drive.

If your replacement diskette drive has an address switch, it must be set to position 0
(not present on some models).

Set switch to position 0,
all the way to the right
(present on some models only).

Figure 2A-9 Diskette Drive Address Switch and non-FRU Parts

SPARCstation 4 System 2A-11

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing an SBus Card

Note – If your system does not have an SBus card installed, skip this page.

Before you remove the system board, you must unplug several connectors. Some of
these connectors may be covered by an SBus card so the SBus card must be removed
first. Remove all SBus card on the system board using the following procedure.

1. Push the upper card retainers back from the edge of the SBus card.

Figure 2A-10 Moving the Retainers off of the SBus Card

2A-12 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing an SBus Card

2. Grasp both ends at the back of the card or the extractor handle (if present). Pull
upward slowly until the connector is detached from the slot.

Figure 2A-11 Lifting an SBus Card From the System Board

Note – Your SBus card may or may not have the extractor handle as shown above. If
it does not have the handle, simply grasp the back edge of the card and lift.

3. Place the SBus card on the antistatic surface or in an antistatic bag.

SPARCstation 4 System 2A-13

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing the Audio Module

Note – If your system does not have an audio module, skip this page.

Before you remove the system board, you must unplug several connectors. Some of
these connectors may be covered by the audio module card so it must be removed
first. Using the following procedure, remove the audio module that is mounted to
the system board:

1. Unplug the audio cable from the connector on the audio module.

Figure 2A-12 Releasing the Retainers From the Audio Module

2. Unlock the audio module retainers.

3. Holding both sides of the module, gently lift upward until the audio module is

2A-14 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing the Audio Module

4. Holding the connector end of the module, disengage the audio module from its
opening on the system back panel.

Figure 2A-13 Lifting the Audio Module From the System Board

5. Place each audio module on the antistatic surface or in a antistatic bag.

SPARCstation 4 System 2A-15

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing a DSIMM

Caution – Observe electrostatic precautions when working with the DSIMMs. You
! must wear an antistatic grounding strap and use a antistatic pad that is connected to
you and to the system chassis.

1. Select any DSIMM on your system board for removal.

2. To eject a DSIMM, press down on the ejection levers on both sides of the
DSIMM connector, as shown below.

3. Holding the DSIMM by its edges, remove it from the slot and place it on an
antistatic surface.

Push down ejector

levers to eject DSIMM

Figure 2A-14 Ejecting a DSIMM From the Slot

2A-16 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Replacing DSIMMs

1. Choose any available slot, and unlock (press down) the ejector levers at both
ends of the connector. Remember that slot J0301 must always contain a DSIMM
for the system to boot and become operational.

2. Align the DSIMM with the slot.

Hold the DSIMM by its edges and orient it so that the two notches at the bottom
of the DSIMM line up with the two tabs in the DSIMM connector.

Align notches with

tabs in DSIMM

Figure 2A-15 Aligning the DSIMM in the Slot

3. Place your thumbs on the edge of the DSIMM and push the DSIMM firmly into
its connector.

4. To lock the DSIMM in place, push both ejector levers into the upright position.

Push the DSIMM

firmly into its connector

Figure 2A-16 Press Firmly and Evenly with your Thumbs

SPARCstation 4 System 2A-17

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing a VSIMM

Note – If your system does not have a VSIMM, skip this page.

Caution – Observe electrostatic precautions when working with the VSIMM. You
! must wear an antistatic grounding strap and use an antistatic pad that is connected
to you and to the system chassis.

1. Locate the VSIMM on your system board.

2. To eject a VSIMM, press down on the ejection levers on both sides of the
VSIMM connector, as you did with the DSIMM.

3. Holding the VSIMM by its edges, remove it from the slot and place it on the
antistatic surface.

Push down ejector

levers to eject VSIMM

Figure 2A-17 Ejecting a VSIMM

2A-18 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Replacing a VSIMM

1. Align the VSIMM with the only VSIMM slot.

Hold the VSIMM by its edges and orient it so that the two notches at the bottom
of the VSIMM line up with the two tabs in the VSIMM connector.

2. Place your thumbs on the edge of the VSIMM, and push the VSIMM firmly into
its connector.

Align notches with

tabs in VSIMM

Figure 2A-18 Inserting a VSIMM

3. To lock the VSIMM in place, push both ejector levers into the upright position.

SPARCstation 4 System 2A-19

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing the System Board

1. Detach all external cables from the rear of the system chassis.

2. Unplug the SCSI data, diskette data, speaker and LED, and CD-ROM audio
cables from the system board.

Diskette data connector

Power supply connector

SCSI data connector

Figure 2A-19 System Board Connector Locations

3. Loosen the two captive Phillips-head screws that secure the system board to the
rear of the chassis.


Captive screw Captive screw

Figure 2A-20 Locate the Captive Screws

2A-20 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing the System Board

4. Pull the board out of the back of the chassis until it clears the plastic card guide,
and place it on an antistatic mat.

Figure 2A-21 Slide the System Board From the Chassis

SPARCstation 4 System 2A-21

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Serial Port Protocol Jumpers

There are two serial port jumpers on the system board. The jumpers are factory-set
to RS423 mode (position B). The ports can be reset to RS232 mode (position A) for
connection to an X.25 network in Europe or Australia.

To change the jumper settings from RS423 mode to RS232 mode, use needlenose
pliers to move both serial port jumpers from position B to position A.

! Caution – Do not change the position of the jumpers during this lab.

3 2
J1 70
70 2


Figure 2A-22 Locating the Serial Port Jumpers

2A-22 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Finishing Up

1. Make sure all DSIMMs have been replaced on the system board and that all of
the ejector levers are upright.

a. If the ejector levers will not close all the way, the DSIMM module is not
properly seated.

Note – The first DSIMM slot J0301 must have a DSIMM installed.

2. Gently slide the system board into the plastic card guide until it is seated, and
tighten the two captive screws that retain it in the system chassis.

3. Reconnect the five cables to the system board.

If there is not a CD-ROM drive present, there will be one less cable.

If there is no diskette drive, another cable will not be present.

4. Carefully replace all SBus cards that were removed.

The frame buffer must always be placed in SBus slot 3.

5. If included with the system, replace the diskette drive unit in the system chassis,
and reconnect the diskette drive power and data cables.

6. If included with the system, replace the CD-ROM unit in the system chassis,
and reconnect the SCSI data cable and the power cable.

SPARCstation 4 System 2A-23

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Finishing Up

7. Replace the power supply in the system chassis.

a. Tighten the two captive screws at the rear of the system chassis.

b. Reconnect the main power cable to the system board.

c. Reconnect the modular power cable on the end of the power supply.

8. Reinstall the system chassis cover.

a. Tighten the upper-right captive screw at the rear of the chassis.

b. Install the lock block and its screw.

9. Reconnect all external connectors at the rear of the system chassis.

a. Make sure the display monitor power and data cables are connected.

10. Turn the display monitor power on.

11. Turn on the power to all external peripherals.

12. Turn the system chassis power on.

13. Make sure the system successfully completes POST diagnostics.

14. Boot the system.

Note – If your system did not successfully boot, call your instructor now.

2A-24 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
SPARCstation 5 System 2B

Upon completion of this lab, you should be able to:

● Remove the system chassis cover

● Verify power supply voltage values

● Remove the power supply

● Remove both hard-disk drives

● Remove the CD-ROM drive and diskette drive

● Remove single-width and double-width SBus cards

● Remove the system board

● Remove and replace DSIMMs

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G

To complete this lab, you will need

● A medium Phillips screwdriver

● A digital volt meter (DVM) with probe-tipped leads

● An SBus card extractor handle

● An approved electro-static discharge (ESD) kit

2B-2 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Preparing for the Lab

To prevent unwanted system booting after reset and long POST

diagnostic runs, perform the following steps:

1. If the Solaris operating system is running, log in as the root user

and halt the operating system.

ok halt

If the system attempts to reboot after shutting down the operating

system, press the Stop and a keys at the same time.

2. At the OpenBoot PROM ok prompt, type the following:

ok setenv auto-boot? false

ok setenv diag-switch? false

ok reset

3. After POST diagnostics are complete, and the ok prompt is

displayed, turn off the power to all peripheral units including the
display monitor.

4. Turn off the power to the system.

5. If the display monitor is sitting on top of the system chassis, un-

cable it and set it aside so that you can remove the system chassis

SPARCstation 5 System 2B-3

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing the System Cover

1. Loosen the captive Phillips-head screw in the upper-right corner

of the rear panel (Figure 2B-1).

2. Unscrew the Phillips-head screw that secures the lock block to the
cover. Remove the lock block and put it aside.

Figure 2B-1 Removing the Cover Screws

3. Lift the cover free of the chassis (Figure 2B-2).

Figure 2B-2 Lifting off the Cover

2B-4 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Verifying Power Supply Voltages

Note – The power supply must remain connected to the system board
during this test or it will be unable to regulate the voltages.

1. Turn on the system chassis power.

2. Use a DVM to check the power supply output voltages by placing

the DVM negative probe on one of the logic ground pins in the
connector and probe pins 1 through 8 with the positive lead.

Use Table 2B-1 on page 2B-6 to locate pin numbers and identify
the expected voltage values.

Use Table 2B-2 on page 2B-6 to record the reading you get for pins
1 through 8.

3. Turn off the system chassis power when you are finished.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Figure 2B-3 Power Supply Connector Pin Locator

SPARCstation 5 System 2B-5

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Verifying Power Supply Voltages

Table 2B-1 Voltage Locations and Values

Pin Color Description

1 Blue +12V
2 Brown -12V
3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Red +5V
9 Grey Power Off
10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 Black Ground
16 Green AC outlet
17 Purple Fan
18 Yellow Power On

Table 2B-2 Recorded Reading

Pin Should be DVM Reading

1 +12V DC
2 - 12V DC
3 +5V DC
4 +5V DC
5 +5V DC
6 +5V DC
7 +5V DC
8 +5V DC

2B-6 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing the Power Supply

1. Make sure that system power is turned off before continuing.

2. Disconnect the external power cord from the rear panel of the
system unit and from the wall outlet.

3. Attach a wrist strap, and secure it to the upper flat edge of the rear
panel (Figure 2B-4).

Note – The wrist strap is usually grounded to the power supply. When
removing or replacing the power supply, attach the wrist strap to the
upper flat edge of the rear panel to ground the system.

4. Loosen the captive screws on the rear panel that secure the power
supply to the chassis.
Power supply
Power supply
rear view
DC powe

Power supply
connector DC power

Captive screws

Figure 2B-4 Removing the Power Supply

5. Disconnect the power supply connector from the system board.

6. Slide the power supply toward the chassis front to free it from the
chassis mounts.

7. Lift the power supply out of the chassis, and disconnect the
DC power harness from the keyed connector on the rear of the
power supply.

SPARCstation 5 System 2B-7

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing the Hard-Disk Drives

Note – The position of a drive determines its SCSI target address. The
bottom drive automatically becomes SCSI address 3 on installation,
and the top drive becomes SCSI address 1.

Caution – Do not change the position of the hard-disk drives because

the device target address is determined by which connector it is
! plugged into.

1. A plastic latch is located at the rear of the drive. Press the latch to
release the drive handle.

2. Lift the drive handle to its vertical position.

When lifted, the drive bracket acts as a lever to disconnect the

drive from the chassis connector on the SCSI backplane.

3. Grasp the drive-bracket handle, and lift the drive straight up and
out of the chassis (Figure 2B-5). Place it on an antistatic surface.

Figure 2B-5 Removing the Hard-Disk Drives

2B-8 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing the CD-ROM Drive

Note – If your system does not have a CD-ROM drive option, skip
this page.

1. Push the CD-ROM drive toward the edge of the chassis to

disengage it.

2. Disconnect the SCSI data, DC power, and audio cables from the
CD-ROM drive.

Leave the cables plugged into the system board.

3. Lift the drive out of the chassis, (Figure 2B-6) and place it on the
antistatic mat.

DC p

Audio cable SCSI da


Figure 2B-6 Removing the CD-ROM Drive

SPARCstation 5 System 2B-9

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing the Diskette Drive

Note – If your system does not have the diskette drive option, skip
this page.

1. If the CD-ROM drive is not installed, remove the CD-ROM filler

panel (Figure 2B-7).

2. Push the diskette drive toward the center of the chassis to

disengage it.

You may need to use a screwdriver for leverage. Use the

screwdriver to push on the drive grommets as shown below. Do
not push on the drive’s front bezel.

Figure 2B-7 Removing the Diskette Drive

2B-10 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing the Diskette Drive

3. Lift the diskette drive out of the drive bracket (Figure 2B-8).
Holding the drive in one hand, detach the diskette data and DC
power cables from the drive with your other hand.

Figure 2B-8 Removing the Diskette Drive and Detaching Cables

4. Lift the diskette drive out of the chassis and place it on an

antistatic mat.

SPARCstation 5 System 2B-11

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing the Diskette Drive

Diskette Drive Replacement Notes

You must save the rubber mounting grommets and their screws for use on a
replacement drive (Figure 2B-9).

If your replacement diskette drive has an address switch, it must be set to position 0
(not present on some models).


Set switch to position 0,

all the way to the right
(present on some models only)

Figure 2B-9 Diskette Drive Replacement

2B-12 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing SBus Cards

1. Push the card retainers back from the edge of the SBus card
(Figure 2B-10).

Push back

Figure 2B-10 Removing SBus Cards

Since there is limited clearance between SBus cards, you can install an
extractor to make removal of SBus cards easier.

2. Insert the legs of the card extractor into the holes on the SBus card
at the SBus connector end (Figure 2B-11).

Install card

Figure 2B-11 Using the SBus Card Extraction Handle

SPARCstation 5 System 2B-13

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing SBus Cards

3. Grasp the SBus card at the end where the card plugs into the MLB
and pull upward slowly until the connector is detached from the
slot, (Figure 2B-12 and Figure 2B-13) for double-wide SBus cards.

Figure 2B-12 Lifting the SBus Card Clear of the Connector

4. Place each SBus card on an antistatic mat.

5. Repeat the above procedure on any other SBus cards that are


Figure 2B-13 Removing a Double-Width SBus Card

2B-14 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing DSIMMs

1. Select any DSIMM on your system board for removal.

2. To eject a DSIMM, press down on the ejection levers on both sides

of the DSIMM connector as shown in Figure 2B-14.

3. Holding the DSIMM by its edges, remove it from the slot and
place it on the antistatic mat.

Push down ejector levers

to eject DSIMM

Figure 2B-14 Ejecting a DSIMM

SPARCstation 5 System 2B-15

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing the System Board

1. Detach all external cables from the rear of the system chassis.

2. Unplug the SCSI data, diskette data, speaker/LED, and CD-ROM

drive audio cables from the system board as shown in
Figure 2B-15.

Diskette data connector

SCSI data connector Speaker



Figure 2B-15 Detach all External Cables

3. Loosen the two captive Phillips-head screws that secure the

system board to the rear of the chassis (Figure 2B-16).

Captive screw Captive s

Figure 2B-16 Loosen the Two Captive Phillips-Head Screws

2B-16 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing the System Board

4. Slide the system board out of the back of the chassis until it clears
the plastic card guide (Figure 2B-17), and place it on the antistatic

Figure 2B-17 Slide the System Board Clear of the Guides

SPARCstation 5 System 2B-17

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Replacing DSIMMs

1. Choose any available slot, and unlock (press down) the ejector
levers at both ends of the connector.

Note – Slot J0300 must always contain a DSIMM to enable the system
to boot.

2. Align the DSIMM with the slot (Figure 2B-18).

Hold the DSIMM by its edges, and orient it so that the two notches
at the bottom of the DSIMM line up with the two tabs in the
DSIMM connector.

Align notches with

tabs in DSIMM

Figure 2B-18 Aligning a DSIMM

3. Place your thumbs as shown in Figure 2B-19, and push the

DSIMM firmly into its connector.

2B-18 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Replacing DSIMMs

Push the DSIMM

firmly into its connector.

Figure 2B-19 Pressing Firmly With Both Thumbs

4. To lock the DSIMM in place, push both ejector levers into the
upright position.

SPARCstation 5 System 2B-19

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Finishing Up

1. Replace all DSIMMs removed earlier on the system board.

Note – If the ejector levers will not close all the way, the DSIMM
module is not properly seated.

2. Gently slide the system board into the plastic card guide until it is
seated, and tighten the two captive screws that retain it in the
system chassis (page 2B-16).

3. Reconnect the cables to the system board.

4. Carefully replace all SBus cards that were removed (page 2B-13).

The frame buffer must always be placed in SBus slot 3.

5. Replace the diskette drive unit in the system chassis if one was
present (page 2B-10).

Reconnect the diskette drive power and data cables.

6. Replace the CD-ROM drive in the system chassis if one was

present (page 2B-9).

Reconnect the data cable and the power cable to the CD-ROM

7. Replace the lower hard-disk drive in the system chassis, and lock
it in place (page 2B-8).

Make sure this is the same disk that was previously in the lower
position or addressing will be wrong and the system will not boot.

8. Replace the upper hard-disk drive (if one was present) in the
system chassis, and lock it in place (page 2B-8).

2B-20 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Finishing Up

9. Replace the power supply in the system chassis (page 2B-7).

10. Reinstall the system chassis cover (page 2B-4).

11. Reconnect all external cables at the rear of the system chassis.

12. Turn the display monitor power on.

13. Turn the power to any external peripherals on.

14. Turn the system chassis power on.

15. Make sure the system successfully completes POST diagnostics.

16. Boot the system, and log in as the root user.

Note – If your system did not successfully boot, call your

instructor now.

SPARCstation 5 System 2B-21

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
SPARCstation 20 System 2C

Upon completion of this lab, you should be able to:

● Remove the system chassis cover

● Verify power supply voltage values

● Remove the power supply

● Remove both hard-disk drives

● Remove the CD-ROM drive and diskette drive

● Remove the SBus cards

● Remove the MBus modules

● Remove and replace DSIMMs

● Remove the system board

● Verify the setting of the serial-port and clock-speed jumpers

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G

To complete this lab, you will need

● A medium Phillips screwdriver

● A digital volt meter (DVM) with probe-tipped leads

● An approved electro-static discharge (ESD) kit

2C-2 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Preparing for the Lab

To prevent unwanted system booting after reset and POST diagnostic runs, perform
the following steps:

1. If the Solaris operating system is running, log in as the root user and halt the
operating system.

ok halt

If the system attempts to reboot after shutting down the operating system, press
the Stop and a keys at the same time.

2. At the OpenBoot PROM ok prompt, type the following:

ok setenv auto-boot? false

ok setenv diag-switch? false

ok reset

3. After POST diagnostics are complete, and the ok prompt is displayed, turn off
the power to all peripheral units including the display monitor.

4. Turn off the power to the system.

5. If the display monitor is sitting on top of the system chassis, un-cable it and set
it aside so that you can remove the system chassis cover.

SPARCstation 20 System 2C-3

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing the System Cover

1. Loosen the captive Phillips-head screw in the upper-right corner of the rear
panel (Figure 2C-1).

2. Unscrew the Phillips-head screw that secures the lock block to the cover.
Remove the lock block and put it aside.

Power supply screw Lock block screw Corner screw

(do not loosen)

Figure 2C-1 Loosening the Captive Screws

3. Grasp the cover at the back of the machine and lift it up and toward the front of
the unit (Figure 2C-2). When the cover is at a 60-degree angle to the chassis,
push the cover away from the front panel, freeing the cover hinge tabs from the
chassis slots.

Back of cover

Hinge tabs

Figure 2C-2 Lifting off the Cover

2C-4 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Verifying Power Supply Voltages

Note – The power supply must remain connected to the system board during this
test so it can regulate the voltages.

1. Turn the system power on.

2. Use a digital volt meter (DVM) to check the power supply output voltages as

a. Place the DVM negative probe on one of the logic ground pins in the
connector, and test the +12V, -12V, and +5V power pins individually with the
positive probe (pins 1 through 8). Use the drawings in Figure 2C-3 to locate
pin numbers and Table 2C-4 on page 2C-6 for voltage values.

3. Turn off the system power to when you are finished taking your readings.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Figure 2C-3 Power Supply Connector Orientation

SPARCstation 20 System 2C-5

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Verifying Power Supply Voltages

Use Table 2C-4 with Figure 2C-3 on page 2C-5 to identify the voltages found on the
power supply connector.
Table 2C-4 Power Supply Connector Pin and Voltage Values (Plus or Minus 5 Percent)

Pin Color Description

1 Blue +12V
2 Brown -12V
3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Red +5V
9 Grey Power off
10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 Black Ground
16 Green AC outlet
17 Purple Fan
18 Yellow Power on

2C-6 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing the Power Supply

1. Make sure that system power is turned off before continuing.

2. Disconnect the external power cord from the rear panel of the system unit and
from the wall outlet.

3. Attach a wrist strap and secure it to the upper flat edge of the rear panel.

Note – The wrist strap is usually grounded to the power supply. When removing or
replacing the power supply, attach the wrist strap to the upper, flat edge of the rear
panel to ground the system.

4. Loosen the captive screws on the rear panel that secure the power supply to the
chassis (Figure 2C-5).
Power supply
Power supply back view

DC power
connector DC power
Drive bracket harness

Power supply
captive screws

Wrist strap
on back panel

Figure 2C-5 Removing the Power Supply

5. Disconnect the power supply connector from the system board.

6. Slide the power supply toward the chassis front to free it from the
chassis mounts.

7. Lift the power supply out of the chassis, and disconnect the DC power harness
from the keyed connector on the rear of the power supply.

SPARCstation 20 System 2C-7

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing the Hard-Disk Drives

Note – To remove the bottom disk drive, you must remove the top disk drive first.
The position of a drive determines its SCSI target address. The bottom drive
automatically becomes SCSI address 3 on installation, and the top drive becomes
SCSI address 1.

Caution – Do not change the position of the hard disk drives.


1. To release the drive handle, press the plastic latch, which is located at the rear of
the drive (Figure 2C-1).

2. Lift the drive handle to its vertical position.

When lifted, the drive bracket acts as a lever to disconnect the drive from the
chassis connector on the SCSI backplane.

3. Grasp the drive bracket handle, and lift the drive straight up and out of the
chassis. Place it on an antistatic surface.

Drive handle
Disk drive

Drive bracket

Figure 2C-1 Remove the Hard-Disk Drives

2C-8 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing the CD-ROM Drive

Note – If your system does not have the CD-ROM option, skip this page.

1. Push the CD-ROM drive toward the edge of the chassis to disengage it
(Figure 2C-6). The CD-ROM drive is installed above the diskette drive.

2. Disconnect the SCSI data, DC power, and audio cables (if present) from the
CD-ROM drive.

Note – Leave the cables plugged into the system board.

3. Lift the drive out of the chassis, and place it on an antistatic surface.

DC power
SunCD 2Plus cable

Chassis edge

SCSI data

Figure 2C-6 Removing the CD-ROM Drive

SPARCstation 20 System 2C-9

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing the Diskette Drive

Note – If your system does not have the diskette drive option, skip this page.

1. Push the diskette drive toward the center of the chassis to disengage it
(Figure 2C-7).

You may need to use a screwdriver for leverage. Use the screwdriver to push on
the drive grommets. Do not push on the drive’s front bezel.

Diskette drive

Drive bracket


Figure 2C-7 Removing the Diskette Drive

2C-10 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing the Diskette Drive

2. Lift the diskette drive out of the drive bracket (Figure 2C-8). Holding the drive
in one hand, detach the diskette data and DC power cables from the drive with
your other hand.

Figure 2C-8 Lifting the Diskette Drive Out

3. Lift the diskette drive out of the chassis and place it on an antistatic mat.

Diskette Drive Replacement Notes

Save the rubber mounting grommets (Figure 2C-9) and screws for use on a
replacement drive.

If your replacement diskette drive has an address switch, it must be set position 0.
(This feature is not present on some models.)

Set switch to position 0,

all the way to the right
(present on some models only)


Figure 2C-9 Diskette Drive Address Switch and non-FRU Parts

SPARCstation 20 System 2C-11

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing an SBus Card

Note – If your system does not have an SBus card installed, skip this page.

1. Push the card retainers back from the edge of the SBus card (Figure 2C-10).

SBus card

Push back both

card retainers.

Figure 2C-10 Moving the Retainers off of the SBus Card

2C-12 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing an SBus Card

2. Remove the screws and washers from the SBus card backplate (Figure 2C-11).

System back
panel (cutaway)

Rectangular washer


SBus card

Figure 2C-11 Removing Back Panel Hardware on SBus Cards

SPARCstation 20 System 2C-13

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing an SBus Card

3. Grasp the SBus card at the end where the card plugs into the MLB. Pull upward
slowly until the connector is detached from the slot (Figure 2C-12).

SBus card

Figure 2C-12 Removing a Double-Width SBus Card

Note – There are single-width and double-width SBus cards. The drawing above
shows a double-width SBus card being removed.

4. Place each SBus card on an antistatic surface or in an antistatic bag.

5. Repeat this procedure on any other SBus cards.

2C-14 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing the MBus Module

It is not required to remove the MBus module(s) prior to removing the system
board, but it is a FRU you will be required to remove and replace.

1. Unlock both MBus module retainers (Figure 2C-13).

MBus module


Figure 2C-13 Moving the Retainers off of the MBus Module

Note – If the system has two MBus modules (slot 1 above slot 0), and the defective
module is in the lower slot 0, remove the top MBus module (slot 1) first.

2. Grasping the module at the corners over the connector, gently pull the MBus
module up until it is clear of the connector (Figure 2C-14).

MBus module

Hot surface

Figure 2C-14 Lifting the MBus Module From the System Board

3. Place the MBus module on the antistatic surface.

SPARCstation 20 System 2C-15

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing a DSIMM

Caution – Observe all electrostatic precautions when working with the DSIMMs.
You must wear an antistatic grounding strap and use an antistatic pad that is
! connected to you and to the system chassis.

1. Select any DSIMM on your system board for removal.

2. To eject a DSIMM, press down on the ejection lever on the side of the DSIMM
connector (Figure 2C-15). These levers actually push the DSIMM out of the slot.

3. Holding the DSIMM by its edges, remove it from the slot, and place it on an
antistatic surface.


Ejection levers

Figure 2C-15 Ejecting the DSIMM

2C-16 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Replacing DSIMM

1. Choose any available slot, and unlock (press down) the ejector levers at both
ends of the connector. Remember that slot J0201 must always contain a DSIMM
for the system to boot properly

2. Align the DSIMM with the center chip facing the system unit front panel
(Figure 2C-16).
Center chip

Key notch

Figure 2C-16 Correctly Aligning the DSIMM in the Slot

3. Insert the SIMM (using two hands) by pressing down gently, yet firmly, until the
SIMM snaps into place (Figure 2C-17).

Insertion tool
grooved edge

Figure 2C-17 Inserting the DSIMM into the Slot

4. To lock the DSIMM in place, push both ejector levers into the upright position.

SPARCstation 20 System 2C-17

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing the System Board

1. Detach all external cables from the rear of the system chassis.

2. Unplug the SCSI data, diskette data, and the speaker/LED cables from the
system board (Figure 2C-18).

Diskette data connector
SCSI data connector

Figure 2C-18 System Board Connector Locations

3. Loosen the two captive Phillips-head screws that secure the system board to the
rear of the chassis (Figure 2C-19).

Captive screw Captive screw

Figure 2C-19 Loosen the Captive Screws

2C-18 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing the System Board

4. Pull the board out of the back of the chassis until it clears the plastic
card guide (Figure 2C-20) and place it on an antistatic mat.

Figure 2C-20 Slide and Lift the System Board Clear

SPARCstation 20 System 2C-19

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Serial Port and Clock Speed Jumpers

There are clock-speed (J1401) and serial-port (J0801 and J0802) jumpers on the
system board (Figure 2C-21). Before installing the system board, check the jumper
settings to make sure that they are set properly for your site. The jumpers are preset
at the factory as shown in Figure 2C-21.

Leave the clock-speed jumper set at 40/50 MHz for optimum performance. If you
change the jumper to the 40-MHz position, the MBus will only operate at 40 MHz
and the SBus will only operate at 20 MHz.

The serial port jumpers are preset at the factory to RS423 mode, but they can be
changed to RS232 mode (for connection to an X.25 network in Europe or Australia).

Note – Do not change the position of the jumpers during this lab.

40 MHz J0801

40/50 MHz A B
Clock-speed J1401 B = RS423
jumper (preset) A = RS232 (preset)

Figure 2C-21 Serial Port and Clock Speed Jumpers

2C-20 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Finishing Up

1. Make sure all DSIMMs have been replaced on the system board and that all of
the ejector levers are closed.

a. If the ejector levers will not close all the way, the DSIMM module is not
properly seated.

Note – The first DSIMM slot J0201 must have a DSIMM installed.

2. Gently slide the system board into the plastic card guide until it is seated and
tighten the two captive screws that retain it in the system chassis (page 2C-18).

3. Reconnect the cables to the system board.

4. Carefully replace all MBus modules that were removed (page 2C-15).

5. Carefully replace all SBus cards that were removed (page 2C-12).

a. Put the frame buffer in SBus slot 3.

b. Replace all SBus card retaining screws and washers.

6. Replace the diskette drive unit in the system chassis, if one was present
(page 2C-10).

a. Reconnect the diskette drive power and data cables.

7. Replace the CD-ROM unit in the system chassis, if one was present page (2C-9).

a. Reconnect the SCSI data cable and the power cable.

8. Replace the lower hard-disk drive in the system chassis, and lock it in place
(page 2C-8).

a. Make sure this is the same disk that was previously in the lower position or
the addressing will be wrong and the system will not boot.

9. Replace the upper hard-disk drive (if one was present) in the system chassis,
and lock it in place.

SPARCstation 20 System 2C-21

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Finishing Up

10. Replace the power supply in the system chassis (2C-7).

a. Tighten the two captive screws at the rear of the system chassis.

b. Reconnect the main power cable to the system board.

c. Reconnect the modular power cable on the end of the power supply.

11. Reinstall the system chassis cover.

a. Tighten the upper right captive screw at the rear of the chassis.

b. Install the lock block and its screw.

12. Reconnect all external cables at the rear of the system chassis.

a. Make sure the display monitor power and data cables are connected.

13. Turn on the display monitor.

14. Turn on power to all external peripherals.

15. Turn on the system chassis power.

16. Make sure the system successfully completes POST diagnostics.

17. Boot the system.

Note – If your system did not successfully boot, call your instructor now.

2C-22 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Ultra 1 Series Systems 2D

Upon completion of lab, you should be able to

● Gain access to the internal components

● Measure and verify with the use of a voltage chart the product’s
power supply voltages

● Remove and replace the product’s FRUs

● Properly set the serial port protocol to meet site requirements

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G

To complete this lab, you will need

● A Sun electrostatic discharge (ESD) pad and wrist strap

● A Phillips screwdriver

● A digital volt meter (DVM) with probe-tipped leads

● An approved electro-static discharge (ESD) kit

2D-2 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Preparing for the Lab

To prevent unwanted system booting after reset and long POST

diagnostic runs, perform the following steps:

1. If the Solaris operating system is running, log in as the root user

and halt the operating system.

ok halt

If the system attempts to reboot after shutting down the operating

system, press the Stop and a keys at the same time.

2. At the OpenBoot PROM ok prompt, type the following:

ok setenv auto-boot? false

ok setenv diag-switch? false

ok reset

3. After POST diagnostics are complete, and the ok prompt is

displayed, turn off the power to all peripheral units including the
display monitor.

4. Turn off the power to the system.

5. If the display monitor is sitting on top of the system chassis, un-

cable it and set it aside so that you can remove the system chassis

Ultra 1 Series Systems 2D-3

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing the System Cover

1. Use a Phillips screwdriver to remove the lock block (Figure 2D-1)

if it is installed, on the cover.

Lock block

Figure 2D-1 Locating the Lock Block

2. Use a Phillips screwdriver to loosen the captive screws

(Figure 2D-2) securing the cover.

Captive screws

Figure 2D-2 Locating the Captive Screws

2D-4 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing the System Cover

3. Grasp the sides of the cover at the rear and lift up the back of the
cover. After the cover clears the back panel, push the cover away
from the front panel (Figure 2D-3).


Captive screws
Figure 2D-3 Lifting the Cover From the Rear of the Unit

4. Lift the cover free of the chassis.

Ultra 1 Series Systems 2D-5

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Attaching the Wrist Strap

1. Unwrap the first two folds of the wrist strap, and wrap the
adhesive side firmly against your wrist.

2. Peel the liner from the copper foil at the opposite end of the wrist
strap, and attach the copper end of the wrist strap to the top of the
power supply (Figure 2D-4).

Copper strip
Power Wrist strap

Figure 2D-4 Attaching the ESD Wrist Strap

2D-6 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Locating the System Components

Back panel

SCSI TPE AUI K/B Parallel Port

Audio ports
NVRAM J2003-J2204

J2104 Power
SBus slot 0 CPU Chip Set SBus Slot 2
SBus slot 1

8-SIMM slots

Upper bay — Hard-disk drive 1 Upper bay — CD-ROM drive

Lower bay — Hard-disk drive 0 Lower bay — Diskette drive

Fan Speaker

Front panel

Figure 2D-5 Complete System Chassis View

Note – There is probably an SBus TurboGX frame buffer or a fast

frame buffer (Ultra 1 Creator series systems) over some of the jumper
locations. Wait until you get to the “Removing SBus Cards” section to
locate the jumper locations and verify their configuration.

Ultra 1 Series Systems 2D-7

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Locating the System Components

Using the graphics in this lab document, locate the corresponding

components in the system unit, in the order given here.

System Board
1. Locate the following components on the system board using
Figure 2D-5 on page 2D-7 as your guide:

▼ CPU components with attached fan or heat-sinks

▼ Three SBus slots. (Slot 1 is above and behind slot 0, and slot 2
is near the power supply on the model 140.)

▼ The model 170 (creator series) has the UPA bus connector for
the FFB in place of SBus slot 2.

2D-8 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Locating the System Components

System Board
2. Identify the main system board configuration jumpers, and
confirm their current function as shown in 2..

Table 2D-1 Main Logic Board Configuration Jumper Function

Pins 1 Pins 2
Jumper Default Signal
and 2 and 3
Location Jumpers Controlled
Select Select

J2002 Flash Not to be 1+2 Flash

J2003 Write Write 1+2 Flash
Protect enable PROM
J2204 High Normal 2+3 XOR logic
half- booting set
J2104 RS-232 RS-423 2+3 Serial port
A select
J2105 RS-232 RS-423 2+3 Serial port
B select

Note – Do not change the position of any configuration jumpers now.

Ultra 1 Series Systems 2D-9

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Locating the System Components

System Board (Continued)

3. Locate the NVRAM/TOD module.

4. Identify the DSIMM type and size in this Ultra 1 series systems.

5. Answer the following questions:

How many DSIMMs are installed? ___________________________

What is the part number on these DSIMMs? ___________________

What is the total memory size in this system? __________________

The Ultra 1 series systems uses either 16-Mbyte, 32-Mbyte, 64-

Mbyte, or 128-Mbyte DSIMMs. The maximum memory is 1 Gbyte,
and the minimum is 32 Mbytes.

DSIMMs must be installed in memory bank pairs. This gives the

processor access to 256 bits for each read or write operation:

▼ Bank 0; J0701 and J0601

▼ Bank 1; J0702 and J0602

▼ Bank 2; J0703 and J0603

▼ Bank 3; J0704 and J0604

DSIMMs must be installed in Bank 0 first, then they can be

installed in any remaining bank (pair) of slots.

2D-10 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Locating the System Components

System Board (Continued)

Table 2D-2 shows the physical memory address ranges for each bank,
regardless of the memory DSIMM installed. The memory management
system maps around addresses not present.

The operating system, diagnostic program, or POST may not display a

DSIMM location by its (J-xxxx) number as part of the memory error
message. If you encounter this situation, and the only available
information is a physical memory address and failing byte (or bit), the
following table will help you locate the correct defective DSIMM.

Table 2D-2 DSIMM Physical Memory Address

Physical Physical
DSIMM Slot Location Memory Memory
Address Start Address End

Bank 0 0000 0000 0fff ffff

J0701 (bytes 00–15, bits 000–127)
J0601 (bytes 16–31, bits 128–255)
Bank 1 1000 000 1fff ffff
J0702 (bytes 00–15, bits 000–127)
J0602 (bytes 16–31, bits 128–255)
Bank 2 2000 000 2fff ffff
J0703 (bytes 00–15, bits 000–127)
J0603 (bytes 16–31, bits 128–255)
Bank 3 3000 000 3fff ffff
J0704 (bytes 00–15, bits 000–127)
J0604 (bytes 16–31, bits 128–255)

Ultra 1 Series Systems 2D-11

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Locating the System Components

System Board (Continued)

Each bank allows enough address space to accommodate two 128-
Mbyte DSIMMs. Unused addresses of smaller DSIMMs are mapped
out by the memory management hardware. The physical memory
starting address for each bank will always be as shown in Table 2D-3.

The table below lists the memory DSIMM size and Sun part numbers.
It also signifies the maximum memory size attainable if all DSIMMs of
that specified size are used.

Table 2D-3 DSIMM Part Number to Size

DSIMM Part Maximum Memory

Size Number Size

16Mbyte 501-2479 128 Mbytes

32Mbyte 501-2622 256 Mbytes
64Mbyte 501-2480 512 Mbytes
128Mbyte 501-xxxx 1 Gbyte

Note – At the time of this writing, no 128-Mbyte DSIMMs were

available, but the system designers planned on that size becoming

2D-12 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Locating the System Components

System Signal and Power Cabling

1. Identify each of the four cable sets connected to the system board.

Back panel
SCSI TPE AUI K/B Parallel port
Audio Ports
NVRAM J2003-J2204

J2104 Power
B SBus slot 0 SBus slot 2
SBus slot 1

8-SIMM slots

Upper bay — Hard disk drive-1 Upper bay — CD-ROM drive

Lower bay — Hard disk drive-0 A Lower bay — Diskette drive

Fan Speaker LED

Front panel

Figure 2D-6 Internal System Cabling

Ultra 1 Series Systems 2D-13

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Locating the System Components

System Signal and Power Cabling (Continued)

● Cable A – Fast-Wide-SCSI for hard disks and CD-ROM drives,
with a diskette ribbon cable. The SCSI cable connects the system
board’s SCSI system to the internal Fast-Wide SCSI devices.

Table 2D-4 Internal SCSI Target Addressing

SCSI Device

Internal disk, lower (target automatically set for 0

Internal disk, upper (target automatically set for 1
CD-ROM drive (target automatically set for
internal). Only one CD-ROM drive can be 6
connected, either internal or external.
External disk drives. 2, 3
External tape drives. 4, 5

Note – If there are internal SCSI devices, their addresses are not
alterable. When connecting external SCSI devices, do not duplicate an
internal target address. If an internal device is not present for a
specified target address, the address is available for an external device.

● Cable B – LED and speaker. A two-pair wire assembly connects

the system board to the internal speaker, fan, and system
operational LED, which is visible on the front panel, next to the
Ultra 1 series systems logo.

● Cable C – DC power from the power supply, and sense and

control lines for power control.

● Cable D – DC power to internal devices. The power cable carries

the necessary voltages to internal peripheral devices except for the
SCSI hard drives. They get power from the ribbon cable or

2D-14 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Locating the System Components

System Chassis
1. Locate and identify the following:

▼ Power supply – 260-watt input

▼ Hard-disk drive bay – SCSI address 0, bottom; SCSI address 1,


▼ Removable media bay – Diskette drive on the bottom; CD-

ROM drive on the top.

Back Panel

SCSI TPE AUI K/B Parallel port

Audio ports
NVRAM J2003-J2204

J2104 Power
SBus slot 0 SBus slot 2
SBus slot 1
Microprocessor and Fan
8-SIMM Slots supporting chip set

Upper bay — Hard-disk drive 1 Upper bay — CD-ROM drive

Lower bay — Hard-disk drive 0 Lower bay — Diskette drive

Fan Speaker
Front panel

Figure 2D-7 Major System Chassis Component Locations

Ultra 1 Series Systems 2D-15

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Unsupported Options

Most standard SBus cards from other systems can be used in the
Ultra 1 series systems with the following exceptions:

● ZX 24-bit graphics frame buffer (Part Number 501-1845)

● GT graphics subsystem (Part Number 501-1624)

● FDDI single-attach SBus interface card (Part Number 605-1427)

Note – Others may have been added to the list since this publication. If
you are in doubt about a specific card, contact the Sun Answer Center.

2D-16 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Verifying Power Supply Operation

Note – The power supply must remain connected to the system board
during this test or it will be unable to regulate the voltages.

Table 2D-5 Power Supply Ratings

Input Power Output Power Ratings

100 to 240V AC +5V at 18 A

47 to 63 H +3.3V at 12 A
1.5 to 3.1 Amps (AC +3.3V at 10 A
260 Watts +12V at 5.1 A
-12V at 0.3 A

Ultra 1 Series Systems 2D-17

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Verifying Power Supply Voltages

1. Turn the system power on.

2. Using a DVM or DMM, place the negative lead probe on one of

the logic ground pins in the connector, and test the +3.0v, +3.3v,
+12v, -12v, and +5v power pins individually with the positive

3. Record your reading in the columns marked Measured in

Table 2D-7 and Table 2D-8.
Caution – When taking these voltage readings, ensure that, while the
meter leads are contacting the test points, the bare leads do not contact
! each other. The resulting short circuit can damage the meter, leads, and
power supply.

Refer to the following figures and tables for each of the power
connectors when measuring the system’s DC voltages. All
voltages should be slightly greater (more negative in the case of
the -12 volt lines) than the power supply values given.

4. Turn off the system power.

2D-18 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Verifying Power Supply Voltages

Note – Connector drawings show the joining-side of the P (male)


3 2 1

6 5 4

Figure 2D-8 Main DC Power Connector (P1) to Internal Peripheral


Table 2D-6 P1 Power Connector

Pin Function Measured

1 +5V
2 Ground (+5V return)
3 +12V
4 +5V
5 Ground (+5V return)
6 Ground (+12V return)

Ultra 1 Series Systems 2D-19

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Verifying Power Supply Voltages

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Figure 2D-9 Power Connector to the Main Logic Board

Table 2D-7 J2603 Power Connector

Pin Function Measured

1 +5.0V
2 +5.0V
3 +5.0V
4 +3.3V
5 +3.3V
6 +3.3V
7 +3.0V
8 +3.0V
9 +3.0V
10 Ground (+5.0V ret.)
11 Ground (+5.0V ret.)
12 Ground (+5.0V ret.)
13 Ground (+3.3V ret.)
14 Ground (+3.3V ret.)
15 Ground (+3.3V ret.)
16 Ground (+3.0V ret.)
17 Ground (+3.0V ret.)
18 Ground (+3.0V ret.)

2D-20 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Verifying Power Supply Voltages

The sense and logic control lines in the table below should measure
something near the approximate reading indicated on the table. Only
if a signal level is considerably different from these values should you
suspect a problem. Generally, if a sense value is not correct, the
corresponding power supply function or voltage is also not correct.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Figure 2D-10 Power Supply Sense Connector on Main Logic Board

Table 2D-8 J2601 Power Connector

Pin Function Measured
1 +12V @ +12V
2 Ground (+12V return) 0V
3 Power_On @ 5V
4, 5 Not used
6 +3.0V sense @ 3.0V
7 +3.0V +V_Programing @ 20V
8 +3.0V +OVP_Programing @ 1.0V
9 Thermal sensor @ 2.5V
10 -12V @ -12V
11 Power_Off @ +5.0V
12, 13 Not used
14 +3.0V sense return Ground
15 Thermal sensor @ +5.0V
16 Power_On_Reset @ +5.0V

Ultra 1 Series Systems 2D-21

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing the Power Supply

1. Remove the AC power cord from the power supply receptacle,

and move your ground strap to the metal frame of the chassis.

2. Disconnect the power supply connectors at J2601 and J2603.

3. Disconnect the power supply from the peripheral devices at

connector P1, located on the CD-ROM and diskette mounting tray.


supply P1



Figure 2D-11 Removing the Power Supply

4. Loosen the captive screw to the power supply on the back panel.

5. Put one finger on the AC receptacle, and push forward and up.

6. Grip the power supply by its sides and pull up and away.

7. Reverse this procedure and re-install the power supply at this


2D-22 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing the Fan

Note – You must replace the power supply and connect a properly
grounded power cord prior to removing any other system
components. This is required for ESD-prevention techniques to be

1. Disconnect the fan power cable from the fan.

Fan power cable


Figure 2D-12 Fan Power Connection

2. Push the fan retaining tab out of the way.

3. Grasp the fan, and pull it from the fan and speaker bracket in the

4. Unlock the middle tab from the lip of the chassis.

Ultra 1 Series Systems 2D-23

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing the Fan

5. Push the fan retaining catch, which is part of fan/speaker bracket

assembly, out of the way.

6. Grasp the fan (you may need to use pliers to grip the fan body)
and pull it from the fan and speaker bracket in the chassis.

Note – Do not pull on the power leads to the fan; they cannot
withstand the strain of lifting the fan from the bracket.


Fan retaining catch

Fan/Speaker bracket


Figure 2D-13 Removing the System Fan From the Fan/Speaker


2D-24 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing the Fan and Speaker Bracket

1. Use a long-nose pliers to disconnect the speaker leads from the


2. Using a small slot-blade screwdriver, press in on the fan and

speaker bracket retainers.

One bracket retainer is near the top of the chassis, between the fan
and the speaker. It is accessed through a hole in the front sheet
metal of the chassis.

The second retainer is at the bottom front of the chassis, almost

centered left to right.

Fan and speaker

bracket retainers

Figure 2D-14 Location of Retaining Tabs

Ultra 1 Series Systems 2D-25

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing the Fan and Speaker Bracket

3. Slide the fan and speaker bracket up slowly, releasing the locating
tabs from the sheet-metal chassis.

4. Grasp the fan and speaker bracket, and lift it clear of the chassis.

Figure 2D-15 Lifting the Fan and Speaker Bracket Clear of Chassis

2D-26 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing the Speaker From the Bracket

1. Release the bottom retaining tab, which holds the speaker to the

2. Swing the speaker, bottom first, to clear the bracket.

Retaining Tab

Figure 2D-16 Speaker Removal From the Fan and Speaker Bracket

Ultra 1 Series Systems 2D-27

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Replacing the Fan and Speaker Assembly

1. Replace the speaker by slipping it under the top tab and snapping
it in place behind the bottom tab.

2. Insert the fan and speaker assembly into the front of the system
chassis, ensuring the tabs slip into the corresponding slots.

3. Connect the speaker leads to the speaker.

4. Connect the power lead to the fan.

2D-28 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing the Diskette Drive

Note – Several of the following procedures require you to remove

screws or other small attachment devices. Locate a clear spot in your
work area to put these small parts so they will be easy to locate when
needed. They will be less likely to become lost if the area is somewhat
isolated from your main activities.

1. Remove the two Phillips-head screws on either side of the diskette

drive compartment, located on the right side of the chassis.



Figure 2D-17 Removing the Removable Media Assembly (RMA)

2. Open the cable harness located on the outside of the drive bracket,
and unplug the connector.

Ultra 1 Series Systems 2D-29

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing the Diskette Drive

3. Push the removable media assembly toward the hard-disk drive

bracket, and gently lift it up.

4. When it is clear of the chassis, turn it over. Place it on top of the

hard disk drive bracket.

Screws securing
diskette drive Removable
media assembly

Diskette drive
CD-ROM drive

drive bracket

Figure 2D-18 Diskette Drive Removal From the RMA

5. Disconnect the diskette I/O cable from the diskette drive.

6. Disconnect the power cable from the diskette drive.

7. Remove the four Phillips-head screws securing the diskette drive

to the removable media assembly.

8. Slide the diskette drive out, and set it aside on the ESD pad.

2D-30 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing the CD-ROM Drive

1. Disconnect the I/O ribbon cable from the CD-ROM drive

2. Disconnect the DC power connector from the CD-ROM drive.

3. Remove the four screws securing the CD-ROM drive to the

removable media assembly, and set the CD-ROM driver aside on
the ESD pad.

Reassembling the Removable Media Assembly

1. Place the diskette drive with the diskette door facing the cutout in
the removable media assembly, and secure it with four Phillips-
head screws.

2. Place the CD-ROM drive into the removable media assembly, and
secure with four Phillips-head screws.

3. Leave the assembly out of the chassis until instructed to install it.

Ultra 1 Series Systems 2D-31

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing the Hard-Disk Drive(s)

1. Remove the EMI door.

a. Use a screwdriver to pry open the EMI door from the left.
Open the door from left to right, then remove it.



Figure 2D-19 Removing the EMI Door From the Chassis

2. Locate the disk drive to be removed.

2D-32 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing the Hard-Disk Drive(s)

3. Unlatch the drive handle and swing it all the way open, pressing
the handle back to the chassis.

4. The disk-drive connector will be disconnected once the drive is

fully ejected.

Drive 0’s

Figure 2D-20 Extracting the Hard Disk Drive From the Chassis

5. Pull the drive handle to slide the drive out, removing it from the

6. Place the drive on the ESD pad.

Note – The position of a drive determines its SCSI target address. The
drive automatically becomes SCSI address 3 on installation. If you
remove more than one disk drive, take note of the original position of
the drive to ensure you return it to that position. The system will not
boot or operate correctly if you return the drives to the wrong location.

Ultra 1 Series Systems 2D-33

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing the SBus Cards

Note – If your system does not have an SBus card option, or you have
already removed SBus cards from other systems in the lab, you can
skip this page.

1. Unlock the card retainers.

● If the SBus card is located in SBus slot 0 or 1, push the card

retainers back from the edge of the SBus card.

● If the SBus card is located in SBus slot 2, pull the card retainer
pins up (not shown).

SBus slot 1
SBus slot 0


Figure 2D-21 Removing SBus Cards

2D-34 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing the SBus Cards

2. Grasp the SBus card at both corners, and pull it up to disconnect it

from the socket.

3. Disconnect the SBus card from of the back panel, and place it on
the Sun ESD pad.

Ultra 1 Series Systems 2D-35

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing System Memory

1. Select one DSIMM from the pair you want to remove. Push the
ejection lever away from the SIMM socket containing the DSIMM
you want to remove.


Figure 2D-22 Using the DSIMM Ejection Lever

2. While pressing on the lever, lift the opposite end of the DSIMM
with your other hand.

You may need to push the lever and pull the opposite end again to
get the DSIMM completely released from the socket.

2D-36 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing System Memory

U0U7 0604
U07U0603 04
U07U0602 03
U0U7 0601 02

Figure 2D-23 DSIMM Removal

3. Place the DSIMM on the ESD mat.

Ultra 1 Series Systems 2D-37

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing the System Board

1. Four cables must first be disconnected from the system board

before it can be removed.

▼ a – J2602, Internal SCSI cable

▼ b – J2601, Power sense cable

▼ c – J260, Power supply voltage

▼ d – J200, Speaker/LED cable


a b c
J2602 J2601 J2603

Figure 2D-24 Main Logic Board Cable Locations

Note – The nonvolatile random access memory/time of day clock

(NVRAM/TOD) contains the system’s host identifier (ID) and
Ethernet address values. You must remove the NVRAM/TOD from
the customer’s defective CPU board and install it on the replacement
CPU board. Do not remove the NVRAM/TOD from this system unless
directed to do so by your instructor.

2D-38 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing the System Board

2. Loosen both main logic board retaining screws on the back panel.

Captive main logic board retaining screws

Figure 2D-25 Main Logic Board Retainer Screw Location

3. Grasp the CPU board by the back panel only, and carefully slide it
out of the chassis

4. Place it on the ESD mat.

Figure 2D-26 Main Logic Board Removal

5. Do not remove the two plastic strips attached to the system

board—one across the back edge and one on the bottom. Just
observe how they are attached in the event a replacement board
does not have them.

Ultra 1 Series Systems 2D-39

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing the CPU Module Fan Assembly

1. With the system board laying on the Sun ESD pad, loosen the two
Phillips-head screws holding the fan in place.

2. Remove the fan assembly (with screws) and set it aside.

J2001 J0101

J2602 J2601 J2603

Figure 2D-27 CPU Cooling Fan Removal

2D-40 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Finishing Up

1. Install the CPU fan unit, securing it in place with the two Phillips
head screws. Attach the power lead from the fan into the
appropriate power connector, J0101.

2. Replace the main logic board, carefully sliding it into the guide
rails. The plastic guide tabs should fit easily into the slots in the

3. Secure the main logic board in place by tightening the two captive
retaining screws.

J2001 J 0101

J2602 J2601 J2603

Figure 2D-28 System View With Main Logic Board Connector


4. Connect the four cables that were previously removed from J2001,
J6001, J6002, and J6003.

5. Install the video interface card in the appropriate connector.

6. Install any other interface cards you have removed.

Ultra 1 Series Systems 2D-41

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Finishing Up

7. Install the DSIMM you removed. When you start, the ejection
lever should be angled away from the slot you are installing the
DSIMM into.

Note – As you press the DSIMM into the socket, the lever should rise
to a vertical position. If it does not, the DSIMM is not completely
seated. Remove it and try again.

8. Replace the hard disk drive:

a. Open the latch/handle on the drive unit, and guide it into


b. Seat the drive all the way into the drive bay, and close the

c. Install the EMI door over the drive bay opening in the chassis.

9. Install the removable media assembly:

a. Lower the front of the assembly into the space reserved for the
unit, keeping the connector end of the unit accessible.

b. Place the correct data connector onto the diskette drive’ s I/O
connector and seat it.

c. Place the small DC power connector onto the diskette drive’s

power receptacle.

d. Connect the SCSI I/O cable to the CD-ROM data connector.

e. Place the large DC power connector on the CD-ROM power


f. Holding the remaining cables out of the way, carefully lower

the assembly into position.

g. Slide the assembly toward the side of the chassis.

h. Verify that the tabs in the chassis align with the slots in the
removable media tray (lift the chassis and look at the slots).

2D-42 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Finishing Up

i. Secure the removable media assembly in position with the two

Phillips-head screws you removed and saved earlier.

10. Connect the monitor, keyboard and mouse, and power cords to the
system unit.

11. Turn on the power to the monitor and system unit.

12. Verify that the system successfully completes POST diagnostics.

Boot the unit manually if it does not automatically boot when

power is applied.

13. If your system boots, contact your instructor for your next
assignment, which may include troubleshooting an induced
malfunction in this system.

Note – If your system did not successfully boot, call your instructor

When the system is fully operational, the lab is complete.

Ultra 1 Series Systems 2D-43

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Ultra 2 System 2E

Upon completion of this lab, you should be able to

● Remove the system chassis cover

● Remove the power supply

● Remove hard-disk drives

● Remove the CD-ROM drive and diskette drive

● Remove SBus cards

● Remove UltraSPARC modules

● Remove and replace DSIMMs

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G

To complete this lab, you will need

● A medium Phillips screwdriver

● An approved electro-static discharge (ESD) kit

2E-2 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Preparing for the Lab

To prevent unwanted system booting after reset and long POST

diagnostic runs, perform the following steps:

1. If the Solaris operating system is running, log in as the root user

and halt the operating system.

ok halt

If the system attempts to reboot after shutting down the operating

system, press the Stop and a keys at the same time.

2. At the OpenBoot PROM ok prompt, type the following:

ok setenv auto-boot? false

ok setenv diag-switch? false

ok reset

3. After POST diagnostics are complete, and the ok prompt is

displayed, turn off the power to all peripheral units including the
display monitor.

4. Turn off the power to the system.

5. If the display monitor is sitting on top of the system chassis, un-

cable it and set it aside so that you can remove the system chassis

Ultra 2 System 2E-3

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing the System Cover

1. Power off the system.

2. Remove the screw securing the lock block (Figure 2E-1), if

installed, to the cover and back panel.

3. Pull the two top cover tabs to free the cover from the back panel.

4. Grasp the sides of the cover and lift the cover from the back panel.

5. Move the cover away from the front panel to free it from the
chassis and set aside.

Figure 2E-1 Location of Lock Block

2E-4 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Attaching the Wrist Strap

Caution – Wear an antistatic wrist strap and use an ESD-protected mat

when handling components. When removing components other than
! the power supply, leave the power cord connected to both the
system/server unit and the wall receptacle. When removing the power
supply, attach the copper end of the wrist strap to the system/server
unit chassis, or power supply. Store ESD-sensitive components in
antistatic bags before placing them on the mat.

1. Unwrap the first two folds of the wrist strap and wrap the
adhesive side firmly against the wrist.

2. Peel the liner from the copper foil at the opposite end of the wrist
strap (Figure 2E-2). Attach the copper end of the wrist strap to the
bare metal of the system chassis, not the power supply. You will be
removing the power supply later.

Figure 2E-2 Attaching the Wrist Strap

Ultra 2 System 2E-5

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing the Power Supply

1. Disconnect the AC power cord from the system.

2. Disconnect the power supply connector J5 from the CD-ROM

drive (or 4-mm/8-mm tape drive).

Note – When disconnecting the power supply connectors, press your

thumb against the retention latch on the connector shell.

3. Disconnect the power supply connector J6 from the diskette drive.

4. Disconnect the following power supply connectors from the

system board as shown in Figure 2E-3 on page 2E-7:

▼ J1 from J3206

▼ J2 from J3205

▼ J3 from J3203

▼ J4 from J3204

5. Loosen the two captive screws securing the power supply to the
back panel.

6. Push the power supply toward the chassis front to disengage the
mounting hooks.

7. Tilt the power supply slightly toward the system board; lift the
power supply from the chassis.

2E-6 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing the Power Supply

Figure 2E-3 Removing the Power Supply

Ultra 2 System 2E-7

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing the SCSI Cable

1. Disconnect the P2 connector from the CD-ROM drive.

Note – Connector P2 may be connected to a 4-mm or 8-mm tape drive.

2. Disconnect the P1 connector from J1202 on the system board.

3. Disconnect the P3 connector from J1203 on the system board.

4. Remove the SCSI cable.

2E-8 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing the Diskette Drive Cables

1. Disconnect the P2 connector from the rear of the diskette drive.

2. Disconnect the P1 connector from J1201 on the system board.

3. Remove the diskette drive cable.

Ultra 2 System 2E-9

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing a Hard-Disk Drive

1. Remove the EMI door from the right side of the chassis.

2. Open the disk drive handle.

3. Fully extend the disk drive handle to disconnect the disk drive
from the system.

4. Remove the disk drive from the chassis drive slot.

5. Place the disk drive on an antistatic surface.

Note – Ensure that the disk drive is placed on the antistatic mat with
the printed circuit card side up.

2E-10 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing the Media Bay Chassis Bracket

1. Remove the screws securing the drive bracket to the chassis.

2. Remove the DC harness from the clip located on the drive bracket.

3. Disconnect the DC harness from the peripheral power cable at P1.

4. Push the drive bracket toward the disk drive bay and gently flip it
over on top of the disk drive bay.

5. Disconnect the SCSI cable from the CD-ROM drive or 4-mm/8-

mm tape drive.

6. Disconnect the peripheral power cable:

7. Disconnect the diskette cable from the diskette drive (if any).

Ultra 2 System 2E-11

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing the CD-ROM Drive

1. Position the media bay chassis on a flat surface so that the CD-
ROM drive or 4-mm/8-mm/2.5-Gbyte tape drive is flat.

2. Remove the screws securing the CD-ROM drive or 4-mm/8-

mm/2.5-Gbyte tape drive to the drive bracket.

3. Remove the CD-ROM drive or 4-mm/8-mm/2.5-Gbyte tape drive

and place it on the ESD mat.

2E-12 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing the Diskette Drive

1. Remove the screws securing the drive bracket from the system
front panel.

2. Slide the drive bracket in and lift the drive bracket from the

3. Disconnect the DC power cable from the diskette drive.

4. Position the drive bracket on top of a flat surface.

5. Remove the screws securing the diskette drive to the drive


6. Remove the diskette drive and place it on the ESD mat.

Ultra 2 System 2E-13

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing the NVRAM/TOD Device

1. Locate the NVRAM/TOD device and carrier on the system board

(Figure 2E-4)

2. Grasp the NVRAM/TOD device carrier at each end and lift the
NVRAM/TOD carrier straight up.

Note – Gently wiggle the NVRAM/TOD device as necessary.

3. Place the NVRAM/TOD device and carrier in an antistatic bag.

Figure 2E-4 NVRAM/TOD device Location

2E-14 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Replacing the NVRAM/TOD Device

1. Position the replacement NVRAM/TOD device and carrier on the

system board as shown in Figure 2E-4 on page 2E-14.

2. Carefully insert the NVRAM/TOD device and carrier into the


Note – The carrier is keyed so the NVRAM/TOD device can be

installed only one way.

3. Push the NVRAM/TOD device into the socket until it is properly


Ultra 2 System 2E-15

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing an SBus Card

1. Unlock the card retainers by pushing the card retainers back from
the edge of the SBus card.

Chassis rear

Card retainers

Figure 2E-5 Removing an SBus Card

Note – Figure 2E-5 is not representative of any specific system unit or


2E-16 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing an SBus Card

Note – An SBus card extraction handle inserted into the holes at either
side of the connector end of the card will make the extraction easier,
but is not always necessary

2. Lift the card at the connector end until it is clear

3. Place the SBus card on the antistatic mat.

Ultra 2 System 2E-17

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Installing a New SBus Card

Note – This procedure outlines the installation of a new SBus card and
many of the steps presented will not be required for this lab. They are
only provided so you understand not all SBus cards install easily in all
systems. Go ahead and reinstall the SBus card(s) you removed (if any).

1. Identify the SBus slot and open the SBus card retainers.

2. Remove SBus filler panels by using both hands, grasp the tabs at
the base of the SBus filler panel and squeeze both tabs until the
filler panel base disengages from the chassis.

a. Swing the filler panel base toward the system interior and

3. Holding the SBus card by the edges, set the SBus card jumpers or
switches (refer to the SBus product guide).

2E-18 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Installing a New SBus Card

4. If the SBus card being installed has backplate tabs, remove the two
screws securing the backplate adapter to the backplate (Figure 2E-

5. Remove the backplate adapter and discard it.


Adapter bracket

Figure 2E-6 Removing the SBus Card Adapter Bracket

6. Remove the SBus card extractor handle as follows (Figure 2E-7 on

page 2E-20):

a. Bend one SBus card extractor handle leg slightly to the outside
until the hook clears the hole in the SBus card.

b. Remove the other side.

Ultra 2 System 2E-19

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Installing a New SBus Card

7. Remove the SBus card extractor handle (Figure 2E-7) by bending

one SBus card extractor handle leg slightly, toward the outside
edge until the hook clears the hole in the SBus card.

a. Remove the other side in the same manner.

Extractor handle

SBus card

Figure 2E-7 Removing an SBus Card Extractor Handle

8. Holding the SBus card at an angle, insert the SBus card backplate
behind the tabs at the top of the card opening.

9. Lower the SBus card into position.

10. Push the SBus card into the SBus slot by carefully pressing the
SBus card corners.
Caution – Do not force the SBus card or SBus slot pin damage may
11. Secure the card in place by pushing the card retainers forward
over the edge of the SBus card.

Note – Refer to the SBus product guide to complete any required

software installation, configuration, or setup procedures.

2E-20 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing a DSIMM

1. Unlock and lift the DSIMM cover.

Caution – DSIMMs consist of electronic components that are
extremely sensitive to static electricity. Ordinary amounts of static
! electricity from clothing or work environment can destroy the DSIMM.

Note – Refer to the Field Engineer Handbook for DSIMM types and
locations in this system. The Ultra 2 systems support 16-, 32-, 64-, and
128-Mbyte DSIMMs.

Note – The Ultra 2 system must have four DSIMMs in bank 0 for the
unit to boot.

Caution – Handle DSIMMs only by the edges. Do not touch the

DSIMM components or metal parts. Always wear a grounding strap
! when handling a DSIMM.

2. Locate the DSIMM to be removed (Refer to Figure 2E-4 on page

2E-14 for DSIMM location).

3. Push the ejection lever away from the DSIMM.

4. Remove the DSIMM from the socket.

Ultra 2 System 2E-21

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Replacing a DSIMM

1. Locate the available DSIMM slots on the system board.

Note – Refer to the Field Engineer Handbook for DSIMM bank locations

2. For each DSIMM, align the notch on the side of the DSIMM with
the ejector on the DSIMM slot. Insert the DSIMM into the slot.

3. Using your thumbs, press firmly on the DSIMM top until the
DSIMM is properly seated.

Note – Proper DSIMM seating is verified by a clicking sound.

2E-22 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing a CPU Module

1. Grip the sides of the shroud-assembly over the processor module

area (Figure 2E-8).

CPU modules Shroud assembly

Slot 0 processor area
Slot 1

Figure 2E-8 DSIMM Shroud Assemble Covering the Processor


2. With the thumb of each hand, simultaneously lift the CPU module
levers (Figure 2E-9 on page 2E-24) upward and at approximately a
135-degree angle.

3. Lift the CPU module upward until it clears the shroud assembly.

4. Place the CPU module on the antistatic mat.

Ultra 2 System 2E-23

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Replacing a CPU Module

1. Open the CPU module levers to an approximate 135-degree angle.

CPU module (side view)

Lever Lever

Figure 2E-9 Removing a CPU Module

2. Lower the CPU module along the shroud assembly vertical plastic
guides until the module touches the system board slot socket.

3. With both hands, simultaneously turn and press the CPU module
levers downward to the fully horizontal position. Firmly press the
CPU module downward into the socket until it is fully seated and
the levers are fully locked.

2E-24 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Replacing the Other System Components

1. Install the diskette drive by reversing the removal procedure on

page 2E-13.

2. Install the CD-ROM or 4-mm/8-mm tape unit by reversing the

removal procedure on page 2E-12.

3. Install the media bay chassis, with the components just replaced,
by reversing the removal procedure on page 2E-11.

4. Install the disk drive and lock the handle in place before securing
the EMI door, by reversing the removal procedure on page 2E-10.

5. Install the SCSI and diskette drive cables by reversing the removal
procedures on page 2E-8 and page 2E-9.

6. Install the power supply by reversing the removal procedure on

page 2E-6.

7. Remove the wrist strap.

8. Install the cover.

9. Connect the monitor, keyboard, and mouse, and power cords to

the system unit.

10. Turn on the power to the monitor and system unit.

11. Verify that the system successfully completes POST diagnostics.

Boot the unit manually if it does not automatically boot when

power is applied.

Note – If your system did not successfully boot, call your instructor for

When the system is fully operational, the lab is complete

Ultra 2 System 2E-25

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Ultra 5 System 2F

Upon completion of this lab, you should be able to

● Remove the system chassis cover

● Remove the power supply

● Remove cooling fan

● Remove hard-disk drives

● Remove the CD-ROM and diskette units

● Remove PCI cards

● Remove PCI card riser board

● Remove UltraSPARC modules

● Remove and replace DIMMs

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G

To complete this lab, you will need

● A medium Phillips screwdriver

● A medium slot blade screwdriver

● An approved electro-static discharge (ESD) kit

2F-2 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Preparing for the Lab

To prevent unwanted system booting after reset and long POST

diagnostic runs, perform the following steps:

1. If the Solaris operating system is running, log in as the root user

and halt the operating system.

ok halt

If the system attempts to reboot after shutting down the operating

system, press the Stop and a keys at the same time.

2. At the OpenBoot PROM ok prompt, type the following:

ok setenv auto-boot? false

ok setenv diag-switch? false

ok reset

3. After POST diagnostics are complete, and the ok prompt is

displayed, turn off the power to all peripheral units including the
display monitor.

4. Turn off the power to the system.

5. If the display monitor is sitting on top of the system chassis, un-

cable it and set it aside so that you can remove the system chassis

Ultra 5 System 2F-3

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing the System Cover

1. Disconnect all cables from the rear panel.

2. Using a number 2 Phillips-head screwdriver, remove the two

screws securing the cover to the chassis.

3. Disengage the top cover from the top cover tabs by sliding it
toward the rear of the chassis about 1 inch.

4. Lift the cover straight up and set it aside in a safe place.

Caution – Wear an antistatic wrist strap and use an ESD-protected mat

when handling electronic components.

2F-4 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Attaching the Wrist Strap

Caution – Wear an antistatic wrist strap and use an ESD-protected mat

when handling components. When removing components other than
! the power supply, leave the power cord connected to both the
system/server unit and the wall receptacle. When removing the power
supply, attach the copper end of the wrist strap to the system/server
unit chassis, vice power supply. Store ESD-sensitive components in
antistatic bags before placing them on the mat.

1. Unwrap the first two folds of the wrist strap and wrap the
adhesive side firmly against the wrist Figure 2F-1.

2. Peel the liner from the copper foil at the opposite end of the wrist
strap. Attach the copper end of the wrist strap to the bare metal of
the system chassis, not the power supply. You will be removing
the power supply later.

Figure 2F-1 Attaching the Wrist Strap

Ultra 5 System 2F-5

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing the Power Supply

Caution – When removing the power supply, attach the copper end of
the wrist strap to the system unit chassis, not the power supply.
1. Disconnect the peripheral power cable connectors from the CD-
ROM drive, diskette drive, hard drive(s), and main logic board

2. Using a number 2 Phillips-head screwdriver, remove the four

screws securing the power supply to the chassis.

3. Push the power supply forward to disengage the mounting hooks

and lift it from chassis (Figure 2F-2).

Figure 2F-2 Removing the Power Supply

2F-6 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing the Internal Cables

To remove internal cables, proceed as follows.

1. Disconnect the peripheral data and power cables from the diskette
drive and CD-ROM drive (Figure 2F-3).

Figure 2F-3 Removing Diskette Drive Cables

2. Remove the hard-disk drive cable assembly from the hard-disk

and bracket.

Ultra 5 System 2F-7

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing the Internal Cables

3. Remove the serial/parallel cable assembly connector from the

main logic board at J7 and J8 (Figure 2F-4).

Figure 2F-4 Removing Main Logic Board Cables

a. Using a number two Phillips-head screwdriver, remove the

screw securing the serial/parallel cable assembly connector
panel to the rear panel.

b. Remove the connector assembly from the chassis cutout.

4. Remove the audio cable from the CD-ROM drive to the main logic
board (J5).

2F-8 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing the PCI Cards

1. Using a medium Phillips-head screwdriver, remove the screw

securing the PCI card bracket tab to the system unit chassis
(Figure 2F-5).
Caution – Avoid damaging the connector by not applying force to one
end or one side of the board.

2. Grasp the two corners of the PCI card and pull the card straight
out from the connector.

3. Place the PCI card on the antistatic mat.

Figure 2F-5 Removing the PCI Card in an Ultra 5 System

Ultra 5 System 2F-9

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing the CPU Fan

1. Disconnect the CPU fan assembly power cable connector from the
main logic board at J19 (Figure 2F-6).

2. Press the retaining clip and separate the CPU fan assembly from
the chassis.

3. Tilt the CPU fan assembly away from the chassis.

4. Lift the fan clear of the chassis and other components.

Figure 2F-6 Removing the CPU Cooling Fan Assembly

2F-10 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing the Diskette Drive

1. Using a Phillips-head screwdriver, loosen the three screws securing

the diskette drive bracket to the chassis (Figure 2F-7).

Note – Do not remove the three screws securing the diskette drive
bracket to the chassis.

2. Remove the diskette drive bracket from the chassis by sliding back
and lifting up.

3. Using a number 2 Phillips-head screwdriver, remove the four

screw securing the diskette drive to the drive bracket.

Figure 2F-7 Removing the Diskette Drive

Ultra 5 System 2F-11

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing the Speaker Assembly

1. Disconnect the speaker cable from the main logic board at J18
(Figure 2F-8).

2. Grasp the magnet firmly and pull the speaker away from the
chassis while moving it downward.

Figure 2F-8 Removing the Speaker Assembly

2F-12 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing the Hard-Disk Drive

1. Using a Phillips-head screwdriver, remove the two screws

securing the hard-disk drive bracket to the chassis (Figure 2F-9).

2. Slide the hard-drive bracket to the left and lift it from the chassis.

3. Using a number 2 Phillips-head screwdriver, remove the four

screws securing the hard-disk drive to the bracket.

4. Remove the hard-disk drive from the hard disk drive bracket.

5. Place the hard-disk drive on an antistatic mat.

Figure 2F-9 Removing the Hard-Disk Drive

Ultra 5 System 2F-13

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing the CD-ROM Drive

1. Using a Phillips-head screwdriver, remove the four screws

securing the CD-ROM drive to the CD-ROM drive bracket
(Figure 2F-10).

2. Place your fingers on the rear of the CD-ROM drive and push the
CD-ROM drive toward the chassis front and remove.

3. Place the CD-ROM drive on the antistatic mat.

Figure 2F-10 Removing the CD-ROM Drive

2F-14 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing the NVRAM/TOD Device

1. Locate the NVRAM/TOD and carrier on the motherboard

(Figure 2F-11).

2. Grasp the NVRAM/TOD carrier at each end and pull it straight

up gently rocking the carrier back and forth as necessary.

3. Place the NVRAM/TOD and carrier on the antistatic mat.

Figure 2F-11 Removing the NVRAM/TOD Device

Replacing the NVRAM/TOD Device

1. To replace the NVRAM/TOD refer to Figure 2F-11.

2. Align the NVRAM/TOD and carrier on the main logic board.

3. Carefully press the NVRAM/TOD carrier into the socket.

Note – The carrier is keyed so the NVRAM/TOD can be installed only

one way.

Ultra 5 System 2F-15

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing a DIMM

Caution – DIMMs consist of electronic components that are extremely

sensitive to static electricity. Ordinary amounts of static electricity from
! clothing or work environment can destroy the DIMM.

Caution – When removing a DIMM, an identical replacement is

required. The replacement DIMM must be inserted into the same
! socket as the removed DIMM.

Caution – Each DIMM bank must contain at least two DIMMs of equal
density (for example, two 32-Mbyte DIMMs) to function properly. Do
! not mix DIMM capacities in any bank.

Note – The system unit must have at least two identical DIMMs
installed in paired sockets of any DIMM bank.

Figure 2F-12 Removing and Replacing a DIMM

2F-16 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing a DIMM

1. Locate the DIMM slots on the system board.

2. Push the ejection levers down and away from the DIMM
(Figure 2F-12).

3. Remove the DIMM from the connector.

4. Place the DIMM on an antistatic mat.

Installing or Replacing a DIMM

1. Holding the DIMM by the corners, identify the keyway on the
connector edge.

2. Locate the available DIMM slots and identify the corresponding


3. Orient the DIMM so that the key and keyway are aligned.

4. Lower the DIMM into the DIMM slot and press firmly with your
thumbs at both ends of the DIMMs upper edge.

Note – When the DIMM is properly seated, there will be a “click”

sound signaling the DIMM has been seated and the extraction levers
will be vertical.

Ultra 5 System 2F-17

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing the CPU Module

1. Using a Phillips-head screwdriver, remove the screw securing the

hold-down brace and remove it (Figure 2F-13).

2. Unlock the hold-down clip by pushing the retainer back from the
edge of the CPU module.

3. Using your fingers, gently lift the front edges of the CPU module,
rocking it from side to side as necessary, to loosen it from the main
logic board connectors MJ1 and MJ2.

4. Lift the CPU module upward from the main logic board
connectors until it clears the system unit chassis (Figure 2F-13).

5. Place the CPU module on the antistatic mat.

Figure 2F-13 Removing and Replacing the CPU Module

2F-18 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Replacing the CPU Module

1. Position the CPU module on to the main logic board connectors

(Figure 2F-13)

2. Grasping the CPU module, gently press on the CPU module’s rear
edges and then the front edges until the CPU module begins to

3. Using both hands, press the CPU module downward until the
CPU module is properly seated to the main logic board

4. Push the hold-down clip forward over the edge of the CPU

5. Replace the hold-down brace. Using a Phillips-head screwdriver,

replace the screw securing the hold-down brace to the riser.

Ultra 5 System 2F-19

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Replacing all System Components

1. Install the diskette drive by reversing the removal procedure (page


2. Install the CD-ROM drive unit by reversing the removal procedure

(page 2F-14).

3. Install the hard-disk drive by reversing the removal procedure

(page 2F-13).

4. Install diskette drive CD-ROM, audio and any other internal

cables currently removed by reversing the removal procedure
(page 2F-7).

5. Install the power supply by reversing the removal procedure

(page 2F-6).

6. Install any PCI cards removed earlier by reversing the removal

procedure (page 2F-9).

7. Remove the wrist strap

8. Install the cover by reversing the removal procedure (page 2F-4).

9. Connect the monitor, keyboard and mouse, and power cords to the
system unit.

10. Turn on the power to the monitor and system unit.

11. Verify that the system successfully completes POST diagnostics.

12. Boot the unit manually if it does not automatically boot when
power is applied.

Note – If your system did not successfully boot, call your instructor

When the system is fully operational, the lab is complete

2F-20 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Ultra 10 System 2G

Upon completion of this lab, you should be able to

● Remove the system chassis cover

● Remove the power supply

● Remove the cooling fan

● Remove hard-disk drives

● Remove the CD-ROM drive and diskette drive

● Remove PCI bus cards

● Remove UltraSPARC modules

● Remove and replace DIMMs

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G

To complete this lab, you will need

● A medium Phillips screwdriver

● A medium slot blade screwdriver

● An approved electro-static discharge (ESD) kit

2G-2 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Preparing for the Lab

To prevent unwanted system booting after reset and long POST

diagnostic runs, perform the following steps:

1. If the Solaris operating system is running, log in as the root user

and halt the operating system.

ok halt

If the system attempts to reboot after shutting down the operating

system, press the Stop and a keys at the same time.

2. At the OpenBoot PROM ok prompt, type the following:

ok setenv auto-boot? false

ok setenv diag-switch? false

ok reset

3. After POST diagnostics are complete, and the ok prompt is

displayed, turn off the power to all peripheral units including the
display monitor.

4. Turn off the power to the system.

Ultra 10 System 2G-3

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing the System Cover

1. Disconnect all cables from the rear panel

2. Turn the system unit upside down placing it on its top.

3. Using a Phillips-head screwdriver, remove the four screws

securing the cover to the chassis.

4. Disengage the top cover from the top cover tabs by sliding it
toward the rear of the chassis about 1 inch.

5. Lift the cover straight up and set it aside in a safe place.

2G-4 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Attaching the Wrist Strap

Caution – Wear an antistatic wrist strap and use an ESD-protected mat

when handling components. When removing components other than
! the power supply, leave the power cord connected to both the
system/server unit and the wall receptacle. When removing the power
supply, attach the copper end of the wrist strap to the system/server
unit chassis, or power supply. Store ESD-sensitive components in
antistatic bags before placing them on the mat.

1. Unwrap the first two folds of the wrist strap and wrap the
adhesive side firmly against the wrist.

2. Peel the liner from the copper foil at the opposite end of the wrist
strap. Attach the copper end of the wrist strap to the bare metal of
the system chassis, not the power supply. You will be removing
the power supply later.

Figure 2G-1 Attaching the Wrist Strap

Ultra 10 System 2G-5

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing the Power Supply

1. Disconnect the peripheral power cable connectors from the CD-

ROM drive, diskette drive, hard-disk drive(s), and main logic
board (J12 and J13).

2. Set the system unit on its side (Figure 2G-2).

3. Using a medium Phillips-head screwdriver, remove the four

screws securing the power supply to the chassis.

4. Push the power supply forward to disengage the mounting hooks

and lift it from chassis.

Figure 2G-2 Removing the Power Supply

2G-6 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing the Internal Cables

Note – PCI and other peripheral devices can hamper the removal of
the cables. Use care so as to not damage the cables or peripheral
devices when removing the cables.

1. Remove the data and power cables from the diskette drive.

2. Remove the cable from the main logic board at J16

3. Remove the hard-disk drive cable assembly (Figure 2G-3).

Figure 2G-3 Removing the Hard-Disk Cable

4. Remove the cable from the main logic board at J15.

5. Remove the hard drive cable assembly.

6. Remove the serial/parallel cable assembly connector from the

main logic board at J7 and J8.

7. Using a number two Phillips-head screwdriver, remove the screw

securing the serial/parallel cable assembly connector panel to the
rear panel.

8. Remove the connector assembly from the chassis cutout.

Ultra 10 System 2G-7

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing the Internal Cables

9. Remove the audio cable assembly connectors from the CD-ROM

drive (Figure 2G-4).

Figure 2G-4 CD-ROM Drive Audio Cable Location

10. Remove the audio cable assembly connectors from the main logic
board J5.

2G-8 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing the Speaker Assembly

1. Disconnect the speaker cable from the main logic board at J18
(Figure 2G-5).

Figure 2G-5 Removing the Speaker Assembly

2. Grasp the magnet and firmly pull the speaker away from the
chassis while moving it downward.

Ultra 10 System 2G-9

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing the CPU Fan

1. Disconnect the CPU fan assembly power cable connector from the
main logic board at J19 (Figure 2G-6).

2. Press the retaining clip closest to the open side of the chassis

3. Tilt the CPU fan assembly away from the chassis.

4. Lift the fan clear of the chassis and other components.


Figure 2G-6 Removing the CPU Cooling Fan Assembly

2G-10 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing the Hard-Disk Drive

1. Using a medium Phillips-head screwdriver, remove the screws

securing the hard-disk drive bracket and the brackets brace to the
chassis (Figure 2G-7).

2. Slide the hard drive and the hard drive bracket toward the chassis
rear until it clears the chassis.

3. Remove the hard drive and hard drive bracket.

4. Using a number 2 Phillips-head screwdriver, remove the four

screws, securing the hard drive to the hard drive bracket. Remove
the hard drive.

5. Place the hard drive on an antistatic mat.

Figure 2G-7 Removing the Hard-Disk Drive

Ultra 10 System 2G-11

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing the CD-ROM Drive

1. Remove the CD-ROM drive cable, power cable, and audio cable
from the rear of the CD-ROM drive if connected (Figure 2G-8).

2. Using a medium Phillips-head screwdriver, remove the four

screws securing the CD-ROM drive to the CD-ROM drive bracket.

3. Place your fingers on the rear of the CD-ROM drive, push the CD-
ROM drive toward the chassis front, and remove it.

4. Place the CD-ROM drive on an antistatic mat.

Figure 2G-8 Removing the CD-ROM Drive

2G-12 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing the Diskette Drive

1. Disconnect the diskette drive ribbon cable and power cable if


2. Using a medium Phillips-head screwdriver, remove the screw

securing the diskette drive bracket to the chassis (Figure 2G-9).

3. Remove the diskette drive bracket through the chassis rear


Figure 2G-9 Removing the Diskette Drive

4. Remove the four Phillips-head screws securing the diskette drive

to the bracket.

Ultra 10 System 2G-13

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing the PCI Cards

1. Using a medium Phillips-head screwdriver, remove the screw

securing the PCI card bracket tab to the system unit chassis
(Figure 2G-10).
Caution – Avoid damaging the connector by not applying force to one
end or one side of the board.
2. Grasp the two corners of the PCI card and pull the card straight
out from the connector.

Note – Use a number 2 Phillips-head screwdriver to remove the

bracket tab adapter from the PCI card prior to placing the PCI card on
an antistatic mat.

3. Place the PCI card on an antistatic mat.

Figure 2G-10 Removing the PCI Card(s)

2G-14 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing the NVRAM/TOD Device

1. Locate the NVRAM/TOD device and carrier on the motherboard

(Figure 2G-11).

2. Grasp the NVRAM/TOD device carrier at each end and pull it

straight up, gently rocking the carrier back and forth as necessary.

3. Place the NVRAM/TOD device and carrier on an antistatic mat.

Figure 2G-11 Removing the NVRAM/TOD device and Identifying

the Index Key

Ultra 10 System 2G-15

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Replacing the NVRAM/TOD Device

1. Position the NVRAM/TOD and carrier on the motherboard

(Figure 2G-11 on page 2G-15).

2. Carefully insert the NVRAM/TOD device and carrier into the


Note – The carrier is keyed so the NVRAM/TOD device can be

installed only one way.

3. Push the NVRAM/TOD device into the socket until it is properly


2G-16 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing a DIMM

Caution – DSIMMs consist of electronic components that are

extremely sensitive to static electricity. Ordinary amounts of static
! electricity from clothing or work environment can destroy the DSIMM.
Handle DIMMs only by the edges.

Note – When removing a DIMM, an identical replacement is required.

The replacement DIMM must be inserted into the same socket as the
removed DIMM.

Note – Each DIMM bank must contain at least two DIMMs of equal
density (for example, two 32-Mbyte DIMMs) to function properly. Do
not mix DIMM capacities in any bank.

Note – The system unit must have at least two identical DIMMs
installed in paired sockets of any DIMM bank.

Figure 2G-12 Removing a DIMM

Ultra 10 System 2G-17

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing a DIMM

1. Locate the DIMM slots on the system board.

2. Push the ejection levers down and away from the DIMM
(Figure 2G-12 on page 2G-17).

3. Remove the DIMM from the connector.

4. Place the DIMM on an antistatic mat.

2G-18 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Replacing a DIMM

1. Holding the DIMM by the corners, identify the keyway on the

connector edge.

2. Locate the available DIMM slots and identify the corresponding

key slot.

3. Orient the DIMM so that the key and keyway are aligned.

4. Lower the DIMM into the slot and press firmly with both thumbs
at the ends of the DIMMs upper edge.

Note – When the DIMM is properly seated, there will be a “click”

sound signaling the DIMM has been seated and the extraction levers
will be vertical.

Ultra 10 System 2G-19

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing a CPU Module

1. Using a medium Phillips-head screwdriver, remove the screw

securing the hold-down brace and remove it (Figure 2G-13).

2. Unlock the hold-down clip by pushing the retainer back from the
edge of the CPU module.

3. Using your fingers, gently lift the front edges of the CPU module,
rocking it from side to side as necessary, to loosen it from the
motherboard CPU connectors MJ1 and MJ2.

4. Lift the CPU module upward from the motherboard CPU

connectors until it clears the system unit chassis.

5. Place the CPU module on the antistatic mat.

Figure 2G-13 Removing the CPU Module

2G-20 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Replacing the CPU Module

1. Position the CPU module onto the motherboard CPU connectors

(refer to Figure 2G-13 on page 2G-20)

2. Grasping the CPU module, gently press on the CPU module rear
edges and then the front edges until the CPU module begins to
seat itself.

3. Using both hands, press the CPU module downward until the
CPU module is properly seated to the motherboard CPU

Ultra 10 System 2G-21

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Replacing all System Components

1. Install the diskette drive by reversing the removal procedure (page


2. Install the CD-ROM unit by reversing the removal procedure

(page 2G-12).

3. Install the power supply by reversing the removal procedure

(page 2G-6).

4. Install the internal cables currently removed by reversing the

removal procedure (page 2G-7).

5. Install the hard-disk drive (page 2G-11).

6. Install any PCI cards removed earlier (page 2G-14).

7. Remove the wrist strap

8. Install the cover.

9. Connect the monitor, keyboard, and mouse, and power cords to

the system unit.

10. Turn on the power to the monitor and system unit.

11. Verify that the system successfully completes POST diagnostics.

12. Boot the unit manually if it does not automatically boot when
power is applied.

Note – If your system did not successfully boot, call your instructor

When the system is fully operational, the lab is complete.

2G-22 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Ultra 60 System 2H

Upon completion of this lab, you should be able to

● Remove the system chassis cover

● Remove the power supply

● Remove cooling fans

● Remove hard-disk drives

● Remove the CD-ROM drive and diskette drive

● Remove PCI bus cards

● Remove UltraSPARC modules

● Remove and replace DIMMs

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G

To complete this lab, you will need

● A medium Phillips screwdriver

● A medium slot blade screwdriver

● An approved electro-static discharge (ESD) kit

2H-2 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Preparing for the Lab

To prevent unwanted system booting after reset and long POST

diagnostic runs, perform the following steps:

1. If the Solaris operating system is running, log in as the root user

and halt the operating system.

ok halt

If the system attempts to reboot after shutting down the operating

system, press the Stop and a keys at the same time.

2. At the OpenBoot PROM ok prompt, type the following:

ok setenv auto-boot? false

ok setenv diag-switch? false

ok reset

3. After POST diagnostics are complete, and the ok prompt is

displayed, turn off the power to all peripheral units including the
display monitor.

4. Turn off the power to the system.

Ultra 60 System 2H-3

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing the System Cover

1. Disconnect all cables from the rear panel

2. Using a medium Phillips-head screwdriver, remove the lock block

screw securing the cover to the chassis.

3. Disengage the top cover from by sliding it toward the rear of the
chassis about
1 inch (Figure 2H-1).

4. Move the rear of the cover away from the chassis until the front
tab disengages from the front faceplate and set it aside in a safe

Figure 2H-1 Removing the Ultra 60 System access cover

Caution – Wear an antistatic wrist strap and use an ESD-protected mat

when handling electronic components.

2H-4 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Attaching the Antistatic Wrist Strap

1. Unwrap the first two folds of the wrist strap and wrap the
adhesive side firmly against your wrist.

2. Peel the liner from the copper foil at the opposite end of the wrist
strap. Attach the copper end of the wrist strap to the bare metal of
the system chassis. Normally you would attach it to the power
supply, but you will be removing the power supply later in this

Figure 2H-2 Attaching the Wrist Strap

Caution – Wear the antistatic wrist strap and use the ESD mat when
handling components. When removing components other than the
! power supply, leave the power cord connected to both the
system/server unit and the wall receptacle. When removing the power
supply, attach the copper end of the wrist strap to the system/server
unit chassis, vice power supply. Store sensitive components in
antistatic bags before placing them on any surface.

Ultra 60 System 2H-5

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing the Power Supply

Caution – When removing the power supply, attach the copper end of
the wrist strap to the system unit chassis, not the power supply.
1. Disconnect the power cord from the power supply AC receptacle.

2. Using a medium Phillips-head screwdriver, loosen the four captive

screws securing the power supply to the chassis (Figure 2H-3).

3. Slide the power supply to the rear to gain access to the power

4. Disconnect the power cables from peripheral devices and the main
logic board.

Note – Latches, located on the side center of each connector, must be

pressed to release the connector from the main logic board.

5. Lift the power supply from the chassis.

Figure 2H-3 Removing the Power Supply

2H-6 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing the PCI Cards

1. Using a medium Phillips-head screwdriver, remove the screw

securing the PCI card bracket tab to the system unit chassis.
Caution – Avoid damaging the connector by not applying force to one
end or one side of the board.
2. Grasp the two corners of the PCI card and pull the card straight
out from the connector (Figure 2H-4).

3. Place the PCI card on the antistatic mat

Figure 2H-4 Lifting the PCI Card From the System Chassis

Ultra 60 System 2H-7

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing the PCI Fan Assembly

1. Disconnect the PCI fan power harness from the motherboard.

2. Lift the fan assembly to CPU module shroud latch (Figure 2H-5).

3. Press in on the locking snap located on the chassis bottom.

4. Press out on the latch located on the fan shroud between the
speaker assembly and the hard-disk bay.

5. Carefully lift the PCI fan assembly clear, and set it aside.

Locking snap

CPU shroud latch

Figure 2H-5 Lifting the PCI Fan Assembly From the System Chassis

2H-8 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing the Speaker Assembly

1. Using a medium Phillips-head screwdriver, remove the screw

securing the speaker assembly to the chassis (Figure 2H-6).

2. Carefully move the speaker assembly to gain access to the speaker


3. Unroute the speaker wires from the wire looms.

4. Lift the speaker clear and set it aside.

Figure 2H-6 Removing the Speaker Assembly

Ultra 60 System 2H-9

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing the CPU Fan

1. Disconnect the CPU fan power cable connector from the main
logic board at J2906.

2. Press the plastic retaining clip, located through the hole in the
center of the metal fan assembly extraction handle (Figure 2H-7),
with a screwdriver.

3. Grip the handle and lift the fan from the CPU shroud assembly.

Figure 2H-7 Removing the CPU Cooling Fan Assembly

2H-10 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing the CPU Module(s)

1. Using the thumbs of both hands, simultaneously lift the two levers
on the CPU module upward and to the side to approximately 135
degrees (Figure 2H-8).

2. Lift the CPU module upward until it clears the system unit

3. Place the CPU module on an antistatic mat.

Figure 2H-8 Removing the CPU Module(s)

Ultra 60 System 2H-11

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing the Audio Card

1. Remove the screw securing the audio card to the rear pane
(Figure 2H-9).

2. Lift the card straight up.

Figure 2H-9 Removing the Audio Card

2H-12 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing the CPU Fan Shroud

1. Using a medium Phillips-head screwdriver, loosen the captive

screws securing the shroud assembly to the motherboard until the
screws pop up (Figure 2H-10).

2. Lift the locking lever on the shroud assembly to clear the UPA
graphics card slot on the main logic board.

3. Move the shroud toward the UPA card slots to release the shroud
guide pins located in slots on the main logic board.

4. When the shroud is clear, lift it away the main logic board.

Figure 2H-10 Removing the CPU Fan Shroud Assembly

Ultra 60 System 2H-13

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing a DIMM

Caution – DIMMs consist of electronic components that are extremely

sensitive to static electricity. Ordinary amounts of static electricity from
! clothing or the work environment can destroy the DIMM.

Note – When removing a DIMM, an identical replacement is required.

The replacement DIMM must be inserted into the same socket as the
removed DIMM.

Note – Each DIMM bank must contain four DIMMs of equal density
(for example, four 128-Mbyte DIMMs) to function properly. Do not
mix DIMM capacities in any bank.

Figure 2H-11 Removing and Replacing a DIMM

2H-14 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing a DIMM

1. Locate the DIMM slots on the system board.

2. Push the ejection levers down and away from the DIMM to be
removed (Figure 2H-11 on page 2H-14).

3. Remove the DIMM from the connector.

4. Place the DIMM on an antistatic mat.

Ultra 60 System 2H-15

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Replacing a DIMM

1. Holding the DIMM by the corners, identify the keyway (notch) on

the connector edge (Figure 2H-11 on page 2H-14).

2. Locate the available DIMM slots and identify the corresponding

key on the lever end of the socket.

3. Orient the DIMM so that the key and keyway are aligned.

4. Lower the DIMM into the DIMM slot and press firmly with both
thumbs at both ends of the DIMM’s upper edge.

Note – When the DIMM is properly seated, there will be a “click”

sound signaling the DIMM has been seated and the extraction levers
will be vertical.

2H-16 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Replacing Components and Assemblies

Note – If necessary, refer to Figure 2H-15 on page 2H-23 at the end of

this lab for visual assistance.

1. Replace the CPU fan shroud by lowering it into position, ensuring

all tabs are the way into their appropriate slots (page 2H-13).

a. Slip the shroud assembly toward the DIMM slots until it stops.

b. Secure the shroud in place with the two captive screws.

Note – The screws will not go in easily if the shroud assembly is not
correctly positioned in the chassis slots. Do not force the screws if they
are not properly aligned.

2. Replace the CPU fan into the fan shroud and reroute the wires
down the side of the shroud and plug it into the fan power
connector (page 2H-10).

Note – The markings on the circuit board indicate which direction the
fan power plug goes. By aligning the clip on the plug to the tab
indicator on the circuit board you will be inserting the plug correctly.

3. Replace the audio card (page 2H-12).

a. Insert the card into the audio connector.

b. Secure it with the retaining screw.

Ultra 60 System 2H-17

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Replacing Components and Assemblies

4. Replace UPA graphics card (if available).

a. Insert the UPA graphics card into UPA slot 0 (closest to CPU
fan shroud).

b. Secure it with a retaining screw.

5. Replace the CPU modules (page 2H-11).

Note – Locate the edge connector on the module and not the position
of the cut between the two portions of pins. This slot must correspond
to the key in the main logic boards CPU module connectors. To align
the module otherwise can cause connector and module damage.

a. Holding the module by the insertion levers, lower the module

into the CPU module guide slots.

Note – CPU 0 is located in slot J0101, CPU 1 is located in slot J0201.

b. When it contacts the connector, press firmly on the injection

levers until the module snaps into the edge connector.

6. Replace the PCI cards (page 2H-7).

a. Insert the PCI card into the appropriate connector.

b. Secure with a retaining screw.

7. Replace the power supply (page 2H-6).

a. Slide the power supply partially into position and connect the
power cables to their respective connectors

b. Push the unit all the way in and secure it with the four captive

c. Connect the AC power cord from an AC power outlet to the

power supply’s AC receptacle. This will provide a ground
path for ESD protection.

2H-18 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing the Hard-Disk Drive

1. Press the ejection handle release lever on the disk drive, in the
direction of the arrow, to allow the ejection handle to pop out
(Figure 2H-12).

2. Pull the ejection handle outward to disengage the drive from its
single connector.

Note – If two drives are installed, identify them in some manner so

you can replace them in the same slots they were removed from. This
is necessary because the drive’s address is determined by the slot it is
plugged into. If the drives are returned to the wrong slot, the system
will not boot when the system is powered up.

3. Lift out the hard disk drive.

4. Place the hard-disk drive on an antistatic mat.

Figure 2H-12 Removing a Hard-Disk Drive

Ultra 60 System 2H-19

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing the RMA

1. Remove the front bezel (Figure 2H-13).

2. Using a medium Phillips-head screwdriver, loosen the captive

screws securing the removable media assembly (RMA) to the

3. Slide the RMA out part way to gain access to the cables.

4. Disconnect the peripheral data and power cables from the drives.

5. Slide the RMA from the chassis.

Figure 2H-13 Removing the RMA

2H-20 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing the CD-ROM Drive

1. Position the RMA on a flat surface so that the CD-ROM drive or

tape drive is accessible (Figure 2H-14).

2. Remove the four retaining screws holding the CD-ROM to the


Figure 2H-14 Removing or Replacing the CD-ROM Drive

3. Slide the CD-ROM drive out of the RMA.

Note – The procedure for removing a diskette drive or 4-mm tape unit
is the same.

Ultra 60 System 2H-21

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Replacing System Components

To replace all of the remaining devices, proceed as follows:

1. Install the CD-ROM unit by reversing the removal procedure

(page 2H-21).

2. Install the RMA and replace the front bezel (page 2H-20)

Note – Remember to connect the cables prior to securing the RMA.

3. Install the hard disk drive(s), see page 2H-19.

4. Install all other internal cables currently removed by reversing the

removal procedure.

5. Remove the wrist strap

6. Install the side cover.

7. Connect the monitor, keyboard and mouse, and power cords to the
system unit.

8. Turn on the power to the monitor and system unit.

9. Verify that the system successfully completes POST diagnostics.

10. Boot the unit manually if it does not automatically boot when
power is applied.

Note – If your system did not successfully boot, call your instructor

When the system is fully operational, the lab is complete.

2H-22 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Exploded Parts Diagram

Figure 2H-15 Exploded Parts Diagram of the Ultra 60 System

Part names associated with the numbers on the abovediagram are

available on page 2H-24 and in the Ultra 60 Service Manual, Part
Number 805-1709-10.

Ultra 60 System 2H-23

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Field Replaceable Parts List

1. Hard-disk drive

2. Hard drive bay

3. PCI fan assembly

4. CD-ROM Drive

5. Diskette drive

6. DC switch assembly

7. Speaker assembly

8. Peripheral power cable

9. Chassis foot

10. Power supply

11. TPE cable

12. NVRAM/TOD assembly

13. Main logic board

14. PCI card

15. UPA graphics card

16. DIMM

17. Audio module

18. CPU fan shroud assembly

19. CPU fan assembly

20. CPU module

2H-24 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Ultra 30 System 2I

Upon completion of this lab, you should be able to:

● Remove the system chassis cover

● Remove the power supply

● Remove cooling fans

● Remove hard-disk drives

● Remove the CD-ROM drive and diskette drive

● Remove PCI bus cards

● Remove UltraSPARC modules

● Remove and replace DIMMs

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G

To complete this lab, you will need

● A medium Phillips screwdriver.

● A medium slot blade screwdriver.

● An approved electro-static discharge (ESD) kit

2I-2 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Preparing for the Lab

To prevent unwanted system booting after reset and long POST

diagnostic runs, perform the following steps:

1. If the Solaris operating system is running, log in as the root user

and halt the operating system.

ok halt

If the system attempts to reboot after shutting down the operating

system, press the Stop and a keys at the same time.

2. At the OpenBoot PROM ok prompt, type the following:

ok setenv auto-boot? false

ok setenv diag-switch? false

ok reset

3. After POST diagnostics are complete, and the ok prompt is

displayed, turn off the power to all peripheral units including the
display monitor.

4. Turn off the power to the system.

Ultra 30 System 2I-3

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing the System Cover

1. Disconnect all cables from the rear panel

2. Using a medium Phillips-head screwdriver, remove the lock block

screw securing the cover to the chassis.

3. Disengage the top cover from by sliding it toward the rear of the
chassis about
1 inch (Figure 2I-1).

4. Move the rear of the cover away from the chassis until the front
tab disengages from the front faceplate and set it aside in a safe

Figure 2I-1 Removing the Side Access Cover

2I-4 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Attaching the Wrist Strap

1. Unwrap the first two folds of the wrist strap and wrap the
adhesive side firmly against your wrist.

2. Peel the liner from the copper foil at the opposite end of the wrist
strap. Attach the copper end of the wrist strap to the bare metal of
the system chassis (Figure 2I-2). Normally you would attach it to
the power supply, but you will be removing the power supply in
this lab.

Figure 2I-2 Attaching the Wrist Strap

Caution – Wear the antistatic wrist strap and use the ESD mat when
handling components. When removing components other than the
! power supply, leave the power cord connected to both the
system/server unit and the wall receptacle. When removing the power
supply, attach the copper end of the wrist strap to the system/server
unit chassis, vice power supply. Store sensitive components in
antistatic bags before placing them on any surface.

Ultra 30 System 2I-5

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing the PCI Cards

1. Using a medium Phillips-head screwdriver, remove the screw

securing the PCI card bracket tab to the system unit chassis.
Caution – Avoid damaging the connector by not applying force to one
end or one side of the board.
2. Grasp the two corners of the PCI card and pull the card straight
out from the connector (Figure 2I-3).

3. Place the PCI card on the antistatic mat

Figure 2I-3 Lifting the PCI Card From the System Chassis

2I-6 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing PCI Fan Assembly

1. Disconnect the PCI fan power harness from the motherboard.

2. Lift the fan assembly to CPU module shroud latch (Figure 2I-4).

3. Press in on the locking snap located on the chassis bottom.

4. Press out on the latch located on the fan shroud between the
speaker assembly and the hard disk bay.

5. Carefully lift the PCI fan assembly clear, and set it aside.

Figure 2I-4 Lifting the PCI Fan Assembly From the System Chassis

Ultra 30 System 2I-7

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing the Speaker Assembly

1. Using a medium Phillips-head screwdriver, remove the screw

securing the speaker assembly to the chassis (Figure 2I-5).

2. Carefully move the speaker assembly to gain access to the speaker


3. Unroute the speaker wires from the wire looms.

4. Lift the speaker clear and set it aside.

Figure 2I-5 Removing the Speaker Assembly

2I-8 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing the CPU Module(s)

1. Using the thumbs of both hands, simultaneously lift the two levers
on the CPU module upward and to the side to approximately 135
degrees (Figure 2I-6).

2. Lift the CPU module upward until it clears the system unit

3. Place the CPU module on an antistatic mat.

Figure 2I-6 Removing the CPU Module(s)

Ultra 30 System 2I-9

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing the Audio Card

1. Remove the screw securing the audio card to the rear panel
(Figure 2I-7).

2. Lift the card straight up.

Figure 2I-7 Removing the Audio Card

2I-10 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing a Hard-Disk Drive

1. Press the ejection handle release lever on the disk drive, in the
direction of the arrow, to allow the ejection handle to pop out
(Figure 2I-8).

2. Pull the ejection handle outward to disengage the drive form its
single connector.

Note – If two drives are installed, identify them in some manner so

you can replace them in the same slots they were removed from. This
is necessary because the drive’s address is determined by the slot it is
plugged into. If the drives are returned to the wrong slot the system
will not boot when the system is powered up.

3. Lift the hard-disk drive out of the system chassis.

Figure 2I-8 Removing a Hard-Disk Drive

4. Place the hard drive on the antistatic mat.

Ultra 30 System 2I-11

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing the RMA

1. Remove the front bezel (Figure 2I-9).

2. Using a medium Phillips-head screwdriver, loosen the captive

screws securing the removable media assembly (RMA) to the

3. Slide the RMA out part way to gain access to the cables.

4. Disconnect the peripheral data and power cables from the drives.

5. Slide the RMA from the chassis.

Figure 2I-9 Removing the RMA

2I-12 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing the CD-ROM Drive

1. Position the RMA on a flat surface so that the CD-ROM drive or

tape drive is accessible (Figure 2I-10).

2. Remove the four retaining screws holding the CD-ROM to the


Figure 2I-10 Removing or Replacing the CD-ROM Drive

Note – The procedure for removing a diskette drive or 4-mm tape unit
is the same.

Ultra 30 System 2I-13

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing the Power Supply

Caution – When removing the power supply, attach the copper end of
the wrist strap to the system unit chassis, not the power supply.
1. Disconnect the power cord from the power supply AC receptacle.

2. Using a medium Phillips-head screwdriver, loosen the four captive

screws securing the power supply to the chassis (Figure 2I-11).

3. Slide the power supply to the rear to gain access to the power

4. Disconnect the cables from peripheral devices and the main logic

Note – Latches, located on the side center of each connector, must be

pressed to release the connector from the main logic board.

5. Remove the power supply from the chassis.

Figure 2I-11 Removing the Power Supply

2I-14 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Replacing and Adding DIMMs

To remove and replace a DIMM, proceed as follows.
Caution – DIMMs consist of electronic components that are extremely
sensitive to static electricity. Ordinary amounts of static electricity from
! clothing or the work environment can destroy the DIMM.

Note – When removing a DIMM, an identical replacement is required.

The replacement DIMM must be inserted into the same socket as the
removed DIMM.

Note – Each DIMM bank must contain four DIMMs of equal density
(for example, four 128-Mbyte DIMMs) to function properly. Do not
mix DIMM capacities in any bank.

Figure 2I-12 Removing and Replacing a DIMM

Ultra 30 System 2I-15

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing a DIMM

1. Locate the DIMM slots on the system board.

2. Push the ejection levers down and away from the DIMM to be
removed (Figure 2I-12 on page 2I-15).

3. Remove the DIMM from the connector.

4. Place the DIMM on the antistatic mat.

2I-16 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Replacing a DIMM

1. Holding the DIMM by the corners, identify the keyway (notch) on

the connector edge (Figure 2I-12 on page 2I-15).

2. Locate the available DIMM slots and identify the corresponding

key on the lever end of the socket.

3. Orient the DIMM so that the key and keyway are aligned.

4. Lower the DIMM into the DIMM slot and press firmly with at
both ends of the DIMMs upper edge.

Note – When the DIMM is properly seated, there will be a “click”

sound signaling the DIMM has been seated and the extraction levers
will be vertical.

Ultra 30 System 2I-17

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Replacing Components and Assemblies

To replace all of the remaining devices, proceed as follows, reversing

the removal procedures for each item:

1. Install the CD-ROM unit (page 2I-13).

2. Install the RMA and replace the front bezel (page 2I-12).

Note – Remember to connect the cables prior to securing the RMA.

3. Install the hard disk drive(s) (page 2I-11).

4. Replace the units power supply (page 2I-14).

a. Slide the power supply partially into position and connect the
power cables to their respective connectors.

b. Push the unit all the way in and secure with the four captive

5. Replace the audio card (page 2I-10).

a. Insert the card into the audio connector.

b. Secure it with the retaining screw.

6. Connect the speaker leads to the system board (page 2I-8).

a. Install the speaker assembly and secure.

7. Replace the PCI Fan assembly, ensure it snaps into place (page 2I-

a. Secure in place with the latching lever

8. Replace UPA graphics card (if available).

a. Insert the UPA graphics card into UPA slot 0 (closest to CPU
fan shroud).

b. Secure with a retaining screw.

2I-18 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Replacing System Components

9. Replace the CPU module(s), see page 2I-9.

Note – Locate the edge connector on the module and not the position
of the cut between the two portions of pins. This slot must correspond
to the key in the main logic boards CPU module connectors. To align
the module otherwise can cause connector and module damage.

a. Holding the module by the insertion levers, lower the module

into the CPU module guide slots.

b. When the module contacts the connector, press firmly on the

injection levers until the module snaps into the edge

10. Replace any PCI cards previously removed (page 2I-6).

a. Insert the PCI card into the appropriate connector.

b. Secure with a retaining screw.

11. Install all other internal cables currently removed by reversing the
removal procedure.

12. Remove the wrist strap.

13. Install the side cover.

14. Connect the monitor, keyboard and mouse, and power cords to the
system unit.

15. Turn on the power to the monitor and system unit.

16. Verify that the system successfully completes POST diagnostics.

17. Boot the unit manually if it does not automatically boot when
power is applied.

Note – If your system did not successfully boot, call your instructor

When the system is fully operational, the lab is complete

Ultra 30 System 2I-19

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Exploded Parts Diagram

Figure 2I-13 Exploded Parts Diagram for the Ultra 30 System

Part names associated with the numbers on this page are available on
page 2I-21.

2I-20 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Field Replaceable Parts List

1. Hard-disk drive

2. Hard drive bay

3. PCI fan assembly

4. CD-ROM drive

5. Diskette drive

6. DC switch assembly

7. Speaker assembly

8. Chassis foot

9. Power supply

10. TPE cable

11. Peripheral power cable

12. Main logic board

13. NVRAM/TOD assembly

14. DIMM

15. CPU fan shroud assembly

16. CPU module

17. PCI card

18. Audio module

19. EIDE disk drive ribbon cable

Ultra 30 System 2I-21

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
OpenBoot PROM 3

Course Map
The OpenBoot PROM is a programmable piece of the system that
contains the initial “intelligence” and interface for the system.

Desktop Products Product Line
Overview Introduction

System Firmware

OpenBoot PROM Booting and Testing

Desktop Peripherals

Peripheral Devices
Install. and Config.

System Analysis and Troubleshooting

Disk Analysis Boot Sequence SunVTS System
and Repair Troubleshooting Diagnostics

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G

✓ Present the following questions to stimulate the students and get them thinking about the
issues and topics presented in this module. They are not expected to know the answers to
these questions. The answers to these questions should be of interest to the students,
and inspire them to learn the content presented in this module.

Discussion – OpenBoot PROM is the Sun name for the initial boot
device. It locates, transfers, and runs the bootstrap program from a
disk device or a network source.

The OpenBoot firmware contains programming to do many other

functions. Can you name or describe some of the other functions?

3-2 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G

Upon completion of this module, you should be able to

● Describe the function of the OpenBoot PROM

● Describe the differences in boot PROM versions

● Describe the contents of the NVRAM

● Navigate the OpenBoot PROM device tree

● Define how the system boots with the default parameters

● Describe the use of device aliases

● Determine device path names

● Describe the process for flash PROM upgrading

Additional resources – The following references can provide
additional details on the topics discussed in this module:

● OpenBoot 3.x Command Reference Manual

● OpenBoot PROM Tool Kit User’s Guide

OpenBoot PROM 3-3

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G

The Boot PROM Concept

The function of the boot PROM is to

● Use customized parameters for system identification

● Use customized parameters to configure the system during


● Gather information about the system hardware components

installed and store that information in a configuration table

● Load the bootstrap program into the systems memory and start it

● Provide an interactive interface which assists in system

configuration, testing, and debugging

3-4 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
The Boot PROM Concept

Very large enterprise servers like the Sun E10000 and most mainframe
computers use a device called a service processor to initiate a variety of
tasks. The task that must be performed to convert a thousand pounds
of steel and silicon into a functional piece of computer equipment is to
load a program into the main system’s memory and start that program
running. The service processor interfaces directly with the main
system’s internal bus structure and it “understands” that system’s
operation and addressing structure.

The service processor contains some diagnostic programs that

investigate the main system. It can determine the location, description,
and functionality of all components and devices attached to the
system. This will become the system’s hardware configuration. If any
of these components fail to respond or respond to the test incorrectly,
error reports are logged and the components are “mapped out” of the
system’s working configuration. Some components are identified as
necessary for the main system to operate and if these fail, the service
processor will report the condition to the operator. The remaining
process required to make the main system functional will be aborted at
this time.

The service processor loads a bootstrap program into the main

system’s memory, which includes device addresses for the location of
the main operating program. This bootstrap program also contains
instructions that cause the main operating program to load into
memory and start.

The service processor also contains information about the main system
that was created by an administrator. This information can be used as
default settings for the main system configuration tables and can
contain specific information about the main system not attainable from
any other source; the system’s network name and Internet Protocol
address, for example. The service processor maintains this information
and a copy of the main system’s other configuration information in
case the main system loses power. All configuration information is
protected on the service processor’s disk.

These service processor operations are the same functions performed

by the OpenBoot PROM in Sun workstations, only on a smaller scale.

OpenBoot PROM 3-5

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Non-Volatile RAM (NVRAM) Contents


Time of Day
information Ethernet
System ID
Forth language commands

language interpreter


machine instructions SPARC CPU chip

Figure 3-1 Block Diagram of the OBP and NVRAM Relationship to

the System’s CPU

3-6 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Non-Volatile RAM (NVRAM) Contents

The NVRAM provides

● Identification of PROM values

▼ An Ethernet address such as 8:0:20:5d:6f:9e

▼ The system host ID value such as 57204bbd

▼ The system type such as SunW or Sun4_40

▼ The time of day (TOD) clock value such as OCT 23 11: 21:

▼ A diagnostic mode switch which enables or disables POST

▼ The device name and path to the default boot device

▼ A location for customized programming used during the boot


● Battery

OpenBoot PROM 3-7

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Boot PROM Overview

A Forth interpreter is in the boot PROM
Forth language programs

language interpreter

Binary Integer unit (IU)
Forth Toolkit

User machine instructions

(SPARC CPU chip)



Figure 3-2 Boot PROM Contents

3-8 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Boot PROM Overview

The Boot PROM

A boot PROM contains the programming and configuration files
necessary to get a microprocessor to perform the functions designed
into the operating software. Of these programs and configuration files,
the following are important:

● Power-on self-tests

▼ Initiated by a system reset condition or power initialization

▼ Verify the CPU board logic components, bus, and timing

▼ Test according to system models

● Drivers which communicate with devices

▼ Determine which device to boot from (such as SCSI disk (sd),

SCSI tape (st), CD-ROM drive, or diskette drive)

● User commands

▼ Direct output to a serial port to view POST output

▼ Place the system in extended diagnostic mode

▼ Set the default boot device containing the operating software.

● User diagnostics

● Forth monitor (ok prompt)

▼ Provides methods for loading and executing a program on the

● Forth toolkit

Forth, is a high-level language in use since 1978. An entire

Forth toolkit can fit into 8Kbytes of memory. This makes it easy
for Sun to incorporate Forth into its boot PROMS. Forth has its
own set of standard commands. Using Forth’s assembly
language, you can build your own commands or code your
own processes. All commands are interpreted by Forth’s
interpreter, which provides speed and flexibility.

OpenBoot PROM 3-9

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
POST Output Listing

Note – The following POST output is from a system in diagnostic mode.

EPROM Checksum test

Power-Up State Test
Context Register Bit Test
Segment Map RAM Pattern Tests
Page Map RAM Pattern Test
Limit 0 Register Test
Counter Interrupt Level 10 Test
Synchronous Error Reg Test
Asynchronous Error Data Reg Test
System Enable Register Bit Test
Cache RAM Pattern Tests
Synchronous Timeout Test
Asynchronous Timeout Test
16 MegaBytes in Addr Range 0x00000000 to Output to an American
0x00ffffff standard code for
16 MegaBytes in Addr Range 0x02000000 to information interchange
0x02ffffff (ASCII) type terminal
DRAM word Pattern Test connected to serial port A
Parity/memory Control Registers Bit Test
33-bit SIMM Parity Test
Interrupt Register Test
NVRAM Access Test
TOD Clock Oscillator Running
Cache Hit/Miss Tests
Software Context/Page Flush Tests
Hardware Context/Pages Flush Tests
FPU Single-Precision Tests
FPU Double-Precision Tests
Sizing Memory
Mapping ROM
Mapping RAM
Probing /sbus@1, f8000000 at 0,0 dma esp sd st
le Output to monitor
Probing /sbus@1, f8000000 at 0,1 nothing there
Probing /sbus@1, f8000000 at 0,2 nothing there
Probing /sbus@1, f8000000 at 0,3 cgsix

3-10 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
POST Output Listing

As the previous listing shows,

● Power-on self test (POST) is invoked when the power is turned on

or when the Forth command reset is entered.

● POST is executed by the boot PROM.

● POST runs go and no-go tests that check the integrity of the CPU
and memory. The specific tests that run vary depending on the
type of system and the revision of the boot PROM.

● POST runs in the background, but can be viewed when the system
is in diagnostic mode and an ASCII terminal is connected to serial
port A.

● The 2.x and 3.x revision of the boot OpenBoot PROMs display
failures on the keyboard LEDs.

● After POST runs successfully, the banner is displayed to the Sun

monitor by default. The banner can also be displayed through
serial ports A or B, depending on whether a serial port is
configured as a console device.

● The banner command can be used to display the banner, and is

useful for troubleshooting. This command prompts you if the
NVRAM is OK by reporting the Ethernet address and the host ID
number (which can be cross referenced in the Field Engineering
Handbook). The banner command also displays how much
memory is found during POST, which may be a different number
than is actually installed and which may require some

OpenBoot PROM 3-11

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G

POST Diagnostics Summary

The boot PROM-based POST diagnostics can be a valuable tool for

problem diagnosis.

The POST diagnostics can be grouped into five main categories

according to the type of hardware they are testing.

3-12 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
POST Diagnostics Summary

Some of the tests that POST can run are

● The NVRAM checksum test

If the NVRAM checksum test fails, the system automatically sets

all of the NVRAM parameters to their default values. This is an
indication that there is something wrong with the NVRAM.

● The main memory test

POST probes to determine how much memory is installed and

where the memory is installed. Additional memory testing takes
place after the banner is displayed. The amount of memory tested
here is based on the current setting of the NVRAM parameter
selftest-#megs. The selftest-#megs is only used when the
diag-switch? setting is false. If the setting is true, the system
tests the entire amount of memory installed.

● The system register tests

Access to the system registers is important. These registers reside

on different chips on the CPU board. These tests vary, depending
on the system type.

● A cache tests

There are several cache-related POST tests that do a thorough job

of verifying that the cache system is fully operational. As with all
POST diagnostics, all of the logic involved is on a few chips; a
failure usually requires replacing the entire CPU board.

● Additional tests

The latest boot PROMs will perform additional tests on various

devices that have low-level diagnostics available. An example of
such a device is the SPARCstorage Array Fibre Channel SBus card.
It contains tests that are run every time POST executes.

OpenBoot PROM 3-13

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Viewing POST

POST runs when power is applied to the system and after a reset.
POST will run more extensively when the system is in diagnostic

POST can only be displayed in its entirety through a serial port while
in diagnostic mode. The parameter settings that you just made have
prepared the system to display POST; however, the next step is also

Attach the appropriate null modem cable for your system type to serial
port A. (Some systems require a special adapter cable.) Connect the
other end of the cable to the modem port of the ASCII terminal.


ASCII 2 Transmit data Transmit data 2

terminal 3 Receive data Receive data 3
7 Ground Ground 7
Null modem cable
Figure 3-3 Null Modem Cable Pin Configuration

Note – The pin configuration shown here for a null-modem cable is

described in your Field Engineering Handbook. Pin numbers are the
same for a DB-15 or DB-25 connector.

3-14 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

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OpenBoot PROM 3-15

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
OpenBoot PROM Firmware

Power-on switch

Yes No No (default)
Keyboard Stop Stop-d diag-
attached key keys switch?
No Yes Yes
Skip POST Set diag-switch?
to true

Maximum diag-
Test runs Test runs Minimum
~60 seconds ~30 seconds
High-level diagnostic: Low-level diagnostic:
POST phase POST phase

Display errors on No POST

keyboard LEDs passed
and console


OpenBoot PROM firmware takes control

Figure 3-4 OpenBoot Special Key Sequence Difference Paths

3-16 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
OpenBoot PROM Firmware

The flowchart in Figure 3-4 describes the initial power on sequence

leading up to the boot program. The different paths are decisions
made according to which keyboard inputs are made at the time power
is applied to the system. One of the first test POST runs checks to see if

● Keyboard is attached?

When the power is turned on, if there is no keyboard attached to

the system, the OpenBoot PROM firmware will divert system
output to serial port A. You must have a serial port terminal or tip
line connected to see the resulting output.

The keys which have an effect on the OpenBoot PROM and define
how POST runs at power up are the

● Stop key

If you hold down the Stop key and apply power to the system,
POST diagnostics are bypassed and the OpenBoot program runs,
which displays the ok prompt. The Stop key also aborts the Solaris
boot sequence if it has started.

● Stop-d key sequence

If you hold down the Stop and d keys simultaneously while

system power is turned on, the firmware automatically switches to
diagnostic mode and runs more extensive POST diagnostics. The
OBP variable diag-switch? is set to true.

OpenBoot PROM 3-17

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
OpenBoot PROM Firmware

● Stop-n key sequence (not shown on the flowchart)

The possibility exists that NVRAM settings can be the reason the
system will not boot. For example, during a flash PROM
download, a power failure occurs. This can cause some of the
contents of the NVRAM to become unusable. If the system will not
boot and the parameters in the NVRAM are suspect, they can
easily be changed to the default values, which will allow the
system to boot. Hold down the Stop and n keys while the system
power is turned on. When you see the keyboard LEDs start to
flash, you can release the keys, and the system will continue to

The diag-level NVRAM variable defaults to the maximum

(max) setting. In this mode, POST runs all available tests in
approximately 1 minute.

Setting the diag-level variable to its minimum (min) value

enables POST to run an abbreviated set of tests that runs in
about half of the maximum settings time.

● Stop-a key sequence (not shown on the flowchart)

This interrupts any program that is running at the time these keys
are depressed and puts the system into the OpenBoot PROM
command-entry mode. It presents an OK prompt for the user
which signifies it is ready to accept Forth commands.

If the Solaris operating system had been running prior to the

Stop-a key sequence, you should enter the command reset, at the
OK prompt, to clear all buffers and registers before entering any
diagnostic commands.

3-18 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G

OpenBoot PROM 3-19

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
POST Keyboard LED Display

Type-4 or Type-5 Keyboard Error Indications

Figure 3-5 illustrates the keyboard LED locations that illuminate
during POST. If an error occurs, the LEDs that remain illuminated will
define the error codes.

Type 4 Keyboard
Caps lock Compose Scroll lock Num Lock

Type 5 Keyboard

Com- Scroll Num

Caps lock
pose lock Lock

Figure 3-5 Keyboard LED Decoding

3-20 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Keyboard Indications During POST Diagnostics

If a system failure is detected by the abbreviated POST, the results are

displayed in the keyboard LEDs. Compare the LED pattern to the
corresponding table for the specific system type you are working on,
which is found in the Field Engineering Handbook, Volume II,
“Troubleshooting” section in “CPU.”

If the keyboard LEDs do not give you the exact cause or they display a
vague result, for example, the Caps Lock and Num Lock LEDs are
illuminated, according to Table 3-1, there is no memory found. You
might get a more accurate display if you run a more comprehensive
set of tests. Use the following procedure to turn on the diagnostic
mode variable which will run the extended POST diagnostics.

1. Turn off the power to the workstation.

2. Press and hold the Stop and d keys.

3. Turn on the power to the workstation.

4. Continue to hold the keys until the keyboard LEDs illuminate or

you are sure they are not going to come on.

5. Compare the LED pattern to the table in the Field Engineering

Handbook, Volume II, “Troubleshooting” section under CPU, for
your specific system type.

OpenBoot PROM 3-21

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Keyboard Indications During POST Diagnostics

Note – The following table is to be used for reference only.

Table 0-6 Post Keyboard LED Definitions

Caps Compos Scroll Num Bit

Meaning of LEDs Pattern
lock e lock lock Value
Blink Off Off Off x000 POST running
Off Off Off Off 0000 POST successful completion
On Off Off Off 1000 System board failed
Of On Off Off 0100 CPU 0 failed
Off On On Off 0110 CPU 1 failed
On Off Off On 1001 No memory found
On On Off Off 1100 Bank 0 failed
On On Of On 1101 Bank 1failed
Off Of Of On 0001 NVRAM failed

Note – Use the keyboard indicators presented in the Field Engineering

Handbook, Section 2, “Troubleshooting,” in “CPU” for the model you
are using.

3-22 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Keyboard Indications During POST Diagnostics

Enabling and Viewing Extended POST Diagnostics

To view the extended diagnostics output you must connect an
asynchronous type ASCII terminal or a second workstation set to
emulate such a device to the correct serial port

1. Connect an ASCII terminal to serial port A of your system.

2. Apply power to the asynchronous display device.

3. Hold down the Stop and d keys while you turn on the power to
the workstation.

This forces the system into a more extensive diagnostic process.

4. Observe the detailed POST output on the serial port terminal; the
POST program stops when the error occurs.

5. Compare the results of the extended POST to what you observed

from the keyboard LED patterns.

OpenBoot PROM 3-23

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G

SPARC Boot PROM Versions

Three versions of Boot and OpenBoot PROM are

● 1.x – The original boot PROM used with Sun SPARCstations

● 2.x – The first OpenBoot PROM used with Sun SPARCstations

● 3.x – OBP supporting 32- and 64-bit processors (with support for
downloadable firmware [flash PROM])

3-24 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Boot PROM Versions

● OBP version numbers

Each OBP goes through alterations to enhance its operation and to

conform to new system architectures. Each time a new device type
is certified, its parameters must be added to the OBP tables. This
calls for a revision to the OBP version number.

At this time, OBP 3.0 will be examined.

✓ These revisions are called dot releases and when reading the OBP version, the period is
pronounced as dot not as decimal point, so OBP 3.0 is read three dot zero.

When small changes are made to the current OBP tables to correct
a problem in the OBP code or to add a subcomponent of a
previously defined device, the version level is rolled to the next dot

This OBP version would be OBP three dot one (3.1.) then three dot
two (OBP 3.2).

OBP versions are decimal numbers and as such can exceed the
number nine. A revision to OBP three dot nine (OBP 3.9) would be
three dot ten (OBP 3.10). The next revision would be three dot
eleven (OBP 3.11). This is not the same as OBP three dot one dot
one (OBP 3.1.1).
Discussion – Would OBP 3.1.1 come before or after OBP 3.2?
Would OBP 3.2 come before or after OBP 3.11?

OpenBoot PROM 3-25

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OpenBoot PROM Concepts

How UNIX® communicates with peripherals is illustrated in Figure 3-7.

PROM SBus connector SBus connector

Device driver
Custom driver


CPU memory
Standard Sun SBus card
Sun does not have a
driver for a
driver for this
Sun interface

Figure 3-7 Peripherals and Option Card Communications

3-26 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
OpenBoot PROM Concepts

Optional Cards
Sun and third-party manufacturers produce devices that plug into the
workstation bus structures via an edge connector. These connectors
conform to one of several I/O bus specifications including SBus, PCI
bus, and UPA bus.

Option card specifications and requirements for plug and play

compatibility with Sun workstations include a chip resident on the
option card called an ID PROM that provides the workstation with the

▼ Type, manufacturer, serial number, and parameters

▼ Driver program when requested

This chip also contains the program for self-test diagnostics.

OpenBoot PROM 3-27

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G

Navigating the OpenBoot PROM

Note – The information presented here serves as an introduction to the

structure of the OpenBoot PROM. Later, device tree examples will
provide a better understanding of what occurs during the POST and
boot operations.

OBP design offers an environment where the names, locations, and

attributes of the devices can be tested.

Navigating the firmware hierarchical structure offers a view of how

the devices are recognized by the PROM and whether they are

3-28 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Navigating the OpenBoot PROM

Use the following commands to move from device to device:

● Show-devs — Displays all devices and paths.

● cd / or dev – Takes you to the device node level (/) from any
level in the device tree. You must be at this level to begin to
traverse the device tree structure.

● cd device-path – Takes you to the node specified by this path name.

● pwd – Displays current location with a path that starts from /.

● Stop-a – Takes you out of the tree (monitor level).

● cd .. – Takes you back one node from the current location.

● ls – Lists all of the subordinate nodes under a particular node.

You must type the entire device name, wild cards and partial strings
are not recognized.

OpenBoot PROM 3-29

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Determining Device Path Names

To find out the full hardware path name to any device, at the OK
prompt type show-devs. An output similar to the following is
ok show-devs

3-30 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Determining Device Path Names

At the ok prompt, type show-devs to display a listing of all device

tree paths available from the root level.

A device path is a sequence or series of node names separated by

slashes (/). This path of node names can be followed just like a
directory structure on a UNIX based file system. In fact many of the
commands you are familiar with will perform the same functions in
this device tree.

OpenBoot PROM 3-31

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Determining Device Path Names

Figure 3-8 is an example of the device tree structure showing how it is similar to a
file system.

Monitor level (ok prompt)

/ (Device node level)

UPA bus


zs@f,10000000 ledma@0,400000 espdma@e,8400000


zs@f,11000000 flashprom@f,0
(ttya and ttyb ports)


sd@0,0 st@4,0

Some devices left out for clarity

memory@0,0 SUNW,ffb@1e,0:ffb0

Figure 3-8 Device Tree Structure

3-32 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Determining Device Path Names

When determining the path to a device you must use the correct
naming convention for the device paths which is
name@address:arguments as demonstrated below.

/sbus@1f,0/cgsix@2,0 (TurboGX installed SBus slot-2)


This device path leads you through a couple of nodes to a specific

destination. The elements of the device path are

● /sbus

This is an SBus location, at address 1f, not an external attachment

slot. Components at this level are mounted to the main logic board
at the root or base level.

● /espdma@e,8400000

The device code esp is one type of SCSI interface that functions in
a direct memory access (dma) mode. It has an address of “e” (hex)
with an offset of 8400000 (hex).

● /esp@e,8800000

This represents the on-board SCSI host adaptor at address “e”

(hex) with an offset of 8800000 (hex).

● /sd@3,0

This is the actual hardware SCSI interface that contains the

physical device address target of 3 and the offset of 0.

The OBP command probe-scsi-all displays a summary of all SCSI

interfaces and all of the devices associated with each interface.

Note – Only devices connected and with power turned on will have a
path displayed.

OpenBoot PROM 3-33

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Determining Device Path Names

At the Forth prompt (ok) type probe-scsi-all. A display similar to the following
is displayed:

ok probe-scsi-all


Target 0
Unit 0 Disk SEAGATE ST322430W SUN2.1G0444

Target 1
Unit 0 Disk SEAGATE ST322430W SUN2.1G0444

Target 6
Unit 0 Removable Read Only device TOSHIBA XM-5301TASUN4XCD1895


SCSI devices found on the first SCSI host adapter

Two disk drives and one CD-ROM drive

3-34 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Determining Device Path Names

The example on page 3-34 indicates that this system has a single,
internal SCSI bus with three peripheral devices attached.

This is the resident SCSI interface on the system board. Additional

SCSI bus interfaces can be implemented with add-on SBus option

The SCSI bus in this example has the following devices:

● Target 0 – A 2.1-Gbyte SEAGATE disk drive

● Target 1 – A 2.1-Gbyte SEAGATE disk drive

● Target 6 – A CD-ROM drive

OpenBoot PROM 3-35

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Flash PROM Upgrade

Figure 3-8 illustrates the four phases of a flash PROM reprogramming


Original Phase Phase 1

POST Upper half OBP

Revision A Revision A

Lower half
Revision A of PROM Revision A

Phase 2 Phase 3

OBP Upper half POST

Revision A of PROM Revision B

Revision B Lower half Revision B

Figure 3-9 Four Phases of the Flash PROM Reprogramming Process

3-36 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Flash PROM Upgrade

The Sun Ultra-1 series desktop systems that conform to the Sun-4u
architecture use a flash PROM, which replaces the EEPROM used in
previous SPARC systems. This new flash PROM

● Contains the system boot program called the OpenBoot program


● Contains the power-on self-test (POST) code

● Offers on-site reprogramming of the system boot program without

physically removing the PROM chip from the main logic board.

● Can have new firmware code downloaded from a OBP

programming CD-ROM or from a network server with the new
OBP code available.

Jumpers on the system’s main logic board provide the write-protect

function which protects the contents of the OBP. When reprogramming
the OBP, it is necessary to configure these jumpers to enable writing.

The reprogramming process starts with the original OBP data in the
lower half of memory, by address value. The POST program data is
located in the upper half of memory, by address value, of the PROM.

In the original phase of reprogramming, the original OBP and POST

programs are located in their normal memory locations.

Phase 1 makes a full copy of the present version of the OBP data,
resident in the lower half of the PROM, onto and over the POST data
in the upper half. This wipes out the POST program code and makes
two complete copies of the current version of the OBP code.

During phase 2 of this operation, the new OBP code is loaded either
from a local CD-ROM device or across the network, to the lower half

Once the new OBP code has been written to the lower half of the flash
PROM and it is confirmed by matching checksum data, then the latest
POST program code is written to the upper half addresses.

OpenBoot PROM 3-37

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Flash PROM Upgrade

Default Settings and System Preparation

Sun Ultra systems are equipped with flash PROM configuration
settings on their main logic boards. If the default functionality defined
by any jumper setting is not desired, the jumper or shunt must be
changed manually. A shunt is a mechanical device used to electrically
connect two or more configuration jumper pins. The default shunt
setting of J2002 is on pins 1 and 2. This selects the flash PROM chip as
the controlling firmware device.

Caution – Placing the shunt on pins 2 and 3 switches the boot path to
! a test fixture. This configuration must never be used in an end-user
(customer) environment because the system will not boot.

The default shunt setting of J2003 is on pins 1 and 2. This disables

(write-protects) the flash PROM chip reprogramming capability.
Placing the shunt on pins 2 and 3 enables reprogramming by setting
the write-enable bit. Remember to place the jumper to the write-
protect position when you have finished reprogramming.

The default shunt setting of J2204 is on pins 2 and 3. This selects the
lower half of the flash PROM as the boot-from address containing the
system’s boot instructions. Placing the shunt on pins 1 and 2 forces the
system to boot from the high half of the flash PROM (the purpose of
this is explained in a later section).

Note – Each Sun desktop system equipped with a flash PROM is

shipped from the factory with its flash PROM programming jumper
set to write-protect.
Check Your Progress

Before continuing on to the next module, check that you are able to
accomplish or answer the following:

❑ Describe the function of the OpenBoot PROM

❑ Describe the differences in boot PROM versions

❑ Describe the contents of the NVRAM

❑ Navigate the OpenBoot PROM device tree

❑ Define how the system boots by default parameters

❑ Describe the use of device aliases

❑ Determine device path names

❑ Describe the process for flash PROM upgrading

OpenBoot PROM 3-39

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Think Beyond

Knowing what information is in the OBP helps you to determine what

you might need to change for a particular customer needs.

What might you change to assist in determining why the system

communicates via the Ethernet TPE port?

3-40 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Reprogramming the Flash PROM 3A

Upon completion of this lab, you should be able to

● Properly reprogram a flash PROM

● Correctly select the features of flash PROMs from a given list of


Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G

To complete this lab, you will need

● One flash PROM update CD-ROM or access to the flash PROM

data on a classroom server

● The Flash PROM Programming Manual for the system type you are

● An UltraSPARC desktop system

● An approved electro-static discharge (ESD) kit

● A medium Phillips screwdriver

● A small needle-nose pliers

3A-2 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Preparing the System

To prevent unwanted system booting after reset and long POST

diagnostic runs, perform the following steps:

1. If the Solaris operating system is running, log in as the root user

and halt the operating system.

ok halt

If the system attempts to reboot after shutting down the operating

system, press the Stop and a keys at the same time.

2. At the OpenBoot PROM ok prompt, type the following:

ok setenv auto-boot? false

ok setenv diag-switch? false

ok reset

3. After POST diagnostics are complete, and the ok prompt is

displayed, turn off the power to all peripheral units including the
display monitor.

4. Turn off the power to the system.

5. Remove the top cover assembly.

Reprogramming the Flash PROM 3A-3

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Configuring the Reprogramming Jumpers

Shunts are small passive electrical jumpers used to connect predefined

pins together to enable or disable a particular system function.
Table 3A-1 provides a definition for each of the jumper pins used in
the reprogramming of the flash PROM. Procedural steps in this lab
will have you moving the shunts to alter the functionality of specific
functions. This table is provided to help you understand what is
taking place when you move a shunt.
Table 3A-1 Flash PROM Jumper Settings of the Ultra 1 System Boards

Jumper Shunt on 1 and 2 Shunt on 2 and 3

Location Configuration Configuration
J2002 Flash PROM selected, default Not to be used (selects an
setting external test device)
J2003 Disables reprogramming Flash PROM reprogramming
ability, default setting enabled
J2204 Boot system from high half of Normal boot location, default
flash PROM setting

Note – Not all Sun UltraSPARC system boards are the same. The “J”
numbers and locations may vary from one version to the next. Refer to
the Field Engineer Handbook, Section 1 “CPU Configuration.” Verify the
jumper locations, ID (J number), and purposes for the specific system
board you are using before proceeding with the flash PROM

3A-4 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Configuring the Reprogramming Jumpers

1. Locate jumpers J2002, J2003, and J2204 on the main logic board
(refer to the Field Engineer Handbook, Section 1, “CPU

On the Ultra 1 system shown in Figure 3A-1, if there is a frame

buffer installed in SBus slot 2, it will have to be removed to gain
access to the jumpers.

SCSI TPE AUI K/B Parallel port

Audio ports
Main logic board (MLB)

SBus slot 0 SBus slot 2

CPU chip set
SBus slot 1

SIMM slots: U601—U604


Figure 3A-1 Locating the Flash PROM Jumpers on the Ultra 1

System Board

2. Visually inspect the shunt’s location to ensure they are configured

to the default pin connections (see Table 3A-1).

3. Attach an antistatic wrist strap to the system chassis and to your


4. Use a small, needle-nose pliers to move shunt, J2003, to the

programming enabled pins 2 and 3.

5. Replace the system’s top cover assembly.

Note – Reprogramming the flash PROM could change the checksum

stored in NVRAM. When the checksum is different, the system resets
NVRAM variable to its default setting and recalculates the checksum.

Reprogramming the Flash PROM 3A-5

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Reprogramming the Flash PROM

The following steps use a local CD-ROM, a monitor, and keyboard. If

no keyboard and monitor are connected, refer to the Flash PROM
Programming Manual for the reprogramming procedure from a remote
host or when using an ASCII terminal connected to the system serial

1. Turn on power to the system.

The banner screen is displayed, and the system may attempt to

auto-boot depending on the system’s NVRAM parameter settings.
Sun System Type, Keyboard Present
OpenBoot 3.0, 32 MB memory installed, Serial #54528.
Ethernet address 8:0:20:1a:b3:c8, Host ID: 7200d500.

2. Press Stop-a to abort auto-boot.

The ok prompt is displayed.

3. Enter printenv at the ok prompt to display the NVRAM settings

Write down any non-default NVRAM settings in Table 3A-2.

Table 3A-2 Non-Default NVRAM Parameters and Values

Parameter Value

4. Insert the flash PROM reprogramming CD-ROM into the CD-

ROM drive.

3A-6 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Reprogramming the Flash PROM

5. At the ok prompt, type boot cdrom to start the flash PROM

programing utility.

The initial utility banner screen is displayed.

Sun System Type, Keyboard Present
OpenBoot 3.0, 32 MB memory installed, Serial #54528.
Ethernet address 8:0:20:1a:b3:c8, Host ID: 7200d500.

Type help for more information

ok boot cdrom

Now rebooting to load correct binary.


Rebooting with command:

boot /sbus@1f,0/espdma@e,8400000/esp@e,8800000/sd@6,0:f

Note – The releases shown are examples only.

The initial flash PROM update banner is also displayed.

SMCC Sun4u System Flash PROM Update, Rev. x.y

This utility allows you to interactively update the firmware revisions

in specific system Flash PROM components.

Reprogramming the Flash PROM 3A-7

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Reprogramming the Flash PROM

6. Type h to invoke the help screen.

This program is used to update the firmware in this system’s CPU PROM.

Updating the CPU Flash PROM may cause the contents of the NVRAM
configuration variables to be reset to their default values (except
variable ‘diag-switch?’, which may be set to ‘true’). If you have
customized NVRAM contents which must be retained, then you will need to
save (or note) the contents of the NVRAM before the Flash PROM gets
updated and restore the NVRAM contents after the update.
NOTE: Failure to note and restore the NVRAM values may cause the
system to behave in an unexpected manner after the update.

WARNING: If the contents of the system’s CPU Flash PROM(s) have been
modified by methods other than this utility, then running this utility
may render the system useless!

Type h for help, q to quit, Return or Enter to continue:

7. Press Return to continue.

Every precaution should be taken to prevent the loss of system power
during the Flash PROM programming process!

Type h for help, q to quit, Return or Enter to continue:

8. Type h for more information.

WARNING: If power is interrupted when the Flash PROM is being
reprogrammed, you MAY have to change a hardware jumper on the system
board if the system does not boot. If this program is interrupted
before it completes, you MUST reboot this program to allow it to
complete its reprogramming of the Flash PROM - even if the system
appears to boot normally.

Type h for help, q to quit, Return or Enter to continue:

3A-8 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Reprogramming the Flash PROM

9. Press Return for more information.

Current Available
Release Release Select
---------------------------- -------------------------- ----
OBP 3.0.0 1995/05/15 09:55 OBP 3.0.1 1995/05/16 08:22 no
POST 1.1.19 1995/05/12 01:42 POST 1.5.0 1995/05/13 09:59 no

Type the letter h for help.


● Read and interpret the information displayed in the firmware

selection screen. The Current Release column lists what is in
the flash PROM now. The Available Release column lists
the software on the CD-ROM.
▼ If the revisions and date codes of OBP and POST shown in the
Available Release column are more current than those
shown in the Current Release column, type sa to select all
for the update.

▼ If the revision and date code of OBP, but not POST, that is
shown in the Available Release column is more current
than that shown in the Current Release column, type so to
select OBP only for the update.

▼ If the revision and date code of POST, but not OBP, that is
shown in the Available Release column is more current
than that shown in the Current Release column, type sp to
select POST only for the update.

▼ If the revisions and date codes of OBP and POST that are
shown in the Available Release column are the same as
those shown in the Current Release column, no firmware
update is required. Type quit to exit the utility.

Reprogramming the Flash PROM 3A-9

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Reprogramming the Flash PROM

10. Type h for more information.

Usage: < ActionCode DeviceCode(s) | ServiceCode >

ActionCodes: s = select; d = deselect

DeviceCodes: o = OpenBoot (OBP); p = POST; a = all
ServiceCodes: quit = Exit the program.
cont = Continue the program.

Type the letter h for help.


11. Type sa to select all.

The firmware selection menu is displayed, and it indicates the

change to a YES in the Select column for each item that has been
selected for updating.
Current Available
Release Release Select
---------------------------- -------------------------- ------
OBP 3.0.0 1995/05/15 09:55 OBP 3.0.1 1995/05/16 08:22 YES
POST 1.1.19 1995/05/12 01:42 POST 1.5.0 1995/05/13 09:59 YES

Type the letter h for help.


12. At the Command prompt, type cont to continue the programming


An information screen is displayed.

The Flash programming process is about to begin.

Type h for help, q to quit, Return or Enter to continue:

3A-10 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Reprogramming the Flash PROM

13. Type h for further information.

This program will issue a reset command after the Flash PROM has been
successfully reprogrammed. If an error occurs during programming then
an error message will be printed and the program will exit without
attempting to reboot.

WARNING: If power is interrupted when the Flash PROM is being

reprogrammed, you MAY have to change a hardware jumper on the system
board if the system does not boot. If this program is interrupted
before it completes, you MUST reboot this program to allow it to
complete its reprogramming of the Flash PROM - even if the system
appears to boot normally.

Refer to the "SMCC Flash PROM Programming Guide" for a complete set of

The Flash programming process is about to begin.

As the programming utility updates the flash PROM, the

percentage of the programming completed is displayed on the

Note – If any of the system’s security features are enabled and an

attempt is made to reprogram the flash PROM, the system will display
an error message. See Appendix A in the SMCC System Flash PROM
Programming Guide for a list of error messages.

Reprogramming the Flash PROM 3A-11

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Reprogramming the Flash PROM

If any errors occurred during programming, then an error message

will be displayed and the system will not attempt to reboot. The
system will normally reboots after programming has completed.
100% complete.
Programming was successful: Rebooting...

Resetting ...

The system then auto-boots.

Note – The flash PROM programming procedure may result in

automatically setting the diag-switch? NVRAM parameter to true.

If the diag-switch? parameters is set to TRUE and the boot-

diag? parameter is set to NET, the system will attempt to boot
from the network. It is unlikely that a boot device for diagnostics
exists on the network, so the system boot process will fail.

To correct this problem, do the following:

1. Press Stop-a (L1-a).

2. At the ok prompt, type setenv diag-switch? false and

press Return.

3. At the ok prompt, type boot and press Return.

Note – After successful reprogramming, be sure to return the flash

PROM write-protect and write-enable jumper (J2003) to the
write-protect position (pins 1 and 2) to increase system security.

The system should boot up normally.

3A-12 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Recovering From Power Interruptions

Note – Do not attempt to duplicate any of these scenarios on any of the

lab equipment. These scenarios are provided as learning aids only.
Remember them so you will know what to do if the situation should
present itself in a customer environment.

Power Interruption Scenarios

If power to the system is interrupted during reprogramming of the
flash PROM, rock the power switch to the standby position. This will
prevent a power surge to the system when electrical power is restored.

After power has been restored to the system’s location, press the
keyboard Power On key. If that fails to restore power to the system,
rock the Power On switch at the rear of the system to the On position.

Scenario 1: The System Attempts to Reboot

If your system attempts to auto-boot after power is reapplied, or if it
returns to the flash PROM’s ok prompt, you must complete the
programming process by rebooting the flash PROM programming
utility and starting over with step 5 in ‘‘Reprogramming the Flash
PROM’’ on page 3A-7.

Reprogramming the Flash PROM 3A-13

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Recovering From Power Interruptions

Scenario 2: The System Does Not Boot

If your system does not boot after you reapply power to it, perform
the following steps:

1. Remove power to the system by pressing the keyboard power key

or by rocking the power switch on the rear panel.

2. Remove the system’s cover.

3. Confirm which position the “Boot system from” shunt (J2204) is

set for.

a. If it is set on pins 2 and 3 (normal booting), move it to the pins

1 and 2 (high half booting) position.

b. If the “Boot system from” shunt (J2204) is set for high half
booting, then move it to the normal booting position.

4. Replace the system’s cover.

3A-14 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Recovering From Power Interruptions

Scenario 2: The System Does Not Boot (Continued)

5. Restore power to the system.

The system now attempts to boot from the copy of the OBP code
copied over the POST code when the reprogramming process

a. If the system recovers and begins to boot, halt the process by

pressing Stop-a (L1-a). Return to the beginning of the flash
PROM reprogramming procedure, and restart the process.

If the system still does not appear to recover, then continue

with this process.

b. If there is no keyboard connected to the system and the

NVRAM configuration variables are set to their default values,
then system input and output will be directed to serial port A.

1. Remove power to the system by rocking the power switch

on the rear panel.
2. Connect an ASCII serial terminal to serial port A.
3. Reapply power, and observe the monitor on the ASCII
serial terminal for indications that the system is booting.

d. If there are indications that the system can boot, proceed with
reprogramming the flash PROM.

e. If there is no indications that the system is booting, continue

with step 6.

Reprogramming the Flash PROM 3A-15

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Recovering From Power Interruptions

Scenario 2: The System Does Not Boot (Continued)

It is possible that the system is actually trying to boot, but the output is
not going to the display device you are looking at. The LEDs on the
system keyboard illuminate just as they would during normal system

6. If the update was being run through a serial port from an ASCII
terminal, and the system has a frame buffer and keyboard
installed, then

a. Disconnect the serial port device.

b. Restore power to the system.

c. Press and hold the Stop and n keys to force the NVRAM
contents to the default vales.

d. If the system attempts to boot and you have visual indications

of that on the system monitor, return to the beginning of the
flash PROM reprogramming procedure and restart the
process. If it does not boot, continue with this process.

7. If the system fails to boot or gives you any new visual indications
that it is booting,

a. Power off the system and remove the keyboard.

b. Disconnect the video interface cable from the frame buffer.

c. Open the top cover and remove the video frame buffer.

d. Attach an ASCII terminal to serial port A.

e. Reapply power and watch for visual indications on the ASCII

terminals display.

If the system attempts to boot and you have visual indications of

that on the ASCII terminals monitor, return to ‘‘Reprogramming
the Flash PROM’’ on page 3A-7 and restart the process with step 5.
If the system does not attempt to boot, continue with step 8.

3A-16 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Recovering From Power Interruptions

Scenario 2: The System Does Not Boot (Continued)

Note – If the system has more than one frame buffer, the NVRAM
configuration variables may have been modified because of the
firmware update just before power was lost. If this happened, then the
system output is possibly being directed to a device other than the one
originally used to display it. This could only have happened if a
keyboard was connected to the system.

8. If output cannot be found on any of the installed frame buffers,


a. Power off the system.

b. Connect the “Boot system from” (J2204) shunt to its default


c. Return power to the system.

9. If the system still does not recover after having completed these
steps, then continue to Scenario 3.

Scenario 3: No System Output Can Be Found

If no system output can be found after trying both “Boot system from”
(J2204) shunt positions, place a service call to your service provider. If
you are the service provider, try replacing the system board with a new
system board.

Reprogramming the Flash PROM 3A-17

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Booting and Testing 4

Course Map
This module will cover the OBP contents and the testing features of
POST and Forth OBP commands.

Desktop Products Product Line
Overview Introduction

System Firmware

OpenBoot PROM Booting and Testing

Desktop Peripherals

Peripheral Devices
Install. and Config.

System Analysis and Troubleshooting

Disk Analysis Boot Sequence SunVTS System
and Repair Troubleshooting Diagnostics

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G

✓ Present the following questions to stimulate the students and get them thinking about the
issues and topics presented in this module. They are not expected to know the answers to
these questions. The answers to these questions should be of interest to the students,
and inspire them to learn the content presented in this module.

Discussion – Knowing what the contents of the OBP and NVRAM are
and what they mean enables you to do what if the system isn’t
working exactly the way the user wants it to?

4-2 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G

Upon completion of this module, you should be able to

● Display the contents of the NVRAM

● Modify the contents of NVRAM

● Use specified OBP commands

● Boot the system using device aliases

● Test specific system elements using OBP Forth commands

● Identify a failed component by the POST error codes

Additional resources – The following references can provide
additional details on the topics discussed in this module:

● OpenBoot 3.x Command Reference Manual

● OpenBoot PROM Tool Kit User’s Guide

Booting and Testing 4-3

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Boot PROM User Interface

Old-Mode Prompt
You can enter three commands at the old-mode prompt:
> c Continue from a UNIX abort
> n Go to new-mode prompt/interface
> b Boot the system

New-Mode Prompt
You can enter the following commands at the new-mode prompt:
ok boot
ok old-mode
ok go
ok sync
ok reset
ok banner
ok eject

Following is a multiprocessor prompt and command:

<0#>ok module-info
MBus : 50.00MHz
SBus : 25.00MHz
CPU#0 : 50MHz SuperSPARC
CPU#2 : 50MHz SuperSPARC

The new-mode and old-mode prompts shown above are for reference
purposes only. You might see the > prompt on some older systems
and should know how to change the monitor mode to the # prompt.

Note – Boot PROM Version 1.x and OBP Version 2.x had two monitor
level prompts available. You could switch between these modes by
typing old-mode to switch from the new mode to the old-mode
prompt or by typing n while operating in the old mode to switch
to the new-mode prompt.mode. There is only one OpenBoot PROM

4-4 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Boot PROM User Interface

Once POST completes and the banner is displayed, the system

displays a monitor prompt ok. At this point, the system has not
loaded any software. All commands entered are boot PROM

Only three commands can be entered at the > prompt, while many
commands can be entered at the ok prompt. The main commands
related to maintenance at the Ok prompt are listed here. Diagnostic
commands are covered on subsequent pages.

● The boot command is used to boot the operating system.

● The go command will perform a continue after Stop-a is used to

halt the system.

● The sync command forces any information on its way to the disk
to be written out immediately. Once synchronization is complete,
sync performs a dump and attempts to reboot.

● The reset command is used to set all logic to known values and
execute POST.

● The banner command is used to display the banner (to verify the
Ethernet address, amount of memory, host ID, and so on).

● The eject command is used to eject a diskette and can be helpful

in determining mechanical or cable problems.

The <n#> ok prompt is the boot PROM prompt that is displayed on

multiprocessor systems, where n is the current processor that is
interacting with the boot PROM.

The module-info command can be used on any system with a boot

PROM revision of 2.9 or higher. It displays the system’s processors as
well as processor and bus frequencies.

Booting and Testing 4-5

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
3.x NVRAM Parameters

Some of the NVRAM parameters are

Variable Name Meaning Value Default

tpe-link-test? If true, test twisted pair network true true

scsi-initiator-id address on the scsi bus for the host adapter 7 7
keyboard-click? If true, enable keyboard click False False
key map Remap keyboard functions
ttyb-rts-dtr-off If true, UNIX does not assert DTR and RTS on ttyb False False
ttyb-ignore-cd If true, UNIX ignores carrier-detect on ttyb True True
ttya-rts-dtr-off If true, UNIX does not assert DTR and RTS on ttya False False
ttya-ignore-cd If true, UNIX ignores carrier-detect on ttya True True
ttyb-mode ttyb (baud, #bits, parity, #stop, handshake) 9600,8,n,1,-
ttya-mode ttya (baud, #bits, parity, #stop, handshake) 9600,8,n,1,-
pcia-probe-list Order the PCI bus A is scanned for devices 1234 1234
pcib-probe-list Order the PCI bus B is scanned for devices 1234 1234
mfg-mode Runs continuous loops of diagnostics false false
diag-level Sets complexity of diagnostics Max or Min max max
#power-cycles Number of times the system has been powered off and on
system-board-serial#Unique number assigned, do not alter
system-board-date date of manufacture, may be blank
fcode-debug? If true, include fields for plug-in device Fcodes False False
output-device Power-on output device (screen, ttya or ttyb) screen screen
input-device Power-on input device (keyboard, ttya or ttyb) keyboardkeyboard
load-base Memory address to start loading software 16348 16348
boot-command Used when auto-boot is true boot boot
auto-boot? If true, boot automatically after power up True False
watchdog-reboot? If true, reboot after watchdog reset False False
diag-file What path, filename to load if boot-diag is true
diag-device Diagnostic boot source disk net
boot-file if different than the default boot file name
boot-device Boot source (default device is sd) disk disk
local-mac-address? The Ethernet address False False
ansi-terminal? ANSI compatible ASCII device on serial port a and btrue true
screen-#columns Number of on-screen columns (characters/line) 80 80
screen-#rows Number of on-screen rows (lines) used 34 34
silent-mode? false false
use-nvramrc? Utilized for programing needs. Do not set True. False False
nvramrc Location of program used when nvramrc is “true”
security-mode System security level (none, command, full) None None
security-passwd System security password (never displayed) empty empty
security-#badlogins Displays count of outside login attempts empty empty
oem-logo Byte array custom oem logo (use oem-logo? true) empty empty
oem-logo? If true, use custom oem logo (else use Sun Logo) False False
oem-banner Custom oem banner (enabled by oem-banner? true) empty empty
oem-banner? If true, use custom oem banner False False
hardware-revision System version information empty empty
last-hardware-update System update information empty empty
diag-switch? If true, run diagnostic mode False True

4-6 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
3.x NVRAM Parameters

There are certain parameters and configuration information that are

required to allow a system to operate. Changing these system
configurations changes the way the system operates from the moment
it is powered up. It is easy to make changes to these parameters that
can alter the systems operating characteristics so much that the
desktop will not operate at all.

● To see all NVRAM parameters for both current and default

settings on any SPARCstation, type printenv at the monitor level
ok prompt.
ok printenv
● Use the show command to display individual parameters.
ok show diag-switch?
diag-switch? = false
● To view all NVRAM parameters and their current values, while
the operating system is running type:
# eeprom
● A system with an SBus instead of a PCI bus will have the
following displayed instead of the pcia-probe-list entry shown
on the NVRAM parameter example:
sbus-probe-list 0123 0123

Booting and Testing 4-7

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G

Modifying NVRAM Contents

Command Formats Used to Modify the NVRAM Contents

There are only a few commands that you can use to alter the contents
of the NVRAM. The commands and the parameter name must be
entered exactly as shown below or they will not be accepted.

● command parameter boolean [true, false]

ok setenv diag-switch? true

ok setenv auto-boot? false

● command parameter value [number, vmunix, disk]

ok setenv selftest-#megs 8

ok setenv boot-device disk

4-8 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Modifying NVRAM Contents

The setenv command is used to change the NVRAM parameters.

The reset command is used to make the NVRAM change take effect.

Note – For boot PROM Revision 1.x, the NVRAM parameters that you
change are written into the NVRAM permanently until you type the
reset command at the ok prompt.

To set all of the NVRAM variable names to their default values, type
the following command:

Ok set-defaults

To set one of the NVRAM variable names to its default value, use the
set-default variable name commands in the following example
that changes the diagnostic switch variable to the default value, which
is false:

Ok set-default diag-switch?

Another way to do the same thing would be to type setenv daig-

switch? false at the Ok prompt.

Booting and Testing 4-9

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G

Configuring Input/Output Control

ASCII Terminal Attached to Serial Port A

To view the output of the POST diagnostics you must connect an
ASCII terminal to a serial port with a null modem cable. For this to
work the serial port must first be configured to work with the ASCII
terminal as follows:

1. Configure the serial port A as the input device by setting the input
to ttya.

ok setenv input-device ttya

2. Configure the serial port A as the output device by setting the

output device to ttya.

ok setenv output-device ttya

4-10 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Configuring Input/Output Control

Desktop Workstation With a Monitor and Keyboard

For a normal desktop configuration, a monitor is connected to the
frame buffer and the keyboard is connected to the main logic board’s
keyboard port. After using an ASCII terminal you may have to
reconfigure the NVRAM parameters to enable the system monitor and
keyboard as follows:

1. Configure the keyboard as the input device by setting the input to

the keyboard.

ok setenv input-device keyboard

2. Configure the system monitor as the output device by setting the

output device to the monitor connected to the frame buffer.

ok setenv output-device screen

Not all systems have a Sun monitor and keyboard. In such cases, an
ASCII terminal is connected to one of the serial ports, and is used as
the console device.

Use these setenv commands to configure the system for the correct
console device.

Note – Setting the input and output devices to ttya eliminates the
monitor as a console.

Booting and Testing 4-11

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G

Configuring Input/Output Control

When a serial port is used as the console, the port parameters must be
properly configured for the serial device. Use setenv to set the correct
ttya mode values as shown in Figure 4-1 on page 4-13.

4-12 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Configuring Input/Output Control

Port Parameters for a Console Terminal

ok setenv ttya-mode 9600,8,n,1,-

Baud rate
Number of characters
Stop bits
Handshaking values
Figure 4-1 Example of ttya Settings for a Common ASCII Terminal

Data transmission rate and the character flow configuration must be

correctly configured or serial communications to the I/O device will
not perform correctly. The following are usable values for configuring
the tty ports:

● Baud rates are 110, 300, 1200, 4800, 9600, 19200, and 38400.

● Number of character bits are 5, 6, 7, and 8.

● Parity choices are

n= None
e= Even
m= Mark
s= Space

● Number of stop bits are 1 = 1, . (period) = 1.5, and 2 = 2.

● Handshake is

- = None
h = Hardware (rts/cts)
s = Software (xon/xoff)

Booting and Testing 4-13

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G

Forth Line Editor Features

The Forth line editor features and commands can be displayed by

typing the help line command at the ok prompt. An output similar
to the following is displayed:
ok help line
^b Backward one character
ESC b Backward one word
^f Forward one character
ESC f Forward one word
^a Beginning of line
^e End of line
^h Erase previous character
ESC h Erase previous portion of word
^d Erase this character
ESC d Erase word from here to end of word
^k Erase forward, from here to the beginning of the word
^u Erase entire line
^l Retype line
^q Quote next character
^p Recall previous command line
^n Recall subsequent command line

4-14 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Forth Line Editor Features

Helpful Forth Commands

The recall (^p) command
ok eject
ok ^p
ok eject

The sifting command

ok sifting prob
In Vocabulary forth

(foo69aac) probe-all (foo61194) probe-all

(foo61194) probe-sbus (f0061138) probe-slots
(foo610e8)probe-slot (foo60d5c) probe-scsi-all
(foo610c80) probe-scsi (foo3f200) probe
(foo2f9d0) xprobe (foo2f988) wprobe
(foo2f964)cprobe (f0017514) probably-cfa?
● The help line command

The help line command shows the command-line editing

commands that are available through the Forth toolkit.

● The recall ^p (control-p) command

This command is used to repeat the previous command entered.

● The Sifting command

This command is useful for finding OBP commands when you

only know of one or can only remember part of the command
Using sifting is like using find on a complete or partial string.

Using sift to search for prob will return all Forth commands
found in the OPB Fourth vocabulary file that contain the letters
“prob.” The return would include the probe-scsi command
and the probe-scsi-all command and possibly several others.
It will also return the PROM memory address of the command.
Not all commands found with the sifting command are executable
by the user.

Booting and Testing 4-15

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Special OBP Keyboard Commands

The OpenBoot PROM (OBP) provides the following additional key


● Stop-f (L1-f) – Press these keys while POST diagnostics are

running and until the LEDs on the keyboard stop flashing. This
directs system output and input through serial port A.

● Stop-n (L1-n) – Press these keys during the power-up procedure to

change the NVRAM settings to their original default settings.

● Stop-d (L1-d) – Press these keys during the power-up procedure to

change the diag-switch? setting to true.

● Stop-n-d (L1-n-d) – Press these keys during a power-up to change

the diag-switch? setting to true and to change the NVRAM
settings to their original default settings.

● Stop (L1) – Press these keys during power-up to prevent POST

from running (3.x OBP only).

● .properties or .attributes – Use this command to display the

properties of an OpenBoot PROM device tree element.

4-16 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Special OBP Keyboard Commands

Some of the special characteristics of these commands are:

● These keyboard commands provide control over important

NVRAM parameter settings when using setenv is not possible
(such as when the monitor is not functional).

● Press and hold these keys while POST is running.

● These commands will only take effect if the system can pass POST.
This means that if the frame buffer, memory in Bank 0, NVRAM,
or any devices tested during POST are defective, these commands
will not take effect.

● You can only initiate these commands from the Sun keyboard.

● These commands are disabled if the boot PROM’s security mode is


● These commands do not work with boot PROM Revision 1.x.

Note – Using one or more of these commands can make an apparently

dead system come to life.

● The special device tree command .properties, gives you some

insight into the specific properties of a OpenBoot PROM device
tree element. To use the .properties command you must first
navigate to the OpenBoot PROM device tree (cd / or dev) from
the / level at the ok prompt.

At the root level some of the information this command will give
you includes the idprom contents, the system model number and
name, and system speed and bus type.

Booting and Testing 4-17

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Default Booting

False True

Execute minimal Execute extended

Output to ttya
Pass Pass

Init system error Init system
Fail Fail
indication Pass
Test all memory

auto-boot? auto-boot?
True True
False False

boot-device diag-device

Monitor level Monitor level

ok (prompt) ok (prompt)
Bootstrap Bootstrap
UNIX Diagnostics

= NVRAM parameter
* On OBP Revision. 2.9 and higher, no POST runs
** On OBP Revision 3.x and higher, POST level is determined by diag-level value

Figure 4-2 Example of a Default Booting Sequence

4-18 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Default Booting

Discussion – How does the system determine which device to boot


Will extensive diagnostics run?

Does the system automatically boot after a reset?

The flowchart (Figure 4-2 on page 4-18) describes the paths taken
depending on how the NVRAM parameters are configured

These default values are set in the following NVRAM configuration


● diag-device? (net)

● auto-boot? (true)

● diag-switch? (false)

● boot-device (disk)

Note – You can confirm these parameters with the printenv

command at the monitor level ok prompt.

Booting and Testing 4-19

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G

Using Boot Flags

The boot command sequence is

ok Boot [devalias] [boot-file] [Option]

where boot boots the default file from the default device

4-20 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Using Boot Flags

The boot command’s syntax is

ok boot Option

Five boot flag options are available: -a, -r, -s, -v, and -w. Any
of them can be used with boot PROM Revisions 1.x or 2.x.

-a Use when the system is booted using an alternate

boot, root, or swap partition. The -a flag tells the
boot program to “ask for” the root and swap devices
and which kernel to use.

-r Use to dynamically rebuild the kernel and /devices

and /dev files. Use this flag whenever you add a new
device to a system running Solaris 2.x software. It is
available only for the Solaris 2.x operating system.

-s or -sw Use when booting to single-user mode. The -w is used

with the s flag to instruct the bootstrap program to
enable write capabilities. The -sw combination is
used when booting to single-user mode from the

-v Use on the Solaris 2.x software systems to obtain

additional boot messages (verbose mode).

All of the boot flags, except the -r option, are compatible with
Solaris 1.x and Solaris 2.x software.

Booting and Testing 4-21

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Overriding the Default Boot on OBP Systems

To override the default boot path found in the system environment

variables, you must replace the defaults with the complete and specific
path to the new operating system.

Boot Command Syntax

The boot command syntax is shown in Figure 4-3. The differences
between the SBus path and the PCI bus path are as follows:

ok boot /sbus/espdma@e,840000/esp@e,8800000/sd@0,0 vmunix -options

Such as
Beginning path -aswv
to boot device
Which interface kernel file
Memory address space
set aside for this device Logical unit
Target number
Device type address

ok boot /pci@1f,0/pci@1,1/ide@3/disk@0,0 vmunix -options

Figure 4-3 Boot Command Path Differences

● You can determine the path to the default boot device by

examining the printenv output for the alias name of the default
boot device.

● Examine the devalias output to determine the path to the desired

boot device.

● By adding the complete path and program to load to the boot

command you override the system defaults.

4-22 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Device Tree Structure

The device tree in Figure 4-4 is presented again to help you

understand the path to the boot device.

Monitor level (ok prompt)

/ (Device node level)

UPA bus


zs@f,10000000 ledma@0,400000 espdma@e,8400000


zs@f,11000000 flashprom@f,0
(ttya and ttyb ports)


sd@0,0 st@4,0

Some devices left out for clarity

memory@0,0 SUNW,ffb@1e,0:ffb0

Figure 4-4 The Device Tree for Review

Booting and Testing 4-23

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
OBP Device Aliases

Preset device aliases provide the flexibility to boot from a variety of

devices. These aliases are permanently stored in NVRAM. You can
find which devices are available by aliasname by typing the devalias
command at the ok prompt.
<#0> ok devalias
floppy /sbus/SUNW,fdtwo
net-aui /sbus/ledma@f,8400010:aui/le@e,8c00000
net-tpe /sbus/ledma@f,8400010:tpe/le@e,8c00000
net /sbus/ledma@f,8400010/le@f,8c00000
disk /sbus/espdma@e,840000/esp@e,8800000/sd@0,0
cdrom /sbus/espdma@e,840000/esp@e,8800000/sd@6,0:d
tape /sbus/espdma@e,840000/esp@e,8800000/st@4,0
tape0 /sbus/espdma@e,840000/esp@e,8800000/st@4,0
disk3 /sbus/espdma@e,840000/esp@e,8800000/sd@3,0
disk2 /sbus/espdma@e,840000/esp@e,8800000/sd@2,0
disk1 /sbus/espdma@e,840000/esp@e,8800000/sd@1,0
disk0 /sbus/espdma@e,840000/esp@e,8800000/sd@0,0
scsi /sbus/espdma@e,840000/esp@e,8800000

To boot from a disk other than the default boot disk (it must have the
UNIX operating system on the disk targeted) do the following:

● Type boot disk2 at the ok prompt, to use disk 2 as defined in

the device aliases

● Use one of the following device aliases with the Forth toolkit
commands or in conjunction with the OBP boot command:

▼ ok boot cdrom

▼ ok boot disk0

▼ ok test disk1

▼ ok test floppy

● To test a device that does not have an alias name, you must type
the full path to the device as in this example:
ok test/sbus/espdma@e,8400000/esp@e,8800000/sd@5,0

4-24 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
OBP Device Aliases

The following are redefined path names for a limited selection of

ok devalias
screen /sbus@1f,0/cgsix@2,0
net-aui /sbus/ledma@e,8400010:aui/le@e,8c00000
net-tpe /sbus/ledma@e,8400010:tpe/le@e,8c00000
net /sbus/ledma@e,8400010/le@e,8c00000
disk /sbus/espdma@e,8400000/esp@e,8800000/sd@0,0
cdrom /sbus/espdma@e,8400000/esp@e,8800000/sd@6,0:f
tape /sbus/espdma@e,8400000/esp@e,8800000/st@4,0
tape1 /sbus/espdma@e,8400000/esp@e,8800000/st@5,0
tape0 /sbus/espdma@e,8400000/esp@e,8800000/st@4,0
disk6 /sbus/espdma@e,8400000/esp@e,8800000/sd@6,0
disk5 /sbus/espdma@e,8400000/esp@e,8800000/sd@5,0
disk4 /sbus/espdma@e,8400000/esp@e,8800000/sd@4,0
disk3 /sbus/espdma@e,8400000/esp@e,8800000/sd@3,0
disk2 /sbus/espdma@e,8400000/esp@e,8800000/sd@2,0
disk1 /sbus/espdma@e,8400000/esp@e,8800000/sd@1,0
disk0 /sbus/espdma@e,8400000/esp@e,8800000/sd@0,0
scsi /sbus/espdma@e,8400000/esp@e,8800000
floppy /sbus/SUNW,fdtwo
ttyb /sbus/zs@f,1100000:b
ttya /sbus/zs@f,1100000:a
keyboard /sbus/zs@f,1000000:forcemode
keyboard /sbus/zs@f,1000000
yourdisk /sbus/espdma@e,8400000/esp@e,8800000/sd@3,0

Booting and Testing 4-25

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Booting With Device Aliases

Adding a Device Alias

The following example shows how to add a device alias. The new alias
is yourdisk, and it is aliased to a device at SCSI target ID3, which is
connected to the on-board SCSI host adaptor (SHA) in the system.
ok nvalias yourdisk /sbus/espdma@e,840000/esp@e,8800000/sd@3,0

Note – A shortcut provided with the show-dev command allows you

to select a device and use Control-y to copy the device path into the
command (nvalias) at the ok prompt when you are creating these

To boot from this device type:

ok boot yourdisk

To clear all previously added aliases from the devalias file, type
the command set-defaults, and then reset the system.
ok set-defaults
Clearing to default values.
ok reset

Note – This can also be accomplished by pressing the Stop-n key

sequence immediately after turning on the system. Use this recovery
procedure when a parameter that has been altered that keeps the
system from cycling up to the monitor mode and the ok prompt.

4-26 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G

Booting and Testing 4-27

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Boot Sequence–Transfer to Software Control

Boot in Verbose Mode

Using the verbose mode (-v) option with the boot command will
return an output similar to the following:
✓ There are three slides for this page.

ok boot -v
Sun Ultra 5/10 UPA/PCI (UltraSPARC-IIi 300MHz), Keyboard Present
OpenBoot 3.11, 256 MB memory installed, Serial #9361102.
Ethernet address 8:0:20:8e:d6:ce, Host ID: 808ed6ce.
Boot device: /pci@1f,0/pci@1,1/ide@3/disk@0,0 File and args: -rv
Size: 272817+60132+70328 Bytes
cpu0: SUNW,UltraSPARC-IIi (upaid 0 impl 0x12 ver 0x12 clock 300 MHz)
SunOS Release 5.6 Version Generic_105181-03 [UNIX(R) System V Release
Copyright (c) 1983-1997, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
mem = 262144K (0x10000000)
avail mem = 256655360
Ethernet address = 8:0:20:8e:d6:ce
root nexus = Sun Ultra 5/10 UPA/PCI (UltraSPARC-IIi 300MHz)
pci0 at root: UPA 0x1f 0x0
PCI-device: pci@1,1, simba #0
PCI-device: pci@1, simba #1
dad0 at pci1095,6460 target 0 lun 0
dad0 is /pci@1f,0/pci@1,1/ide@3/dad@0,0
<Seagate Medalist 34342A cyl 8892 alt 2 hd 15 sec 63>
root on /pci@1f,0/pci@1,1/ide@3/disk@0,0:a fstype ufs
The system is coming up. Please wait.
checking filesystems
/dev/rdsk/c0t3d0s5: is clean.
/dev/rdsk/c0t3d0s7: is clean.
/dev/dsk/c0t3d0s7 mounted
/dev/dsk/c0t3d0s5 mounted
starting routing daemon.
starting rpc services: rpcbind keyserv kerbd done.
Setting default interface for multicast:add net224.0.0.0:gateway X
Print services started.
syslog service starting.
The system is ready.

4-28 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Boot Sequence–Transfer to Software Control

Multiuser Mode
The system will boot to multiuser mode after the following sequence
of events:

● Boot PROM has enough code to start the initialization process.

● The NVRAM boot device parameter is referenced to determine

where to boot from.

● Boot block is read from the boot device.

● The boot program loads the kernel into memory.

● The kernel is then executed and takes control of all input and
output activity.

Booting and Testing 4-29

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Testing and Troubleshooting With POST and OBP

Determining Faulty DSIMM Locations

Memory error messages indicate either a physical memory address
where the error was detected or a DSIMM slot location number,
depending on the diagnostic program you are running.

If the error message displays the location number, use the DSIMM
location chart in the Field Engineering Handbook, Section 1 CPU for the
system board type you are using, to identify the failing DSIMM. If the
error message displays a physical memory address, use the physical
address table to see which memory slot contains the physical address.

For example, if an error is detected at physical memory address

012f e958, examining Table 4-1 shows that the error occurred in the
DSIMM Bank 0. That would be slots U0701 and U0601. The error
report will tell you which DSIMM is at fault, if it can be determined. If
not, the memory pattern written and read back will be displayed, you
can use this to determine the failing bit(s) location(s) and which
DSIMM is at fault.

Using Table 4-1 you can now determine which DSIMM failed and
needs to be replaced.



Figure 4-5 Sun Ultra 1 Series SIMM Slot Designations

4-30 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Testing and Troubleshooting With POST and OBP

Determining Faulty DSIMM Locations (Continued)

Keep the following in mind when detemining the location of a failing

● Memory is error correction code (ECC) type, so single bit errors

are automatically corrected by the hardware. This means a single
failed bit will not generate an error to the memory management
system or test routines like POST.

● DSIMM slot numbers are silk-screened (painted) on the system


● During normal operation, double bit or uncorrectable memory

errors are reported in the Console window and are recorded in
system error message files.

● The first bank DSIMMs, must always have functional DSIMMs


● The remaining DSIMM slots can be filled in any order, but must
always be filled in banks.

● The physical memory addresses associated with a particular

DSIMM slot are fixed, this means an address does not dynamically
change if banks are left empty.

● A memory mapping program maps out unused addresses so the

program data is not affected by address gaps if a DSIMM goes bad
or a particular bank was skipped when the DSIMMs were

● It does not matter what size DSIMMs are installed in a bank, as

long as both DSIMMs are the same size. For example, there could
be a pair of 16-Mbyte DSIMMs in Bank 0, a pair of 32-Mbyte
DSIMMs in Bank 1, and a pair of 16-Mbyte DSIMMs in Bank 3.

Booting and Testing 4-31

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Testing and Troubleshooting With POST and OBP

Determining Faulty DSIMM Locations (Continued)

Table 4-1 Physical Memory Addresses

Physical Physical
DSIMM Slot Location Memory Memory
Address Start Address End
Bank 0 0000 0000 0fff ffff
U0701 (byte 00–15, bits 000–127)
U0601 (byte 16–31, bits 128–255)
Bank 1 1000 0000 1fff ffff
U0702 (byte 00–15, bits 000–127)
U0602 (byte 16–31, bits 128–255)
Bank 2 2000 0000 2fff ffff
U0703 (byte 00–15, bits 000–127)
U0603 (byte 16–31, bits 128–255)
Bank 3 3000 0000 3fff ffff
U0704 (byte 00–15, bits 000–127)
U0604 (byte 16–31, bits 128–255)

4-32 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Testing and Troubleshooting With POST and OBP

Determining Faulty DSIMM Locations (Continued)

Physical Memory Address Ranges for DSIMM Slots

Currently four DSIMM sizes will function in the Sun Ultra 1 series
systems. These are 16, 32, 64, and 128-Mbyte DSIMMs.

The addressing is slot dependent.

Each DSIMM bank has a predetermined address range of which the

least significant address is indicated and does not change regardless of
the DSIMM installed in the previous bank. The maximum address for
the specific bank changes, depending on the memory capacity of the
DSIMM installed. Starting address values are 0000 0000, 1000 0000,
2000 0000, and 3000 0000. Two DSIMM banks are arranged as follows
for a system with a 128-bit memory bus:

Bank 0 address starts at 0000 0000

Bank 0, Slot U0701 (low 16-byte addresses, 00 to 15)
Bank 0, Slot U0601 (high 16-byte addresses, 16 to 31)

Bank 1 addresses start at 1000 0000

Bank 1, Slot U0702 (low 16-bytes)
Bank 1, Slot U0602 (high 16-bytes)

Bank 2 addresses start at 2000 0000

Bank 2, Slot U0703 (low 16-bytes)
Bank 2, Slot U0603 (high 16-bytes)

Bank 3 addresses start at 3000 0000

Bank 3, Slot U0704 (low 16-bytes)
Bank 3, Slot U0604 (high 16-bytes)

Each bank’s highest memory address value, if 128-Mbyte DSIMMs

were installed, would be xfff ffff where x is the beginning slot and
most significant starting address value.

Booting and Testing 4-33

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Testing and Troubleshooting With POST and OBP

OBP help Command

The following text is displayed when the help command is used:
ok help
Enter ’help command-name’ or ’help category-name’ for more help
(use ONLY the first word of a category description)
Examples: help select -or- help line
Main categories are:
File download and boot
Resume execution
Diag (diagnostic routines)
Power on reset
> - prompt
Floppy eject
Select I/O devices
System and boot configuration parameters
Line editors
Tools (memory, numbers, new commands, loops)
Assembly debugging (breakpoints, registers,disassembly,symbolic)
Sync (synchronize disk data)
Nvramrc (making new commands permanent)

4-34 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Testing and Troubleshooting With POST and OBP

OBP help Command (Continued)

The boot PROM help command displays a listing of help categories.

Use the first word of the category to list additional help for that
category. For example:
ok help file

ok help resume

ok help power

ok help diag

Some commands have individual help features. Type help command

for help with an individual command (if available).

You can ask for help on any word in the Forth toolkit; however, not all
words are supported by the help feature. To see which commands
reside in the area you are working in, type words. As you move
through the system, the amount of supported words changes for
certain devices.

Booting and Testing 4-35

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Testing and Troubleshooting With POST and OBP

The help diag Command

The following text is displayed when the help diag command is used:
ok help diag

Category: Diag (diagnostic routines)

test device-specifier (--) run selftest method for specified device

test /iommu/sbus/ledma@f,40000010/le - test net
test net - net (device-specific is an alias)
test scsi - test scsi (device-specific is an alias)
test floppy - test floppy disk drive

watch-clock (--) - show ticks of real-time clock

watch-net (--) - monitor broadcast packets using auto-selected
watch-aui (--) - monitor broadcast packets using AUI interface
watch-tpe (--) - monitor broadcast packets using tpe interface
watch-net-all (--) - monitor broadcast packets on all net interfaces
probe-scsi (--) - show attached SCSI devices
probe-scsi-all (--) - show attached SCSI devices for SHAs
test-all (--) - execute test for all devices with selftest method
test-memory (--) - test all memory if diag-switch? is true,
otherwise specified by selftest-#megs

4-36 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Testing and Troubleshooting With POST and OBP

The help diag Command (Continued)

The help diag command displays two important pieces of
information for a given system: the available diagnostic commands
and their specific syntax. This is useful because there are many
versions of the OpenBoot PROM, each with its own set of diagnostics
and syntax.

Booting and Testing 4-37

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Testing and Troubleshooting With POST and OBP

The test Command

The test command has several options available, some of which are:
ok test memory
testing 64 megabytes of memory

<#0> ok test ttya


ok test floppy
Testing floppy disk system. A formatted disk should be in the drive.
Test succeeded

ok test net

Using AUI Ethernet Interface

Internal loopback test -- succeeded.
External loopback test -- succeeded.

Using TP Ethernet Interface

Internal loopback test -- succeeded.
External loopback test -- Lost Carrier (transceiver cable problem?)
send failed.

4-38 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Testing and Troubleshooting With POST and OBP

The test Command (Continued)

The test command, when combined with a device alias or device
path name, executes that device’s self-test program. The self-test
program is a test routine that is resident in the OpenBoot PROM or in
the device’s ID PROM. The OpenBoot PROM activates the test. If you
attempt to test a device that does not have a self-test program, you will
receive this message:

No selftest method for <device name>

Some other options available for the test command are

● test memory relies on the environmental parameter selftest-

#megs to determine how much memory to test.

● test ttya displays alphanumeric characters on the screen.

● test floppy requires a formatted diskette in the drive. See

Appendix A, Peripheral Device Handling and Usage for instructions
on formatting a diskette.

● test-net is helpful for testing the AUI cable as well as the

transceiver. When the command is issued, a runt packet is sent to
the transceiver and returned. If the external packet fails, the
problem may be the cable or the transceiver. Remove the
transceiver and loop back pins 3,5 and 10,12 on the AUI cable. Try
the test-net command again. If it passes, the problem may be in
the transceiver. If it does not pass, you may have a AUI cable
problem. Remove the AUI cable and loop back the AUI interface
to the system board. If it passes, the problem is the cable. You may
have a bad system board if the test-net command still fails.
Check the transceiver light. If it is on, the Ethernet fuse is good.

● test-all executes tests for all devices with self-test methods. This
means that the self-test program has to exist at that particular node
of that device.

Booting and Testing 4-39

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Testing and Troubleshooting With POST and OBP

The show Command

The show command has several options available, some of which are:
ok show-sbus
SBus slot f SUNW,bpp ledma le espdma esp
SBus slot e SUNW,DBRIe
SBus slot 0
SBus slot 1
SBus slot 2 cgsix
SBus slot 3

<#0> ok show-tapes
a) /iommu@f,e0000000/sbus@f,e0001000/espdma@f,400000/esp@f,800000/st
Enter Selection, q to quit:

ok show-disks
a) /obio/SUNW,fdtwo@0,700000
b) /iommu@f,e0000000/sbus@f,e0001000/espdma@f,400000/esp@f,800000/sd
Enter Selection, q to quit:

4-40 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Testing and Troubleshooting With POST and OBP

The show Command (Continued)

The show <device> command displays the specified device based on
the results of POST. It displays the device using the absolute path

The show command also provides an editing feature so you can alias
the device to some other name. This is covered in a subsequent

Booting and Testing 4-41

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Testing and Troubleshooting With POST and OBP

The watch Command

The watch command has several options available, some of which are:
ok watch-tpe
Using TP Ethernet Interface
Lance register test -- succeeded.
Internal loopback test -- succeeded.
Internal loopback test -- succeeded.
External loopback test -- Lost Carrier (transceiver cable problem?)
send failed.

ok watch-clock
Watching the 'seconds' register of the real time clock chip.
It should be 'ticking' once a second.
Type any key to stop.

ok watch-aui
Using AUI Ethernet Interface
Lance register test -- succeeded.
Internal loopback test -- succeeded.
External loopback test -- succeeded.
Looking for Ethernet packets.
'.' is a good packet. 'X' is a bad packet.
Type any key to stop.

4-42 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Testing and Troubleshooting With POST and OBP

The watch Command (Continued)

The watch-net and the watch-aui commands are used
interchangeably. They test not only the AUI cable and transceiver but
the network itself, unlike the test-net command, which tests only the
AUI cable and transceiver. To do this, the system sends good packets
addressed to itself on to the network and examines the packets

Booting and Testing 4-43

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Testing and Troubleshooting With POST and OBP

The probe-scsi Command

There are two forms for the probe-scsi command. The first tests only
the on-board SCSI host adapter (SHA) and the devices found there.
The second version adds the all option which tests the on-board SCSI
host adapter and any SCSI host adapters found on any of the systems
I/O bus networks. The output from the probe-scsi test for one
system is presented here
ok probe-scsi

Target 1
Unit 0 Disk SEAGATE ST1480 SUN0424751600759660

Target 3
Unit 0 Disk SEAGATE ST31200W SUN1.05 87240043008

Target 4
Unit 0 Removable Tape EXABYTE EXB-8200 263H

Target 6
Unit 0 Removable Read Only device TOSHIBA XM-410 TASUN08404/18/94

ok probe-scsi-all

Target 1
Unit 0 Disk SEAGATE ST1480 SUN0424751600759660

Target 3
Unit 0 Disk SEAGATE ST31200W SUN1.05 87240043008

Target 4
Unit 0 Removable Tape EXABYTE EXB-8200 263H

Target 6
Unit 0 Removable Read Only device TOSHIBA XM-410 TASUN08404/18/94

4-44 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Testing and Troubleshooting With POST and OBP

The probe-scsi Command (Continued)

An easy way to verify the presence of SCSI devices is to use the
probe-scsi command at the ok prompt. probe-scsi displays
information that it was able to collect from firmware on the SCSI
devices that are attached to the MLB’s SHA.

For systems with an OpenBoot PROM Revision 2.7 or higher, use the
probe-scsi-all command to show SCSI devices on all SHAs.

probe-scsi and probe-scsi-all do not verify that the devices are

fully functional, but they do indicate that the system is able to
recognize the SCSI devices at a level that does not require the
operating system.

probe-scsi and probe-scsi-all list the following SCSI device


● Target address

● Unit number (which is the same as the logical unit number)

● Device type

● Manufacturer and model number

● Formatted capacity (disk drives only)

● Device serial number (sometimes)

The diskette drive will not show up with either probe-scsi command
because it is not a SCSI device.

Note – Refer to Appendix E, “Boot PROM Matrix,” to check the

systems that support these commands.

Booting and Testing 4-45

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Using tip for Remote Diagnostics

Healthy system

# tip hardwi
B or A

Null modem



Faulty system

Figure 4-6 Example of Running Diagnostics From a Remote


4-46 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Using tip for Remote Diagnostics

The terminal input command (tip) establishes a full-duplex terminal

connection to a remote host. It provides a way to use a serial
input/output device for troubleshooting purposes (such as viewing
POST) when an ASCII terminal is not available.

● The tip command establishes a connection to a remote host, either

through a modem or null modem cable. This technique of
troubleshooting is valuable in reviewing a remote system’s POST,
boot, and error messages when you do not have a dumb terminal.

● The faulty system must have diagnostic mode enabled. You can do
this by typing the diag-switch?=true command or by pressing
the Stop-d key sequence.

● Input/output must be directed to ttya. This is achieved in one of

several ways:

▼ Pulling the keyboard cable

▼ Pressing the Stop-f key sequence

▼ Typing setenv output-device ttya at the ok prompt

● A null modem cable is connected from the faulty system to the

healthy system. The pin configurations for creating your own null
modem cable are listed in your Field Engineering Handbook, Volume
II, “Communications” section.

● The healthy system must be booted and running a graphical user

interface such as OpenWindows™ or the common desktop
environment (CDE). The tip command is enabled in a Shell or
Terminal window.

Booting and Testing 4-47

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Check Your Progress

Before continuing on to the next module, check that you are able to
accomplish or answer the following:

❑ Display the contents of the NVRAM

❑ Modify the contents of NVRAM

❑ Describe the difference between EEPROM and flash PROM

❑ Upgrade the contents of a system flash PROM

❑ Use specified OBP commands

❑ Test specific system elements using Forth commands

❑ Identify a failed FRU by the POST keyboard LED error codes

4-48 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Open Boot PROM 2.x 4A

Upon completion of this lab, you should be able to

● Use test, show, watch and module-info OpenBoot PROM

commands to test system hardware

● Troubleshoot “blank monitors” using the Forth toolkit

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G

To complete this lab, you will need

● A SPARCstation with OpenBoot PROM Revision 2.4 to 2.7

4A-2 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Identifying the Revision of the OpenBoot PROM

To verify NVRAM functionality, follow this procedure:

1. If the Solaris operating system is running, log in as the root user.

2. Halt the Solaris operating system.

# halt

3. Connect serial port A to ASCII terminal, such as a Wyse terminal,

with a null-modem cable.

4. If necessary, place your system in the “new” mode.

Type b (boot), c (continue), or n (new command mode)
Type help for more information

5. Use the Forth command banner to display Ethernet and host ID

ok banner

Note – This is the banner that prints during POST diagnostics.

6. Record the read-only memory (ROM) or OpenBoot PROM revision

of your system.


Open Boot PROM 2.x 4A-3

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Navigating the Device Tree

The device tree is similar to the UNIX hierarchy. The system builds
this tree when the system is reset. This information is used to establish
the paths for the device drivers used by Solaris.

Note – For information about how to navigate the tree structure, refer
to “Navigating the OpenBoot PROM” in Module 3, “OpenBoot

1. Set three NVRAM parameters as follows to obtain full use of the

Forth toolkit:
ok setenv fcode-debug? true
ok setenv diag-switch? true
ok setenv auto-boot? false
ok reset

2. Change to the root (/) directory.

ok cd /

3. List all of the subordinate nodes under this node.

ok ls

4. Write down the node for the SBus. On the newer SPARCstation 4
and 5 systems, you may have to enter cd /iommu to see the SBus

SBus node: _________________________________________________

4A-4 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Navigating the Device Tree

5. Change to the SBus directory. You can do this in two ways:

One way uses the absolute path name; for example, cd

/sbus@1,f8000000. The other way is to use the “alias” for that
path: for example, cd /sbus or /iommu/sbus.

● Absolute path name method

ok cd /sbus@1,f8000000 (or whatever you got for step 4)
ok cd /iommu@f,e0000000,sbus@f,e0001000
ok pwd

● Alias path name method

ok cd /sbus
ok cd /iommu/sbus
ok pwd

Open Boot PROM 2.x 4A-5

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Navigating the Device Tree

6. To check which devices are plugged into the SBus, use the ls
command to list the contents of that node (as shown below).

ok ls

ffeb93f0 cgsix@3,0 Other frame buffers you

ffeb730c esp@2,200000 may see besides the cgsix
ffeb7244 dma@2,100000 are
ffeb71e0 SUNW,bpp@1,200000 - cgthree
ffeb7164 SUNW,lpvi@1,300000 - cgtwelve
ffeb4e44 esp@0,800000 - bwtwo
ffeb4da4 dma@0,400000
ffeb3ae8 le@0,c00000

The information contain in the previous lines can be defined as follows:.

ffeb930 = The virtual address of that device
cgsix = Device identified from its fcode Prom (IDPROM)
@3,0 = SBus slot occupied, address space.

The previous devices in the listing are defined as follows:

esp@2,200000 = SSHA esp (2nd SCSI) controller
dma@2,100000 = SSHA DMA+ device
SUNW,bpp@1,200000 = SPARCprinter bidirectional parallel port
SUNW,lpvi@1,300000 = SPARCprinter laser printer video interface
esp@0,800000 = On-board esp (SCSI) controller
dma@0,400000 = DMA+ device
le@0,c00000 = le (Ethernet) controller

7. Check which frame buffer is in your system.

___ cgsix ___ cgthree ___ cgtwelve ___ bwtwo

4A-6 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Navigating the Device Tree

8. Use the pwd (print working device path) command to check your
ok pwd

9. Record the path name: ______________________________________

Note – Notice that the system gives you the absolute path name.

10. Change to the node for the frame buffer on your system.

11. Display the names of the current node’s “tools.” Make sure you
are at the /sbus/framebuffer node.
ok words

The words command lists all the valid Forth commands available
for a particular level in the device tree. Only a few are helpful for
maintenance purposes. One helpful command is selftest.

12. Did you find a command called selftest? Yes ______ No _______

Note – The selftest command will be important later on in this lab

13. Show the current node’s attributes (properties).

ok .attributes

14. Record the part number of the frame buffer from the part number
information report, if available:

Part number:_______________________________________________

Open Boot PROM 2.x 4A-7

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Navigating the Device Tree

15. Record the device type from the name information, if available.

Device type:________________________________________________

The .attributes command shows you specific information about

a device in the tree. You can see by the information you have
gathered for this exercise that the device is on the SBus, it is
driving the monitor at 1152 X 900, it is manufactured by Sun, and
it has a part number you can use to order the board.

Note – In this exercise you were interacting with the ID PROM on the
device (in this case the cgsix frame buffer). The output from the ID
PROM indicates that the frame buffer was functional and working
within the SBus environment.

16. To deselect the current device node, leaving no node selected,

press the Stop-a keys or type the following command:
ok device-end

When you execute a command outside of the root node you will
see one of the following messages:
Data Access Exception

Not at a device tree node

Note – Some commands may cause you to receive these errors if they
are not properly executed.

4A-8 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Troubleshooting a “Blank” Monitor

Sometimes, it is difficult to determine whether the cause of a blank

monitor is the monitor, the frame buffer, or the monitor cable. This
procedure will help you in determine which part is at fault. If you are
not sure how to open up your system, refer to the Module 2 lab for
your system type.

Note – Before you proceed, make sure the system you are working on
has a removable frame buffer.

Preparing the System

1. Make sure the Solaris operating system is not running.

2. Turn off the power to the following items in the order shown:

a. External peripheral units (if any)

b. System chassis

c. Monitor

3. If the system’s display monitor is sitting on the system cover, set

the display monitor aside carefully.

4. Remove the cover to gain access to the MLB.

5. Locate, identify and remove the frame buffer.

6. Connect a null modem cable from serial port A to a Wyse terminal.

7. Turn the Wyse terminal power on.

8. Turn on your system in the reverse order of step 2.

Note – If the NVRAM parameter auto-boot is not set to false, press

Stop-a on the Sun keyboard after the banner has been displayed.

9. Enter the following commands at the ok prompt:

ok cd /sbus or cd /iommu/sbus
ok ls

Open Boot PROM 2.x 4A-9

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Troubleshooting a “Blank” Monitor

10. Do you have any of the following frame buffers?

mg1 Yes____ No ____

bwtwo Yes ____ No ____

cgthree Yes ____ No ____

cgsix Yes ____ No ____

cgtwelve Yes _____ No _____

Note – You should now be aware that you are not able to see the frame
buffer in your system when trying to examine the SBus node.

From this procedure you can see that the frame buffer was not
recognized. This illustrates how the boot PROM dynamically builds
the device tree from a reset. If the frame buffer was recognized and the
screen was still blank, you can begin to suspect that something other
than the frame buffer is causing the problem. Other choices are a bad
video cable, a bad monitor, disconnected keyboard, bad memory, or
bad CPU.
Caution – Be careful when exchanging monitors from other systems
because they might run at different frequencies. Check the Field
! Engineer Handbook, Volume I for frame buffer specifications on
frequencies, and then check Volume II for the monitors supported by
those frequencies.

11. Turn off the system, and carefully replace the frame buffer and the
cover on the unit.

4A-10 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Testing Devices Using the OBP

When you examined the current “tools” for a device, you used a
command called words. As you test certain devices in this section, the
device being tested must have the selftest command in its node

Using OBP Tests

1. In order to use the OBP tests, the diag-switch? variable must be
set to true.

2. When you run the test screen command, the graphic pattern
that is displayed seems to prevent you from entering additional
commands. However, you can continue entering commands or
enter reset to stop the test and clear the display.

Some common messages for devices that have no self test include
No test for now

Possibly selftest method doesn’t exist for this


Some of the tests may only return the ok prompt, indicating that
the device is functioning. For tests that require a tape or CD-ROM,
try running the test without the media, and then run the same test
with media to see what types of error messages the system

3. Use the following command to test the keyboard:

ok test keyboard

4. Describe the system’s response:


Open Boot PROM 2.x 4A-11

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Testing Devices Using the OBP

5. Enter the following command to test serial port A:

ok test ttya

You should see a message similar to the following:


Test serial port b in the same way.

6. Type the following command to test the speaker:

ok ^g

If you are not on a SPARCstation 5, 10, or 20, skip the following

two steps.

7. Type the following command:

ok module-info

8. Record the module-info below.

MBus : __________________

SBus : ___________________

CPU#0 : _________________

CPU#2 : _________________

The OpenBoot PROM recognizes devices through the device tree.

Therefore a disk is recognized as

This is a long string to type, so the OpenBoot PROM has an “alias

list” to map common short device names to their device tree path.
The devalias command displays the alias list.

4A-12 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Testing Devices Using the OBP

9. Enter the following command:

ok devalias

10. Which two disk devices have the same device path, as indicated
by the devalias command?



The reason there are two aliases for the same disk device path is to
ensure that the most common naming conventions are available.

11. Enter the following command:

ok show-attrs

12. Use the displayed information from the show-attrs command to

fill in the blanks below.

clock-frequency 02faf080

banner-name _________________________

idprom 01 72 08 00 20 23 16 1e 00 00 00 00 37 84 1d de

model _________________

name _________________

breakpoint-trap 0000007f

compatible _________________

get-unum ffd34df8

stdout-path /obio/zs@0,100000:a

stdin-path /obio/zs@0,100000:a

Open Boot PROM 2.x 4A-13

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Testing Devices Using the OBP

13. Enter the following command:

ok show-sbus

14. Record the information from the show-sbus command below:

SBus slot f SUNW,bpp ledma le espdma esp

SBus slot e SUNW,DBRIe

SBus slot 0 __________

SBus slot 1 __________

SBus slot 2 __________

SBus slot 3 __________

Note – Slots e and f indicate on-board devices such as the on-board

SCSI environment, the parallel port, and the ISDN environment. The
show-sbus command is a shortcut to using path commands such as cd
or ls.

4A-14 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Network Testing With the OBP

Use the following procedure to test the network.

1. Enter the following command:

ok test net

The information provided varies between systems depending on

whether the system is using the AUI or twisted-pair interface. An
indication of a lost carrier (transceiver cable problem?) may
require some investigation or it may be the expected response
since only one interface (AUI or TP) is used at a time.

2. Record the following information:

Using AUI Ethernet Interface

Internal loopback test: _________________

External loopback test: _________________

Using TP Ethernet Interface

Internal loopback test: ________________

External loopback test: ________________

Open Boot PROM 2.x 4A-15

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Network Testing With the OBP

3. Enter the watch-net command

ok watch-net

4. Record the following information:

Using AUI Ethernet Interface

Internal loopback test -- ________________________

External loopback test -- ________________________

Looking for Ethernet packets.

'.' is a good packet. 'X' is a bad packet.

Type any key to stop.

Using TP Ethernet Interface (if available)

Internal loopback test -- _______________________.

External loopback test -- __________________

The watch-aui and watch-tpe commands enable you to test the

specific network interface for your system. The watch-net and
watch-net-all commands check for and test all possible

5. Enter the watch-aui command to test your thicknet network

ok watch-aui

Note – This command is similar to the watch-net command except

that the tpe (twisted pair) environment is not listed.

6. Enter the watch-tpe command to test your twisted pair network.

ok watch-tpe

Note – The information displayed is similar to the information you

gathered in step 2. If possible, use the watch-net-all command so
that you gather all the information with one command.

4A-16 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Finishing Up

To complete this lab, return the system to its original condition as


1. Press the Return key to terminate the watch-tpe command.

2. At the ok prompt, enter the following commands:

ok set-defaults
ok reset

3. Make sure that the operating system boots successfully.

Note – If your system did not boot successfully, notify your instructor.

Open Boot PROM 2.x 4A-17

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Open Boot PROM 3.x 4B

Upon completion of this lab, you should be able to

● Use test, show, watch, and module-info OpenBoot PROM

commands to test system hardware

● Troubleshoot “blank monitors” using the Forth toolkit

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G

To complete this lab, you will need:

● A SPARCstation or Ultra system with OpenBoot PROM Version

3.0 or higher

4B-2 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Identifying the Revision of the OpenBoot PROM

To verify NVRAM functionality, follow this procedure:

1. If the Solaris operating system is running, log in as the root user.

2. Halt the Solaris operating system.

# halt

3. Connect serial port A to ASCII terminal, such as a Wyse terminal,

with a null-modem cable.

4. Use the Forth command banner to display Ethernet and host ID

ok banner

Note – This is the banner that prints during POST diagnostics.

5. Record the read-only memory (ROM) or OpenBoot PROM revision

of your system.

ROM revision:_____________________________________________

Open Boot PROM 3.x 4B-3

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Navigating the Device Tree

The device tree is similar to the UNIX hierarchy. The system builds
this tree when the system is reset. This information will be used in
establishing the paths for the proper device drivers used by UNIX.

Note – For information about how to navigate the tree structure, refer
the to “Navigating the OpenBoot PROM” section in Module 3,
“OpenBoot PROM.”

1. Set three NVRAM parameters as follows to obtain full use of the

Forth toolkit:
ok setenv fcode-debug? true
ok setenv diag-switch? true
ok setenv auto-boot? false
ok reset

2. Change to the root (/) directory.

ok cd /

3. List all of the subordinate nodes under this node.

ok ls

4. Write down the node for the SBus, or the PCI bus, if you are using
an Ultra 5 or 10 system. On newer system you may have to add an
additional step where you use the cd /iommu command to display
the SBus node.

SBus node: _________________________________________________

PCI bus node: ______________________________________________

4B-4 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Navigating the Device Tree

5. Now change the directory to the SBus. You can do this in two

● Absolute path name method

ok cd /sbus@1f,0 (or whatever you got for step 4)
ok pwd

● Alias path name method

ok cd sbus
ok pwd

Note – More will be presented on the subject of device aliases in a later

lab step.

Open Boot PROM 3.x 4B-5

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Navigating the Device Tree

6. To check which devices are plugged into the SBus, use the ls
command to list the contents of that node (as shown below).

ok ls

ffeb93f0 cgsix@3,0 Other frame buffers you

ffeb730c esp@2,200000 may see besides the cgsix
ffeb7244 dma@2,100000 are
ffeb71e0 SUNW,bpp@1,200000 - cgthree
ffeb7164 SUNW,lpvi@1,300000 - cgtwelve
ffeb4e44 esp@0,800000 - bwtwo
ffeb4da4 dma@0,400000
ffeb3ae8 le@0,c00000

The information contain in the previous lines can be defined as follows:

Example: ffeb930 cgsix@3,0

ffeb930 = The virtual address of that device

cgsix = Device identified from its fcode Prom (ID Prom)
@3,0 = SBus slot occupied, address space.

The previous devices in the listing are defined as follows:

esp@2,200000 = SSHA esp (2nd SCSI) controller
dma@2,100000 = SSHA DMA+ device
SUNW,bpp@1,200000 = SPARCprinter bidirectional parallel port
SUNW,lpvi@1,300000 = SPARCprinter laser printer video I/F
esp@0,800000 = on-board esp (SCSI) controller
dma@0,400000 = DMA+ device
le@0,c00000 = le (Ethernet) controller

7. Check which frame buffer is in your system.

___ cgsix ___ cgthree ___ cgtwelve ___ bwtwo

4B-6 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Navigating the Device Tree

8. Use the pwd (print working device path) command to check your
ok pwd

9. Record the path name: ______________________________________

Note – Notice that the system gives you the absolute path name.

10. Change to the node for the frame buffer on your system.

11. Display the names of the current node’s “tools.” Make sure you
are at the /sbus/framebuffer node.
ok words

The words command lists all the valid Forth commands available
for a particular level in the device tree. Only a few are helpful for
maintenance purposes. One helpful command is selftest.

12. Did you find a command called selftest? Yes ______ No _______

Note – The selftest command will be important later on in this lab

13. Show the current node’s properties.

ok .properties

14. Write down the following from part number and model information,
if available either from a property listing for part number or from
the model property (not all frame buffers provide this information):

Part number:_______________________________________________

Model: ________________________________

Open Boot PROM 3.x 4B-7

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Navigating the Device Tree

15. Record the device type from the name information, if available.

Device type:________________________________________________

The .properties command shows you specific information

about a device in the tree. You can see by the information you
have gathered for this exercise that the device is on the SBus, it is
driving the monitor at 1152 X 900, it is manufactured by Sun, and
it has a part number you can use to order the board.

Note – In this exercise you were interacting with the ID PROM on the
device (in this case the cgsix frame buffer). The output from the ID
PROM indicates that the frame buffer was functional and working
within the SBus environment.

16. To deselect the current device node, leaving no node selected,

press the Stop-a keys or type the following command:
ok device-end

When you execute a command outside of the root node you will
see one of the following messages:
Data Access Exception

Not at a device tree node

Note – Some commands can cause you to receive these errors if they
are not properly executed.

4B-8 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Troubleshooting a “Blank” Monitor

Sometimes, it is difficult to determine whether the cause of a blank

monitor is the monitor, the frame buffer, or the monitor cable itself.
This procedure will help you in determine which part is at fault. If you
are not sure how to open up your system, refer to the Module 2 lab for
your system type.

Note – Before you proceed, make sure the system you are working on
has a removable frame buffer.

Preparing the System

1. Make sure the Solaris operating system is not running.

2. Turn off the power to the following items in the order shown:

a. External peripheral units (if any)

b. System chassis

c. Monitor

3. If the system’s display monitor is sitting on the system cover, set

the display monitor aside carefully.

4. Remove the cover to gain access to the MLB.

5. Locate, identify, and remove the frame buffer.

6. Connect a null modem cable from serial port A to a Wyse terminal.

7. Turn the Wyse terminal power on.

8. Turn on your system in the reverse order of step 2.

Note – If the NVRAM parameter auto-boot is not set to false, press

Stop-a on the Sun keyboard after the banner has been displayed.

9. Enter the following commands at the ok prompt:

ok cd /sbus or cd /iommu/sbus
ok ls

Open Boot PROM 3.x 4B-9

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Troubleshooting a “Blank” Monitor

10. Do you have any of the following frame buffers?

mg1 Yes____ No ____

bwtwo Yes ____ No ____

cgthree Yes ____ No ____

cgsix Yes ____ No ____

cgtwelve Yes _____ No _____

Note – You should now be aware that you are not able to see the frame
buffer in your system when trying to examine the SBus node.

From this procedure you can see that the frame buffer was not
recognized. This illustrates how the boot PROM dynamically builds
the device tree from a reset. If the frame buffer was recognized and the
screen was still blank, you can begin to suspect that something other
than the frame buffer is causing the problem. Other choices are a bad
video cable, a bad monitor, disconnected keyboard, bad memory, or
bad CPU.
Caution – Be careful when exchanging monitors from other systems
because they might run at different frequencies. Check your Field
! Engineer Handbook, Volume I for frame buffer specifications on
frequencies, and then check Volume II for the monitors supported by
those frequencies.

11. Turn off the system, and carefully replace the frame buffer and the
cover on the unit.

4B-10 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Testing Devices Using the OBP

When you examined the current “tools” for a device, you used a
command called words. As you test certain devices in this section, the
device being tested must have the selftest command in its node

Using OBP Tests

1. To use the OBP tests, the diag-switch? variable must be set to

2. When you run the test screen command, the graphic pattern
that is displayed seems to prevent you from entering additional
commands. However, you can continue entering commands or
enter reset to stop the test and clear the display.

Some common messages for devices that have no self test include:
No test for now

Possibly selftest method doesn’t exist for this


Some of the tests may only return the ok prompt, indicating that
the device is functioning. For tests that require a tape or CD-ROM,
try running the test without media, and then run the same test
with media to see the types of error messages the system

3. Type the following command to test the keyboard:

ok test keyboard

4. Describe the system’s response:


Open Boot PROM 3.x 4B-11

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Testing Devices Using the OBP

5. Enter the following command to test serial port A:

ok test ttya

You should see a message similar to the following:


Test serial port b in the same way.

6. Type the following command to test the speaker:

ok ^g

7. Type the following command:

ok module-info

8. Record the module-info below.

MBus : __________________

SBus : ___________________

CPU#0 : _________________

CPU#2 : _________________

The OpenBoot PROM recognizes devices through the device tree.

Therefore a disk is recognized as

This is a long string to type, so the OpenBoot PROM has an “alias

list” to map common short device names to their device tree path.
The devalias command displays the alias list.

4B-12 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Testing Devices Using the OBP

9. Enter the following command:

ok devalias

10. Which two disk devices have the same device path, as indicated
by the devalias command?



The reason there are two aliases for the same disk device path is to
ensure that the most common naming conventions are available.

11. Enter the following command:

ok show-attrs

12. Use the displayed information from the show-attrs command to

fill in the blanks below.

clock-frequency 02faf080

banner-name _________________________

idprom 01 72 08 00 20 23 16 1e 00 00 00 00 37 84 1d de

model _________________

name _________________

breakpoint-trap 0000007f

compatible _________________

get-unum ffd34df8

stdout-path /obio/zs@0,100000:a

stdin-path /obio/zs@0,100000:a

Open Boot PROM 3.x 4B-13

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Testing Devices Using the OBP

13. Type the following command:

ok show-sbus

14. Record the information from the show-sbus command below.

SBus slot f SUNW,bpp ledma le espdma esp

SBus slot e SUNW,DBRIe

SBus slot 0 __________

SBus slot 1 __________

SBus slot 2 __________

SBus slot 3 __________

Note – Slots e and f indicate on-board devices such as the on-board

SCSI environment, the parallel port, and the ISDN environment. The
show-sbus command is a shortcut to using the path commands such
as cd or ls.

4B-14 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Network Testing With the OBP

To test the network, follow this procedure.

1. Enter the following command:

ok test net

The information provided varies between systems depending on

whether the system is using the AUI or twisted-pair interface. An
indication of a lost carrier (transceiver cable problem?) can require
some investigation or it can be the expected response since only
one interface (AUI or TP) is used at a time.

2. Record the following information:

Using AUI Ethernet Interface

▼ Internal loopback test: _________________

▼ External loopback test: _________________

Using TP Ethernet Interface

▼ Internal loopback test: ________________

▼ External loopback test: ________________

Open Boot PROM 3.x 4B-15

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Network Testing With the OBP

3. Enter the watch-net command:

ok watch-net

4. Record the following information:

Using AUI Ethernet Interface

▼ Internal loopback test: ________________________

▼ External loopback test: ________________________

Looking for Ethernet packets.

'.' is a good packet. 'X' is a bad packet.

Type any key to stop.

Using TP Ethernet Interface (if available)

▼ Internal loopback test: _______________________.

▼ External loopback test: __________________

The watch-aui and watch-tpe commands enable you to test the

specific network interface for your system. The watch-net and
watch-net-all commands check for and test all possible

5. Enter the watch-aui command to test your thicknet network:

ok watch-aui

Note – This command is similar to the watch-net command except

that the tpe (twisted pair) environment is not listed.

6. Enter the watch-tpe command to test your twisted pair network.

ok watch-tpe

Note – The information displayed is similar to the information you

gathered in step 2. If possible, use the watch-net-all command so
that you gather all the information with one command.

4B-16 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Finishing Up

To complete this lab, return the system to its original condition as


1. Press the Return key to terminate the watch-tpe command.

2. At the ok prompt, enter the following commands:

ok set-defaults
ok reset

3. Make sure that the operating system boots successfully.

Note – If your system did not boot successfully, notify your instructor.

Open Boot PROM 3.x 4B-17

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Using tip hardwire 4C

Upon completion of this lab, you should be able to

● Use the tip hardwire command to examine the POST and boot
messages of a faulty system from the console of a bootable system

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G

To complete this lab, you will need

● A SPARCstation capable of booting the operating system

● A second SPARCstation to be used as the faulty machine

● A null-modem cable

4C-2 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Using tip for Remote Diagnostics

Functional system

Serial port B
Serial port A

Null modem
or modem line

port A

Faulty system

Figure 4C-1 Using a SPARCstation as an ACSCII terminal for a

Remote or Local Serial Port Connection

Using tip hardwire 4C-3

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Using tip to Observe Diagnostics of Faulty Machine

In this lab, you will simulate a system with a malfunctioning monitor.

When a monitor is not functioning, it is difficult to determine whether
the system is failing POST or has faulty display hardware (monitor,
frame buffer, or monitor cable). The tip command enables you to
view the POST output and any valuable POST errors of the faulty
system in a window of a “healthy” system. This is a technique that can
aid you in troubleshooting a system when you do not have an ASCII
terminal available for viewing the POST output.

Simulating a Faulty System

1. Configure the NVRAM parameters on the “faulty” system as
ok setenv diag-switch? true
ok setenv auto-boot? false
ok reset

2. Turn off the faulty systems power to prevent blowing the

keyboard fuse.

3. Disconnect the keyboard from the back of the system to force

output to ttya.

4. Turn off the monitor to simulate a faulty system.

5. Do not turn on the faulty system.

4C-4 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Preparing the Healthy System to Run tip

Note – Make sure that the functional system has the Solaris operating
system booted to multiuser mode.

1. Connect a three-wire RS-232C null-modem cable to serial port B of

the healthy system.

Note – Step 1 may require a special Y cable. If your functional

workstation only has an A/B port, hooking the RS-232C cable to this
connection without the special Y connector only enables
configurations for port A. For directions on how to use port A, see the
“Using Port A Instead of B on the Healthy System” section later in this

Serial port A/B

Figure 4C-2 SPARCstation Requiring a Y Connector to Access Serial

Port B

2. Connect the other end of the null-modem cable to serial port A of

the faulty system.

3. Start OpenWindows on the functional machine (if it is not already

operating), and open a Shell Tool window.
# /usr/openwin/bin/openwin

4. In the Shell Tool window, enter the following command:

# tip hardwire

The system should respond with connected. If you get an error

message, see the section on initializing a port at the end of this lab.

Using tip hardwire 4C-5

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Running POST in the tip hardwire Window

1. Turn on the power to all the devices of the faulty system except the
monitor to simulate a system with a monitor that appears to have

2. Observe the power on procedure and any diagnostic messages

displayed in the Shell Tool window of the healthy system.

At this point you can run any boot PROM diagnostics to assist you
in troubleshooting the problem.

3. Press Control-d to end the tip session.

Caution – Never exit a tip window by quitting the Shell Tool window
or by halting the processes. Do not press Stop-a to abort the faulty
! system because the Stop-a key sequence will abort the healthy system

The following tip commands can be used to terminate the previously

entered command or terminate the tip hardwire connection

● To send a break (Stop-a equivalent) through the tip window to the

faulty system, enter

~# (Tilde pound)

● To interrupt a test, enter

^c (Control-c)

● To exit from tip, enter

~. (Tilde dot)


~ ^d (Tilde Control-d)

● To see a list of tip commands, enter

~? (Tilde question mark)

Note – For more information on tip, refer to the on-line man pages.

4C-6 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Finishing the Lab

To complete this lab, do the following steps:

1. On the healthy system, at the ok prompt inside the tip window,

enter the following commands:
ok set-defaults

2. Turn off the power to the faulty system.

3. Connect the keyboard to the correct port at the rear of the faulty

4. Turn on the power to the faulty system’s monitor.

5. Turn on the power to the faulty systems chassis.

6. When POST is complete, the output should return to the faulty

system’s monitor.

7. Make sure that the operating system boots successfully.

Note – If your system did not boot successfully, notify your instructor.

8. If you made any changes to the healthy system’s /etc/remote

file, make sure you change the /etc/remote file back to its
original state.

This concludes the tip hardwire lab.

Using tip hardwire 4C-7

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Tip Hardwire and Other Serial Port Problems Solved

If you receive an error message similar to the following on the healthy

system, try to reinitialize the port by using the serial port manager as
tip; /dev/ttyb: Permission denied or all ports busy,

Initializing the Port With Solaris 2.x Software

1. Enter admintool & in a Shell Tool window. This starts the
administration tool needed for serial port management.

2. Click on the Serial Port Manager button to start the serial port user

3. Select the port that you are working with (usually port b), and
choose Edit ➤ Modify Service.

4. In the new pop-up window that is displayed, choose Expert ➤ Use

Template ➤ Terminal-Hardwired.

5. In the Expert Options section, do the following:

a. Deselect the Create utmp entry.

b. Select Connect on Carrier.

c. Set the Timeout to 30 seconds.

6. Click on Apply at the bottom of the window.

7. Quit the menus.

8. Type tip hardwire again. If you still have a problem, remove

and reinstall the device nodes for your port.
# cd /dev/term
# rm b
# drvconfig
# cd /dev/term
# rm b
# ports

9. Type tip hardwire again.

4C-8 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Using Serial Port A Instead of B on the Healthy System

The following steps are only necessary if you must use serial port A on
the healthy system.

1. On the healthy system, make a backup copy of the /etc/remote

# cp /etc/remote /etc/remote.backup

2. On the healthy Sun workstation, use vi to edit the /etc/remote


a. Record the original settings here before you make any




b. By default this file configures the tip hardware port for ttyb,
as seen in the example below. To use ttya instead, replace the
reference from /dev/ttyb with /dev/ttya or replace
/dev/term/b with /dev/term/a.

Using tip hardwire 4C-9

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
System Firmware 4D

Upon completion of this lab, you should be able to

● Use the Forth help command

● Connect a serial port terminal

● Set the amount of memory tested during POST

● Place a system in diagnostic mode

● Enable and disable automatic booting after POST

● Direct POST output to a serial port

● Use Forth toolkit commands to reset the system

● Run Forth toolkit user diagnostics

● Eject the diskette

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G

To complete this lab, you will need

● A SPARCstation capable of booting the operating system

● One SCSI peripheral (internal or external)

● An ASCII terminal and null-modem cable

4D-2 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Forth-based Boot PROM Review

The boot PROM contents of all SPARCstation desktop systems is

written using a language called Forth. All commands are English-
language oriented.

Forth Toolkit Commands

These commands enable the user to examine and modify NVRAM
locations, memory locations, and CPU registers.

Boot PROM On-Board Diagnostics

On-board diagnostics are a series of tests called up from the Forth
menu that enable you to selectively test Ethernet, cache, memory,
control registers, and SCSI devices. These are similar to the “extended”
diagnostics available in monitor commands on other systems.

Boot PROM POST Diagnostics

The POST diagnostics run automatically at system reset time and
check much of the system’s main logic board and memory (Figure 4D-
Forth toolkit commands

Forth POST

User diagnostics

Device drivers

Figure 4D-1 Boot PROM Contents

System Firmware 4D-3

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Preparing for the Lab

To prevent unwanted system booting after reset and long POST

diagnostic runs, perform the following steps:

1. If the Solaris operating system is running, log in as the root user

and halt the operating system.

ok halt

If the system attempts to reboot after shutting down the operating

system, press the Stop and a keys at the same time.

2. At the OpenBoot PROM ok prompt, enter the following.

ok setenv auto-boot? false

ok setenv diag-switch? true

ok reset

The system should be at the ok prompt, ready to accept Forth

language commands.

4D-4 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Using Forth Toolkit Commands

In order to gather information and verify the functionality of the

NVRAM and system operation.

1. Enter the following command:

ok banner

2. Record the banner information below:

System type _____ Type ___ keyboard

ROM rev_____ ___ Mbytes memory installed

Serial number _________

Ethernet address _____________ Host ID _____________

If the Ethernet address and host ID display is all Fs, it is a sign that the
NVRAM chip is bad. The common cause of this occurs when the
NVRAM has been plugged in backwards or that the NVRAM’s battery
has gone bad.

The ROM rev indicates the revision of the boot PROM where 2.x is the
second and 3.x is the third generation boot PROM. These OpenBoot
PROMs have additional functionality over Revision 1.x.

One of these additional commands is the eject command.

1. If your system has a diskette drive insert a diskette into the drive;
otherwise, skip this section.

2. Enter the eject command.

ok eject

The diskette should eject.

If the diskette does not eject, the diskette may be improperly

installed. Reboot the system with the -r option to reconfigure the
devices attached and try the eject command again. You will be
running diskette diagnostic later in this lab.

System Firmware 4D-5

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Setting NVRAM Parameters

The printenv command displays NVRAM parameters. These

parameters are changeable to enable the system to be custom tailored
to a given environment.

1. Enter the following command to display your NVRAM


ok printenv

Note – Press the space bar to view the entire list of parameters.

2. Record the current value for the parameters below.

Parameter Current Value

selftest-#megs ____________________________

output-device ____________________________

input-device ____________________________

PROM 2.x: boot-device or

PROM 1.x: boot-from ____________________________

PROM 2.x: diag-device or

PROM 1.x: boot-from-diag ____________________________

3. Use the show command to view only one parameter.

ok show diag-switch?

4. Record the value below:

diag-switch? _______________________

5. To set all NVRAM parameters to the default values, enter set-


ok set-defaults

4D-6 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Setting NVRAM Parameters

The setenv command is used to change NVRAM parameters. Some

parameters require alpha-numeric values. Parameters that end with a
“?” require a true or false value.

1. Set the selftest-#megs parameter to 2.

ok setenv selftest-#megs 2

This will cause POST to test the first 2 MBytes of main memory.
However, if the diag-switch? is set to true, all of the memory is
tested, regardless of the selftest-#megs parameter value.

2. Set the output-device and input-device parameter to ttya.

ok setenv output-device ttya

ok setenv input-device ttya

This will configure the input/output device to serial port A, but

the change will not take effect until the system is reset. Do not
reset the system at this time. After the reset the Sun keyboard and
monitor will not be enabled.

3. Set the diag-switch? parameter to true.

ok setenv diag-switch? true

This will put the system in diagnostic mode. The change will not
take effect until the system is reset. Do not reset the system at this
time. After the reset, the system will run the extensive POST.

4. Disable automatic booting after POST by setting the auto-boot?

parameter to false.

ok setenv auto-boot? false

5. Display the parameter list and verify that your changes took effect.

ok printenv

System Firmware 4D-7

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
POST Diagnostics Summary

The boot PROM-based POST diagnostics can be a valuable tool for

problem diagnosis.

The POST diagnostics can be grouped into five main categories

according to the type of hardware they are testing.

● NVRAM checksum test

If the NVRAM checksum test fails, the system automatically sets

all of the NVRAM parameters to their default values. This is an
indication that there is something wrong with the NVRAM.

● Main memory test (SIMMs)

First, POST probes to determine how much memory is installed

and where the memory is installed. Additional memory testing
takes place after the banner is displayed. The amount of memory
tested here is based on the current setting of the NVRAM
parameter selftest-#megs. This selftest-#megs is only
used when the diag-switch? setting is false. If the setting is
true, the system tests the entire amount of installed memory.

● System register tests

Access to the system registers is important. The registers reside on

different chips on the CPU board. These tests vary, depending on
the system type.

● Cache tests

There are several cache-related POST tests that do a thorough job

of verifying that the cache system is fully operational. As with all
POST diagnostics, all of the logic involved is on a few chips; a
failure usually requires replacing the entire CPU board.

● Additional tests

The latest boot PROMs will perform additional tests on various

devices that have low-level diagnostics available. An example of
such a device is the SPARCstorage Array Fibre Channel SBus card.
It contains tests that are run every time POST executes.

4D-8 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Viewing POST

POST runs when power is applied to the system and after a reset.
POST will run more extensively when the system is in diagnostic

POST can only be displayed in its entirety through a serial port while
in diagnostic mode. The parameter settings that you just made have
prepared the system to display POST; however, the next step is also

To view the POST output

1. Find an appropriate null modem cable for your system, and

connect it to serial port A of your system (Figure 4D-2). (Some
systems require a special DIN-to-DB25 adapter cable.) Connect the
other end of the cable to the modem port of the ASCII terminal.


ASCII 2 Transmit data Transmit data 2

terminal 3 Receive data Receive data 3
7 Ground Ground 7

Figure 4D-2 Connecting an ASCII Terminal to a SPARCstation With

a Null Modem Cable

Note – The null-modem cable is provided for you in class. For your
work in the field, you can purchase a standard null-modem cable or
make your own. The pin configuration for a null-modem cable is
described in your Field Engineer Handbook.

System Firmware 4D-9

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Viewing POST

2. Enter the Forth toolkit command show with the ttya option to
determine how serial port A on your system is configured.

ok show ttya-mode


The serial port values are as follows:

▼ Baud rate = 9600

▼ Data bits = 8

▼ Parity = none

▼ Stop bit = 1

▼ Handshaking = - (none)

If the settings are not as shown here, use the setenv command to
change the NVRAM properties for serial port A.

ok setenv ttya-mode ttya 9600,8,n,1,-

3. Turn the ASCII terminal on, and verify that it is set to function
according to the serial port values shown previously.

4D-10 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Running POST

Use the reset command to

● Reset the system’s circuitry to known values

● Have the new NVRAM parameters take effect

● Run POST

1. Enter the reset command.

ok reset

2. Watch the POST messages displayed on the ASCII terminal as well

as the keyboard LEDs (boot PROM Revision 2.x only).

When POST is complete, the banner is displayed on the ASCII

terminal. After the banner, you will see the system test all of the
memory. The selftest-#megs value (currently set to 2) is ignored
because the system is in diagnostic mode.

3. If you do not want to wait for all the memory to be tested, you can
safely stop it by pressing Stop-a.

Note – The equivalent Stop-a key sequence on most ASCII terminals is

the Break key.

The output from POST should be a long list of tests and should take a
minute or more to complete. If the tests just run do not appear to be
very extensive, confirm the NVRAM diag-switch? parameter is set
to true. If not, change the setting and return to step 1.

System Firmware 4D-11

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Returning to Normal

Not all SPARCsystems are configured with a monitor and keyboard.

For those systems without a monitor and keyboard, the input-device
and output-device parameters are set to ttya permanently. Since the
lab systems have the monitor and keyboard, the next steps will return
input/output to the monitor and keyboard.

1. Configure to the input and output settings to the default values.

ok set-default output-device

ok set-default input-device

ok reset

When POST is complete, the banner will display on the Sun monitor.

4D-12 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Booting in Diagnostic Mode

1. Boot the system.

ok boot

2. Record the system’s response.


The system references the diag-device (Revision 2.x PROMs) or

boot-from-diag (Revision 1.x PROMs) parameter. The default
value is usually set to boot from the network. If the network is not
configured to boot your system, the following error message is
Timeout waiting for ARP/RARP packet

3. If your system is repeating this message, press Stop-a to make it


This is not a serious error. It can be remedied in several ways:

▼ Set the boot-device or boot-from-device parameter to a

valid boot device

▼ Set the diag-switch? value to false

▼ Boot the system with a proper boot device argument

4. Set the diag-switch? parameter to false.

ok setenv diag-switch? false

Now the system will consult the boot-device or boot-from

parameter for its default boot device.

System Firmware 4D-13

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Using the Forth Toolkit Diagnostics

You will be using the Forth diagnostics to test the Ethernet interface, to
find out what SCSI devices are present on your system, to test SIMM
memory, and to perform a basic check of the diskette.
Caution – Some Forth commands do not work properly immediately
after UNIX is shut down. In this case, you must perform a machine
! reset first.

The Forth toolkit provides a help menu to assist you in identifying the
diagnostic test available and choosing the options for the test selected.
Use the help command whenever you need to.

1. Enter the help command

ok help

help displays a list of help categories.

2. What is the category for diagnostics?__________

3. Enter the command to display help for the user executable

ok help diag

The specific diagnostic syntax is slightly different from system to

system. Refer to this display to get the proper syntax for the
diagnostics for your system as this lab proceeds.

4. Enter the command test-memory.

ok test-memory

5. Record the amount of memory tested. ____________

Does it match the selftest-#megs parameter value?___________

It should match. This test is the same memory test that is run by
POST after the banner. Although on some systems, the exact
amount tested is not clearly displayed.

Note – If the result returned indicated there was no device memory

found, you are using a system with OBP 3.0 or higher which does not
support testing memory.

4D-14 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Using the Forth Toolkit Diagnostics

6. Type the command probe-scsi.

ok probe-scsi

7. List the target number and device type (disk, tape, CD-ROM) of all
devices shown:

Target number _______ Device type____________

Target number _______ Device type____________

Target number _______ Device type____________

Target number _______ Device type____________

Target number _______ Device type____________

Target number _______ Device type____________

Target number _______ Device type____________

The probe-scsi command is a valuable diagnostic. It lists the

devices that the SCSI host adapter can find. However it does not
verify the functionality of the SCSI devices.

8. Insert a diskette into the diskette drive (if your machine has a
diskette drive).

9. Type one of the following commands (use the help command to

determine which is correct for your system).
ok test-floppy

ok test floppy

Note – The test diskette must be formatted before it can be used. Refer
to Appendix A, “Peripheral Device Handling and Usage” for
information on formatting diskettes.

System Firmware 4D-15

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Using the Forth Toolkit Diagnostics

10. Record the completion message for the diskette test below.


11. Enter the eject command to remove the diskette.

ok eject

Testing the Ethernet Interface

If the Ethernet connector is looped back or attached to a cable
transceiver, the procedure to test the hardware is as follows:

1. Enter the test-net command (test net on some OBP’s).

ok test-net

Internal loopback test -- succeeded

External loopback test -- succeeded


Note – If the test seems to hang, press Stop-a, enter the command
reset, and then try again.

2. Run any additional Forth toolkit diagnostic that interests you. Use
the help diag command to list the diagnostics that are available
on your system.

4D-16 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Returning the NVRAM to the Default Settings

1. Return the NVRAM parameters to their default values.

ok set-defaults

2. Ensure the diag-switch? parameter is set to false.

ok setenv diag-switch? false

3. Enter the reset command so that the new parameter values are
used by the system.
ok reset

Note – The system should boot automatically if everything is


System Firmware 4D-17

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Peripheral Devices Installation
and Configuration 5

Course Map
This module describes the process of installing and configuring
internal and external peripheral devices. These devices are typically
pluggable interface cards or storage devices like tape or disk drives.

Desktop Products Product Line
Overview Introduction

System Firmware

OpenBoot PROM Booting and Testing

Desktop Peripherals

Peripheral Devices
Install. and Config.

System Analysis and Troubleshooting

Disk Analysis Boot Sequence SunVTS System
and Repair Troubleshooting Diagnostics

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G

✓ Present the following questions to stimulate the students and get them thinking about the
issues and topics presented in this module. They are not expected to know the answers to
these questions. The answers to these questions should be of interest to the students,
and inspire them to learn the content presented in this module.

Discussion – Desktop users gain flexibility and productivity in many

ways when they have various peripheral devices connected to their

What types of devices would increase a user’s productivity when

connected locally rather than on a local area, or remote network
server? Why?

5-2 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G

Upon completion of this module, you should be able to

● Properly cable and terminate all desktop peripherals

● Correctly address SCSI peripherals

● Verify the presence of peripherals with the Forth toolkit

● Verify the presence of peripherals at boot time

● Define the different SCSI types

● Configure single-ended and differential SCSI busses

● Identify the desktop peripheral enclosures

Additional resources – The following references can provide
additional details on the topics discussed in this module:

● Field Engineer Handbook

● PCI Solutions from


Peripheral Devices Installation and Configuration 5-3

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Desktop Peripherals


SCSI host

SCSI bus

Embedded SCSI



Figure 5-1 System to SCSI Device Block Diagram

5-4 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Desktop Peripherals

The desktop peripherals come in many different shapes and sizes.

Some are enclosed in the system chassis and others in external
enclosures. All are small, efficient, and cost-effective devices, which
enhance the desktop product line.

Small computer system interface (SCSI) is an industry-standard

interface that provides low-cost, high-speed, parallel data transfers for
peripheral devices on a single bus.

A SCSI subsystem is comprised of the SCSI host adapter (SHA), the

target controller (which is logic embedded in the device), and the

Peripheral Devices Installation and Configuration 5-5

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G

SCSI Implementation

Sun currently implements SCSI-2 and SCSI-3 specifications in its

desktop subsystem.

● Single ended – A short bus requiring passive termination, active

(powered) termination is better

● Differential – A long bus requiring active termination, less prone

to electromagnetic interference problems

● Fast – Increased bus clock frequency increases throughput

● Narrow – A SCSI bus that uses an 8-bit data path.

● Wide – A SCSI bus that uses a 16-bit data path to send twice as
much data as narrow; requires a 68-pin cable.

● Ultra – Increases clock frequency more and uses the wide bus.

5-6 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
SCSI Implementation

The SCSI host adapter is a device which interfaces the system’s

internal PCI, or SBus to the SCSI bus structure. This device converts
address and data from the computers protocols to the SCSI protocol.

Embedded SCSI devices contain the target controller which takes data
and commands from the SCSI protocol and converts them to the
physical devices specific command structure. This is different for every
manufacturer and every device type (disk, tape, CD-ROM).

Note – Early SCSI subsystems had separate target controllers which

interfaced to multiple devices of the same type. One target controller
might have been used to interface a computer to five different tape
drives, all from the same manufacture. Today nearly every SCSI device
has the target controller built in, hence the term embedded.

Peripheral Devices Installation and Configuration 5-7

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G

SCSI Implementation

SCSI-2 Subsystems
Sun uses two types of SCSI2 subsystems, single-ended and differential.
The majority of the desktop systems use a single-ended SCSI bus. The
current types of SCSI bus are:

● Single-ended narrow uses a 50-pin connector and is limited to a

total length of 6 meters.

● Single-ended wide uses a 68-pin connector and is limited to a total

length of 6 meters.

● Differential narrow uses a 50-pin connector and expands the SCSI

bus length to 25 meters.

● Differential wide uses a 68-pin connector and expands the SCSI

bus length to 25 meters.

Single-ended and differential devices cannot be mixed, but a system

can contain both kinds of interfaces.

5-8 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
SCSI Implementation

SCSI-2 Optional Features

Sun uses the following SCSI-2 options in the desktop systems:

● Tagged queuing – Enables the target controller to accept and

queue multiple commands.

● Asynchronous or synchronous mode – Where the SHA is capable

of communicating with asynchronous (handshaking; 3 MBytes per
second) or synchronous (streamed; 5 MBytes per second) devices.

● Fast mode – Increases synchronous transfers to 10 MBytes per

second (on certain disk drives only). Although a fast disk works
well on any desktop SHA, it will only achieve the higher transfer
rate when it is connected to a fast SHA.

● Wide SCSI – Increases the standard 8-bit data transfer to a 16-bit

transfer thus increasing transfers an additional 10 MBytes per
second (on certain disk drives only). Sun’s implementation of wide
SCSI also includes fast mode, which means these devices transfer
data at 20 MBytes per second.

● Single-ended – Describes a signal transmission, where the

difference between the signal and ground or zero volt reference is

● Differential – Describes a type of signal transmission where the

difference between two signals, one on a positive offset and a
mirror image on a negative offset, is significant. Because the two
signals are mirror images of each other, the differential or potential
between them is significantly greater than one signal’s potential
from ground or zero volts.

Peripheral Devices Installation and Configuration 5-9

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G

SCSI Implementation

SCSI-3 Optional Features

The SCSI-3 specifications and features available in the Sun Ultra
systems are as follows:

● SCSI-3 Fast-20 – An 8-bit bus structure operating at 20 MHz

This option offers data transfer rates up to 20 MBytes per second.

● SCSI-3 Ultra – Fast-wide is a 16-bit bus structure operating at 20

MHz. This option offers data transfer rates up to 40 MBytes per

● SCSI-3 – Supports single-ended and differential buses on all


5-10 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G

Peripheral Devices Installation and Configuration 5-11

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G

SCSI Cabling and Termination

Cabling the desktop peripherals is easy, since the cables are keyed and
each device is daisy-chained onto the SCSI bus.

The total length of the bus must not exceed 6 meters for a single-ended
bus or 25 meters for a differential bus.

A maximum of seven devices can be added to each SHA, except for a

wide SCSI bus, which can accommodate up to 15 devices.

Caution – The micro-connectors on the external cables have small

! delicate pins that bend and break easily. Never plug the cable in at an
angle. Always plug the cable in squarely to prevent damaging the

5-12 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
SCSI Cabling and Termination

When a system has only peripherals located in the system chassis, do
not place an external terminator on the SCSI connector. Termination
for the internal SCSI bus is handled by terminators on the MLB. Once
a cable is connected to the SCSI connector a signal i which disables the
MLB terminator is grounded

Whenever any external peripheral is connected to the system,

termination is required on the last enclosure in the chain.

Fast, wide and Ultra SCSI buses require a special active termination,
which has extra circuitry to regulate the signals. Sun’s active
terminators have the word “regulated” on them.

External terminators require 5 volts to operate. This voltage is

supplied by the MLB or any digital signal processor (DSP) unit, such
as an SBus expansion subsystem providing a SCSI interface. An LED
on the terminator indicates that the required voltage is being provided.

Most manufacturers of SCSI devices provide removable, on-the-device

terminators. Remove any on-the-device terminators, and use Sun’s
external terminators on the desktop’s SCSI bus.

Peripheral Devices Installation and Configuration 5-13

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Mixing Narrow and Wide Devices
All narrow
Narrow SHA Narrow Narrow Narrow
50 50 50 50 50 50 T

All wide

Wide SHA Wide Wide Wide AT

68 68 68 68 68 68

Wide SHA with

wide and narrow devices

Wide SHA Wide Wide Narrow

68 68 68 68 68 50 T

Narrow SHA with

wide and narrow devices

Narrow SHA Narrow Wide Wide AT

50 50 50 68 68 68

50 = 50-pin connector
68 = 68-pin connector
AT= Auto-termination
T = External terminator
= 50- to 68-pin conversion cable

Figure 5-2 Narrow and Wide SCSI Device Cabling

5-14 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Mixing Narrow and Wide Devices

Narrow and wide devices can be mixed on the same SCSI bus as long
as these rules are followed:

● Devices must be placed in specific order to allow the high-order

data bits of the wide interface to pass through to all wide devices
(see Figure 5-2).

● A 50-pin to 68-pin conversion cable is required and must be placed

correctly. Only one conversion cable is permitted in the chain.

● An external, regulated terminator is only required on a chain of

devices that ends with a narrow device. If the UniPack is the last
device in the chain, it will automatically terminate the bus. Do not
place an external terminator on a UniPack.

● The narrow or a mixed SCSI bus must not exceed 6 meters.

UniPack Automated Termination

There are two LEDs on the back of a UniPack that come on when
autotermination is activated—one for the high-order data bits and one
for the low-order data bits. Depending on configuration (as shown on
page 5-14) the following LED pattern should be seen on the last wide
UniPack device in the chain

Table 5-1Terminator Indications for External UniPacks

High- Low-Order
Device types

All narrow n/a n/a

All wide On On
Wide SHA with wide and On Off
narrow devices
Narrow SHA with narrow and On On
wide devices

Peripheral Devices Installation and Configuration 5-15

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G

Addressing SCSI Devices

Physically Addressing Internal Devices

SCSI devices located inside early SPARCsystem chassis use address
jumpers located on each device. The address jumpers must be set
correctly whenever a device is added or replaced. refer to the Field
Engineering Handbook, Volume I, “Configurations” section in the “Disk”
chapter, for the specific device you are addressing.

Later SPARCsystems and Ultra systems use geographical addressing

for SCSI disk devices. The SPARCstation 4, SPARCstation 5, and all
Ultra systems use single-connector SCSI hard disks internally. The
target address is dependent on the connector slot (geography).
Addressing takes place in the connector or internal cable instead of on
the device itself. For example: when two disk drives are installed, the
one on the bottom will be address zero and the one on top will be
address three.

5-16 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Addressing Devices

Physically Addressing Internal Devices

No terminators Target 2 Term
on the device address 1 Test

Figure 5-3 Example of a SCSI Device for Internal Desktop Systems


As shown in Figure 5-3,

● For internal disk applications, the address jumper is positioned for

address zero or three (in most Sun desktops).

● On single connector SCSI disk devices there are no address

jumpers because addressing is determined by connector or cable
the disk device is connected to.

Peripheral Devices Installation and Configuration 5-17

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Addressing Devices

Assigning Target Addresses

shows the defacto SCSI target assignments for hard-disk drives on an
the first SHA. Notice the address ranges change with SCSI version 3.
shows the defacto SCSI target address ranges for non-disk devices.

Table 5-2 Disk Drive

SCSI version = 1&2 1&2 1&2 1&2 3

Device boot 2nd 3rd 4th 8th-15th

Hard drives - 3/0 1/1 2/2 0/3 8-15


Table 5-3 Other Devices

Device 5th 6th 7th 8th-15th

Tape drives 4 5 8-15

CD-ROM drives 6 8-15

Note – Address 7 has been reserved for the SHA and is not used when
addressing devices on the bus. Device addresses available are 0–6 and

5-18 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Addressing Devices

Lunchbox Address Target Switches

Target address rotary switch

DSM or DSP (rear view)

Internal address lead

Figure 5-4 SCSI Device Addressing Methods on External Desktop


As shown in Figure 5-4,

● Most external devices have an address selector switch which must

be configured for the SCSI target ID of the device inside.

● Individual device address jumpers are not used when the external
address selector is provided.

Note – Many external devices such as the lunchbox shown n Figure 5-

4, use a rotary switch that only has positions 0–7.

Peripheral Devices Installation and Configuration 5-19

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
SCSI Host Adapter


SBus card

PCI card

Figure 5-5 SCSI Host Adapter Types

5-20 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
SCSI Host Adapter

Most Sun desktop systems have an on-board SCSI interface.

Additional SCSI interfaces can be added using SCSI interface cards.
shows lists which products support which SCSI options.
Table 5-4 SCSI Host Adapter Types
S (Single- Cable Length/
Async/ Transfer
Ended) or D Maximum Fast Wide
Sync Rate
(Differential) Number of
SPARCstation 4,
SPARCstation 5,
6 meters
SPARCstation 10, S Yes Yes No 10
7 devices
SPARCstation 20,
Ultra 1-140 system
Ultra 1-170 system 6 meters
S Yes Yes Yes 20
Ultra 2 system 15 devices
SCSI Host 6 meters
S Yes No No 5
Adapter 7 devices
6 meters
Buffered S Yes Yes No 10
7 devices
Single Wide 6 meters
S Yes Yes Yes 20
Integrated SCSI 15 devices
Differential SCSI 25 meters
D Yes Yes No 10
Buffered Ethernet 7 devices
Differential Wide 25 meters
D Yes Yes Yes 20
Integrated SCSI 15 devices
6 meters
S 7 devices Yes Yes No 20
Interconnect -
Component 6/25 meters
Interconnect - S/D 15 devices Yes Yes Yes 40

Note – For specific details about SCSI host adapters refer to the Field
Engineering Handbook, Volume I, “Configurations” in the “SCSI”
chapter, or the Sun web page at

Peripheral Devices Installation and Configuration 5-21

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Desktop Peripherals Devices

Diskette drive
Double connector single ended

CD-ROM drive

Single connector single ended

Tape drive

Single connector differential

Figure 5-6 Types of Peripheral Devices

5-22 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Peripheral Devices

The following peripheral devices are illustrated in Figure 5-6:

Diskette Drive
Diskette drives are used to record small amounts of data on 3-1/2-inch
diskettes. The diskette drive is a non-SCSI peripheral associated with
the desktop product line. The diskette controller is located on the main
logic board. These drives are triple-density models and the Solaris
operating system can format the diskettes in either DOS or a UNIX®

Hard Disk Drive

Hard-disk drives provide the system with a permanent storage
medium. Hard-disk drives come in many sizes and capacities. Sun
supported drives on SPARC and some UltraSPARC desktop systems
are embedded SCSI. These can be single connector, fast or ultra-wide
form factors. On the latest UltraSPARC systems (Ultra 5, 10, 30 and 60
series systems) the internal disk drives are enhanced integrated drive
electronics (E-IDE) devices.

CD-ROM Drive
There are various models of the CD-ROM drives, starting with 2 speed
units up to 24-speed (and more). The most common internal and all
external drives are embedded SCSI devices. Some of the newer
UltraSPARC PCI bus systems use an imbedded drive electronics (IDE)
CD-ROM internally.

Tape Drive
Several different tape devices are available: 1/4-inch tape drives
(which use a QIC-150 format), 8-mm, and 4-mm digital audio tape
units in various capacities. Internal and external tape drives are
embedded SCSI devices. Tape units are used for data backups,
archiving data, and transferring data.

Peripheral Devices Installation and Configuration 5-23

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Peripheral Enclosures

Single device Multiple devices

Desktop tape-storage System chassis


Desktop storage pack

Desktop multi-disk
storage module

Desktop single-disk
storage pack

UniPack storage unit

MultiPack storage unit

Figure 5-7 Desktop Peripheral External Enclosures

5-24 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Peripheral Enclosures

System Chassis
All desktop system chassis, except the monitor-based systems, can
accommodate peripherals.

External Enclosures
External enclosures, illustrated in Figure 5-7, are designed to hold
various optional peripherals.

The Desktop Storage Pack (DSP), nicknamed the Lunchbox can hold one
half-height SCSI peripheral such as a 3-1/2-inch disk, a 1/4-inch tape,
a 4-mm tape, or a CD-ROM drive.

The Desktop Storage Module (DSM), nicknamed the Dinnerbox, can hold
one full-height SCSI peripheral such as a 5-1/4-inch disk or 8-mm tape
drive, or a group of two to four 3-1/2-inch by 1-inch disk drives.

The UniPack peripheral enclosure has some unique features such as

autotermination, a 68-pin connector capable of supporting SCSI-wide
devices, and a quieter, variable-speed fan. The UniPack can contain
wide or narrow devices.

The external enclosures break down into the following FRUs:

● Power supply

● Internal cables

● Fan assembly

Note – Details about the external enclosures can be found in the Field
Engineering Handbook, Volume II, “Parts Breakdown” section in the
“Options” chapter.

Peripheral Devices Installation and Configuration 5-25

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G

Peripheral Enclosures

✓ There are several overheads that can be used for this discussion.

The Desktop multi-disk storage module can support one to four half-
height single-ended fast SCSI disks. Some of its features are

● Addressing is on each individual disk drive.

● Drive types are double connector, fast SCSI-2.

● Connection is through a narrow, single-ended cable.

● It requires an active external terminator.

5-26 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Peripheral Enclosures

The Sun StorEdge™ MultiPack provides online user serviceable disks

using the SCA-2 connector.

Internally, each drive plugs into a “backplane” that minimizes the risk
of breaking internal cables and improves system speed and reliability.

The MultiPack is designed with geographical SCSI addressing that

simplifies SCSI identification selection. The MultiPack SCSI
identification can be set for 1–6 for a single stack and 9–14 for dual
stack unit.

The MultiPack can support up to 6 or 12 drives depending on the


Some additional features are

● Multiple Ultra SCSI capable SCA-2 drives

● Support for hot pluggable disk drives

● Automatic SCSI termination

● Lockable to prevent accidental or unauthorized drive removal

Peripheral Devices Installation and Configuration 5-27

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G

Identifying SCSI Devices

An easy way to verify the presence of SCSI devices is to use the

probe-scsi command at the ok prompt.

The probe-scsi command displays information that it was able to

collect from firmware on the SCSI devices that are attached to the

For systems with a boot PROM Revision 2.7 or higher, use the probe-
scsi-all command to show the SCSI devices on all SHAs.

The probe-scsi and probe-scsi-all commands do not verify that

the devices are fully functional, but they do indicate that the system is
able to recognize the SCSI devices at a level that does not require the
operating system.

5-28 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Identifying SCSI Devices

The probe-scsi and probe-scsi-all commands list the following

SCSI device information:

● Target address

● Unit number (which is the same as the logical unit number)

● Device type

● Manufacturer and model number

● Formatted capacity (disk drives only)

● Device serial number (sometimes)

The diskette drive will not show up with either probe-scsi

command: because it is not a SCSI device.

The following is an example output from a probe-scsi command

ok reset
ok probe-scsi

Target 1
Unit 0 Disk SEAGATE ST1480 SUN0424 751600759660
Copyright (c) 1992 Seagate
All rights reserved 0000

Target 3
Unit 0 Disk SEAGATE ST31200W SUN1.05 87240043008
Copyright (c) 1994 Seagate
All rights reserved 0000

Target 4
Unit 0 Removable Tape EXABYTE EXB-8200 263H

Target 6
Unit 0 Removable Read Only device TOSHIBA XM-410 TASUN08404/18/94

Peripheral Devices Installation and Configuration 5-29

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G

Identifying SCSI Devices

The following are examples showing portions of the device

identification function of the boot program.

Booting with the r option signifies regeneration of the device table.

This operation searches out and identifies each device connected to the
system, both internally and externally. An address is assigned to each
device found.

5-30 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Identifying SCSI Devices

The device reconfiguration messages as displayed at boot time from a

SPARCstation 5 are
ok boot -rv

Booting with command: -rv

Boot device:/iommu/sbus/esp@5,8800000/sd@3,0 File and args: -rv
Size: 719688+166144+108728 Bytes
SunOS Release 5.5 Version Generic [UNIX(R) System V Release 4.0]
Copyright (c) 1983-1995, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
CPU0:FMI, MB86904 (mid 0 impl 0x0 ver 0x4 clock 85 MHz)
mem = 32768K (0x2000000)
avail mem = 27553792
Ethernet address = 8:0:20:22:8f:d3
root nexus = SUNW, SPARCstation-5
sbus0 at iommu0: obio 0x10001000
espdma0 at sbus0: SBus slot 5 0x8400000
esp0 at espdma0: SBus slot 5 0x8800000 sparc ipl 4
sd1 at esp0:target 1 lun 0
sd1 is /iommu@0,10000000/sbus@0,10001000/esp@5,8800000/sd@1,0
<SUN0424 cyl 1151 alt 2 hd 9 sec 80>
sd3 at esp0: target 3 lun 0
sd3 is /iommu@0,10000000/sbus@0,10001000/esp@5,8800000/sd@3,0
<SUN1.05 cyl 2036 alt 2 hd 14 sec 72>
sd6 at esp0: target 6 lun 0
sd6 is /iommu@0,10000000/sbus@0,10001000/esp@5,8800000/sd@6,0
<CD-ROM Disc for SunOS Solaris_2.4 Installation>
root on /iommu@0,10000000/sbus@0,10001000/espdma@5/sd3,0:
The system is coming up. Please wait.
checking filesystems
/dev/rdsk/c0t3d0s5: is clean.
/dev/rdsk/c0t3d0s7: is clean.
/dev/dsk/c0t3d0s7 mounted
/dev/dsk/c0t3d0s5 mounted
starting routing daemon.
starting rpc services: rpcbind keyserv kerbd done.
Setting default interface for multicast:add net224.0.0.0:gateway X
Print services started.
syslog service starting.
The system is ready.

Peripheral Devices Installation and Configuration 5-31

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Identifying SCSI Devices

The example displayed on page 5-31 shows typical Solaris 2.x

operating system software boot-up messages that are displayed when
the -rv options are used.

When a SCSI device is first installed on a system, it is important to

reconfigure the kernel so that the appropriate device drivers are

Solaris 2.x operating system kernel reconfiguration is performed as

ok boot -rv

The r option causes the boot process to probe for devices and load the
appropriate drivers as well as create the necessary files in the
/devices and /dev directories.

The v option causes the system to boot in verbose mode so that the
probing-of-devices messages that are normally suppressed are instead
displayed. Viewing these messages enables you to verify that the
operating system has properly identified the hardware.

The messages for the SCSI devices shows the device’s instance
number, the hardware address, the physical address, and a response
back from the device.

Some of the messages, as shown below, appear to be error messages,

but they are not. They are normal messages which are displayed as the
kernel attempts to probe for all possible devices, some of which do not
exist on the system.
Unable to install/attach driver ‘isp’
Unable to install/attach driver ‘vme’
Unable to install/attach driver ‘mcp’
Unable to install/attach driver ‘stc’

5-32 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Identifying SCSI Devices

The device reconfiguration messages as displayed at boot time from a

UltraSPARC 10 are
ok boot -rv

Sun Ultra 5/10 UPA/PCI (UltraSPARC-IIi 300MHz), Keyboard Present

OpenBoot 3.11, 256 MB memory installed, Serial #9361102.
Ethernet address 8:0:20:8e:d6:ce, Host ID: 808ed6ce.

Rebooting with command: boot -rv

Boot device: /pci@1f,0/pci@1,1/ide@3/disk@0,0 File and args: -rv
Size: 272817+60132+70328 Bytes
cpu0: SUNW,UltraSPARC-IIi (upaid 0 impl 0x12 ver 0x12 clock 300 MHz)
SunOS Release 5.6 Version Generic_105181-03 [UNIX(R) System V Release
Copyright (c) 1983-1997, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
mem = 262144K (0x10000000)
avail mem = 256655360
Ethernet address = 8:0:20:8e:d6:ce
root nexus = Sun Ultra 5/10 UPA/PCI (UltraSPARC-IIi 300MHz)
pci0 at root: UPA 0x1f 0x0
PCI-device: pci@1,1, simba #0
PCI-device: pci@1, simba #1
dad0 at pci1095,6460 target 0 lun 0
dad0 is /pci@1f,0/pci@1,1/ide@3/dad@0,0
<Seagate Medalist 34342A cyl 8892 alt 2 hd 15 sec 63>
root on /pci@1f,0/pci@1,1/ide@3/disk@0,0:a fstype ufs

Note – The boot device and CD-ROM device are not SCSI devices.

Peripheral Devices Installation and Configuration 5-33

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Identifying SCSI Devices

su0 at ebus0: offset 14,3083f8

su0 is /pci@1f,0/pci@1,1/ebus@1/su@14,3083f8
su1 at ebus0: offset 14,3062f8
su1 is /pci@1f,0/pci@1,1/ebus@1/su@14,3062f8
keyboard is </pci@1f,0/pci@1,1/ebus@1/su@14,3083f8> major <37> minor <0>
mouse is </pci@1f,0/pci@1,1/ebus@1/su@14,3062f8> major <37> minor <1>
stdin is </pci@1f,0/pci@1,1/ebus@1/su@14,3083f8> major <37> minor <0>
se0 at ebus0: offset 14,400000
se0 is /pci@1f,0/pci@1,1/ebus@1/se@14,400000
stdout is </pci@1f,0/pci@1,1/ebus@1/se@14,400000:a> major <20> minor <0>
configuring network interfaces:SUNW,hme0: CheerIO 2.0 (Rev Id = c1) Found
SUNW,hme0 is /pci@1f,0/pci@1,1/network@1,1
SUNW,hme0: Using Internal Transceiver
SUNW,hme0: 10 Mbps half-duplex Link Up
Hostname: ses-guest-2
metainit: ses-guest-2: there are no existing databases
syslog service starting.
Print services started.
volume management starting.
SKI key server starting
starting NetWorker daemons:
The system is ready.
NOTICE: m64_detach: Unable to remove property, rval=1
ses-guest-2 console login:

5-34 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G

Peripheral Devices Installation and Configuration 5-35

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Identifying Devices With Format
Logical device names

# format
Searching for disks. . .done


0. c0t1d0 <SUN0424 cyl 1151 alt 2 hd 9 sec 80>


1. c0t3d0 <SUN1.05 cyl 2036 alt 2 hd 14 sec 72>

2. c0t0d0 <Seagate Medalist 34342A cyl 8892 alt 2 hd 15 sec 63>

Specify disk (enter its number): 0 This is an E-IDE disk

on the PCI bus
selecting c0t1d0
[disk formatted]

Logical device names:


Controller number Slice or

partition number
Target number Disk number (LUN)

Figure 5-8 Identifying Peripheral Devices Using the format Utility

✓ Use the slide on page 5-22 for this page

5-36 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Identifying Devices With Format

There are many ways to access a device when the operating system is
running. Figure 5-8 shows the Solaris 2.x format utility. The format
utility is commonly used when adding a disk drive to format or
partition the drive. The format utility lists drives using their logical
device names.

This information can then be used when trying to locate or access

devices on the system’s various busses.

Peripheral Devices Installation and Configuration 5-37

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G

Accessing Devices

Logical device names are found in the /dev directory and are
symbolically linked to their corresponding physical device names in
the /devices directory. For example:
# ls -l /dev/dsk/c0t3d0s0
dev/dsk/c0t3d0s0 ->

5-38 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Accessing Devices

Controller (or SCSI host adapter) numbers such as c0, c1, and c3 are
automatically assigned in sequential order to each SHA. The onboard
SHA is assigned as 0 (zero), and additional SHA SBus cards are
assigned as 1, 2, and 3, respective to the order that the boot PROM
probed the SBus slots. These assigned numbers are the

● Target number which represent the hardware target address of the


● Device numbers which are the same as the unit number (or LUN)
are displayed by the probe-scsi command. For embedded SCSI
devices this number is always 0 (zero).

● Slice number which represents a partition on the disk drive.

Peripheral Devices Installation and Configuration 5-39

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Adding a Device

To add a peripheral device to a system,

1. Halt the operating system.

Never add or change devices on a SCSI bus without shutting

down the operating system, otherwise data corruption can occur.

2. Turn off the power.

3. Turn off the power to the system chassis and all related devices to
prevent blowing the SCSI term-power fuse.

4. Address the device.

Each SCSI device must have a unique target address, or the system
will experience serious SCSI bus errors.

5. Cable and terminate the device.

6. When cabling and terminating fast-SCSI devices, use high quality

shielded cables and an active terminator.

7. Turn on the power.

8. Turn on the system chassis and then any external enclosures.

9. Use probe-scsi to verify the connection.

10. Boot the system.

11. Use the -rv options for Solaris 2.x software to reconfigure the
kernel. Use a generic kernel for Solaris 1.x software.

12. Access the new device.

13. Use an appropriate utility (sundiag, format, tape, and so on) to

access the new device to verify functionality.

5-40 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Check Your Progress

Before continuing on to the next module, check that you are able to
accomplish the following:

❑ Properly cable and terminate all desktop peripherals

❑ Correctly address SCSI peripherals

❑ Verify the presence of peripherals with the Forth toolkit

❑ Verify the presence of peripherals at boot time

❑ Define the different SCSI types

❑ Configure single-ended and differential SCSI busses

❑ Identify the different desktop peripheral enclosures

Peripheral Devices Installation and Configuration 5-41

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Think Beyond

Peripheral devices have broadened the usefulness of the computer.

What’s next?

5-42 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Desktop Storage Pack 5A


Upon completion of this lab, you should be able to

● Identify the desktop storage pack (DSP) serial number and

peripheral type

● Remove the DSP cover and internal devices

● Remove the DSP power supply

● Determine the correct internal device configuration

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G

To complete this lab, you will need

● A DSP unit

● A small bladed screwdriver to remove the DSP cover and operate

release tabs that hold the power supply and peripheral in place

● An approved electro-static discharge (ESD) kit

5A-2 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Attaching the Wrist Strap

Caution – Wear an antistatic wrist strap and use an ESD-protected

mat when handling components. When removing components other
! than the power supply, leave the power cord connected to both the
system/server unit and the wall receptacle. When removing the power
supply, attach the copper end of the wrist strap to the system/server
unit chassis, or power supply. Store ESD-sensitive components in
antistatic bags before placing them on the mat.

1. Unwrap the first two folds of the wrist strap and wrap the
adhesive side firmly against the wrist.

2. Peel the liner from the copper foil at the opposite end of the wrist
strap. Attach the copper end of the wrist strap to the bare metal of
the system chassis, not the power supply.

Desktop Storage Pack 5A-3

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Desktop Storage Pack Overview

The DSP (alias lunchbox) contains a single, half-height SCSI peripheral

device, plus a power supply and an I/O interface adapter. A 12 volt
DC fan pulls air through the back of the chassis and ejects air out
through the front of the chassis.

The DSP box can contain one of the following peripherals:

● One 4-mm DAT unit

● One half-height, 1/4-inch embedded tape drive (150 Mbytes)

● One 3 1/2-inch disk drive (various capacities)

● One CD-ROM disk drive

Figure 5A-1 The Different Desktop Storage Pack Configurations

5A-4 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Cabling the Desktop Storage Pack

Connecting the DSP to an existing workstation involves

● Connecting a SCSI I/O cable to the CPU

● Establishing the proper address for the peripheral

● Testing to ensure that the Solaris operating system can gain access
to the device

The cable attachment to the DSP requires a 50-pin miniature SCSI

connector and an external terminator (Figure 5A-2). There is no
designated placement for the terminator or cable connections; either
SCSI connector works.

The target address for the device inside the DSP is assigned by the use
of a rotary switch. This address must coincide with the kernel
definition for the disk, tape, or CD-ROM drive for that system. If the
kernel is customized, ensure that the devices were not “commented
out” when the kernel was made.

Target address rotary switch


6 Desktop storage pack


Cable with miniature SCSI connectors

Figure 5A-2 External SCSI Cabling

Desktop Storage Pack 5A-5

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Identifying the DSP Rear Panel Items

1. Ensure that the operating system is halted and all units are
powered off.

2. Disconnect the power cord and the microminiature SCSI


Note – Do not pull cables. Pull on the connectors only after squeezing
their release tabs.

Back view

Serial #
address 1
rotary O

Miniature Power receptacle Power switch

SCSI ports

Figure 5A-3 Rear Panel of the Desktop Storage Pack

3. Which peripheral device is installed in this DSP?


4. What is the SCSI target address for this device?


5A-6 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing the DSP Cover

Note – The following steps correspond to the numbers in Figure 5A-4.

1. Insert a paper clip or the end of a small screwdriver in the top row,
third hole from the rear, as indicated by the arrows. Push the catch
in to open the lunchbox. The tabs should release each side of the
top cover as you gently lift upward, while you press in on the

2. Lift cover from the rear until it reaches about a 45-degree angle.

3. Gently slide the lid toward you. Be careful not to break the locking

Third hole from 2 Third hole from

the rear, top row the rear, top row
1 1

3 3

Locking tabs
Caution — Do not break these tabs.
Figure 5A-4 The DSP Cover Removal Procedure

Desktop Storage Pack 5A-7

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing the Peripheral Device from the DSP

1. Using a small screwdriver, lift the end of the tab that holds the
peripheral in place, then slide the peripheral unit slowly forward
(Figure 5A-5).

2. Carefully rotate the peripheral upward, and tilt it back.

Peripheral release tab

Front I/O circuit

Underside board and fan
release tabs

Bottom view
Figure 5A-5 The DSP Bottom View

3. Disconnect the +5 volt DC power cable at rear of the device.

4. Disconnect the ribbon cables (Figure 5A-6 on page 5A-9).

5. Disconnect the flex cable from the small interface board, and note
its orientation on the drive.

6. Place the unit on the ESD mat.

5A-8 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing the Peripheral Device from the DSP

Caution – Be careful; the flex cable is easily damaged.

SCSI cable Cable release tabs
Interface board

2A fuse, 125V
Ribbon cable
Power “Flex cable” for rotary
address selection
release Guide rails

Figure 5A-6 The DSP Internal Layout

Desktop Storage Pack 5A-9

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Device Configuration

Individual diagrams and configuration specifications for the various

devices that are found in the DSP are shown in the Field Engineer.

1. Locate the device in the Field Engineer Handbook.

What section did you find the device in?


2. Are there terminators installed on your device?

___Yes ___No

5A-10 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing the DSP Power Supply

1. Release the tab (located near the front of the chassis, as shown in
Figure 5A-6 on page 5A-9) that holds the power supply in place.

2. Lift the power supply gently away from the DSP.

3. Disconnect power connections to the fan and peripheral.

4. Remove the power supply and place it on the ESD mat.

5. Find the Sun label on the power supply, and record the power
supply specifications below:

Volts Amps

Input AC: __________ __________

Output DC: __________ __________

Output DC: __________ __________

Items That Remain in the Enclosure

Include the following:

● The fan

● The I/O circuit board

● The internal cable

● The two-amp, 125-volt pica fuse

Where is this fuse mounted?


Note – Except for the fuse, these items are attached to a bracket that is
difficult to remove. For this reason, do not remove this FRU during
this lab.

Desktop Storage Pack 5A-11

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Result of Duplicate Target Addresses

The following procedure demonstrates the result of two devices

having the same target address:

1. Reassemble the DSP by replacing the components in the reverse

order use to remove them.

2. Record the SCSI target assigned to this device: _________________

3. Using the rotary switch, address the device as Target 6, which is

the same as the CD-ROM drive.

4. Reconnect the DSP to the system.

5. Apply power the DSP.

6. Turn power on to the SPARCsystem.

7. Stop the system when the memory test is being run.

8. Verify the SCSI addresses by using the probe-scsi command.

9. Describe the result of duplicate targets on the SCSI bus from the
probe-SCSI command messages.


10. Enter the boot command with the r and v options.

11. Describe the result of duplicate targets on the SCSI bus from the
verbose output from the boot command.

12. Stop the system by pressing Stop-a.

13. Power off the DSP.

14. Set the address on the DSP to the address it had prior to starting
this lab.

15. Apply power to the DSP.

5A-12 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Finishing Up

1. Enter the sync command at the ok prompt.

2. If the system doesn’t automatically boot, enter the boot command

at the ok prompt.

Note – If your system does not boot successfully, notify your


Desktop Storage Pack 5A-13

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Desktop Storage Module 5B

Upon completion of this lab, you should be able to

● Identify the StorEdge™ UniPack serial number and peripheral


● Remove the StorEdge UniPack cover

● Remove the StorEdge UniPack internal device

● Remove the StorEdge UniPack power supply

● Determine the correct internal device configuration

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G

To complete this lab, you will need

● A StorEdge UniPack module

● A small screwdriver to remove the Uni-Pack

● An approved electro-static discharge (ESD) kit

Additional resources – The following manual can provide you with
more information on the StorEdge Unipack Device:

● The StorEdge UniPack Device Replacement Manual, Part Number


Figure 5B-1 StorEdge UniPack Enclosure

5B-2 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
StorEdge UniPack Overview

The Sun StorEdge UniPack desktop storage products offer external

storage and back-up components for Sun’s workstations that enable
powerful solutions for desktop servers and power users. These
products are easily connected to a workstation through the built-in
SCSI host adapter port, through a SCSI-2/SBus host adapter, or
through an UltraSCSI/PCI host adaptor card.

The UniPack can be configured in any of the following ways:

● 4.2-Gbyte Ultra SCSI disk

● 9.1-Gbyte Ultra SCSI disk

● 18.2-Gbyte Ultra SCSI disk

● 4-Gbyte tape drive

● 4mm DAT-tape drive

● 7-Gbyte 8mm tape drive

● 20-Gbyte 8mm tape drive

● SunCD12 CD-ROM drive

Desktop Storage Module 5B-3

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Key Features of the StorEdge UniPack

● Ultra SCSI capable

The Sun StorEdge UniPack is designed for 40 Mbytes per second

Ultra SCSI disk drives with two 68-pin SCSI SCA-2 connectors.
However, Fast Wide and Fast SCSI-2 connections are also

● Auto SCSI termination

Auto-termination eliminates the need for external terminators.

Circuitry in the enclosure automatically terminates an 8-bit or 16-
bit SCSI bus if the UniPack is the last device on the bus.

● Narrower footprint

The footprint is smaller than the Desktop MultiPack. The narrower

width allows for more effective use of desktop space. The
dimensions are: 190mm (7.48”) wide, 310mm (12.2”) deep, and
70mm (2.76”) high.

● Acoustically engineered

New fan speed control circuitry helps make the office environment
quieter while ensuring drive reliability in hotter environments.

● Easy to open package

The UniPack opens easily once the lock block on the rear is
removed. The enclosure lid is removed by depressing the two
latches on either side and lifting up. Disk and tape drives are
mounted on a metal sled that makes them very easy to slide out.

● Single connector (SCA) disks

All disk drives will use the single connector attachment (SCA)
interface currently used in the UltraSPARC desktop workstations
and Sun Enterprise servers. The SCA interface eliminates the need
for internal cables and improves reliability and serviceability. The
tape drives will continue to use the standard three
cable/connector interface.

5B-4 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing the StorEdge UniPack Top Cover

1. Halt the operating system.

2. Remove the lockbox screw located on the rear of the unit

(Figure 5B-4 on page 5B-8).

3. Press the cover release buttons located on both sides of the unit
cover (Figure 5B-2).

4. Remove the cover by lifting the cover from the back to a 45-degree
angle and then removing it. Set it aside.

Cover release button

Cover release button

Locking tabs on top cover act like a hinge

(Caution – Do not break these tabs)

Figure 5B-2 Cover Release and Locking Tab Locations

Desktop Storage Module 5B-5

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Attaching the Wrist Strap

Caution – Wear an antistatic wrist strap and use an ESD-protected mat

when handling components. When removing components other than
! the power supply, leave the power cord connected to both the
system/server unit and the wall receptacle. When removing the power
supply, attach the copper end of the wrist strap to the system/server
unit chassis, or power supply. Store ESD-sensitive components in
antistatic bags before placing them on the mat.

1. Unwrap the first two folds of the wrist strap and wrap the
adhesive side firmly against the wrist.

2. Peel the liner from the copper foil at the opposite end of the wrist
strap. Attach the copper end of the wrist strap to the bare metal of
the system chassis, not the power supply.

5B-6 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing the Drive Assembly

1. Invert the UniPack base, holding the drive in one hand.

2. Lift the drive mount locking latch to release the drive tray (
Figure 5B-3).

3. Slide the drive unit and its mounting tray toward the front of the
unit just about 2 or 3 millimeters so it clears the latch but does not
come detached from the base.

This motion will also disconnect the drive’s single connector from
the internal interface card.

4. Invert the base to an upright position and place it on the


Bottom of
StorEdge UniPack Drive mount
locking latch

Figure 5B-3 Inverted StorEdge UniPack Locking Tab Locations

5. Now slide the drive unit and its mounting tray forward until it
clears the tabs on the UniPack base.

6. Look at how the drive is attached to the mounting tray with four
Phillips-head screws.

Desktop Storage Module 5B-7

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing the Power Supply/Interface Assembly

1. Remove the Phillips-head screw at the top of the power supply.

2. Remove the 5mm hex head connector studs located at each end of
the two wide SCSI connectors (Figure 5B-4).

3. Disconnect the LED connector at the front of the power supply.

4. Carefully lift the power supply/interface assembly from the units


Rear view

Lockbox and screw

0 l

Serial #xxx xxx


Hex head connector studs

Figure 5B-4 Rear Panel View of the StorEdge UniPack

5B-8 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Reassembling the Desktop Storage Module

1. Reverse the procedure you followed to remove the power supply

(page 5B-8).

2. Reverse the procedure you followed to remove the drive unit

(page 5B-7).

3. Reverse the procedure you followed to remove the cover (page 5B-

4. If the unit was attached to a system, reattach it as it was.

5. Power up the StorEdge UniPack.

6. Power up the system.

7. Execute a probe-scsi command to ensure the device is seen by

the SHA.

8. Use boot -rv to visually confirm the unit is attached and has the
correct SCSI target ID.

Desktop Storage Module 5B-9

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Desktop Multi-Disk Pack 5C

Upon completion of this lab, you will be able to

● Identify the desktop Multi-Disk pack components

● Remove the Multi-Disk pack cover and internal devices

● Remove the Multi-Disk pack power supply

● Remove the Multi-Disk rack from the chassis

● Remove a disk drive from the Multi-Disk rack

● Confirm the correct internal disk device SCSI address

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G

To complete this lab, you will need

● A desktop Multi-Disk pack

● A small screwdriver

● A large screwdriver

● An approved electro-static discharge (ESD) kit

5C-2 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Desktop Multi-Disk Pack Overview

The Multi-Disk pack (Figure 5C-1) contains up to four half-height SCSI

disk drives, a power supply and an SCSI interface adapter. A 12-volt
DC fan pulls air through the back of the chassis and ejects air out
through the front of the chassis.


Figure 5C-1 Desktop Multi-Disk Sub-System

Note – The following procedures are described in the Multi-Disk

Pack Service Manual, Part Number 801-6119-11.

Desktop Multi-Disk Pack 5C-3

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Desktop Multi-Disk Pack Cabling

Connecting the Multi-Disk pack to an existing workstation involves

● Adding a SCSI I/O cable to the CPU

● Establishing the proper address for the peripheral

● Testing to ensure that the Solaris operating system can gain access
to the device

The cable attachment to the DSP requires a 50-pin miniature SCSI

connector and an external terminator (Figure 5C-2). The terminator
block is also a miniature connector. There is no designated placement
for the terminator or cable connections; either SCSI connector works.

There is no target address switch on the external surface of this Multi-

Disk device. The SCSI disks inside the Multi-Disk unit are individually
assigned a SCSI address by the use of jumper plugs. This address must
coincide with the kernel definition for the disk devices. Typically, disk
devices attached to the primary SCSI host adapter are addresses with
zero, one, two and three.

Desktop Multi-Disk
storage pack


Figure 5C-2 Connecting the SPARCstation to the Multi-Disk Unit

5C-4 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing the Multi-Disk Pack Cover

1. Ensure that the operating system is halted on the host


2. Powered off all attached devices.

3. Disconnect the power cord and the miniature SCSI connector.

Note – Do not pull cables. Pull on the connectors only after

squeezing their release tabs.

Lock block
Model and serial

SCSI connectors

Figure 5C-3 Multi-Disk Pack, Rear View

4. Disconnect the SCSI cable and terminator.

5. Using a small Phillips-head screwdriver, remove the lock block

(Figure 5C-3).

Desktop Multi-Disk Pack 5C-5

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing the Multi-Disk Pack Cover

6. Lift cover from the rear until it reaches a 45-degree angle

(Figure 5C-4).

7. Gently slide the lid forward and remove.

Caution – Be careful not to break the hinging tabs located in the front
of the lid.

Figure 5C-4 Lifting off the Lid

5C-6 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Attaching the Wrist Strap

Caution – Wear an antistatic wrist strap and use an ESD-protected mat

when handling components. When removing components other than
! the power supply, leave the power cord connected to both the
system/server unit and the wall receptacle. When removing the power
supply, attach the copper end of the wrist strap to the system/server
unit chassis, or power supply. Store ESD-sensitive components in
antistatic bags before placing them on the mat.

1. Unwrap the first two folds of the wrist strap and wrap the
adhesive side firmly against the wrist.

2. Peel the liner from the copper foil at the opposite end of the wrist
strap. Attach the copper end of the wrist strap to the bare metal of
the system chassis, not the power supply.

Desktop Multi-Disk Pack 5C-7

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing the Disk Drive Rack

1. Disconnect power connector P0.

2. Unplug LED power connector between power supply and LED on

front panel.

3. Lift the metal tab above the SCSI connectors at the rear of the
assembly, next to the fan (Figure 5C-5).

This will disconnect the SCSI cable assembly from the chassis
making removal of the disk rack assembly easier.

4. Loosen captive screws at either end of the rack assembly.



Figure 5C-5 Removing the Disk Rack

5C-8 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing the Disk Drive Rack

5. Carefully lift the assembly out and set it on an ESD pad.

6. Remove the power cable to each disk drive.

Caution – Be careful not to pull any of the very small wires loose from
the SCSI connectors when removing cables connectors.
7. Carefully remove the SCSI connector from each disk drive and lay
the cable assembly aside.

8. Select a disk drive to remove.

9. Remove the two Phillips-head screws from the side of the chassis
where they secure the disk drive to the assembly.

10. Slide the disk unit from the rack.

Notice the disk drive is attached to a tray which slides into the
drive rack, aligning and securing the two pieces together.

This tray is not part of the disk drive and has to be removed from
a defective disk and attached to a replacement drive.

Desktop Multi-Disk Pack 5C-9

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
SCSI Disk Drive Address Configuration

Individual diagrams and configuration specifications for the different

disk manufacturers and devices types that are found in the Multi-Disk
Pack are shown in the Field Engineer Handbook.

Target address jumper for SCSI disk devices

0 1 2 3 4 5 6

A2 A1 A0 A2 A1 A0 A2 A1 A0 A2 A1 A0 A2 A1 A0 A2 A1 A0 A2 A1 A0

Contact pin set used for device configuration

Jumper used to electrically connect two pins together

A2 A1 A0 A2 A1 A0

A2 A1 A0 A2 A1 A0

SCSI Target address pins can be located in any portion of the disk drives
configuration pins. The can be separated or part of other configuration pins.
You must verify the correct configuration layout for the specific disk drive
you are using. Refer to the Field Engineer Handbook or the manufacturers
documentation for the correct addressing pin locations.

Figure 5C-6 Examples of SCSI Addressing Blocks

1. Find the device you are using in the appropriate section of the
Field Engineer Handbook.

2. Locate the configuration and addressing pins on the disk drives

found in this lab unit.

3. What are the SCSI addresses set to on your lab unit?

1. ___________ 2.___________ 3.____________ 4.__________

5C-10 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing the Power Supply

1. Remove two Phillips-head screws from the baseplate next to the

power supply.

2. Remove the metal base plate form the chassis. It will lift out, but
may require a little effort.

3. Disconnect power connections to the fan and LED if you have not
already done so.

4. Lift the power supply sharply using the plastic cable-tie located
near the front of the supply as a handle.

The power supply is held in place by plastic tabs at the rear of the
chassis so you must lift from the front to get the power supply out
from under these tabs. When replacing the power supply, slide the
supply under these tabs first, then lower the front and press it
down to the floor of the chassis.

5. Find the Sun label on the power supply, and record the power
supply specifications in Table 5C-1
Table 5C-1 Power Supply Ratings

Volts Amps

Input AC: __________ __________

Output DC: __________ __________
Output DC: __________ __________

Desktop Multi-Disk Pack 5C-11

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Reassembling the Multi-Disk Pack

1. Reverse the procedure you followed to remove the power supply.

2. Replace the base plate and secure it with the two Phillips head

3. Reconnect the fan and LED power if you have not already done

4. Replace the disk drive removed earlier and secure it with two
Phillips-head screws.

5. Connect the SCSI cable to the disk drives and route it under the
appropriate tabs on the disk rack.

6. Connect the power cables to the disk drives. Position the connect
next to the P0 plug on the top row as it was when it was removed.

7. Position the SCSI connector panel at the rear of the chassis and
slide the tabs into the slots provided so it is secured to the rear

8. Lower the disk rack into position and secure it in place with the
two captive screws.
Caution – Be careful when securing the captive screws so you do not
damage the thin exposed wires at the SCSI connector panel.
9. Connect P0 to the power supply cable

10. Position all cables to clear the cover when it is in moved into place.

11. Install the cover, front edge first, and secure with the lock block
and screw

5C-12 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
StorEdge MultiPack 5D


Upon completion of this lab, you should be able to

● Identify the MultiPack serial number and peripheral type

● Remove the MultiPack cover and internal device

● Remove the MultiPack power supply

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G

To complete this lab, you will need

● A StorEdge MultiPack

● A medium Phillips-head screwdriver

● A 3/16-inch Hex driver

● The key to the door lock if it is locked

● An approved electro-static discharge (ESD) kit

Additional resources – The following manual can provide you with

more information on the Sun StorEdge MultiPack:

● The Sun StorEdge MultiPack Service Manual, Part Number 802-4430

5D-2 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
StorEdge MultiPack Overview

The Sun StorEdge MultiPack is a multiple drive, on-line user

serviceable, external enclosure for Sun’s desktop workstations and

The configurations currently being offered are

● 2x, 6x, and 12x 4.2Gbytes 7200 revolutions per minute Ultra SCSI

● 2x, 4x, and 6x 9.1 Gbytes 7200 revolutions per minute, Ultra SCSI

● 2x, 4x, and 6x 18.2Gbytes 7200 revolutions per minute, Ultra SCSI

The MultiPack complements the mass storage product line and brings
new features to the desktop. These include

● Maximum 109.2 Gbytes capacity

● Multiple UltraSCSI capable SCA-2 drives

● Hot plug ready disk drives

● Lowest cost per Mbytes option

● Excellent cost per input-output operation option

● Geographical addressing

● Easy to open and lockable package

● Single Connector Attach (SCA-2) disks

● Ultra SCSI capable

The MultiPack is designed with on-line user serviceable disks using

the SCA-2 connector; improving reliability and ease of use. This
feature brings RAID integrity to the desktop.

StorEdge MultiPack 5D-3

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
StorEdge MultiPack Overview

Geographical SCSI Addressing

Geographical SCSI addressing simplifies SCSI ID selection. It
minimizes the risk of breaking internal cables and improves system
reliability. The MultiPack (Figure 5D-1) SCSI ID can be set to the 1-6 or
9-14 SCSI IDs for dual enclosure configurations.

Figure 5D-1 The StorEdge MultiPack 12 Disk Unit

5D-4 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing a Disk Drive

1. Unlock and remove the left side cover (Figure 5D-2).

Figure 5D-2 Removing the Left Side Door

2. Attach a wrist strap to your wrist and to the section of chassis

exposed at the left of the drive bays.

Note – Be sure the power cord to the SPARCstorage MultiPack unit

remains connected to the AC outlet to ensure a ESD ground path.

3. Shut off the power to the SPARCstorage MultiPack unit.

4. Disconnect the SCSI cable and the power cord from the
SPARCstorage MultiPack enclosure.

StorEdge MultiPack 5D-5

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing a Disk Drive

5. Unlatch the drive bracket handle to release it.

6. Pull the insertion/ejection handle out and swing it open. It pushes

against the chassis, ejecting the drive from the backplane

Note – The ejection handle only swings out to about a 45 degree angle
unlike some previous disk drive insertion/ejection handles which
swung out 180 degrees or more.

7. Grip the handle firmly and applying mild pulling force until the
drive slides out from the guide rails (Figure 5D-3).

8. Slide all the drives out and set them on an antistatic mat in a
manner that will enable you to identify each drives designated
location in the MultiPack unit.]

Figure 5D-3 Removing a Ultra Fast/Wide SCSI Drive

Caution – It is important that you identify or position the drives so

that you can install them in the same location they came out of. Failure
! to do so could mean the data that is on the drives is no longer
accessible by the host.

5D-6 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing the Power Supply Unit

The power supply unit in the SPARCstorage MultiPack enclosure is

the same in both the 6-drive and 12-drive units.

1. Remove the three screws and the lock block that hold the back
cover (Figure 5D-4).

2. Remove the two Phillips-head screws that attach the power supply
to the unit.

3. Remove the four 3/16 hex standoffs that are attached to the SCSI

Figure 5D-4 Removing the Back Cover

StorEdge MultiPack 5D-7

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Removing Power Supply Unit

4. Carefully pull the power supply out from the unit using the pull
strap and set it aside (Figure 5D-5).

Figure 5D-5 Removing the Power Supply

The plug at the back of the power supply connects to the backplane.

Because of this connection, the power supply will not slide out of the
unit easily. Slowly work the power supply loose from the plug as you
remove it from the enclosure.

5D-8 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Installing the Power Supply Unit

1. Align the power supply at the back of the unit so that the
connector plug on the power supply lines up with the connector
on the backplane (Figure 5D-6).

Figure 5D-6 Aligning Power and SCSI Data Connectors

2. Insert the power supply into the unit until the edges of the power
supply are flush against the edge of the chassis.

3. Insert and tighten the two screws to secure the power supply in
the enclosure.

4. Push the pull strap back into the power supply casing.

The pull strap should be pushed in enough so that it does not

affect replacing the back cover.

5. Replace the back cover (Figure 5D-4).

6. Insert and tighten the three corner screws, the four 3/16-inch hex
screws for the SCSI connectors and install the lock block.

StorEdge MultiPack 5D-9

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Installing Disk Drives in the MultiPack

1. Select the disk drive for slot 1 and slide it into the drive bay guide
Caution – You must ensure that both sides are properly aligned in the
guide rails to prevent a misalignment of the drive connector to the
! backplane. Failure to properly align the rails could result in permanent
damage to the backplane or drive connector.

2. Press the disk drive all the way to the back until the drive
connector comes in contact with the backplane connector.

3. Press the injector lever in to the right so it pulls the disk drive
connector into the Backplane connector

4. Secure the drive in place by snapping the handle latch closed.

5. Repeat this procedure for each disk drive you remove, ensuring
they are installed in the correct slot.

5D-10 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Finishing up

1. Connect the SCSI cable and power cord to the enclosure.

2. Install the side cover and lock it closed (page 5D-5).

3. Connect the SCSI cable to the SCSI in connector.

4. Reconnect the SCSI cable unit to the host system.

5. Connect the AC power cord.

6. Apply power to the MultiPack.

7. Apply power to the host system.

8. At the ok prompt, enter the probe-scsi-all command to identify

the drives in the StorEdge unit.

9. If your lab system is a six-disk MultiPack, power the MultiPack


a. If your lab system is not a six-disk unit, skip to step 16.

10. Change the SCSI address switch on the rear panel to addresses 9–

11. Reapply AC power.

12. From the ok prompt, use the probe-scsi-all command to

identify the drives in the StorEdge unit.

Did the addresses of the internal drives change?


What are the drive addresses now?


13. Power off the MultiPack off.

14. Change the SCSI address switch on the rear panel to identify the
internal drives as addresses 1–6.

15. Reapply AC power.

16. Boot the system with the reconfigure option boot -r.

StorEdge MultiPack 5D-11

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Disk Analysis and Repair 6

Course Map
The purpose of this module is to introduce you to a few disk error
conditions, how to identify and define them, and how to use some of
the tools available for repairing the soft failures.

Desktop Products Product Line
Overview Introduction

System Firmware

OpenBoot PROM Booting and Testing

Desktop Peripherals

Peripheral Devices
Install. and Config.

System Analysis and Troubleshooting

Disk Analysis Boot Sequence SunVTS System
and Repair Troubleshooting Diagnostics

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G

✓ Present the following questions to stimulate the students and get them thinking about the
issues and topics presented in this module. They are not expected to know the answers to
these questions. The answers to these questions should be of interest to the students,
and inspire them to learn the content presented in this module.

Discussion – It is necessary to understand the disk errors the system

reports, so you can determine if the problem is repairable or if the disk
will require replacement.

What utilities are you aware of that can correct soft disk errors?

6-2 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G

Upon completion of this module, you will be able to

● Examine a system error log file

● Use the format utility, setup, repair, and analyze


● Format a disk drive

Additional resources – The following reference can provide additional
details on the topics discussed in this module:

● Man pages

Disk Analysis and Repair 6-3

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G

Disk Error Categories

Electronic or Hardware Failures

Electronic failures can be caused by anything in the disk subsystem
such as

● The disk controller electronics or interface card and cables

● Bad drive electronics

● Power supply

6-4 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Disk Error Categories

They often emerge as hard and soft disk errors.

● Hardware failures include

▼ Data errors which are caused by a defective surface of the

recording media

▼ Electronic component failures in the host adapter

▼ Faulty cables and connectors which are interpreted as data

● Defective surface media which is often bypassed so the drive can
continue to function

▼ Addresses of defective areas are recorded in the drives bad

sector table
● Electronic component or mechanical disk failures require that the
faulty part be replaced

Note – For additional detailed descriptions of Solaris disk error

messages, refer to Appendix C, “SCSI Terms, Concepts, and

Disk Analysis and Repair 6-5

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G

Typical Error Messages

Below are disk errors displayed in a Console window.

WARNING: /sbus@1,f8000000/esp@0,800000/sd@0,0 (sd0):
Error for command 'write' Error Level: Fatal
Requested Block 36104, Error Block: 98054
Vendor 'EMULEX': ASC = 0x11 (hard data error), ASCQ = 0x0, FRU
= 0x0
WARNING: /sbus@1,f8000000/esp@0,800000/sd@0,0 (sd0):
Error for command 'write' Error Level: Retryable
Requested Block 36104, Error Block: 98054
Sense Key: Media Error
Vendor 'EMULEX': ASC = 0x11 (hard data error), ASCQ = 0x0, FRU
= 0x0WARNING: /sbus@1,f8000000/esp@0,800000/sd@0,0 (sd0):
Error for command 'write' Error Level: Retryable
Requested Block 36104, Error Block: 98054
Sense Key: Media Error
Vendor 'EMULEX': ASC = 0x11 (hard data error), ASCQ = 0x0, FRU
= 0x0WARNING: /sbus@1,f8000000/esp@0,800000/sd@0,0 (sd0):

6-6 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Typical Error Messages

Errors that are reported by the Solaris operating system for a particular
disk drive are logged and displayed.

● Disk error messages are displayed in the Console window as they


● Multiple disk errors with the same absolute block number are
often an indication of a media (disk surface) flaw.

● Random disk errors might be an indication of an electronic or

cable problem

If the system experiences an error on the same block many times, the
system automatically reassigns the data to another block, and a system
message is sent to the system console and to the messages file.

The /var/adm/messages file contains a chronological list of all

system messages. This file is a useful source of error messages. For this
file to be active, the SUNWbtool package must be installed with the
Solaris 2.x operating system.

Disk Analysis and Repair 6-7

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G

format Utility Start-up

When you start the format utility from the Solaris operating system,
the messages reported on your system will be similar to the following:
# format
Searching for disks...done


0. c0t0d0 <SUN0669 cyl 1614 alt 2 hd 15 sec 54>
1. c0t1d0 <SUN0207 cyl 1254 alt 2 hd 9 sec 36>
2. c0t3d0 <Micropolis 1558 cyl 1218 alt 2 hd 15 sec 35>
Specify disk (enter its number): 0
selecting c0t0d0
[disk formatted]
Warning: Current Disk has mounted partitions.

6-8 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
format Utility Start-up

disk - select a disk
type - select (define) a disk type
partition - select (define) a partition table
current - describe the current disk
format - format and analyze the disk
repair - repair a defective sector
label - write label to the disk
analyze - surface analysis
defect - defect list management
backup - search for backup labels
verify - read and display labels
save - save new disk/partition definitions
inquiry - show vendor, product and revision
volname - set 8-character volume name

Disk Analysis and Repair 6-9

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G

The format Menu

The format utility must be run by the superuser.

Note – If file systems are currently mounted, a warning message is

displayed after selecting a drive label.

A summary of some of the format utility commands not covered in

this module are

disk Select a different disk.

type Select from a list of disk types or define a third-party

drive (for labeling).

partition Select (define) a partition table.

current Show the current disk type and number.

6-10 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
The format Menu

format Write the sector information (the headers) on the disk.

label Write a label to the disk.

backup Search for a backup label.

verify Display the disk label.

The following format utility commands are unique to the Solaris 2.x

save Save new disk or partition definitions.

inquiry Show vendor, product, and revision.

volname Set an eight-character volume name.

Disk Analysis and Repair 6-11

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G

The analyze Menu

The analyze command displays the following menu:

format> analyze

read - read only test (doesn’t harm SunOS)
refresh - read then write (doesn’t harm data)
test - pattern testing (doesn’t harm data)
write - write then read (corrupts data)
compare - write, read, compare (corrupts data)
purge - write, read, write (corrupts data)
print - display data buffer
setup - set analysis parameters
config - show analysis parameters

6-12 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
The analyze Menu

The analyze config command

Use the analyze config command to look at the analyze values. Use
the config command before you run the setup command because you
may find the values are already correct and you do not need to run
setup command.

The config command will display the following:

analyze> config
Analyze entire disk? yes
Starting block number: 0 (0/0/0)
Ending block number: 1307339 (1613/14/53)
Loop continuously? no
Number of passes: 2
Repair defective blocks? yes
Stop after first error? no
Use random bit patterns? no
Number of blocks per transfer: 126 (0/2/18)
Verify media after formatting? yes
Enable extended messages? no
Restore defect list? yes
Restore disk label? yes


Disk Analysis and Repair 6-13

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G

The analyze setup Command

setup enables you to configure how the analyze program is going to

react to specific conditions. You must answer each question as it is
asked. Pressing the Return key will accept the default parameter
[displayed] for that menu item.

6-14 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
The analyze setup Command

The setup command displays the following selections one at a time:

analyze> setup
Analyze entire disk [yes]?
Loop continuously [no]?
Enter number of passes [2]: 10
Repair defective blocks [yes]? no
Stop after first error [no]?
Use random bit patterns [no]?
Enter number of blocks per transfer [126, 0/3/21]:
Verify media after formatting [yes]?
Enable extended messages [no]? yes
Restore defect list [yes]? no
Restore disk label [yes]? no


The setup command enables you to enter specific parameters before

running the analyze tests.

When running analyze on a disk with an unknown problem, answer

no to the Repair defective block query. This response prevents
the automatic repair of blocks that may not be defective (as in
electronic, cable, or mechanical problems).

Disk Analysis and Repair 6-15

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G

The analyze compare Command

The analyze submenu offers various tests for local disks.

Caution – Do not run this utility on a mounted file system. The system
! warns you if this is attempted.

format> analyze

read - read only test (doesn’t harm SunOS)
refresh - read then write (doesn’t harm data)
test - pattern testing (doesn’t harm data)
write - write then read (corrupts data)
compare - write, read, compare (corrupts data)
purge - write, read, write (corrupts data)
print - display data buffer
setup - set analysis parameters
config - show analysis parameters

6-16 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
The analyze compare Command

analyze> compare

Ready to analyze (will corrupt data). This takes a long time,

Interruptible with CTRL-C. Continue? y

pass 0 - pattern = 0xc6dec6de


pass 1 - pattern = 0x6db6db6d


Total of 0 defective blocks repaired.


Synopsis of analyze
The analyze command is a valuable format utility tool that provides
a way to determine if the media surface is actually defective or

The analyze routine in the format utility is designed to perform

surface analysis on disk drives.

● analyze is often used as an on-line diagnostic tool.

▼ The read command tests can be run on mounted partitions.

● analyze, by default, automatically performs a repair on any block

that has a problem.

▼ When using the compare command, all data on the disk will be

▼ Backup existing data prior to running the compare test.

Disk Analysis and Repair 6-17

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G

The format repair Command

The repair routine is usually not needed because the operating

system performs the repair automatically once a block address has
experienced numerous errors. If the system fails to reallocate them,
then the repair routine can be used to fix the defective block.
# format
Searching for disks...done


0. c0t0d0 <SUN0669 cyl 1614 alt 2 hd 15 sec 54>
1. c0t1d0 <SUN0207 cyl 1254 alt 2 hd 9 sec 36>
2. c0t3d0 <Micropolis 1558 cyl 1218 alt 2 hd 15 sec 35>
Specify disk (enter its number): 0
selecting c0t0d0
[disk formatted]

6-18 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Repairing a Sector

disk - select a disk
type - select (define) a disk type
partition - select (define) a partition table
current - describe the current disk
format - format and analyze the disk
repair - repair a defective sector
label - write label to the disk
analyze - surface analysis
defect - defect list management
backup - search for backup labels
verify - read and display labels
save - save new disk/partition definitions
inquiry - show vendor, product and revision
volname - set 8-character volume name

format> repair
Enter block number of defect: 98059
Ready to repair defect, continue? y
Repairing block 10205 (48/3/20)...done

Disk Analysis and Repair 6-19

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G

Repairing a Sector

Sector Repair Procedure

Use the following steps to repair a defective block:

1. Invoke the format utility.

2. Select the disk to be repaired

3. Invoke the repair routine.

4. Type in the absolute block number.

▼ The repair routine attempts to move data, flags (marks) the

block as defective, and updates the defect list.

5. Reboot the system to enable the fsck routine to run. If a file

system inconsistency is present, fsck notifies you.

6-20 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Repairing a Sector

Sector Repair Procedure (Continued)

A bad block is reallocated in one of two ways by the fsck routine:

● Slipping occurs when the data of a bad sector and all remaining
sectors of the track are shifted to use the reserved sector.

● Mapping a defective block relocates the data to an alternate block

in a reserved cylinder.

Disk Analysis and Repair 6-21

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G

SCSI Disk Defect Management

Figure 6-1 illustrates a typical embedded SCSI disk drive.

PROM-based firmware program

manages both of the defect lists

PROM Embedded
SCSI interface

“Grown” defect list “Primary” defect list

Figure 6-1 Embedded SCSI Block Diagram

6-22 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
SCSI Disk Defect Management

Defect List Features

The following defect lists are provided:

● Manufacturer’s Defect list (“Primary” list) is

▼ Invisible to the Sun operating system.

▼ Automatically handled by the local disk drive firmware.

● “Grown” Defect list is

▼ Automatically handled by the local disk drive firmware.

▼ Consulted every time a disk read or write command is issued.

▼ Added to by the format utility repair command.

▼ Automatically added by the Solaris operating system.

● Additional disk maintenance information.

▼ All disks from Sun are preformatted.

▼ The format analyze read then write command is used

before adding a new drive or a replacement drive to a system.
This ensures the drive’s operation in the event something
happened during shipment.

Disk Analysis and Repair 6-23

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Check Your Progress

Before continuing on to the next module, check that you are able to
accomplish or answer the following:

❑ Examine a system error log file

❑ Use the format utility, setup, repair, and analyze


❑ Format a disk drive

6-24 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Think Beyond

If you did not have these disk analysis tools, what alternatives would
you have when disk errors are reported?

Disk Analysis and Repair 6-25

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Disk Analysis and Repair 6A


Upon completion of this lab, you should be able to

● Examine system error log files

● Use the format utility and the setup, analyze, and compare

● Format a disk drive

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G

To complete this lab, you will need

● A SPARCsystem that is running the Solaris operating system

● A second disk drive attached to the external SCSI port

6A-2 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Examining the System Error Logs

Any error messages are displayed in your Console window if you

have one open. If you quit this window or if the system crashes, all
Console window messages are recorded in an error log file.

1. Log in to the system as the superuser.

2. At the command-line prompt or in a GUI shell tool use the more

command to view the system error log one screen at a time.
# more /var/adm/messages

Note – The messages file may or may not contain disk errors.

The following is a typical Solaris 2.x messages file entry:

Sep 26 16:14:54 theamazonian unix: WARNING:
/sbus@1,f8000000/esp@0,800000/sd@0,0 (sd0):
Sep 26 16:14:54 theamazonian unix: Error for command 'read' Error
Level: Retryable
Sep 26 16:14:54 theamazonian unix: Requested Block 36104, Error Block:
Sep 26 16:14:54 theamazonian unix: Sense Key: Media Error
Sep 26 16:14:54 theamazonian unix: Vendor 'EMULEX': ASC = 0x14 (block
not found), ASCQ = 0x0, FRU = 0x8
Sep 26 16:14:54 theamazonian unix: WARNING:
/sbus@1,f8000000/esp@0,800000/sd@0,0 (sd0):
Sep 26 16:14:54 theamazonian unix: Error for command 'read' Error
Level: Retryable
Sep 26 16:14:54 theamazonian unix: Requested Block 36104, Error Block:
Sep 26 16:14:54 theamazonian unix: Sense Key: Media Error
Sep 26 16:14:55 theamazonian unix: Vendor 'EMULEX': ASC = 0x11 (hard
data error), ASCQ = 0x0, FRU = 0x8

Disk Analysis and Repair 6A-3

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Starting the format Utility

1. Log in as the superuser if you have not done so already (You must
be root user to run format.).

2. Use the mount -p command to identify which disks are in use.

3. Record the target of the disk that is mounted to / and /usr below

Target ________. This is the target you do not want to format.

The example below is for the Solaris 2.x software, but the
following concept applies to the Solaris 1.x software as well.

▼ Start the format utility by entering the format command.

▼ Select the disk that is not in use—a different target than that in
step 3.

# format
Searching for disks...done


0. c0t0d0 <SUN0669 cyl 1614 alt 2 hd 15 sec 54>
1. c0t1d0 <SUN0207 cyl 1254 alt 2 hd 9 sec 36>
2. c0t3d0 <Micropolis 1558 cyl 1218 alt 2 hd 15 sec 35>
Specify disk (enter its number): 1
selecting c0t1d0
[disk formatted]
Warning: Current Disk has mounted partitions.

Caution – If you see a warning message similar to the one shown in

! the screen text above, do not proceed. Quit the format utility and
select a drive that does not have a mounted file system. If your system
does not have one, notify your instructor.

6A-4 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Running a Nondestructive Surface Analysis

1. In the format utility analyze submenu, select the setup option.

format> analyze

read - read only test (doesn’t harm SunOS)
refresh - read then write (doesn’t harm data)
test - pattern testing (doesn’t harm data)
write - write then read (corrupts data)
compare - write, read, compare (corrupts data)
purge - write, read, write (corrupts data)
print - display data buffer
setup - set analysis parameters
config - show analysis parameters

2. Set the operating parameters for the setup option as shown below.
Select the default values (in brackets) by pressing the Return key.
analyze> setup
Analyze entire disk [yes]?
Loop continuously [no]?
Enter number of passes [2]: 1
Repair defective blocks [yes]? no
Stop after first error [no]?
Use random bit patterns [no]?
Enter number of blocks per transfer [126, 0/3/21]:
Verify media after formatting [yes]?
Enable extended messages [no]? yes
Restore defect list [yes]?
Restore disk label [yes]?

3. Run the analyze read test.

analyze> read
Ready to analyze (won’t harm SunOS).This takes a long
time, but is interruptible with CTRL-C. Continue? yes

pass 0
[Counter running]

Disk Analysis and Repair 6A-5

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Running a Nondestructive Surface Analysis

Restricting the Area That Is Tested

You can use the setup feature to restrict the area that is tested on the
disk drive.

1. Use the setup option of analyze and set the operating parameters
as shown below.
analyze> setup
Analyze entire disk [yes]? no
Enter starting block number [0, 0/0/0]: 2000
Enter ending block number [204539, 973/5/34]: 5000
Loop continuously [no]?
Enter number of passes [1]: 3
Repair defective blocks [no]?
Stop after first error [no]?
Use random bit patterns [no]?
Enter number of blocks per transfer [126, 0/3/21]:
Verify media after formatting [yes]?
Enable extended messages [yes]?
Restore defect list [yes]?
Restore disk label [yes]?

2. Run the read test.

analyze > read

3. If the read analysis completed without errors, run the Analyze

refresh test. This test reads the data from the disk and then
writes the same data back to the disk.

analyze> refresh
Ready to analyze (won’t harm data).This takes a long
time but is interruptible with CTRL-C. Continue? yes

pass 0
[Counter running]
Caution – The refresh routine can be destructive if the disk has a
basic electronics problem.

6A-6 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Running a Nondestructive Surface Analysis

Changing the blocks per transfer Option

1. To test every block of the disk, change the number of blocks per
transfer from 126 to 1. (This will take more time to complete.)
analyze> setup

Analyze entire disk [no]? yes

Loop continuously [no]?
Enter number of passes [3]: 1
Repair defective blocks [no]?
Stop after first error [no]?
Use random bit patterns [no]?
Enter number of blocks per transfer [126, 0/3/21]: 1
Verify media after formatting [yes]?
Enable extended messages [yes]?
Restore defect list [yes]?
Restore disk label [yes]?

analyze> read

2. Run the read test.

analyze> read
Ready to analyze (won’t harm SunOS).This takes a long
time, but is interruptible with CTRL-C. Continue? yes

pass 0
[Counter running]

The maximum number of blocks is 126, and the minimum is 1. No

values greater than 126 nor less than 1 can be entered.

Disk Analysis and Repair 6A-7

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Making the Changes Permanent

The format command in the format utility rewrites the sector headers
of the drive. You can save time by not running the verify routine
that normally runs after format.

1. Use the analyze submenu’s setup feature to disable verification

after formatting.

2. Run the format routine as shown below.

analyze> setup

Analyze entire disk [yes]?

Loop continuously [no]?
Enter number of passes [1]:
Repair defective blocks [no]?
Stop after first error [no]?
Use random bit patterns [no]?
Enter number of blocks per transfer [126, 0/3/21]:
Verify media after formatting [yes]? no
Enable extended messages [yes]?
Restore defect list [yes]?
Restore disk label [yes]?

analyze> quit

format> format

Ready to format. Formatting cannot be interrupted

and takes 20 minutes (estimated). Continue? y
Beginning format. The current time is Wed Sep 18 00:47:54 1991


6A-8 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Boot Sequence Troubleshooting 7

Course Map
If you understand what must occur during the boot process then you
will be better prepared to troubleshoot a problem that happens at

Desktop Products Product Line
Overview Introduction

System Firmware

OpenBoot PROM Booting and Testing

Desktop Peripherals

Peripheral Devices
Install. and Config.

System Analysis and Troubleshooting

Disk Analysis Boot Sequence SunVTS System
and Repair Troubleshooting Diagnostics

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G

✓ Present the following questions to stimulate the students and get them thinking about the
issues and topics presented in this module. They are not expected to know the answers to
these questions. The answers to these questions should be of interest to the students,
and inspire them to learn the content presented in this module.

Discussion – What can you do with a system that passes POST, begins
the process of loading the operating system, and then stops?

7-2 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G

Upon completion of this module, you should be able to

● Boot the system using a single-user boot flag

● Run the installboot utility

● Repair a corrupted boot block

● Repair a vfstab problem that prevents multiuser booting

● Record and repair a vfstab problem using CD-ROM files and vi

● Repair a kernel problem using CD-ROM files

Additional resources – The following references can provide
additional details on the topics discussed in this module:

● Solaris System Administration Guide

● Solaris Advanced Installation Guide

Boot Sequence Troubleshooting 7-3

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G

Boot Sequence Overview

✓ Two overheads are used here.

The example shown in the above overhead is a Solaris 2.x software

boot sequence. The Solaris 1.x software boot sequence is the same, but
the messages differ slightly.

● During the boot sequence

▼ The OpenBoot PROM loads and executes the Boot block.

▼ The bootblock loads and executes the bootstrap program which

loads the kernel.

▼ The busses and devices are probed and initialized.

▼ The init program is loaded and executed.

▼ The file systems are checked and mounted.

▼ rc script files are run.

7-4 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Boot Sequence Overview
ok boot -rv
Booting with command: -v
Boot device:/iommu/sbus/esp@5,8800000/sd@3,0 File and args: -rv

Size: 719688+166144+108728 Bytes

SunOS Release 5.4 Version Generic [UNIX(R) System V Release 4.0]
Copyright (c) 1983-1994, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
CPU0:FMI, MB86904 (mid 0 impl 0x0 ver 0x4 clock 85 MHz)
mem = 32768K (0x2000000)
avail mem = 27553792
Ethernet address = 8:0:20:22:8f:d3
root nexus = SUNW, SPARCstation-5
sbus0 at iommu0: obio 0x10001000
espdma0 at sbus0: SBus slot 5 0x8400000
esp0 at espdma0: SBus slot 5 0x8800000 sparc ipl 4
sd3 at esp0: target 3 lun 0
sd3 is /iommu@0,10000000/sbus@0,10001000/esp@5,8800000/sd@3,0
<SUN1.05 cyl 2036 alt 2 hd 14 sec 72>
sd6 at esp0: target 6 lun 0
sd6 is /iommu@0,10000000/sbus@0,10001000/esp@5,8800000/sd@6,0
<CD-ROM Disc for SunOS Solaris_2.4 Installation>
root on /iommu@0,10000000/sbus@0,10001000/espdma@5/sd3,0:
a fstype ufs
obio at root
zs0 at obio0:obio 0x100000 sparc ipl 12
zs0 is /obio0:obio 0x0 sparc ipl 12
zs1 at obio/zs@0,0
cgsix0 at sbus0: SBus slot 3 0x0 SBus level 5 sparc ipl 9
cgsix0 is /iommu@0,10000000/sbus@0,10001000/cgsix@3,0
cgsix0: screen 1152x900, double buffered, 4M mappable, rev 11
Configuring network interfaces: le0
Hostname: venus
dump on /dev/dsk/c0t3d0s1 size 32872K
The system is coming up Please wait.

checking filesystems
/dev/rdsk/c0t3d0s4: is clean.
/dev/rdsk/c0t3d0s7: is clean.
/dev/dsk/c0t3d0s4 mounted
/dev/dsk/c0t3d0s7 mounted
starting routing daemon.

Boot Sequence Troubleshooting 7-5

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G

Basic Boot Flow

✓ There are three overheads for this flowchart.

If a system fails to complete the boot sequence, it helps to know what

part of the system is in control. Use the above flowchart when
troubleshooting a Sun workstation to distinguish between
firmware, hardware, or software control.

7-6 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Basic Boot Flow



Firmware Banner

Testing memory

Boot PROM loads boot block from disk

Bootblock loads the bootstrap file

Bootstrap file loads the kernel

Kernel and Kernel performs the following:

hardware Identifies itself (release, name, and date)
Sizes memory
Reports amount of memory available
Reports Ethernet address and CPU type
Checks for devices
Identifies root, swap, and dump
Starts the init program

init program starts rc script files

rc scripts start system processes

init handles login requests

console login:

Figure 7-1 Boot Operation Flowchart

Boot Sequence Troubleshooting 7-7

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Boot Block Overview

Bootstrap program Boot block

(Next 15 sectors)

Disk label
(First sector)

Partition A (root)

The Boot disk file layout

Figure 7-2 Boot Process Element’s Hard-Disk Locations

Corrupt Boot Block Output

When a system attempts to boot and the program information in the
boot block is not correct or readable, you might see an output similar
to the following:
ok boot -v
Booting with command: -v
Boot device:/iommu/sbus/esp@5,8800000/sd@3,0 File and args: -v

7-8 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Boot Block Overview

The boot block is the first thing the boot PROM loads into memory
after the initial power on diagnostics (POST) have been completed.
The boot block

● Resides on the first 15 sectors of the primary disk (boot device)

● Contains information to locate the bootstrap program

● Is created by the installboot utility

● Can install a boot block on any partition that has a UNIX file

The bootstrap Program

This program completes the software loading process. It

● Locates and loads the kernel into memory

● Is called /boot (Solaris 1.x environment)

● Is called /ufsboot (Solaris 2.x environment)

● Is called /platform/sun4c (or sun4u, or sun4m) /ufsboot (for

Solaris 2.5 and above OS)

A Corrupt Boot Block

Corruption of the boot block

● Is the result of faulty hardware, power fails, and so on.

● Only shows up when it is time to boot.

● Displays different error messages depending on the nature of the


● Is recognizable by where the error occurs (as soon as you boot).

Boot Sequence Troubleshooting 7-9

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G

The installboot Command Syntax

You can use the installboot program to install a new or reinstall a

damaged boot block on any disk partition that has a UNIX file system.

7-10 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
The installboot Command Syntax

Solaris 2.x Software installboot Program

The bootstrap program gathers the appropriate information from the
NVRAM to fulfill the following requirements:

● The boot block program code, named bootblk, must be specified.

● The raw device on which you want to install a boot block must be

● No protoblock is required for the Solaris 2.x software


● Installboot is run from the directory that contains the boot block
program code (/usr/lib/fs/ufs/ bootblk).

● The boot block code (/usr/lib/fs/ufs/bootblk) locates the

bootstrap program by name (/ufsboot).

● The Solaris 2.x software version of installboot has no command


● There are no response messages indicating that the installboot

command ran successfully.

# installboot bootblk /dev/rdsk/c0t3d0s0

Command Boot block code Raw device

Figure 7-3 Solaris 2.x Software installboot Command

Boot Sequence Troubleshooting 7-11

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G

Backup Kernel

It is possible and sometimes necessary to have multiple copies of the

kernel on a system. If this is going to be necessary, the following
guidelines should be followed:

● Solaris 2.4 system backup kernel

▼ Located in /kernel/unix on the CD-ROM

▼ Identical to /kernel/unix on the disk

● Solaris 2.5 and above system backup kernel

▼ /platform/sun4sun4c (or sun4u, or sun4m) /ufsboot

▼ /kernel/genunix

To determine what system architecture your system is running, use the

following commands:

▼ # uname -m

▼ # arch -k

7-12 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Using the Backup Kernel

If the kernel is removed or corrupt, the boot sequence will not be able
to complete. Fortunately, there is an exact copy of the kernel that you
can copy back to the boot partition.

Repair the Solaris 2.x Kernel

To initiate a repair

1. Boot the system to single-user mode from the CD-ROM.

2. Mount the boot partition to the CD-ROM /a directory.

3. Make a copy of the kernel; cp/kernel/unix to /a/kernel/unix.

4. Reboot the system.

How can you avoid having to make this repair in the future? Make a
backup of the kernel in the kernel boot directory. Use
/kernel/unix.backup for the Solaris 2.x operating systems.

Boot Sequence Troubleshooting 7-13

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G

init and rc Scripts Overview

The init program has an important role in the boot sequence. The
init program is started by the kernel. It starts the rc script files and
continues to run as long as the operating system is running. The init
program handles the local and remote console and serial port logins
and logouts. The init program is always process ID (PID) number 1.

rc script files
The rc files contain the scripts that start important system
configuration processes which gather information allowing for access
to file systems, networking, security, print services, multiuser mode,
and so on. They are located in the /sbin directory for the Solaris 2.x

7-14 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
init and rc Scripts Overview

File System Table Errors

A common boot sequence failure occurs when the rc scripts access the
file system tables in /etc/vfstab and there is an error in the table.
Errors can occur in the table because it is a frequently edited file.

● System boot recovery is performed in one of two ways:

▼ If the / and /usr file systems are correct, press Control-d at the
prompt to enable the rc scripts to finish the boot sequence.
Then log in as superuser, and edit the file system table to fix
the problem.

▼ If / or /usr is the cause of the problem, the boot sequence will

not be able to continue. In this case, the system must be loaded
with a temporary operating system before the file system table
can be fixed.

Boot Sequence Troubleshooting 7-15

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G

init and rc Scripts Overview

The following is the normal output from a file system checking rc

checking filesystems
/dev/rdsk/c0t3d0s4: is clean.
/dev/rdsk/c0t3d0s7: is clean.
/dev/dsk/c0t3d0s4 mounted
/dev/dsk/c0t3d0s7 mounted
starting routing daemon.
starting rpc services: rpcbind keyserv kerbd done.
Setting default interface for multicast:add net224.0.0.0:gateway
Print services started.
syslog service starting.
The system is ready.

aegean_sea console login:

7-16 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
init and rc Scripts Overview

The error reported by the same rc script when a problem is

encountered with a file system is displayed as follows:
checking filesystems
/dev/rdsk/c0t3d0s4: No such file or directory
Can’t stat /dev/rdsk/c0t3d0s4
/dev/rdsk/c0t3d0s4: CAN’T CHECK FILE SYSTEM.

WARNING – Unable to repair one or more of the following filesystem(s):

/dev/rdsk/c0t3d0s4 /dev/rdsk/c0t3d0s7
Run fsck manually (fsck filesystem...)
Exit the shell when done to continue the boot process.

Type Ctrl-d to proceed with normal startup,

(or give root password for system maintenance): ^d
resuming mountall
mount: /dev/rdsk/c0t3d0s4 or /opt, no such file or directory
starting routing daemon.
starting rpc services: rpcbind keyserv kerbd done.
Setting default interface for multicast:add net224.0.0.0:gateway
Print services started.
syslog service starting.
The system is ready.

aegean_sea console login:

Boot Sequence Troubleshooting 7-17

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Boot Flow Verbose Output

✓ There are no overheads for this screen dump.

SPARCstation With SCSI Bus

ok boot -rv

Booting with command: -v

Boot device:/iommu/sbus/esp@5,8800000/sd@3,0 File and args: -rv
Size: 719688+166144+108728 Bytes
SunOS Release 5.4 Version Generic [UNIX(R) System V Release 4.0]
Copyright (c) 1983-1994, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
CPU0:FMI, MB86904 (mid 0 impl 0x0 ver 0x4 clock 85 MHz)
mem = 32768K (0x2000000)
avail mem = 27553792
Ethernet address = 8:0:20:22:8f:d3
root nexus = SUNW, SPARCstation-5
sbus0 at iommu0: obio 0x10001000
espdma0 at sbus0: SBus slot 5 0x8400000
esp0 at espdma0: SBus slot 5 0x8800000 sparc ipl 4
sd3 at esp0: target 3 lun 0
sd3 is /iommu@0,10000000/sbus@0,10001000/esp@5,8800000/sd@3,0
<SUN1.05 cyl 2036 alt 2 hd 14 sec 72>sd6 at esp0: target 6 lun 0
sd6 is /iommu@0,10000000/sbus@0,10001000/esp@5,8800000/sd@6,0
<CD-ROM Disc for SunOS Solaris_2.4 Installation>
root on /iommu@0,10000000/sbus@0,10001000/espdma@5/sd3,0:
a fstype ufs
obio at root
zs0 at obio0:obio 0x100000 sparc ipl 12
zs0 is /obio0:obio 0x0 sparc ipl 12
zs1 at obio/zs@0,0
cgsix0 at sbus0: SBus slot 3 0x0 SBus level 5 sparc ipl 9
cgsix0 is /iommu@0,10000000/sbus@0,10001000/cgsix@3,0
cgsix0: screen 1152x900, double buffered, 4M mappable, rev 11
Configuring network interfaces: le0

7-18 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Boot Flow Verbose Output

Hostname: venus
dump on /dev/dsk/c0t3d0s1 size 32872K
The system is coming up Please wait.
checking filesystems
/dev/rdsk/c0t3d0s4: is clean.
/dev/rdsk/c0t3d0s7: is clean.
/dev/dsk/c0t3d0s4 mounted
/dev/dsk/c0t3d0s7 mounted
starting routing daemon.
starting rpc services: rpcbind keyserv kerbd done.
Setting default interface for multicast:add net224.0.0.0:gateway
Print services started.
syslog service starting.
The system is ready.

aegean_sea console login:

SPARCstation With PCI Bus

Rebooting with command: boot -rv

Boot device: /pci@1f,0/pci@1,1/ide@3/disk@0,0 File and args: -rv
Size: 272817+60132+70328 Bytes
cpu0: SUNW,UltraSPARC-IIi (upaid 0 impl 0x12 ver 0x12 clock 300 MHz)
SunOS Release 5.6 Version Generic_105181-03 [UNIX(R) System V Release
Copyright (c) 1983-1997, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
mem = 262144K (0x10000000)
avail mem = 256655360
Ethernet address = 8:0:20:8e:d6:ce
root nexus = Sun Ultra 5/10 UPA/PCI (UltraSPARC-IIi 300MHz)
pci0 at root: UPA 0x1f 0x0
PCI-device: pci@1,1, simba #0
PCI-device: pci@1, simba #1
dad0 at pci1095,6460 target 0 lun 0
dad0 is /pci@1f,0/pci@1,1/ide@3/dad@0,0
<Seagate Medalist 34342A cyl 8892 alt 2 hd 15 sec 63>

Boot Sequence Troubleshooting 7-19

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Boot Flow Verbose Output

root on /pci@1f,0/pci@1,1/ide@3/disk@0,0:a fstype ufs

su0 at ebus0: offset 14,3083f8
su0 is /pci@1f,0/pci@1,1/ebus@1/su@14,3083f8
su1 at ebus0: offset 14,3062f8
su1 is /pci@1f,0/pci@1,1/ebus@1/su@14,3062f8
keyboard is </pci@1f,0/pci@1,1/ebus@1/su@14,3083f8> major <37> minor <0>
mouse is </pci@1f,0/pci@1,1/ebus@1/su@14,3062f8> major <37> minor <1>
stdin is </pci@1f,0/pci@1,1/ebus@1/su@14,3083f8> major <37> minor <0>
se0 at ebus0: offset 14,400000
se0 is /pci@1f,0/pci@1,1/ebus@1/se@14,400000
stdout is </pci@1f,0/pci@1,1/ebus@1/se@14,400000:a> major <20> minor <0>
configuring network interfaces:SUNW,hme0: CheerIO 2.0 (Rev Id = c1) Found
SUNW,hme0 is /pci@1f,0/pci@1,1/network@1,1
SUNW,hme0: Using Internal Transceiver
SUNW,hme0: 10 Mbps half-duplex Link Up
Hostname: ses-guest-2
metainit: ses-guest-2: there are no existing databases

dump on /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s1 size 131328K

Configuring the /devices directory
glm0: Rev. 4 Symbios 53c875 found.
pci1000,f0 is /pci@1f,0/pci@1/scsi@1
glm1: Rev. 4 Symbios 53c875 found.
pci1000,f1 is /pci@1f,0/pci@1/scsi@1,1
SUNW,ffb0 at root: UPA 0x1e 0x0
SUNW,ffb0 is /SUNW,ffb@1e,0
fdthree0 at ebus0: offset 14,3023f0
fdthree0 is /pci@1f,0/pci@1,1/ebus@1/fdthree@14,3023f0
SUNW,m64B0 is /pci@1f,0/pci@1,1/SUNW,m64B@2
m64#0: 1152x900, 2M mappable, rev 4754.9a
pem: no event handler
ecpp0 at ebus0: offset 14,3043bc
ecpp0 is /pci@1f,0/pci@1,1/ebus@1/ecpp@14,3043bc
pseudo-device: winlock0
winlock0 is /pseudo/winlock@0
power0 at ebus0: offset 14,724000
power0 is /pci@1f,0/pci@1,1/ebus@1/power@14,724000
pseudo-device: lockstat0
lockstat0 is /pseudo/lockstat@0
pseudo-device: vol0
vol0 is /pseudo/vol@0

7-20 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Boot Flow Verbose Output

pseudo-device: llc10
llc10 is /pseudo/llc1@0
SUNW,CS42310 at ebus0: offset 14,200000
SUNW,CS42310 is /pci@1f,0/pci@1,1/ebus@1/SUNW,CS4231@14,200000
pseudo-device: pm0
pm0 is /pseudo/pm@0
pseudo-device: tod0
tod0 is /pseudo/tod@0
atapicd2 at pci1095,6460 target 2 lun 0
atapicd2 is /pci@1f,0/pci@1,1/ide@3/atapicd@2,0
pseudo-device: pump0
pump0 is /pseudo/pump@0
SUNW,Ultra-5_10pseudo-device: vvod0
vvod0 is /pseudo/vvod@0
lus0 at pci1000,f0: target 0 lun 0
lus0 is /pci@1f,0/pci@1/scsi@1/lus@0,0
@(#)lus_sol.c 6.4 96/10/10 Copyright (C) 1996, Legato Systems, Inc
lus1 at pci1000,f1: target 0 lun 0
lus1 is /pci@1f,0/pci@1/scsi@1,1/lus@0,0
Configuring the /dev directory
Configuring the /dev directory (compatibility devices)
The system is coming up. Please wait.
checking ufs filesystems
/dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s5: is clean.
/dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s3: is clean.
starting ppp (no interface defined).
starting skip key manager daemon.
starting router discovery.
starting rpc services: rpcbind keyserv done.
Setting netmask of hme0 to
Setting default interface for multicast: add net gateway
syslog service starting.
Print services started.
volume management starting.
SKI key server starting
starting NetWorker daemons:
Starting TotalAdmin...
The system is ready.

sestest console login:

Boot Sequence Troubleshooting 7-21

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G

Boot Flow Troubleshooting

Troubleshooting Hints
Some helpful hints that can make troubleshooting boot problems
easier are

● Become familiar with normal boot messages so that when an error

occurs you will recognize it.

● Check the boot device message to verify that the system is

attempting to boot from the correct boot device.

● Notice where the error occurs within the boot messages.

● If the system never prints the kernel name, there may be a bad
boot block.

● Booting will fail if the boot block or kernel is corrupted.

7-22 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Boot Flow Troubleshooting

Troubleshooting Clues (Continued)

● Check the mem= message to make sure that all SIMMs are

● Invalid Ethernet address or IDPROM contents indicate an

NVRAM error.

● Look for boot message descriptions of all known devices.

Some other problems that can keep the system from becoming
operational are

● Is le0 recognized by the kernel? If not, you will have networking


● During the Checking file systems messages, make sure that

the drives are turned on and that entries in the (v)fstab file are

Specific details of the boot sequence differ slightly between Solaris

1.x and Solaris 2.x software. Some of these differences include the

▼ Kernel

▼ init’s subprocesses

▼ rc script file names and actions

Boot Sequence Troubleshooting 7-23

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Check Your Progress

Before continuing on to the next module, check that you are able to
accomplish or answer the following:

❑ Boot the system using a single-user boot flag

❑ Run the installboot utility

❑ Repair a corrupted boot block

❑ Repair a vfstab problem that prevents multiuser booting

❑ Record and repair a vfstab problem using CD-ROM files and vi

❑ Repair a kernel problem using CD-ROM files

7-24 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Think Beyond

Troubleshooting any complex system requires that you understand

what must occur in what sequence and why.

Do you now have all the tools necessary to troubleshoot SPARCsystem

desktops, or could there be some other tools you might need?

What would you want these tools to do for you?

Boot Sequence Troubleshooting 7-25

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Troubleshooting the Boot Process 7A


Upon completion of this lab, you should be able to:

● Repair a corrupted boot block

● Recover from a corrupt or missing kernel

● Find and repair a vfstab problem that prevents multiuser boot

● Use vi in single-user CD-ROM mode to repair a vfstab problem

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G

To complete this lab, you will need

● A SPARCsystem running Solaris 2.5 or higher software

● A CD-ROM drive

● A Solaris 2.x software installation CD-ROM

● The ‘‘Desktop Troubleshooting Flowchart’’ starting on page 7A-11

7A-2 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Corrupting the Boot Block
The lab system must be running the Solaris 2.5 or higher operating
system to perform this lab. To see the release of your system, (boot the
system if it is not already running) log in as superuser and enter the
showrev command.
# showrev

When performing this lab, the exact path name to the appropriate
directories will vary depending on the kernel architecture of the
system. When you see sun4 mu , enter either sun4c, sun4m, or sun4u,
depending on your system’s architecture. To determine the kernel
architecture of your system, enter one of the following commands

# uname -m record architecture type __________________

# arch -k record architecture type __________________
Caution – Never perform the next two steps in the field. You are doing
this procedure in the lab to simulate a corrupted boot block.
Corrupting the Boot Block
1. Change to the boot block directory.
# cd /platform/sun4 mu (from architecture type above)

2. Corrupt a boot block with installboot.

# installboot /platform/sun4 mu /kernel/unix

This step forces erroneous data into the bootstrap program. Since
you do not have access to directly corrupt the boot block, this is
how you will simulate a corrupt boot block. If you see an I/O error
message, ignore it.

3. Halt the operating system.

# halt
4. Boot the operating system.
ok boot

5. Record any error messages or symptoms that you see.

Troubleshooting the Boot Process 7A-3
Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Repairing a Bad Boot Block

To gain access to the commands that fix the corrupted bootblock, boot
the system into single-user mode from CD-ROM installation
media and run installboot as follows

1. Insert the Solaris 2.x software CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive.

2. Boot the system into single use mode from the Solaris CD-ROM.

ok boot cdrom -sw

You will see system boot information.

3. When in single-user mode, change to the directory where the boot

block code resides:
# cd /usr/platform/sun4 mu /lib/fs/ufs

4. Run installboot on the root disk partition.

# installboot bootblk /dev/rdsk/c0t3d0s0

5. Halt the operating system.

# halt

6. Boot from the local disk to see if the repair was successful.
ok boot

7A-4 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Simulating a Kernel Problem

In this exercise, UNIX will be removed from the boot partition. The
system will not boot as a result, and you will record the error message.
Boot single-user mode from the CD-ROM to mount the / partition,
and copy UNIX back to the boot partition sd0a.

Note – This is just an exercise to simulate a kernel problem. Do not

remove UNIX in the field.

1. Remove all existing UNIX files from the boot partition.

# rm /platform/sun4 mu /kernel/unix

2. Halt the operating system.

# halt

3. Attempt to boot.
ok boot

4. Record the boot error message.



Troubleshooting the Boot Process 7A-5

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Replacing the Kernel UNIX File

1. Press a Stop-a if necessary.

2. Boot single-user mode from the CD-ROM software.

ok boot cdrom -sw

3. Mount / (where the kernel will be copied) on the “a” partition.

# mount /dev/dsk/c0t#d0s0 /a

4. Copy the UNIX on the CD-ROM to the boot partition on the disk.
# cp /platform/sun4 mu /kernel/unix
/a/platform/sun4 mu /kernel/unix

5. Halt the system.

# halt

6. Boot the system.

ok boot

7A-6 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Corrupting the vfstab File

For this exercise, you will edit the vfstab file so that the operating
system will attempt to run fsck and mount a file system that does not
exist. The failure symptom is fairly common and indicates a disk drive
failure. Remember the vfstab is used by the operating system to
determine which file systems are mounted at boot time. Use only the
vi editor. Other text editors can leave unseen characters that will
corrupt the vfstab file.

1. Log in as root user.

2. Change to the /etc directory.

# cd /etc

3. Use vi to modify vfstab as shown below.

# vi vfstab

The following is an example of the unchanged vfstab file:

/dev/dsk/c0t3d0s0 /dev/dsk/c0t3d0s0 / ufs 1 yes rw
/dev/dsk/c0t3d0s6 /dev/dsk/c0t3d0s6 /usr ufs 2 yes rw
/dev/dsk/c0t3d0s5 /dev/dsk/c0t3d0s5 /opt ufs 3 yes rw

4. Modify the /opt file system target number (t3) so that it is a

nonexistent disk drive, in this example that would be target “0”,
your system may be different.

The finished vfstab file should look like the example below when
displayed by the more command.
/dev/dsk/c0t3d0s0 /dev/dsk/c0t3d0s0 /ufs 1 yes rw
/dev/dsk/c0t3d0s6 /dev/dsk/c0t3d0s6 /usr ufs 2 yes rw
/dev/dsk/c0t0d0s5 /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s5 /opt ufs 3 yes rw

5. Reboot the system.

# reboot

6. At what point in the boot process did you receive an error?


Troubleshooting the Boot Process 7A-7

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Repairing /etc/vfstab

At this point in the exercise, your system did not boot completely. It
stopped at single-user mode, and any mounted file systems are
mounted in read-only mode. Since the / and /usr file systems are not
part of the problem, the system has the ability to continue the boot
process to remount file systems with write capabilities so that the
/etc/vfstab file can be repaired.

1. Press Control-d to continue the boot sequence.

Note – All file systems will be remounted with write capabilities

except the file system that has a problem in the /etc/vfstab file
which will not be mounted.

2. Log in as the superuser, root.

3. Use the more command to display the vfstab file contents to

confirm the problem.
# more /etc/vfstab

4. Use vi to edit the /etc/vfstab file.

# vi /etc/vfstab

5. Change the /opt file system disk to the correct target number.

6. Check the vfstab file for accuracy.

# more /etc/vfstab

7. Halt the operating system.

# halt

8. Boot the system, and check that all is in order.

ok boot

7A-8 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Using vi From the CD-ROM

In the event that the system will not boot to single-user mode, you
must boot from the CD-ROM to fix the problem using vi. In this
exercise, you will make the system unable to boot to single-user mode,
and then fix the problem by booting single-user mode from the CD-

To corrupt the vfstab file to simulate a failure to boot the operating


1. Use vi to modify the vfstab file as shown.

# vi /etc/vfstab

The following is an example of original vfstab file as displayed by the

more command.
# more /etc/vfstab
/dev/dsk/c0t3d0s0 /dev/dsk/c0t3d0s0 /ufs 1 yes rw
/dev/dsk/c0t3d0s6 /dev/dsk/c0t3d0s6 /usr ufs 2 yes rw
/dev/dsk/c0t3d0s5 /dev/dsk/c0t3d0s5 /opt ufs 3 yes rw

2. Modify the /usr file system disk (t3) so that it is a nonexistent

disk drive target number (t0).

The finished vfstab file should look like the example below when
displayed by the more command.
/dev/dsk/c0t3d0s0 /dev/dsk/c0t3d0s0 /ufs 1 yes rw
/dev/dsk/c0t0d0s6 /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s6 /usr ufs 2 yes rw
/dev/dsk/c0t3d0s5 /dev/dsk/c0t3d0s5 /opt ufs 3 yes rw

3. Enter the reboot command to reboot the operating system.

# reboot

4. Record the error message.


5. At the single-user prompt, enter

# halt

Troubleshooting the Boot Process 7A-9

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Using vi From the CD-ROM

To repair the corrupted vfstab file using vi loaded from the Solaris

1. Boot single-user mode from the CD-ROM files.

ok boot cdrom -sw or ok boot sd(0,6,2) -sw

2. Mount / to edit the /etc/vfstab file.

# mount /dev/dsk/c0t3d0s0 /a

3. Make the terminal type known to the system.

# TERM=sun
# export TERM

4. Use vi to edit the vfstab file from disk (currently mounted as

# vi /a/etc/vfstab

5. Correct the target number of the /usr disk, then write and quit

6. Attempt to reboot from the disk.

# reboot

Note – Contact your instructor if you cannot successfully boot your


7A-10 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Desktop Troubleshooting Flowchart


Verify all
are properly

Symptom Is the system and monitor No

AC circuit breaker on? Turn on circuit breaker.
No display
on the Sun
monitor. Yes

the power No Verify AC outlet is functional.
supply fan on? If so, replace power supply.

Check the voltages at
the CPU power
connector for correct

all voltages No
Replace the power supply.

It is possible that Bank 0
SIMMs are causing the
problem. Swap Bank 0
with one of the other
banks, if available.

Troubleshooting the Boot Process 7A-11

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Desktop Troubleshooting Flowchart

A You have moved the bad

SIMM to another bank.
Using the system, try to
boot the system or run
the POST memory test
Is Yes to further isolate the
there a monitor failing SIMM. Once
display? you have determined
which SIMM is defective,
you can order a new one.

Locate the following spare
parts for further isolation:
Frame buffer
Is Monitor cable
an ASCII Monitor
terminal and No CPU board
null modem cable
available? Replace the above-mentioned
parts one at a time until you
have a display on the Sun
monitor. Verify the fix by
putting the suspected
Yes defective part back into the
system. Once verified, order
the needed part.
With all power removed from
the system, connect one end
of the null-modem connector
to the modem connector on
the ASCII terminal and the
other end to serial port A
on the back of the system
chassis. Disconnect the
keyboard from the system,
and apply power to the

7A-12 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Desktop Troubleshooting Flowchart

Watch the ASCII terminal

during the testing and
the boot processes.

If so, one of the following

Did parts is defective, and will
the system Yes need to be replaced:
completely Monitor
boot? Frame buffer
Monitor cable
Power cable

terminal display Yes
any type of error that Replace the FRU.
points to an FRU?

Locate the following spare
parts for further isolation:
Frame buffer
Monitor cable
CPU board
Replace the above-mentioned
parts one at a time until you
have a display on the Sun
monitor. Verify the fix by
putting the suspected
defective part back into the
system. Once verified, order
the needed part. End

Troubleshooting the Boot Process 7A-13

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
SunVTS System Diagnostics 8

Course Map
SunVTS™ is the Sun on-line validation test suite. Running diagnostic
hardware tests from this test suite, enables you to verify the
functionality of most Sun hardware devices.

Desktop Products Product Line
Overview Introduction

System Firmware

OpenBoot PROM Booting and Testing

Desktop Peripherals

Peripheral Devices
Install. and Config.

System Analysis and Troubleshooting

Disk Analysis Boot Sequence SunVTS System
and Repair Troubleshooting Diagnostics

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G

✓ Present the following questions to stimulate the students and get them thinking about the
issues and topics presented in this module. They are not expected to know the answers to
these questions. The answers to these questions should be of interest to the students,
and inspire them to learn the content presented in this module.

Discussion – Why is having a validation tool that can confirm the

functionality of a system and many of its components while the
system is in operation is important to you?

8-2 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G

Upon completion of this module and lab, you should be able to

● Install the SunVTS package on a system

● Select and set up SunVTS diagnostic tests

● Run the SunVTS tests

● Review SunVTS test results

Additional resources – The following references can provide
additional details on the topics discussed in this module:

● SunVTS Users Guide, Part Number 801-7271-10

● SunVTS Test Reference Guide, Part Number 802-1448-10

SunVTS System Diagnostics 8-3

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G


The SunVTS tests can be used to exercise a system, enabling you to

stress certain areas of the system as needed for diagnostic and
troubleshooting purposes.

The SunVTS diagnostic software is the next generation in Sun

diagnostic tools. SunDiag™ software is no longer shipped with the
Solaris 2.4 operating system. SunVTS runs on the Solaris 2.5 and later
operation system.

Like its SunDiag predecessor, SunVTS software can run concurrently

with customer applications and the Solaris operating system. The
current version is Sun VTS 2.1.3 which is released with Solaris 2.6 HW

8-4 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G

Hardware and Software Requirements

The following requirements are necessary to successfully run SunVTS
Version 1.0 software in the OpenWindows environment:

● The Solaris 2.5 operating system.

● The SunVTS 1.0 package.

● An operating system kernel is configured (boot -r) to support all

peripherals that are to be tested

● OpenWindows should be properly installed on the system.

● Superuser access is granted for both installation and start-up of

SunVTS software.

SunVTS System Diagnostics 8-5

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G

The SunVTS Architecture

The SunVTS architecture is divided into

● The user interfaces

● The SunVTS kernel

● The hardware tests

Graphical TTY user SunVTS

user interface interface utilities

SunVTS application
programming interface

Logs messages

Probes configuration SunVTS kernel Schedules tests

Monitor test results

Test interface

SunVTS User-created
hardware tests custom tests

Figure 8-1 SunVTS Architecture Block Diagram

8-6 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G

SunVTS System Diagnostics 8-7

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G


User Interfaces
You can run the SunVTS graphical user interface (GUI) from
OpenWindows, or run the TTY version of the interface from a terminal
or a shell.

You can also enter SunVTS commands at the shell prompt. These
commands are part of a predefined set of commands included in the
SunVTS package.

8-8 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G

SunVTS Kernel
The SunVTS kernel runs as a daemon, a background process. Upon
start-up of the SunVTS software, the SunVTS kernel probes the system
kernel for installed hardware devices. These devices are then
displayed on the SunVTS user interface.

When the user interface and kernel are both started, you can run your
hardware tests.

Hardware Tests
For each supported hardware device, there is a corresponding
hardware test that validates its operation. Each test is a separate
process from the SunVTS kernel process. The hardware tests send the
status and messages to and from the SunVTS kernel.

SunVTS System Diagnostics 8-9

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Installing SunVTS Software

Figure 8-2 File Manager View of File System Area Where SunVTS
Is to be Installed

Make sure there is room for the SunVTS package in your /opt
directory (where SunVTS is installed by default) or in the directory
you specify for installation if you do not use the default.

SunVTS software is installed with the standard pkgadd command.

8-10 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Installing SunVTS Software

To install the SunVTS packages, use the package add command. The
following command is only an example, the path on the CD-ROM you
use might be different.
# pkgadd -d /cdrom/upd_sol_2_5_smcc/SMCC/SUNWvts

Once installed, the contents of the SUNWvts/bin directory should look

like Figure 8-3.

SunVTS System Diagnostics 8-11

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Starting a Testing Session

Figure 8-3 shows what the output from SunVTS would look like on a
remote ASCII terminal or tip hardware connection from the serial port
to a workstation command tool

Figure 8-3 SunVTS Output to an ASCII Device

The sunvts command automatically starts both the kernel and the
user interface on your system.
# ./sunvts&

If you have already started the SunVTS kernel, only the user interface
is started.

If OpenWindows is running on your system, the OPEN LOOK

interface is invoked. Otherwise, the TTY interface starts.

8-12 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Starting a Testing Session

To run diagnostics remotely, the SunVTS application must be installed,

and the SunVTS kernel must be running on both the remote and local

The SunVTS kernel can be started separately as a background process

using the vtsk command. This command is in the SunVTS/bin
# ./vtsk

The SunVTS kernel probes the system devices and waits for
commands from an interface. It can take from one second to several
minutes to probe the system, depending on your system configuration.

Once started, the SunVTS OPEN LOOK GUI is displayed. You can use
this interface to select tests, run them, and review the results.

SunVTS System Diagnostics 8-13

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
The SunVTS Open Look Graphical User Interface

System Status Performance Control panel Tests

Test Status panel Console window Test Option

Figure 8-4 SunVTS Output to the Attached System Monitor

8-14 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
The SunVTS Graphical User Interface

The SunVTS OpenLook Display (Figure 8-4) contains the following


● Control panel – A panel that contains the buttons that you use to
control the SunVTS user interface.

● Test Option panel -– A panel where you can select the tests and
test groups to run; you can also change the options for each test
and test group.

● Tests Selection panel – A panel where you can choose the global
options for all SunVTS tests.

● System Status panel – A panel that shows the general testing


● Test Status panel – A panel that displays pass and error counts for
each test and test group.

● Performance meter – A meter that displays performance statistics

for the system being tested.

● Console window – A window that displays operating system

messages and test messages

SunVTS System Diagnostics 8-15

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
The SunVTS Graphical User Interface

Figure 8-5 The SunVTS Control Panel Area

The following are the control panel buttons as shown in Figure 8-5 and
their function:

Start Starts all enabled tests. When the tests are running, the
start button dims.

Stop Halts all active tests. The test results remain on the Test
Status panel after testing is completed. Click on the Stop
button only once. Some tests do not stop immediately, so
the system status may slowly change from stop to idle.

Reset Resets system passes, total errors, and elapsed time

counts to zero for each test. When testing starts, the Reset
button changes to Suspend.

Click on the Suspend button to pause all SunVTS tests.

When you do this, the button label changes to Resume.

Click on the Resume button to resume testing again.

Quit Terminates the user interface, the SunVTS kernel, or both.

Terminating only the SunVTS kernel is helpful when you

want to restart the kernel from the command line. If you
want to run SunVTS on another machine, terminating
only the SunVTS kernel allows you to connect to another
machine on the network and restart the tests.

8-16 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
The SunVTS Graphical User Interface

Sys Config Displays the Sys Config menu. Using the menu choices,
you can choose to display or to print test system
configuration information or re-probe the test system.

Log Files Three log files are used to record error messages, SunVTS
status information, or UNIX reported messages. The Log
Files button displays the log files selected.

Connect to Connects the user interface to another machine on the

network. Once you are connected to the SunVTS kernel
on the test machine, you can view and control that
system's testing status.

Reprobe Causes the SunVTS kernel to reprobe the hardware

devices on the system being tested. This option can be
used if you replace a SCSI device on your system.

SunVTS System Diagnostics 8-17

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Selecting and Setting Up Tests

From the Test Selection panel, you can select the tests you want to run,
and specify the testing options as shown in Figure 8-6.

Figure 8-6 Test Selection Panel

Options can be set globally for all of the SunVTS tests you select. Click
on the Set Options button for the SunVTS Testing Options menu.

Options can also be set for each test group. Click on the button of a test
group name for the Test Group Option menu, or the button of a test
name for a Test Option menu.

8-18 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Selecting and Setting Up Tests

SunVTS Testing Options

These options can be set to apply to all selected SunVTS tests or, if
applicable, to individual test groups or tests as shown in Figure 8-7.

Figure 8-7 SunVTS Options Selection Window

SunVTS System Diagnostics 8-19

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Selecting and Setting Up Tests

Using the SunVTS Options menu, you can change the operation of the
following options:

sys_override Supersedes the specific group and test options

in favor of the options in this window.

auto_start Automatically runs the tests selected in a

previously-saved option file when SunVTS is

single_pass Runs only one pass of each selected test.

send_email Specifies if and when you want the test status

messages sent to you through email.

email_addr Indicates the email address where the test

status messages are sent.

log_period Specifies, in minutes, the time between test

status email messages when the periodically
option is selected in the send email option.

8-20 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Selecting and Setting Up Tests

max_sys_pass States the maximum number of system passes

before stopping all tests. (A value of 0 causes
the tests to run until you click on the Stop

max_sys_errs States the maximum number of system errors

before the SunVTS stops all tests. (A value of 0
causes the tests to continue regardless of

max_sys_time Specifies the maximum number of minutes

that SunVTS continues testing. (A value of 0
makes the tests run until you click on the Stop

group_override Supersedes the specific test options in favor of

the group options in this window.

group_concurrency Sets the number of tests you want to run at the

same time in the same group.

group_lock Protects group options from being changed.

test_mode Specifies regular mode or quick mode. Regular

mode runs full versions of each test. Quick
mode runs abbreviated versions of each test.

test_lock Protects test options from being changed.

verbose Displays all messages in the SunVTS console

window. When disabled, only error messages
are displayed.

core_file Generates a core dump in the current directory

if certain abnormal conditions occur. This can
be used for software debugging purposes.

SunVTS System Diagnostics 8-21

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Selecting and Setting Up Tests

run_on_err Continues testing until the max_errs number

is reached.

max_pass Specifies the maximum number of passes that

tests can run.

max_errs States the maximum number of errors any test

allows before stopping. (A value of 0 causes
the tests to continue regardless of errors.)

max_time States, in minutes, the time limit tests run. (A

value of 0 means there is no limit.)

num_instances Specifies the number of tests to run for all tests

that are scalable.

p_affinity Specifies which processor should be used to

run all tests. If no processor is specified, the
testing is distributed among all the processors.
This option is only available on multiprocessor

test_lock Enables locking on all tests.

Three settings are available:

● Default enables the default group of tests. This includes all tests
that do not require intervention.

● None deselects all tests.

● All selects all the tests.

8-22 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G

Selecting and Setting Up Tests

Option Files
You can save your SunVTS testing selections to a file. This prevents
you from having to reset these same options again in the future. Test
settings are saved in the /var/adm/sunvtslog/options directory.

To save an option file, type a name for the option file, and click on the
Store button.

SunVTS System Diagnostics 8-23

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Selecting and Setting Up Tests

Certain tests require that you intervene before you can run the test
successfully. These include tests that require media or loopback

● Loopback connectors are required to run certain tests, such as

serial port tests, successfully.

Refer to the SunVTS Test Reference Manual for more information

about loopback connectors, and to learn which tests need them.

● Media (tapes, diskettes, or CD-ROMs) must be present in the

drive(s) before the system is probed at SunVTS startup. If this is
not done, an error message is reported.

Using old or damaged tapes and diskettes may cause errors in

corresponding tests.

You cannot select these tests until you enable the intervention mode.
This setting does not change the test function; it just serves as a
reminder that you must intervene before the test can be successfully

8-24 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Running the SunVTS Tests

System Status Panel

The System Status panel (Figure 8-8) shows the general testing

Figure 8-8 System Status Panel

SunVTS System Diagnostics 8-25

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Running the SunVTS Tests

Test Status Panel

The Test Status panel (Figure 8-9) shows the current status of all
devices currently being tested.

Figure 8-9 Test Status Panel

Actively running tests are marked with an asterisk.

The icons at the top of the Test Status panel enable you to navigate
through the list of tests in case there are more tests running than can
be displayed on the panel.

8-26 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Running the SunVTS Tests

Performance Monitor Panel

Figure 8-10 Performance Monitor Panel

The Performance Monitor panel shows the various levels of system

activity. It displays the same information as the operating system
perfmeter utility.

SunVTS System Diagnostics 8-27

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Reviewing SunVTS Test Results

System Status Panel

When your tests are complete, the System Status panel (Figure 8-10)
shows that the system is idle

Figure 8-11 System Status Panel After Testing Is Complete

Console Window Messages

If you enabled the verbose option during test selection, all testing
activity is displayed in the Console window as the tests run.

Errors are also recorded in a log file that you can view by clicking on
the Log File button on the Control panel.

8-28 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Reviewing SunVTS Test Results

Log Files
You can use the Log Files menu (Figure 8-12) to view the three kinds of
log files that are managed by the system.

Figure 8-12 Log Files Window

To review the log files:

1. Click on the Log Files button.

2. Click on the Display option of the Log Files menu to display an

error window.

3. Close this window by clicking on the pushpin in the upper-left


4. Display the Information and UNIX msgs files, but do not

remove any files.

SunVTS System Diagnostics 8-29

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Check Your Progress

Check that you are able to accomplish the following:

❑ Install the SunVTS package on a system

❑ Select and set up SunVTS diagnostic tests

❑ Run the SunVTS tests

❑ Review SunVTS test results

8-30 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

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Think Beyond

You should now be ready to service and maintain SPARCsystem


SunVTS System Diagnostics 8-31

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G


Upon completion of this lab, you should be able to

● Install the SunVTS package on a system

● Review SunVTS options

● Set up SunVTS tests

● Run the SunVTS tests

● Monitor the SunVTS tests as they run

● Pause testing to change an option

● Stop the testing session

● Review the results

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G

To complete this lab, you will need

● A SPARCstation running the Solaris 2.5 (or above) operating


● Access to a copy of the SUNWvts package, either from a server on

the lab network or on the CD-ROM SMCC Updates for Solaris 2.5

8A-2 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Installing the SunVTS Software

1. Log in to the system as the superuser.

2. Change to the /opt directory, and list the contents.

# cd /opt
# ls

3. If SUNWvts is already present, run the pkgrm command to remove

the old SUNWvts package.

# pkgrm SUNWvts

4. Run the pkgadd program as follows:

▼ Lab network
# pkgadd -d /lab_server_directory_pathname/SUNWvts
▼ CD-ROM source
# pkgadd -d /cdrom/upd_sol_2.x_hwx98_smcc/SMCC

From the packages listed select the number that corresponds to


SunVTS 8A-3
Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Running the SunVTS Software

1. To start the SunVTS program enter the following:

# /opt/SUNWvts/bin/sunvts &

2. Display your lab system’s configuration.

From the Reports pulldown menu, click select on System


3. From the Options menu for Test Execution, enable the following:

▼ Verbose option

▼ Stress mode

▼ Run on error

4. Start the system monitors.

5. Start the session, and observe.

What type information is displayed in the test message window?


6. From the Options menu for Test Execution, set the following:

● Passes 10

● Errors 10

● Max time 10

● Number of instances 2

7. Start the session, and observe.

Is there difference in the output displayed?


8A-4 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Running the SunVTS Software

Now that you have a general idea of how the diagnostics work,
become familiar with other features by performing your choices of the
following lab exercises.

● Run an intervention test. The instructor can supply you with the

● Try the TTY interface.

● Deselect all tests.

● Run the audio test. Different audio selections are played,

depending on the machine you are testing.

● Run only the frame buffer test.

● Select options and save them to a file, then call up the file and run
the tests.

● Run any SunVTS test from the command line.

● Find the maximum number of passes allowed for the fputest

● Attempt to force an error on any hardware your instructor has


Options and Variations

Try any of the following variations to the tests:

● Run a test that requires intervention, and then do not attach the
necessary media or cables

● Disconnect a peripheral, and then try to test that peripheral

● Disconnect the Ethernet cable

● Run nettest on a nonexistent machine

SunVTS 8A-5
Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Examining the System Error Logs

Any error messages are displayed in your Console window (if you
have one open). If you quit this window or the system crashes, all
Console window messages are recorded in the file below. To read it,

● Start a windows system.

● Display the system error log using the more command.

# more /var/adm/messages

Note – The messages file may or may not contain any disk errors.

The following is a typical Solaris 2.x messages file entry:

Sep 26 16:14:54 theamazonian unix: WARNING:
/sbus@1,f8000000/esp@0,800000/sd@0,0 (sd0):
Sep 26 16:14:54 theamazonian unix: Error for command 'read' Error
Level: Retryable
Sep 26 16:14:54 theamazonian unix: Requested Block 36104, Error Block:
Sep 26 16:14:54 theamazonian unix: Sense Key: Media Error
Sep 26 16:14:54 theamazonian unix: Vendor 'EMULEX': ASC = 0x14 (block
not found), ASCQ = 0x0, FRU = 0x8
Sep 26 16:14:54 theamazonian unix: WARNING:
/sbus@1,f8000000/esp@0,800000/sd@0,0 (sd0):
Sep 26 16:14:54 theamazonian unix: Error for command 'read' Error
Level: Retryable
Sep 26 16:14:54 theamazonian unix: Requested Block 36104, Error Block:
Sep 26 16:14:54 theamazonian unix: Sense Key: Media Error
Sep 26 16:14:55 theamazonian unix: Vendor 'EMULEX': ASC = 0x11 (hard
data error), ASCQ = 0x0, FRU = 0x8

8A-6 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Peripheral Device Handling
and Usage A
This appendix provides helpful guidelines on how to handle and use
Sun peripheral devices such as disk drives, tape drives, and CD-ROM
drives in the Solaris 2.x operating environments.

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services, September 1998, Revision
Introduction to System Peripherals

SPARC desktop system peripherals are used in many ways to support

the wide array of applications that run on Sun systems.

This appendix covers only a few of the many ways that devices are
used. But these basic procedures are comprehensive ways to help
maintain and verify the functionality of devices.

The procedures listed in this appendix assume the following:

● The specified peripheral device is properly connected and

configured to a SPARC desktop system.

● The Solaris 2.x or Solaris 1.x operating environment is installed

and booted with the OpenWindows operating environment

● You have the ability to log in as the superuser.

A-2 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
CD-ROM Drives

There are various models of the CD-ROM drive. All are embedded,
read-only SCSI devices. These drives provide a means to read data
from data-recorded compact disks. This is one way to install the
operating system, to boot a temporary operating system, or to access
interchangeable media.

Loading CD-ROM Drives

There are two types of CD-ROM drive-loading mechanisms:

● Direct loading – Drives that accept the CD-ROM directly in the

front-loading drawer.

● Caddy loading – Drives that require the CD-ROM to be placed

inside a special CD-ROM caddy, see Figure A-1.
CD-ROM caddy

CD-ROM drive

Figure A-1 Using a CD-ROM With A CD-ROM Drive That

Requires a CD-ROM Caddy

To use a CD-ROM in a CD-ROM drive that requires a CD-ROM caddy,

you must insert the CD-ROM in the CD-ROM caddy as follows:

1. Open the CD-ROM caddy lid by pressing on the flexible tabs

located on the edge of the CD-ROM caddy.

2. Place the CD-ROM into the CD-ROM caddy with the printed side
facing up.

3. Close the CD-ROM caddy lid.

4. Insert the CD-ROM caddy, arrow first, metal sliding door down,
into CD-ROM drives’ opening.

5. Press the CD-ROM caddy in until it drops down on it’s own.

Peripheral Device Handling and Usage A-3

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
CD-ROM Drives

Ejecting CD-ROMs
There are four ways to eject a CD-ROM:

● Use the eject command:

# eject cdrom
● Push the Eject button on the front of the drive. The Eject button
will not work if the file systems are mounted. (This is the usual
situation with Solaris 2.x software because of the Auto Mounter.)

● Select Eject CD-ROM on the OpenWindows File Manager

window’s File pull- down menu.

Note – All files on the CD-ROM must be closed, all directories must be
unmounted. If /etc/volmgt doesn’t automatically do this when you
request the CD-ROM be ejected, as superuser manually unmount the
files, folders, and the /cdrom/x directory and try the eject command

● For CDE users, click on the Eject CD-ROM icon found in the
Applications Manager, Desktop_Tools folder.

Only after all other methods have been tried and have failed, try the
following manual ejection method:

1. Insert a small narrow tool, such as a straightened out jumbo paper

clip, into the small hole located near the eject button.
Caution – The emergency ejection port is a round hole not the drive’s
LED, which can look like a hole.
2. Press in firmly on the tool, you will feel the mechanism begin to
move, until the CD-ROM caddy or drawer pops out.

A-4 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
CD-ROM Drives

Mounting CD-ROM Drives (Solaris 2.x)

In Solaris 2.x software, a new layer of software called Volume Manager
manages CD-ROM and diskette devices.

When a CD-ROM is inserted into the CD-ROM drive, Volume

Management automatically mounts the file systems that are present.
These mount locations are listed in .

Table A-1 Mount Locations for Various Media

Mount Location State of Media

/cdrom/cdrom0 Symbolic link to a mounted CD-ROM

/cdrom/CD-ROM_name Mounted as a named CD-ROM
/cdrom/CD-ROM_name/partition Mounted as a named CD-ROM with a
partitioned file system
/cdrom/unnamed_cdrom Mounted to the unnamed_cdrom
/vol/dev/dsk/c0t6/unnamed_cdrom No file system is present so access to the
or device is through the block or raw
/vol/dev/rdsk/c0t6/unnamed_cdrom device files

When file systems are present, Volume Management controls the

/dev/dsk/c0t6d0s0 path to a CD-ROM drive. If you attempt to
access a CD-ROM using these paths, you will receive an error

To see mounted file systems on your workstation type

# mount -p

Once the CD-ROM is mounted use the appropriate utilities to access

the data (such as File Manager, pkgadd, swmtool, and so on.)

Peripheral Device Handling and Usage A-5

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
CD-ROM Drives

Mounting CD-ROM Drives (Solaris 1.x)

If Volume Management is not running on your Solaris 2.x system, you
can mount the CD-ROM by following this Solaris 1.x software

1. Log in as root user.

2. Create the mount point (usually /cdrom), and mount the CD-
ROM. There are various CD-ROM protocols and each has its own
mount options. The three most popular mount commands, with
appropriate options, are listed below. If you are unfamiliar with
the protocol of your CD-ROM, perform the following steps:

a. Create the mount point:

# cd /
# mkdir /cdrom

b. Use mounting method 1, 2, or 3.

● Mount method 1.

# mount -r /dev/sr0 /cdrom

● Mount method 2.

# mount -rt hsfs /dev/sr0 /cdrom

● Mount method 3.

# mount -rt ufs /dev/sr0 /cdrom

c. View the mounted file systems on your workstation by typing

# mount -p

Once the CD-ROM is mounted, use the appropriate utilities to access

the data.

A-6 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Hard-Disk Drives

Hard-disk drives provide the system with a permanent storage

medium. Hard-disk drives come in many shapes, sizes, and capacities.
All Sun-supported drives on SPARC desktop systems are embedded
SCSI devices.

Creating a UNIX File System on Hard-Disk Drives

A common way to store data on a disk drive is to create a UNIX file
system on partition(s) of the drive.

1. As superuser, use the format utility to perform these disk


a. Format the drive. (This may not be necessary since Sun drives
are formatted at the factory)

b. Partition and relabel the drive

2. Exit the format utility.

3. Run newfs on each partition that has a UNIX file system.

▼ Solaris 1.x software

(n=SunOS ID, and p=partition a–h):
# newfs /dev/rsdnp

▼ Solaris 2.x software

(n=Appropriate logical device name numbers)
# newfs /dev/rdsk/cntndnsn

4. Create one mount point for each UNIX file system, using the
mkdir command.
# mkdir /mount_point

Peripheral Device Handling and Usage A-7

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Hard-Disk Drives

5. Mount each new file system to its mount point.

▼ Solaris 1.x software

(n=SunOS ID, and p=partition a–h):
# mount /dev/rsdnp /mount_point

▼ Solaris 2.x software

(n=Appropriate logical device name numbers)
# mount /dev/rdsk/cntndnsn /mount_point

Now that the file systems are mounted, data can be written to
them with the appropriate utilities or applications.

A-8 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
The 1/4-Inch Tape Drive

The 1/4-inch tape drive can hold 150 MBytes of data. These 1/4-inch
tape drives are used for data backups, archiving data, or transfer of

Identifying a 1/4-Inch Tape Cartridge

The 1/4-inch tape drive used on SPARC desktop systems can read
QIC-11, QIC-24, and QIC-150 formats, but it can only write in QIC-150
format. The QIC-150 format requires a high-grade, 6150-certified
cartridge tape. To identify this kind of tape, open the small tape cover
on the cartridge and examine the tape. Shiny tape indicates the high
grade, dull tape is a lesser grade and will not work.

Loading a 1/4-Inch Tape Cartridge

1. Insert the tape cartridge into the drive’s slot.

2. Push the door lever toward the right until it locks in place.

Ejecting a 1/4-Inch Tape Cartridge

1. Push the lever toward the left until the tape cartridge ejects.

Peripheral Device Handling and Usage A-9

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
The 1/4-Inch Tape Drive

Write Protecting a 1/4-Inch Tape Cartridge

Use a coin or similar implement to turn the cartridge’s write-protect
dial until it points to the word SAFE.

dial SAFE

Figure A-2 Location of the Write-Protect Dial on a 1/4-inch Tape


Cleaning the 1/4-Inch Tape Drive

Periodic cleaning of the tape head and pinc roller is required. Use 90
percent or higher isopropal alcohol (or other approved tape cleaning
solution) to clean the drive components.

1. Eject the tape cartridge to access the tape head.

2. Push the drive’s door lever to the right (for better exposure).

3. Using a clean swab or cloth saturated in the cleaning solution,

lightly rub the tape head and pinc roller until clean.

Use multiple cleaning swabs, each saturated with the cleaning

solution if required. Change to a new swab when dirt and oxide
contaminate the swabs surface.

A-10 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
The 1/4-Inch Tape Drive

1/4-Inch Tape Drive Names

Tape drive behavior is controlled, in part, by the alias or name used to
access the drive. Use Table A-2 or Table A-3 to determine the
appropriate tape drive name to use in tape drive accessing commands.
Table A-2 Tape Drive Names for Solaris 2.x Software

Drive Address Drive Name Drive Action

First drive /dev/rmt/0 Rewind when done

Target 4
/dev/rmt/0n No rewind when done
/dev/rmt/0b Create a Berkeley software
distribution (BSD) UNIX
systems file format tape
Second drive /dev/rmt/1 Rewind when done
Target 5
/dev/rmt/1n No rewind when done
/dev/rmt/1b Create a BSD UNIX systems
file format tape

Table A-3 Tape Drive Names for Solaris 1.x Software

Drive Address Drive Name Drive Action

First drive /dev/rst0 Rewind when done

Target 4
/dev/nrst0 No rewind when done
Second drive /dev/rst1 Rewind when done
Target 5
/dev/nrst1 No rewind when done

Peripheral Device Handling and Usage A-11

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
The 1/4-Inch Tape Drive

Retrieving a 1/4-Inch Tape Drive Status

1. Insert a tape cartridge.

2. Use the following mt status command:

# mt -f drive_name status

Retensioning the 1/4-Inch Tape Cartridge

# mt -f drive_name retension

All 1/4-inch tapes should be retensioned periodically.

Rewinding the 1/4-Inch Tape Cartridge

# mt -f drive_name rewind

Erasing the 1/4-Inch Tape Cartridge

# mt -f drive_name erase

A-12 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
The 1/4-Inch Tape Drive

More Tape Utilities Used With the 1/4-Inch Tape Drive

A few useful tape utilities are

● cpio – Copies files between devices. It can span more than one

● dd – Converts and copies files with various data formats.

● ufsdump and ufsrestore – Backs up and restores entire file

systems for Solaris 2.x software. They can span multiple volumes.

● dump and restore – Back up and restore entire file systems for
Solaris 1.x software. They can span multiple volumes.

● tar – Utility for writing a files to tape. Command syntax and

examples of the tar command are as follows:

▼ Command syntax

tar options drive_name filename

▼ Example of writing /etc to tape

# tar cvf drive_name /etc
▼ Example of reading from tape, writing to disk
# tar xvf drive_name

Note – The tar command can only copy files to one tape. It cannot
span multiple tape volumes. This is one reason tar is not used as a file
system backup utility.

Refer to the on-line man pages for more details on these tape utilities.

Peripheral Device Handling and Usage A-13

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
The 8-mm Tape Drive

The 8-mm tape drives are used for data backups, archiving data, or
transfer of data.

Loading an 8-mm Tape Cartridge

1. Push the button on the front of the 8-mm tape drive to open the
door. The drive must be turned on and plugged into a live SCSI
bus for the door to open.

2. Insert the tape cartridge into the drive’s door.

3. Gently shut the door.

Write-Protecting an 8-mm Tape Cartridge

To write-protect an 8-mm tape cartridge, slide the tab (located on the
back edge of the cartridge) to the open position.

Cleaning an 8-mm Tape Drive

The 8-mm tape drive functions more reliably if it is cleaned
periodically. Clean the tape drive after 30 hours of use. Cleaning 8-mm
tape drives requires a special 8-mm cleaning cartridge that you can
purchase from a computer supply store.

To clean a drive, use the cleaning cartridge as the manufacturer’s

instructions direct you to. Cleaning is complete when the cleaning
cartridge is automatically ejected.

A-14 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
The 8-mm Tape Drive

Ejecting an 8-mm Tape Cartridge

1. Push the button on the front of the 8-mm tape drive to open the
front door. The drive must be turned on and plugged into a live
SCSI bus for the door to open. It can take a minute for the door to
open, because the drive must rewind the tape before it can eject it.

2. If the tape gets stuck, the front door will not open. You can move
the manual door release lever forward, as shown in Figure A-3, to
release and open the front door.

Door release

Figure A-3 8-mm Tape Drive Door Manual Release Lever

When the tape gets stuck, the tape cartridge usually becomes
damaged. Discard any damaged tape cartridges.

Peripheral Device Handling and Usage A-15

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
The 8-mm Tape Drive

Tape Drive Names

Tape drive behavior is controlled, in part, by the name used to access
the drive. Use the following tables to determine the appropriate tape
drive name to use for specific tape commands (discussed later).

Table A-4 Tape Drive Names for Solaris 2.xSoftware

Drive Address Drive Name Drive Action

First drive, /dev/rmt/0 Rewind when done (defaults

SCSI Target 4 to highest density available for
/dev/rmt/0n No rewind when done
/dev/rmt/0b Create a tape that can be read
by BSD UNIX systems
/dev/rmt/0l Record in low-density mode
/dev/rmt/0m Record in medium-density
/dev/rmt/0h Record in high-density mode
Second drive, /dev/rmt/1 Rewind when done (defaults
SCSI Target 5 to highest density available for
/dev/rmt/1n No rewind when done
/dev/rmt/1b Create a tape that can be read
by BSD UNIX systems
/dev/rmt/1l Record in low-density mode
/dev/rmt/1m Record in medium-density
/dev/rmt/1h Record in high-density mode

A-16 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
The 8-mm Tape Drive

More Tape Utilities Used With the 8-mm Tape Drive

A few useful tape utilities are

● cpio – Copies files between devices. It can span more than one

● dd – Converts and copies files with various data formats.

● ufsdump and ufsrestore – Backs up and restores entire file

systems for Solaris 2.x software. They can span multiple volumes.

● dump and restore – Backs up and restores entire file systems for
Solaris 1.x software. They can span multiple volumes.

● tar – Writes files to tape. Command syntax and examples of the

tar command are as follows:

▼ Command syntax

tar options drive_name filename

▼ Example of writing /etc to tape

# tar cvf drive_name /etc

▼ Example of reading from tape, writing to disk

# tar xvf drive_name

Note – The tar command can only copy files to one tape. It cannot
span multiple tape volumes. This is one reason tar is not used as a file
system backup utility.

Refer to the on-line man pages for more details on these tape utilities.

Peripheral Device Handling and Usage A-17

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
The 4-mm Digital Audio Tape (DAT) Drive

The 4-mm digital audio tape (DAT) drives are used for data backups,
archiving data, or transferring of data.

Loading a 4-mm DAT Cartridge

Insert the tape cartridge, arrow first, into the drive’s opening until the
loading mechanism pulls the cartridge into the drive.

Ejecting a 4-mm DAT Cartridge

Push the button on the front of the 4-mm tape drive to open the door.
The drive must be turned on and plugged into a live SCSI bus for the
door to open. It can take about one minute for the door to open,
because the drive must rewind the tape before it can eject it.

Write-Protecting a 4-mm DAT Cartridge

To write-protect a 4-mm DAT cartridge, slide the tab (located on the
back edge of the cartridge) to the open position.

Cleaning a 4-mm DAT Drive

The 4-mm DAT drive functions more reliably if it is periodically
cleaned. Clean the tape drive after 30 hours of use. Cleaning the 4-mm
tape drives requires a special 4-mm cleaning cartridge that you can
purchase from a computer supply store.

To clean the drive, use the cleaning cartridge as the manufacturer’s

instructions direct you to. Cleaning is complete when the cleaning
cartridge is automatically ejected.

A-18 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
The 4-mm Digital Audio Tape (DAT) Drive

Tape Drive Names

Tape drive behavior is controlled, in part, by the name used to access
the drive. Use the following tables to determine the appropriate tape
drive name to use for specific tape commands (discussed later).

Table A-5 Tape Drive Names

Drive Address Drive Name Drive Action

First drive, /dev/rmt/0 Rewind when done (defaults

SCSI Target 4 to highest density available for
/dev/rmt/0n No rewind when done
/dev/rmt/0b Create a tape that can be read
by BSD UNIX systems
/dev/rmt/0l Record in low-density mode
/dev/rmt/0m Record in medium-density
/dev/rmt/0h Record in high-density mode
Second drive, /dev/rmt/1 Rewind when done (defaults
SCSI Target 5 to highest density available for
/dev/rmt/1n No rewind when done
/dev/rmt/1b Create a tape that can be read
by BSD UNIX systems
/dev/rmt/1l Record in low-density mode
/dev/rmt/1m Record in medium-density
/dev/rmt/1h Record in high-density mode

Peripheral Device Handling and Usage A-19

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
The 4-mm Digital Audio Tape (DAT) Drive

More Tape Utilities Used With the 8-mm Tape Drive

A few useful tape utilities are

● cpio – Copies files between devices. It can span more than one

● dd – Converts and copies files with various data formats.

● ufsdump and ufsrestore – Backs up and restores entire file

systems for Solaris 2.x software. They can span multiple volumes.

● dump and restore – Backs up and restores entire file systems for
Solaris 1.x software. They can span multiple volumes.

● tar– Writes files to tape. Command syntax and examples of the

tar command are as follows:

▼ Command syntax

tar options drive_name filename

▼ Example of writing /etc to tape

# tar cvf drive_name /etc

▼ Example of reading from tape, writing to disk

# tar xvf drive_name

Note – The tar command can only copy files to one tape. It cannot
span multiple tape volumes. This is one reason tar is not used as a file
system backup utility.

Refer to the on-line man pages for more details on these tape utilities.

A-20 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
The 3-1/4-Inch Diskette Drive

Diskette drives are used to record small amounts of data on 3-1/4-inch

diskettes. The diskette drive is a non-SCSI peripheral. Its controller is
located on the MLB. The diskette is always found inside the system
chassis. The original drives were dual-density models, and the latest
drives are triple-density models.

Loading a 3-1/4-Inch Diskette

1. Insert the diskette, label side up and metal door edge (arrow) first
into the drive slot, until it clicks in place.

Ejecting a 3-1/4-Inch Diskette

Use one of the following methods

1. In a Shell tool, use the eject command.

# eject floppy

2. From the OBP prompt type

ok eject

3. From the OpenWindows File Manager window, click on the Eject


Once all other methods have been tried and failed, try the doing
following manual ejection method:

1. Insert a small narrow tool, such as a straightened out jumbo paper

clip, into the small hole under the diskette slot.

2. Press in firmly on the tool, you will feel the mechanism begin to
move, until the diskette pops out.

Peripheral Device Handling and Usage A-21

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
The 3-1/4-Inch Diskette Drive

Write Protecting a 3-1/4-Inch Diskette

To prevent accidental writing on a 3-1/4-inch diskette, write-protect it
as follows:
tab in open
1. Slide the write-protect tab up (in the open position
position) to expose the opening to write-
protect the diskette.

2. Close the tab to enable writing to the


3-1/4-Inch Diskette Usage

Diskette drives can be used in several ways; the diskette can be
formatted and mounted as a UNIX file system, formatted as a DOS
diskette, or treated as a character device similar to a tape drive.

In Solaris 2.x software, a layer of software called Volume Management

manages the diskette drive. You will receive different menus,
messages, and diskette device names depending on many conditions.
For example, the condition of OpenWindows, the File Manager, and
the format of the diskette are all variables that affect the behavior of
Volume Management.

A-22 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
The 3-1/4-Inch Diskette Drive

Checking a 3-1/4-Inch Diskette Format Type With the Solaris

2.x Operating System
1. Start OpenWindows

2. Open a File Manager window.

3. Insert a diskette into the diskette drive.

4. In a Shell tool, use the volcheck command to have Volume

Management query the diskette for information.
# volcheck

volcheck causes the File Manager to start a window that

provides information about the diskette. Volume Management
then attempts to mount the diskette.

5. At this point you can choose to format the diskette in a UNIX or a

DOS format. This is only necessary if you plan to create a file
system on the diskette. If you use a tape utility to write to the
diskette, it does not matter whether the diskette is formatted.

Peripheral Device Handling and Usage A-23

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
The 3-1/4-Inch Diskette Drive

Mounting a Diskette With a UNIX File System

1. Start OpenWindows and a File Manager window.

2. Insert a diskette into the diskette drive.

3. Use the volcheck command to tell Volume Management to query

the diskette for information.
# volcheck

4. One of two windows is displayed. If the Format Floppy window is

displayed, go to step 5. If the File Manager window is displayed,
then click on the File button and select Format Floppy.

5. Select UNIX from the Format Floppy window, and click on


6. Turn off the Volume Management to give the operating system

direct access to the diskette.
# /etc/init.d/volmgt stop

7. Create a UNIX file system on the diskette with the newfs

# newfs /dev/rdiskette

8. Create a mount point, and perform a diskette mount.

# mkdir /mount_point
# mount /dev/diskette /mount_point

The diskette is now a mounted file system. The system does not
prevent the diskette from being ejected, but you should avoid
doing so as long as its file system is mounted.

9. Restart Volume Management.

# /etc/init.d/volmgt start

A-24 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
The 3-1/4-Inch Diskette Drive

Mounting a Diskette With a UNIX File System With the Solaris

1.x Operating System
1. Insert a diskette into the diskette drive.

2. Create a UNIX format on the diskette with the fdformat

# fdformat

3. Create a UNIX file system on the diskette with the newfs

# newfs /dev/rfd0c

4. Create a mount point, and mount the diskette:

# mkdir /mount_point
# mount /dev/fd0c /mount_point

The diskette is now a mounted file system. The system does not
prevent the diskette from being ejected, but you should avoid doing so
while the file system is mounted.

Using the tar Command With the Solaris 1.x Operating

1. Insert a diskette into the diskette drive.

2. Use the appropriate tar command. Two examples are shown


▼ To write a file or directory to diskette, use

# tar cvf /dev/rfd0 filename
▼ To extract diskette contents to disk, use
# tar xvf /dev/rfd0

Peripheral Device Handling and Usage A-25

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
The 3-1/4-Inch Diskette Drive

Using the tar Command With the Solaris 2.x Operating

1. Start OpenWindows and a File Manager window.

2. Insert a diskette into the diskette drive.

3. From a Shell tool, use the volcheck command to have Volume

Management query the diskette for information.
# volcheck

volcheck causes the File Manager to start a window that provides

information about the diskette and Volume Management and then
attempts to mount the diskette.

4. Use the appropriate tar command. Two examples are shown


▼ To write a file or directory to diskette, use

# tar cvf /vol/aliases/floppy0 filename
▼ To extract diskette contents to disk, use
# tar xvf /vol/aliases/floppy0

A-26 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
vi Command Summaries B
This appendix provides supplemental material on the most commonly
used text editors, vi.

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
vi Quick Reference

vi is a popular UNIX text editor, and it has two modes:

● Command mode – Characters typed are treated as commands.

● Input mode – Characters typed are treated as text input to the file.

To edit an existing file with vi, use

vi filename

To create a new file with vi, use

vi newfilename

Command Mode
Press the Esc key to enter command mode. You can use the following

r Replace one character

x Delete one character

dd Delete one line

u Undo last change

You can use the letter or arrow keys to position the cursor.


B-2 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
vi Quick Reference

Input Mode
To enter input mode, use one of the following commands:

a Append after cursor

i Insert before cursor

o Open line below cursor

O Open line above cursor

Quitting the File

To save and quit a document, do the following:

1. Press the Esc key.

2. Type


To quit a document without saving, do the following:

1. Press the Esc key.

2. Type


For a more comprehensive list of commands, see page B-4.

vi Command Summaries B-3

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
vi Detailed Reference
The input
: character

(Automatic) Esc
Last line Input
mode Screen and Line Movement mode
j k h l

Search Functions 0 Go to line start Add and Append Text

/exp Go forward to exp $ Go to line end
?exp Go backward to exp G Go to last file line a Append after cursor
3G Go to line 3 A Append at line end
Move and Insert Text ^G Show line number i Insert before cursor
:3,8d Delete lines 3-8 ^f Go forward 1 screen 5i Insert text 5 times
:2,4m 9 Move lines 2-4 to 9 ^b Go backward 1 screen I Insert at beginning of line
:2,4t 9 Copy lines 2-4 to 9
:5,9w Write in 5-9 to file Word Movement Add New Lines
W Go forward 1 word
Substitution Functions 3W Go forward 3 words o Open a line below cursor
:s/old/new Change old tonew B Go back 1 word O Open a line above cursor
:%s/old/new/g Change all old to 3B Go back 3 words
new Change Text
Search Functions
Save Files and Exit n Repeat previous search cw Change a word
:w Write buffer to disk N Reverse previous search 3cw Change 3 words
:w Newfile Write buffer to new file C Change line
:w! file Write absolutely Delete Text r Replace one character
:wq Write and quit x Delete one character R Replace or type over a
:q Quit vi dw Delete one word line
:q! Quit absolutely dd Delete one line
:e! Re-edit, discarding D Delete to end of line
changes d0 Delete to begin in line
dG Delete to end of file
Control Edit Session
:set nu Display line numbers Cancel and Redo Functions
:set nonu Do not show line u Undo last change
numbers . Do last change again
:set all Show all settings
:set list Display invisible Copy and Insert Text
characters Y Yank a copy of a line
5Y Yank a copy of 5 lines
Other Useful Features p Put below cursor
:r file Read in file P Put above cursor
:!command Execute shell cmd
:sh Exit to shell Word Processing Functions
!! Shell cmd results in file J Join next line to current
ZZ Write and quit 4J Join 4 lines to current

B-4 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
SCSI Terms, Concepts,
and Guidelines C
This appendix provides additional resource information on the current
SCSI options that are used with Sun’s SPARC desktop product line.

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services, September 1998, Revision
SCSI Terms, Concepts, and Implications

An Introduction to ANSI SCSI-2

The ANSI SCSI-2 standard defines several optional SCSI features that
are currently offered on Sun’s SPARC Desktop product line.
Unfortunately, there is considerable confusion about exactly what
these features are and how they are properly configured. This
appendix explains some of the salient features of SCSI-2 and discusses
their implications.

The Need for SCSI-2

The first SCSI standard, SCSI-1, has been a highly successful, low-cost
interface for workstations and personal computers. However, the
SCSI-1 standard has some ambiguities in its definition and does not
provide the level of performance required by today’s high-
performance systems.

SCSI-2 Features
Besides a better-defined set of required features, the SCSI-2 standard
defines several optional features that have a meaningful impact on
users: Fast SCSI, Wide SCSI, differential SCSI, and tagged queueing.
Note that these are all optional features. An implementation may be
fully SCSI-2-compliant yet implement none of these four features. In
fact, all current Sun SCSI disk and CD-ROM products, as well as the
tape drive devices, are fully compliant with SCSI-2. Also note that
there are many more features to the SCSI-2 standard than these
options. This appendix covers only these four options, because they
are the most commonly used and most widely misunderstood features
of SCSI-2.

C-2 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
SCSI Terms, Concepts, and Implications

Fast SCSI – Higher Bus Speed

The SCSI-1 standard defines two modes of data transfer: asynchronous
(handshaking) and synchronous (streamed) mode. SCSI-1 synchronous
transfer rates are limited to 4 MBytes per second. In many
environments this is acceptable. But in configurations with multiple
high-performance devices on the bus, 5 MBytes per second can make
the bus a bottleneck.

To alleviate this problem, the SCSI-2 standard defines an option

known as “Fast SCSI,” in which the synchronous transfer rate is
doubled to 10 MBytes per second. The terms “Fast SCSI” and “10-
MByte SCSI” are synonymous, and are used interchangeably. The term
“SCSI-2” is often incorrectly used to mean “Fast SCSI.”

10-MBytes per second, 5-MBytes per second, and asynchronous

devices can be freely mixed on a SCSI bus. Transfer rates are
negotiated on an individual basis between the host and each device.

Fast SCSI requires the proper protocol chips in both the host adapter
and device controller, as well as a modified software driver. Solaris 1.1
(and higher) software and Solaris 2.0 (and higher) software support
Fast SCSI.

The SPARCstation 10 and all SPARC desktop systems developed after

the SPARCstation 10 system offer the Fast SCSI host adapter on the
system board. There are also additional host adapter SBus cards
available from Sun that support Fast SCSI.

SCSI Terms, Concepts, and Guidelines C-3

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
SCSI Terms, Concepts, and Implications

Wide SCSI – Wider Data Paths

In SCSI-1, all data transfer paths are parallel and 8-bits wide. The
SCSI-2 standard defines two options that widen the bus to 16 or 32
bits. Each of these options are referred to as “Wide SCSI.” Most
implementations of Wide SCSI that exist today are 16-bits wide and
also implement the Fast option, thus yielding burst-transfer rates of
20 MBytes per second. The most common application for Wide SCSI is
in disk arrays, particularly in RAID-0 (striping) and RAID-3, where
sequential throughput is a driving objective.

Differential SCSI —Longer Cabling

Differential SCSI is actually not new in SCSI-2. The original SCSI
standard also defined the differential interface. However, differential
SCSI was used very rarely until recently.

The SCSI standard defines two types of electrical interfaces: single-

ended and differential. The single-ended interface is the type Sun has
offered for several years. It uses a 50-pin, high-density, external
connector. Differential SCSI uses special drivers and receivers that
reference the signals to each other rather than to ground. Sun’s
differential implementation uses a slightly large, industry-standard,
68-pin, high-density connector.

There is no performance benefit to differential SCSI, but it

accommodates considerably longer SCSI bus lengths than does the
single-ended interface. Differential SCSI busses can be up to 25 meters
(82 feet) in length.

C-4 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
SCSI Terms, Concepts, and Implications

Differential SCSI —Longer Cabling (Continued)

Single-ended SCSI is limited to 6 meters (19.7 feet) total bus length. In
fact, the SCSI-2 standard recommends that busses with Fast SCSI
devices be limited to 3 meters. However, with high-quality shielded
cables and proper active (regulated) bus termination as provided by
Sun, 6-meter Fast busses are quite reliable.

In large server configurations, the cable length limit of single-ended

SCSI can severely restrict configurability. This is why Sun’s data center
SCSI disk products are differential. All onboard SCSI ports on Sun
systems are single-ended.

Ultra SCSI
This combines the features of Fast SCSI with Wide SCSI and doubles
the transfer rate yet again to 40 MBytes per second. This increase in
transfer rate requires the faster (33MHz) PCI bus systems to handle the
increased transfer speeds.

Ultra2 SCSI
This is the latest of the SCSI standards. It provides up to 80 MBytes per
second of data transfer in burst mode. It is backward compatible with
older Ultra and Wide SCSI devices, and it provides for up to 12 meters
total of cable length without going differential.

SCSI Terms, Concepts, and Guidelines C-5

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
SCSI Terms, Concepts, and Implications

Tagged Queueing

Multiple Outstanding Commands

The options described in the previous section pertain to the physical

interface aspects of SCSI. The other major part of the SCSI standard is
the protocol. Tagged queueing is a new feature of the protocol in

In SCSI-1, target controllers can accept only one command at a time

from an initiator. The I/O mix of UNIX systems, in which multiple
processes often issue simultaneous I/O requests, can make this a
severe limitation.

Tagged queueing can mitigate this performance roadblock. In tagged

queueing, target controllers can accept and queue multiple commands
from multiple host processes without having to wait for a pending I/O
request to complete.

One benefit of tagged queueing is that it affords more efficient

utilization of the SCSI bus. For example, after sending an I/O request
to a disk drive, the host can send more commands to the same drive
while the drive is performing the relatively slow cylinder seek-and-
rotation operations. Immediately after the data has been read from or
written to the media, the device can begin executing one of the queued
commands at the same time as the data or status from the previous
command is sent back up the bus to the host.

C-6 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
SCSI Terms, Concepts, and Implications

Tagged Queueing

Multiple Outstanding Commands (Continued)

A second benefit results from the fact that, unless otherwise specified
by the host, the device controller can run commands in a different
order than they were received from the host. A powerful and
intelligently programmed controller (like the one in the
Fast/differential SCSI-2 disk drives) can use this facility to improve
overall performance.

The SCSI-2 standard defines the queueing protocol that is used to

communicate about tagged commands between an initiator and a
target. But the standard does not say anything about how the target
controller should use this capability to improve performance. Thus
implementations of tagged queueing can vary from doing nothing to
optimize performance, to simultaneous utilization of multiple
optimization algorithms. The performance benefits of different tagged
queueing implementations vary significantly.

Tagged queueing requires considerable sophistication in both the

device controller and the host software driver. Sun’s engineering teams
work closely with drive manufacturers to optimize tagged queueing
and algorithms in concert with the Solaris software device drivers. The
first disks to offer tagged queueing are the 2.1-GByte, 5.25-inch and
1.05-GByte, 3.5-inch disk drives. The first Solaris software release to
offer tagged queueing support was 2.1.

SCSI Terms, Concepts, and Guidelines C-7

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Guidelines for Support of Fast SCSI Systems

SCSI Configurations Using Single-Ended Devices

The high-performance SCSI devices now available significantly
improve system performance for some applications. One of the special
capabilities of these devices is the ability to transfer data at a 10-
MBytes per second data rate using the “Fast SCSI” synchronous
transfer timings defined by the SCSI-2 standard. These high-
performance SCSI devices are fully compatible with standard SCSI
devices and operate in almost all normal SCSI configurations. Some
SCSI enclosures, cables, and terminators do not conform to the special
loading and impedance matching requirements for Fast SCSI. The
attachment of such items can cause systems using Fast SCSI devices to
operate incorrectly. Such nonconforming SCSI cables and enclosures
include some of Sun's early designs and some third-party cables,
terminators, and peripheral device enclosures.

The installation manuals for all Fast SCSI devices and all new Sun
installation manuals strongly recommend that Fast SCSI devices not be
placed on the same SCSI port with SCSI components that do not
conform with the requirements for Fast SCSI. This appendix provides
recommendations for the technical modifications that can be made in a
SCSI system to enable the operation of Fast SCSI and nonconforming
enclosures, cables, or terminators on the same system.

C-8 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Guidelines for Support of Fast SCSI Systems

SCSI Systems Requiring Special Attention

Differential SCSI host adapters and devices and the Differential SCSI
Data Center disk tray are all designed to meet Fast SCSI requirements
and operate at 10 MBytes per second. The maximum total cable length
of a differential SCSI system is 25 meters. The installation guides for
the SCSI devices indicate the equivalent cable length of the device.

SCSI host systems that operate at 5 MBytes per second, including all
Sun SPARC-based systems developed prior to the SPARCstation 10
system, will support any presently defined configuration of 5-MByte
SCSI devices. A Fast SCSI device can be installed on such systems,
since the host and the Fast SCSI device automatically negotiate the
proper operational speed. Fast SCSI devices attached to 5-MBytes-per -
second hosts will only operate at 5 MBytes per second, but the
capacity and access latency improvements provided by many such
devices can still improve the flexibility and performance of such
systems. Single-ended SCSI systems operating at 5 MBytes per second
have a maximum total cable length of 6 meters.

SCSI systems and host adapters that operate at 10 MBytes per second,
including the SPARCserver 600MP series, and the SPARCstation 10
system support the defined configuration of 5-MBytes per second
devices. Again, the host will determine automatically that the devices
are 5-MBytes-per-second devices and negotiate the proper operational
speed with each device.

SCSI Terms, Concepts, and Guidelines C-9

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Guidelines for Support of Fast SCSI Systems

SCSI Systems Requiring Special Attention (Continued)

SCSI host systems that operate at 10 MBytes per second, and have at
least one Fast SCSI device attached require the entire SCSI port
configuration to be comprised of components that support Fast SCSI.
The components include cables, device enclosures, and terminators.
The recent Sun SCSI products, including the desktop storage pack, the
desktop storage module, and SCSI expansion pedestal, are devices and
enclosures that meet the Fast SCSI requirements. The regulated
terminator (Sun Part Number 150-1785-02) meets the Fast SCSI
requirements. The host will negotiate with the 10-MByte devices to
perform 10-MByte transfers and with each of the other devices to
perform transfers at their preferred rates. Single-ended SCSI systems
operating at 10 MBytes using the proper components have a
maximum total cable length of 6 meters, in accordance with the
proposed SCSI-3 standard.

Those Sun enclosures with the three-row, 50-pin, D connector,

including the external storage module, do not meet the Fast SCSI
requirements. Those Sun enclosures with the Centronics-style 50-pin,
flat ribbon, contact connector, including the front load 1/2-inch tape
drive, do not meet the Fast SCSI requirements. The Sun SCSI
terminators other than 150-1785-02 do not meet the Fast SCSI
requirements. Section ‘‘Methods for Managing Fast SCSI Systems’’ on
page C-13 of this appendix defines the steps that must be taken to
assure reliable operation of Fast SCSI systems containing combinations
of Fast SCSI devices and components that do not meet the Fast SCSI
requirements. The maximum total cable length for such systems
should not exceed 6 meters.

C-10 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Guidelines for Support of Fast SCSI Systems

Identification of Mixed Vendor Systems

Requiring Special Attention

SCSI peripheral devices, connectors, and cables provided by

companies other than Sun are not tested by Sun in the Fast SCSI
environment. If any of the following symptoms occur when using such
devices in Sun Fast SCSI systems, it may be because the peripheral
device, related components, or the configuration does not conform to
the Fast SCSI requirements. The steps described in ‘‘Methods for
Managing Fast SCSI Systems’’ on page C-13 can usually correct these
symptoms if the components meet the standard SCSI requirements.
The system usually continues operating normally even if these errors
do occur, because as part of the software error recovery, the SCSI data
rate is slowed to enable reliable operation. The maximum total cable
length for such devices should be 6 meters if they properly follow the
recommendations of the SCSI standards committee.

Symptoms Related To SCSI Devices

Not Meeting Fast SCSI Requirements – Solaris 1.x Software Error


Examples of the warning system messages that occur during system

boot are contained in a later section of this appendix. The key words of
one symptom are
Target 1.0 reducing sync. transfer rate SCSI
transport failed: reason 'reset': retrying command
Target 1.0 reverting to async. mode SCSI transport
failed: reason 'reset': retrying command

A second symptom may be

Current command timeout for Target 3 Lun 0
Cmd dump for Target 3 Lun 0: Target 3.0 reducing
sync. transfer rate SCSI transport failed: reason
'reset': retrying command

SCSI Terms, Concepts, and Guidelines C-11

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Guidelines for Support of Fast SCSI Systems

Symptoms Related To SCSI Devices

Not Meeting Fast SCSI Requirements – Solaris 1.x Software Error

Messages (Continued)

A third symptom may be

Error for command 'read'
Error Level: Retryable
Sense Key: Aborted Command
Vendor 'XXYYZZ' error code: 0x47

Solaris 2.x Software Error Messages

Examples of the warning system messages that occur during boot are
shown in ‘‘Examples of Solaris 2.x Software Error Messages’’ on page

The key words of one software error message are

WARNING: .... SCSI bus DATA IN phase parity error
WARNING: .... Error for command 'read' Error Level:
Retryable Sense Key: Aborted Command ......
A second symptom may be:
WARNING: .... SCSI transport failed: reason
'timeout':retrying command

The present negotiated data rate in KBytes per second can be

determined for a disk by requesting the necessary data with the
prtconf command as shown below. If the negotiated rate is lower
than expected, error recovery procedures may have been run because
of nonconforming devices in the configuration.
# prtconf -v
esp, unit #0
Driver software properties:
name <target1-sync-speed> length <4>
value <0x00002710>.

C-12 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Guidelines for Support of Fast SCSI Systems

Symptoms Related To SCSI Devices

Not Meeting Fast SCSI Requirements – Solaris 2.x Software Error

Messages (Continued)

The value 0x00002710 is 10,000 KBytes per second in decimal. If the

boot process was not observed, the boot messages are stored in the file
/var/adm/messages for reference. The messages can be displayed by
using the dmesg | more command.

Methods for Managing Fast SCSI Systems

Nonconforming Components

The use of Fast SCSI hosts and Fast SCSI peripherals provides
significant performance improvements for some types of applications.
To take full advantage of those performance improvements, the
installation guides for SCSI devices recommend that only those
components and peripheral devices supporting Fast SCSI
requirements be installed on a Fast SCSI port. If nonconforming
devices must also be installed on a host, a separate SCSI host adapter
should be installed and all the nonconforming devices should be
installed on that SCSI port, isolated from all the Fast SCSI devices that
are running on Fast SCSI host adapters.

SCSI Terms, Concepts, and Guidelines C-13

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Guidelines for Support of Fast SCSI Systems

Methods for Managing Fast SCSI Systems

Nonconforming Components (Continued)

The external storage module (ESM) is a special case, since it conforms

to the Fast SCSI requirements except for its adapter cable and

One or two ESMs can be installed in the middle of a string of SCSI

devices. Use a desktop storage pack (DSP) or desktop storage module
(DSM) with a regulated terminator (Sun Part Number 150-1785-02) as
the device farthest from the SCSI host adapter. Connect an ESM into
the string of SCSI devices using 0.8-m Sun cables. (Sun Part Number
530-1829-01, Rev.51). Do not exceed the maximum total cable length of
6 meters.

For all other Fast SCSI hosts attaching devices that do not conform
with the Fast SCSI requirements, the operating system should be
modified to run all SCSI ports in asynchronous mode. This slower
mode fully interlocks all the SCSI data transfer signals and provides
for reliable operation of the ESM at the end of a SCSI bus. It enables
Sun configurations containing both Fast SCSI drives and
nonconforming devices to operate reliably on Fast SCSI ports.

If the system configuration meets the standard SCSI requirements,

reliable operation can usually be provided with third-party
components and peripherals as well. The slower data rate applies to
all SCSI ports on the system. Some applications may show a decrease
in performance because of the slower data rate.

C-14 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Guidelines for Support of Fast SCSI Systems

Methods for Managing Fast SCSI Systems

Nonconforming Components (Continued)

To change to the slower asynchronous data rates with the Solaris 2.x
operating system,

1. Add the following line to the /etc/system file:

set scsi_options = 0x58

2. Reboot the system.

To turn synchronous transfer back on at the highest possible speed

without using tagged queueing, change the scsi_options line to
set scsi_options = 0X178

To turn synchronous transfer back on at the highest possible speed

allowing tagged queueing (if available in the operating system),
change the scsi_options line to
set scsi_options = 0X1f8

SCSI Terms, Concepts, and Guidelines C-15

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Examples of Solaris 2.x Software Error Messages

In this example internal disk 1 (target 1) is a 10-MByte-per-second

@f,800000 (esp0): SCSI bus DATA IN phase parity error

@f,800000/sd@1, 0 (sd1): Error for command 'read'
Error Level: Retryable Block 59640, Absolute Block:
59640 Sense Key: Aborted Command Vendor 'SEAGATE'
error code: 0x48 (<unknown extended sense code
0x48>), 0x0

@f,800000/sd@1, 0 (sd1): SCSI transport failed:
reason 'timeout': retrying command

C-16 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998, Revision G
Troubleshooting Forms D
This appendix provides troubleshooting forms that are used to log the events during
the troubleshooting labs. Complete one page for each system diagnosed.

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998
Troubleshooting Form

Machine name _______________ Machine type_______________

Start time ____________________Stop time ___________________

Example: “Cannot access other disks on the system.”


Your first guess on the cause of the problem.
What would you try first? What do you suspect?
Example: “Check the SCSI cabling or check the SCSI fuse.”


List the diagnostic steps and diagnostic tools used.
Example: “I shut down the machine using the halt command and used the multi-
meter to check the fuse.”


Example: “The SCSI fuse on the system board was open.”


D-2 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998
Troubleshooting Form

Machine name _______________ Machine type_______________

Start time ____________________Stop time ___________________

Example: “Cannot access other disks on the system.”


Your first guess on the cause of the problem.
What would you try first? What do you suspect?
Example: “Check the SCSI cabling or check the SCSI fuse.”


List the diagnostic steps and diagnostic tools used.
Example: “I shut down the machine using the halt command and used the multi-
meter to check the fuse.”


Example: “The SCSI fuse on the system board was open.”


Troubleshooting Forms D-3

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998
Troubleshooting Form

Machine name _______________ Machine type_______________

Start time ____________________Stop time ___________________

Example: “Cannot access other disks on the system.”


Your first guess on the cause of the problem.
What would you try first? What do you suspect?
Example: “Check the SCSI cabling or check the SCSI fuse.”


List the diagnostic steps and diagnostic tools used.
Example: “I shut down the machine using the halt command and used the multi-
meter to check the fuse.”


Example: “The SCSI fuse on the system board was open.”


D-4 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998
Troubleshooting Form

Machine name _______________ Machine type_______________

Start time ____________________Stop time ___________________

Example: “Cannot access other disks on the system.”


Your first guess on the cause of the problem.
What would you try first? What do you suspect?
Example: “Check the SCSI cabling or check the SCSI fuse.”


List the diagnostic steps and diagnostic tools used.
Example: “I shut down the machine using the halt command and used the multi-
meter to check the fuse.”


Example: “The SCSI fuse on the system board was open.”


Troubleshooting Forms D-5

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998
Troubleshooting Form

Machine name _______________ Machine type_______________

Start time ____________________Stop time ___________________

Example: “Cannot access other disks on the system.”


Your first guess on the cause of the problem.
What would you try first? What do you suspect?
Example: “Check the SCSI cabling or check the SCSI fuse.”


List the diagnostic steps and diagnostic tools used.
Example: “I shut down the machine using the halt command and used the multi-
meter to check the fuse.”


Example: “The SCSI fuse on the system board was open.”


D-6 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998
Troubleshooting Form

Machine name _______________ Machine type_______________

Start time ____________________Stop time ___________________

Example: “Cannot access other disks on the system.”


Your first guess on the cause of the problem.
What would you try first? What do you suspect?
Example: “Check the SCSI cabling or check the SCSI fuse.”


List the diagnostic steps and diagnostic tools used.
Example: “I shut down the machine using the halt command and used the multi-
meter to check the fuse.”


Example: “The SCSI fuse on the system board was open.”


Troubleshooting Forms D-7

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998
Troubleshooting Form

Machine name _______________ Machine type_______________

Start time ____________________Stop time ___________________

Example: “Cannot access other disks on the system.”


Your first guess on the cause of the problem.
What would you try first? What do you suspect?
Example: “Check the SCSI cabling or check the SCSI fuse.”


List the diagnostic steps and diagnostic tools used.
Example: “I shut down the machine using the halt command and used the multi-
meter to check the fuse.”


Example: “The SCSI fuse on the system board was open.”


D-8 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998
Troubleshooting Form

Machine name _______________ Machine type_______________

Start time ____________________Stop time ___________________

Example: “Cannot access other disks on the system.”


Your first guess on the cause of the problem.
What would you try first? What do you suspect?
Example: “Check the SCSI cabling or check the SCSI fuse.”


List the diagnostic steps and diagnostic tools used.
Example: “I shut down the machine using the halt command and used the multi-
meter to check the fuse.”


Example: “The SCSI fuse on the system board was open.”


Troubleshooting Forms D-9

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998
Troubleshooting Form

Machine name _______________ Machine type_______________

Start time ____________________Stop time ___________________

Example: “Cannot access other disks on the system.”


Your first guess on the cause of the problem.
What would you try first? What do you suspect?
Example: “Check the SCSI cabling or check the SCSI fuse.”


List the diagnostic steps and diagnostic tools used.
Example: “I shut down the machine using the halt command and used the multi-
meter to check the fuse.”


Example: “The SCSI fuse on the system board was open.”


D-10 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998
Troubleshooting Form

Machine name _______________ Machine type_______________

Start time ____________________Stop time ___________________

Example: “Cannot access other disks on the system.”


Your first guess on the cause of the problem.
What would you try first? What do you suspect?
Example: “Check the SCSI cabling or check the SCSI fuse.”


List the diagnostic steps and diagnostic tools used.
Example: “I shut down the machine using the halt command and used the multi-
meter to check the fuse.”


Example: “The SCSI fuse on the system board was open.”


Troubleshooting Forms D-11

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998
Troubleshooting Form

Machine name _______________ Machine type_______________

Start time ____________________Stop time ___________________

Example: “Cannot access other disks on the system.”


Your first guess on the cause of the problem.
What would you try first? What do you suspect?
Example: “Check the SCSI cabling or check the SCSI fuse.”


List the diagnostic steps and diagnostic tools used.
Example: “I shut down the machine using the halt command and used the multi-
meter to check the fuse.”


Example: “The SCSI fuse on the system board was open.”


D-12 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998
Troubleshooting Form

Machine name _______________ Machine type_______________

Start time ____________________Stop time ___________________

Example: “Cannot access other disks on the system.”


Your first guess on the cause of the problem.
What would you try first? What do you suspect?
Example: “Check the SCSI cabling or check the SCSI fuse.”


List the diagnostic steps and diagnostic tools used.
Example: “I shut down the machine using the halt command and used the multi-
meter to check the fuse.”


Example: “The SCSI fuse on the system board was open.”


Troubleshooting Forms D-13

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998
Troubleshooting Form

Machine name _______________ Machine type_______________

Start time ____________________Stop time ___________________

Example: “Cannot access other disks on the system.”


Your first guess on the cause of the problem.
What would you try first? What do you suspect?
Example: “Check the SCSI cabling or check the SCSI fuse.”


List the diagnostic steps and diagnostic tools used.
Example: “I shut down the machine using the halt command and used the multi-
meter to check the fuse.”


Example: “The SCSI fuse on the system board was open.”


D-14 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998
Troubleshooting Form

Machine name _______________ Machine type_______________

Start time ____________________Stop time ___________________

Example: “Cannot access other disks on the system.”


Your first guess on the cause of the problem.
What would you try first? What do you suspect?
Example: “Check the SCSI cabling or check the SCSI fuse.”


List the diagnostic steps and diagnostic tools used.
Example: “I shut down the machine using the halt command and used the multi-
meter to check the fuse.”


Example: “The SCSI fuse on the system board was open.”


Troubleshooting Forms D-15

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998
Troubleshooting Form

Machine name _______________ Machine type_______________

Start time ____________________Stop time ___________________

Example: “Cannot access other disks on the system.”


Your first guess on the cause of the problem.
What would you try first? What do you suspect?
Example: “Check the SCSI cabling or check the SCSI fuse.”


List the diagnostic steps and diagnostic tools used.
Example: “I shut down the machine using the halt command and used the multi-
meter to check the fuse.”


Example: “The SCSI fuse on the system board was open.”


D-16 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998
SPARCstation 10 System Lab E


Upon completion of this lab, you should be able to

● Halt and power down the system

● Remove the system cover

● Remove the internal hard disk drive

● Remove the internal diskette drive

● Remove a DSIMM module

● Remove an SBus card

● Remove an MBus module

● Remove the main logic board (MLB)

● Remove the system power supply

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998

To complete this lab, you will need

● A SPARCstation 10 system

● A Phillips screwdriver

● An electro-static discharge (ESD) kit

E-2 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998
Verifying the System

Before you begin this lab assignment, verify that your system is in operational
condition by performing the following three steps:

1. If the operating system is not running on your system, type one of the following
commands. (If the operating system is running, proceed to step 2.)
ok old-mode

> b

2. Log in to your system as the root user

machine login: root

3. Halt the operating system.

# halt

SPARCstation 10 System Lab E-3

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998
Preparing for System Disassembly

Before you disassemble a SPARCstation 10 system

1. Turn off the power to the following units in the order given:

a. All external peripheral units (if any)

b. System chassis (switch in back)

2. Remove all cables from the back of the system chassis and mark Figure E-1 to
indicate which ports are in use on your machine.

Note – Leave the AC power cord plugged into the system.

1 2a 2b 3 4 5 6 7 8

9 10 11a 11b 12 13 14 15 16

Figure E-1 SPARCstation 10 System Rear Panel View

1 AC on/off switch 9 ISDN port

2A AC power receptacle 10 ISDN port
2B AC power outlet 11A AUI port
3 MBus filler panel* 11B Parallel port
4 MBus filler panel* 12 Keyboard port
5 SBus option panel* 13 Serial connector
6 SBus option panel * 14 Twisted-pair Ethernet
7 SBus option panel* 15 SCSI port
8 Video connector 16 For future use

*Filler panels are installed in unused MBus and SBus openings.

E-4 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998
Removing the System Cover

To remove the cover from your system:

1. Use a Phillips screwdriver to fully loosen the captive screw holding the cover to
the back panel.

Captive screw

Figure E-2 Captive Screws

2. Use a screwdriver to gently press the retainer clip while you loosen the cover
from the back panel with your other hand.

Retainer clip

Figure E-3 Retainer

3. Grasp the sides of the cover from the rear, and lift the cover as shown. Carefully
push the cover forward until its hinge tabs are free of the system unit.

Hinge tab

Figure E-4 Lifting of the Cover

SPARCstation 10 System Lab E-5

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998
Protecting Against Electrostatic Discharge (ESD)

Caution – The SPARCstation 10 system contains extremely static-sensitive electronic

! components. Ordinary amounts of static from your clothes or work environment
can destroy the components.

To protect the system from static, perform the following ESD preventive measures:

1. Snap the wrist strap and ground clip to the antistatic mat.

2. Connect the ground clip to an unpainted portion of the computer chassis. Leave
the computer’s AC power cord plugged in.

3. Place the wrist strap around your wrist and adjust the strap tight against the



Antistatic mat Wrist strap

Figure E-5 ESD Mat Usage

The following items, when removed, should always be placed on a padded

antistatic mat:

SIMMs MBus modules

SBus cards NVRAM chips

Logic boards Any other subassemblies

Always follow these procedures when handling the electronic FRUs of the
SPARCstation 10 system.

E-6 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998
Removing the Internal Hard-Disk Drive

Up to two SCSI disks from 424 MBytes to 1 GByte can be installed in the unit. The
following steps will help you to become familiar with the hard-disk drive removal

1. Slide the hard-disk drive toward the rear of the chassis (Figure E-6) to free the
grommets from the drive mounts.

2. Disconnect the internal disk connector from the drive.

3. Disconnect the DC power connector from the drive.

4. Lift the disk out of the chassis, and gently place it on the antistatic mat
component side up.

Note – If you are actually replacing the drive, you must retain the grommets from
the original disk and install them on the replacement disk.

DC power connector
Internal disk connector


Figure E-6 Hard-Disk Drive Removal

SPARCstation 10 System Lab E-7

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998
Removing the Diskette Drive

The diskette drive is mounted in the system unit in the same way as the hard disk
drives. The following steps will help you to become familiar with the diskette drive
removal procedure:

1. Slide the diskette drive toward the outer side of the chassis (Figure E-7) to free
the grommets from the drive mounts.

2. Disconnect the DC power connector from the diskette drive.

3. Disconnect the internal disk connector from the diskette drive.

4. Lift the diskette drive out of the chassis.

Grommet Diskette drive

DC power connector

Internal disk connector


Figure E-7 Diskette Drive Removal

E-8 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998
Removing a DSIMMs

Caution – The removal of a dynamic random access memory, single in-line memory
! module (DSIMM) is easy; however, SPARCstation 10 system DSIMMs are thin and
fragile and require extra care when handled.

1. You will find a small white ejector lever (A in Figure E-8) on the side of the
DSIMM socket toward the power-supply assembly. One ejector lever operates
on two sockets. Push the lever in the direction opposite of the DSIMM you want
to remove


Figure E-8 DSIMM Removal

2. Gently pull up the other side of the DSIMM.

3. Pull up on both corners of the DSIMM until the board clears the socket.

4. Set the DSIMM on the antistatic mat.

SPARCstation 10 System Lab E-9

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998
Additional Information About DSIMMs

The SPARCstation 10 system is equipped with a minimum of 32 Mbytes of main


● Each DSIMM contains 16 or 64 Mbytes of memory and plugs into a specific

memory slot.

● A maximum of eight DSIMMs (512 Mbytes) can be installed in the system.

DSIMMs are installed in a specific order as shown in the chart in Figure E-9

Slots Installation order

J0201 1
J0202 8
J0203 3
J0301 6
J0302 4
J0303 5
slots J0304 2
J0305 7

Figure E-9 Memory SIMM Slots

DSIMMs are installed with a particular orientation. The side of the DSIMM with the
center vertical chip should face the back panel of the system when installed

Face back panel

Figure E-10 Correct Orientation of the DSIMM

E-10 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998
Removing an SBus Cards

The SPARCstation 10 system SBus cards are installed in a manner similar to the
original pizzabox SBus cards with one important difference: SPARCstation10
systems cards have screws (Figure E-11) securing them in place.

1. Visually note the SBus card location. (Start with the cards mounted on top.)

2. Remove all the screws and washers from the outside of the rear panel where the
SBus card resides.

● Single-width SBus cards have two screws.

● Double-width cards have four screws.

● Triple-width cards have six screws.

3. Set the screws aside in a safe place for future use.

Screws and washers
(2 each)

Figure E-11 SBus Card Rear Panel Screw Locations

4. Push back all card retainers holding the SBus card in place.

SBus card


Figure E-12 Moving the SBus Card Retainer Clear

5. Grasp the back of the card (where it plugs into the main logic board) and gently
lift up. When the connector is disengaged, lift the card out at an angle. Set it
aside on the antistatic mat.

6. Repeat these steps until all SBus cards are removed.

SPARCstation 10 System Lab E-11

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998
MBus Modules

All SPARCstation 10 systems (Figure E-13) are equipped with an MBus module that
includes the following SPARC integrated circuits:

● Integer unit (IU)

● Floating-point unit (FPU)

● Cache controller and the cache RAM

As new MBus modules become available, you can upgrade your system by
removing the original MBus module and replacing it with a newer one.

Removing an MBus module

1. Push back both card retainers for the MBus module.
Card extractor

MBus module Card retainers

Main logic board

Figure E-13 Locating and Removing an MBus Module

2. Grasp the back of the card (where it plugs into the MLB) and gently lift up.
When the connector is disengaged, lift the card out at an angle. Set it aside on
the antistatic mat.

3. Repeat the above steps until all MBus modules are removed.

E-12 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998
Removing the Main Logic Board (MLB)

Under normal repair circumstances, you do not need to remove the disks, diskette
drive, and DSIMMs prior to removing the MLB. However, you must remove all SBus
and MBus modules.

1. Disconnect the internal drive connector (J0101) from the MLB (J0601).

2. Disconnect the DC power connector from the MLB (J1501).

3. Loosen the two captive retainer screws at the rear of the chassis.

4. Slide the board toward the front of the chassis to release the keyed slots.

5. Tilt the rear side of the board, and lift it up and over the rear of the chassis. Place
the board on the antistatic mat.

Slots (8 places)

Locating posts Main logic board (MLB)

(8 places) Chassis

Figure E-14 Main Logic Board Removal

SPARCstation 10 System Lab E-13

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998
Configuring the MLB Jumper

The serial port jumpers and the clock speed jumpers (Figure E-15) are the only
configurable jumpers on the MLB.

Note – Refer to the Field Engineering Handbook, Volume 1, “CPU” section when
answering the questions below.

1. On the diagram in Figure E-15, indicate jumper configurations (J1401, J1404, and
so on) as they appear on your board.

Note – Depending on the part number and revision of your MLB, the jumper
locations on your board may be different than those shown in this diagram.



J1403 J0801


Figure E-15 Main Logic Board Jumper Locations

2. Is your MLB configured for RS-423 or RS-232?

____ RS 423

____ RS 232

3. What speed is set on the MLB? ____ MHz

E-14 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998
MLB Positive Temperature Coefficients (PTCs)

There are four PTCs on the MLB (Figure E-16). PTCs are used in place of fuses.
These devices are “self healing,” which means they reset after a fault occurs and do
not require replacement. If you suspect that a PTC has failed, turn off the system for
10 minutes to enable the PTC to cool down (heal). If the PTC does not heal or if it
opens again, the MLB will need to be replaced (the PTCs are soldered to the board,
they are not socketed). The four MLB PTCs are used to protect the

● Keyboard and mouse (F0801)

● Thick Ethernet port (F1301)

● Thick Ethernet port (F1302)

● SCSI termination (F1502)


J1403 J0801


Rear of system chassis

Figure E-16 Main Logic Board PTC Locations

SPARCstation 10 System Lab E-15

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998
Removing the Power Supply

1. Remove the AC plug from the back of the power supply.

2. Disconnect the power supply connector from the DC wire harness.

3. Loosen the captive screw that secures the power supply assembly to the chassis.

4. Slide the power supply assembly toward the front of the chassis. This unlocks
the power supply from the power supply mounts.

5. Set the power supply aside.

J1501 DC power harness

Captive screw
Power supply

Main logic board

Figure E-17 Power Supply Removal

E-16 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998
Installing the Power Supply

At this point in the lab , all of the major field replaceable units have been removed.
The disk cable and wire harness remain inside the chassis; these items are easily
replaced and you do not need to remove them for this lab. Replace the
SPARCstation 10 system FRUs in the order noted in the following steps. Pay close
attention to the cautions to prevent damage.

1. Align the power supply assembly in the chassis with the power switch and
connector facing the rear of the unit.

2. Slide the power supply assembly toward the rear of the chassis until it locks
into the power supply mounts.

Caution – Do not overtighten the captive screw or the chassis may be damaged.
3. Secure the power supply assembly to the chassis by tightening but not
overtightening the captive screw.

4. Connect one of the DC power connectors to the MLB (J1501) and the other to the
DC power harness.

5. Make sure the power switch on the system unit is in the off position by pressing
the side labeled 0.

6. Plug in the system unit power cord.

7. Verify that the power supply unit is off and reconnect the AC power cord. This
provides a ground path for your ESD kit.

SPARCstation 10 System Lab E-17

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998
Replacing the MLB

1. Orient the board over the chassis so the connectors are facing the rear of the

2. Lower the board into the chassis and slide it to the rear of the chassis. The eight
locating posts in the chassis should fit the eight slots on the MLB.

3. Connect the DC power connector (P1) to the power supply.

4. Connect the internal drive connector (J0101) to the MLB (J0601).

5. Tighten, but do not overtighten, the captive retainer screws at the rear of the

6. Replace the lock block and screw into the rear of the chassis.

E-18 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998
Replacing the MBus Module

1. Locate the lower MBus module Slot 0 on the MLB in the chassis.

2. Push back the card retainers.


Figure E-18 Replacing the MBus Module

3. Take care to insert the back edge of the module between the metal (lower) and
plastic (upper) tabs on the back panel. Do not force the connector.

4. Push the MBus module connector down into the socket.

5. Lock the arms of the card retainers over the edge of the MBus module. If the
system has two MBus modules, install a module into Slot 0 first, and repeat
Steps 1–4 for the second module.

SPARCstation 10 System Lab E-19

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998
Replacing the SBus Cards

1. Make sure all card retainers for the SBus slot(s) are out of the way.

2. Slide the SBus card at an angle into the back panel of the system unit, and push
it against the back panel.

Caution – Using excess force can bend or damage the pins.

3. Align the plug with the socket of the SBus slot and gently push the plug into the
socket by pressing with your fingers on the corners of the SBus card.

4. Lock the arms of the card retainers over the edge of the SBus card.

5. Install both washers and screws into the screw holes adjacent to the SBus card
on the rear panel.
Screws and washers
(2 each)

Figure E-19 Replacing an SBus Card

E-20 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998
Replacing the DSIMMs

Caution – DSIMMS must be installed in specific slots, and they must be properly
! oriented.

1. Locate the DSIMM slot J0201 on the MLB.

Slots Installation order

J0201 1
J0202 8
J0203 3
J0301 6
J0302 4
J0303 5
DSIM J0304 2
J0305 7

Installation table

Figure E-20 Installing a DSIMM

2. Install the largest Mbyte DSIMM in Slot J0201 first by positioning the notched
corner of the DSIMM over the white ejection lever on the MLB. Properly
installed DSIMMs have a center vertical chip that faces the rear panel.

3. Hold the DSIMM at its edges, and insert it into the plastic guides by pushing
firmly on the DSIMM until it snaps into place.

4. Install the rest of the DSIMMs according to the installation order table in
Figure E-20.

SPARCstation 10 System Lab E-21

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998
Replacing the Diskette Drive

1. Make sure that the diskette drive switch is set to 0.

2. Lower the drive into the chassis, and align the three grommets into the drive
mounts. The data and power cables should face the inner side of the chassis.

3. Connect the DC power harness to the diskette drive.

4. Connect the internal disk connector to the diskette drive.

5. Slide the diskette drive toward the center of the chassis until the three grommets
sit tightly in the drive mounts.

Caution – The drive must be properly seated for the diskette insertion slot to be
! accessible once the cover is replaced.

Replacing the Hard-Disk Drive

1. Arrange the power harness and the internal disk cable so that they lie flat under
the disk drive.

2. Lower the disk drive into the chassis, and align the four grommets on the drive
mounts. The connector side of the drive should be facing the front of the chassis.

3. Connect the DC power connector to the drive.

4. Connect the internal SCSI connector to the drive.

5. Slide the drive toward the front of the chassis until the four grommets sit tightly
in the drive mounts.

E-22 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998
Replacing the System Top Cover

1. Hold the cover at an angle as shown, and gently guide the hinge tabs on the
cover into the tab slots on the front of the system unit.

Caution – The hinge tabs are easily broken if they are not properly inserted into the
! tab slots.

Hinge tab

Figure E-21 Replacing the top Cover

2. Slowly lower the cover onto the system unit.

3. Tighten, but do not overtighten, the captive screw on the rear panel.

SPARCstation 10 System Lab E-23

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998
Verifying System Operation

1. Reconnect all of the external cables removed at the beginning of this lab.

2. Turn on the power to the main system and all of the external units.

3. If the system boots to the login: prompt, you have completed this lab.

4. If your system displays the banner and remains at the ok or > prompt, issue the
boot or the b command, respectively.
ok boot

> b

Note – If your system did not boot successfully, notify your instructor.

E-24 Sun Desktop System Maintenance

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services September 1998
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