Learning Activity 7

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Name: Ryshelle Piamonte Section: BSED-English 3-2

Learning Activity 7. Think of specific topics in your area of specialization. Choose one
specific topic in each level appropriate for Preschool, Elementary and High School.
Prepare activities that will enhance their critical thinking.


Topic: Full of Fantastic Fun: The Letter F

Specific Objectives:

a. Cognitive Domain: Make the sound of the letter F.

b. Psychomotor Domain: Identify words that begin with the letter F.
c. Affective Domain: Form the letters Ff.

Method/ Strategy: Teacher-Centered Approach to Learning

Name & Instruction of the Activity:


 Draw a line from each of the fish to a picture that begins with the sound of the letter.
 Write a letter Ff.


Topic: Verbs

Specific Objectives:

a. Cognitive Domain: Identify the action verbs.

b. Psychomotor Domain: Construct sentences using common verbs and
c. Affective Domain: Explain the use of verbs.

Method/ Strategy: Direct Method

Name & Instruction of the Activity:

Fill in the blank with the correct verb from the box.


Push Playing Swims

Throws Write

1. The swimmers ___________ in the pool.

2. The boy ____________ his name.
3. The runner’s ___________ around the oval tracks.
4. The Basketball player ____________ the ball.
5. The girls __________ her doll.


Construct five (5) sentences using common verbs.


Topic: Different Types of Sentence According to Structure

Specific Objectives:

a. Cognitive Domain: Classify sentences according to their uses.

b. Psychomotor Domain: Differentiate all the types of sentences.
c. Affective Domain: Show teamwork and cooperation through participating in a group

Method/ Strategy: Cooperative learning

Name & Instruction of the Activity:

Group Activity: Make a short presentation depicting different situations. Make sure to use all
types of sentences.

Group 1: You and your friends are in a concert.

Group 2: You are lost when you meet a group of friends having fun on the road.
Group 3: A famous actress visited your village.
Group 4: Your teacher informed you about your failing marks.

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