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University of Santo Tomas

Institute of Information and Computing Sciences

Department of Information Systems

Centralized Inventory and Internal Ordering System for Gibson‟s Shoe Factory Inc.

A Capstone Project

presented to the

Department of Information Systems

Institute of Information and Computing Sciences

University of Santo Tomas

in partial fulfillment

of the requirements in the degree of

Bachelor of Science in Information Systems

Marcelino, Rafaello Bartholomew L.,

Sevilla, Maria Leah T.

Ursua, Audrey Lynne C.

Vasquez, Adrian M.

Llamas, Jairus Ferdinand M.

April 2015
Institute of Information and Computing Sciences
Department of Information Systems


We, the authors of this capstone project, “Centralized Inventory and Internal Ordering
System for Gibson‟s Shoe Factory Inc.”, hereby certify and vouch that the contents of
this research work is solely our own original work; that no part of this work has been
copied nor taken without due permission or proper acknowledgment and citation of the
respective authors; that we are upholding academic professionalism by integrating
intellectual property rights laws in research and projects as requirements of our

If found and proven that there is an attempt or committed an infringement of copyright

ownership, we are liable for any legal course of action sanctioned by the University and
the Philippine laws.


Rafaello Bartholomew L. Marcelino Maria Leah T. Sevilla

Audrey Lynne C. Ursua Adrian M. Vasquez


First of all, the proponents would like to thank the Almighty God for the strength,

wisdom, knowledge, patience and guidance He gave for us to pursue and be able to

finish the capstone project.

The proponents would also like to give their sincere appreciation and gratitude to

the following:

To Ms. Arne Barcelo, the proponents‟ capstone project coordinator, for

continuously motivating and supporting us until the end of the capstone project.

To Mr. Jairus Llamas and Ms. Marikit Valmadrid for their suggestions and

advices to further improve the system during the development stage.

To Ms. Jane Garcia and Mr. Vergil Reyes, the proponents‟ panel members, for

their recommendations for the system.

To the management of Gibson‟s Shoe Factory Inc., for their cooperation in

conducting this project.

To the proponents‟ parents, for their moral support, provisions and love

throughout the research.

The proponents would like to extend their gratitude to their friends and instructors

for their help.

Executive Summary

Many technologies have been developed for businesses to gain competitive

advantage. Automating the traditional business process is one way of coping up with the

tight competition of the many industries. Gibson‟s Shoe Factory Inc. is a shoe

manufacturing company that currently uses a manual inventory system. The production

process happens in five different locations namely: Galileo, Galaxy, Showroom, Main

and Petron. Each five locations play a key role in creating shoes and each location has

their own inventory system.

With the current process, the proponents suggest that the company should have

their centralized inventory system in order to consolidate the information of each location

faster and more accurately. Since production process doesn‟t happen in one location,

the proponents also suggest that the company must have an internal ordering system.

Through this, the company cannot just easily order the needed items by a branch but

also logs those orders. The system will provide inventory reports to the company and

can be accessed by the top management people, branch managers and admin each

with different hierarchy and view to the system.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction........................................................................................................ 1

1.1. ProjectContext..................................................................................... 1

1.2. Company Background......................................................................... 1

1.3. Purpose and Objective ........................................................................ 5

1.4. Scope and Limitation ........................................................................... 6

1.5. Project Methodology............................................................................. 7

1.6. Project Milestones and Timeline........................................................... 8

2. Review of Related Literature, Studies and Technologies .....................................9

2.1. Review of Related Literature and Studies..............................................9

2.2. Review of Related Technologies ...........................................................14

2.3. Synthesis……...............…………………………………………...............15

3. Business Processes..............................................................................................15

3.1. Existing Inventory Process ……………....……………………................15

3.2. Business Requirements Overview .........................................................22

3.3 Business Solutions ……………………………………….....………………28

3.4 Project Risk and Feasibility Studies ……………………….....……………31

4. Implementation, Results and Discussion ...............................................................37

4.1 Requirements Documentation...................................................................37

4.2 Design of Software, Systems, Product and/or Processes........................49

4.3 Development, Testing and Deployment....................................................61

4.4 Test Results and Analysis .........................................................................72

5. Conclusion and Recommendation ..........................................................................73

Bibliography ………………………………………………………………………………..75

Appendix A..................................................................................................................78

Appendix B...................................................................................................................108

Appendix C ...............................................................................................................109

List of Figures and Tables

Figure 1.1 Timeline Gantt Chart– Phase 1

Figure 1.2 Timeline Gantt Chart – Phase 2

Figure 2.1 MNC's Inventory Position

Figure 3.1 Existing Production Process of Gibson‟s Shoe Factory Inc.

Figure 3.2 Current Business Process (Stocking)

Figure 3.3 Current Business Process (Stocking)

Figure 3.4 Current Business Process (Job Order)

Figure 3.5 Current Business Process (Job Order)

Figure 3.6 Use Case Diagram of Gibson‟s Centralized and Internal Ordering System

Figure 3.7 Proposed Inventory and Ordering System

Figure 3.8 Proposed Inventory and Ordering System

Figure 3.9 Proposed Inventory and Ordering System

Figure 3.10 Proposed Inventory and Ordering System

Figure 3.11 Homepage of the proposed system

Figure 3.12 Inventory page of each plant in the proposed system

Figure 3.13 Order Page in the proposed system

Figure 3.14 Generating Reports for Gibson‟s Centralized and Internal Ordering System

Figure 4.1 Use Case Diagram of Admin

Figure 4.2 Use Case Diagram of Main (General Manager)

Figure 4.3 Use Case Diagram of Galileo (Branch Manager)

Figure 4.4 Use Case Diagram of Galaxy (Branch Manager)

Figure 4.5 Use Case Diagram of Showroom (Branch Manager)

Figure 4.6 Use Case Diagram of Petron (Branch Manager)

Figure 4.7 Log-in Page

Figure 4.8 Add Inventory Page

Figure 4.9 User Admin Interface

Figure 4.10 User Branch Manager Interface

Figure 4.11 User Branch Manager Homepage

Figure 4.12 User Branch Manager Inventory Page

Figure 4.13 Add Inventory Interface

Figure 4.14 Orders Page

Figure 4.15 Add Order Interface

Figure 4.16 Reports Interface

Figure 4.17 Database Design

Figure 4.18 Network Design

Figure 4.19 User-Acceptance Test Result

Table 3.1 Risk Management Table

Table 3.2 Proposed Budgets

Table 3.3 Cost Benefit Analysis

Table 4.1 Admin Detailed Events

Table 4.2 Main Detailed Events

Table 4.3 Galileo Detailed Events

Table 4.4 Galaxy Detailed Events

Table 4.5 Showroom Detailed Events

Table 4.6 Petron Detailed Events

Table 4.7 Unit Test Table

Table 4.8 Unit Test Table

Table 4.9 Unit Test Table

Table 4.10 Unit Test Table

Table 4.11 Unit Test Table

Table 4.12 Unit Test Table

Table 4.13 Unit Test Table

Table 4.14 Unit Test Table

Table 4.15 Unit Test Table

Table 4.16 Unit Test Table

Table 4.17 User Acceptance Test



Project Context

The Philippine shoe industry can be traced back from over a century from now.

Over the past years, shoe manufacturing firms are growing which adapts to the growing

demand of footwear. Because of this, more efficiency and effectiveness are needed to

producing quality footwear amidst large demand.

The project is an inventory system that will replace the current manual inventory

system of the company which helps them manage the supply of their raw materials and

finished goods. It will also have an internal ordering system that will be used by the

branches to the factories and warehouses whenever finished goods are in ordering level.

The project is designed to cater the needs of Gibson‟s Shoe Factory Inc. in the

area of production. Raw materials available in the factories as well as the finished goods

that the branches have are all the inputs of the system. Determining when to order and

prompts of being in critical level is part of the process and output. It will also include

reports like status of available stocks report and other inventory of materials and stocks

related reports that will help the management in their decision making.

Company Background

The company was founded and established in mid-1940 by Gavino Cruz and

Ramona Salvador. By 1974, the company was then passed on to their daughter, Leonor

C. Andres. After the company renamed to Gibson‟s Shoe Enterprise and re-organized,

the casual shoe makers ventured into military shoe making and in the following year, the

enterprise was accepted and accredited by the Philippine Department of National

Defense (DND) as one of its suppliers of Goodyear welted shoes such as dress and

combat. From then on, the company acquired contracts with said institution. Inspired by

their success, the company bought direct rubber (soling) vulcanizing machines (DRVM)

from Australia and Germany; they also upgraded their supplier status with DND to Direct

Moulded Soled (DMS) boot maker, a technology that further helped them make a name

in the Philippine Military shoe making industry and won substantial contracts with the

Armed forces of the Philippines (AFP).

As the capital structure and their operations increase, by 1994, the enterprise

was changed into a corporation, again renamed to Gibson‟s Shoe Factory, Inc. as it is

known today and integrated the family members of the inheritor as stockholders.

As dictated by the technological trends in industrial shoe making, the company

further invested in double density polyurethane (PU)/Rubber injection machine also from

Desma, Germany. To date, Gibson Shoe Factory, Inc could be considered as the most

technologically advanced military and safety footwear maker. They are the leading

industrial shoe maker of Goodyear welted on PU and/or rubber sole, DMS on nitrite

rubber sole, Single density PU Shoe Sole and Double Density PU/Rubber.

The company information is as follows:

Company Name: Gibson‟s Shoe Factory Inc.

Company Address: 867 J. P. Rizal St., Concepcion I, Marikina City

Telephone Number: (632) 942 2682

Telefax Number: (632) 942 2683

Line of Business: Shoe Manufacturer

Management: Leonor C. Andres – Chairwoman

Antonio E. Andres Sr. – President

Antonio C. Andres Jr. – Vice President

Marilyn C. Andres – HR Manager

Arlene C. Andres – General Manager

Business Profile:

Gibson‟s Shoe Factory Inc. is a 100% Filipino owned shoe manufacturing

company that caters uniform footwear, particularly combat boots, dress shoes and safety

shoes in law enforcements, security personnel, shipping industry, power generation oil

exploration, telecommunications, mining, logistics and other related industries in the

Philippines. The founders of the business were mere casual shoemakers. It started small

but due to the significant increase in capital structure and expanded operations the

enterprise was changed into a corporation. The company has integrated the family

members as stockholders. During the start of its operations, Gibson‟s only produces

casual shoes, and then diversified its operation to venture into the field of military

shoemaking. Their production of shoes combines all the safety design elements of

industrial footwear that passed OHSC and ANZI standards that‟s why they are the most

recognized name in uniform footwear by the Philippine Federation of Footwear


Leading customers:

 Armed Forces of the Philippines - Philippine Army, Philippine Air Force,

Philippine Navy, Philippine Marines, Philippine Military Academy

 Philippine National Police including those in the different Police Regional

Offices/Unit, Philippine National Police Academy, Airport Police and Leading

Security Agencies/Law enforcement Agencies.

 Australian Navy - for a specific designed shoe requirement

And those in the industries of shipping, logistics, power generation, telecommunication,

cement and mining industries, food processing.


Gibson‟s has distributors abroad, providing footwear requirements of the armed

forces of Royal Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia and Papua New Guinea. It also has

distributors in Guam, USA and in the Middle East particularly in Saudi Arabia, Qatar,

Bahrain, Oman, Kuwait, and UAE.


To supply high performance uniform footwear for the Philippine Armed Forces and other

industries using cutting-edge technology and state-of-the-art construction at a

reasonable price to attain worldwide customer satisfaction.


 To meet the specific footgear requirements of customers locally and globally;

 To achieve public recognition through superior customer and community service

and excellence in product quality in terms of durability, dependability, and


 To be recognized as the manufacturer of choice by the military/police and the

business industry.

Corporate Principle:

Our dedication and experience and the technological developments in shoe

making, inspire us to design and produce innovative footgear that enhance its durability,

safety and comfortability.

Purpose and Objectives

Currently, Gibson‟s Shoe Factory Inc. uses a manual inventory system where

they input all data gathered from their five different locations in a spreadsheet. Problems

occur when the data are needed to be retrieved. When discrepancy occurs, the

management cannot track the users who modified the spreadsheet. These spreadsheets

do not have the ability to prompt the management when materials are in critical level so

they just depend on the plant personnel‟s signal. As mentioned earlier, the company has

five locations where each location plays a role in the production process of shoes.

Materials are transferred from one place to another before it is completely done. This

process requires a regular monitoring of incoming and outgoing raw materials, work-in-

process, and finished goods from these locations which the company fails to conduct.

Due to having separate locations, each plant requires a number of materials to process

in order for the operation not to be delayed. To satisfy the need, their current ordering

process is through phone calls where the one receiving order may or may not record the

quantity of materials ordered and the plant who ordered.

The capstone project aims to provide Gibson‟s Shoe Factory Incorporated an

improved and automated inventory system that would provide them more proper

management of their raw materials and finished goods and an internal ordering system

that will keep the records of all orders made internally. It would also decrease the

company‟s susceptibility to possible errors. This project‟s specific objectives are the


 To provide inventory reports like status of available stocks report and other

inventory of materials and stocks related reports that will help the management in

their decision making.

 To help the company to constantly monitor their warehouse stocks

 To regularly monitor and record all incoming and outgoing materials and goods

from the five locations.

Scope and Limitations

The scope of the study would be the application of a centralized inventory system

connecting the factory to the warehouse and stores. The system will have downloadable

reports where all the activities done with the system will be given to the main office and

will notify the user when a certain stock of the inventory is low, for the manufacturing it

will prompt if stock on raw materials are low, for the warehouse and shops it will prompt

for each item in the inventory when it is low in stock. The system will also consist of an

ordering system alerting the person in charge of ordering the raw materials, the factory

manager or warehouse manager if the inventory is low, to alert the proper people about

the order. The system will also have logs and backups of activities done with the system.

The limitations would be that the system will not have a selling and accounting

system. The users who will be given accounts on the system will be the admin, the main

branch, factory manager, warehouse manager, and the branch manager of the shops.

Project Design Methodology

Gibson‟s Shoe Factory aims to be more effective and productive by automating

their centralized inventory and internal ordering process. It will improve their

manufacturing business by providing them better management of their material

resources such as raw materials and finished goods, and efficient communication

between their branches and warehouse.

The proponents will be using System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) in the

development of the proposed system. Each phase consists of a defined set of activities

that should be accomplished before the next phase can begin. First, the team will work

in requirement analysis. Collection of requirements for the system should be done with

the help of the company management. This will be succeeded by the planning stage,

analysis and comparison to other but same systems will be done in order to create a

design plan for the proposed system. Design stage will be having conceptual layout and

low or high fidelity prototype that will be reconciled by both team and company. The

development stage will be treated in a modular approach. The proficiency of the

proponents in using the PHP, HTML, and JavaScript programming language is put to

use. The team must make sure that all the design details will be translated effectively by

this stage. The next stage will be testing and deployment wherein the system will be

tested if all requirements are successfully done. The team will orient and train the end-

users of the system. After testing and deployment of the initial system, it is expected

either the project ends or starts its cycle to cater more the needs of the end-user. It is

likely that maintenance of the system will be the focus.

The main programming language that the team will use in the development of the

proposed system would be PHP, HTML, and JavaScript languages. PHP will serve as

the bridge between the HTML interface and the MySQL database while JavaScript will

perform some of the restrictions in the input within the interface of the system.

Project Milestone/Timeline

Figure 1.1 Timeline Gantt Chart– Phase 1

Figure 1.2 Timeline Gantt Chart – Phase 2




Review of Related Literature and Studies

Bill of Material

Identifying and knowing the components that makes up a product to be made is a

must. This is called bills of material. According to Association for Operations

Management (APICS), bill of material is a listing of all subassemblies, intermediates,

parts and raw materials that are processed into a parent assembly and shows the

required quantities of each to make an assembly. Bill of material has three important

points. First, it shows all the required parts in making one item. Second, each part has a

unique part number. Lastly, the form, fit, or function of a part should be indicated to

describe and define that part. The major uses for bills of materials are the following:

product definition, engineering change control, service parts, planning, order entry,

manufacturing, and costing (Arnold, Chapman, Clive, 2012).

Bill of materials defines the ordered relationships among the manufactured in-

house house parts and all the items that compose a finished good. By examining this,

the view of dependent demand can be well known (Collier, Evans, 2012)

Demand and Supply Planning

Demand planning determines all the demand or claim on an end-product or

output including forecasts of expected demand, inventory adjustments, orders taken but

not filled and unused parts. On the other hand, supply planning is the process of

developing a production; logistics and supply that is adequate of satisfy the demand

requirements by taking the demand data (Handfield, Monczka, Guinipero, Patterson,



Inventory includes raw materials, goods in process, and finished goods. These

are assets manufactured in order to be sold at a higher price than the cost of

manufacturing (Hinayon, Beticon, James, 2010).

Another definition of inventory according to C. Williams (2010) is the total amount

of raw materials, parts and finished products that a company holds. There are four kinds

of inventory that a manufacturing stores use. It will start in raw materials inventory which

is compose of the basic parts and input used in manufacturing a product. Next is

component parts inventory. This is the assembled parts used in manufacturing that

came from the raw materials. After raw materials being fabricated, the next inventory is

the work-in-process inventory. It is the assembled component parts which makes it

somewhat a finished good. The finished goods inventory is the last kind of inventory. It

comprises the total amount of finished goods or the final product that went through the

manufacturing process. In our study about the Gibson‟s Shoe Factory Inc., these kinds

of inventories are also used in manufacturing a shoe.

Inventory Integrity

It is important that every organization‟s inventories are accurate and correct.

Discrepancies can cause them to losing more income and productivity time. “Integrity is

the foundation for everything related to trust. Trust is the fertile cultural and technical soil

required for true inventory optimization. Without it, each element of the supply chain

hunkers down to their inventory protection mode, commonly known as hoarding.” It says

that high level of inventory accuracy results to a high level of inventory integrity. When

inventory integrity is already established, the next phases of inventory management

maturity are achievable. These are inventory stability in level 2, inventory optimization in

level 3, inventory integration in level 4 and inventory collaboration in level 5 (Frazelle,


Inventory Management

“Global inventory management can be viewed as the decision making regarding

the raw materials, work-in-process, and finished goods inventory for a multinational

corporation”. The amount of inventory to hold, holding it in a certain form and where to

place it in the supply chain are the decisions that global inventory management includes.

The average percentages of inventory that a multinational corporation carries are

as follows: 32.30 percent in raw materials, 17.94 percent in work in process and 49.76

percent in finished goods. These are based by examining 20, 910 multinational

corporations (MNCs) that has headquarters in 105 countries (Hult, Closs, Frayer, 2014).

Raw Work-in- Finished

Global Global
Materials Process Goods
Suplliers Customers
(32.30%) (17.94%) (49.76%)

Figure 2.1 MNC's Inventory Position 1

Avoid running out of stock and efficiently reduce inventory levels and costs as

much as possible are the two goals of inventory management. In order to balance these

competing goals, the following inventory management techniques are used – economic

order quantity (EOQ), just-in-time (JIT) and materials requirement planning (MRP).

Economic order quantity (EOQ) is a system that uses a formula in determining the

volume and frequency of an inventory to be ordered. “EOQ takes into account the overall

demand (D) for a product while trying to minimize ordering costs (O) and holding costs

(H).” EOQ‟s formula is EOQ = √ (2DO/4). In just-in-time (JIT) inventory system,

“component parts arrive from suppliers just as they are needed at each stage of

production.” Materials requirement planning (MRP) is “a production and inventory

system that, from beginning to end, precisely determines the production schedule,

production batch sizes, and inventories needed to complete final products” (Williams,


Due to uncertain demands of some customers, an inventory experiences

uncertain returns. To cut the loss, some of the components of the product returned can

be recovered and reused and to be returned to inventory which complicates the structure

of the system. Because of this, conditions are identified and added to the inventory

policy (DeCroix, Zipkin, 2005).

In inventory control, volume fill rate or just fill rate is one of the most commonly

used performance measures. Another performance measure is called the order fill rate

which is defined as the portion of complete orders that can be straightly filled from the

inventory. The importance of determining first the appropriate service measure and then

develop a methodology that computes inventory control restriction consistently was

noted. “Lack of consistency between the performance measure and control policy might

leave the logistics manager unable to take the proper steps in order to rectify an

inventory system that is out of balance” (Larsen, Thorstenson, 2008).


Operations in manufacturing can be classified based on the amount of

processing or assembly that occurs when an order from the customer is received. Make-

to-order operation has the highest degree of processing. This type of manufacturing

operation that works by starting to process a product when an order is already received

from the customer. Another operation which has a moderate degree of processing is

called assemble-to-order. This is done by dividing the company‟s manufacturing process

into modules. The amount of goods to be produced is based on research forecast or the

actual orders itself. Make-to-stock operations occur to have the lowest degree of

processing. Products are made from a standard design and make it before a customer

orders (Williams, 2010).

Shoe manufacturing in the Philippines, the main business process of Gibson‟s

Shoe Factory Inc., the proponents‟ client in this project, is concentrated in Marikina City.

The country‟s shoe industry has always been behind other countries (especially China)

but with this cluster (different shoe manufacturers being locatedin a specific area), it is

believed that the industry can be developed by upgrading and boosting export activity

(Scott, 2005).

Review of Related Systems and Technologies

HyperText Markup Language or more commonly known as HTML is markup

language that standard in creating web pages. It is often used with Cascading Style

Sheets (CSS).

Inventory system is a system that is maintained through and within a database. It

gives information about the owner‟s assets and location where these assets reside. The

relevant details about the asset, like when its volume is in critical level, are added to the

inventory record. Through this information given by the system, a specialist can create a

plan for asset recoveries to support the business operation. “Like all databases, the

Inventory System will only be effective if its information is kept current.” An inventory

management system provides updated information about the resources through

archiving and retrieving of records in centralized repository, financial records, service

records, and data used for backing the structured diagrams of the entire data processing

environment (Bronack, 2012)

JavaScript is a programming language with object-oriented capabilities that is

lightweight and interpreted. Its general purpose core has been installed in different web

browsers. The core of JavaScript language is somehow similar to C, C++, and Java.

JavaScript is also an untyped language that means no specific types are needed by the

variables to have. JavaScript is different from Java but both would be great to be used

as a team (Flanagan, 2002).

PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) is a server-side scripting language used for web

development that can be embedded into HTML.

An ordering system will act as a decision support tool that will help the

management monitor all related information. According to the research, the

management viewed paper based works as a bottleneck in the ordering system plus the

whole process not being integrated. Their system is expected to produce different kinds

of outputs that will help the management in their decision making like an automated

ordering process, product monitoring system, prediction tools or forecasts and a system

that will have a faster process of querying information from the database (Jamal, 2005).

The system being developed for Gibson‟s Shoe Factory Inc., is an inventory

system that is centralized. It applies the principles of inventory, manufacturing and

inventory management. The system information within the system should be correct,

accurate and consistent. In creating this system, some tools and technologies are used

like PHP, Javascript and HTML.



Existing Business Process

Gibson‟s Shoe Factory Inc. is currently using a system that is partially manual.

They use spreadsheets in recording their materials and finished goods but the other

processes in their production are done manually.

The company implements two types of process in producing their shoes - the

stocking or on-going production process and the job ordering process. The stocking

process is done through their daily operation. This caters the retail distribution of shoes

as well as other bulk purchases. Gibson‟s uses the job ordering process when an order

of the customer demands a higher volume of shoes to be produced. This is used when

the company receives an order from large security agencies and government offices like

AFP and Philippine National Police.

Currently, the company has five locations which serve as plant, factory,

warehouse, office and showroom. These are named as follows: Galileo, Petron, Galaxy,

Showroom and Main.

Figure 3.1 Existing Production Process of Gibson’s Shoe Factory Inc.

Galileo holds the raw materials being delivered from the suppliers. It also serves

as a factory where the processing of the goods delivered from the sub-contractor takes

place using machines in shoemaking. Galaxy plant is where the chemicals needed for

the shoes are created. Petron serves as a warehouse where it stores the shoe boxes for

packaging and the finished shoes. Showroom is for their retail of shoes and stores some

finished goods as well. The main office is in charge in final touches and packaging. It

also has a factory where handmade shoes are made and store finished goods as well.

Retail buying of shoes can also be done in the main office. The main office gathers data

from the other four locations.

In the first process, which is the stocking process, the company will place their

order to the supplier depending on the amount of raw materials and finished goods left in

the warehouse. Once the order is placed, they will wait for the ordered materials from

the supplier to be delivered. Warehouse men from Galileo will now receive the delivered

materials and will update the inventory due to new input of materials. Gibson‟s uses a

sub-contractor for the initial assembly of shoes. They will be receiving the raw materials,

cut it into different sizes, assemble it and making it into work-in-process goods. These

work-in-process goods will return to the factory (Galileo) for additional parts to be

attached. The new work-in-process goods will go into another factory (Galaxy) for

chemical and finishing touches and it will be delivered to Petron for packaging. From

packaging, the shoes needed by both the main and the showroom will now be delivered

where individual customers can already buy their desired shoes.

Job ordering process is somehow similar to the process of stocking but there will

difference from the stage when the shoes reach the Petron warehouse. When an order

from large and government agencies is received in the main office, they will order the

number of raw materials based on the volume shoes an order has. Materials ordered will

also be delivered to Galileo. Galileo will then pass it to the sub-contractor. The work-in-

process goods from the sub-contractor will be delivered back to Galileo for another

assembly activity. After that, it will be delivered to Galaxy for its finishing touch and will

send it to Petron. Instead of delivering these goods to the main office or showroom, the

shoes will be directly delivered to the customer/client.

Galileo Main Supplier Sub-Contractor

Start A B


Monitor Raw Critical Pick-up Raw

Materials level? Materials


A Initial
Order Raw Receive Assembly
Materials Order

Deliver Work-in-
Receive Raw Deliver Raw Process to
Materials Materials Galileo

Update C

Call Sub-con
for pick-up

Figure 3.2 Current Business Process (Stocking)

Galileo Galaxy Main Showroom

Work-in- Apply
Process Finishing
Receive Touch
Inventory Label and
Add rubber,
swelling and Update
other chemical Inventory
Attach more
parts (2nd
For retail
Quality Check

Deliver WIP Deliver Recieve FG &

to Galaxy Pass finished Update
Pass goods to
or Inventory

For retail



Figure 3.3 Current Business Process (Stocking)

Customer Main Supplier Galileo Sub-Contractor

Start A
Receive Raw

Pick-up Raw
Receive Materials
Order Shoes
Order Call Sub-con
for pick-up

D Order Raw Receive Assembly
Materials Order A

Receive Receive Deliver Work-in-

ordered shoes Work-in- Process to
Deliver Raw Galileo

End Attach more

parts (2nd

Deliver WIP
to Galaxy

Figure 3.4 Current Business Process (Job Order)

Galaxy Main Petron

Label and Goods
Add rubber,
swelling and
other chemical
touches Is order
For complete
Quality Check
Pass finished
Pass Deliver Shoes
goods to
or to Customer

Fail C

Figure 3.5 Current Business Process (Job Order)

Business Requirements Overview

The current system of Gibson‟s Shoe Factory Inc. is considered manual because

they are inputting data in spreadsheets for their inventory. The process of producing

shoes is somehow complicated due to having five different locations. There is a need to

closely monitor all items coming in and out of each plant/factory.

The proponents proposed that the company should have a centralized inventory

and internal ordering system. This system will help them consolidate all data about the

inventory of all five locations. Each should have different interface that can only view the

list of materials that their plant houses. Only the authorized people in the main office can

view the information in all plants. This system will link all locations providing them an

internal ordering of needed materials as well.


Figure 3.6 Use Case Diagram of Gibsons’ Centralized and Internal Ordering System

The use case diagram shows that there will be 3 types of system users or actors

- General Manager, Plant Supervisor/Personnel, and Database Administrator. The users

should have their own user accounts for security purposes. There are also specific tasks

where only one of the actors will be executing. When logging in, the system will first

verify if the username and password entered exists in the database and if it is valid. The

general manager and plant supervisors/personnel both can order the materials needed.

Update (input and output of materials) the inventory and monitor the current number of

materials in hand. There is no need for each of the plant to inform the main office

because the general manager already has an access to the entire plants inventory.

General Manager Admin Supplier

Start B

Log-in A Create User Receive

Account Orders

username & No Request Grant
Deliver Raw
Password? Admin for request?
View Stocks and Cancel C
other plant's Request

No Are stocks in Order Raw
critical level?

G Receive WIP
Input finished
received WIP

Finishing touch, Generate No

label and packaging

Receive order
Showroom Generate
I Deliver K
finished End

Figure 3.7 Proposed Inventory and Ordering System

Plant Manager (Galileo) Admin

Create User


Yes Receive Raw Grant

Valid username
request? D
& Password? Materials

Input received
raw materials
Cancel Request
Request Admin
for account

Process raw

E Input outgoing

Are stocks
Monitor plant's
in critical


Deliver WIP to
Receive order


Figure 3.8 Proposed Inventory and Ordering System

Admin Plant Manager (Galaxy)

Create User


Grant username &
Yes Receive WIP
request? Password?

Input received
Cancel Request Request Admin
for account

Additional shoe
D touches

Order WIP
H from
Galileo Input outgoing

Are stocks
Monitor plant's
in critical


Deliver WIP to

Figure 3.9 Proposed Inventory and Ordering System

Showroom Admin

I Create User


Valid Yes request?
username &
finished goods

No Input received
finished goods Cancel Request

Admin for
account For retail

J Input Sold

No Are stocks Monitor

in critical Showroom's
level? Stock


Order finished
goods from Main

Figure 3.10 Proposed Inventory and Ordering System

Business Solutions

From the existing inventory procedure of the company, which is manually

inputting inventory data in a spreadsheet, the proponents highly recommend an

implementation of a centralized inventory system and internal ordering system. The

proposed system is developed for Gibson's Shoe Factory Inc. to help them improve the

speed, effectiveness and efficiency in tracking of their raw materials, work-in-process

and finished goods in different plants.

The system will have two main modules: A centralized inventory system wherein

the main office will be able to add items and view/monitor all the raw materials inventory

of the company. However the other 4 Gibson's Shoe factory plants may be able to also

add and view/monitor but only the assigned materials in their place and an internal

ordering system wherein the providing and ordering of materials from the main office to a

specific plant will be monitored.

The following issues will be resolved once the system is implemented:

 Manual inventory system

 Reduce human error

 Irregular monitoring of inventory due to large amount of items in different plants

 Discrepancy in providing and receiving of materials in plants

Functional Requirements

 The system must keep a list of inventory inputted into the system.

 The system will only show each user the inventory that is relevant to a certain

plant except for the main office where it can view all inventory status of the five


 Only the officials of the company will be able to see all transactions done in the


 Each warehouse, factory and showroom will have a different interface and

inventory relevant to them.

 Each user will be restricted to only be able to read and edit what is relevant to

their assigned task in the company.

 The system will show a weekly report of the activities done by each branch to the

company officials.

Non-Functional Requirements

 The system will have a log in feature so that only assigned people will be able to


 In case of a system error backups of the records will still be accessible.


Figure 3.11 Log-in page of the proposed system

Figure 3.12 Inventory page of each plant in the proposed system

Figure 3.13 Order Page in the proposed system

System Generated Forms and/or Reports

Figure 3.14 Generating Reports for Gibson’s Centralized and Internal Ordering System

Project Risk and Feasibility Studies

Risk Management

Table 3.1 – Risk Management Table

No. Risk Response to Risk Risk Risk Impact Risk

Likelihood (RI) Exposure

(RL) (RL*RI)

1 Client The development team must make

hip sure that the client is aware of the
Low (2) Minor (2) 4
current progress of the project. Each

time a revision is made the company

must be able to review the said

revisions in order to assure that the

company agrees with the revisions.

2 Technological The development team must adjust

Limitation for the company and consider their

technology resources to make sure

Medium (3) Tolerable (3) 9
that the system will work on their


3 Level of The group must make sure that the

computer users of the company must be able to

literacy of the Navigate and troubleshoot basic

users errors In the system. This can be

Low (2) Tolerable (3) 6
done by giving proper

documentations and or manuals that

will give instructions on how to

operate and troubleshoot the system.

4 Business The development team should

Process analyze and understand the business

Medium (3) Major(5) 15
Adaptation processes especially the in and out of

materials in the company.


1 – Very Low, Negligible – highly unlikely, but it may occur in exceptional

circumstances and its impact can be ignored

2 – Low, Minor – not expected, but there is a slight possibility it may occur at

some time and you can cope with its impact

3 – Medium, Tolerable – the event might occur at some time as there is a history

of casual occurrence and its impact can be lessen

4 – High, Significant – there is a strong possibility that the event will occur as

there is a history of frequent occurrence and its impact must be greatly reduced

5 – Very High, Major – the event is very likely and expected to occur in most

circumstances and its impact must be paid close attention to

Risk Exposure – Is the quantified potential for loss that might occur as a result of some

activity. An analysis of the risk exposure for a business often ranks risks according to

their probability of occurring multiplied by the potential loss, and it might look at such

things as liability issues, property loss or damage, and product demand.

Risk Likelihood - A measure of the probability (between zero and 100 percent) that the

state of affairs described in the risk consequence portion of the risk statement will

actually occur.

Risk Impact - the size of the impact varies in terms of cost and impact on health, human

life, or some other critical factor

Technological Feasibility

The system will be very practical and attainable for the company because they

already have working computers and servers. Since, the company has many items (Raw

Materials, and finished goods) for their inventory; Database will be used for storing the

said information. Internet connection is also a must for the system. The servers will

serve as a database for this project/system.

If the system will be implemented, maintenance is necessary especially for

monitoring and debugging. The company or the person using the system will be trained

in solving basic errors and they can also seek help to the development team if needed.

Reports generated from the system are shown on a table format and it is only readable

in the website. It is stored in the database for future use.

Organizational/Cultural Feasibility

The users of the system should know how to navigate on a basic website. Users

will also be taught and trained for them to be knowledgeable about the other

functionalities of the system/project.

By automating the process of the company, they can easily monitor their stocks

in their different branches, they will know when to restock materials for production, they

can also track their materials more accurately and not solely depending on their

employees (e.g., how much leather was ordered and used to make different shoes).

Human errors will also lessen because there will be a list (Raw materials and finished

goods with price) uploaded on the website. Users will just input numbers and additional

or extra resources needed for their production; they can also manage their sales in their

different branches.

The project will make a large change to the company‟s business process by

linking all their plants in 1 system. Monitoring, ordering and sales will be much easier for

the company and view/monitor but only assigned materials in their place and an internal

ordering system wherein the providing and ordering of materials from the main office to a

specific plant will be monitored.

Economic Feasibility

Table 3.2 Proposed Budgets

Computer Usage
1 Project Manager (360 hours x
160.87/hr) Php57,913.20
1 Programmer (360 hours x 160.87/hr) Php57,913.20
1 System Analyst (360 hours x
160.87/hr) Php57,913.20
1 System Designer (360 hours x
160.87/hr) Php57,913.20
Computer Usage
(3php/dayX120day)x2 Php720.00
Expenses and Supplies
Printing Php1,000.00
Transpo Php1,000.00
New Equipment

Server Php8,000.00
Scanner Php2,000.00
Total Development Cost Php244,372.80

Annual Cost
Computer Usage(Desktop
9.6php x 312 working days Php2,995.20

Total Annual Operating Cost Php2,995.20

Total System Cost Php247,368.00

Benefit Cost

Man power for retrieval of records (P50.63 x 312 working days) Php15,797.00
Increase in the annual income of the
Company (3,000,000 *2%) Php60,000.00
Total Benefit Cost Php75,797.00

Table 3.3 Cost Benefit Analysis

Year 0 1 2 3 4 5
Present Value
Factor 1.00 0.89 0.80 0.71 0.64 0.57
System Cost 244,372.80 2,995.20 2,995.20 2,995.20 2,995.20 2,995.20
PV of System Cost 244,372.80 2,665.73 2,396.16 2,126.59 1,916.93 1,707.26 255,185.47
System Benefit
Cost 0.00 75,797.00 75,797.00 75,797.00 75,797.00 75,797.00
PV of System
Benefit 0.00 67,459.33 60,637.60 53,815.87 48,510.08 43,204.29 273,627.17
Net Present Value -167,048.00 64,793.60 58,241.44 51,689.28 46,593.15 41,497.03
Total NPV 18,441.70
CBR 93.26%

Cost Benefit Ratio = ΣPV of System Cost / ΣPV of System Benefit 93.26%

 We come up with the developmental cost for the personnel (our team) which we

estimated our work time including the documentation in 120 days, 3 hours per


 The 50.63 pesos came from the basic salary of the Filipino workers today; it was

multiplied to 312 working days of the employees of the company that totaled to

15,797 pesos. This is the total amount that can be deducted from the man power

and be added to the benefits of the company.

 The computer usage cost is based from Electricity bill calculator of As you can see the cost of computer usage in the development

cost and Annual cost are different because in the development cost, the team is

using a laptop computer (50 watts) and in the annual cost, the company will be

using a desktop computer (100 watts).

 The team used the discount factor of 12% present value to be received after 5


Chapter 4


Requirements Documentation

Detailed Event

Table 4.1 Admin Detailed Events

Event Trigger Source Use Case Response Destination

1. Admin Log-in Admin Log-in Username Admin
logs in and
password will
be verified by
the system
2.Admin Additional Admin Manage A window will Admin
clicks Inventory Catalog pop-up
Additional requiring
Inventory user to fill out
3. Admin Submit Admin Add or Edit Added Database
adds item in Items successfully
the inventory message will
appear and
that the item
is already
added in the
4. Admin Additional Admin Manage Additional Admin
clicks Users Users user form
Additional appears
Users requiring the
admin to fill-
out needed
5. Admin Submit Admin Add, Edit or Added Database
adds user Delete successfully
Users message will
6. Admin Main Admin View Inventory of Admin
clicks Main Branches Main will be
Inventory viewed by
7. Admin Galileo Admin View Inventory of Admin

clicks Branches Galileo will
Galileo Inventory be viewed by
8. Admin Galaxy Admin View Inventory of Admin
clicks Branches Galaxy will
Galaxy Inventory be viewed by
9. Admin Showroom Admin View Inventory of Admin
clicks Branches Showroom
Showroom Inventory will be
viewed by
10. Admin Petron Admin View Inventory of Admin
clicks Petron Branches Petron will
Inventory be viewed by
11. Admin Orders Admin View Orders Orders of all Admin
clicks branches will
Orders be viewed by

Table 4.2 Main Detailed Events

Event Trigger Source Use Case Response Destination

1. Main Log-in Main Log-in Username Main
logs in and
will be
verified by
the system
2.Main Inventory Main View Main will Main
views Inventory view all
Inventory Main
3. Main Update Main Manage An Main
clicks Inventory Inventory Additional
Update Form Inventory
Inventory Form will
Form pop-up
Item_ID and
4. Main Submit Main Add or Edit Inventory is Database
updates Inventory added or
inventory edited
5. Main Order Main View Order list Main

click Orders Orders made by
Main branch
will be
viewed by
6. Main Add Order Main Order Items Add Order Database/System
orders item from form will
Branches pop-up
user to input
needed data

Table 4.3 Galileo Detailed Events

Event Trigger Source Use Case Response Destination

1. Galileo Log-in Galileo Log-in Username Galileo
logs in and
will be
verified by
the system
2. Galileo Inventory Galileo View Galileo will Galileo
views Inventory view all
Inventory Galileo
3. Galileo Update Galileo Manage An Galileo
clicks Inventory Inventory Additional
Update Form Inventory
Inventory Form will
Form pop-up
Item_ID and
4. Galileo Submit Galileo Add or Edit Inventory is Database
updates Inventory added or
inventory edited
5. Galileo Order Galileo View Order list Galileo
click Orders Orders made by
branch will
be viewed
by Main
6. Galileo Add Order Galileo Order Items Add Order Database/System
orders item from form will
Branches pop-up

user to input
needed data

Table 4.4 Galaxy Detailed Events

Event Trigger Source Use Case Response Destination

1. Galaxy Log-in Galaxy Log-in Username Galaxy
logs in and
will be
verified by
the system
2. Galaxy Inventory Galaxy View Galaxy will Galaxy
views Inventory view all
Inventory Galaxy
3. Galaxy Update Galaxy Manage An Galaxy
clicks Inventory Inventory Additional
Update Form Inventory
Inventory Form will
Form pop-up
Item_ID and
4. Galaxy Submit Galaxy Add or Edit Inventory is Database
updates Inventory added or
inventory edited
5. Galaxy Order Galaxy View Order list Galaxy
click Orders Orders made by
branch will
be viewed
by Main
6. Galaxy Add Order Galaxy Order Items Add Order Database/System
orders item from form will
Branches pop-up
user to input
needed data

Table 4.5 Showroom Detailed Events

Event Trigger Source Use Case Response Destination

1. Log-in Showroom Log-in Username Showroom

Showroom and
logs in password
will be
verified by
the system
2. Inventory Showroom View Showroom Showroom
Showroom Inventory will view all
views Showroom
Inventory branch‟s
3. Update Showroom Manage An Showroom
Showroom Inventory Inventory Additional
clicks Form Inventory
Update Form will
Inventory pop-up
Form requiring
4. Submit Showroom Add or Edit Inventory is Database
Showroom Inventory added or
updates edited
5. Order Showroom View Order list Showroom
Showroom Orders made by
click Orders Showroom
branch will
be viewed
by Main
6. Add Order Showroom Order Add Order Database/System
Showroom Items from form will
orders item Branches pop-up
user to

Table 4.6 Petron Detailed Events

Event Trigger Source Use Case Response Destination

1. Petron Log-in Petron Log-in Username Petron
logs in and
will be
verified by
the system
2. Petron Inventory Petron View Petron will Petron
views Inventory view all

Inventory Petron
3. Petron Update Petron Manage An Petron
clicks Inventory Inventory Additional
Update Form Inventory
Inventory Form will
Form pop-up
Item_ID and
4. Petron Submit Petron Add or Edit Inventory is Database
updates Inventory added or
inventory edited
5. Petron Order Petron View Order list Petron
click Orders Orders made by
branch will
be viewed
by Main
6. Petron Add Order Petron Order Items Add Order Database/System
orders item from form will
Branches pop-up
user to input
needed data

4.1.2 Use Case Diagram

Figure 4.1 Use Case Diagram of Admin

Figure 4.2 Use Case Diagram of Main (General Manager)

Figure 4.3 Use Case Diagram of Galileo (Branch Manager)

Figure 4.4 Use Case Diagram of Galaxy (Branch Manager)

Figure 4.5 Use Case Diagram of Showroom (Branch Manager)

Figure 4.6 Use Case Diagram of Petron (Branch Manager)

System Requirements

Hardware Requirements

Any computer that can connect to the internet can access the system. Each

branch should have desktop or laptop which will be used for managing the system and

the whole inventory and ordering process as well. Printers are also needed when user

desires to print the reports generated by the system.

Software Requirements

The system can run in any web browser and in any operating system. A

spreadsheet (e.g. MS Excel) is a must for the generated CSV reports by the system

Design of Software, Systems, Product, and/or Processes

Sequence Diagrams

The diagram shows the interaction of the user and the system together with the

database. It shows the sequential process that the user can do inside the system.

User-Interface Design

Login Interface

This allows the user to access/login their accounts using their username and


Figure 4.7 Log-in Page

Add Inventory (Catalogue)

This allows the admin user to add items in the company‟s existing inventory list.

Figure 4.8 Add Inventory Page

User Interface

This allows the admin to view, add and edit user accounts that will be using the


Figure 4.9 User Admin Interface

Branches Interface

Branches Interface displays the homepage of the other remaining branches. This

interface is exclusive for the admin users who are only allowed to view the said


Figure 4.10 User Branch Manager Interface

Homepage Interface

As soon as the user logged in, the system will allow the user view the homepage

which displays the summary of inventory, ordering, and reports.

Figure 4.11 User Branch Manager Homepage

Inventory Interface

This allows the user to view the lists of raw materials, work-in-process and finished


Figure 4.12 User Branch Manager Inventory Page

Add Inventory Interface

This allows each user to input the quantity of the designated raw materials of their

branch to the system.

Figure 4.13 Add Inventory Interface

Order Interface

This allows the user to view the summary of pending, completed, cancelled orders

and orders of the branch.

Figure 4.14 Orders Page

Add Order Interface

This allows the user to order file an order of needed materials to the other


Figure 4.15 Add Order Interface

Report Interface

This allows the user to view in .csv format of specific reports regarding the past and

real-time inventory and ordering of the branch/company.

Figure 4.16 Reports Interface

Database Design

Figure 4.17 Database Design

This shows the design of the database of the system. Each schema is related

with one another with a primary and a foreign key.

Network Design

Figure 4.18 Network Design

The diagram shows that the online system (system & internet) is the intermediary

of the different branch users and the main branch users. The user‟s device/hardware

must be connected to the internet, and will input the web address to a browser to access

the website that contains the database and source codes of the system.

Development, Testing, and Deployment

Deployment Plan

The system must first undergo a series of testing and debugging. If the system is

fully operational and provides the needed and accurate results then the system will be

deployed for the client to use. The group will also guide and train the branch managers

on how to use the system.

Test Plan

The test plan will address the items related to the inventory and the internal

ordering process. The goal of this plan is to ensure that the developed system will help

the company in organizing and segregating their inventory and ordered materials to keep

an eye on their Raw materials, work-in-processes and finished goods, also to avoid


The Unit testing will be done by the development team and will be approved by

the development team head/Project Manager. The team will provide a test case list for

the project manager. The Acceptance testing will be done by the client with the

assistance of the development team. Acceptance test will be held at Gibson‟s Shoe

Factory Inc. 867 J. P. Rizal St., Concepcion I, Marikina City.

Unit Test

Table 4.7 Unit Test Table

Project name: Centralized Inventory and Internal Ordering System for Gibson‟s
Shoe Factory Inc.

Test Case ID:t01 Test Designed by: Project Manager

Test Priority: high Test Designed date: Mar 13, 2015
Module Name: Log-in button Test Executed by: Project Manager
Test Title: Admin Log-in Test Execution date: Apr 14, 2015
Description: Test log in button page

Pre-conditions: Admin must access the system

Dependencies: Registered Admin account

Step Test Test Expected Actual Result Status Notes

Steps Data Result (Fail/Pass)
1 Enter User User name User name Passed
admin will will be filled filled up
username input up
2 Enter User Password Password Passed
admin will will be filled filled up
password input up
3 Click log The user Logged in Passed
in should be successfully
able to log on
to the system
4 Enter User Unsuccessful Unsuccessful Passed The
invalid will log-in log-in system
admin input prompted
username the the user
and test for an
password data invalid

Table 4.8 Unit Test Table

Project name: Centralized Inventory and Internal Ordering System for Gibson‟s
Shoe Factory Inc.

Test Case ID:t02 Test Designed by: Project Manager

Test Priority: High Test Designed date: Mar 13, 2015
Module Name: Log in button Test Executed by: Project Manager
Test Title: Branch manager log in Test Execution date: Apr 14, 2015
Description: test log in button page

Pre-conditions: Branch manager should access the website.

Dependencies: Registered Account

Step Test Test Expected Actual Result Status Notes

Steps Data Result (Fail/Pass)
1 Enter User User name User name Passed
branch will will be filled filled up
manager input up
username the

2 Enter User Password will Password Passed
branch will be filled up filled up
manager input
password the
3 Click log The user Logged in Passed
in should be successfully
able to log on
to the system
4 Enter User Unsuccessful Unsuccessful Passed The
invalid will log-in log-in system
admin input prompted
username the the user
and test for an
password data invalid

Table 4.9 Unit Test Table

Project name: Centralized Inventory and Internal Ordering System for Gibson‟s
Shoe Factory Inc.

Test Case ID: t03 Test Designed by: Project Manager

Test Priority: High Test Designed date: Mar 13, 2015
Module Name: Admin Menu Test Executed by: Project Manager
Test Title: view all transactions of each Test Execution date: Apr 14, 2015
Description: test the menu

Pre-conditions: Administrator must log in to the system

Dependencies: Registered admin account, internet

Step Test Steps Test Expected Actual Result Status Notes

Data Result (Fail/Pass)
1 Click the Display the Displayed Passed
Main tab Main page the Main
2 Click the Display the Displayed Passed
Galileo tab Galileo the Galileo
page page
3 Click the Display the Displayed Passed
Galaxy tab Galaxy the Galaxy
page page
4 Click the Displayed Displayed Passed

Petron tab the Petron the Petron
page page

5 Click the Displayed Displayed Passed

Showroom the the
tab Showroom Showroom
page page
6 Click the Display the Displayed Passed
Order tab summary of the summary
orders in of orders in
the system the system
7 Click the Display the Displayed Passed
Additional Add the Add
Inventory inventory inventory
page page
8 Click the Display the Displayed Passed
Additional Add user the Add User
user page page

Table 4.10 Unit Test Table

Project name: Centralized Inventory and Internal Ordering System for Gibson‟s
Shoe Factory Inc.

Test Case ID:t04 Test Designed by: Project Manager

Test Priority: High Test Designed date: Mar 13, 2015
Module Name: Additional Inventory Test Executed by: Project Manager
Test Title: Additional Inventory Test Execution date: Apr 14, 2015
Description: test the Additional

Pre-conditions: Administrator must log in to the system

Dependencies: Registered Admin Account, internet

Step Test Test Expected Actual Status Notes

Steps Data Result Result (Fail/Pass)
1 Select Select Show drop Displayed Passed
Item type from down list of the drop
drop item type down list of
down item type
2 Input Enter Item ID will Item ID filled Passed
Item ID valid be filled up
3 Input Enter Item ID will Item ID will Passed The

Item ID invalid be filled up be filled up system
test prompted
data the user
for an
4 Input Enter Color will Color filled Passed
Color valid be filled up up
5 Input Enter Color will Color filled Passed The
Color invalid be filled up system
test prompted
data the user
for an
6 Input Enter Item name Item name Passed
Item valid will be filled filled up
name test up

7 Input Enter Item name Item name Passed The

Item invalid will be filled filled up system
name test up prompted
data the user
for an
8 Input Enter Size will be Size filled up passed
Size valid filled up
9 Input Enter Size will be Size filled up Passed The
Size invalid filled up system
the user
for an
10 Test Successful Successfully Passed All entry
submit submission submitted our valid
button of orders order
11 Test System will System Passed One or
Submit prompt the Prompted more
button user for an the user for invalid
invalid an invalid entry
entry entry

Table 4.11 Unit Test Table

Project name: Centralized Inventory and Internal Ordering System for Gibson‟s
Shoe Factory Inc.

Test Case ID: t05 Test Designed by: Project Manager

Test Priority: High Test Designed date: Mar 13, 2015
Module Name: Additional User Test Executed by: Project Manager
Test Title: Additional User tab Test Execution date: Apr 14, 2015
Description: test the additional user tab

Pre-conditions: Administrator must log in to the system

Dependencies: Registered Admin account, internet

Step Test Test Expected Actual Result Status Notes

Steps Data Result (Fail/Pass)
1 Input Enter Name will Name filled Passed No
Name test be filled up up specific
data format
2 Input Enter Username Username Passed No
Username test will be filled filled up specific
data up format
3 Select Select Show drop showed drop Passed
branch from down list of down list of
drop braches branches
4 Input Enter Employee Employee Passed No
Employee test number will filled up specific
Number data be filled up format
5 Input Enter Password Password Passed
Password test will be filled filled up
data up
6 Test Successful New user Passed
Submit submission was
button of new user successfully

Table 4.12 Unit Test Table

Project name: Centralized Inventory and Internal Ordering System for Gibson‟s
Shoe Factory Inc.

Test Case ID: t06 Test Designed by: Project Manager

Test Priority: High Test Designed date: Mar 13, 2015
Module Name: branch interface tab Test Executed by: Project Manager
Test Title: Branches Interface Test Execution date: Apr 14, 2015
Description: test the branch interface

Pre-conditions: Branch/Factory Manager must be log in the system

Dependencies: Registered Branch/Factory Manager account, internet

Step Test Test Expected Actual Result Status Notes

Steps Data Result (Fail/Pass)
1 Click Display Displayed Passed
Inventory Inventory Inventory
tab page page
2 Click inventory Inventory Passed
update form will form popped
inventory pop up up
3 Click Display Displayed Passed
Order tab Order page Order Page
4 Click Add Order form Order form Passed
Order tab will pop up popped out

Table 4.13 Unit Test Table

Project name: Centralized Inventory and Internal Ordering System for Gibson‟s
Shoe Factory Inc.

Test Case ID: t07 Test Designed by: Project Manager

Test Priority: High Test Designed date: Mar 13, 2015
Module Name: Inventory tab Test Executed by: Project Manager
Test Title: Inventory Test Execution date: Apr 14, 2015
Description: test the inventory tab

Pre-conditions: Branch/Factory Manager must be log in the system

Dependencies: Registered Branch/Factory Manager account, internet

Step Test Test Expected Actual Result Status Notes

Steps Data Result (Fail/Pass)
1 Click Raw Display list Displayed list Passed
Materials of Raw of raw
tab Materials materials

2 Click Display list Displayed list Passed
Work-in- of Work-in- of Work-in-
Process Process process
3 Clicked Display list Displayed list Passed
Finished of finished of finished
Goods tab goods goods
4 Click View Display Displayed Passed
More more details more details
Details about the about the
item item
5 Enter Enter Display the Desired data Passed Filter
data type existing desired were
data data displayed
6 Enter Enter Will display Displayed Passed Filter
Data type non “No data “No data
existing found” found”

Table 4.14 Unit Test Table

Project name: Centralized Inventory and Internal Ordering System for Gibson‟s Shoe
Factory Inc.

Test Case ID: t08 Test Designed by: Project Manager

Test Priority: high Test Designed date: Mar 13, 2015
Module Name: Inventory Test Executed by: Project Manager
Test Title: Inventory form pop out Test Execution date: Apr 14, 2015
Description: testing of pop out

Pre-conditions: Branch/Factory Manager must be log in the system

Dependencies: Registered Branch/Factory Manager account, internet

Step Test Test Expected Actual Status Notes

Steps Data Result Result (Fail/Pass)
1 Select Select Show drop Displayed Passed
Item ID from down list of the drop
drop Item ID down list of
down Item ID
2 Input Input Quantity will Quantity passed For Chemical
Quantity valid be filled up filled up requirements,
test quantity will be

data converted to the
- Quantity
limit is 10,
3 Click Form will be Form was passed
Submit successfully successfully
button submitted submitted

Table 4.15 Unit Test Table

Project name: Centralized Inventory and Internal Ordering System for Gibson‟s
Shoe Factory Inc.

Test Case ID: t09 Test Designed by: Project Manager

Test Priority: High Test Designed date: Mar 13, 2015
Module Name: Order Tab Test Executed by: Project Manager
Test Title: Ordering Test Execution date: Apr 14, 2015
Description: Testing of Order tab

Pre-conditions: Branch/Factory Manager must be log in the system

Dependencies: Registered Branch/Factory Manager account, internet

Step Test Steps Test Data Expected Actual Status Notes

Result Result (Fail/Pass)
1 Tick the Order will Order will Order has Passed With
checkbox be move be been Pending
to completed completed Order
completed and the and the
orders pending pending
order will order was
be removed
removed from the
from the pending
pending database
database and
and appear appeared in
in the the
completed completed
order list order list
2 Click the Orders New New Passed
Completed from completed completed
order tab pending order will order
will be appear in appeared in
completed the page the page

3 Click the Orders Orders from Passed
Cancelled from other other
order tab branches branches
that they that they
have have
cancelled cancelled
will appear appeared
4 Click the List the Branch Passed This is
Branch branches order to the tab
order tab order to other where
other branches the
branches was listed branch

Table 4.16 Unit Test Table

Project name: Centralized Inventory and Internal Ordering System for Gibson‟s
Shoe Factory Inc.

Test Case ID: t10 Test Designed by: Project Manager

Test Priority: High Test Designed date: Mar 13, 2015
Module Name: Order form Test Executed by: Project Manager
Test Title: Orders of branches to other Test Execution date: Apr 14, 2015
Description: Testing of order form

Pre-conditions: Branch/Factory Manager must be log in the system

Dependencies: Registered Branch/Factory Manager account, internet

Step Test Test Expected Actual Status Notes

Steps Data Result Result (Fail/Pass)
1 Select Select Drop down Displayed passed
item type from list of Item drop down
drop type list of item
2 Order passed Automated
3 Order passed Automated
4 Order passed Automated
5 Enter Input Item ID will Item ID filled Passed
Item ID test be filled up up

6 Item Item name Item name Passed
name will be filled filled up
7 Quantity Quantity will Quantity passed
be filled up filled up
8 Select Select Drop down Displayed Passed Lists all
size from list of size drop down available
drop list of size sizes
9 Select Select Drop down Displayed Passed
Branch from list of drop down
drop branches list of
down branches
10 Click Form will be Form was Passed
Submit successfully successfully
button submitted submitted

User Acceptance Test

Table 4.17 User Acceptance Test

Test Case Test Scenario Yes No

T01 Have you logged in
T02 Does the system accept
wrong credentials from users?
T03 Did the system display the
desired inventory list by the
T04 Were you able to add an item
in the inventory successfully?
T04 Did the system showed
successfully submitted
T05 Are users added successfully?
T05 Did the system accepted an
existing user to be added?
T06 Did the system produce an
order form?
T07 Do branch managers able to
view other branches‟

T08 Does the system accept an
incomplete order form?
T09 Can orders still be cancelled?
T10 Is the systems whole process
easy to comprehend and

Test Results

Based on the user-acceptance testing of the application, the results are as

follows. The test cases were answered by 10 respondents who are the possible people

to use the system. Each question is answerable by yes or no.


0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Figure 4.19 User Acceptance Test Result

The first question asks if the tester can log in successfully, 100% answered yes.

The second question asks if the System accepted wrong credentials from users, all

answered no. The third question asks if the system displayed the desired inventory list

by the user, all answered yes. The fourth question asked the user if they were able to

add an item in the inventory successfully, everyone answered yes. The fifth question

asks if the system showed “successfully submitted message?”, all answered yes. The

sixth question asks if users are added successfully, everyone said yes. The seventh

question asks if the system accepted an existing user to be added, everyone said no.

The eighth question asks if the system produced an order form, everyone answered yes.

The ninth question asked if the branch managers can view other branches‟ inventory,

everyone said no. The tenth question asked if the system accepts an incomplete order

form, everyone said no. The eleventh question asks if orders can still be cancelled,

everyone said yes. The last question asks if the systems whole process easy to

comprehend and understand six said yes, four said no

Variation of respondents age, knowledge in computer and technology and many

other factors may be the cause of getting “no” from some respondents in the user

acceptance test. Overall, the test showed a positive response from the users.




We the group have concluded that the use of the system will allow the company

to improve the management of their inventory. The system will let the company improve

the tracking of their inventory between branches and the amount of available materials

they are able to store in each branch.

Each branch will have a better understanding of the nature of their inventory

allowing them to have a better forecast of their needed materials to be ordered for each

month. This will also help in improving the scheduling of production in each branch to

anticipate possible orders of other branches.

With the help of the system the owners of the company will be able to keep better

track of production as well as raw materials on hand. With the use of the reports of the

system the owners will know the limitations of production allowing them to have better

judgment in sales.


We recommend that the company will decide to create a system with a larger

scope with the addition of sales as well as payroll. With the addition of online selling the

company will be able to improve their sales output and be able to grow in a larger scale.

With an online sales system the company will also have better exposure to the

international market allowing them to compete with other countries.



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<a href="admin.php?link=Main"><i class="fa fa-fw fa-dashboard"></i> Main</a>



<a id="gali" href="branch.php?link=Galileo"><i class="fa fa-fw fa-bar-chart-o"></i>



<a id="gala" href="branch.php?link=Galaxy"><i class="fa fa-fw fa-table"></i>




<a id="pet" href="branch.php?link=Petron"><i class="fa fa-fw fa-edit"></i>




<a id="show" href="branch.php?link=Showroom"><i class="fa fa-fw fa-

desktop"></i> Showroom</a>



<a href="adminorder.php"><i class="fa fa-fw fa-desktop"></i> Orders</a>



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<h3> Online Inventory and Internal Ordering System



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echo $_SESSION['Branch'];








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<a href="#">Raw Materials</a>

<div class="cbp-hrsub">

<div class="cbp-hrsub-inner">

<div class="table-responsive">

<table class="table table-bordered table-hover table-striped">






<th>Item Description</th>






$rec_limit = 8;

$query = mysqli_query($con,
"SELECT * FROM main_inventory INNER JOIN main WHERE main.ID = main_inventory.ID AND
Item_type= 'Raw Material'");

$result =

$row =


echo "no data




$rec_count = $row[0];

if( isset($_GET{'page'} ) )

$page = $_GET{'page'} + 1;

$offset = $rec_limit * $page ;


$page = 0;

$offset = 0;

$left_rec = $rec_count - ($page

* $rec_limit);

$query = mysqli_query($con,
"SELECT * FROM main_inventory INNER JOIN main WHERE main.ID = main_inventory.ID AND
Item_type= 'Raw Material' ORDER BY main.Quantity ASC LIMIT $offset, $rec_limit");

while($row =

{ echo'


<td class="sub_content">' .
$row['ID'] .'</td>

<td class="sub_content">' .
$row['Quantity'] .'</td>

<td class="sub_content">' .
$row['Size'] .'</td>

<td class="sub_content">' .
$row['Item_name'] .'</td>

<td class="sub_content">' .
$row['Color'] .'</td>







<div class="text-center">



<div class="text-right">

<a href="main-RMactive.php?link=Main">View Full List <i class="fa fa-




</div><!-- /cbp-hrsub-inner -->

</div><!-- /cbp-hrsub -->



<a href="#">Work-in-Process</a>

<div class="cbp-hrsub">

<div class="cbp-hrsub-inner">

<div class="table-responsive">

<table class="table table-bordered table-hover table-striped">






<th>Item Description</th>






$rec_limit = 8;

$query = mysqli_query($con,
"SELECT * FROM main_inventory INNER JOIN main WHERE main.ID = main_inventory.ID AND
Item_type= 'Work-In-Process'");

$result =

$row =


echo "no data



$rec_count = $row[0];

if( isset($_GET{'page'} ) )

$page = $_GET{'page'} + 1;

$offset = $rec_limit * $page ;


$page = 0;

$offset = 0;

$left_rec = $rec_count - ($page

* $rec_limit);

$query = mysqli_query($con,
"SELECT * FROM main_inventory INNER JOIN main WHERE main.ID = main_inventory.ID AND
Item_type= 'Work-In-Process' ORDER BY main.Quantity ASC LIMIT $offset, $rec_limit");

while($row =

{ echo'


<td class="sub_content">' .
$row['ID'] .'</td>

<td class="sub_content">' .
$row['Quantity'] .'</td>

<td class="sub_content">' .
$row['Size'] .'</td>

<td class="sub_content">' .
$row['Item_name'] .'</td>

<td class="sub_content">' .
$row['Color'] .'</td>







<div class="text-center">



<div class="text-right">

<a href="main-WIPactive.php?link=Main">View Full List <i class="fa fa-




</div><!-- /cbp-hrsub-inner -->

</div><!-- /cbp-hrsub -->



<a href="#">Finished Products</a>

<div class="cbp-hrsub">

<div class="cbp-hrsub-inner">

<div class="table-responsive">

<table class="table table-bordered table-hover table-striped">






<th>Item Description</th>






$rec_limit = 8;

$query = mysqli_query($con,
"SELECT * FROM main_inventory INNER JOIN main WHERE main.ID = main_inventory.ID AND
Item_type= 'Finished Product'");

$result =

$row =


echo "no data



$rec_count = $row[0];

if( isset($_GET{'page'} ) )

$page = $_GET{'page'} + 1;

$offset = $rec_limit * $page ;


$page = 0;

$offset = 0;

$left_rec = $rec_count - ($page

* $rec_limit);

$query = mysqli_query($con,
"SELECT * FROM main_inventory INNER JOIN main WHERE main.ID = main_inventory.ID AND
Item_type= 'Finished Product' ORDER BY main.Quantity ASC LIMIT $offset, $rec_limit");

while($row =

{ echo'


<td class="sub_content">' .
$row['ID'] .'</td>

<td class="sub_content">' .
$row['Quantity'] .'</td>

<td class="sub_content">' .
$row['Size'] .'</td>

<td class="sub_content">' .
$row['Item_name'] .'</td>

<td class="sub_content">' .
$row['Color'] .'</td>







<div class="text-center">



<div class="text-right">

<a href="main-FGactive.php?link=Main">View Full List <i class="fa fa-arrow-




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<div class="row">

<div class="col-lg-12">

<div class="panel panel-default">

<div class="panel-heading">

<h3 class="panel-title"><i class="fa fa-money fa-fw"></i> Ordering</h3>


<div class="panel-body">

<div id="order" class="table-responsive">

<table class="table table-bordered table-hover table-striped">



<th>Order #</th>

<th>Order Date</th>



<th>Item Description</th>


<th>Branch to</th>







$rec_limit = 8;

$query =
mysqli_query($con, "SELECT * FROM `order` WHERE Branch_from = '" . $_GET['link'] ."'");

$result =

$row =

$rec_count =

isset($_GET{'page'} ) )

$page =
$_GET{'page'} + 1;

$offset =
$rec_limit * $page ;


$page = 0;

$offset = 0;


$left_rec =
$rec_count - ($page * $rec_limit);

$query =
mysqli_query($con, "SELECT * FROM `order` WHERE Branch_from = '" . $_GET['link'] ."' LIMIT
$offset, $rec_limit");

while($row =

{ echo'


class="sub_content">' . $row['Order_num'] .'</td>

class="sub_content">' . $row['Order_date'] .'</td>

class="sub_content">' . $row['Quantity'] .'</td>

class="sub_content">' . $row['Size'] .'</td>

class="sub_content">' . $row['Item_name'] .'</td>

class="sub_content">' . $row['ID'] .'</td>

class="sub_content">' . $row['Branch_to'] .'</td>

class="sub_content">' . $row['Status'] .'</td>


'; }









<!-- /.row -->

<div id="reports_form" class="modalDialog">

<div class="shadow">

<div class="modal_head">Reports<a
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<div class="modal_body">

<table cellspacing="0" class="table table-bordered

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<th>Report type</th>






method = "GET" action = "">


<select id="Branch" name="Branch" required>

<option value="Admin">Admin</option>

<option value="Main">Main</option>

<option value="Galileo">Galileo</option>

<option value="Galaxy">Galaxy</option>

<option value="Petron">Petron</option>

<option value="Showroom">Showroom</option>




<select id="Type" name="Type" required>

<option value="Order">Order</option>

<option value="Inventory">Inventory</option>




<select id="Format" name="Format" required>

<option value="CSV">CSV</option>

<option value="PDF">PDF</option>




onclick="window.location='#reports2_form';" class="update" >submit</button>









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<table cellspacing="0" class="table table-bordered

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<th>Report type</th>







<input value="<?php echo $_GET['Branch']; ?>" class="form-control"disabled>



<input value="<?php echo $_GET['Type']; ?>" class="form-control" disabled>



<input value="<?php echo $_GET['Format']; ?>" class="form-control" disabled>




$format= $_GET['Format'];

$branch =$_GET['Branch'];


if($format == 'CSV')

if($type == 'Order')

if($branch == 'Main')

$loc ='export2csv/mainorderrep.php?link=Main';

else if($branch == 'Galileo')

$loc ='export2csv/mainorderrep.php?link=Galileo';

else if($branch == 'Galaxy')

$loc ='export2csv/mainorderrep.php?link=Galaxy';

else if($branch == 'Petron')

$loc ='export2csv/mainorderrep.php?link=Petron';

else if($branch == 'Showroom')

$loc ='export2csv/mainorderrep.php?link=Showroom';

else if($branch == 'Admin')

$loc ='export2csv/allorderrep.php';

if($type == 'Inventory')

if($branch == 'Main')

$loc ='export2csv/maininventoryrep.php?link=Main';

else if($branch == 'Galileo')

$loc ='export2csv/maininventoryrep.php?link=Galileo';

else if($branch == 'Galaxy')

$loc ='export2csv/maininventoryrep.php?link=Galaxy';

else if($branch == 'Petron')

$loc ='export2csv/maininventoryrep.php?link=Petron';

else if($branch == 'Showroom')

$loc ='export2csv/maininventoryrep.php?link=Showroom';

else if($branch == 'Admin')

$loc ='export2csv/allinvlist.php';

if($format == 'PDF')

if($type == 'Order')

if($branch == 'Main')

$loc ='export2csv/mainorderpdf.php?link=Main';

else if($branch == 'Galileo')

$loc ='export2csv/mainorderpdf.php?link=Galileo';

else if($branch == 'Galaxy')

$loc ='export2csv/mainorderpdf.php?link=Galaxy';

else if($branch == 'Petron')

$loc ='export2csv/mainorderpdf.php?link=Petron';

else if($branch == 'Showroom')

$loc ='export2csv/mainorderpdf.php?link=Showroom';


else if($branch == 'Admin')

$loc ='export2csv/allorderpdf.php';

if($type == 'Inventory')

if($branch == 'Main')

$loc ='export2csv/maininvpdf.php?link=Main';

else if($branch == 'Galileo')

$loc ='export2csv/maininvpdf.php?link=Galileo';


else if($branch == 'Galaxy')

$loc ='export2csv/maininvpdf.php?link=Galaxy';

else if($branch == 'Petron')

$loc ='export2csv/maininvpdf.php?link=Petron';

else if($branch == 'Showroom')

$loc ='export2csv/maininvpdf.php?link=Showroom';

else if($branch == 'Admin')

$loc ='export2csv/allinvpdf.php';




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The Main branch of the company is located in 867 J.P. Rizal Street, Concepcion

I, Marikina City.


Curriculum Vitae


54 E. Rodriguez Ave.
Sto. Nino, Marikina 1800
Mobile Number: (63) 9178112422
Email Address:


To test the skills and knowledge in programming, database management and systems analysis I
have acquired through studying under the University of Santo Tomas by seeking employment in
a well-respected company. To be able to attain suitable employment and build the foundations
of my career.

He is a graduating student from the University of Santo Tomas and he is currently taking the
Degree of Bachelor of Science Major in Information System studies. Highly interested in
Information Systems and computer related research, Database Administration, Network
Administration, and Applications Development. He is SAP (Systems Applications and Products)
trained. He has good interpersonal skills and can work within a group of people. He has a lot of
skills unrelated to the course he is taking but is useful in interacting with other people.


 Completed Software Engineering Project 2nd
 Completed Web Design training 2nd
 Completed IBM-DB2 Database Management training 2nd
 Completed extensive SAP(Systems Applications and Products) training 2nd

 Completed Java Language training 2nd

Educational Background:
TERTIARY LEVEL : The Pontifical and Royal University of Santo Tomas
PROGRAM : Bachelor of Science major in Information Systems

TERTIARY LEVEL : The Pontifical and Royal University of Santo Tomas
PROGRAM : Bachelor of Science major in Industrial Engineering

SECONDARY LEVEL: Marist College, Marikina City

PRIMARY LEVEL : Claret School of Quezon City

Seminars Attended:

Seminar Title: Date:

 JFFC Philippine Student Web Design – Designing for Touch February
 JFFC Philippine Student Web Design – Making Html5 Games February
 Ethical Hacking February 12,
 RCYC Basic First Aid Training 2010

Programming and Management skills:

 Visual Basic Programming

 PHP Programming
 HTML and CSS Programming
 JAVA Language Programming
 C++ Language Programming
 IBM-DB2 Database Management Systems
 SAP Business ONE Software Management
 COBOL Programming
 MySQL Database Management System

Extra-Curricular Activities
 Internal Vice President of UST Filipino Martial Arts Group AY 2014-2015
 Volunteer Helper at UST Human Cross February 26,
 Volunteer Helper at UST Living Rosary Record December 12,
 Volunteer Freshmen Campus Tour Guide AY 2010-2014

#32 JP Rizal street, Talisay,
Balanga City, Bataan.


 To acquire more knowledge and enhance my skills in the field covering Information
systems in the work environment.
 To have exposure and learn the application of the theories I have learned in the field of
information systems.


 Skilled in Microsoft Office

 Knowledgeable in IBM DB2
 Average in Java, C++ and C programming
 Adept in web development (HTML)
 Excellent communication and leadership skills



Bachelor of Science in Information System


High School Diploma


2013 – Present Information Systems Society (ISyS)


Information Systems dance troupe (IDT)

2012 – 2013 Information Systems Society (ISyS)
Assoc. Vice President for Documentation

Scarlet Engineering

2011 – 2012 Information Systems Society (ISyS)


Ursua, Audrey Lynne C.
2612 Guadalupe Mansion J.P Rizal Ext
Cembo, Makati City
(02) 750-73-09 / 0917-623-9028 /

 To apply for an entry-level position and work on a competitive and challenging
environment where I can serve my skills in the field of Information Systems by
performing in the highest of standards and to be able to contribute in the growth
of the company while continuously gaining knowledge to strengthen my personal
and professional growth.

 Knowledgeable in Business Management (Human Resource, Operations
Management, Business Process Reengineering and Information Resource
 Background in programming languages (C++, Java, JavaScript, Assembly and COBOL)
 Above average web developing skills (HTML, CSS)
 Knowledgeable in IBM DB2 Database Management and Oracle Database
 Accounting skills with background in SAP Business One Software
 Proficient in using MS Office
 Familiar in video and photo editing applications (Adobe Photoshop and Sony Vegas
 Excellent interpersonal and communication skills
 Can work under pressure
 Can work in minimal supervision
 Capable of learning new things and work with others
 Determined to finish multiple tasks assigned
 Manages time wisely


Tertiary 2011-Present Bachelor of Science in Information Systems

University of Santo Tomas
España, Manila

Secondary/Primary 2001-2011 Saint Paul College of Makati

Poblacion, Makati City


On-the-job Training July–Dec 2014 CITIBANK PHILIPPINES

Eastwood City, Libis, Quezon City

Detection Team
Department: Fraud Management Unit


Birth Date: January 11, 1995 Civil Status: Single

Birth Place: Mandaluyong City Languages Spoken: Filipino, English
Nationality: Filipino


August 2011 EXIST: Expanding eXcellence as an Information Systems

(University of Santo Tomas)
August 2013 Business Analytics and IBM Certification Seminar (University of
Santo Tomas)
March 2013 SAP Business One, Certificate of Completion (University of
Santo Tomas)
November 2013 DIY 101: PC Assembly (University of Santo Tomas)
December 2013 A++ Get to know Accenture (University of Santo Tomas)
January 2014 SMU: Master of IT in Business (University of Santo Tom)
February 2014 Junior Form Function & Class 2014 (Ateneo De Manila


2011-Present Information Systems Society (ISyS), Member

2011-2014 Junior Philippine Computer Society (JPCS), Member
2012-Present Engineering Women’s Basketball Team


Ms. Marikit Valmadrid Ms. Evangelina G. Salgado

Instructor, Faculty of Engineering AVP, Internal Audit Department

University of Santo Tomas Banco De Oro, Head Office

(+63) 917 312 6213 (+63) 908 887 8437/ (+63) 917
800 4037

Mr. Dan Kirby Silva

Fraud Detection Head,

Fraud Management Unit

Citibank Philippines

(+63) 917 541 1077


50 Fort Santiago St, Bago Bantay,

Quezon City
0932-471-6911 / 0935-972-2387


 To apply for a job that will help me enhance the concepts and theories I learned
in BS Information Systems and to develop my potentials through exposure to the
actual fieldworks.


 Background in Java, C++ and C Programming

 Background in web development (HTML and CSS)
 Capable in using Microsoft Office
 Accounting skills with background in SAP Business One Software
 Knowledgeable in IBM DB2
 Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
 Can work under pressure
 Capable of learning new things


2011-Present University of Santo Tomas

BS Information Systems
2011 Quezon City Academy
Secondary Education
2007 Col. E. De Leon Elementary School
Primary Education

June 2014 – October 2014 Intern, National Library of the Philippines
Information Technology Division
February 2015 – April 2015 Intern, Linde Philippines, Inc.
Information Services Department


April 2015 Oracle Database 11g: Administration Workshop

University of Santo Tomas
November 2014 Apache Hadoop Seminar
University of Santo Tomas
March 2014 IBM DB2 9.7 Academic Training
University of Santo Tomas
February 2014 Junior Form Function & Class 2014
Ateneo De Manila University
January 2014 SWU Master of IT in Business
University of Santo Tomas
August 2013 Business Analytics and IBM Certification Seminar
University of Santo Tomas
March 2013 SAP Business One (Certificate of Completion)
University of Santo Tomas


2011-2015 Information Systems Society (ISyS)

Staff (Events Committee)
2011-2015 Scarlet Engineering
2014-2015 Junior Philippine Computer Society-UST Chapter (JPCS-UST)


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