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Current and Direct Current Circuits

P21.3 We use I = nqAvd, where n is the number of charge carriers per unit
volume, and is identical to the number of atoms per unit volume. We
assume a contribution of 1 free electron per atom in the relationship
above. For aluminum, which has a molar mass of 27, we know that
Avogadro’s number of atoms, NA, has a mass of 27.0 g. Thus, the mass
per atom is




*P21.5 (a)

(b) From J = nevd, we have

(c) From we have

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Chapter 21 623

(This is about 382 years!)

P21.7 q = 4t3 + 5t + 6



P21.9 (a)

(b) From Equation 21.17, Then,




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624 Current and Direct Current Circuits

P21.12 For aluminum, (Table 21.1)

and (Table 16.1).

P21.13 (a) Given total mass where

mass density.

Taking r º resistivity,


(b) , or


The diameter is twice this distance: diameter

Energy used in a 24-hour day = (0.187 kW)(24.0 h) = 4.49 kWh.

Therefore daily .

P21.33 (a) Combining Joule’s law, P = I∆V, and

the definition of resistance, ∆V = IR, gives

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ANS. FIG. P21.33
Chapter 21 625

(b) The electromotive force of the battery must equal the voltage
drops across the resistances: e = IR + Ir, where I = ∆V/R.

*P21.35 (a) Here  = I (R + r),



ANS. FIG. P21.35(a)

(b) Let I1 and I2 be the currents

flowing through the battery
and the headlights, respectively.
Then, I1 = I2 + 35.0 A, and

so ANS. FIG. P21.35(b)

giving I2 = 1.93 A


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626 Current and Direct Current Circuits

P21.37 (a)

(b) ANS. FIG. P21.37

for the and resistors.


so for the resistor. Finally,

so for the resistor.

P21.43 To find the current in each resistor, we find the resistance seen by the
battery. The given circuit reduces as shown in ANS. FIG. P21.43(a),

In ANS. FIG. P21.43(b),

I = 18.0 V/6.75  = 2.67 A
This is also the current in ANS. FIG. P21.43(a), so
the 2.00- and 4.00- resistors convert powers

P2 = I∆V = I2R = (2.67 A)2(2.00 W ) =

and P4 = I2R = (2.67 A)2(4.00 W ) =

The voltage across the 0.750- resistor in

ANS. FIG. P21.43
ANS. FIG. P21.43(a), and across both the 3.00-
and the 1.00- resistors in Figure P21.43, is
∆V = IR = (2.67 A)(0.750 W ) = 2.00 V
Then for the 3.00- resistor,

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Chapter 21 627

and the power is

For the 1.00- resistor,

P21.45 (a) For the upper loop:

5.00 = 7.00I1 so ANS. FIG. P21.45

(b) For the center-left junction:

I3 = I1 + I2 = 2.00 A

where I3 is the current through the ammeter (assumed to travel to

the right):

0.714 + I2 = 2.00 so

(c) For the lower loop:

P21.46 (a) The first equation represents

Kirchhoff’s loop theorem. We
choose to think of it as describing
a clockwise trip around the left-
hand loop in a circuit; see ANS. FIG. P21.46(a)
ANS. FIG. P21.46(a). For the
right-hand loop see ANS. FIG.
P21.46(b). The junctions must
be between the 5.80-V emf and ANS. FIG. P21.46(b)
the 370- resistor and between the
370- resistor and the 150-
resistor. Then we have ANS. FIG.

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ANS. FIG. P21.46(c)
628 Current and Direct Current Circuits

P21.46(c). This is consistent with

the third equation,

(b) Suppressing units, we substitute:

Next ,

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Chapter 21 629

P21.47 We name currents I1, I2, and I3 as shown in

ANS. FIG. P21.47. From Kirchhoff’s current
rule, I3 = I1 + I2.

Applying Kirchhoff’s voltage rule to the

loop containing I2 and I3,

ANS. FIG. P21.47

Applying Kirchhoff’s voltage rule to the loop containing I1 and I2,

Solving the above linear system (by substituting I1 + I2 for I3), we
proceed to the pair of simultaneous equations:


and to the single equation


and give

(a) The results are: 0.846 A down in the 8.00- resistor; 0.462 A down
in the middle branch; 1.31 A up in the right-hand branch.
(b) For 4.00-V battery:

For 12.0-V battery:

The results are: –222 J by the 4.00-V battery and 1.88 kJ by the
12.0-V battery.

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630 Current and Direct Current Circuits

(c) To the 8.00- resistor:

To the 5.00- resistor:

To the 1.00- resistor in the center branch:

To the 3.00- resistor:

To the 1.00- resistor in the right-hand branch:


(e) Either sum the results in part (b): –222 J + 1.88 kJ = 1.66 kJ,
or in part (c): 687 J + 128 J + 25.6 J + 616 J +205 J = 1.66 kJ
The total amount of energy transformed is 1.66 kJ.
P21.49 Label the currents in the branches as shown in
ANS. FIG. P21.49(a). Reduce the circuit by
combining the two parallel resistors as shown in
ANS. FIG. P21.49(b).
Apply Kirchhoff’s loop rule to both loops in ANS.
FIG. P21.49(b) to obtain: ANS. FIG. P21.49(a)

With R = 1 000 , simultaneous solution of these

equations yields:
ANS. FIG. P21.49(b)
I1 = 10.0 mA

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Chapter 21 631

I2 = 130.0 mA

From ANS. FIG. P21.49(b),

Thus, from ANS. FIG. P21.49(a),

Finally, applying Kirchhoff’s point rule at point a in ANS. FIG.

P21.49(a) gives:


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