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The new C.N.C lathe machines that have been installed in the Machine shop of

the Industrial Manufacturing System Company are posing a problem for workers who

attempt to use them.


The purpose of this proposal is to recommend a training programmed for workers

who will be working with the new lathes, so that they will be more productive, and work

safer to serve the company customers, and that will return a profit to the Industrial

Manufacturing System Company.


This proposal recommends a training system for the lathe machine operators. It

also entails a suggestion of who should be employed to train the workers, and areas in

which the workers need training. It proposed a system of management and describes cost

over run and possible cost recovery.


Since the instillation of the ten new C.N.C lathe machines in the machine shop of

the Industrial Manufacturing System Company. Workers have constantly been

complaining that the new lathe machines are not working properly. A lathe machine is a

device that is electronically powered; it works by rotating the work that is firmly held in

place by a holding device called the truck. The work can be rotated in a clockwise or

anticlockwise direction at selected speeds, selected by the operator. A selected tool is

then directed onto the rotating work to carry out the desired operation. Workers who

attempt to operate the new lathe machines are constantly receiving injuries and causing

damage to the machine and damaging the work piece in the process, reason being they do

not know how to properly programmed the machines to carry out the operation. Work

that once took a worker about three hours to complete is now taking the same worker

three days to complete using more advance machines that should make the work easier.

Most of the workers do nothing when they turn up for work, because they are scared of

being injured and causing damage to the machines while making an attempt to operate

the new lathe machine. The new lathe machines that have recently been installed are of

the highest quality in the Industrial world. The H.A.A.S 999 model lathe machines that

have been installed in the Mechanical department machine shop have far much more

advantages than the old lathe machines. Advantages of the new lathes are that they allow

precision work, safer operations as the operator does not have to do most of the work

manually, comes with a U.S.B and CD drive, a computer monitor and a key board. The

most important feature of the H.A.A.S 999 model lathe is that once you are able to

programmed the machine you basically have nothing else to do as the computer instruct

the machine exactly what to do based on the information that was input in the computer.

Maintenance of the new lathe machine is also a major concern because they are very

expensive machines, and already three of the ten new lathes are out of service within less

than two years. Most of the lathe works that have been done since the instillation of the

new lathe machines have been done on the four remanding old lathes. Workers need

training on how to operate and maintain the new lathe machines, reason being is that

workers are causing injuries to them selves and the machines, which have resulted in a

significant reduction in the department services, and causing the company to loose profit.

Workers need training on how to operate the new lathes safely they also need training in

the following lathe operations, Drilling, Knurling, Turning, Chamfer, Threading and

Boring. Workers are complaining because they are only being paid for the total number

of hours that they work, workers are planning to leave the company to seek work




This proposal recommends that workers stop using the new lathe machines until

they have received proper training as how to properly operate the new machines. A

professional who know the operating principle of the new lathe machine should guide the

training system. The trainer should have good people person skills, a positive attitude

towards training people, must speak English language and most of all know how to train

others to use and maintain the new H.A.A.S 999 model lathe machines which are also

computer based. The training program will be conducted in the company machine shop

under normal working conditions in an effort to get workers comfortable in their working

environment. Training will start regular work time and ends at regular closing time with a

two-hour break for lunch and refreshment. The program is expected to run for the

duration of four weeks in an effort to get things back to normal as soon as possible, after

the training program is completed workers who have part take in the training exercise

will be required to train new employees how to properly operate the H.A.A.S 999 model



Not many persons are capable of training others how to carry out an operation.

However the suppliers of the new H.A.A.S 999 model lathe have recommend that Mr.

Braham is a suitable candidate for the task at hand. Mr. Braham is one of the supplier’s

chief engineers who played a major part in the construction of the H.A.A.S 999 model

lathe machine and is a master in the operation of the new lathe machine. Mr. Braham is

recommended based on his knowledge of the new lathe machine presently in the machine

shop at the Industrial Manufacturing System Company; Mr. Braham knows how to do

just about every operation humanly possible on the new lathe machine. He knows how to

operate safely and how to get the job done quickly and efficiently. He also knows how to

service, and maintain the new H.A.A.S 999 model lathe and gets along very well with

other people.


The supervisor for the mechanical workshop will ensure that workers respect the

trainer and do what is expected of them. The company will have the assistance of Mr.

Braham the recommended engineer, which was recommended by the suppliers of the

new lathe machine. Mr. Braham will be schedule to train the workers for the duration of

four weeks; the company will be responsible for his accommodation, transportation to

and from the company and his salary for training the workers. The training sessions will

be executed in the machine shop; a two-hour break will be given for lunch and a short

rest period. The training program will only be schedule for normal working days, which

are from Monday to Friday. The training schedule will indicate what Mr. Braham will be

teaching the workers on each day for the duration of the four weeks. Mr. Braham will be

expected to provide training in all the areas identified by the supervisor and by workers,

and any other areas that he feels needs to be improved.


I recommend that the Industrial Manufacturing System hire Mr. Braham as the

man for the job based on his recommendation by the lathe supplier. Mr. Braham will be

responsible to train the workers how to operate and maintain the new lathe machines. To

hire Mr. Braham for the duration of four weeks is $80,000 per week plus hotel

accommodation, which is $10,000 per week including transportation to and from the

company, which is a total of $360,000in total. The company is loosing money and will

keep doing so until the problem is solved. A lot of money is also being wasted on the

amount of material being wasted and on medical bills.

Money spent and lost per month Monthly cost

Mr. Braham salary $320,000
Hotel accommodation for Mr. Braham $40,000
Time wasted $30,000
Material wasted $20,000
Medical bills $12,000

Machine repairs $15,000

Poor quality products $80,000


This proposal recommends that Mr. Braham be given the job of training the

workers in an effort to reduce the amount of money spent to correct problems that have

constantly being present. With an improvement in services and a reduction in time lost,

fewer injuries, less machine repairs and less material being wasted. The company would

see a significant increase in the profits.

Improvement Percentage increase Money saved

Quality products 70% $56,000
Material saved 65% $18,000
Time saved 60% $25,000
Less medical bills 90% $9,000
Less machine repairs 95% $10,000


With the implementation of this training system in the machine shop department

of the Industrial Manufacturing System Company, the company will be exposed to:

● A better customer service relationship.

● Up to date machines to meet the needs of customers at a faster pace.

● Skill and competent workers to produce quality products.

● A safer and friendlier environment that will be conducive for working.

● An increase in the company overall profit.

In a nut shell the main reason for this proposal is to increase the company profit by

producing the best quality products possible and ensuring that the workers are capable of

producing to expectations in a safe and secure manner, in an effort to increase company




H.A.A.S 999 model lathe

Appendix B



To: Mr. David Powell (Manager)

From: Knackia Blair and David Morgan

Date: April 01, 2007

Subject: Proposal for training within the Mechanical department.

This proposal is to correct the many problems faced by the industrial manufacturing

system company. This proposal speaks of the difficulty workers encounter trying to

operate the new H.A.A.S 999 model lathe machines that the company has recently

purchased. This proposal also provides a suitable candidate that was recommended by the

suppliers of the new lathe machines to supervise and conduct the training program.

We would like to thank Ms. Bernard for her guidance and patience in preparing this

proposal. We would also like to thank Jermaine Fancy for allowing us to use his

computer to type the proposal.


The Industrial Manufacturing System is one of Jamaican leading industrial dealers.

Having the skill and qualified workers to operate and maintain the new and improved

machine is of great importance. Implementing this training system is of great importance

to the company. Selecting the right person for the job of training the workers is of

outmost importance to the company success. This training system will increase the

service that the company has to offer. The cost recovery will provide a profit from the

services offered, and a reduction in money spent to maintain machine and on injury.



Prepared for

David Powell, Manager

Industrial Manufacturing System


Knackia Blair & David Morgan

Machine shop department

April 01 2007


Abstract ……………………..ii

Introduction ……………………..1

Problem statement ……………………..1

Purpose ……………………..1

Scope ……………………..1

Background to the problem ……………………..2-3

Technical section ……………………..4

Proposed System ……………………..4

Proposed Trainer ……………………..5

Management section ……………………..6

Costs ……………………..7

Cost recovery ……………………..8

Conclusion ……………………..9

Appendix A ……………………..10

Appendix B ……………………..11

University Of Technology, Jamaica


Business Communication


Name and ID Number: Knackia Blair ID#: 0501899

David Morgan ID#: 0110941

Course Name: Business Communication

Course Code: COM2002

Date of Submission: April 01, 2007

Lecturer’s Name: Ms. Bernard


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