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(Từ ngày 22/2/2021 ->28/2/2021)
Compiled by Mrs Trang Anh
Facebook: Mrstranganh87


1. Hallie’s ______________ told her teacher that she wasn’t sure about the answer to the problem.
A. hesitation B. certainty C. sureness D. reliability
2. Someone must have interfered __________ the server last night because it's not working right today.
A. with B. on C. to D. over
3. A lot of things have gone missing lately from the store cupboard. Do you think someone has
___________ fingers?
A. tricky B. sticky C. panicky D. finicky
4. The story is about theft, fraud, and _______________ on an incredible scale.
A. receipt B. conceit C. deceit D. concept
5. Your table ______________ are awful - don't you know how to use a knife and fork?
A. laws B. manners C. rights D. rules
6. I'm going to go ____________ if this traffic doesn't start moving—I have a very important job
interview to get to!
A. sufficient B. affluent C. adequate D. spare
7. Our confidence in the team has been seriously ____________ by their recent defeats.
A. undermined B. underlined C. undercharged D. underlain
8. The government has pledged to _________ the amount of chemicals used in food production.
A. weaken B. drop C. reduce D. diminish
9. Police swarmed over the area, fruitlessly searching a hotel close to the restaurant. (CLOSET)

A. unproductively B. unfortunately C. unbelievably D. unfavorably

10. Extreme market ______________ would prove disastrous for producers and consumers alike.
A. volatility B. variety C. distinction D. stability
11. In Los Angeles many companies encourage their employees to use _______________ means of
transportation, rather than the car.
A. alternation B. alternative C. additive D. alteration
12. Please do not hesitate ______________ me if you have any queries.
A. contact B. to contact C. contacting D. to contacting
13. They've torn down the old buildings _________________ renovating the whole neighborhood.
A. with a view to B. for fear of C. on purpose D. in order to
14. Because I have completely ______________ myself to my family, I refuse to relocate for work and
upend their lives.
A. treated B. exploded C. established D. devoted
15. We didn't mean to exclude you! When Chad and I went out, we just _____________ the rest of the
group, that's all.
A. turned into B. got into C. came into D. bumped into
16. At the conference, the new president _________ her plan for reducing the carbon footprint of the
A. set out B. set up C. set off D. set in
17. You can complain about it until you're ________ in the face, but you're going to school today
whether you like it or not.
A. blue B. red C. black D. white
18. The local clubs are ____________ every effort to interest more young people.
A. setting B. causing C. making D. training
19. Although the president did everything he could to __________the country as a whole, civil war was
A. preserve B. present C. predate D. preheat
20. He ____________ solitude and torture for months at a time.
A. enforced B. enabled C. enhanced D. endured
21. The team suffered a major ___________ when their best player was injured.
A. feedback B. setback C. comeback D. outback
22. Welcome to the neighborhood! I'm at your ______________, if you need help with anything.
A. disposal B. emission C. dismiss D. radiation
23. The police have so far been unable to _____________ the cause of the explosion.
A. ascertain B. aspire C. assure D. assess
24. Some people expect the economy to continue to improve, but others are less sanguine.
A. fatalistic B. downhearted C. pessimistic D. optimistic
25. We expect an existing medical condition to be severely ___________ by the physical effects of the

A. obliterated B. annihilated C. alleviated D. aggravated
26. If used on ____________ skin, this cream may produce a stinging sensation.
A. delicate B. dedicate C. fragile D. broken
27. Before the president has his surgery, he will ___________ his responsibilities to the vice-president
A. delight B. substitute C. delegate D. respond
28. Each trainee is ________ a mentor who will help them learn more about the job.
A. assigned B. assaulted C. assessed D. attributed
29. Trying to find my contact lens on the floor was like looking for a ___________ in a haystack.
A. needle B. scales C. drill D. scissors
30. He had changed to such an ___________ that I no longer recognized him.
A. extension B. extent C. expense D. experiment
1. Of course I'm coming since I don't want to _______________ on all the fun!
A. take out B. miss out C. get out D. catch up
2. She only bought that sports car to ______________ and prove she could afford one.
A. take off B. show off C. put off D. pay off
3. At first, Polly and Luna didn't ________very well, but now they are great friends.
A. take on B. get along C. get by D. take over
4. These elite troops have been selected by the royal palace to fight __________________ against any
possible invaders.
A. tooth and nail B. high and low
C. spick and span D. by and large
5. I made an extra batch of brownies, just to be on the safe __________ in case we have more guests
than we anticipated.
A. border B. edge C. part D. side
6. You can go out to play __________ that you finish your homework first.
A. unless B. or C. otherwise D. provided
7. The virus affects the body's immune system so that it cannot fight ______________.
A. affection B. affectation C. infection D. effectiveness
8. A bomb _____________ the city and killed hundreds of people working in the area.
A. abandoned B. devastated C. erased D. deleted
9. Smoking is associated ____________ several diseases including lung cancer and high blood pressure.
A. into B. about C. with D. Upon

10. Because Kate and Sally are both my friends, I will _______________ in their argument and encourage
them to forgive each other.
A. intervene B. interact C. interchange D. interlink
11. COVID-19 is _________________ through droplets of saliva or discharge from the nose when an
infected person coughs or sneezes.
A. transformed B. transferred C. transported D. transmitted
12. Because my appendicitis was a(n) ____________ issue, the nurse took me directly into an
emergency station for treatment.
A. tolerable B. innocuous C. harmless D. acute
13. If the _____________ continues to spread, it will soon be on two continents and will pose a risk to
billions of people.
A. epidemic B. academic C. dynamic D. specific
14. Marc was informed that his job was ___________ and that when the summer was over he would
need to look elsewhere.
A. irreparable B. infinite C. temporary D. occasional
15. Their contributions to science have earned them an everlasting place in history. (CLOSET)
A. limited B. eternal C. restricted D. hard
16. The agency has put an end to new efforts to _________of hazardous waste in sensitive
environmental areas.
A. emit B. throw C. cast D. dispose
17. The government recently reported that 10% of farmland has been destroyed by pollution and
that heavy metals __________ 12 million tons of grain a year.
A. contaminate B. demolish C. eradicate D. eliminate
18. Under the new __________________, each worker must have a rest every two hours.
A. regulations B. instructions C. guidelines D. directions
19. She gradually became deaf after lengthy ____________ to noise in the workplace.
A. exposure B. connection C. approach D. response
20. Overpopulation in big cities has severely affected the air and water quality. (OPPOSITE)
A. seriously B. harshly C. insignificantly D. heavily
21. The police warned us not to engage in any kind of _________________ behavior on the boardwalk.
A. gracious B. modest C. mischievous D. polite
22. Karen was able to receive a copy of her birth _____________ after the original was destroyed in a
house fire.
A. experience B. concentrate C. enthusiasm D. certificate

23. It turns out that the supposed alien visitors that people had been seeing were just a bunch of
teenagers ___________ tricks on the entire town.
A. making B. playing C. inventing D. seeking
24. The world's scientists have reached a nearly unanimous consensus that the surface of the Earth
is warming as a result of human activities. (OPPOSITE)
A. disagreement B. valuation C. concentration D. scrutiny
25. We've hired a private investigator to help __________ light on the clandestine dealings of the
A. shake B. share C. shed D. shade
26. Ten employees are being ________________ from the sales department.
A. transported B. transferred C. transmitted D. transformed
27. The emergency services are working at full stretch today to ____________ the accident.
A. get on B. turn up C. cope with D. bring on
28. Children spend too much time on schoolwork, to the ____________ of other activities.
A. complement B. detriment C. treatment D. compliment
29. I'm so impressed by your grades—you really kept your nose to the ____________ this year, and it
paid off!
A. grindstone B. stone C. boulder D. rock
30. The painting is so beautiful that it took my breath___________.
A. away B. around C. along D. among
1. It is ______________ that these buildings remain empty while thousands of people have no homes.
A. outrageous B. abnormal C. irregular D. weird
2. In the 200 metres, Lizzy and Sarah came first and third _________________.
A. respectively B. respectably C. resoundingly D. respectfully
3. The _________________ between the two warring countries will not cease until one side is defeated or
they agree to a ceasefire.
A. sympathy B. compassion C. hostility D. affinity
4. Hiroshi is studying at the most ____________university in Japan, so he is assured of getting an
excellent job when he graduates.
A. notorious B. prestigious C. luxurious D. infamous
5. The girls were duped by drug smugglers _________ carrying heroin for them.
A. on B. for C. with D. into
6. She glued her boss's cup and saucer together as a _____________ joke.

A. practical B. feasible C. realizable D. viable
7. It rained the first day but was sunny for the ______________ of the trip.
A. constraint B. container C. remainder D. maintenance
8. Before you start your own business you should be familiar with the government's __________ and
A. rules B. laws C. norms D. etiquette
9. I was rather quiet as I didn't feel I had much wisdom to ___________ on the subject.
A. impart B. impair C. immure D. impact
10. She claimed that the government had only changed the law in order to ____________ their critics.
A. release B. appease C. lease D. grease
11. Charlie threw a tantrum in the shop because I wouldn't buy him any sweets. (CLOSET)
A. outbreak B. outlet C. outflow D. outburst
12. In the case of the guinea pig, the number of _________ varies between two and five.
A. offspring B. children C. infant D. youngster
13. The data is __________ automatically by the computer after it has been entered.
A. validated B. salivated C. sedated D. retaliated
14. The team coach was forced to _________ to stop the two athletes from coming to blows.
A. turn in B. put in C. get in D. step in
15. I know you're nervous, but all freshmen are—you'll find your _______ at school, don't worry.
A. knee B. leg C. feet D. ankle
16. I'm trying to get funding for my project, but so far I'm up against a ________ wall and have made
only $20.
A. rock B. stone C. cliff D. brick
17. No report can _____________ the unspeakable suffering that this war has caused.
A. convey B. carry C. deliver D. transfer
18. In your capacity as a judge, you have to work with high concentration. You must make
disinterested judgment. (CLOSET)
A. impossible B. impartial C. immature D. imaginable
19. They are at loggerheads over the best way to lead the committee. (CLOSET)
A. sharing B. complaining C. conversing D. disagreeing
20. He was looking for a quiet, submissive wife who would obey his every word. (OPPOSITE)
A. rebellious B. obedient C. compliant D. vulnerable
21. On the surface it's a very funny novel but it does have a more serious _____________ theme.
A. underlying B. underpinning C. underwhelming D. underhanded

22. My ______________ makes me nervous about being watched so I try to blend into the scenery.
A. assertion B. confidence C. inhibition D. positive
23. We thought the concert in the park would be popular but we didn't __________ so many people
turning up.
A. deduce B. forestall C. induce D. anticipate
24. There is tremendous __________ pressure among teenagers to dress a certain way.
A. equation B. peer C. poise D. parity
25. In the _____________ of the boss's disapproval, we decided to go forward with the project anyway.
A. teeth B. head C. face D. bone
26. It would have gone smoothly if Larry had been able to keep his ______ on instead of trying to get
in early.
A. shirt B. jacket C. suit D. Cap
27. He wasn't able to cope __________ the stresses and strains of the job.
A. to B. for C. of D. with
28. ___________ from helpful tips, the book also contains a guide to the city's restaurants.
A. Besides B. Aside C. Outside D. Inside
29. The book clearly bridges the ___________ between theory and practice.
A. space B. gap C. cavity D. crack
30. The building work was ________________ by a local contractor.
A. turned out B. run across C. carried out D. kept down
1. You've got to stop making decisions about your business on the spur of the ___________ like this, or
you'll end up running it into the ground!
A. time B. moment C. phase D. stage
2. Since the contractor and his crew completed the renovations ahead of __________, we were able to
move into the house before winter arrived.
A. schedule B. deadline C. timetable D. calendar
3. Purchasing a home without inspecting it first is like buying a pig in a ________.
A. poke B. pouch C. holder D. purse
4. She's pretty talented—I think she's got what it ________ to become a Hollywood actress.
A. makes B. needs C. takes D. requires
5. Marry only ___________ sight of the burglar for a second, so she couldn't describe his appearance to
the police.
A. kept B. met C. caught D. seized

6. It took an extraordinary effort to focus _____________ preparing his classes or correcting his
students' work.
A. on B. in C. about D. as
7. I know my brother has fought _________________ to be re-elected, so his victory tonight is certainly
well earned.
A. safe and sound B. tooth and nail
C. ins and outs C. cats and dogs
8. I didn't realize that Amie had such a keen ___________ in painting until I saw some of her work—
she's really talented!
A. consideration B. interest C. awareness D. attention
9. ____________ is a key element for those who travel frequently for business.
A. Punctuality B. Impoliteness C. Tuition D. Violation
10. For years the workers have had to tolerate low wages and terrible working conditions.
A. catch up with B. put up with C. go down with D. get on with
11. There has been an ________________ drop in the number of unemployed since the new government
came to power.
A. appreciative B. considerate C. appreciable D. specific
12. In order to turn the deserts into __________ and productive land, engineers built an 800-mile
A. fertile B. fertility C. fertilizer D. fertilize
13. The government believes that reducing regulations will ____________ economic development in
the region.
A. facilitate B. participate C. accommodate D. separate
14. Decant the wine carefully, so that you leave the __________ in the bottom of the bottle.
A. transit B. deposit C. crisis D. thesis
15. If I had known the patch of land was not __________, I would have told my daughter to plant her
seeds elsewhere.
A. comparable B. equitable C. arable D. inevitable
16. The building relies on clever design rather than on _____________ for its impressive effect.
A. ornament B. tournament C. parliament D. firmament
17. Even without her glasses, Heather could see the discernible scratches on her car. (OPPOSITE)
A. obvious B. apparent C. indistinct D. evident

18. The ____________ of the Internet technology has brought about drastic changes in almost every
aspect of our life, including education.
A. dominance B. deduction C. inferior D. drawback
19. Shopkeepers are not supposed to sell knives and other sharp _____________ to children.
A. implementations B. complements C. compliments D. implements
20. When the wind began to blow harder and the sky darkened, the ____________ of a storm
approaching was relatively great.
A. neighborhood B. likelihood C. childhood D. livelihood
21. The deal was rejected by a large majority of the ______ and file within the union.
A. rank B. position C. level D. degree
22. We should be able to trust Silva to negotiate a good deal for us - he's an old hand at the game.
A. freshman B. apprentice C. novitiate D. veteran
23. The new accountant works all the time - first to arrive and last to leave. He's a real
A. cash cow B. eager beaver C. guinea pig D. early bird
24. I think you should go _________a nap. You look like you're about to fall asleep, standing up!
A. do B. make C. take D. get
25. She used to be a heavy smoker but she _______the habit last year.
A. skipped B. kicked C. abandoned D. stopped
26. Children are always told to wash their hands because germs can easily be picked up from
surfaces and ____________ them with a sickness.
A. infect B. inject C. indulge D. inhabit
27. The murder resulted ______________ a number of steps being taken to increase security.
A. in B. from C. for D. with
28. The opening of the new swimming pool has been ___________ by a few weeks.
A. set back B. looked after C. standed for D. called in
29. The medication can have adverse ___________ effects on the patient.
A. brink B. side C. verge D. face
30. My grandfather is still _________________ in spite of his age.
A. ins and outs B. cats and dogs
C. by and large D. hale and hearty
1. Written sources are considered absolutely indispensable for today's history teaching. (CLOSET)

A. essential B. trivial C. minor D. available
2. His jokes seemed __________________, but were in fact carefully prepared beforehand.
A. vigorous B. spontaneous C. instant D. instinct
3. The fighting between the different social groups has become a terrifying spiral of death and
A. mercy B. blessing C. hatred D. relief
4. As the pain in my foot _____________, I was able to walk the short distance to the car.
A. subsided B. dwindled C. decreased D. diminished
5. Jonathan, 25, has already seen some of the _____________ of the business world.
A. ins and outs B. odds and ends
C. highs and lows D. cats and dogs
6. After eluding arrest for sixteen years, the _____________ mobster was finally caught by police.
A. infamous B. unknown C. anonymous D. nameless
7. In cities where many people beg, citizens quickly develop _____________ fatigue.
A. indifference B. passivity C. compassion D. apathy
8. I've left the Jefferson accounts ___________ Dave's care while I'm out on leave.
A. over B. of C. with D. under
9. I don't really _________ on with my sister's husband as he never takes my advice into consideration.
A. put B. catch C. get D. take
10. Though she had gotten her license last year, the father was _____________ to let his daughter drive.
A. reluctant B. instant C. distant D. constant
11. The man was barely ___________ and took a long time to write his name.
A. corporate B. literate C. deliberate D. desperate
12. It is an indisputable fact that smoking cigarettes can increase the risk of lung cancer. (CLOSET)
A. minor B. undeniable C. debatable D. trivial
13. Of course I'm coming since I don't want to _______________ on all the fun!
A. take out B. miss out C. get out D. catch up
14. Her family and her friends are hoping the police investigation can soon ______________ down her
husband's killer.
A. put B. let C. take D. track
15. We must constantly adapt and ______________ to ensure success in a growing market.
A. annihilate B. obliterate C. innovate D. aggravate
16. Rob has been down in the dumps ever since Gloria broke up with him. (CLOSEST)
A. amused B. arrogant C. unhappy D. excited

17. When I found out that reading wasn't his _____________, I knew that there wasn't much of a
relationship in store between us.
A. cup of tea B. brown bread
C. piece of cake D. hot potato
18. The Japanese government has taken various _______against the new coronavirus, including
requesting school closures and event cancellations.
A. efforts B. measures C. determination D. methods
19. It took her nearly four months to _____________ that bout of pneumonia.
A. get over B. come round C. stand up D. fell apart
20. I’ll ___________ going to Scotland until you’re well enough to look after yourself again.
A. put on B. put off C. put away D. put out
21. If you ____________ yourself to your schoolwork, you would get much better grades.
A. admitted B. adhered C. applied D. advocated
22. Mary's been like a dog with two tails ever since she got her promotion. (CLOSET)
A. extremely happy B. extremely disappointed
C. exhausted D. very proud
23. Many wheat farmers have begun to ____________ into other forms of agriculture.
A. verify B. clarify C. diversify D. simplify
24. When explorers first set foot in foreign lands, the cultures they encountered must have been
very ___________ to them.
A. fascinator B. fascinating C. fascinated D. fascinate
25. Brightly colored packaging made the pens especially ____________ to children.
A. appeal B. appealed C. appealing D. appealingly
26. Earthwatch is an international organization that ____________ scientific research.
A. absorbs B. sponsors C. responds D. resorts
27. The defending champion will play her first match of the ______________ tomorrow.
A. tournament B. excursion C. journey D. trip
28. It was an innocent remark, I didn't mean to _________ his feelings.
A. destroy B. damage C. devastate D. hurt
29. A penny is such a small amount of money in our society that many of us consider the coin to be
absolutely insignificant. (CLOSET)
A. substantial B. considerable C. negligible D. weighty
30. Although dinosaurs have been ____________ for millions of years, they are still very popular among

A. extinct B. distinct C. instinct D. indistinct


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