Unit 11

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Ran [BF Write one or two examples for each ofthe following + your favourite TV programmes o series «your aourite social media platforms for young people + your favourite radio tations or podcorts + your fovourite local ar national newspapers + your favourite odverisements |B Work in groups and compare your answers in Exercise 1. Try to agree on a group list to share with the class [By Workin pairs end answer the questions. 1 What type of media do the photos (A-E represent? 2 Arethose types of media becoming more or less popular in the world todoy? : - Te VTE 4 THE MEDIA Wf] Match the words in bold in sentences (1-6) with their ‘meanings (A-F). Which types of media do you think the sentences are talking about? 1 you osk me, i spoils the flow of prime-time television, especially forthe most popular shows which i interrupts every 10 minutes 2 Personally speaking, | dont mind seeing adverts from componies trying to promote their produc in my news fed ‘3 The problem is tha lot of opinions or stories posted fon them are just not credible, don't you think? 4 Thay heve fot ton much influence on what pnonla core thinking, if you want my opinion. 5. Tobe honest, | would say their target audience i probobly teenagers 6 would sey that hey present aversion of life hats often very different from reality. sivations om everyday ile the main peeson or grin yur siming ot publicise, advertise the power to have an effect on something or someone believed or rusted «time when the largest number of people ere swotching or ltening mmoaeD ) Look at the sentences in Exercise 1 again and, underline the six opinion phrases. EX wrowarion waen civine an opinion Generally, when we give on opinion, there is a rising intonation on the opinion phrase. For encanpl frowaskenn @t spoils the flow of prime-time television ) Read the sentences in Exercise 1. Focus on the intonation of the opinion phrases. 1] complete the sentences with some of the words in bold in Exercise 1. Then ask and answer the questions in pairs. 11 Do you think that Festfood restourans should use famous sports starts fo ‘heir produc? 2 Some people think hat the media has too much ‘on our lives. What do you think? 3 How mony of the news sores that are posted on social media are 2 How much of on issue is foke news? 4 What's your view on the sondard of television, compared fo when you were younger? i) Work with a partner and answer the questions. 1 What realty TV shows are famous in your country? Do you enjoy watching them? 2 Would you ever appeor on a reality TV show? Iso, ‘which one? Resale fist pat te ute See pra ee.) ‘Answer the quesion atthe end ofthe paragraph, ‘Some people believe that reality TV is nothing more than fake reality, creating bad role models for young people and providing little educational benefit to society. Others, however, argue that they provide an excellent and much-needed form of entertainment on television and have the potential to turn ordinary people into superstars. Where do you stand on. the topic of reality TV? B) Read the arguments in defence of reality TV on the next page, ignoring the gaps for now. Does the ‘writer's opinion match your ideas from Exercise 1? uw [Factor ricrion? [ZR EE] La, Right now, the viewing figures for such shows are among the highest around. Afterall, most television channels are dependent on the money they make from advertising, and the more popular the show, the more advertising revenue it can generate. So, it would be unreasonable to (1) television programmers not to exploit this. After all, they are only giving (2) what they clearly want to watch, Besides, i's (3) to watch how people react in certain situations, even if these are slightly unrealistic, Reality television is educational in that it teaches us something about human (4) and therefore, about ourselves. Uttimataly, if we beliave in (6) ‘of speech, then we must accept reality television is an expression of popular taste. Its also worth considering that if these kinds of TV shows fail to (6) abig ‘enough audience, then theyll be removed from the airwaves. Though we can't ignore the fact that their ” ‘continues to grow and even those who criticise them have secretly watched them at some @) or another. [Bl Look either side ofthe gap. What collocations, or other set phrases, can you identify? Now, complete the gaps (1-8) using the options (A-D). 1 A expec B predict © need D assume 2 A spectators B observers © supporters D viewers 3 A ottocive B glamorous © fescinating D breathtaking 4 A choracter B nohre identity D species 5 A independence ——B_—_democracy © freedom D_ oxpression 6 A atroet B invite welcome D host 7 A. opproval B demand edition popularity 8 A end B point € tip D phase [By tink of three arguments against reality TV. Read the text and check which of your ideas are mentioned. ‘Then dlecuce quectinne 1-4 with a partner. AGAINST REALITY TV Think cbout realy TV shows you have seen. Con you thnk of any embarrassing svations you have saen on them? Do you agree that realty TV sets « bad example for society and encourages unoccepiable socal behaviour? Do you think here i «problem in your county wih people using socal media to bully ether people? Iso, should there be lows to stop this? 4 Would you say that you are for or agains reality TV bosed on what you hove read and discussed? on REPORTED SPEECH AND QUESTIONS Grammar on THE move {2 Watch the video q [Look at the two pictures and answer the que 1 How does the second picture rele to the ist? 2 Lock ot the undetined words and phrases. Hew do the lenses and word forms change © GRAMMAR REFERENCE / Reported Speech: Page 226 Change what Lucas says from direct to reported speech. Bi coance nat " ets reporned er Res Desctspenth Prepositions ond social media 1 twca: Tm not onlin his ving” + Wealieciaton drand eruntalatin 2 bnew “ence ey nave eel maclin channel teen Bearecs canon 3 Lucas: “Ive had @ great response to my new channel” ‘+ We post on social media but we post about 4 Lucas: “We been searching his sit for new online materia” «a partclar topic 5 lucas: I went online to check how many subscribers | hove” 6 lucas: Td been working on it fr a month when I stared having problems” 7 ucas: “really must get it fixed as con? upload ny videos” [Bl change the questions below from direct toreported speech, 1 What were you doing last weekend? ‘Sho osked me 2 Where do you get your news from? S/he osked me 3 Hove you ever met anyone fomous? She osked me 4 Whot is your dream job? She osked me 5 Do you enjoy watching football? Sfhe asked me 6 Do youhave a favourite opp? S/he ached me BH! Walk around the classroom. Ask and answer the questions in Exercise 3. Then report back to your partner. ‘Tell them the questions you were asked and what you sald. Matt asked me what did at the weekend and told him that had gone tothe cinema, funn [Factor Fiction? [Zi ) WRITING | DEVELOPING YOUR WRITING H] Read the exam task below. Work in pairs and discuss the question. Some people say television has a bad influence ‘on young people's lives. Do you agree? Notes Write about: 1 Education 2. Violence 3 (your own idea) @) Read the model answer, ignoring the gaps for now. What ic the writer's ow a ] In the model ancwer, put the topic sentences (A-C) in the correct position (1-3) While it is true that television has potential for promoteng positive effects through education, the amount of time spent viewing Lragpropriate programmes means young people are. not oily Less Sensitive to violence, but also spend. less time doing physical activities @ aw » Programmes (ike documentaries have a positive impact, (B) by providing warnings about the eFfects of global warming @ © excessive time spent toaéching television means children are. wat exercising and, ©) » may beceme obese o Many parents feel everahelmed. by theur crudrens untemnet apuuties and. (6) they attempt to control viewing of violent content, they cannot do so effectively On balance, with limited controls possible and. our increasing need for exciting and. entertaining troadeasto, behaviour and health are aul fering there young people are concerned, COHESIVE PHRASES A. Hoving said tha, os childron fond to boo what they care told, adverisements promoting urhealty eating could lead to negative habits B Despite age ratings provided by broadcostes, the internet means itis increasingly dificult limit what young people watch € It goes without soying hat there ore many educationel programmes which suppor a chi’ learning, patticlely wher they are younger. @) Im the model answer, put the linking words and phrases in the box below in the gaps (A-E). What other lr king words and phrases has the wr furthermore eddiionally for instance even when at @ consequence B) write your own essay for the question in Exer Bil Look again at the model essay and topic sentences. Match the underlined phrases with the phrases in the box ‘hich have a similar meaning. Then complete sentences 1-4 below with the phrases in the box. Allthings considered I speaks for iso (hot} Regardless (of he foc that) That being sid 1 newspapers sometimes behave unacceptably hey olen speck out agains social injustice 2 the internets « useful source of news, yet we must be careful of inaccuracies and bios. ee ree tee re dificult to work with at times. 4 «an increase in really TV can be attributed fo our love of ethers’ misfortune TTT TAT tecininc] Bf Work in pairs and answer the questions. 1. How often do you watch television and what types of programmes do you prefer? 2 Lock ot he photographs. What Iypes of programmes ore these? Do you enjoy watching hese types of TV programmes? BI © 70 Listen to Albina and answer the questions. 1 Which photogroph, 1 or 2, i she talking obout® 2 Which question, A or Bs she onswering? A. What migh! these people enjoy about being on these talovicion progrommer? B_ Why have these people decided to take part in these television programmes? © 070 Listen again. How wel did Albina expressher opinion? Which phrase does she repeat too often? @ Work in pairs and make a list of opinion phrases Albina could have used inste Opinion phrases As far 26 Ym concomed! B] © 07: Now listen to Walid talking about the other photo. Complete the extract with the words that Walid uses. Id ergue this would be suitable fora viewer who wants to watch something quite lighthearted because the subject materi far from serious. t goes (1) that they would be quite obtaining 3 A Agorrhom B txcopr for Rather thon Dnstoad of 4 A withdrow B remove leave D extract 5 A spectators B audiences © observers D witnesses 6 A joined B ossocioted © connected D linked 7 A directed B conducted controled D_ accompanied 8 A hooked B absorbed © oddicied D- decicated Bee | © 074 You will hear people talking in eight different situations. For questions 1-8, choose the best answer (A, Bor C). ‘You hear @ journalist aking on her mobile phone about an interview. How does she feel? A onoyed withthe person shel be seeing B onxious about the meeting © confident in her ables You heor wo media studies students talking about their course, What do they agree about ther lecturer? A. He explins his ideas cleorly. B He gives useful feedback Herc enthucinatie cht the ihjact You hear « woman taking about a newspaper article What is it cbout? A a policion Bo survival story € on award coromony ‘You hoor a weather reporter tlking about epee ttm ikl to emphasise the importance of technology 5 to suggest how forecasting the weather will change € to wam about the challenges of becoming & meteorologist 5 You hear @ journalist talking about his job. Why diel he study journalism? A. twos challenging B thas worthwhile € _thwas wolhpaid. 6 You overhear & man talking to his colleague on the phone Whe i he telking abou A. making hotel reservation B leaving he company he works for Ray sore new opponent 7 You heor 0 television actor eling @ friend about an award shes jst won. What is she doing? A. tanking people who helped her inthe pest B explaining why she thinks she was chosen €-_ecmiting thot she ie onited about her utr 8 Youhear two people talking about o piece of music What does the woman say about i? A Itmakes her feel happy. B ttreminds her ofan old song, € Inspined her to sy music 4s Student A: Tak obout your photographs for one minute. The photographs show people waiching diferent TV programmes ‘Compare the photographs and say why these people might have chosen fo watch these things? Why might these people have chosen to watch these things? Student B: Which TV progrommes do you enjoy watching? 1154] bye Tey ed Student B: Tak cbout your photographs for one minute. The photographs show people taking photographs in different stulions. Compore the photographs and say why these people are taking photographs in these stvaions. Why are these people taking photographs in these situations? Student A: Do you enjoy king photographs of he places you ws? © SPEAKING BANK / Popes 246-249 wr 11 [iacrorricriow? EEE iat [Ui [1 @ or work witn a partner, complete the fact sheet about copennagen. Guess the answers you don’t know. Then listen and check your answers. = RT %* Copenhagen is the capital of (1) %* Copenhagen has a population of approximately (2) + Asstalue of the famous author, (3) can be found at the City Hall Square in Copenhagen. % According to a report in 2013, Copenhagen was voted the @ city in the worid, Copenhagen is home to the second oldest (5) in the world. Ei Goonline and find three more facts about Copenhagen. Then share these facts with your classmates, [EJ 100k at the two photos below. What do you think they have in common? Read the article and check your predictions. In the heart of Copenhagen lies the Royal Danish Opera House, considered by many to be one of the most modern opera houses in the world. Yet for a few action-packed hours the roof of this iconic structure, which also boasts a stunning panoramic view of the city, will be transformed into a giant springboard as it plays host to the Cliff Diving World Series. Watch in awe as the diving elite compete by diving some 27 metres into the harbour below. With no protection, ‘other than skill and their own skin, divers will hit the water at over 80 kilometres per hour. It's an entertaining event and one which guarantees an electric atmosphere for spectators. Come along and prepare to be impressed by the divers’ performance Find phrases in the text which mean the following: famous building co very atracive and far-reaching view 3 provides the space for 4 the bestroined divers 5 on exciting feeling Complete the sentences (1-6) with the correct endings (A-F). Then decide if the phrases are used for making, accepting or refusing an invitation, Which phraze is u accept an invi ifwe are not sure if we can Are you interested Thanks for thinking 3. td love to but m supposed peel eer You con count ‘Could | get back to you later to come along ‘ in joining us ‘ofme to be doing something ele @ 076 Now listen to two friends talking about what to do over the weekend in Copenhagen and check your answers, wi phrases in Exercise 5 have a similar meaning? | oppreciate the offer | wouldn't miss it fer the word 3 think Ive got something on Could | check and let you know? Work in pairs. Read about the different things you can do In Copenhagen. Take turns Inviting each other to ‘each attraction, Use the language in Exercises 5 and 7. Made famous by Shakespeare's Hamlet, Kronborg Castle dates back to the 1400s. Itis filed with beautifully decorated rooms and historical artefacts. Home to over 3,000 animals, from snakes ‘and crocodilae to lione and olephante The Dotanical Garden Covering an area of about 100,000 square metres, the Botanical Garden contains ‘beautiful plants and flowers. (@ Watch the video about Copenhagen. what do you learn about these things? Make notes. = The city of Copenhagen © ding = Nyhavn © Shopping + Tivoli Gardens + Freetown Christiania ‘Historical end modern buildings ar & WATCH Go online and search for special events in a ‘country of your choice. Then work in groups and invite each other to the events. unit 11 [FACT oR FICTION?

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