Healing Prayer by Dr. Cindy Trimm

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Healing Prayer by Dr.

Cindy Trimm Transcribed Part 1

Father you are the great physician who promised that you will
place none of these diseases upon us. You are our healer, you are
our deliverer, you are our way maker. You are our miracle worker.
You said in Isaiah 53:5 that you are wounded for our
transgressions, bruised for our iniquities, the chastisement of our
peace was upon Him and with your stripes, we are healed.
Father we decree and declare according to 3rd John Chapter 1:2,
“Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and
be in health, even as thy soul prospers”. Father I know that thou
want me to be healthy. I know you want me to be happy, I know
you want me healed, I know you want me to prosper, I know you
want me to succeed, I know you want me to walk
in optimum health. I know that you want me to live without pain,
without hurt, without stress. I know that you want me to live
disease free, sickness free, stress free, and therefore I decree and
declare according to your word I am healthy and physically fit.
Sickness and disease are far from me by your stripes I am healed.
I am healed from every physical, physiological, biochemical,
bioelectrical malfunction, from emotional wounds, psychological
illnesses, from physical discomfort, from sickness and diseases. I
speak Jeremiah 17:14-15 over my life. Heal me oh Lord and I shall
be healed, save me and I shall be saved for thou art my praise.
Behold they say unto me,  where is the word of the lord? Let it
come near. You sent your word to heal us from all our diseases.
You word is ny unto me this day.According to Psalm 107:20, I
declare that I am healed by the word of the Lord. I speak to every
part of my body, be healed.
Spirit of infirmity, loose your hold over my life and the life of my
loved ones. Let the fountains of infirmity, affliction, discomfort
and pain, dry up now! Let poison and toxins dry our of every part
of my body now. Neutralize the negative effects of viruses and
bacteria, drugs and medical treatment now! I decree and declare
that any and all physiological, biochemical, hormonal,
neurological, organic, systemic, cellular or molecular damage
sustained from stress, exhaustion, medication, pharmaceuticals,
drugs, medical treatment, X-ray, chemo-radiation therapy,
monoclonal antibodies, etc. It is reversed now!I speak health and
healing over my cells, my organs and systems. I speak healing to
my glands, I speak health and healing over my mind. I speak
health and healing over my body. I speak that my brain is healed.

Healing Prayer by Dr. Cindy Trimm Transcribed Part 2

I speak that my brain is healed. My frontal lobe, my parietal lobe,
my Occipital lobe, my temporal lobe, the limbic system,
the Pituitary glands, thelmis?, hyperthelmes?, amygdala,
hypertempis?, medulla, oblongata, brain stem, nervous system,
Corpus callosum, Cerebrum, Cerebellum, They are all healed and
they have come under divine alignment and you are functioning
like God has ordained you to function. Father I decree and declare
that my mind is been healed, heal my thought processes
biochemically and bio-electrically. Let there be no miss firing
between the left and right brain. I decree that there is perfect
balance in my mind, my body and my life. Heal me emotionally,
physiologically, right down to my soul.
Heal me of suppressed emotions, denial, anger, bitterness, rage,
loneliness, feelings of isolation, fear, unbelief, doubt, confusion,
distress, stress, sadness, depression, frustration, victimization,
resentment, blame, abuse, misunderstanding, projection,
suggestions, bad report, evil report, negativity, Innuendos,
hallelujah that undermine my health and healing. Reverse the
atmosphere that I am living in. Remove the tension from out of
my house, out of my environment. Heal me of regret, revenge,
unforgiveness, jealously, envy, conflict, self hatred, insecurity.
Deliver me from the snare of venomous contaminations,
emotional blackmail, emotional attachment, soul ties, malicious
gossip, spirit of inheritance, toxic and toxic relationships, poisons
of the mind, poison of my spirit, pain, discomfort,
discouragement, fear of death, confusion, hemorrhaging,
hemorrhaging of joy, hemorrhaging of peace, hemorrhaging of my
finances, hallelujah! Heal me God of hemorrhaging of natural and
spiritual resources.
Oh God heal me. Let there be no more deterioration,
disorientation, disillusionment, depression, suicidal thoughts,
feelings of isolation, loneliness, fatalism or fatalities, railings,
allegation, or death. Free me from all negative emotions. I shall no
longer hold bitterness, or strife or falsehood, or jealously or
slander or envy or defiance, or offenses, in my heart, in my soul
towards anyone. I release them, I let them go, I forgive them.
Father because I recognize all of the negative effects that these
emotions and these attitudes have had on my body. Today I
choose to let it go. I release offenses. I release bitterness. I release
negativity, I release toxic thoughts, I release toxic relationships, I
release fear, I release doubt, I release worry, I release bitterness, I
release hurt and I say it unequivocally in the name of Jesus
offenses go, bitterness go, negativity go, toxic thoughts go, toxic
relationships go, fear go, doubt go, doubt go, worry go, bitterness
go, hurt go.  Father I trust you to fight my battle, fight on my
behalf, I cannot fight this any longer. Father I release you, you are
the God that wars on my bahlf and I release angels as well. And I
decree and declare that according to Psalm 91:1-16 you said in
your word that ”
He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide
under the shadow of the Almighty.
I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in
him will I trust.
Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from
the noisome pestilence.
He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt
thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler.
Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow
that flieth by day;
I rebuke Night fears in the name of Jesus. No weapon formed
against you shall prosper
Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor for the
destruction that wasteth at noon.
A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right
hand; but it shall not come nigh thee.
Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the
Because thou hast made the Lord, which is my refuge, even the
most High, thy habitation;
There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh
thy dwelling.
For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy
They shall bear thee up in their hands, lest thou dash thy foot
against a stone.
Thou shalt tread upon the lion and adder: the young lion and the
dragon shalt thou trample under feet.
Because he hath set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him:
I will set him on high, because he hath known my name.
He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in
trouble; I will deliver him, and honour him.
With long life will I satisfy him, and shew him my salvation.”
Father I decree and declare this entire hallelujah portion of
scripture over my life.

Healing Prayer by Dr. Cindy Trimm Transcribed Part 3

I speak to all anxiety, depression, neurosis, Psychosis,
Fibromyelgia, to chronic pain syndromes, or
bipolar, schizophrenic and schizo effects disorder, or obsession
thoughts and all obsessive thinking. I decree and declare that I am
healed from these things. Obsessive oppressive and compulsive
traumatic stress disorder is loosed from my life and I command
the power to be broken from off of my life in the name of Jesus.
According to Hebrews 10:22, I draw near to you with a true heart
and full assurance of faith, having my heart sprinkled from an evil
conscience and my power washed with pure water. I speak divine
healing and regression of all culinary artery disease and all
cerebral  vascular disease, the arteries of my heart, my brain and
major organs are now washed free of plague and cholesterol. I am
free from the rick of stroke, from the risk of hardening of the
artery, from the risk of blindness, I am free from hypetension.
I am free from rhino failure, I am free from heart attack, I am free
from angina, and chronic chest pain. I speak supernatural victory
over chronic infection, obesity, colds, flues, viruses and declare
healing over my body. I decree that I am healed from
Meningitis, Osteomyelitis, pelvic inflammatory disease, Myositis,
and all forms of endocriditis disease.
I look to your word in Isaiah 54:17,which declares that no weapon
formed against me will prosper, I decree and declare victory over
all auto immune disorder and speak healing to all forms of lupus,
Rheumatoid arthritis, variegitis, conjunctivitis, Allergic
rhinitis, Crohn’s disease, Ulcerative colitis, Diverticulitis, gaut,
limes disease,chronic cellulitis, Myocarditis,
Uvietis, Meningitis, Optic neuritis, Multiple sclerosis.
I superimpose the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus over the
law of sin and death; and decree and declare that I am healed of
terminal cancer, of tumors, of aids, of seizure, of stroke, of
Parkinson’s disease, of multiple sclerosis, of als, of emphysema, of
sickle cell disorder.
According to Psalm 118:17…I shall not die but live to declare your
works. And Lord as I rely solely upon you, I declare according to
3rd John 1 & 2, that above all things, I am prosperous.  —

Healing Prayer by Dr. Cindy Trimm Transcribed Part 4

I am healthy and I therefore speak divine healing over my body,
over the cardiovascular system, over the neurological system, over
the pulmonary system, over the gastrointestinal system, over the
reproductive system, over my rhino system, over my him
otological system.
I decree and declare that I am loosed from every infirmity
including deforming armorthroid arthritis, degenerative osteo
arthritis, osteoporosis, spine compression, slip disc, herniated
disc, chronic neck and back pain, and that I am free to move freely
in order to fulfill God’s original purpose in my life.
According to Genesis 1:28 and Luke 10:19, you have given me
dominion and power over all the power of the enemy; and nothing
shall by any means hurt me. Therefore, I speak divine deliverance
form ever addiction, from narcotics to alcohol and all form of
cocaine, all forms of heroine, hallucinogenics and any form of
drug addiction.
I speak healing from Chronic fatigue, from Chronic depression,
from chronic pain, from over eating, from excess drinking, from
under eating, from compulsive inappropriate and extramarital
activities that will make me compromise my health. And Father
help me to walk in discipline in every area of my life. And I am
crying out to you today because I need discipline, help me to get
myself together in Jesus name.
I come again asking you to empower me, by your word, by your
blood, by the Holy Spirit. Father in the name of Jesus, I come
against hunters of the nights, those that await the right moment to
strike at me, I come against night fears, night sweats, night terror,
hallucinations, bad dream, night dreams, heart palpitations,
anxiety, cold sweats, restless leg syndrome, poor circulation,
charlie horses, tingling in my extremities, craving for drugs,
craving for sugar, craving for food, craving for alcohol, come
against lustful fantasies and thoughts and uncontrollable crying,
feelings of emptiness, feelings of loneliness, suicidal thoughts,
death wishes, bed wetting from a weak bladder.
Strengthen me God in the name of Jesus. Let me rest in you. Let
my sleep be sweat, wrap me in your arms dear Lord, protect me,
comfort me, help me, give me my breakthrough, give me my
miracle, give me my healing, give me my freedom, I want to be set
I decree and declare that every weapon formed against me is now
impotent. Every word spoken against my life contrary to your
word is null and void, it shall not take root, nor shall it come to
pass.  Every trap contracted malfunctions, every diabolical
contract is nullified, remove the sentence of death form my life
and the lives of my loved ones. Super impose the spirit of life in
Christ Jesus over the spirit of death.

Healing Prayer by Dr. Cindy Trimm Transcribed Part 5

I Veto, I reverse the curse within my bloodline, I break the
bondage associated with it. I break the bondage associated with
family idols, word curses, witchcraft prayers, blood sacrifices, ill
wishes, declining in the dark arts and negativity.
Jehovah Shalom let your peace fill my mind. Let your peace fill my
soul and let your power fill my heart, my spirit in the name of
Jesus. Cause the atmosphere of death to be replaced with the
atmosphere of healing. I command the dead and the “can’t
things”? in my life to be restored. Let life super impose itself over
my body. Let life super imposed itself over the spirit of death.
Once again, I decree and declare I shall not die but I shall live in
the name of Jesus. I breathe in the life of God. I breathe in the life
of Jesus and I reject any further progress of the spirit of death in
my life. Father let your creative and re-creative power like laser
surgery operate upon my life. Let every compromised area receive
healing now. Jehovah Rapha let the power of your spirit enter into
my blood stream and cleanse my blood of all toxins. I command
evil injections and infections to be ineffective.
Let healing fires burn and destroy any substance floating around
in my body. Uproot and destroy evil growth, expel bacteria
hallelujah that has intruded into my body. Release me from the
spirit of infirmity from sterility, from infertility. Father, in the
name and by the blood of Christ, reverse the effects of demonic
injections, hexes, spells, deposits placed in my food, in my
vitamins, in my water, in my prescriptions – reverse the effects of
implants, hormones, pesticides, germs, GMOs, viruses,
environments and stress that cause addictions, cellular molecular
abnormality, biochemical and bioelectrical malfunctions, disease
proliferation, deformities, tumor, strokes, growths, fungus,
seizure, heart attacks, handicaps, cancer, tumors, melanoma,
lymphoma, leukemia, myoloma, sarcoma, caciloma, all of the
omas….in the name of Jesus! neuroblastoma,
Glioblastoma,meningioma, colon cancer, lung cancer, breast
cancer, pancreatic cancer, postdate cancer, liver cancer, skin
cancer, recto cancer, head and neck cancer, thyroid cancer, germ
and cell tumors, ovarian cancer, gastric cancer,Uterian Cancer—
eradicate the cancer from my body now! in Jesus name! @21:42
Healing Prayer by Dr. Cindy Trimm – Transcribed Part 6
I speak over my blood.
Father reverse the blood disorder, bladder infection,
hematological challenges, immune deficiencies, compromisation,
weakening or malfunctioning of the organ, disfigurement,
inabilities, paralysis, dementia, lethargy, listlessness, labored
breathing, traumas, anxiety attacks, sleep disorder, violent or
disturbing dreams, nightmares, insomnia, confusion,
disorientation, seizures, epileptic fits, migraine headaches, body
ache, rashes, sores, scabs, blisters, dryness, itchiness, scaling,
psoriasis, hair loss, blotchiness, blotches, blood clots, angina,
asthma, bronchitis, loss of teeth, bleeding, hemorrhaging,
bruising, infections, tress, yeast infection, allergic reactions,
allergy, muscular atrophy, weakness, dizziness, cluster headaches,
migraine headache, vascular headaches, tension headaches, spinal
headaches, light sensitivity, high blood pressure, low blood sugar,
spiking of blood sugar, low blood pressure, nausea, vomiting,
fungus, ringworm, pink eye, dry eye, glaucoma, sinus infection,
post nasal drip, decreased sensitive smell, difficulty breathing,
cyst, fibero-cystic disease, breast pain, back pain, abnormal
memogram, chest pain, angina, high blood pressure, low blood
pressure, abnormal EKGs, valve prolix, shortness of breathe,
asthma, sleep apnea, abnormal chest X-rays, heart burn, reflux
acid, hyoto-onia, ulcers, rhino failure, kidney disease, dialysis,
reoccurring urinary infection, lupus, Scleroderma, HIV, AIDS,
Arthritis, hypothyroidism, diabetes, access brushing, excessive
bleeding, blood clots, appetites, anemia, Fibromyalgia, neck pain,
joint pain, TMJ, excessive bleeding, menopausal crisis, hormonal
imbalance, bipolar disorder, depression, body-dismorphic
syndrome, malignant hyperemia, adverse reaction to Anastasia,
mega-rexia, anorexia, mucus, pus, abnormal discharge, bad soars,
corns, spurs, muscle crams, muscle aches, addiction, neonatal
challenges, Gerontological crisis, Gynecological crisis, obstetric
crisis, sickle cell crisis, stunted growth and development,
deformities, non responsiveness to treatment, resistance to
Father in the name of Jesus, let there be miracles. Replace ill
health with optimum and vibrant health. Cleanse my body from
toxic waste, from toxic thoughts, from cravings and emotions. Let
there be a supernatural blood transfusion, wash away the waste by
the blood of the lamb, which redeemed me from the curse of death
and sickness and disease. Give my nurses and doctors and medical
attendants the patience, the wisdom, the insight to know how to
handle me and successfully treat this condition.
I pray for a medical breakthrough. I pray that you will bless their
loved one, bless their family, bless their marriages, bless their
practices, protect them from medical malpractice, protect them
from law suits, grant my caregivers the gift of healing, grant them
supernatural health. Deliver them from fatigue and frustration,
bring joy to their lives, bless the works of their hand, compensate
them for their compassion and care. Father bless my caregivers,
remove fatigue, give them periods of great refreshing and
restorative rest, remove the stress, let not their immune system be
compromised as a result of their care for me. Keep them from
catching colds, build their immune system, take care of their
Please Lord, give them friends and loved ones that care for them
as they have cared for me. Remove financial hardships and
burdens, meet their every need in Jesus name!

Healing Prayer by Dr. Cindy Trimm – Transcribed Part 7


Father cleanse our mind from any toxic suggestions or projections

or evil reports or bad reports or innuendos that cause worry,
anxiety, fear, frustration, depression, distress, heaviness, sadness
or the spiking of blood pressure. Heal me from stress related
illness and post traumatic stress disorder. Father right now I
repent of all covenants and contracts that I have made knowingly
or unknowingly that have created toxic soul-ties. I repent for
taking counsel, from any other spirit other than your Spirit and
any other representative, Hallelujah, that means me no good. That
may have open doors to any kind of evil activities.
I decree and declared that my mind is fortified and resolute, my
emotions are sound and stable, my faith is steadfast and
unfaltering. The zeal of the Lord fills my soul and my spirit. I
break demonic strongholds, I break satanic strongholds, in the
name of Jesus and decree that I am healed.
Father right now I make this decleration over my life. I am
blessed. I am blessed physiologically, I am blessed emotionally, I
am blessed spiritually, I am blessed neuro psycho
immunologically. My mind, my body connection is blessed. I am
blessed genetically, I am blessed psychologically, blessed
biochemically, bioelectrically, neurologically, hormonally,
organically, glandularly, gastrointestinally, pulmonarilly,
endocrinogically, gynaecologically, phsycologically, systemically,
molecularly, celularly, skeletally, anatomically, muscularly,
hormonally, genetically, epidermically, nutritionally, corporately,
commercially, relationally, socially, financially, parentally,
spiritually, organizationally, politically, interpersonally, personally
and behaviorally. I decree I am blessed.
Father right now in the name of Jesus, I claim full and complete
healing and declare sickness and disease is far from me. I
overcome this by the blood of the Lamb and the word of the
testimony in Jesus name. I dismiss and dispend my body and my
mind, my soul from evil discouragement, from negative thoughts,
images of death, from faillure and sickness, in the name of Jesus.
Oh Lord hasten your promise to heal me of all of my afflictions
and diseases. I cancel ungodly, maligned(?) delays in my healing
and miracle.
And right now I thank You in the name of Jesus. AMEN!

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