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Newbie - Ordering Food (A0017)

A: 先生,你想吃甚麼?
Xiānsheng, nı̌ xiǎng chı̄ shénme?
Mister, what would you like to eat?

B: 我想吃麵。
Wǒ xiǎng chı̄ miàn.
I’d like to eat noodles.

A: 好的,等一下。
Hǎo de, děng yı̄xià.
OK, wait a moment.

B: 謝謝。

Key Vocabulary

想 xiǎng to want to

吃 chı̄ to eat

甚麼 shénme what

Visit the Online Review and Discussion (text version). 2007

c Praxis Language Ltd.

面 miàn noodles

好的 hǎo de good

等一下 děng yı̄xià to wait

Supplementary Vocabulary

Visit the Online Review and Discussion (text version). 2007

c Praxis Language Ltd.

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