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Required Assignment 9.

1: Text Analysis and Sentiment Analysis

<Your Name>
Suggested time: 90 minutes

Assignment Instructions
In this assignment, you will apply text analytics and sentiment analytics to derive insights from a
given customer review corpus. This assignment has two parts.

Part A: Text Analytics...................................................................................................................................1

Part B: Sentiment Analytics.........................................................................................................................3

Part A: Text Analytics

Suppose you are working on a data analytics project where the requirement is to perform basic
text analysis on Samsung Galaxy S7 reviews, which have already been scrapped from the
Amazon India and US websites. Run a basic text analysis on the corpus provided below and
answer the questions that follow.
App: Basic Text Analysis App (link on the learning platform)
Corpus: samsung s7 reviews and samsung s7 reviews provided
on the learning platform
Key questions:
1. A priori, what might you expect to see in these reviews? What might be the similarities
and differences in Amazon India and Amazon US reviews?

2. What are people saying most about the S7 in India and the US?



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3. Which features get the most mention in India and the US and in what context?



4. Which other products/brands are mentioned in India and the US?



Combine the reviews from both geographies into one file and answer the following questions:
5. What major strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats emerge for the S7?

6. List the top 3 attributes that customers seem to be talking about and identify the
attributes that Samsung might want to focus on.

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Part B: Sentiment Analytics

In this section, you will perform sentiment analysis on customer reviews from an online travel
company and answer the questions that follow.
App: Sentiment Analysis App (link on the learning platform)
Corpus: TripAdvisor Reviews.txt provided on the learning platform
Key questions:
1. What is the most frequent positive word if Bing is selected as the sentiment dictionary?


2. What is the most frequent positive word if AFINN is selected as the sentiment


Select the AFINN dictionary and answer the following questions:

3. Which document has the highest positive sentiment?


4. Comment on the overall sentiment of document #10.

Customers were delighted with the overall services

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