LEARNING TASK #1: (P. 12) : A. Studies

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Jeanny Mae T.

Pesebre Quarter 1 September 27, 2021


SUB: INTRO TO PHILOSOPHY Mr. Marquis Cane A. Loria

LEARNING TASK #1: (p. 12)

A. Studies

(1) I didn't do my best to get into a pilot section in my junior high school days  when it had a lot of

(2) In my ninth grade, I stop for a year.

(3) I didn't take any scholarship exams.

B. Faith

(1) I'm inactive in serving God.

(2) I lose faith when I feel He isn't there for me when I'm having difficulties.

(3) I always doubt God's plan for me.

C. Relationship with Friends or Family

(1) I cursed my parents when they scolded me.

(2) I haven't made more friends.

(3) I'd never mark myself with my former friends, so now they never remember me.

1. Why do you regret the decisions you have made?

➜ Because these decisions are no good for me.
2. If given the chance, would you choose to change your decisions?
➜ Definitely yes, I should make my decision seriously and weigh the two decisions I would make so I can
choose which is right.

3. What lessons did you learn from the process?

➜ I learned that doing your decision should take time to analyze it, weigh the outcomes. Think of the
decision you would make that will give you a good outcome.

4. How did you correct or modify your wrong decisions? How did you cope with them?
➜ I modified my wrong decision by doing the right thing to do, if the decision I made was over the last
thing I can do is be better next time making decisions.

5. Do you usually ask someone to assist you in making a decision? Explain.

➜ Sometimes. I did it whenever I felt vague on such things to decide. Looking for others' help might help
you or not however do make a decision that will give you a good advantage.

LEARNING TASK #2: (p. 13)

1. What important happy memory have you thought of?

➜ This is when we are family went to a fast-food chain after my 6th-grade graduation.

2. Who are the persons, things or places involved?

➜ The persons involved were my parents and brother, and the place involved was Jollibee.

3. If given a chance, would you go back and experience it again?

➜ Yes, because it was my treasure moment. After that experience, we never do it again.

4. Is it important that once in a while, we reminisce our past experiences?

➜ Yes.

5. What can you get from reminiscing your past experiences?

➜ Reminiscing my past experiences will allow me to know that despite the challenges I'm facing, I still
have a way to smile.

LEARNING TASK #3: (p. 13)

1. How do you find the activity?

➜ I found it interesting.

2. What is the story behind the shadow?

➜ It is a shadow of a bird that is free to fly.
3. How do you relate your experiences with the shadow you created?

➜ The shadow I created was related to my experiences because the shadow has a reflection of
something that we formed. And in my past experiences, it can give a reflection on my own that I can still
be free as a bird to make a good decision. 

4. Is the process of reflection important to life? Explain.

➜ Yes. Reflecting allows you to develop your skills and review their effectiveness, rather than just carry
on doing things as you have always done them. Reflection is about inquiring positively about what you
do and why you do it, and then deciding whether there is a better way of doing it in the future.

5. How is the process of reflection improves your life?

➜ The process of reflection improves my life as it allows me to evaluate my experiences, gain

understanding from my mistakes, and use that knowledge to improve my decision in life.


Reflect again on Plato’s apology about the “Unexamined Life that is not worth Living”. How does it
impact your thought life now? (10 pts)

In Plato's apology, Socrates says that an unexamined life is not worth living. I think he addresses
everyone that we must examine our life first and then others to find the purpose and meaning of life.
This statement had an impact on my thoughts in life because as I remember when I was born, I knew
nothing but ignorance. As time passes by and my age increases, I start wondering. I wonder how things
are made, where they came from, how things work, and especially, I start asking myself what my
purpose is in life. Everyone must examine their lives not only today, not only tomorrow  but every day so
we may find answers about the purpose of our lives. Knowing our purpose in life will lead us to the right
pathway and stick with the goals we look forward to. 

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