RPP Pertemuan Ke 6 PM 2

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SCHOOL YEAR 2021/2022



NIM : 1801121311

Education units : SDN Desa Talian Kereng

Subjects : Tematik
Class/Semester : VI (six)/ 1
Learning(1) : Geographical conditions of ASEAN
countries and reading English dialogue
Time Allocation : 35x2 (1 x Meeting )


KI 1: Accept, practice and respect the teachings of the religion they adhere to

KI 2: Having honest, disciplined, responsible, polite, caring, and confident behavior in

interacting with family, friends, teachers, and neighbors

KI 3: Understanding factual knowledge by observing (hearing, seeing, reading and asking

questions based on curiosity about himself, God’s creatures and their activities, and objects he
encounters at home, school, and playground

KI 4: Presenting factual knowledge in clear, systematic, and logical language, in aesthetic

works, in movements that reflect healthy children, and in actions that reflect the behavior of
children playing and having noble character

B. . Basic Competencies and Competency Achievement Indicators

NO Basic competency Indicators of Competence Achievement

1. 3.4 Can know the geographical Able to read dialogue in front of the class
conditions of ASEAN countries with friends


1. Students are able to know the geographical conditions of ASEAN countries

2. Students read the location of ASEAN countries
D. Learning Materials
1. Geographical conditions in ASEAN countries
2. Reading English dialogues in front of the class with friends

A. dialogue

1. Reading according to paragraph text

2. Able to speak loudly and clearly
E. Learning Method
. reading, , Q&A and Assignments
F. Learning Media
Whiteboard, markers and booklets

G. Learning Resources
Sixth grade integrated thematic book


Activity Description Time

Activity Allocation
1. Opening with greetings and continued by reading a 5
prayer (orientation)
2. Linking the previous material with the material to be
studied and expected in relation to the experience of
students (appreciation)
3. Provide an overview of the benefits of studying the
lessons to be learned in everyday life (motivation)
Core Step by step learning activities let's observe 60 menit
1. The teacher opens the lesson by inviting students
to share what they know about Geographical
conditions of ASEAN countries
2. Each student writes down two things each, the
teacher discusses them classically. Each student
can ask questions that are not clear (mandiri,
critical thinking and problem fomulation)
3. Students are asked to look at the pictures and
answer questions. The teacher gives about five
minutes. Students’ answers are discussed
classically. Teachers can provide reinforcement
4. The teacher guides the discussion, walking around
from group to group to ensure that each group
member actively participates
5. Students continue the activity by reading the text
and answering questions. Teachers can provide
reinforcement (collaboration)
Let’s write
 On this occasion the teacher conveys to the
students that they will assess the conclusions of
their friends
 Students read silently the teacher gives students
time to read within 10 minutes
 Students then make conclusions and exchange
them to the friend next to them
 Students assess the conclusions of friends after
that they discuss the assessment with each other.
The teacher gives direction to those in need

Let’s practice
 At the beginning of the lesson the teacher asked
the students to read the text about ASEAN. The
teacher invites students to discuss it classically
 Students take the entire Venn diagram which
contains information about the two ASEAN
countries and understand it. Students convey the
contents of the Venn diagram to their group mates
and discuss it.
 The teacher guides the discussion walking around
from group to group to ensure that each group
member participates actively
 The teacher delivers an assessment checklist to
Let’s read
 Students are able to read clearly and use
appropriate pronunciation with the text
 Able to master the reading material and be able to
discuss it again

Closing 5Menit
 A. Cooperation with parents
Students together with their parents discuss their
family concerns as members of the community in the
neighborhood where they live

 Students:
Make a resume (creativity) with the guidance of the
teacher about important points that appear in learning
activities about the material that has just been done.

 Teachers:
Checking the completed student work directly
checked Students who complete the task are given

Assessment of this material can be carried out according to the needs of the
teacher, namely from observation of attitudes, knowledge tests and attendance
performance or work with an assessment rubic.

Type of Assessment : Written Test

Assessment Technique : Performance

Instrument Form : Performance Assessment Sheet


Assessment of the process of learning outcomes is carried out by the teacher to measure the
level of achievement of student competence. The results of the assessment are used as
material for preparing reports on the progress of learning outcomes and improving the
learning process. Assessment of this material can be done according to the needs of the
teacher, namely by observing attitudes, knowledge tests and presentations on performance or
results/projects with the following assessment rubik

Criteria Very good Good Enough

Listen Always listen to Listening to friends Still need to be
friends who are talking but reminded to listen to
talking sometimes still need friends who are
to be reminded talking
Non-verbal Respond and apply Respond Often responds
communication non-verbal appropriately to inappropriately to
communication non-verbal non-verbal
appropriately communication communication
shown by friends shown by friends
Participation The contents of the Speak and explain in Speak and explain in
conversation inspire detail and respond detail but sometimes
friends,. Always according to the the response is not
support and lead topic in accordance with
others during the topic

Scoring Rating: Total student scores X10

Maximum total score

Example : 2+3+1= 6 x 10=5

12. 12
Mengetahui Talian Kereng,16 Agustus 2021
Guru Pamong Mahasiswa Praktik Mengajar

Mely Titin Kristiani S.Pd. Muhammad Rahimi

NIP.198705262010012002 NIM. 1801121311

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