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Preparing for Teaching and Learning

SPARK Your Interest

This Episode gives emphasis on the principles of learning which must be applied to
ensure quality instruction. It also focuses on the intended learning outcomes which set the
direction of the lesson. They must be (SMART) Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and
Time-bound) and formulated in accordance with time-tested principles. It also determines the
teaching method used by the Resource Teacher whether (inductive or deductive) which is the
practical realization or application of an approach. This episode dovetails with the course on
facilitating learner-Centered Teaching.

REVISIT the learning Essentials

There are the time-tested principles of teaching and learning:

1. Effective learning begins with setting clear expectations and learning outcomes.
2. Learning is an active process. “What I hear, I forget; what I see, I remember; what I
do, I understand.”
3. Learning is the discovery of the personal meaning of ideas. Students are given the
opportunity to connect what they learn with other concepts learned, with real world
experiences and with their own lives.
4. Learning is a cooperative and a collaborative process.

A teaching method consists of systematic and orderly steps in the teaching-learning

process. It is the practical realization or application of an approach. All methods of teaching can
be classified either as deductive (direct) or inductive (indirect)



Begins with the

Begins with a rule, Methods of Teaching concrete, experience,

generalization, details, examples

Reference: Field and AndEnvironment
Study 1 Observations of Teaching-Learning In An Actual ends with a
Maria Lucas, PhD. Milagros Borabo, PhD. Purita Bilbao, EdD. Brenda Corpuz, PhD
ends with concrete, rule, generalization,
Prepared by FSabstraction
Professors 1st Sem. 2021-2022
experience, details,


Group Output

1. Demonstrating an Understanding of Research-Based Knowledge Principles of

Teaching and Learning.

Observe a class with the use of the principles of learning given in Revisit the Learning
Essentials. I will identify evidence of applications/violations of the principles of learning. I can
cite more than one evidence per principle of learning.

Principles of Learning What did the Resource teacher do to apply

the principle of learning
1. Effective learning begins with the setting Every time my resource teacher presents a
of clear and high expectations of learning new lesson to the class, one thing I always
outcomes. observe is that there is always an intended
learning outcome indicated on the very first
slide of her PowerPoint presentation. She will
then read it to the class and then she'll explain
it clearly before proceeding to the class
discussion. These serves to let the students
know or see what they are supposed to learn
for the day. And eventually, at the end of the
lesson, they will be able to assess themselves
whether they met those learning targets or
2. Learning is an active process. What my resource teacher does to apply this
principle of learning in her class is that she
always makes sure that her students are
involved in the learning process. She makes
sure that there is an active interaction between
them. Every time she discusses lessons and
asks questions; she encourages everyone to
participate in order to enhance their higher
order thinking skills. My resource teacher is
also doing an actual demonstration of some
hands-on activities during the virtual meet,
and she lets students at home do them too
because she believes that students learn more
by doing. And that's the important thing. She
makes learning an active process, even though
Reference: Field Study 1 Observations of Teaching-Learning In An Actual Environment
Maria Lucas, PhD. Milagros Borabo, PhD. Purita Bilbao, EdD. Brenda Corpuz, PhD

Prepared by FS Professors 1st Sem. 2021-2022

we are into this kind of learning set up.
3. Learning is the discovery of personal My resource teacher assigns each of the
meaning and relevance of ideas. students on group chat a topic to discuss
during the virtual meet. After that, she lets her
students share their own ideas, thoughts, and
understanding of the topic that she has given
to them. With this strategy of my resource
teacher, I observed that this is effective in
letting the students explore or discover the
personal meaning and relevance of ideas.
4. Learning is a cooperative and a Teamwork is one technique to improve
collaborative process. Learning is student cooperation and collaboration. My
enhanced in an atmosphere of cooperation resource teacher grouped her students into
and collaboration. permanent teams for the quarter. Each
member is encouraged to participate to help
the group obtain points. She is continually
asking questions and giving points for their
answers. Because of the points they earn,
students are eager to participate. In the virtual
classroom, they are quite active. The
group/team assists students in becoming more
accountable, involved, and cooperative.

2. Identifying learning Outcomes that are Aligned with learning Competencies

Observe a class, focusing on how the learning outcomes were stated. Determine if the
learning outcome/s was/were achieved or not. Give evidence.

 Write the learning outcomes

Below are the Learning Outcomes in Computer Systems Servicing, Dressmaking and
Learning Outcomes (SMART Objectives) Achieved
Yes No Yes No
1.Students will be able to identify hazards and evaluate  
the risks in the workplace

2. Students will be able to know the different  

classifications of sewing tools
3. Students will be able to analyze scalp and hair  
4. Students will be able to draw dresses that shows  
principles of design
Reference: Field Study 1 Observations of Teaching-Learning In An Actual Environment
Maria Lucas, PhD. Milagros Borabo, PhD. Purita Bilbao, EdD. Brenda Corpuz, PhD

Prepared by FS Professors 1st Sem. 2021-2022

5. Students will be able to judge the reasonableness of  
obtained information.
6. Students will be able to identify the safe usage of  
computer and/or similar electronic devices.
7. Students will be able to identify the problems related  
to ICT.

 Cite pieces of evidence that these learning outcomes were achieved.


This is a snapshot while students are having quiz about identifying the hazards and evaluating the risks in the


These are photos while discussing about the sewing tools or dressmaking tools and a picture of student's activity
which is to draw sewing tools according to its classification.

Reference: Field Study 1 Observations of Teaching-Learning In An Actual Environment

Maria Lucas, PhD. Milagros Borabo, PhD. Purita Bilbao, EdD. Brenda Corpuz, PhD

Prepared by FS Professors 1st Sem. 2021-2022


A snapshot taken after discussion by which students are being assessed how much they have learned about the
topic "scalp and hair structure".


Here is a photo while discussion about principles of design and a student’s activity which is to draw 5 dresses
that shows principles of design.

Reference: Field Study 1 Observations of Teaching-Learning In An Actual Environment

Maria Lucas, PhD. Milagros Borabo, PhD. Purita Bilbao, EdD. Brenda Corpuz, PhD

Prepared by FS Professors 1st Sem. 2021-2022




Reference: Field Study 1 Observations of Teaching-Learning In An Actual Environment

Maria Lucas, PhD. Milagros Borabo, PhD. Purita Bilbao, EdD. Brenda Corpuz, PhD

Prepared by FS Professors 1st Sem. 2021-2022

3. I will observe one Resource Teacher with the use of this observation sheet. Using
the guide questions, I shall reflect on my observation and analysis

Teacher-centered Student-centered

Were students involved in the teaching-learning

Did teacher lecture all the time? process? How? Or were they mere passive
recipients of instruction?

Considering in this virtual learning, the teacher give Yes, students were involved in the teaching-learning
lecture to the student at a specific time considering the process. The students were active learners wherein
internet connectivity of the both side(educator- they were participated in the class discussion and in the
learners). At the same time my resource teacher is also learning activities. When the teacher is giving task-
giving activities to the class through online platforms. based activities and provide concrete examples which
The teacher needs to ponder on the situation of every provides learners a conducive, enjoyable way of
student since they are the priority. If the teacher learning. They can be able to experience the lesson not
lectures all the time, then I bet the students won’t be just by letting them listen and passive learners but
able to attend her class since most of them will have a making them active participants.
problem when it comes to load or the internet.

Was the emphasis on the mastery of the lesson or Was the emphasis on the students’ application of
on the test? Prove the lesson in real life? Give proofs.

Well mostly, for it focused more on subject matter for Yes, my resource teacher is giving the students task-
the test. The test given are more on knowledge and based activities that reflect real life instances that is
skills based as expected of to their subject TLE used to achieve specific outcome. Since the subject is
Hairdressing which is performance-based. Hairdressing, she let the students exposed and engaged
on the activities of the subject content.

Was class atmosphere competitive? Why? Was the atmosphere collaborative? Why?

Yes, the class atmosphere was competitive in a way Yes, the atmosphere was collaborative all the time
that all of the them participate in the class discussion at wherein the students are actively participating in the
the same time they were actively engaging in the class discussion and working cooperatively and
activities especially when the lesson is very interesting.
collaboratively in terms of group activities given by
The more students engaged themselves successfully in
an activity the more behave they become. the teacher. With this kind of atmosphere, they would
know better and understand more each other. They will
have their opportunities to showcase their skills/talents.

Reference: Field Study 1 Observations of Teaching-Learning In An Actual Environment

Maria Lucas, PhD. Milagros Borabo, PhD. Purita Bilbao, EdD. Brenda Corpuz, PhD

Prepared by FS Professors 1st Sem. 2021-2022

Did teacher focus only on one discipline/subject? Did teacher connect to other disciplines/subjects?

No, she used various subjects to integrate her topic to Yes, she integrated other lessons to the subject matter
enable the students to cope up with the lesson easily. which enable the students to comprehend the lesson
easily. She also connects it to real-life situation so that
the learners can inculcate the sense of creativity,
logical reasoning and provide immediate solution and
approach to the problems facing the reality of life.

What teaching-learning practice shows that teaching approach was:

a. constructive – connected to past experiences of learners; learners constructed new
lesson meanings
Constructivism is an important teaching approach that educators use to help
their students learn. Learners use their previous knowledge as foundation and
build on it with new things that they learn. Thus, everyone’s individual
experiences make their learning unique. Teaching-learning practice that shows
teaching approach was constructive is as my Resource Teacher and I start a
discussion with the lesson, we are presenting or showing pictures that makes
students guess using their prior knowledge or past experience. Asking question
like, “Are you familiar with this picture?” and “Tell something with this
picture.” And lastly, “Based on the pictures being showed, what do you know
is our topic all about today?”. Just like in Dressmaking, I’d presented first
pictures about dressmaking. First is tape measure, then next is body of a lady,
then next is skirt and when I asked them to tell something about it, they replied,
“Are we going to take body measurements ma’am?”, And that’s it our lesson
for that day is all about Steps in Taking Body Measurement. Constructive
teaching approach builds interest and give idea to a student to what they know
and what are they going to learn.

b. inquiry-based
Inquiry-based learning is a learning approach that emphasizes students,
questions, ideas and observations. This form of learning enhances
comprehension-rather than memorizing facts and taking notes, students are
now encouraging to discuss ideas among peers. Ever after discussion, teacher
let them do an activity for assessment and they are by group. The teacher let
her students make a DIY fashion accessory out of any materials available at
their homes and the teacher let them record and sent it to her. As my Resource
Teacher explains, they ask. That is because inquiry-based teaching approach
activates a student’s natural curiosity about a subject, which allows students to
continue focusing on their studies.
Reference: Field Study 1 Observations of Teaching-Learning In An Actual Environment
Maria Lucas, PhD. Milagros Borabo, PhD. Purita Bilbao, EdD. Brenda Corpuz, PhD

Prepared by FS Professors 1st Sem. 2021-2022

c. developmentally appropriate – learning activities fit the developmentally stage of
The teacher provides a lesson and activity to students wherein it is easily to be
understood. And those unfamiliar words will be unlocked by the use of
definition of terms. Just like for example in Grade 9, their major in TLE is
Fashion accessories. That is why the teacher focuses only on that part when it
comes to teaching the lesson. Same is true with the Grade 10 which is
Dressmaking, we are focusing on that part. As we can see there is a program
specified in each level. The idea is that the program should fit the child; the
child shouldn’t have to fit the program. This way, children at different levels
can participate with equal success.

d. Reflective
Reflective teaching involves examining one’s underlying beliefs about teaching
and learning and one’s alignment with actual classroom practice before, during
and after a course. Teaching-learning practice that shows this kind of approach
is my Resource teacher asked every beginning of the class if “What they know
about the topic”, then “What I want to know about the topic”, and lastly “What
have you learned?”. In this way, a teacher will know or observe if her teaching
approach is reflective. And as I practicing and expose myself to demonstration,
my Resource Teacher once said, “Maybe one time, we will add Ma’am Bea to
observe us and for her to give advice to you so that you will know what to do
on your final demonstration.” And if we look on it, it is a classroom
observation that will assess something. Engaging of educators in reflective
teaching is beneficial. They are dedicating time to evaluate their own teaching
practice, examine their curricular choices, consider student feedback, and make
revisions to improve student belonging and learning.

e. inclusive – No learner was excluded; teacher taught everybody

Inclusive teaching refers to pedagogy that strives to serve needs of all students,
regardless of background or identity, and support their engagement with
subject material. My Resource teacher builds an inclusive teaching
environment by engaging each and every one to join and participate in the
class. She keeps on saying that don’t be afraid to talk. Just raise a hand symbol.
In this situation, every student had the floor to convey their ideas in the class.
By modelling inclusive teaching by her, she respectfully communicates with
students. No learners were excluded in the way that if some students are absent,
my teacher assigning me to record the discussion and sometimes she volunteers
to record. By that way, no one will miss the lesson because it will be sent to the
group chat and those who were absent will be going to have an access on it.

Reference: Field Study 1 Observations of Teaching-Learning In An Actual Environment

Maria Lucas, PhD. Milagros Borabo, PhD. Purita Bilbao, EdD. Brenda Corpuz, PhD

Prepared by FS Professors 1st Sem. 2021-2022

f. collaborative – Students worked together
As the saying says “Two heads are better than one.” That is why it is very
important to foster collaboration in the class. My resource teacher giving task
as an assessment which is given or done by group. She explains carefully the
direction and students follow it. By this way, students will collaborate and put
things that they know together and come up with a better output. In this
scenario, students will not only achieve critical thinking and collaborative work
instead a socially developed person.
g. integrative – Lesson was multidisciplinary – e.g. In Science, math concepts were
The subjects that were being taught under my Resource Teacher are Fashion
Accessories and Dressmaking which is they are connected into each other. I’d
already tried to conduct lesson demonstration and as I discussed there are other
concepts being taught. Just like our presentation this week in every class, our
lesson is all about classification of materials, tools, and equipment. And one
tool being discussed is the cookie cutter which is supposedly for subject Bread
and Pastry. But that cookie cutter is match with fashion accessories because
there are materials such as polymer clay and paper clay which are being cut by
cookie cutter to form different attractive shapes. In the name of bread and
pastry production it is use to cut dough to come up with bread with shapes.
Another one is in dressmaking wherein the students needed to acquire the
competency which is to produce lady’s skirt. In there, they need to take body
measurements and come up with a project plan that concept of math and
entrepreneurship is being applied.


Group Output

 What principles of learning were most applied? least applied?

Most applied: The learning principle that is applied most is the “learning is cooperative
and collaborative process”, because students are feel free to share their ideas towards one another.
And with that they will discuss the topic that was given to them and afterwards, there will be an
exchange of thoughts and ideas and then after the discussion, they will now come up an answer
in case they will present their output. We all know that this learning principle is the most usable
process for a teacher to know the social approach of the student.

Reference: Field Study 1 Observations of Teaching-Learning In An Actual Environment

Maria Lucas, PhD. Milagros Borabo, PhD. Purita Bilbao, EdD. Brenda Corpuz, PhD

Prepared by FS Professors 1st Sem. 2021-2022

Least applied: And the learning principle that is least applied is “Learning is the
discovery of personal meaning and relevance of ideas”. In this situation, most of the time the
teacher used up by explaining and sharing thoughts regarding the topic. Most of the class was
being done by the teacher herself. These situations somehow contrast to a teacher who mostly
facilitates with the learning for the students and they, the students, are the one who gives some
ideas about a certain topic.

 Give instances where this/these principle/s could have been applied?

In learning is cooperative and collaborative process: teacher gives a group task

activity where the students are assigned to interpret the poem by creating,
brainstorming ideas together with their peer groups and debrief their final
thoughts. The students are happily to ask something to clarify, cooperate with
each other, sharing of ideas, discussing, and collaborate meaning to comprehend
the texts.
On the other hand, in learning is the discovery of personal meaning and relevance
of ideas: The teacher gives an opportunity to the students to create and share their
ideas regarding the topic and discuss it in front of the class.

 Do SMART objectives make the lesson more focused?

According to my observation, SMART objectives really help the lesson become

more focused because with the utilization of such SMART learning objectives,
teachers are guided with regards to achieving the intended learning outcomes or
what they are expecting from the students. It gives them direction towards the
learning progression and comprehension of the students. The teacher teaches the
applying of three domains. So, the students can use their cognitive, affective and
psychomotor. Knowledge and learning can be controlled effectively and
efficiently through following the learning objectives. Also, the set goals will make
the delivery of the lesson be well-directed and concentrated.

Reference: Field Study 1 Observations of Teaching-Learning In An Actual Environment

Maria Lucas, PhD. Milagros Borabo, PhD. Purita Bilbao, EdD. Brenda Corpuz, PhD

Prepared by FS Professors 1st Sem. 2021-2022


 What are possible consequences of teaching purely subject matter for mastery and
for the test?
The students will be confined to the four corners of the classroom (four corners of
their mobile phones or laptops), and their learning will not extend to the real
world because they will be bombarded with concepts but will not be able to apply
them. Students will study solely for the purpose of exams, and what the teacher
has taught will be easily forgotten because it was lacking in activities. One of the
time-tested principles says that “Learning is an active process. What I hear, I
forget; what I see, I remember; what I do, I understand.” Therefore, if the goal of
the teacher is purely on the mastery for the test, then it’ll only be a short-termed
memory since it only applies memorization of the certain subject and will be
clearly forgotten by the students after the test had passed. Also, the most likely
outcome would be the loss of your teaching license. If administration was aware
that you were coaching your students to pass tests, you would be punished in all

 If you were to reteach the classes you observed, would you be teacher-centered or
student-centered? Why?
If I were to reteach the classes that I have observed, I will apply the learner-
centered approach since the focus of this approach is both the learners and the
facilitator of the class while in the teacher centered, the only focus is on the
teacher herself/himself. Learners-centered instruction shows that instead of
listening to the teacher exclusively, students and teachers interact equally. Group
work is encouraged, and students learn to collaborate and communicate with one
another. Students are more interested in learning activities when they can interact
with one another and participate actively. Although there will always be cons like
classroom can be noisy sine there is more freedom in this type of approach, as a
teacher, you need to be flexible as well as someone who can easily impose rules
to manage your classroom.
Reference: Field Study 1 Observations of Teaching-Learning In An Actual Environment
Maria Lucas, PhD. Milagros Borabo, PhD. Purita Bilbao, EdD. Brenda Corpuz, PhD

Prepared by FS Professors 1st Sem. 2021-2022



Individual Output

 From among the principles of learning, which one do you think is the most

- In my own perspective, learning is an active process is the most important

principle among the principles of learning because it enables students to participate in the
learning process and it does not leave any students behind during the process. There is a
predetermined learning goal while the students is actively participating in the learning

 Reflect on the lessons learned in determining SMART learning outcomes

The lessons learned in determining SMART learning outcomes are very timely
and educational friendly and can be applied to the real world. Of course, we are preparing
the children to be ready in the real world that’s why SMART learning outcomes is what a
teacher should always include in her/his lesson plans.

 Reflect on principles of teaching worth applying

All the principles of teaching are worth applying that is why it exist and
considered as a principle of teaching, it helps a students academic growth, it guides a
student to a positive academic career.

Reference: Field Study 1 Observations of Teaching-Learning In An Actual Environment

Maria Lucas, PhD. Milagros Borabo, PhD. Purita Bilbao, EdD. Brenda Corpuz, PhD

Prepared by FS Professors 1st Sem. 2021-2022

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