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Important Questions for Pakistan Affairs

Q.1: Taliban’s return to power corridors is a challenge and an opportunity for Pakistan
simultaneously. Comment on the statement.

Q.2: Discuss the economic, social, cultural and political impacts of Shah Waliullah’s movement
on the Muslims of sub-Continent. (Shah Waliullah and His Movement)

Q.3: Evaluate the impacts of the services rendered by Sir Syed Ahmed Khan towards the
regeneration of Muslims. (Sir Syed Ahmed Khan and Aligarh Movement)

Q.4: Critically evaluate the foundations of Allama Iqbal’s concept of Muslim separatism in the
context of Indo-Pak Subcontinent. (Iqbal’s Role in the Promotion of Muslim Nationalism in Sub-

Q.5: How far the nature of centre province relations has changed under various Amendments in
the 1973 Constitution of Pakistan? Evaluate. (Topic: Federalism in Pakistan)

Q.6: Describe the political system of Pakistan. Which form of government is suitable to make
country politically stable? (Topic: Federalism in Pakistan)

Q.7: Pakistan’s national culture reflects unity in diversity. Elaborate. (Topic: Culture of Pakistan)

Q.8: Is it correct to claim that 18th Constitutional Amendment has transformed Federation of
Pakistan into a quasi-Confederation? Has Education and Health as Provincial Subjects witnessed
improvement under the aegis of 18th Constitutional Amendment? (Topic: 18th Amendment and
its impacts in Health and Education)

Q.9: Is there any need to revise the formula of NFC Award? If it revised on innovative basis,
would it be helpful to reduce the burden of foreign debts on Pakistan? (Topic: Distribution of
resources among the provinces and its effects on foreign debts)

Q.10: What are the problems of higher education in Pakistan? How can Pakistan address them
effectively? Propose some practical measures. (Topic: Education Sector)

Q.11: Enumerate the measures adopted by Pakistan to spotlight the plight of Kashmiri people in
the Illegally Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) after August 05, 2019. (Topic:
Kashmir Issue)

Q.12: Is it right to say that Pakistan-India relations are ‘one step forward and two steps
backward’? How can two neighbours revive their relations especially in the light of abrogation of
special status of IIOJK? (India-Pakistan Relations)

Q.13: Can it be claimed that the abrogation of Article 370 and Article 35-A in IIOJK has
intensified the prospects of nuclear war in the region? Agree or disagree.
Q.14: China, Pakistan-Russia cooperation will find suitable support mechanism(s) in Shanghai
Cooperation Organization (SCO). Particularly comment in the wake of Victory of Taliban in

Q.15: Is CPEC a debt trap or a developmental package? Prove your stance in the light of the
projects executed in Phase-I and Phase-II.

Q.16: Is it right to say that Civil Service Reforms in Pakistan are old wine in new bottle? How
can they materialize into reality?

Q.17: “Political stability is mandatory for economic prosperity in Pakistan.” Elaborate.

Q.18: Critically analyze the key cause of delaying in the construction of water reservoirs in
Pakistan. Give some suggestions to revert this collateral loss in Pakistan.

Q.19: Pakistan’s energy crisis was due to the lack of proper strategy and political will. Discuss.

Q.20: Is SAARC a dead horse now? If not, how can it be revived? Please give some plausible

Q.21: Critically analyze the elections of 1937 and the sufferings and grievances of the Muslims
under the Congress rule in the provinces (1937-1939). How much did it help in popularizing the
idea of a separate Muslim state in India?

Q.22: Jinnah in his Presidential Address to the annual session of All India Muslim League in
March 1940 said, “The problem in India is not of an inter-communal character, but manifestly of
an international one, and it must be treated as such.” Write note on the Two Nation Theory and
the Lahore Resolution of March 1940 in the light of this statement. (Topic: Quaid-i-Azam and
the Two Nation Theory)

Q.23: How can Pakistan interlink ECO and CPEC together? Would it be an additional boost for
transportation and energy infrastructure?

Q.24: What is meant by the term “Proxy War”? Are there any extrinsic factors at play in the
internal security situation of Pakistan? Do attacks of TTP in Pakistan fall in the category of
Proxy War? How can Pakistan overcome this situation?

Q.25: What major economic challenges are being faced by Pakistan? What recommendation do
you suggest to deal with these issues?

Q.26: Was peaceful arrival of Taliban in Kabul possible because of “Afghans’ led Afghans’
owned” formula proposed by Pakistan? Can it be termed as the biggest diplomatic success of

Q.27: Discuss the evolution of Muslim Identity in United India.

Q.28: Can Tourism become a panacea for the ailing economy of Pakistan? What steps are
required in this regard?

Q.29: Should the provinces be formed on the administrative basis or on linguistic basis? What
are the pros and cons in each case?

Q.30: Efficient use of natural resources can make Pakistan a prosperous nation. Discuss in the
light of present situation of Pakistan.

Q.31: “The population growth in Pakistan can erupt like an atomic bomb”. Comment on the

Q.32: What are the major provisions of Simla Agreement (1972) between Pakistan and India? Is
the recent abrogation of Articles 370 and 35-A because of Simla Agreement? How did it prove
beneficial and harmful for Kashmir?

Q.33: There is crisis of national integration in Pakistan since its creation. What measures do you
suggest for the promotion of national integration of Pakistan?

Q.34: Comment on the role of Pakistan in Nagorno-Karabakh conflict between Armenia and
Azerbaijan? Would it elevate the diplomatic stature of Pakistan in the comity of nations?

Q.35: How general elections in 2008, 2013 and 2018 help to flourish democracy in Pakistan?

Q.36: Give a critical analysis of the steps taken for Islamization of Education in Pakistan since
1947. How can minorities be included in this mainstream?

Q.37: “The Twenty-first century will witness the war for water.” Examine the practical
implications of this statement on the situation of Pakistan.

Q.38: Federalism has been a continuing cause of political tension in our country. Will the 18th
amendment made in the Constitution by the present Government solve this issue once for all?
Take a position and support with your argument.

Q.39: Through Allama Iqbal’s writings and views of Quaid-i-Azam explain their conceptual
understanding about the Islamic state. Do you agree that their vision found some place while
explaining the constitutional developments throughout the case of Pakistan’s political history?

Q.40: In spite of strong research-base, rich lands, reasonable water-resources and various land-
reforms, why agriculture sector remained less-developed in Pakistan?

Q.41: How the reform movement of Shaikh Ahmad Sirhindi influenced the history of Muslim
India? Can the establishment of a Sufi University become another reform movement for the
Muslims of sub-Continent?
Important Questions for Current Affairs
Q.1: Elucidate the prospects and challenges for CPEC after China-Iran Agreement? Can the
renunciation of Chahbahar Deal be termed a Victory for CPEC?

Q.2: The deadlier wave of Islamophobia is spilling monsters everywhere in the world. What are
its repercussions and possible solutions?

Q.3: What would be the aftermath of the recent exodus of US and NATO forces from
Afghanistan for Pakistan?

Q.4: Covid-19 has halted formal and informal economic activities in Pakistan. What
recommendations do you suggest to convert these challenges into opportunities during and post

Q.5: What would be the possible line of action of Biden Administration towards Abraham
Accord in West Asia? Would they remain same or witness a few changes likely?

Q.6: What would be the impacts of hydro politics in South Asia? How can Indus Water Treaty be
made more robust and responsive by keeping in mind the recent situation of IIOJK?

Q.7: Is the issuance of health card an ideal fixation for the woes of health system in Pakistan?
What reforms should be brought in the health system of Pakistan on urgent basis?

Q.8: What are national and international security challenges for Pakistan? Comment in the view
of Kashmir Issue, Dasu Attacks and arrival of Taliban in Kabul.

Q.9: How do you see Pakistan and Saudi Arabia relations after the recent events? Would the
wave of modernity in Kingdom affect Pakistan in any way?

Q.10: In the view of emerging geostrategic situation, what is the future of US-Pakistan
relations? What are the challenges and what are the solutions?

Q.11: The South Asian offers tremendous economic opportunities but those are marred by
political challenges of which Kashmir is the principal issue. Discuss.

Q.12: Increasing influence of Israel in Middle East in the context of her relationship with UAE
and Saudi Arabia that seems to be part of Greater Israel at the expense of containment of Iran
and CPEC. Discuss.

Q.13: US-China conflict in Indo-Pacific would likely trigger India-Pakistan conflict in Indian
Ocean. Comment on this statement.

Q.14: Recent arms treaties signed by Quad-IV are a direct threat to CPEC and China-Pakistan
relations. Agree or disagree.
Q.15: By keeping in view the recent reactionary policies of Modi Regime against Pakistan and
eliminating the special status of Kashmir, are there any prospects of nuclear war between India
and Pakistan?

Q.16: Taliban’s return is a welcoming sign for Pakistan and it would be the emergence of peace
and prosperity in the region. Elaborate.

Q.17: How do you view the growing strategic partnership between Russian and Pakistan? How
would it bring both countries closer to China?

Q.18: Is the Khalistan Movement be another replica of 1984 Golden Temple Amritsar incident?
How would it impact Pakistan?

Q.19: With the entrance of Joe Biden in White House, would the multilateralism be able to find
its place again in the Foreign Policy of US? Analyze critically.

Q.20: What sort of possible structure of government would be established by Taliban in

Afghanistan? Would Afghanistan be in a position to run its economic affairs independently?
How can Afghanistan be included in CPEC?

Q.21: The recent clashes between Indian and Chinese Armies have strengthened the case of
Kashmir for Pakistan. Agree or disagree.

Q.22: What are the similarities and differences between Kashmir Issue and Nagorno-Karabakh

Q.23: Discuss the ways in which Covid-19 has impacted the contemporary world order?

Q.24: Most of the major political parties in Pakistan have committed to the creation of new
provinces in Pakistan. Should new provinces be created in Pakistan, or not? Elaborate your
answer by giving reference from the current debate on the provinces?

Q.25: How would the completion of CPEC Phase-II impact industrialization and employment in

Q.26: What impact global climate change will have on the water resources of Pakistan? How will
it affect inter-provincial harmony?

Q.27: Why was Pakistan placed on the ‘Grey List’ of Financial Action Task Force (FATF)?
Despite the numerous steps taken by Pakistan, why Pakistan is still unable not to move out of it?

Q.28: Discuss in detail the role of OIC, Arab league, SAARC, ECO and GCC in Palestine Issue
and Kashmir Issue.

Q.29: In view of the evolving global alignments and changing nature of major-power
relationships, what is the future of globalism and multilateralism? Discuss with examples.
Q.30: Give a critical review of Energy Policy of Pakistan (2013-2018). According to you, what
steps are missing in it? How can we make this piece of policy more effective?

Q.31: How can the corruption elimination strategy be made part of governance system of

Q.32: How can the governing structure have the capacity to neutralize threats to internal security
of Pakistan? Also give a critical appraisal of Security Policy of Pakistan (2017-18).

Q.33: Talibans’ liaison with Iran is a sign of peace, prosperity and security for the region. How
can Pakistan benefit from it in the larger perspective?

Q.34: Discuss instrument of techniques of Hybrid warfare in context to Pakistan. How can
Pakistan cope with it?

Q.35: With the rising demand in supply-demand curve of energy profile of Pakistan, what are the
possible avenues which can be cultivated by Pakistan in order to fulfill its energy requirements?
Bring into account the challenges as well.

Q.36: Discuss the way in which globalization could promote regionalization as an adaptation.

Q.37: Write a critical appraisal on Strategic Police Reforms in Pakistan.

Q.38: How can Pakistan transform its continental shelf into a viable economic enterprise?

Q.39: Critically analyze the social protection program of Prime Minister of Pakistan and all its
tributaries. How would it be able to reduce poverty in Pakistan?

Q.40: How can Pakistan transform its informal economic sector into formal sector by
maintaining the sustainability of livelihoods of people associated with informal economic sector?

Important Questions for General Science and Ability

Important Questions for General Science

Q.1: a) What is the importance of Ozone layer? Explain the causes and effects of ozone

b) What is Greenhouse Effect and Global Warming? What are the impacts of Global Warming?

c) How Acid Rain is generated? Describe its nature, effects and remedial measures.

d) What is Air Pollution? Discuss the sources and impacts of various air pollutants on life.

Q.2: a) What is meant by smog? Discuss its types, reactions, effects and remedies.
b) Define Remote Sensing. Discuss its types, mechanism of working and applications.

c) What is incineration? Discuss the process, its advantages and disadvantages.

d) What do you understand by the rocks and their types?

Q.3: a) What is solar system? Explain the characteristics of the following subjects of solar

I. Sun II. Jupiter III. Mars IV. Venus

b) Discuss Universe, theories related to Universe, and galaxy. What do you know about the
Local Group?

c) Describe the terms Asteroids, Aurora and Comets briefly.

d) What do you understand by the terms Lunar Eclipse and Solar Eclipse? Explain with
diagrams. Also discuss apogee and Perigee.

Q.4: a) Explain the structure of Earth. Also discuss the composition of atmosphere.

b) Describe rotation and revolution of earth and their effects.

c) What are Earthquakes? Explain the types of seismic waves and measurement of Earthquakes.

d) What is meant by a Natural Disaster? Discuss the causes, effects and prevention of Urban
Fires and Cyclones.

Q.5: a) Why the atoms form bonds? Discuss different types of chemical bonds in detail.

b) What are Plastics? Differentiate between Thermosetting and Thermoplastics. What are
environmental and health effects of Plastics?

c) Define Energy. Differentiate between Renewable and Non-renewable sources of Energy.

d) Define Ceramics. Discuss their types and applications.

Q.6: a) Describe different symptoms, causes, and prevention and management strategies of
dengue fever.

b) Discuss the functions of various parts of a cell. Also discuss the differences and similarities
between a plant cell and an animal cell.

c) Pancreas is a double gland which not only helps in maintaining sugar but also in digesting
food. Explain.

d) Kidneys are organs of excretion as well as osmoregulation. Justify.

Q.7: a) Write a comprehensive note on Blood Cells, Blood Plasma and Blood Groups.

b) What are Vertebrates? Explain the features of various classes of vertebrates.

c) Explain the structure and functions of human eye. Also discuss the defects related to human

d) Explain the nervous system of human body.

Q.8: a) What are endocrine and exocrine glands? Name any two. From which part of the body
are the following secreted: Insulin, Adrenalin, Thyroxin, Estrogen, Testosterone and Cartisol.

b) Discuss the symptoms, types and treatment options of Polio.

c) Explain the structure and functions of human heart with labeled diagram(s).

d) How important are proteins for human body? Explain their Chemistry and Importance.

Q.9: a) What are Vitamins? Describe the sources, importance and diseases related to the
deficiency of Vitamins.

b) What is Balance Diet? Explain the Biochemistry and importance of carbohydrates and fats.

c) Describe the traditional and modern methods of food preservation.

d) Define Networking. Briefly compare the different types of Networking.

Q.10: Write short notes on the following:

a) Global Positioning System

b) Fiber Optics

c) Social Media Websites

d) Plate Tectonics

e) Artificial Intelligence

f) Liver as a Chief Chemist

g) Biofuels

h) Covid-19

Q.11: a) On 7th April 2012 an Avalanche hit a Pakistan military base in Gayari sector trapping
140 soldiers and civilians under deep snow. What is Avalanche; describe its four types with
focus on most dangerous type?
b) What do you understand by Global Wind and Pressure patterns? Also explain wind and
pressure features at higher altitude.

c) World largest earthquake was assigned a magnitude of 9.5 by the United States Geological
Survey on 22 May 1960 in southern Chile Valdivia. What do you know about earthquake? Also
explain shallow-focus and deep focus earthquakes.

d) Differentiate between the renewable and non renewable energy sources. Briefly explain
Geothermal Energy and Hydro Electricity.

Q.12: a) Briefly describe the various segments of atmosphere. How these segments are
maintaining the Earth Radiation Balance?

b) How the organic particulate matter enters in the atmosphere. Also describe the sources?

c) What is natural radioactivity? How it is different from the artificial radioactivity?

d) What are the Fossils? Discuss the importance of paleontology.

Q.13: a) What do you know about Hepatitis? Describe its types and write down preventive

b) Differentiate between Middle Latitude Cyclones and Tornadoes.

c) What is Open System Interconnections (OSI) and describe its layers?

d) What is GPS? How does it work?

Q.14: a) What are Pesticides? Explain their different types; why persistent pesticides are more
lethal for mankind?

b) What are carbohydrates? Classify and give detail of each class along with examples.

c) Discuss different methods of Food preservation.

d) Where and how Fiber Optics is used? Also write down their advantages and disadvantages.

Q.15: a) What is ‘Acid Rain’? Describe its causes and how it can be prevented?

(b) What is ‘Water Pollution’? Discuss its causes and measurement methods. Name the countries
with the highest and lowest percentage of it.

(c) Write a comprehensive note on ‘Smog’.

(d) Describe different causes of ‘Tsunami’. Is there any difference between a Tsunami and a tidal
wave? Name the worst Tsunami ever recorded.
Q. 16: a) Differentiate between RAM and ROM.

(b) Name three basic buses employed in a computer and explain what each is used for.

(c) Draw a basic computer block diagram and briefly explain the function of each part. (d)
Describe various types of computers classified on the basis of size, memory, capacity and speed.

Q.17: a) What were the main objectives of Clean Development Mechanism? Also explain the
reasons for the criticism on Kyoto Protocol by the developed countries.

(b) Differentiate between Sanitary and Industrial Landfills; also describe the land selection
criteria for Landfills.

c) What are Miawaki Forests? How would they help to address urban pollution?

d) What are vaccines? Classify these and discuss DNA vaccines in detail.

Q.18: a) What are vaccines? Classify these and discuss DNA vaccines in detail.

b) What are causative organism and vector for dengue, enlist possible ways of prevention from

c) What is Cholesterol? Discuss its importance, normal blood level and dangers of elevated
levels with reference to the health and disease in humans.

d) What is tsunami? How the tsunamis generated and what are their characteristics?

Q. 19: a) Pakistan is witnessing water crisis. On the other hand, Pakistan has undulated amount
of water seeping through in terms of water logging. What are the main reasons of water-logging
in Pakistan? How can we use it on the positive side?

b) Most of the household appliances utilize ‘DC’ then why we generate ‘AC’ at power stations?

c) Explain the terms Dark Energy and Dark Matter.

d) Define the term Black Hole. What’s expected inside it?

Q. 20: a) Differentiate between drug addiction and drug abuse.

b) Draw the structure of human ear and briefly explain its functions.

c) What is a mirage? Describe in detail the creation of mirage.

d) Explain in detail the common causes of Heart Attack.

Important Questions for Ability
Percents, Probability and Sets, Ratios and Proportions, Intelligence Quotient (IQ), Equations,
Age Problems, Average, Word Problems, Numbers and Letters.

Note: There is no repetition of questions in Ability Section. The trend of repetition has not even
been witnessed in terms of topics. The best way to prepare this portion is to consult Mathematics
Textbooks of Punjab Textbook Boards for Grade VI, Grade VII and Grade VIII. Similalry, is a website of utility for the preparation.
Important Questions for Islamic Studies
Q.1: According to Karl Marx, “Religion is opium for poor man.” By contradicting this statement,
is there any need and importance of religion in modern times? Elaborate.

Q.2: To follow an ideal is very necessary for the progress of nation. In your view what are basic
characteristics of ideal and how Islamic ideology of life affects the individual and communal life
with reference to basic characteristics of Islamic ideology? Elucidate.

Q.3: What is meant by Tauheed? Is Tauheed only linked with the Day of Judgment? Does it have
any sphere of action in the worldly life? Comment on the statement.

Q.4: Finality of Prophethood brings in the followers true spirit of Islam and creates a balance
between religion and world. Discuss.

Q.5: Is it enough to do deeds only in accordance with Day of Judgment or the worldly life counts
somewhere too? How does Islam refute Monasticism? Elaborate.

Q.6: What is the philosophy of Saum (Fasting)? What are its impacts on individual and collective

Q.7: How does Zakat help to establish socio-economic justice in the society? Does it alleviate
poverty? Elucidate.

Q.8: Write a comprehensive note on Hajj (the pilgrimage) system of Islam and its spiritual,
moral and social impacts.

Q.9: Throw light in detail on the moral value system of Islam as significant feature Islamic
civilization. What are the impacts of Islamic Civilization on Western Civilization?

Q.10: What are the Quranic Commandments about Prayers? What are its impacts on individual
and collective human life?

Q.11: Give suggestions to reform Pakistani Politics keeping in view the different aspects of
political system of Islam.

Q.12: What are the salient features of Islamic Socio-Moral System? How is it different from
Western Socio-Moral System?

Q.13: “Islam teaches the lesson of human respect and dignity irrespective of colour, race and
creed”. Discuss.

Q.14: “The last Sermon of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) is the basic document for awakening of
conscious of mankind for human rights”. Discuss.
Q.15: “Islamic Financial and Economic system is the solution of the human financial problems”.

Q.16: What are main characteristics of Islamic Economic System? Moreover, how it
encompasses of good characteristics of all existing economic systems?

Q.17: Describe the rights of women in Islam in the context of current wave of the Feminist

Q.18: How is Islamic Economic System based on Golden Mean? Discuss in detail.

Q.19: How were the Rightly-guided Caliphs elected? To what extent their system of government
is regarded as democratic?

Q.20: Holy Prophet (PBUH) is considered as the Educator for Humanity. Discuss it in the light
of Quran and Sunnah. How his teachings are relevant to the contemporary needs of humanity?

Q.21: What is model of good governance and concept of Islamic Welfare State? Is it followed in
Nordic States? Agree or Disagree.

Q.22: Define Ijma’ (consensus) and explain its different kinds. Highlight its importance in the
light of the Qur’ān and Sunnah. What is its contemporary relevance?

Q.23: Highlight the concept of Public Administration in Islam. Explain the responsibilities of
Civil Servants.

Q.24: Discuss the salient features of Islamic political system in the light of governance under
pious Khilafat-i-Rashida.

Q.25: What are the contemporary challenges of Muslim world? Suggest its solutions in the light
of Quran and Sunnah?

Q.26: What is the difference between Jihad and Fasaad (Hostility)? Discuss the possibilities of
practical application of Quranic Concept of Jihad in current international scenario. Can Taliban’s
struggle against US in Afghanistan be called Jihad?

Q.27: Write a comprehensive note on the importance of Sunnah in Interpretation and Legislation.

Q.28: Define Ijtihad, also highlight its contemporary importance in the light of Islamic Fiqh.

Q.29: Point out the motives of Tehreek-i-Taliban in Pakistan. How can the society get rid of

Q.30: The Holy Prophet (PBUH) is the Prophet of peace and safety. Explain with arguments
specifically in the case of caricatures.
Q.31: Discuss the possibilities of establishment of an Islamic state under the present political
system of democracy.

Q.32: In the presence of interest based global financial system, discuss the possibility of interest
free Islamic financial system.

Q.33: What is Human Dignity? Explain how Islam recognised it and what efforts have been
adopted to maintain the superiority of man?

Q.34: Define and explain the Judicio-Politicial System of Islam.

Q.35: In the present era, Muslim Ummah has all the resources, but it is the victim of disunity,
while analysing the reasons of disunity, suggest measures to maintain unity among the Muslim

Q.36: It is necessary to establish priority for law for the development of society. What is your
point of view that today Islamic punishments are regarded as savagery? While discussing the
Islamic philosophy of the reward and punishment also describe the basic characteristics of
Islamic concept of punishments.

Q.37: The world is heading towards the concept of “Clash of Civilizations”. Give your
arguments for and against this notion.

Q. 38: Define and discuss in detail the Sources of Shariah.

Q.39: What are the causes and losses of "sectarian differences" in Pakistan and how this problem
can be solved in light of Islamic teachings?

Q.40: Take into account the steps and plots of the western nations against the Islamic world in
the present era and give solid suggestions for their eradication in tile light of Quran and Sunnah.

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