Speakout Extra: Grammar Practice

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4 SPEAKOUT EXTRA Upper Intermediate

GRAMMAR PRACTICE 4 The other car crashed into mine because the
driver too fast.
5 She got very good results in her final exams
4.1 narrative tenses because she hard for weeks.
6 Margie lost her job because she money
1 Match sentences 1 and 2 to consequences a) and b).
from several customers.
1 1 When they arrived, we all had dinner.
2 When they arrived, we’d had dinner.
a) They were too late to eat. 4.2 I wish, if only, should have
b) Dinner was ready.
2 1 When we got to the theatre, the play started.
1 Use the information to complete the second
sentence so that it expresses regret.
2 When we got to the theatre, the play had started.
a) We missed the first ten minutes. 1 I don’t speak French.
b) We were just in time. I wish I spoke French.
3 1 When she turned up, he le. 2 He hasn’t called me yet and I really want to
2 When she turned up, he’d already gone. speak to him.
a) She saw him. If only he                  .
b) She didn’t see him. 3 She never comes out because she has to work
every weekend.
4 1 It began to rain when I was leaving work
2 It began to rain when I’d le work. She wishes                  .
a) I could go back to work and get my umbrella. 4 You never wash up aer dinner!
b) I couldn’t go back to work and get my umbrella I wish                  .
so I got very wet. 5 They’re not very rich.
5 1 When we got home, a thief was breaking into They wish                  .
the flat. 6 I’m fed up because my boss won’t give me a
2 When we got home, a thief had broken into better salary.
our flat. I wish                  .
a) Our computer had gone. 7 Tanya is upset because she can’t play a musical
b) He ran away. instrument.
Tanya wishes                  .
2 Complete the sentences using the past simple or 8 I’m not very imaginative.
past perfect.
If only                  .
1 Tracey sent Sam a lot of emails. Sam never replied. 9 She never stops talking!
Tracey was upset.
If only                  .
When I saw Tracey she was upset because she
10 I haven’t got a car.
Sam a lot of emails and
he . If only                  .
2 They came back from their holiday yesterday. I saw
them last night. They were looking very relaxed.
2 Read about Mike and complete his regrets below.

I them when they My name’s Mike. I didn’t study very hard at school
just from their holiday. They so I didn’t go to university or find a very good job. I
very relaxed. got married when I was 18 but I was too immature.
3 My sister went out shopping. I called her earlier Sadly, my wife le me aer two years. I was so lonely
today. She didn’t answer. I started eating a lot of fast food. Now, I’m not only
lonely, but also too fat! All because I didn’t study
I my sister earlier, but
enough at school.
no answer. She shopping.
1 I wish harder at school.
3 Complete the sentences with the past perfect
2 I should to university.
simple or continuous form of the words in the box.
3 I wish I a better job.
steal cook go train study (not) eat 4 If only I married so young.
5 I wish my wife me.
1 He won the match because he for months.
6 I should so much fast food.
2 We were very hungry when our friends finally
arrived because we all day.
3 The kitchen was in a terrible mess when we arrived
because he   all aernoon.

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