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Chapter 4

This chapter presents the data gathered, the results of the statistical analysis done and

interpretation of findings. These are presented in tables following the sequence of the specific

research problem regarding the effects of Social Media to Learners Behavior in Mat-i Senior

High School.

"Data analysis is the process of bringing order, structure and meaning to the mass of
collected data. It is a messy, ambiguous, time consuming, creative, and fascinating
process. It does not proceed in a linear fashion; it is not neat. Data analysis is a
search for answers about relationships among categories of data."- Marshall and
Rossman, 1990:111


The first problem of this study focused on the proflie of the learners in Mat-i Senior High

School the following are grade 11 and 12 from barangay mat-i surigao city.

Data analysis is considered to be important step and heart of the research in

research work.

Table 2 on the next page presents the profile of the learners in Mat-i Senior High School,

barrangay mat-i surigao city. The profile of the respondents was tabulated and computed

according to the following: Age, Gender, and Grade Level.

This Table shows the profile of the respondents in terms of Grade & Level.
Grade & Level
Frequenc Percent Valid Cumulative
y Percent Percent
72 48.0 48.0 48.0
Valid Grade
78 52.0 52.0 100.0
Total 150 100.0 100.0
Table 2 Grade


It can be noted in table 2 that the classification of the respondents, Grade 12 got the

highest frequency of 78 with the percentage of 52.0 while, Grade 11 got the lowest frequency of

72 with the percentage of 48.0.

This table shows the profile of the respondents in terms of Age.

Frequenc Percent Valid Cumulative
y Percent Percent
15-16 9 6.0 6.0 6.0
17-18 107 71.3 71.3 77.3
19-20 32 21.3 21.3 98.7
2 1.3 1.3 100.0
Total 150 100.0 100.0
Table 3 Age

On age 15-16 got the frenquecy of 9 and percentage of 6.0 while, 17-18 got the frequency

of 107 and the percentage of 71.3 and 19-20 got the frequency of 32 with a percentage of 21.3

and the 21 above got the frequency of 2 with a percentage of 1.3. Under the age ranging 17-18

years old, it got the highest frequency of 107 and a percentage of 71.3 while, 21 Above got the

lowest frequency of 2 and a percentage 1.3. This implies that age ranging 15-16 and 19-20 above

is more dominant compared to the age of 21 Above.

This table shows the profile of the respondents in terms of Gender.

Frequenc Percent Valid Cumulative
y Percent Percent
Male 83 55.3 55.3 55.3
Valid 67 44.7 44.7 100.0
Total 150 100.0 100.0

Table 4 Gender

On the other hand, in Gender, male got the highest frequency of 83 with a percentage of

53.3 while, female got the frequency of 67 with a percentage of 44.7.

This indicates that Male are more engaging in social media compared to female.
The table shows the result of EDQ.

N Mean Deviation
How often do you 150 1.5933 .76058
use social media.

Table 5 EDQ

For the EDQ to the respondents, for this questions How often do you use social media? the

respodents obtained an average mean of 1.5933 with its standard deviation of .76058.

Table 5 Descriptive table of the effects of socila media to learners behavior in terms of
Social Networking Sites

Descriptive Statistics
Mean Deviation
Social media gives you critical thinking. 2.7133 .83011
Social media affects my privacy. 2.4000 .91226
Social media affects my time. 2.6533 .94113
Social media affect my reputation. 2.3133 .97717
I post a picture of myself and wait for the approval of my 2.4200 .90687
friends whether i look in that picture or not.
I usually have unlimited access to facebook and this has 2.4867 1.02804
improved my academic performance.
I engage in academic discussions on facebook and this has 2.2333 .95830
improved my academic performace.
I solely rely on information gotten from wikipedia to do my 2.4133 .96368
assignments without consulting other sources.
I use social media for research. 3.0600 .95699
AVERAGE 2.4287 .42018

For the effects of social media to learners behavior in terms of social networking sites to
individuals, the respondents obtained an average mean of 2.43 with its standard deviation of .42.
For instance, statement 1 “Social media gives you critical thinking” which has a value of mean
2.71 (SD= .83), statement 2 “Social media affects my privacy” which has a value of 2.40 (SD= .
91), statement 3 “Social media affects my time” which has a value of 2.65 (SD= .94), statement
4 “Social media affect my reputation” which has a value of mean 2.31 (SD= .98), statement 5 “I
post a picture of myself and wait for the approval of friends whether i look in that picture or not”
which has a value of mean 2.42 (SD= .91), statement 6 “ I ussualy have unlimited access to
facebook and this has improved my academic performance” which has a value of mean 2.49
(SD= 1.03), statement 7 “ I engage in academic discussions on facebook and this has improved
my academic performance” which has a value of mean 2.23 (SD= .96), statement 8 “I solely rely
on information gotten from wikipedia to do my assignments without consulting other sources”
which has a value of mean 2.4 (SD= .96), and statement 9 “ I use social media for research”
which has a value of mean 3.06 (SD= .96).

Table 6 Descriptive table of the effects of social media to learners behavior in terms of
Physical Health
Descriptive Statistics
Mean Std. Deviation

My health is good when using social media. 2.1933 .97414

I feel uncomfortable in my situation when using social media 2.3267 .87083
I experience headache when using social media 2.6867 .97027
I experience blurred eyesight sometimes when using social 2.8467 .93935
I experience dizzy sometimes when using social media. 2.6533 .78567
I experience tired some, sometimes when using social media. 2.7600 .80835
Social media can lose weight. 2.3533 .97717
I experience stress when using social media. 2.5400 .98055
AVERAGE 2.5450 .45366

For the effects of social media to learners behavior in terms of Physical Health to

individuals, the respondents obtained an average mean of 2.55 with its standard deviation of .45.

For instance, statement 1 “ My health is good when using social media” which has a value of

mean 2.19 (SD= .97), statement 2 “ I feel uncomfortable in my situation when using social

media” which has a value of mean 2.19 (SD= .87), statement 3 “ I experience headache when

using social media” which has a value of mean 2.69 (SD= .97), statment 4 “ I experience blurred

eyesight sometimes when using social media” which has a value of mean 2.85 (SD= .94),

statement 5 “ I experience dizzy sometimes when using social media” which has a value of mean

2.65 (SD= .79), statement 6 “ I experience tired some, sometimes when using social media”

which has a value of mean 2.76 (SD= .81), statement 7 “ Social media can lose weight” which
has a value of mean 2.35 (SD= .98), and statement 8 “ I experience stress when using social

media” with its mean 2.54 and its standard deviation of .98.

Table 7 Descriptive table of the effects of social media to learners behavior in terms of
Social and Emotional
Descriptive Statistics
Mean Deviation For
the I always check social media every hour. 2.2800 1.05627
I have used social media to check out someone i met 2.5600 .94464
Facebook has become part of my daily routine. 2.3467 .92676
I feel i am part of community on facebook. 2.5867 2.65509
I got fight with my friends in social media when their 2.1800 1.04958
comments are bad.
Social media motivates me to go in school. 2.1800 .96981
I share my photos or videos with others in social media. 2.7067 .85567
I get frustated when only few friends liking me in social 1.9533 .83816
I think of suicidal thoughts when using social media. 1.9467 .88072
AVERAGE 2.3044 .56442
effects of social media to learners behavior in terms of Social and Emotional to individuals, the
respondents obtained an average mean 2.30 and its standard deviation of .56. For instance,
statement 1 “ I always check social media every hour” which has a value of mean 2.28 (SD=
1.06), statement 2 “ I have used social media to check out someone i met socially” which has a
value of mean 2.56 (SD= .94), statement 3 “ Facebook has become part of my daily routine”
which has a value of mean 2.35 (SD= .93), statement 4 “ I feel i am part of community on
facebook” which has a value of mean 2.59 (SD= 2.66), statement 5 “ I got fight with my friends
in social media when their comments are bad” which has a value of mean 2.18 (SD=1.05),
statement 6 “ Social media motivates me to go in schoo” which has a value of mean 2.18 (SD= .
97), statement 7 “ I share my photos or videos with others in social media” which has a value of
mean 2.71 (SD= .86), statement 8 “ I get frustated when only few friends liking me in social
media” which has a value of mean 1.95 (SD= .84), and statement 9 “ I think of suicidal thoughts
when using social media” which has a value of mean 1.95 and its (SD= .88).
Significance Difference

Table 8 shows the significant difference of the effects of social media to learners
behavior in mat-i senior high school, based to their profiles.
Sum of Mean F Sig.
Squares Square
33.873 .251 1.098 .451
Gender Within Groups 3.200 .229
Total 37.073
41.640 .308 1.727 .122
Age Within Groups 2.500 .179
Total 44.140
33.240 .246 .821 .731
Grade &
Level Within Groups 4.200 .300
Total 37.440

Based on table 8 of its Gender the value of its Sum of Squares is 33.873 and its Mean
Square is .251 and its significance is .451 and the value of Age of its Sum of Squares is 41.640
and its Mean Square is .308 and its significance is .122. For the Grade & Level of its Sum of
Squares is 33.240 and its Mean Square is .246 and its significance is .731.
Significant Relationship
Table 9 shows the significant relationship between number 2 problem and the effects of
social media to learners behavior in Mat-i Senior High School.

Profile r P Decission on Interpretation

Gender -.004 .96 Not rejected Not
Age -.043 .60 Not rejected Not
Grade Level -1.53 .06 Not rejected Not

Table 9 shows the significant relationship between number 2 problem and the effects of
social media to learners behavior as shown by its r (Pearson Product Moment Correlation
Coeffiecient) and p as (level of significance/probability) values; effects of social media to
learners behavior in mat-i senior high school. Gender with r= -.004 and the P= .96 which means
Not rejected and Not significant. And the Age with r= -.043 and the P= .60 which means Not
rejected and Not significant. And for the effects of social media to learners behavior as to Grade
Level with r= -1.53 and P= .06 which means Not rejected and Not significant. Overall, based on
the findings researchers can conclude that the effects of social media to learners behavior in mat-
i senior high school. Since the majority is not significant based on their profiles so it implies that
there is no significant relationship between the number 2 problems and the effects of social
media to learners behavior in mat-i senior high school.

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